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English 9Word form

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A/Aim:At the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to remember the uses of the verbs and practice them B/Procedures @Verbs:Động từ là từ dùng chỉ hành động I.Phân loại động từ 1/Tha động từT[r]

(1)Topic WORD FORM Division of the lessons Noun Practice Verbs Practice Adjective and adverbs Practice Further practice Further practice Further practice 10.Test I.Objectives:Help Ss to review the forms of the word and can give the correct of the verbs in the brackets II.Reference documents: -Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh-Mai Lan Hương -Cẩm nang giải đề Tiếng Anh thi Tốt nghiệp Trung Học Cơ Sở-Phan Văn Tuyền Date:January 19th,2006 Period: 37-38 NOUNS AND PRACTICE A)Aim:This period helps Ss to review the Noun, the forms of the Noun and have a chance to practice them B)Procedures @Nouns Danh từ là từ dùng để vật,sự việc người I/Phân loại danh từ A.Danh từ có thể chia làm loại chính 1.Danh từ cụ thể (concrete noun) gì hữu hình,thấy được,sờ được:house,man,cloud *Danh từ chung(common noun)được dùng làm tên chung cho loại ex:man,country,city *Danh từ riêng(proper noun) dùng làm tên riêng cho cái loại ex:John,England,Paris (2) 2.Danh từ trừu tượng (Abstract nouns) gì vô hình trạng thái,tính chất,quan nieäm, ex:health,beauty, B.Về tính cách văn phạm,danh từ còn có thể là: 1.Danh từ tập hợp (collective noun) nhóm cá thể toàn khối ex:crowd,army,class(giai caáp) 2.Danh từ đếm được:(countable nouns) Ex: books,students,ideas, 3.Danh từ không đếm (uncountable nouns) Ex:water,grass,information, II/Vị trí danh từ 1.Đứng sau tính từ : a new watch, good books 2.Sau mạo từ a/an/the/that/ 3.Trước động từ vị trí chủ ngữ(S),sau động từ vị trí tân ngữ (O) 4.Sau giới từ:We go to school in the moning prep N prep N III.Caùch caáu taïo A.Noun-forming suffixes(Các hậu tố tạo thành danh từ) *Từ động từ: 1/ -ment(sự ) Verb Noun agree(đồng ý) agreement amaze(laøm ngaïc nhieân) amazement amuse(laøm cho vui) amusement arrange(saép xeáp) arrangement assign(phaân coâng) assignment develop(phaùt trieãn) development enjoy(thích) enjoyment entertain(tieâu khieån) entertainment equip(trang bò) equipment establish(thieát laäp) establishment excite(kích động) excitement –ance/ ence Verb Noun appear(xuaát hieän) appearance differ (khaùc nhau) difference perform(trình dieãn) –tion(sự ) performance (3) act(hành động) attract(thu huùt) collect educate –ation/-ition(sự ) admire compete inform(thoâng tin) prepare(chuaån bò) 5.—er/ or/ ant/ ist(người ) commute(ñi baèng veù thaùng) compete(tranh taøi) lead(lãnh đạo) participate(tham gia) type(đánh máy) @Biến đổi đặc biệt choose(chọn lựa) decide succeed *Từ tính từ 1.—ness careful careless useful willing 2.—ity able active electric 3.—t ce confident convenient different action attraction collection education admiration competition information preparation commuter competitor leader particiant typist choice decision success carefulness carelessness usefulness willingness ablity activity electricity confidence convenience difference PRACTICE @Give the correct form 1)People all want to find (happy) in their lives. ->happiness 2)Athletes understand the (important) of practicing. ->importance (4) 3)(Educate) is important for everyone. ->Education 4)Lan looked with(amaze) at the tall buidings in Ho Chi Minh city ->amazement 5)They couldn’t row because of their (weak) ->weakness 6)There was much (excite) before the celebration ->excitement 7)The (prepare) of the food took much time ->preparation 8)They were ready for the winter with (confident) ->confidence 9)People noticed their(devote)to each other ->devotion 10)His good(memorize)helped him in his writing ->memory 11)He worried about the(usefully) of his inventions ->usefulness 12)As a child,he continued his (educational) with his mother ->education 13)Was there much(careless) in Edison’s work? ->carelessness 14)The president expressed his (admire)to many people ->admiration 15)At first,his (sick) was not very serious ->sickness 16)They wanted to make a good (appear) at the party ->appearance 17)They got(inform)from the traders ->information 18)He began experiments in (electric) as a boy ->electricity 19)They treated him with (kind) ->kindness 20)All(compete) must wear a number in the race ->competitors Date:January 26th,2006 Period: 39-40 VERBS AND PRACTICE A/Aim:At the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to remember the uses of the verbs and practice them B/Procedures @Verbs:Động từ là từ dùng hành động I.Phân loại động từ 1/Tha động từ(Transitive verbs) là động từ diễn tả hành động có liên hệ mật thiết với người hay vật nào khác mà hành động nhắm vào,được gọi là đối tượng(Nói cách khaùc,moät Transitive verb laø moät verb luoân caàn moät Object theo sau noù) Ex:The referee blows his whistle >nghĩa động từ “blows” không đầy đủ không có “his whistle” làm “object”cho nó Tha động từ có thể có túc từ:trực tiếp và gián tiếp Ex:My friend,John,has just sent me // a postcard (5)   gián tiếp trực tiếp Tha động từ có thể dùng với “object” là “reflexive pronoun” Ex:The girl has hurt herself badly 2/Tự động từ(Intransitive verbs)là động từ diễn tả các hành động mà không cần đến đối tượng đã đủ nghĩa Ex:We walked across the fields 3/Động từ liên kết(linking verbs)là động từ không diễn tả ý nghĩa gì rõ rệt và cần phải có từ khác bổ túc nghĩa cho nó (complements) Ex:My father is a doctor  “is” chẳng diễn tả gì rõ rệt không có “doctor” làm complement cho nó +Một số linking verbs thường sử dụng:be,become,turn,seem,appear (có vẻ nhö),look,feel,sound II)Vị trí động từ Vị trí động từ câu dễ nhận biết vì nó thường đứng sau chủ từ(Nhớ cẩn thận câu có nhiều mệnh đề) Ex:Tom’s behaviour //improved at his new school S V *The film which was shown on TV last night attracted me S V @Chú ý:Khi dùng động từ nhớ lưu ý thì nó để chia cho đúng III)Caùch caáu taïo A.Suffixes that form verbs (Các hậu tố tạo thành động từ) 1.—ize: Noun Verb apology(sự xin lỗi) apologize critic(nhaø pheâ bình) criticize drama dramatize emphasic(sự nhấn mạnh) emphasize memory memorize symbol(biểu tượng) symbolize 2.—en: Adjective Verb dark darken long longthen sharp sharpen(saéc) short strong weak shorten strengthen weaken (6) wide widen PRACTICE @Give the correct form of the word in parentheses 1/The play was _by almost everyone.(critic) 2/He finally _in paying all of his debts(successful) 3/The farmers were able to _better crops(productive) 4/Later people _him as great scientist.(recognition) 5/As a boy of sixteen,he his parents’farm.(management) 6/Many people during the terrible winter.(starvation) 7/The children the room for the party.(decoration) 8/They _to celebrate for three days.(intention) 9/He was _at home as a young boy.(education) 10/The traders _them that the rivers was dangerous.(information) 11/You’ll have to _to your teacher for forgetting to your homework.(apology) 12/They _the infortance of learning foreign languages.(emphasis) 13/Actors have to _their lines.(memory) 14/Last week Nam’s school club _Nguyen Trai’s life.(drama) 15/Make sure your pencil is _.(sharp) 16/Team-work helps to _to pupils’solidarity.(strong) 17/Your skirt needs _.(long) 18/The sky suddenly _and it looked like rain.(dark) 19/I’ll have to _these trousers-They’re much too long.(short) 20/He always _his knowledge by reading.(wide) @Answer keys: 1/criticize 2/succeeded 3/produce 4/ recognized 5/ managed 6/starved 7/decorated 8/intended 9/educated 10/informed 11/apologize 12/emphasized 13/memorize 14/dramatized 15/sharpened 16/strengthen 17/lengthening 18/darkened 19/shorten 20/widens @Remarks: Date:February 9th,2006 Period:41-42 (7) ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS +PRACTICE A/Aim:This period helps Ss to review the uses of Adjectives and adverbs and have a chance to compare about them B/Procedures A.Tính từ (adjectives) là từ dùng để miêu tả cho biết thêm chi tiết danh từ đồng thời giới hạn áp dụng danh từ I.Phân loại tính từ: Tính từ có thể phân làm loại: -Tính từ mô tả(descriptive adjectives)là từ mô tả màu sắc.Kích thước,phẩm chất người,vật việc Ex:good,bright,tall -Tính từ giới hạn(limiting adjectives)đặt giới hạn cho từ mà nó bổ sung nghĩa +Tính từ sở hữu( Possessive Adjectives) my,,his,her,your,our,their+danh từ +Tính từ định (Demonstractive adj) this >these that >those +Một số tính từ đặc biệt Some,a few,several,many,both,each,every,either,neither,all,much,little II.Phân từ dùng làm tính từ(Participles functioning as adjectives) Có số tính từ xuất phát từ động từ và tận cùng “-ing” “ed”  interesting/interested  boring/bored  exciting/excited -Tính từ tận cùng “-ing” cho biết tính chất công việc,sự việc -Tính từ tận cùng “-ed” cho biết trạng thái người nào Ex:Julia thinks politics is very interesting Julia is very interested in politics III.Trật từ tính từ: Số+chất lượng+k.thước+tuổi tác+màu sắc+xuất xứ+chất liệu+Danh từ III.Vị trí tính từ 1)Trước danh từ:beautiful flowers adj N 2)Sau động từ BE và các động từ nối(linking verbs) Một số động từ nối thông dụng:look,feel,grow/become/turn,seem,appear, sound,remain/stay(vẫn cứ) *Trạng từ diễn:always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never (8) nằm sau động từ BE,trước động từ thường *Trạng từ thể cách:đứng sau động từ thường,nếu động từ có túc từ thì đứng sau túc từ Ex:She drives her car carefully V O adv B.Các hậu tố tạo thành tính từ (Suffixes that form adjectives) @Từ động từ 1/-ative/-itive Verb Adj compete competitive construct constructive communicate communicative destroy destructive produce productive 2/-ing/-ed amuse amusing/amused amaze amazing/amazed bore boring/bored fascinate fascinating/fascinated interest interesting/interested surprise surprising/surprised thrill thrilling/thrilled @Từ danh từ:-al/-ial Noun Adj Commerce commercial culture cultural education educational music musical *-ic/-ical economy economic history historic historical *-y health healthy cloud cloudy fog sun *-ly brother foggy sunny brotherly (9) day friend leisure year week daily friendly leisurely yearly weekly PRACTICE @Give the proper form of the word in parentheses 1.Baseball is the - sport in the United States.(nation) 2.What is the most -country in the world.(beauty) 3.The United States is an -nation.(industry) 4.Nam likes to read -novels(history) 5.Charles Dickens was a -English writer(fame) 6.Everyone was -about the holiday.(excite) 7.The -plans were finally completed(excite) 8.The -children shouted loudly(excite) 9.I didn’t like that TV show.It was -(bore) 10.The snakes in the tall grass were -(danger) 11.He became a -writer and lecturer(profession) 12.He felt it was -to spend time on books(waste) 13.Farms became more -(produce) 14.They were -that the future would be better.(confidence) 15.The country was in a bad -situation (economy) 16.He became a -figure all over the world(popularity) 17.France was -nation at that time(power) 18.He was -of his ability as a pilot(pride) 19.Edison’s work gave him a great deal of (satisty) 20. -Undians met them along the river.(friend) @Answer keys 1.national 2.beautiful 3.industrial 4.famous 5.historical 6.excited 7.exciting 8.excited 9.boring 10.dangerous 11.professional 12.wasteful 13.productive 14.confident 15.economic 16.popular 17.powerful 18.proud 19.satisfaction 20.Friendly @Remarks: Date:February 16th,2006 Period:43-44 Further practice (10) @Aim:At the end of the lesson,Ss have a chance to more exercises about the forms of the words @Procedures: I.Give the correct form 1.I hope the meeting was(success) 2.The girl on the elephant looks(attract) 3.Mai thinks English is very(interest) 4.Are you(interest)in buying a bicycle? 5.The lecture was(bore).I feel asleep 6.Why you always look so(bore)? 7.I’m starting a new job next week.I’m quite(excite)about it 8.(Culture)activities should be promoted 9.He said “Good morning”in a most(friend)way 10.I’m(confidence)he will succeed in his chosen career II.Choose the correct word Are you(interesting/interested) in football? The football match was quite(exciting/excited).I enjoyed it It’s sometimes(embarrassing/embarrassed)when you have to ask people for money Do you usually get(embarrassing/embarrassed)? I had never expected to get the job.I was really(amazing/amazed) when I was offered it She has really learnt very fest.She has made(astonishing/ astonished) progress I didn’t find the situation funny.I was not(amusing/amused) It was a really(terrifying/terrified) experience.Afterwards everybody was very(shocking/shocked) Why you always look so(boring/bored)?Is your life really so (boring/bored)? 10.He’s one of the most(boring/bored) people I’ve ever met.He never stops talking and he never says anything(interesting/interested) III.Give the correct form of the words in brackets An old friend of mine felt -at the prize for her efforts at convervation in her country (amaze) We should end a letter -with the words “Sincerely yours” (politeness) The local residents promise to keep the environment - (cleanness) They live a -life by having a balanced diet everyday.(health) The examination was -easy, but your results were -bad (surprise/disappoint) The house is small and rather simple,but Anne has decorated it - (beauty) I thought -of her ways of reducing the amount of garbage (height) (11) The food in the restaurant was -delicious,but the service was - poor (wonder/awful) He got an electric shock because of his -catching of fish.(care) 10.Displeased with my behaviour,she looked at me -, but didn’t say anything(kindness) 11.A -is a person who installs and repairs things such as water pipes, toilets,etc (plumbing) 12.Water is going all over the floor because of the -faucet.(drip) 13.You can ask that plumber for -on how to repair the cracks in the water pipes(advise) 14.To keep the air unpolluted,people ought to use -energy to create electricity.(sun) 15.Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow Hanoi will be clear and -.(cloud) 16. -are very demanding They want products that are both cheap and of good quality (consume) 17.We suggest -the light bulb It is broken.(replacement) 18.Recycle -are of the same quality as those made from non-recycled material (produce) 19.We must learn to save -resources or life will be very bad for our children and our grandchildren.(nature) 20.In a few years’time,our houses will be -by solar energy.(hot) Name…………… Class…………… TEST 45 MINUTES (Period 46) ELECTIVE SUBJECT ENGLISH I_ Complete the following sentences , using the words given + “ing” or “ed” (2marks): 1- The film wasn’t as good as we had expected (disappoint) (12) a_ The film was b_ We were with the film 1- Diana teaches young children It’s a very hard job but she enjoys it ( exhaust ) a_ She enjoys her job but it is often _ b_ At the end of a day’s work, she is often 3_ It’s been raining all day I hate this weather ( depress ) a_ This weather is b_ This weaher makes me _ 4_ Clare is going to the United States next month She has never been there before ( excite) a_ It will be an experience for her b_ She is really _ about going to the United States II_ Put the two parts of the word together Write the word in the blank ( 2.5 marks) 0_ post poster _ er 1_ happi _ _ ize 2_ inform _ _ hood 3_ neighbour _ _ est 4_ short _ _ ation 5_ health _ _ ment 6_ act _ _ ence 7_ immediate _ _ ly 8_ differ _ _ ness 9_ entertain _ _ or 10_ symbol _ _y III_ Arrange the adjectives in brackeks in the correct order ( 2.5marks ) 1_ It is a ( wooden / round) table è………………………………………………………………………… 2_ She is wearing a ( green / new/ beautiful) dress è………………………………………………………………………… 3_ What a ( sunny / lovely ) day! è………………………………………………………………………… 4_ My uncle lives in a ( old / lovely / small ) house è………………………………………………………………………… 5_ That girl has ( blue / nice/ big ) eyes è………………………………………………………………………… IV_Give the proper form of the word in parentheses (3marks) 1_ Baseball is the sport in the United States ( nation ) 2_ What is the most country in the world ? ( beauty ) 3_ He spoke about his work _.( proud ) 4_ He tried to spend his time ( useful ) 5_ My father asked me this novel ( read) 6_ She was afraid of _ her parents the truth ( tell ) THE END (13) Topic RELATIVE CLAUSES Division of the lessons 47 Relative pronouns 48 Practice 49 Practice 50 Relative adverbs 51 Practice 52 Practice 53 Further practice 54 Further practice 55 Further practice 56 TEST I.Objectives: Help students to understand and use RELATIVE CLAUSE in the complete sentence II.Reference documents: -Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh-Mai Lan Hương -Cẩm nang giải đề Tiếng Anh thi Tốt nghiệp Trung Học Cơ Sở-Phan Văn Tuyền Date:March ,2006 Period: 47_48 Relative pronouns A)Aim:This period helps Ss to knowrelative pronouns and how to use them.Trough the exercises Ss can be able to use relative pronouns (14) B)Procedures * Relative clause còn đưỡc gọi là Adjective clause( mệnh đề tính ngữ) vì nó là mệnh đề dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó * Relative clause nối với mệnh đề chính các đại từ quan hệ WHO, WHOM, WHICH,THAT * Vị trí: Relative clause đứng sau danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa I_ CAÙCH DUØNG: 1/ WHO: * WHO là đại từ quan hệ (relative pronoun) chĩ người * WHO đúng sau tiền ngữ người để làm chủ ngữ cho động từ đứng sau nó( S ) Ex: _ The man who is standing overthereis Mr Pike Relative pronoun Relative clause _ That is the girl who has won the medal Relative clause 2/ WHOM: * WHOM là đại từ quan hệ người * WHOM đứng sau tiền ngữ người để làm túc từ cho động từ sau nó Ex: _ The woman whom you saw yesterday is my aunt _ The boy whom you are looking for is Tom * WHOM có thể bỏ Ex : _ The man you saw yesterday is my aunt _ The boy you are looking for is Tom 3/ WHICH: * WHICH là đại từ quan hệ vật * WHICH đứng sau tiển ngữ vật để làm chủ ngữ (S) túc từ(O) cho động từ sau noù Ex :_ This is the book which I like best _ The hat which is red is mine * Khi WHICH làm túc từ cho động từ sau nó, WHICH có thể hieåu ngaàm Ex : _ This is the book I like best _ The dress I bought yesterday is very beautiful 4/ THAT: * THAT là đại từ quan hệ người lẫn vật (15) * THAT có thể dủng thay cho WHOM, WHO, WHICH mệnh đề quan heä Ex:_ That is the book that I like best _ That is the bicycle that belongs to Tom _ My father is the person that I admire most _ I can see agirl and her dog that are running in the park 5/ WHOSE: * WHOSE là đại từ quan hệ * WHOSE đứng sau tiền ngũ người và thay cho tính từ sở hữu trước danh từ WHOSE dùng cho vật ( of which ) * WHOSE luôn kèm với danh từ Ex : _ The boy whose bicycle you borrowed yesterday is Tom _ John found a cat whose leg was broken II_ Trường hơp động từ cũa Relative clause có giới từ ( dùng cho WHOM và WHICH )  Ta đem giới từ đặt trước Relative clause( trước WHOM,WHICH )  Khi dùng THAT, ta không đem giới tư trước mà đểsau Ex: _ The man to whom Mary is talking is Mr Pike _ The man that Mary is talking to Mr Pike Khi giới từ đứng cuối Relative clause là thành phần động từ kép thì ta không đem trước WHOM / WHICH Ex : _ This is the book which I am looking for _ That is the child whom you have to look after Practice I_ Use a relative pronoun to combine each pair of the sentences below: You sent me a present Thank you very much for it Romeo and juliet were lovers Their parents hated each other This is Mr John Her son won the championship last year I was sitting in a chair It suddenly collaped This is a story of a man His wife suddenly loses her memory Charlie Chaplin died in 1977 His film amused milions of people in the wold Please post these letters I wrote them this morning The building is the church Its tower can be seen from afar Mary and Margaret are twins You met them yesterday 10 I’ll introduce you to the man His support is necessary for your project (16) II_ Combine part A with B, using the correct relative pronouns: A We went to the Italian restaurant Where ‘s the book They are the people Could you tell me the nearest please That boy is the thief The disco over there is I bought the TV You are the only person There are the flowers B a) Dog was barking all night b) I first met Andrew c) Had a biggest screen d) Stole my bag e) Has noticed my new haircut f) I picked from the garden g) They sell stamps? h) You said you would lend me? i) They have fantastic pizzas  REMARKS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date:March 16th,2006 Period:49-50 Relative Adverbs (17) A)Aim:This period helps Ss to knowrelative pronouns and how to use them.Trough the exercises Ss can be able to use relative pronouns B)Procedures * When an adverb like WHERE , WHEN and WHY introduces an adjective clause, it is called a Relative adverb I_ CAÙCH DUØNG: 1/ WHEN : là trạng từ quan hệ, thay cho danh từ đứng trước nó thời gian WHEN: AT / ON / IN + WHICH (for time ) Ex : Sunday is a holiday, When ( on which ) most people rest 2/ WHERE : là trạng từ quan hệ, thay cho danh từ đứng trước nó vềnơi chốn WHERE : AT / ON / IN + WHICH (for place ) Ex : That is the village where ( in which ) I used to lived 3/ WHY: là trạng từ quan hệ, thay cho danh từ đứng trước nó nói lí WHY : FOR WHICH ( for reason ) Ex : There is every reason why ( for which ) you should come on time Practice I_ Use a relative pronouns or relative adverbs to combine each pair of the sentences below: 1) The woman understands me best She is my mother 2) The park has a lake in it The park is near our house 3) What was the name of the boy ? You borrowed these books from him 4) I’ll introduce you to the man His support for the project is essential 5) He sold me a dozen egges Half of them were bad 6) I never again met the man He had given us so much help in Paris 7) The man was injured in the accident He is now in the hospital 8) A woman answered the phone She told me you were away 9) A building was destroyed in a fire It has now been rebuildt 10) I put my pen in a certain place I can’t remember the place 11) The fields are very fertile They plant potatoes in those fields 12) You can’t enjoy hiking in winter Snow covers everything in winter 13) Do you meet the boy ? He broke their window 14 We’ll take you to Dalat You can enjoypure air there 15 I know the boy His bicycle is over there II_ Make the complete sentences : 1/ Mr Minh works for a company…………………………………………………… (18) 2/The book is about a girl…………………………………………………………… 3/The police have caught the men…………………………………………………… 4/What happened to the pictures…………………………………………………… 5/This is the medium……………………………………………………………… 6/A dictionary is a book……………………………………………………………… 7/Alexandre Bell was a man………………………………………………………… 8/Spring is a month…………………………………………………………………… 9/Do you like the autumn……………………………………………………………… 10/Please ask them the time……………………………………………………………  REMARKS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Date:March 16th,2006 Period:51-52 Practice (19) A)Aim:This period helps Ss to knowrelative pronouns and how to use them.Trough the exercises Ss can be able to use relative pronouns and relative adverbs B)Procedures: I_ Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentences below: The man…… Lives next door is a teacher A who B whom C whose D.which Where is the butter…… was in the freezer? A who B whom C whose D which The girl……… we wanted to see was away on holiday last week A of which B whom C whose D which Have you found the suitcase…… you lost? A who B whom C whose D which Last Sunday I met a woman…… Son was one of my friends A who B whom C whose D which A widow is a woman……… husband is dead A whose B where C when D why We’d like to visit a country ……… there is a lot of sunshine A whose B where C when D why Tell me the reason ………you didn’t come to the party A whose B where C when D why Kala passed the exam, …… surprised everybody A which B where C when D why 10.Sundays are the days……… we don’t have to go to school A whose B where C when D why II_ Correct the mistakes: Is that the reason which I should come on times? It’s known that Sunday is a holiday, where most people rest That is the village when you used to live, isn’t that ? The last words whom he spoke are “ Long live Vietnam !” The people and the landscapes who she painted are very vivid Those are the places when they often go What’s the name of the man which hair is red? I met the man whose knows you Please show me the book in when you found this material ? 10 My class has 20 students, all of who are girls III Complete the following sentences by inserting the missing Adjective clauses Choose the Adjective clause that fits each sentence best: A B (20) The policeman…… is a friend of ours Jack and Tom,…….have become film stars The river… is one mile wide The children hasn’t got anything to do,… She’s the finest woman… He will call at the garage… before he buys another She was awfully glad to fine the handbag…… Mrs Elizabeth,……, doesn’t like new fashions He joined the political party… 10 Is there anyone… ? A that ever acted on this stage B which disappeared a month ago C who arrested the thief D they crossed E whom you met last month F which makes him bored G.where his friend works H whose hat is ridiculous I who can help me this J which was in power  REMARKS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Date: March 23, 2006 Period: 53-54 FURTHER PRACTICE A_ Aim: At the end of the period, Ss will be able to use relative pronouns or relative adverbs perfectly B_ Procedures: I_ Fill in the blanks with Relative pronouns or relative adverbs, where necessary: (21) 1/ Let me see all the letters……….you have written 2/ Is there anyone……… can help me this? 3/ Mr Brown, …… is only 40, is the director of this company 4/ I know a place…….roses grow in abundance 5/ They showed me the hospital…….buidings had been destroyed by bombings 6/ Love, … is a wonderful feeling , comes to everyone at some time in his life 7/ We saw many soldiers and tanks…….were moving to the front 8/ Dr Fleming…… discover ed penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945 9/ We must find a time …….we can meet and and a place…….we can talk 10/ The paint on the bench……we’ve just sat on is still wer II_ Complete the following sentences by inserting the missing Adjective clauses.Chose the Adjective clause that fits each sentence best The policeman……… is a friend of ours Joan and Jill,……… have become film stars The river…… is half-a-mile wide The child hasn’t anything to do,……… She is the finest woman…………… He will call at the garage……….before he buys another She was awfully glad to find the handbag………… Mrs Smith,……… ,doesn’t like new fashions  Here are the missing Adjective clauses: a that ever acted on this stage b Which disappeared a month ago c Who arrested the thief d They crossed e Whom you met last night f Which makes him bored g Where his friends works h Whose hat is ridiculous III_ Translate into Vietnamese: Đất nước cần lãnh tụ không sợ phê bình => …………………………………………………… Cây bút túi thuộc tôi => …………………………………………………… (22) Đây là nơi tai nạn đã xãy =>…………………………………………………… Bạn chính là người mà tôi tìm kiếm =>…………………………………………………… Bạn Tâm tôi ,mà anh đã gặp năm ngoái, đã trở thành phi công =>………………………………………………………  Remarks : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Date: March 30, 2006 Period:55-56 FURTHER PRACTICE A_ Aim: At the end of the period, Ss will be able to use relative pronouns or relative adverbs perfectly B_ Procedures: I_ Fill in the blanks with Relative pronouns or relative adverbs, where necessary: 1/ Let me see all the letters……….you have written 2/ Is there anyone……… can help me this? 3/ Mr Brown, …… is only 40, is the director of this company 4/ I know a place…….roses grow in abundance 5/ They showed me the hospital…….buidings had been destroyed by bombings 6/ Love, … is a wonderful feeling , comes to everyone at some time in his life 7/ We saw many soldiers and tanks…….were moving to the front 8/ Dr Fleming…… discover ed penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945 9/ We must find a time …….we can meet and and a place…….we can talk 10/ The paint on the bench……we’ve just sat on is still wer (23) II_ Complete the following sentences by inserting the missing Adjective clauses.Chose the Adjective clause that fits each sentence best The policeman……… is a friend of ours 10.Joan and Jill,……… have become film stars 11.The river…… is half-a-mile wide 12.The child hasn’t anything to do,……… 13.She is the finest woman…………… 14.He will call at the garage……….before he buys another 15.She was awfully glad to find the handbag………… 16.Mrs Smith,……… ,doesn’t like new fashions  Here are the missing Adjective clauses: a that ever acted on this stage b Which disappeared a month ago c Who arrested the thief d They crossed e Whom you met last night f Which makes him bored g Where his friends works h Whose hat is ridiculous III_ Translate into Vietnamese: Đất nước cần lãnh tụ không sợ phê bình => …………………………………………………… Cây bút túi thuộc tôi => …………………………………………………… Đây là nơi tai nạn đã xãy =>…………………………………………………… Bạn chính là người mà tôi tìm kiếm =>…………………………………………………… 10.Bạn Tâm tôi ,mà anh đã gặp năm ngoái, đã trở thành phi công =>……………………………………………………… Remarks : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (24) TEST 45 MINUTES ELECTIVE SUBJECT_ ENGLISH _ Period 56 I_ Fill in the blanks with Relative pronouns or relative adverbs, where necessary: (2 marks) 1/ Let me see all the letters……….you have written 2/ Is there anyone……… can help me this? 3/ Mr Brown, …… is only 40, is the director of this company 4/ I know a place…….roses grow in abundance 5/ They showed me the hospital…….buidings had been destroyed by bombings 6/ We saw many soldiers and tanks…….were moving to the front 7/ Dr Fleming…… discover ed penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945 8/ We must find a time …….we can meet and and a place…….we can talk II_ Complete the following sentences by inserting the missing Adjective clauses.Chose the Adjective clause that fits each sentence best (4 marks) The policeman……… is a friend of ours Joan and Jill,……… have become film stars The river…… is half-a-mile wide The child hasn’t anything to do,……… She is the finest woman…………… He will call at the garage……….before he buys another She was awfully glad to find the handbag………… Mrs Smith,……… , doesn’t like new fashions  Here are the missing Adjective clauses: a that ever acted on this stage b Which disappeared a month ago c Who arrested the thief d They crossed e Whom you met last night f Which makes him bored g Where his friends works h Whose hat is ridiculous III_ Combine the following sentences into one, using relative clauses: (4marks) He met my friends The friends encouraged him in his work => …………………………………………………… He often tells me about his village He was born there => …………………………………………………… Can you understand the question ? He asked you the question last time =>…………………………………………………… The man is a doctor We play with his son every day (25) =>…………………………………………………… The end TOPIC : STRUCTURES DIVISION OF THE LESSON Period 57 : Clauses and phrases Period 58 : Practice Period 59 : Clauses and phrases ( cont ) Period 60 : Practice Period 61 : Clauses and phrases ( cont ) Period 62 : Practice Period 63 : Further practice Period 64 : Further practice Period 65 : Further practice Period 66 : Test Period 67 : Consolidation Period 68 : Consolidation Period 69 : Consolidation Period 70 : Consolidation I Objectives: Help Ss to review the main structures so that Ss can use them in many kinds of exercises II Reference documents: _ Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh- Mai Lan Hương _ Các bài tập và nâng cao Tiếng Anh 9_ Đặng Hữu Liêm Date : April 6, 2006 Period: 57-58 CLAUSES AND PHRASES A) Aim: By the end of this period , Ss will be able to use the structures to or to combine the sentences with various exercises B) Procedures: I_ Clauses of condition TYPES Main clause If_ clause REAL Wil Can Shall + V ( bare- Inf ) V ( inf ) May Simple present UNREAL IN Could PRESENT Would + V ( bare_Inf ) V ( past subjunctive ) Should Be were Might Ex: _ If I have time , I’ll help you _ If I were you, I would come there (26) Trong mệnh đề điều kiện , ta có thể thay liên từ “ If” “ unless” ( … không, ) UNLESS = IF NOT Ex : If you don’t study hard, you’ll fail in the exam  Unless you study hard, you'll fail in the exam II_ Clause after WISH, IF ONLY:  Future wish: S + WISH + S + Would/ Could + V ( bare- inf ) Ex: I wish I would be an astronaut in the future  Present wish : S + WISH + S + V ( Past subjunctive )  Ex : Tom wishes he wre coming with us III_ Phrases and clauses of purpose :  Phrases of purpose: _ To- inf _ In order to _ so as to Ex : I try to study to pass my next exam I try study in order to pass my next exam He does morning exercises regularly so as to improve his health  Clauses of purpose/ Adverbial clause of purpose: S + V + SO THAT / IN ORDER THAT + CLAUSE IV_ Phrases and clauses of result :  Phrase of result: TOO + ADJ / ADV+ ( FOR + O ) + TO-inf Ex : _ He is too short to play basket ball _ Minh ran too slowly to become the winner of the race _ This book is too dull for you to read ADJ / ADV + ENOUGH + ( FOR + O ) + TO-inf Ex : _ Mary isn’t old enough to drive a car _ She speaks Spainsh well enough to be an interpreter  Clauses of result: SO + ADJ / ADV + THAT CLAUSE ( Quá……………… Đến nỗi mà ) SO MANY / MUCH + N + THAT CLAUSE ( Quá nhiều…………… mà) Ex : The girl looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for her _ The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseball team SUCH + ( A / AN ) + ADJ + N + THAT + S + V Ex :_ There are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one _ This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it (27) Practice I Suppy the correct verb tense: 1/ If I ( have) a lot of money, I would travel round the world 2/ If she ( not feel ) so tired, she would come out with you 3/ Susan wishes she ( can ) speak Frank 4/ Tom wishes he ( be ) there yesterday 5/ If I ( know ) , I would help you 6/ we would go to the beach if the weather ( be ) nice 7/ I wish I ( have more time now to help you with your lesson 8/ If I ( have ) the day off tomorrow I would go to the beach 9/ Lan can’t swim She wishes she could ( swim ) as well as her sister 10/ If John ( not be ) at home, he would be very sorry about that II Make complete sentences from these words : If / friend / here/ we/ have a lot of fun They/ healthier/ because/ air/ pure I wish/ swim better he enjoy the trip/ If/ joined with us ? My father used/ spend his holidays / Vung Tau beach books / very helpful in / habit of reading house / always painted / Tet comes near You / see / clowns yesterday President / wish / people / happy 10 If / she / be / you / she / study / harder III Do as directed : Mai is young She cannot go to the pictures alone ( Use “Too…to” ) The circus shows were very interesting.The whole family enjoy them.( Combine with “ So…that”) We didn’t go to the beach because the weather was not warm.( Use “ enough”) The cases were too heavy They couldn’t be carred upstairs.( Use Too / enough) 5.Those exercises were easy They could be finhished in half an hour Date:April 13, 2006 Period: 59 CLAUSES AND PHRASES A)Aim: By the end of this period , Ss will be able to use the structures to or to combine the sentences with various exercises B)Procedures: V- Phrases and clauses of reason:  Phrases of reason: … because of + N / Phrase ( gerund ) Ex: Jane was worried because of the rain (28) The students arrived late because of the traffic jam  Clause of reason = Averbial clause of reason Because / Since / As + S + V Ex: He came ten minutes late because he misssed the first bus Since/ As he missed the first bus, he came ten minutes late VI- Phrases and clauses of concession:  Phrases of concession: Despite / In spite + N / Phrase / Gerund Ex: In spite of her bad grades, Jane will be admitted to the university  Clause of concession = Adverbial clause of concession : Although Though + S+V Even though Ex : Although the weather was very bad, we had a pinic We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy VII- Other structures: It + ( take ) + N / Pronoun + time + to-inf Ex : It took me twenty minutes to go to my office S + Be + Adj + To –inf Ex : I’m eager to hear about that Enjoy Stop Finish Avoid + V-ing Keep Consider Hate Practice I- Rewrite the following sentences : 1) Noone can built the cottage because of the heavy rain ( passive ) 2) If he doesn’t phone immediately, he won’t get any information ( Use UNLESS instead of IF ) 3) I stopped working many times because of the noise ( Use “ … Make…” ) 4) Lan is the ( pretty ) among her sisters ( use 5) This table is ( heavy) than that one (29) Date : February 22 ,2006 Period : 45 PRACTICE @Give the correct form of the word in parentheses 1/The play was _by almost everyone.(critic) 2/He finally _in paying all of his debts(successful) 3/The farmers were able to _better crops(productive) 4/Later people _him as great scientist.(recognition) 5/As a boy of sixteen,he his parents’farm.(management) 6/Many people during the terrible winter.(starvation) 7/The children the room for the party.(decoration) 8/They _to celebrate for three days.(intention) 9/He was _at home as a young boy.(education) 10/The traders _them that the rivers was dangerous.(information) 11/You’ll have to _to your teacher for forgetting to your homework.(apology) 12/They _the infortance of learning foreign languages.(emphasis) 13/Actors have to _their lines.(memory) (30) 14/Last week Nam’s school club _Nguyen Trai’s life.(drama) 15/Make sure your pencil is _.(sharp) 16/Team-work helps to _to pupils’solidarity.(strong) 17/Your skirt needs _.(long) 18/The sky suddenly _and it looked like rain.(dark) 19/I’ll have to _these trousers-They’re much too long.(short) 20/He always _his knowledge by reading.(wide) (31)

Ngày đăng: 10/06/2021, 12:23

