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unit 3 writeppt

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Theyarrived/ played the thegames games/and and/ they 3, Some students the students/laid the out food/ laid 4,4,They/ played/they/ arrived home in in thethe afternoon/ afternoon... Unit 3[r]

(1)(2) (3) Answer the questions: - Have you ever gone on a picnic? - Who did you go with? - How did you go there? - Did you tell about your picnic to anyone? (4) Saturday, October 29th, 2011 Unit 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 4: WRITE Look at the pictures and the information given Then write a passage entitled “ A Country Picnic” Start like this: It was a beautiful day… (5) Friday, October 14th 2011 Unit 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 4: WRITE New vocabulary: - Picnic (n) Cuộc chơi - Picnic site = place: Điểm dã ngoại - Put down: Trải - Blanket (n) Cái chăn, mền - Lay out: Bày Lay – laid – laid - Hurriedly (adv) Một cách nhanh chóng - Gather = collect (v) Thu dọn - Catch (v) Bắt, đón kịp(tàu/xe) After meal play / /games / and We Put beautiful When /down lucky / look /day /blankets catch at/ my / time friends last / lay / it bus out / /and is it?” / / very late / food /“What Inearly we / go/ arrive / song picnic 6.30 pm / home / hurriedly blind buff evening take gather /man’s bus / things / countryside / run / bus / walk stop./ Late / afternoon / gosite fishing 20 minutes / picnic / river We / enjoy / picnic (6) beautiful day / my friends and I / go / picnic take / bus / countryside / walk / 20 minutes / picnic site / river It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic We took a bus to the countryside and then walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river (7) Put down / blankets / lay out / food We put down the blankets and laid out the food (8) After meal / play / games / “What song is it?” / blind man’s buff Late / afternoon / go fishing We / enjoy / picnic After meal we played the games “What song is it?” and blind man's buff Late in the afternoon we went fishing We enjoyed our picnic (9) When / look at / time / it / nearly 6.30 pm / hurriedly gather / things / run / bus stop When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 pm We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop (10) We / lucky / catch / last bus / and / we / arrive / home / very late / evening We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening (11) “A Country Picnic” It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic We took a bus to the countryside and then walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river We put down the blankets and laid out the food After meal we played the games “What song is it?” and blind man's buff Late in the afternoon we went fishing We enjoyed our picnic When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 pm We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening (12) Unit 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 4: WRITE Answer True (T) or False (F)? T 1- My friends and I went on a picnic when the weather was not fine √ 2- We got there by bus √ 3- We put down the blankets and laid out the food √ 4- We didn’t play the games “ What song is it?”, blind man’s buff and go fishing 5- We enjoyed our picnic 6- We were lucky to catch the last bus so we arrived home early in the evening F √ √ √ (13) Thursday, October 14th 2011 Unit 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 4: WRITE Thestudents/ students when/ went on a picnic 1,1,The a picnic/ whenthe theweather weather/ went/ was fine on/ was/ fine 2, food/a alot lotofof/ took/ 2, They/ They took food andand drink drink Theyarrived/ played the thegames games/and and/ they 3, Some students the students/laid the out food/ laid 4,4,They/ played/they/ arrived home in in thethe afternoon/ afternoon home food out (14) Unit 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 4: WRITE HOMEWORK: - Learn new words by heart - Prepare Unit 3- Language focus (15) (16)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2021, 18:16
