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diseases and illness Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 50: Long ago [r]

(1)Sở GD-ĐT Quảng Nam Trường THPT Quế Sơn ĐÊ THI THỬ TUYỂN SINH ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2012 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH; KHỐI D Thời gianlàm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Họ tên học sinh: SBD: Phòng thi:…… Mã đề:135 I Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from to 10: It is hard to think of a world without gas or electricity Both are commonly used for lighting and heating today We now can instantly flick a lighter or strike a match to make a flame But it was not long ago that there were no such things as matches or lighters To make fire, it was necessary to strike a piece of iron on flint for sparks to ignite some tinder If the tinder was damp, or the flint old, you had to borrow some fire from a neighbor We not know exactly when or how people first used fire Perhaps, many ages ago, they found that sticks would burn if they were dropped into some hole where melted lava from a volcano lay boiling They brought the lighted sticks back to make their fire in a cave Or, they may have seen trees catch fire through being struck by lighting, and used the trees to start their own fires Gradually people learned they could start a fire without traveling far to find flames They rubbed two pieces of wood together This method was used for thousands of years When people became used to making fires with which to cook food and stay warm at night, they found that certain resins or gums from trees burnt longer and brighter They melted resins and dipped branches in the liquid to make torches that lit their homes at night Iron stands in which torches used to be fixed can still be seen in old buildings of Europe There was no lighting in city streets until gas lamps, and then electric lamps were installed Boys ran about London at night carrying torches of burning material They were called torch boys, or link boys, and earned a living by guiding visitors to friends’ house at night For centuries home were lit by candles until oil was found Even then, oil lamps were no more effective than a cluster of candles We read about the splendors and marvels of ancient palaces and castles, but we forget that they must have been gloomy and murky places at night Question The word “lighter” in the passage mostly means A a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is on fire B a small device that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes, ect C a device that uses electricity, oil or gas to produce light D the energy from the sun, a lamp, ect that makes it possible to see things Question To make a fire in times just before the advent of matches, it was essential to have access to A a burning fire or to possess iron B a magnifying glass C a burning fire or to possess flint D flint, iron and dry tinder Question The first fire used by people was probably obtained A from heat or fire caused by nature B by rubbing wood together C from the sun’s heat through glass D by striking iron against flint Question The word “ damp” in the passage mostly means A slightly wet B very new C very dry D slightly huge Question Torches for lighting were made from A The wood of gum trees B iron bars dipped in melted resins C tree branches dipped in melted resins D wooden poles dipped in oil Question Before the electric lamp was invented A oil lamps and then candles were used B people did not use any form of lighting in their houses C candles and then oil lamps were used D candles and oil lamps appeared about the same time Question The word “ splendors” in the passage mostly means A things that fill one with surprise and admiration B wonderful things that have been achieved C places where a lot of people go on holiday D the beautiful and impressive features of a place Question What form of street lighting was used in London when link boys used to work there? A gas lighting B Electric lighting C No lighting at all D Oil lighting Question The word “ gloomy” in the passage mostly means A containing a lot of white B totally covered with lighting C badly lit in a way that makes one feel sad D full of light; having the natural light of day Question 10 The best title for the passage could be A The advantages of Candles B Fire: Discovery and Use (2) C Different types of Lamps D Prehistoric People and Fire II Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one Question 11 It is very important for a firm or a company to keep the changes in the market A touch with B up with C track about D pace of Question 12 After you’ve your brother at the swimming pool, could you some shopping for me? A given up B handed in C dropped off D passed out Question 13 “ Thank you very much for your help.” - “ ……………………….” A The same to you B It’s my pleasure C Well done! D There is nothing I can about it Question 14 Anne her search for the truth about what had happened A persisted in B insisted in C approved at D apologized to Question 15: “ Would you mind closing the window please?” - “………………” A No, not at all I will close it now B Yes of course Are you cold? C Yes I You can close it D Yes of course you can it Question 16: When I stopped talking, Sam finished my sentence for me as though he…… my mind A would read B reads C had read D can read Question 17 “ Have a nice weekend!” - “…………………….” A It is very long now B No, thanks C OK Yes, please D Thank you The same to you Question 18 I have decided to your offer of some extra lessons A take up B fill out C go through D pass by Question 19 “ I am sorry I can not be of more help in this matter.” “………………………………” A That’s fine I understand B.Yes, the matter is helpless C I am glad D You are welcome Question 20 “ How you do?” - “……………… ” A Have a good trip! B How you do? C I it very well D I will see you soon Question 21 A fire must have a readily available supply of oxygen ……., it will stop burning A Consequently B However C Furthermore D Otherwise Question 22 By the time I go to bed tonight, I ……my work for the day A finish B will finish C will have finished D have finished Question 23 Today’s weather isn’t as cold as it was yesterday,………? A is it B isn’t it C was it D wasn’t it Question 24 Professional people expect…….when it is necessary to cancel an appointment A your calling B that you would call them C you to call them D that you are calling them Question 25 The salary of a bus driver is much higher…………… A than a teacher B in comparison with the salary of a teacher C to compare as a teacher D than that of a teacher Question 26 He didn’t mind…………by his classmates A to criticize B being criticized C criticizing D to be criticized Question 27 His director insisted that he…… until he finished his degree A stay B stayed C shall stay D must stay Question 28 The man who was driving the truck would not admitted that he had been at fault, and…………… A neither the other driver B neither would the other driver C neither had the other driver D the other driver neither Question 29 Only after food has been dried or canned…… for later consumption A should it be stored B that it should be stored C should be stored D it should be stored Question 30.The old castle has been _ and it is now a luxury hotel A transformed B remade C undone D constructed Question 31 _ I love you, I can’t let you whatever you like A Whether B Whatever C Much as D Owing to Question 32 What to see him at the stadium! A surprise B a surprise C surprising D the surprise Question 33 It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth A filling B to fill C filled D fill Question 34 The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer A expect more B treat better C develop worse D better (3) Question 35 She has made an _for the job as a nurseryteacher because she likes children A application B applicant C applicated D apply Question 36 Rita was offered the job her linguistic abilities A on account of B regardless C as regard D with the result that Question 37 After the of the new manager, the staff worked more effectively A dismissal B appointment C retirement D resignation Question 38 When he woke up, he realized that the things he had dreamt about could not _ have happened A likely B certainly C possibly D potentially Question 39 Our government has come up with a(n) _ to attract more visitors to our country A amount B profit C task D scheme Question 40 Help and supports are rapidly sent to wherever there are victims of catastrophe A warfare B sudden great disaster C poverty and famine D diseases and illness Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 50: Long ago prehistoric man began to domesticate a number of wild plants and animals for his own use This not only provided more abundant food but also allowed more people to live on a smaller plot of ground We tend to forget that all of our present-day pets, livestock, and food plants were taken from the wild and developed into the forms we know today As centuries passed and human cultures evolved and blossomed, humans began to organise their knowledge of nature into the broad field of natural history One aspect of early natural history concerned the use of plants for drugs and medicine The early herbalists sometimes overworked their imaginations in this respect For example, it was widely believed that a plant or part of a plant that resembles an internal organ would cure ailments of that organ, Thus, an extract made from a heartshaped leaf might be prescribed for a person suffering from heart problems Nevertheless, the overall contributions of these early observers provided the rudiments of our present knowledge of drugs and their uses Question 41 What does this passage mainly discuss? A Cures from plants B The beginning of natural history C Prehistoric man D Early plants and animals Question 42 Domestication of plants and animals probably occurred because of … A need for more readily available food B lack of wild animals and plants C early mans power as a hunter D the desire of prehistoric man to be nomadic Question 43 The word “this” refers to ……… A providing food for man B mans domestication of plants and animals C mans ability to live on a small plot of land D the earliest condition of prehistoric man Question 44 The word “blossomed” is closest in meaning to … A produced flowers B changed C learned D flourished Question 45 An herbalist is which of the following? A A dreamer B An early historian C Someone who uses plants in medicine D A farmer Question 46 The phrase “in this respect” refers to ……… A the development of human culture B the development of the field of natural history C the use of plants for drugs and medicine D the origin of knowledge of nature Question 47 The word “extract” is closest in meaning to … A design B substance C flavor D ailment Question 48 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A The shape of a plant is indicative of its ability to cure ailments of a similarly shaped organ B Early herbalists were unimaginative C The work of early herbalists has nothing to with present day medicine D There is little relation between a cure for illness and the physical shape of a plant Question 49 The word “rudiments” is closest in meaning to … A beginnings B history C requirements D proofs Question 50 The passage would most likely lead to a more specific discussion in the field of……… A zoology B biology C anatomy D astrology IV Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best express what each of the original sentences says;or the best sentence that can make from the cues given: (4) Question 51 Without health, there is no happiness A Health is essential for happiness B Health depends largely on happiness C Happiness contributes to health D Happiness is not related to health Question 52 He sets a high value on his time A He never values his time B It takes him some time to it C He is always wasting his time D Time is precious to him Question 53 “Give us a raise or we will go on strike,” said the workers to the manager A The workers asked the manager for giving them a raise and promised of going on strike B The workers asked the manager to give them a raise and threatened to go on strike C The workers wanted the manager to give them a raise and advised going on strike D The manager asked the workers to go on strike and promised to give them a raise Question 54 many people / homeless/ after/ floods/ their houses and property/ wash away/ the water A Many people are homeless after the floods with their houses and property were washed away by the water B Many people have been homeless after the floods since their houses and property washed away by the water C Many people are homeless after the floods although their houses and property were washed away by the water D Many people are homeless after the floods because their houses and property were washed away by the water Question 55 Tet holiday/ people often visit relatives /friends/ go to the pagoda/ pray for luck/ happiness A On Tet holiday, people often visit relatives and friends, then going to the pagoda praying for luck and happiness B When Tet holiday, people often visit relatives , friends, with go to the pagoda to pray for luck and happiness C In Tet holiday, people often visit relatives , friends, and then to go to the pagoda to pray for luck and happiness D On Tet holiday, people often visit relatives, friends, and go to the pagoda to pray for luck and happiness Question 56 If cigarettes were more expensive, people would give up smoking A People would smoke less if cigarettes were more expensive B People would stop smoking if cigarettes cost more C if cigarettes were double the price, no one would smoke D If the price of cigarettes were higher, fewer people would smoke Question 57 No sooner did he appear than all were silent A Since he appeared early he found that all were silent B Everyone was silent as soon as he appeared C He didn’t appear sooner than they expected, so all were silent D All the people were silent because he appeared sooner than they had expected Question 58 I/wait/ my mother/ suddenly/ woman/ look like her/ came towards me A As I had been waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman who looked like her came towards me B When I was waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman who looked like her came towards me C When I was waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman looked like her came towards me D While I was waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman whom looked like her came towards me Question 59 Jane said, “ Why don’t we buy a word processor?” A Jane suggested them to buy a word processor B Jane suggested that they should have bought a word processor C Jane suggested buying a word processor D Jane suggested them that they should buy a word processor Question 60 The best place where we can practise swimming is a swimming pool A The best place we can practise swimming is a swimming pool B A swimming pool is the best place that we can practise swimming C We can practise swimming in a swimming pool is the best D The best place for us to practise swimming is a swimming pool V Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks from 61 to 70: GLOBAL WARMING (5) Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world ’s climate Many scientists put the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase in the world ’s temperatures and are convinced that, more than (61) _ before, the Earth is at (62) from the forces of the wind, rain and sun (63) _ to them, global warming is making extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and droughts, even more (64) and causing sea levels all around the world to (65) _ Environmental groups are putting (66) _ on governments to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given (67) _ by factories and power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source They are in(68) of more money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then replace existing power (69) _ Some scientists, however, believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow, we would have to wait (70) hundred years to notice the results Global warming, it seems, is to stay Question 61: A yet B never C ever D once Question 62: A risk B threat C danger D harm Question 63: A Concerning B Regarding C Depending D According Question 64: A strict B severe C strong D heavy Question 65: A raise B arise C rise D lift Question 66: A force B pressure C persuasion D encouragement Question 67: A off B away C.up D over Question:68 A belief B request C favour D suggestion Question 69: A factories B generations C houses D stations Question 70: A several B lots C numerous D various VI Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions Question 71 A composition B anniversary C celebration D television Question 72 A jacket B ingredient C favourite D notice VII Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: Question 73 A machine B change C teacher D choose Question 74 A grade B great C sneaky D embrace Question 75 A change B English C single D anger VIII Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Question 76 Harry’s advisor persuaded his taking several courses which did not involve much knowledge A B C D of mathematics Question 77 Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach A B C D Question 78 While verbialization is the most common form of language in existence, humans make use A B of many others systems and techniques to express their thoughts and feelings C D Question 79 Sally can not go camping right now because she is baby-sitting the neighbor children A B C D Question 80 The report that Kim wrote on the migration of poor farmers into the cities was definitely A B C better than Lam D ===========the end! ========== Good luck! (6)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2021, 08:11

