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tieng anh 7 bai 1

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- Next, teacher uses some flashcards to guide the students to do the word cue drill activity in order to help them to practice ways of asking for personal information.. - The students wo[r]

(1)Week: 01 Period: 01 Teaching date: 25/08/10 INTRODUCTION THE TEXT BOOK ENGLISH AND HOW TO LEARN IT I Aim: Help the students consolidate some major contents of the textbook English and introduce them to the English and guide them how to learn it effectively II Language contents Grammar Vocabulary: _ I get up at six _ She gets up at six _ I am reading comics _ They are reading comics _ I am going to visit Hue _ Wh-questions _ Numbers * Introduction to Tieng Anh III Techniques: Asking and answering IV Teaching aids: Pictures and text book V Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content - Teacher introduces himself and I Warm up : guides the students to self- Self introduction introduction in order to make the - Making friends with the students learning atmosphere more II Presentation: enjoyable and friendly * Review of the major contents of Tieng Anh - Next, teacher uses an extra-board III Practice: to guide the students to the Mapped dialogue mapped dialogue in order to Nam Lan practice and revise ways of asking Hello! What ? for personal information My _ Nam And yours? My Lan - The students work in pairs How old _you, Lan? I _12 And you? - Teacher goes from pair to pair to 12 years old Where live? monitor and give help I _Le Loistreet And I Tran Phu sststre - After that, to help the students consolidate the basic grammar points they have learnt in grade 6, teacher guides them to true or false statements - They work in groups, decide and give reasons for their choice True or False Decide if these statements are true or false Why? ( In term of grammar structures) I get up at six She get up at six He are reading comics They are playing soccer (2) - Teacher corrects wrong work if any I am going to visit Hue There is two rulers on the desk Keys: T F F T T 6.F - Next, teacher introduces the new * Introduction the English textbook Tieng Anh to the The new English textbook T.A has 16 units which students are developed from open topics such as: - Teacher emphasizes six topics the _ Personal information students have to learn in Grade _ Education and inform them the numbers of _ Community periods for each unit _ Health _ Recreation _ And the world around us - Then, he guides the students how How to learn it effectively? to learn the new textbook What to prepare: effectively - One textbook and One workbook - Teacher emphasizes ways to learn - Two notebooks and tells them the necessity of - Pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener… learning English and arouses the Effective learning ways: love of learning English for them - Actively participate in class activities - Complete all exercises requested - Confidently ask anything related to the lesson ENJOY LEARNING ENGLISH! IV Production: - Finally, teacher guides them what V Homework: to prepare at home for the coming - Buy all necessary books class - Prepare Unit A 1,3 - Teacher remarks the students’ * Greetings: Hello, Hi…… learning attitudes and ends the * Introduction: This is, My name is … class VI Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… UNIT DIVISION OF LESSONS Period 02 Lesson A 1,3 Period 03 Lesson A Period 04 Lesson A4-A5 Period 05 Lesson B 1,2 Period 06 Lesson B 4-6 (3) Week: 01 Period: 02 Teaching date: 25 /08/10 UNIT Lesson: A 1,3 FRIENDS I Aim: Introduction and greetings with “Nice to meet you”, “How is everything?”, “ Just fine / Not bad / Pretty good” II Language contents : Grammar: _ How are you? / is everything? _ Pretty good, thanks _ This is our new classmate Vocabulary: _ Nice to meet / see you _ How are you? / is everything? _ Pretty good, thanks _ Just fine / Not bad / pretty good III Techniques: _ Slap the board _ Matching _ Picture cue drill _ Mapped dialogue IV Teaching aids: Pictures/ p 10, an extra-board, a cassette player V Procedures: Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I Warm up : - Teacher guides his students to play the Listen and answer the questions: game ‘Slap the board’ to make the What is your name? learning atmosphere more enjoyable How are you today? and friendly What class are you in? - The students play in pairs Good bye - Teacher reads aloud the questions so Are you a new student? that the students answer the question Who are the new students in the class? -The students listen and repeat the presentation A a, b / p 10 Matching Ss listen and complete the dialogue between Ba and Nga; Hoa and Nam II Presentation: New words: - Nice to meet / see you - classmate / ‘kla:smeit/ (n) - see you later * This is our new classmate/ student - so am I/ Me , too Presentation A a,b / p10 and A / p12 III Practice: (4) -T says the changing part - Teacher asks the students to work in pairs - Teacher goes from pair to pair to monitor and give help - Next, he guides them to practice pronouncing those useful phrases - T asks Ss to answer the questions, page 11 - The students work in pairs - Teacher goes from pair to pair to monitor and give help A 1: a Ba: Hello , Nga Nga: Hi, Ba Nice to (1)……… You again Ba: (2)………… to see you , too Nga: This is our new (3)……………… Her name’s Hoa Ba: Nice to (4)………… you, Hoa Hoa: Nice to meet you, too KEYS: see Nice classmate meet b Hoa: Good morning My (1)……… is Hoa Nam: Nice to meet you, Hoa My name’s Nam Are you a(2) ………… student? Hoa: Yes I am in (3)…… 7A Nam: Oh, (4)……….am I KEYS: name new class so Answer the questions: a Her name is Hoa b She is in class 7A c Nam is also in class 7A - Teacher gives marks to those who perform well -T lets Ss consult and crossing-check then he gives Ss marks -Ss Go to the board and write on the conversation again IV Production: Mapped dialogue/ Marks(10 ms) Ba Nam ………morning, …… ……… Morning, ……… Nice …………………again Nice… too How …? …… , thanks …… And you? - The students work in pairs - Some pairs of students perform their work in front of the class - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class - Teacher remarks the students’ learning attitudes and ends the class -SS Listen and copy …… , thank you Goodbye See …… Bye Example exchanges: Ba: Good morning, Nam Nam: Good morning, Ba Nice to see you, again Ba: Nice to see you, too How are you? Nam: Fine, thanks And you? Ba: Fine Thanks Goodbye See you later Nam: Bye V Homework: -Ways of introducing and greetings - Prepare Unit 1_ A 2( greetings with How ?, Fine…and Hoa: from? Stay with? A lot of friends ) VI Comments *Advantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (5) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *Disadvantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………*Solutions: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 01 Period: 03 Teaching date: 25/08/10 UNIT Lesson: A2 FRIENDS I Aim: Practice listening to greetings and reading for details and revising simple present tense, comparisons and a lot of / many II Language contents Grammar: _ Review: + I live with my parents in Hanoi + She lives with her uncle and aunt in Hanoi + Her old school is smaller than her new one + Her new school has a lot of students Vocabulary: _ different, unhappy, miss III Techniques: _ Listen and Fill, Rub out and remember (6) _ Matching, True or false Prediction _ Transformation Writing IV Teaching aids: _ Picture of Hoa and her new/ old school V Procedures: Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Marks: - Pairs of Ss greet to each other, Ba: Hello , Nga using the cues Nga: Hi, Ba Nice ………………… again Ba: (2)………… to see you , too Nga: This is our new (3)……………… Her name’s Hoa Ba: Nice to (4)………… you, Hoa Hoa: ………………………………., too - Using the pictures, T introduces about Hoa I Warm up : - Then, he introduces the new lesson to the students by asking a Who is the new student in the last lesson? series of questions to encourage the Hoa is … students to think of that new lesson from where? Hoa staying with who? has a lot of friends? old & new school? Which is bigger? happy or unhappy? Why? - Then, he teaches the new words II Presentation: to the students New words: -The students practice pronouncing - different / ’difrənt / or / ‘difərənt / (a) those new words chorally and - unhappy / n’h„pi/ ( a) # happy/ ‘h„pi/ (a) individually - (to) miss / mis / (v) Rub out and remember - Her school is bigger the her old school -Her new school has a lot of students bigger different - Her old school doesn’t have many students miss unhapp y True or False prediction - Teacher asks the students to work in pairs to make the True or False prediction - Teacher goes from pair to pair to monitor and give help -T says the changing part of the lesson - Then, he guides the students to True or False prediction Hoa is from Hue She lives with her parents Hanoi She has a lot of friends in Hanoi She misses her friends in Hue She is happy now Now we are going to read the passage then predict The answers true or false III Practice: Read and correct their predictions A.2/p.11 Answer key:1 T F F T F (7) read the passage A 2/ p 11 - Next, the students answer the comprehension questions from a) to e) on page 11 - Then, they write their on the board and teacher corrects their wrong work if any -T says the changing part of the lesson Transformation writing * Marks: - After that, teacher uses an extraboard to guide the students to the writing transformation drill - The students the practice - Teacher goes from one student to the other to monitor and give helps - Some students write their work on the board - Teacher gives marks to those who perform well -T let Ss crossing-check and correct ,T gives them marks -Ss Consult and copy the correct answers - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class - Teacher remarks the students’ learning attitudes and ends the class Comprehensive questions A.2/p 11 a) – e) a She is from Hue b She is staying with her uncle and aunt c No, she doesn’t have any friends in Hanoi d Her new school is bigger than her old school e she is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends Now we’re going to transform the writing part IV Production: From the text A2/ p.11 * For weak students: change “ Hoa” to “I” For example: I am a new student in class 7A I am from hue and my … * For stronger students: Change the information and change “ Hoa” to “I’ For example: I am a new student in class 7B I am from Tay Ninh and my parents still live there… Multiple choice Choose the best option for each sentence Hoa lives with uncle and aunt in a Hue b Hanoi c Ho Chi Minh city She doesn’t have many in her new place a friends b books c flowers Her new school is than her old school a smaller b bigger c longer She misses her _ and her friends in Hue a cats b brother c parents V Homework: -Do exercises A 1,3,4/p.3,4 Workbook (unit ) - Prepare Unit 1_ B 1,3 Asking for and giving personal information ( name, age, address….) VI Comments *Advantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *Disadvantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (8) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………*Solutions: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 02 Period: 04 Teaching date: 1/09/10 UNIT Lesson: A 4, FRIENDS I Aim: Practice listening to greetings II Language contents : Grammar: _ Review: - How are you? - How is everything? - How about you? III Techniques: _ Listen and Fill, Rub out and remember IV Teaching aids: _ An extra-board, tape and radio , pictures V Procedures: Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Marks: Marks: Complete the missing words: Ss reread the text A2 and complete the KEYS: missing words: class lives friends Hoa is a new student in (1)…… 7A, She (2) happy bigger …… with her uncle and aunt in Ha Noi She Answer: doesn’t have a lot of (3) ………… In Ha Noi so She is in class 7A she is not (4)……… and she misses her parents No, she doesn’t and friends Her new school is (5)…………… than No, she isn’t Because she misses her her old school parents and friends (9) -Ss can answer the questions below: Which class is Hoa in? Does she have a lot of friends in Ha Noi? Is she happy in Ha Noi? Why? - Pairs of Ss greet and ask the health - Then, he introduces the new lesson - Then, he teaches the new words to the students -The students practice pronouncing those new words chorally and individually I Warm up : P1: Hello ………… P2: ………… How are tou? P1: I …………… Thank …… And you? P2: Fine Thanks Goodbye See you ………… P1: ……………… II Presentation: * List of greeting and the responds How are you today? How are you? How is everything? How about you? So am I Just fine Not bad Pretty good OK Me, too - Teacher guides his students to the listening III Practice: A4 Listen Complete these dialogues practice a - Ss guess the missing words Mr Tan: Hello, Lien How are you? Then Ss listen to the tape times and Miss Lien: Pretty good, thank you How complete After that they gives the keys about Teacher corrects their wrong work if any , Tan? -T says the changing part of the lesson Mr Tan: Not bad, but I’m very busy Miss Lien: Me, too Dialogue B Nam: Good afternoon, Nga How is everything? Nga: OK, thanks How are you today, Nam? Nam: Just fine, thanks A5 Listen Write the letters of the dialogues in Nga: I’m going to lunch room Nam: Yes, So am I the order you hear Listen Write the letters of the dialogues in the order * T gives the whole class four pictures and hear reminds them about the situation of each picture For example: Who are they in the picture? Where are they? What are they doing? - T explains how to this kind of exercise * - T lets Ps listen the dialogue once without (10) writing anything - T asks Ps to look at the pictures again and to listen one more time, and then write the numbers on the pictures after listening * Asking some Ps to give the answers under the pictures on the board - T asks pupils the right answers Marks: Complete the conversations: Trung: Hi! My name is Trung Hong: ………… to………… You, Trung My ……………… Hong Are you a ……………… ? Trung: Yes Iam …………… 7B Hong: Oh! So ………………… - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class Keys: c, b, d, a - Teacher remarks the students’ learning IV Production: attitudes and ends the class V Homework: - Prepare Unit 1_ B 1,2 Asking for and giving personal information ( name, age, address….) VI Comments *Advantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *Disadvantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………*Solutions: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (11) Week: 02 Period: 05 Teaching date: … /09/10 UNIT Lesson: B 1, NAMES AND ADDRESSES I Aim: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the Wh-questions to ask for and give personal information ( age, name, address…) II Language contents Grammar: Review: _ What is your family name? _ How old are you? _ Where you live? = What is your address? Vocabulary: _ family name, middle name, an address III Techniques: _ What and where, Listen and Fill _ Survey _ Word Cue Drill _ Mapped dialogue IV Teaching aids: Picture about the classroom/ p 15, laptop V Procedures: Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I Warm up : MAKING TO KNOW EACH OTHER! - Teacher guides his students to Wordsquare find the wh-words in the table W W W H Y Find the Wh-words - He then asks them to make some H W H E N Why, When, From questions with the Wh-words they E B A O N Who, How have found R Y T O N What, Where -T corrects and gives them marks E F R O Mwe What kinds of questions can (12) -Ss Consult and copy the keys make with“ what, how, where”? - Ss can make the questions using the question words they have just found II Presentation : Now we’re going to scan the lesso - T asks Ss some personal anand choose voc, then practice questions : New words: - What is your name? - family name / ‘f„məli neim / (n) - Where you live? - middle / ‘midl / (a) - How old are you? - address / ə`dres / (n) - How many people are there in - first name: your family? ………………………………………………… - Then, he teaches the new words to the students - The students listen and fill in the table about Hoa - Next, the students answer the comprehension questions from a) to d) on page 15 - Then, they write their on the board and teacher corrects their wrong work if any * Ss read the dialogue and complete They work in pairs - Then they read it aloud - T observes and correts their mistakes - Next, teacher uses some flashcards to guide the students to the word cue drill activity in order to help them to practice ways of asking for personal information - The students work in pairs - Teacher goes from pair to pair to monitor and give help - Teacher gives marks to those who perform well III Practice: Presentation dialogue B 1/ p15 Listen and fill about Hoa Family name Middle name Age Where she lives * Comprehension questions a) – d) /p 15 a She is talking to Miss Lan b Her family name is Pham c Her middle name is Thi d She lives at 12 Tran Hung Ñao street B2 Write: Keys: who who which where where How IV Production : B1 Word Cue Drill/ Marks (10ms) Nam Nguyen 15 32 Nguyen Du str Minh Tran 13 Le Loi str Example exchanges: S1: What is Nam’s family name? S2: His family name is Nguyen S1: How old is he? S2: He’s fifteen S1: Where does he live? Huong Ngo 12 25 Tu Xuong str (13) -After that, teacher guides the students to the groupwork - He corrects the wrong work if any - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class -T sums up the old grammar points - Teacher remarks the students’ learning attitudes and ends the class S2: He lives at 32 Nguyen Du str : Arrange the words in the correct order your / what / name / is / middle? lives / he / 25 / street / Gia Long old/ is / father / how / your? what/ your / does / uncle / do? Correct the mistakes in the following sentences My family name is Nam Where are your address? How old are your brother? I lives on 15 Vo Thi Sau street V Homework : -Exercise B 1/ p.5_ B5/p.7 Workbook -B3,4 for good students only - practice B1/p.15 at home -The old structures: _ What is your family name? _ How old are you? _ Where you live? = What is your address? - Prepare Unit 1_ B4,6( refill in the gaps in B2 and practice it and B4 ) VI Comments *Advantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *Disadvantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………*Solutions: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (14) Week: 02 Period: 05 Teaching date: …./09/10 UNIT Lesson: B 4, NAMES AND ADDRESSES I Aim: Practice asking for and giving personal information, then using “ How far…?” questions and answers with “ kilometers/ meters” to talk about distances II Language contents Grammar: _ How far is it from your house to school? It is {5} kilometers/ meters Vocabulary: _ far, distance III Techniques: _ Listen and Fill, Mapped dialogue _ Gap-fill, Word Cue Drill _ Survey, Write it up IV Teaching aids: _ Pictures about Lan and Nga are talking their new friend/p 16 _ Laptop V Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I Warm up : Mapped dialogue *Marks (10’) - Teacher uses an extra-board to Nam Lan guide the students to the mapped Hello My ….Nam What … Lan How…you? dialogue in order to practice and is……name? revise ways of asking for personal I …….12 …old And you? …….12 years old,too information Where………… live ? … Tran Phu str live? - The students work in pairs 12 Vo Thi Sau str - Teacher goes from pair to pair to * What else to ask for personal information? monitor and give help II Presentation : New words: - Then, he teaches the new words - far / fa:/ (a) to the students - distance / ‘distəns/ (n) -The students practice pronouncing * Presentation dialogue B4/p.16-17 those new words chorally and Listen and Fill about Hoa Where she lives? How far house to How she gets to individually school? school? -The students listen and fill in the (15) table about Hoa with their books closed Model sentences: How far is it from your house to school? It is about one kilometer - Teacher helps the students to 700 meters listen and complete the model Comprehension questions: question using “How far…?” Where does she live? ( 12 THÑ str) - Next, the students read the Is it far from school? ( No) dialogue and answer the How does she get to school? comprehension questions III Practice : Picture drill _ Pictures/p.17 - After that, teacher uses an extraFrom your house to: board to guide the students to The market / km School / km the picture cue drill The post office / 700 meters Bus stop / 500 meters - The students the practice in The movie theater / km pairs Example exchange: - Teacher goes from pair to pair to S1: How far it is from your house to school? monitor and give helps S2: It’s about { km} - Some students perform their work B4.Picture drill _ Pictures/p.17 in front of the class From your house to: The market / km School / km The post office / 700 meters Bus stop / 500 meters - After that, teacher guides the The movie theater / km students to the further practice Example exchange: + Group 1,2: Make a survey about S1: How far it is from your house to school? their partners’ personal S2: It’s about { km} information Listen and Write B.6/p.18 + Group 3,4 :Do the gap fill How far it is from …….to….? + Group 5,6:Do the multiple choice _ School to Lan’s house :300 ms - The students show their work to _ Lan’s house to post office : 700ms the class and the other groups _ School to movie theater: km remark their friends’ work _ Movie theater to Post office: km _ Teacher corrects the mistakes if necessary IV Production: Group 1,2 Survey about your partners Name Class Where live? How far? Group 3,4 Gap Fill Hello My is I am years I _ on Tran Phu street My is near my school How to get school? (16) - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class - Teacher remarks the students’ learning attitudes and ends the class It is about meters So, I walk to everyday Group 5,6 Multiple choice Choose the best option for each sentence I live 12 THÑ street a on b at c in 2.How _is it from your house to the park? a much b many c far I go to school _ bus a on b with c by My house is _ my school a big b near c different V Homework: -Do exercise B 5/p Workbook _ How far is it from your house to school? It is {5} kilometers/ meters -Revise ways asking for personal information _ Review of the Wh-questions _ How far is it from your house to school? It is {5} kilometers/ meters - Prepare Unit 2_ A1_3.Numbers ( his / her, my name, will, phone numbers VI Comments *Advantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *Disadvantages: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………*Solutions: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (17) (18)

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2021, 01:36


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