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English 9Tiet 63Test 4

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John and Mary who likes special Vietnamese food for the Tet holiday doesn’t like sticky rice cakes?. In spite of being tired, Nam finished his homework2[r]

(1)Week 31 Period 63 Date of preparing: 09/04/12 Date of testing: 11/04/12 FORTY – FIVE MINUTE TEST Test number: Unit: From to PRONUNCIATION VOCABULARY GRAMMAR 5% 30%  Pronunciation of vowel /ai/ and / i/  Pronunciation of vowel /au/ and /ou/ / 0.25 M Choice 5% / 1.0 / 0.25 M Choice / 0.5 M Choice / 0.25 M Choice / 0.25 M Choice / 2.0 Give Give  suggestion READING 30% TOTAL / 0.25 M Choice / 0.25 M Choice and respond to compliments SPEAKING / 0.5 / 0.25 M Choice VOCABULARY  Celebrations & festivals: Celebrations  Natural disasters: Natural disasters GRAMMAR  Adverb clause of concession  Phrasal verb: turn up  Preposition: between, of  Relative pronouns: which, that, who  APPLICATION TOPIC UNDERSTANING RECONIGNATION WEIGHTING LANGUAGE AREAS AND SKILLS I Objectives: To test students’ knowledge from unit to unit II Preparations: Textbook, exercise book III Matrix:  reading comprehension tests (150-180 words) about  Celebrations & festivals: Celebrations  Natural disasters: Natural disasters / 1.5 M Choice / 0.25 M Choice / 0.5 / 3.0 / 1.5 M Choice (2) Rewrite the sentences - Relative pronouns: who, which - Adverb clause of concession: though WRITING 30% - Relative clauses - Adverb clause of concession - Wish / 1.5 / 3.0 Rewrite the sentenc es / 1.5 M Choice IV Test: Phòng GD - ĐT Đam Rông Trường THCS Đạ Long Student’s name: Class: 9A ENGLISH TEST Class: Time: 45 minutes (3) I Marks Teacher’s remarks Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (0.5pt) A around B although C town D proud A typhoon B cyclone C sky D sunny II Choose the best answer from the four options given (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence (3.5pts) A funnel – shaped storms passing overland below a thunderstorm is called a ……… A typhoons B tsunami C tornado D hurricane Auld Lang Sign is a song ……… is sung on New Year’s Eve A which B who C whom D when Rita’s grandma turned the TV ……… to see the weather forecast A off B up C on D down Tet is a time for Vietnamese families to clean and ……… their houses A hang B enjoy C decorate D prepare Here is tonight’s weather forecast Hue will have temperatures ……… 25 C and 290C A with B in C at D between Miss Han,……… is a weather forecaster in VTV, lives next door A who B whom C that D which According to the weather , it will be raining tonight A forecaster B forecast C forecasted D forecasting It was sunny yesterday even ……… the weather bureau predicted there would be a shower A in spite B despite C although D though We are so proud ……… her for telling the truth A in B with C of D at 10 n Easter Day, people crowed the street to watch colorful ……… A shows B parades C paradises D contests 11 ……… we don’t have a Mother’s Day in Vietnam, I have a special gift for my mom on the th of March A Although B Because C Since D As 12 I saw a lot of people and horses …… went to the market this morning A which B who C whom D that 13 A: Congratulations on your nomination, Triet B: ………………………… A Well done B It’s nice of you to say so C That’s a good idea D All right 14 A: I think we should ……… a ladder B: That’s a good idea A buying B to buy C buy D bought III Read A Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage (1,5pts) Halloween is a holiday on the night of October 31 It is (1) …………… in many English-speaking countries Children (2) …………… costumes They go to people’s homes, and the people give them candy (4) Children say “Trick or treat!” to ask (3) …………… candy This comes from a threat It means, “Give me a treat (4) …………… I will play a trick on you.” Children today usually (5) …………… not the tricks (6) …………… they not get treats But some children still mischief In this countries Halloween is about ghosts, witches, goblins, and other scary things A presented B proposed C celebrated D played A wear B hold C take D dress A with B for C after D onto A otherwise B when C but D or A B does C will D are A if B unless C before D however B Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage (1.5pts) The large movement of earth under the water causes a very large and powerful tsunami The tsunami was called the Asian Tsunami in most of the world It was called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England, Australia, South Africa and Canada because it happened on the holiday they call Boxing Day The Tsunami caused a lot of damage to countries such as Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka Waves as high as 30m killed many people and damaged or destroyed a lot of buildings and other property Over 225,000 people died or were not found after the Tsunami The wave traveled as far away as South Africa (8000km) where as many as people died because of high water caused by the wave Because of how much damage was caused and the number of people the earthquake affected, over $7 billion was donated to help the survivors and rebuild the areas damaged Why was the tsunami called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England? A Because it happened when people were boxing B Because it happened when people were collecting boxes C Because it happened on Boxing Day D Because it destroyed a lot of boxes How high were the waves? A thirteen meters B eighteen meters C thirty meters D two hundred and twenty – five meters What were some people in South Africa killed by? A earthquake B high water C high wind D property IV Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one (1.5pts) I gave you a book It had many interesting drawings (which)  Paula still got the job She had no experience (Though)  I met Mary She asked me to give you this book (who)  V Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one (1.5pt) Do you know the name of the student? He will come and talk about Passover A Do you know the name of the student which he will come and talk about Passover? B Do you know the name of the student who will come and talk about Passover? C Do you know the name of the student that about Passover he will come and talk? D Do you know the name of the student about Passover where he will come and talk? The town was beautiful We spent our holiday there last summer A The town was beautiful which we spent our holiday there last summer B The town which we spent our holiday there last summer was beautiful C The town where we spent our holiday last summer was beautiful D The town where we spent our holiday there last summer was beautiful (5) John and Mary like sticky rice cakes They are special Vietnamese food for the Tet holiday A John and Mary like sticky rice cakes which are special Vietnamese food for the Tet holiday B John and Mary are fond of sticky rice cakes whose are special Vietnamese food for the Tet holiday C John and Mary are special because they like sticky rice cakes which are Vietnamese food for the Tet holiday D John and Mary who likes special Vietnamese food for the Tet holiday doesn’t like sticky rice cakes In spite of being tired, Nam finished his homework A Even though being tired, Nam finished his homework B Even though Nam is tired, but he finished his homework C Even though Nam was tired, however he finished his homework D Even though Nam was tired, he finished his homework The plants may develop differently The plants grow on that island A The plants that grow on that island may develop differently B The plants what grow on that island may develop differently C The plants which grow on that island may develop in a differently way D The plants that they grow on that island may develop differently It’s a pity I don’t know the way to the station A I wish I know the way to the station B I wish I knew the way to the station C I wish I can know the way to the station D I wish I have known the way to the station V ANSWER KEYS: I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (0.5pt) B although D sunny II Choose the best answer from the four options given (A, B,C, or D) to complete each sentence (3.5pts) C tornado D though A which C of B up 10 B parades C decorate 11 A Although D between 12 D that A who 13 B It’s nice of you to say so B forecast 14 C buy III Read A Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage (1,5pts) C celebrated A wear B for D or A A if B Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage (1.5pts) C Because it happened on Boxing Day C thirty meters B high water IV Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one (1.5pts) I gave you a book which had many interesting drawings Though Paula had no experience she still got the job (6) I met Mary who asked me to give you this book V Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one (1.5pt) B Do you know the name of the student who will come and talk about Passover? C The town where we spent our holiday last summer was beautiful A John and Mary like sticky rice cakes which are special Vietnamese food for the Tet holiday D Even though Nam was tired, he finished his homework A The plants that grow on that island may develop differently B I wish I knew the way to the station VI Comments:  (7)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2021, 19:58

