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Từ vựng * Unit 12: MUSIC - Kinds of music + Folk music: traditional music of a country + Rock ’n’ roll: style of music with strong and loud music + Pop music: popular with young people +[r]

(1)ÔN TẬP VÀ MỘT SỐ BÀI TẬP CỦNG CỐ HỌC KỲ II 2011 – 2012 I Từ vựng * Unit 12: MUSIC - Kinds of music + Folk music: traditional music of a country + Rock ’n’ roll: style of music with strong and loud music + Pop music: popular with young people + Classical music: serious and traditional Western European music + Jazz: combination of African and Western music - Other vocabulary: communicate, emotion, integral part, solemn, mournful, lull, delight * Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA - Kinds of film: detective, science fiction, love story, cartoon, war, thriller, action - Other vocabulary: sequence, set in motion, decade, rapidly, scene, actor, audience, character, prefer … to …., instead, suppose * Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP - tournament, passionate, globe (world), host, witness, elimination game, jointly, trophy, honoured title, gain a victory over, finalist, ambassador, promote, retirement - Score: – 0: one two nil * Unit 16 : HISTORICAL PLACES - originally, representative, memorialize, engrave, flourish - Confician, scholar, achievement, stele (stelae), tortoise, banyan, architecture, feudal II Ngữ âm 1.- /iə/: here, hear, idea, cheer - /eə/: pair, square, there, care - /ʊə/: poor, sure, tour, casual - /b/: bee, ban, club,…, âm /b/ câm B đứng cuối từ và trước nó là chữ M (climb, comb) - /p/: pea, pan, provide Âm /p/ câm đứng các tiền tố "psych" and "pneu" (psychiatrist [sai'kaiətrist], pneumonia [nju:'mouniə]) - /t/: topic, contain, different, worked, Âm /t/ câm đứng sau âm S, F, hay đứng trước âm L.(castle ['kɑ:sl], Christmas ['krisməs], fasten listen ['lisn]) - /d/: drink, invader, depend, lived, Âm /d/ câm nó đứng liền với âm N (handkerchief ['hæηkət∫if], sandwich ['sænwidʒ]) * Đọc -ed cuối động từ - /id/ /əd/:Khi động từ có tận cùng là phụ âm /t/ /d/ E.g: Wanted / wɒntid /, Needed / ni:did / - /t/:Khi động từ tận cùng phụ âm vô /p/, /f/, /k/, /s/, /∫/, /ʧ/: E.g: Stoped / stɒpt /, Laughed / lɑ:ft /, Cooked / kʊkt /, Sentenced / sentənst /, Washed / wɒ∫t /, Watched / wɒt∫t / -/d/:Khi động từ tận cùng là các nguyên âm và các phụ âm còn lại: Played / pleid /, Opened / əʊpənd / -Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: Một số từ kết thúc –ed dùng làm tính từ, đuôi –ed phát âm là /id/: Aged:/ eidʒid / (Cao tuổi lớn tuổi), Blessed:/ blesid / (Thần thánh, thiêng liêng), Crooked:/ krʊkid / (Cong, oằn, vặn vẹo), Dogged:/ dɒgid / (Gan góc, gan lì, bền bỉ), Naked:/ neikid / (Trơ trụi, trần truồng), Learned:/ lɜ:nid / (Có học thức, thông thái, uyên bác), Ragged:/ rægid / (Rách tả tơi, bù xù), Wicked:/ wikid / (Tinh quái, ranh mãnh, nguy hại),Wretched:/ ret∫id / (Khốn khổ, bần cùng, tồi tệ) - /s/:Sue, bus, piece, price Âm /s/ câm đứng trước âm L các từ sau:island ['ailənd], isle [ail] - /z/: zoo, please, buzz * Đọc –s, es cuối động từ, danh từ - /s/:Khi từ có tận cùng là các phụ âm vô /t/, /p/, /f/, /k/, /ð/: Units / 'ju:nits/, Stops / stɒps/, Topics / 'tɒpiks/, Laughes / lɑ:fs/, Breathes / bri:ðs/ - /iz/:Khi từ có tận cùng là các âm /s/, /z/, /∫/, /t∫/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ (thường có tận cùng là các chữ cái ce, x, z, sh, ch, s, ge): Classes / klɑ:siz/, washes /wɒ∫iz/, Watches / wɒt∫iz/, Changes /t∫eindʒiz/ - /z/:Khi từ có tận cùng là nguyên âm và các phụ âm hữu còn lại: Plays / pleiz/, Bags / bægz/, speeds / spi:dz/ - /f/: fan, photograph, enough, laugh -/v/: van, leave, arrive Đặc biệt: /f/: Stephen /stivn/, /v/: of /əv/, if /iv/ 6.- /g/: game, together, dog Âm /g/ câm đứng trước âm N: champagne [∫æm'pein], foreign ['fɔrin], sign [sain] / k/: cook, ticket, compete Âm /k/ câm đứng trước âm N đầu các từ như:: knife [naif], knee [ni:] (2) Chú ý: G phát âm là / dʒ/ đứng trước e , i , y và tận cùng ge từ cage /kedʒ/ 7: /ʒ/: television, pleasure, Asia, massage /∫/: shop, washing, special, machine, … III Grammar Conditional sentence II, III (câu điều kiện 2, 3) - Câu điều kiện 2: K có thật, k thể xảy HT TL IF S V2/ED, S would/ could/ should Vinf E.g.: If he came late today, we wouldn’t wait for him + Nếu là to be thì dùng WERE cho tất các các chủ ngữ E.g.: If I were you, I could help her - Câu điều kiện 3: K có thật, k thể xảy QK IF S had V3/ED, S would/ could/ should have V3/ED e.g: If Mr Minh hadn’t taken that money yesterday , we could have bought that house Chú ý: Unless = If … not E.g.: If Mr Minh hadn’t taken that money yesterday , we could have…  Unless Mr Minh had taken ………………… * Cách viết câu điều kiện - B1: Xác định câu đk: TL loại 1, HT loại 2, QK loại ( để xác định đc câu đk thì phải xác định đc động từ câu) - B2: Xác định mệnh đề cho câu đk (Mđề If nguyên nhân: Because, mđề chính kết quả: so, that’s why) - B3: Viết câu đk: viết ngược lại với tình đưa Because Minh didn’t feel well, he wanted to stay at home B1: V2 V2  QK: đk B2: mđề IF mđề chính B3 (did) not  (did)not + not  If Minh had felt well, he would not have wanted to stay at home I don’t like the noise, so I am not at his party now B1: V1 V1  HT: đk B2: mđề IF mđề chính B3 (do) not  (do)not (am) not  am (not)  If I liked the noise, I would be at his party now Bài tập: Viết câu đk với các tình cho sẵn He ate too much He became fat Because he drinks too much coffee, she doesn’t feel calm They didn’t understand the problem, so they couldn’t find the solution You are not in my position You aren’t able to advise me It isn’t sunny today We can’t go out for a walk She was sick, that’s why she was absent from class yesterday Johnny didn’t have money He didn’t buy that book Sarah is very busy now, so she hasn’t watered her plants for some time Because I have a mobile phone, my life is complicated 10 Henry couldn’t fly to Rome because the airport was closed To infinitive (to V): để  mục đích Ta có hai dạng câu mục đích a S1 + V so that/ in order that S2 + can/ could + V ( để … Có thể) b  S + V + to/ so as to/ in order to + Vinf ( S1 = S2 ) * Khi câu mang nghĩa phủ định thì k nên dùng To V mà nên dùng dạng còn lại E.g: Mary saved money so that she could buy that house  Mary saved money to/ so as to buy that house (nếu S1 # S2 k viết được) Ta có dạng câu mục đích khác với want to e.g 1: Mary saved money because she wanted to buy that house e.g 2:Tommy should go home now if he wants to meet his cousin e.g 3:Jim went to the cinema He wanted to see a new film  Jim went to the cinema to see a new film e.g 4: I want to celebrate my father’s birthday, so I asked my sister for help  To celebrate my father’s birthday, I asked my sister for help  I asked my sister for help to celebrate my father’s birthday Bài tập: Viết câu đk với các tình cho sẵn I keep my hens in a field surrounded by wire netting I want to protect them against the foxes I am learning skiing at an indoor school I want to be able to ski when I get to Switzerland The workmen left red lights near the hole Thay wanted to warn motorists (3) He didn't tell her he was going up in the spacecraft He didn't want to alarm her I wanted to save money for the holiday, so I got apart-time job Because teenagers want to show themselves, they make something weird Use the phone if you want to call the police I left the note because I want to invite him to my party I stayed up late because I wanted to finish my homework 10 She didn’t want to go to the dentist, so she treat herself with vegetables * To infinitive còn dùng với câu hỏi what …… for (để làm gì) e.g.: She listen to music to relax  What does she listen to music for? Viết câu hỏi cho các phần gạch chân I wrote them a letter to thank them for the weekend George phoned his father to tell him the good news They are going to have a match to raise money for people in flooded area Sasha has decided to phone him to say goodbye The Youth Union will hold a competition to call for volunteers on Green Summer Pele became the ambassador for sports to promote peace and solidarity around the world South Africa is trying best to have a successful World Cup Mary didn’t live in New York until she got married We didn’t see John until he got out of his house in the morning Philip mustn’t leave here until she allowed him Janet wasn’t satisfied until she paid a visit to Vietnam He couldn’t calm down until I gave him the teddy I didn’t meet him until last summer They didn’t go to school until they were 10 I didn’t allow anyone to stay in my cave until I left this town 11 We weren’t able to touch anything here until he get the permission 12 She wasn’t comfortable until everything was completed Adjectives of attitude ( Tính từ thái độ) Adj (Ving): chất, có thể xuất các cụm từ - a/an/the adj N/ S find O adj Adj (VED) tác động, cảm giác vật/ người tác động lên - S make O adj / _adj_ + prep (in, at, on …) E.g.: I was very interested in the lesson./ The lesson is very interesting Bài tập: Cho dạng đúng tính từ The audience was (irritate) ……… by the delay of the performance The smoke was (irritate) ………… her eyes The children were (fascinate) …… by all the toys in the shop windows She is beautiful with (fascinate) …………… smile Hanoi is a very (excite) ………… city There was a football match on TV yesterday We were very (excite) It was not until …… that S + V2/ed: Mãi … thì … …… when Vietnam scored a goal His parents are (excite) ……… about his returning home after a E.g.: She didn’t go to school until she became better long time’s living abroad Horror films make me (terrify) ……………  It was not until she became better THAT she went to school I am (terrify) ……… horror films E.g.: Mary couldn’t go out until her father allowed 10.Natural disasters have been (terrify) ………… recently  It was not until her father allowed THAT she could go out WH-question E.g.: They weren’t able to come back their country until 1998 - WH-words: who/ what/ where/ when/ why/ how (như nào) How many + N(số nhiều): Bao nhiêu (đếm đc), How much: Bao nhiêu (k đếm đc), How far: Bao xa, How long: Bao lâu, How old: Bao  It was not until 1998 THAT they were able to come back their nhiêu tuổi, How high: Cao bao nhiêu (độ cao – vật, chiều cao – người), country How wide: rộng bao nhiêu, rộng cỡ nào, How often: có thường không, Bài tập: Viết lại câu với “ It was not until … that.” …… He didn’t stop his surprise until I hurt him - Khi từ để hỏi có chức làm chủ ngữ, cần thay thể từ My mother couldn’t cook the dish until she found the receipt thích hợp vào từ/ cụm từ đc gạch chân: WHO/ WHAT + V …… ? (4) E.g.: The book was put on the table / Mr Smith has swum times today  What was put on the table? Who has swum times today? - Khi từ để hói có các chức khác, đặt câu hỏi theo công thức sau: WH + VĐB + S + VT ……….? (Vđb: be: is/ am/ are/ was/ were - have/ has/ had – do/ does/ did – can/ may/ might/ would/ could/ should …… Vt - động từ thường: live, think, say, swim, play ….) E.g.: She went to Japan on July  Where did she go to on July? He didn’t visit his parents because of his sickness  Why didn’t he visit ? Bài tập: đặt câu hỏi với các từ đc gạch chân It takes twenty minutes to go to the supermarket by motorbike My new dress is blue and white Tom began playing football when he was ten Jane has been living in this city for more than fifteen years My younger sister weighs one hundred and forty pounds This novel was written by Thomas Johnson I am listening to some classical music My new television is a Samsung She was watching TV when Tom phoned her last night 10 there are more than twenty applicants for this position 11 They their homework at night 12 Mr.Robins came to the party alone 13 She likes my yellow hat 14 She felt better after she took a nap 15 She talked to him for an hour 16 My parents have two cars 17 They are coming to visit me tomorrow 18 The man with blue suit is my brother 19 I don't get up early because I like to sleep late 20 We have an English class every Sunday 21 They often go dancing on weekends 22 The club is 300 metres from their house 23 Their favorite kind of music is classical music 24 They are singing a song of Jennifer 25 The train arrived at ten o'clock Articles (a/ an/ the) A/ An: - Có thể đứng trước DTĐĐ số ít Chúng sử dụng lời nói chung chung để giới thiệu điều gì chưa đề cập đến trước đó Ex: a baseball is round./ I saw a boy in the street THE: Được dùng để việc mà chúng ta đã biết (lặp lại) là kiến thức chung, phổ biến: THE boy in THE corner is my friend./ THE earth is round Bài tập: Điền mạo từ (a, an, the) X (không cần thiết) vào chỗ trống: This is beautiful painting Does artist live near here? I bought new toothbrush his morning and I can't find it I'm sure I put it in bathroom Can you get fresh cream cake when you go out? shop on corner usually sells it It's very nice school and teachers are all very hardworking "Look! There's cat in .garden." "Yes, it's cat from next door." There's man at door He wants to see you We stayed in very nice hotel room was comfortable and food was excellent I bought new jacket last week but yesterday two of buttons came off I'm taking it back to shop I had bath this morning but water was a bit cold 10 I was at airport, waiting for friend to arrive 11.I want to keep this secret 12 .rich should help poor 13.Here is beer you have tasted I’m sure 14.This house is built of stone I have never seen before 15.The weather was very good here during .last week of December 16 knowledge of languages is always useful 17.He was .conservative but he turned socialist 18.They made him King 19.This is kind of villa I like best 20 life we live here is hard Will – Going to WILL: Chỉ lời hứa, việc không có chuẩn bị trước E.g.: A - My car is broken down ! –B:Don't worry ! I will repair it for you GOING TO:S + is / am / are + going to + động từ nguyên mẫu - Chỉ hành động đã có ý định làm / - Chỉ dự đoán E.g.: Oh, your language is ready now What time are you going to leave Look at those dark clouds! ( nhìn mây đen kìa! ) - Yes, it is going to rain soon ( ừ, trời mưa ) Will Be going to - I’m sure / I think/ know/ guess/ - is/am/are + Ving suppose - Oh?/ Really?/ Have (not) you? - Oh?/ Really?/ Have (not) you? -> You are going to … -> I will… - decided/ made decision - Promise - Look ……! Bài tập: chia động từ ngoặc Who would like to this? Any volunteers? - " I it" (do) Next week, CNN television _ almost the entire day to programs (5) first broadcast in the 1960s.(devote) Why did you buy so many eggs? - " I _ cakes" (make) Although it is a problem in France only, I think I _ the rest of the world soon (take) "Oh, this box is very heavy!" - " I it for you" (carry) We have run out of rice - " Yeah, I know.I _ some this evening I've got it on my list (get) One day people _ to Mars ( travel ) There isn’t a cloud in the sky It a lonely day ( be ) She’s going out She _ these letters ( post ) 10 There’s a postbox over there I these letters ( post ) 11 We _ her off at the station at eight ( see ) 12 Laura: Would you like tea or coffee? Sarah: Oh, I (have) coffee, please 13 Trevor: I'm going to miss a good film on TV because I'll be out tonight Laura: I _ (video) it for you, if you like 14 Rachel: I'm just going out to get a paper Emma: What newspaper _ (you /buy)? 15 Daniel: Did you buy this book? Matthew: No, Emma did She _ (read) it on holiday Comparisons a Equality(So sánh bằng)S + V + as + adj/adv + as + N/pronoun S + V + not + so/as + adj/adv + N/Pronoun Ex: +She is as stupid as I/me +This boy is as tall as that one (Không lặp lại từ đã dùng chủ ngữ) Population ofHo Chi Minh city isn't as much as thatof Bangkok b Comparative(So sánh hơn) Short Adj:S + V + adj + er + than + N/pronoun Long Adj: S + V + more + adj + than + N/pronoun Ex: She is taller than I/me This bor is more intelligent than that one Dạng khác:S + V + less + adj + than + N/pronoun.(ít hơn) c Superlative(So sánh nhất) Short adj:S + V + the + adj + est + N/pronoun Long adj:S + V + the most + adj + N/pronoun Ex: She is the tallest girl in the village He is the most gellant boy in class Dạng khác:S + V + the least + adj + N/pronoun(ít nhất) Chú ý: -1.Những tính từ ngắn kết thúc phụ âm mà trước nó là nguyên âm thì chúng ta nhân đôi phụ âm lên thêm "er" so sánh và "est" so sánh nhất.(ex:hot->hotter/hottest) -2.Những tính từ có hai vần,kết thúc chữ "y" thì đổi "y" thành "i" thêm "er" so sánh và "est" so sánh nhất(ex:happy->happier/happiest) 3.Những tính từ/trạng từ đọc từ hai âm trở lên gọi là tính từ dài,một âm gọi là tính từ ngắn.Tuy nhiên,một số tính từ có hai vần kết thúc "le","et","ow","er"vẫn xem là tính từ ngắn Các tính từ so sánh bất quy tắc thì học thuộc lòng good/better/the best bad/worse/the worst many(much)/more/the most little/less/the least far/farther(further)/the farthest(the furthest) Bài tập: Viết câu so sánh với từ cho sẵn She is 16 years old Her friend is 16 years old (old) Nam is 1,6 meters Hoa is 1,54 meters (tall) I made cakes John made cakes Peter made cakes (many) This film is boring That film is boring, too (boring) No one got good marks than Pete  Pete got The city is noisy The country is not noisy  The city is Nothing is cheaper than this toy  This toy His car runs 80 km/h My car runs 60 km/h  His car A donkey is not as fast as a horse  A horse is 10.This house is not as big as that one  That house Bài tập hỗn hợp: A Viết lại câu theo yêu cầu 1/ We didn’t visit the museum because we had no time (If clause) 2/ The football match didn’t start until the lights were on (It was not ) 3/ Till last year, he didn’t visit me (It was not until …) 4/ I didn’t get a taxi because I didn’t have enough money (If clause) 5/ They moved to London in 1990 (Wh- question) 6/ I can’t take much exercise because I don’t have enough free time (If) 7/ The film was not as boring as the play (comparison – so sánh) 8/ He didn’t go to bed until his father came home? (It was not until that ) No other girls at the party was more attractive than Mai 10/ I didn’t have enough money, so I could not take a taxi (If…) 11/ She bought a computer because she wanted to store information(toinf) 12 He isn’t as strong as his brother (comparison – so sánh) 13/ The Vietnamese people couldn’t enjoy their independence and freedom until September 1975 (6) 14/ I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can’t meet you 4/ A gained B tried 15/ She didn’t write to him until she received his letter 5/ A Chrismas 16/ She doesn’t have more clothes than her sister (comparison – so matching sánh) 6/ A school B champion 17/ I am going to the capital I wanted to find a good job 7/ A.rough B enough 18/ I was tired because I stayed up late last night 8/ A occur B necessary 19/ The computer doesn't work, so I can't type his report today (If 9/ A.knife B knob clause) 10/ A.another B clothes 20 The boy didn't his homework until his father came home.(It 11/A thoughtsB forks B your 12)A four was not until ) 13)A seafood B release B Tìm và sửa lỗi sai các câu sau 14)A climber B bomb My sister has been studying very hard for her exams I/m sure she 15)A pine B psychology would pass the exams easily 16/ A caused B increased 17/ A there B appear If I had known that you were ill, I had gone to see you 18/ A chooses B horses Nam is really exciting about going to the cinema tonight 19/ A soon B school My brother prefers science fiction films than horror ones 20/ A thank B theatre The students were interesting in taking a field trip to the A sc hool B champion 21/ National Museum A enough B laugh 22/ There’s someone at the door Are you going to open the door 23/A business B lives for me? 24/A those B they You should bring an umbrella in order protecting yourself from 25/A here B bear rain I went home early because I felt boring It was not until midnight which they went to bed 10 If he took the medicine yesterday, he would have felt better then 11 Which city is the largest, Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh? 12 If I had known she was sick, I have visited her 13 We set off early in order of reaching Thay Pagoda before midday 14 A new hospital was building in the suburb of the capital last month 15 It was not until his father came home which he did his homework 16 It was surprised to see my old friends again after a long time C Chọn từ mà phần in đậm, nghiêng phát âm khác với các từ còn lại: 1/ A threatened B delighted C recognized D stayed 2/ A imagine B classical C integral D jazz 3/ A leave B heart C each D disease C provided B chemistry D climbed C scholarship C scholar C cough C accompany C knowledge C think C feelings C tour C threaten C blue C plane C practiced C wear C houses C zoo C although C character C though C roles C themselves C hear D character D ghost D cup D weak D though D instruments D course D beneath D combing D pick D promised D prepare D phones D flood D thought D chemist D rough D delights D theatre D engineer D (7)

Ngày đăng: 11/06/2021, 05:35



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