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Spratly Islands dispute

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Spratly Islands dispute From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Spratly Islands dispute is a territorial dispute over the ownership of the Spratly Islands, a

group of islands located in the South China Sea States staking claims to various islands are: the People's Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei All except Brunei occupy some of the islands

The Spratly Islands are important for a number of reasons: the Spratly area holds significant reserves of oil and natural gas, it is a productive area for world fishing and commercial shipping, and coastal countries would get an extended continental shelf But some countries, like the People's Republic of China, the Republic of China, and Vietnam make claims based on historical sovereignty over the islands

Contents [hide]

 Reasons for the dispute

o 1.1 Hydrocarbons

o 1.2 Commercial fishing

o 1.3 Commercial shipping

o 1.4 Confrontations and other incidences

o 1.5 Extended continental shelf claims  Moves towards resolution

o 2.1 Diplomatic moves

o 2.2 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea 2002

o 2.3 United States intervention  Various claims

o 3.1 Brunei

 3.1.1 Basis of Brunei's claim

o 3.2 Malaysia

 3.2.1 Basis of Malaysia's claim

o 3.3 People's Republic of China and Republic of China (Taiwan)  3.3.1 Basis for PRC's and ROC's claims

 3.3.2 Criticisms to the PRC's and ROC's claims

o 3.4 Philippines

o 3.5 Vietnam

 Tabular listing of features showing country possessions

o 4.1 Occupied features


o 4.3 Unoccupied features

o 4.4 Claimed features by country but occupied by other country  20th century timeline

 See also  References  Further reading  External links

[edit] Reasons for the dispute

[edit] Hydrocarbons

There are multiple reasons why the neighboring nations would be interested in the Spratly Islands In 1968 oil was discovered in the region The Geology and Mineral Resources Ministry of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has estimated that the Spratly area holds oil and natural gas reserves of 17.7 billion tons (1.60 × 1010 kg), as compared to the 13 billion tons (1.17 × 1010 kg) held by Kuwait, placing it as the fourth largest reserve bed in the world These large reserves assisted in intensifying the situation and propelled the territorial claims of the neighboring countries

In 1968, the Philippines started to take their claims more seriously and stationed troops on three islands which had been claimed by the adventurer Tomas Cloma as part of Freedomland.[1] In 1973 Vietnamese troops were stationed on five islands.[2]

On 11 March 1976, the first major Philippine oil discovery occurred off the coast of Palawan, within the Spratly Islands territory, and these oil fields now account for fifteen percent of all petroleum consumed in the Philippines In 1992, the PRC and Vietnam granted oil exploration contracts to U.S oil companies that covered overlapping areas in the Spratlys In May 1992, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and Crestone Energy (a U.S company based in Denver, Colorado) signed a cooperation contract for the joint exploration of the Wan'an Bei-21 block, a 25,155 km² section of the southwestern South China Sea that includes Spratly Island areas Part of the Crestone's contract covered Vietnam's blocks 133 and 134, where PetroVietnam, PetroStar Energy(USA) and ConocoPhillips Vietnam Exploration & Production, a unit of ConocoPhillips, agreed to evaluate prospects in April 1992 This led to a confrontation between China and Vietnam, with each demanding that the other cancel its contract

[edit] Commercial fishing

An additional motive is the region's role as one of the world's most productive areas for


the arrest of Chinese fishermen In 1984, Brunei established an exclusive fishing zone encompassing Louisa Reef in the southeastern Spratly Islands.[3]

[edit] Commercial shipping

The region is also one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world During the 1980s, at least two hundred and seventy ships passed through the Spratly Islands region each day, and currently more than half of the world's supertanker traffic, by tonnage, passes through the region's waters every year Tanker traffic through the South China Sea is over three times greater than through the Suez Canal and five times more than through the Panama Canal; twenty five percent of the world's crude oil passes through the South China Sea

[edit] Confrontations and other incidences

There have been occasional naval clashes over the Spratly Islands In 1988, China and Vietnam clashed at sea over possession of Johnson Reef in the Spratlys Chinese gunboats sank

Vietnamese transport ships supporting a landing party of Vietnamese soldiers 64 Vietnamese soldiers were killed [4]

On May 23, 2011, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III warned the Chinese defense minister of a possible arms race in the region if tensions worsened over disputes in the South China Sea Aquino said he told visiting Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie in their meeting that such an arms race could result if there were more encounters in the disputed and potentially oil-rich Spratly islands The Philippines warned China that it might increase its military capabilities [5]

[edit] Extended continental shelf claims

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) procedure for countries with coastlines to submit claims for their continental shelf to be extended beyond 200 nautical miles of their shores brought the spotlight back to the South China Sea and Spratly Islands in May 2009.[6] Two such submissions were made - one by Vietnam for a claim over the northern portion of the sea which included the Paracel Islands, and another jointly by Vietnam and Malaysia for a joint claim over a "defined area" in the middle of the sea between the two countries which included part of the Spratly Islands Brunei, a potential claimant, has not submitted such a claim but had provided preliminary information to the United Nations notifying it of its intention to claim a continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from its shores.[7]

China immediately issued protests over the two submissions and called on the United Nations not to consider them It also issued a stern warning to countries not to claim the islands which it said were its sovereign territory.[8]

[edit] Moves towards resolution


Vietnamese troops on Spratly Island

Following a 1995 dispute between China and the Philippines, an ASEAN-brokered agreement was reached between the PRC and ASEAN member nations whereby one country would inform the other of any military movement within the disputed territory and that there would be no further construction The agreement was promptly violated by China and Malaysia Claiming storm damage, seven Chinese naval vessels entered the area to repair "fishing shelters" in Panganiban Reef Malaysia erected a structure on Investigator Shoal and landed at Rizal Reef In response the Philippines lodged formal protests, demanded the removal of the structures,

increased naval patrols in Kalayaan and issued invitations to American politicians to inspect the PRC bases by plane The Philippine senate also debated to send troops and navy forces to attempt the invasion in the islands

In the early 21st century, the situation is improving China recently held talks with ASEAN countries aimed at realizing a proposal for a free trade area between the ten countries involved China and ASEAN have also been engaged in talks to create a code of conduct aimed at easing tensions in the disputed islands On March 2002, an agreement was reached, setting forth the desire of the claimant nations to resolve the problem of sovereignty "without further use of force"[citation needed] In November 2002, a Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South

China Sea was signed, easing tensions but falling short of a legally binding code of conduct

[edit] Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea 2002

This declaration[9] was signed by the 10 foreign ministers of ASEAN countries and China on November 2002 in Phnom Penh where the signatory countries pledged to resolve their

sovereignty disputes in a peaceful manner, without resorting to the use of force and through direct negotiations among the countries concerned The parties also undertook to exercise self-restraint with activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability, including refraining from inhabiting on the presently uninhabited islands, reefs, shoals, cays, and other features


The Parties may also explore or undertake cooperative activities such as marine environmental protection; marine scientific research; safety of navigation and communication at sea; search and rescue operation; and combating transnational crime, including but not limited to trafficking in illicit drugs, piracy and armed robbery at sea, and illegal traffic in arms

[edit] United States intervention

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on July 23, 2010 in Vietnam that the U.S had a "national interest in respect for international law in the South China Sea" and supported a regional solution to the dispute This was seen as a victory for Vietnam,[10] because Vietnam had been seeking to negotiate the status of the Paracels multilaterally through forums like ASEAN, while China prefers bilateral negotiations.[11] "Small country" claimants such the Philippines were "secretly pleased to have a friend in court", i.e the United States, an opinion in the The Manila Times claimed, despite the Philippine Government criticizing the intervention [12] Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi said that Vietnam's invitation to the United States to mediate was "an attack on China".[13]

[edit] Various claims

Map of various countries occupying the Spratly Islands

[edit] Brunei

This section requires expansion

Brunei claims the part of the South China Seas nearest to it as part of its continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) In 1984, Brunei declared an EEZ encompassing the above-water islets it claims in Louisa Reef.[3][14] Brunei does not practice military control in the area.

[edit] Basis of Brunei's claim


[edit] Malaysia

This section requires expansion

Malaysia has militarily occupied three islands that it considers to be within its continental shelf Swallow Reef (Layang Layang) has been turned into an island through land reclamation and hosts a dive resort

The Malaysian military currently occupies Ardasier Reef (Terumbu Ubi), Mariveles Reef (Terumbu Mantanani) and Swallow Reef (Terumbu Layang or Pulau Layang Layang).[14]

[edit] Basis of Malaysia's claim

This section requires expansion

Malaysia's claims are based upon the continental shelf principle, and have clearly defined coordinates.[14]

[edit] People's Republic of China and Republic of China (Taiwan)

The People's Republic of China (PRC) claim all of the Spratly Islands as part of China and had a historical naval presence Recently, they have had a profound military impact on the area

Map of the South China Sea Islands, by Ministry of the Interior, ROC, 1947


From 1932 to 1935, the ROC continued to include the territory in its administrative area through the Map Compilation Committee When France claimed nine islands of the territory in 1933, it immediately encountered a revolt from Chinese fishermen and a protest from the Republic of China government in Nanking Although China continued to claim the islands, the Second Sino-Japanese war drew its attention for the meantime from 1937 onwards After the second world war, China reclaimed sovereignty over the islands through post World War II arrangements based on various treaties of the Allied Powers and China built a stone marker on the island.[17] In 1947, the ROC government renamed 159 islands in the area and published the Map of the South China Sea Islands The ROC was the first government to establish a physical presence in the Spratley Islands It has occupied Itu Aba Island, the largest island in the Spratleys, constantly since 1956.[18]

In 1958, North Vietnamese Prime Minister Phạm Văn Đồng sent a formal note to Zhou Enlai In 1958, the People's Republic of China, having taken over mainland China and having left the Republic of China with control over Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and some outlying islands, issued a declaration of a 12 nautical mile limit territorial waters that encompassed the Spratly Islands North Vietnam's prime minister, Phạm Văn Đồng, sent a formal note to PRC's Premier Zhou Enlai to recognize these claims; and stated that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) respects the decision on the 12 nautical mile limit

territorial waters, although South Vietnam continued to claim sovereignty over the islands Today, the People's Liberation Army and the Republic of China Armed Forces are both stationed in several islands, including the largest, Taiping Island


The PRC and ROC base their claims on the belief that the islands have been an integral part of China for nearly two thousand years and that neighboring countries and European Powers took advantage of China's poor condition and diversity to impinge on its sovereignty

China claims to have discovered the islands in the Han Dynasty in BC The islands were claimed to have been marked on maps compiled during the time of Eastern Han Dynasty and Eastern Wu (one of the Three Kingdoms) Since the Yuan Dynasty in the 12th century, several islands that may be the Spratlys have been labeled as Chinese territory,[19] followed by the Ming Dynasty[20] and the Qing Dynasty from the 13th to 19th Century.[21] In 1755,[22][23] archaeological surveys the remains of Chinese pottery and coins have been found in the islands and are cited as proof for the PRC claim.[24]

In addition, the PRC's military presence ensures a tangible claim to other potential challengers of sovereignty over at least those inhabited areas

[edit] Criticisms to the PRC's and ROC's claims

Surveying an area without establishing a civilization there or a military garrison does not hold the same political weight as staking an official claim However, the PRC's claim to the Spratly Islands is grounded in the philosophy that since they were present there first they rightly have sovereignty

Many of these claims to sovereignty come directly from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China There is also doubt as to whether these sources state a claim of sovereignty or simply mention the Spratlys alongside other foreign lands

Claims of pottery being found are mostly shipwrecked treasure from Chinese galleons that sailed through the area and did not necessarily come from anyone who inhabited or even visited the islands.[24]

[edit] Philippines

The Philippines base their claims of sovereignty over the Spratlys on the issues of Res nullius

and geography The Philippines contend their claim was Res nullius as there was no effective sovereignty over the islands until the 1930s when France and then Japan acquired the islands When Japan renounced their sovereignty over the islands according to the San Francisco Treaty, there was a relinquishment of the right to the islands without any special beneficiary Therefore, argue the Philippines, the islands became Res nullius and available for annexation


The Philippine claim to Kalayaan on a geographical basis can be summarized using the assertion that Kalayaan is distinct from other island groups in the South China Sea, because of the size of the biggest island in the Kalayaan group.[25] A second argument used by the Philippines regarding their geographical claim over the Spratlys is that all the islands claimed by the Philippines lie within its 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone according to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea This argument still requires that the islands were res nullius, though.[26] The Philippines also argue, under maritime law that the People's Republic of China can not extend its baseline claims to the Spratlys because the PRC is not an archipelagic state

[edit] Vietnam

Vietnam's response to China's claim is that Chinese records on Qianli Changsha and Wanli Shitang are in fact records about non-Chinese territories.[27] For example, Qianli Changsha and Wanli Shitang were referred to in the ancient Chinese texts Ling Wai Dai Da [28] and Zhu Fan Zhi [29] as being in the Sea of Jiaozhi, Jiaozhi being the old name for a Chinese province in modern day northern Vietnam (Giao Chỉ), or as writings on foreign countries

Vietnam's view is that the Chinese records not constitute the declaration and exercise of sovereignty and that China did not declare sovereignty over the Spratlys until after World War II On the other hand, Vietnam claims the Spratlys based on international law on declaring and exercising sovereignty

A western map depicting the islands as Vietnamese territory

Vietnamese claims that it has occupied the Spratley and the Paracel islands at least since the 17th century, when they were not under the sovereignty of any state, and that they exercised


Chinese armed forces.[30] In Phủ Biên Tạp Lục (Miscellaneous Records of Pacification in the Border Area) by the scholar Lê Quý Đôn, Hoàng Sa (Paracel Islands), and Trường Sa (Spratly Islands) were defined as belonging to Quảng Ngãi District In Đại Nam Nhất Thống Toàn Đồ

(Dai Nam Unified Map), an atlas of Vietnam completed in 1838, Trường Sa was shown as Vietnamese territory.[citation needed] Vietnam had conducted many geographical and resource surveys of the islands.[citation needed] The results of these surveys have been recorded in Vietnamese literature and history published since the 17th century After the treaty signed with the Nguyễn Dynasty, France represented Vietnam in international affairs and exercised sovereignty over the islands [citation needed]

The Cairo Declaration, drafted by the Allies and China towards the end of World War II, listed the territories that the Allies intended to strip from Japan and return to China Despite China being among the authors of the declaration, this list did not include the Spratlys.[citation needed] Vietnam's response to China's claim that the Cairo Declaration somehow recognized the latter's sovereignty over the Spratlys is that this claim has no basis in fact

At the San Francisco Conference on the peace treaty with Japan, the Soviet Union proposed that the Paracels and Spratlys be recognized as belonging to China This proposal was rejected by an overwhelming majority of the delegates On July 7, 1951, Tran Van Huu, head of the Bảo Đại Government's delegation to the conference declared that the Paracels and Spratlys were part of Vietnamese territory This declaration met with no challenge from the 51 representatives at the conference.[citation needed]

The text of the Treaty of San Francisco listed the Spratlys as not part of the list of territories to be returned to China.[31]

After the French left, the Vietnamese government exercised sovereignty over the islands.[dubious –

discuss] Up to the end of the Vietnam War the army of the South Vietnamese still held military control over the majority of the Spratly islands After the Vietnam War, the unified Vietnam SRV (Socialist Republic of Vietnam) continued to claim the Spratly islands as an integral part of Vietnam, accordingly the Phan Van Dong DRV notice to the PRC in 1958 had not ceded the ROV and consequently the SRV claims, hence that Notice became of no effect on the ROV/SRV rights

Vietnam currently occupies 31 islands They are organized as a district of Khanh Hoa Province At the 12th National Assembly Election held early in Trường Sa, the people and soldiers also voted for their local district government for the first time For the first time, Trường Sa is organized like a normal inland district, with a townlet (thị trấn Trường Sa) and two communes (xã Sinh Tồn, xã Song Tử Tây) Forty nine people were elected to the communes' people's councils

[edit] Tabular listing of features showing country possessions


A feature is occupied by a country if one of the following is true:

 Soldiers and/or civilian citizens of a country are present in the feature, either by building structures over the feature to house the citizens (most features are of this type) or by manning a ship anchored over the feature (Philippine-occupied Irving Reef is of this type)

 Regularly visited by soldiers of a country, not necessarily having soldiers present in it 24 hours These features must lie near (within miles (14 km)) a feature occupied by the country in the way of the first condition Presence of structures is not necessary This is the case of Philippine-occupied Flat Island and Lankiam Cay where soldiers stationed at Nanshan Island and Loaita Island respectively, regularly visit on a daily basis

The effective visible distance of horizon from a 15 meter (typical large structure) height above sea-level is miles (14 km) This makes features occupied by the second condition to be also labeled as "occupied" since they can be guarded far away However not all features within the 9-mile (14 km) radius can be considered as absolutely occupied This is especially true for features that lie between and within miles (14 km) of two or more features occupied by different countries (See Virtually Occupied or Controlled table)

Republic of China (Taiwan)

Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

Itu Aba Island[14] [32]


Taiping Dao

The largest of the Spratly islands Located about 22 miles (35 km) south-southwest of Philippine-occupied Loiata (Kota) Island and about miles (10 km) west of Vietnam-occupied Sand Cay Covered with shrubs, coconut and mangroves 600 soldiers stationed, lighthouse, radio and weather stations, concrete landing jetty and two wells at the SW end Guano deposits, fringing reef Hainan fishermen used to visit annually In 8/93, plans were announced for a km-long airstrip[33] and a fishing port The now only 1150-meters-long airstrip was completed in January 2008.[34] Pineapple was once cultivated here Occupied since September 1956, four months after Filipino Tomas Cloma claimed the islands Part of Tizard Banks.

46 Ligaw[35]

Đảo Ba Bình

Ban Than Reef[32]



Jiao Lies miles (5 km) east of Itu-Aba Island and miles (5 km) west of Vietnamese occupied Sand Cay Small drying reef Occupied since 1995 Part of Tizard Banks. Bãi Bàn


Total 1 island, reef 46

People's Republic of China

Int'l Name Local Names Description Area




Jiao north Occupied by PRC since 1988 As of 2011, has permanent reef fortresses and supply platforms able to resist winds up to 71 knots and equipped with VHF / UHF communications equipment, search radars as well as naval guns and anti-aircraft guns, which can serve as docks for Chinese navy patrol boats.[36]Part of London Reefs.

Calderon Bãi /Đá Châu Viên

Fiery Cross Reef/ Northwest Investigator Reef[14][32]

永暑礁 Yongshu Jiao

Rocks up to m high All below at high tide, but has guano deposits Occupied by PRC since 1988 "Marine observation station" built by PRC in 1988; PRC built a navy harbor by blasting, piling up and cementing coral; coconut, fir, and banyan trees planted As of 2011, designated the PRC main command headquarters; equipped with satellite data transmission, surface and air search radars; armed with at least four high-powered naval guns and several gun emplacements.[36] Actually reefs.

0 Kagitingan

Đá Chữ Thập

Gaven Reefs[14] [32]

南薰礁 Nanxun Jiao (Northern reef) / Xinan or Duolu Jiao (S reef)

A sand dune, m high Has fringing reef plus a reef miles (3 km) to the south, both covered at high tide, all cement and a raised metal frame with two-story buildings placed on top Southern reef was occupied by PRC on 7/4/92 Occupied since 1988 As of 2011, has permanent reef fortresses and supply platforms able to resist winds up to 71 knots and equipped with VHF / UHF communications equipment, search radars as well as naval guns and anti-aircraft guns, which can serve as docks for Chinese navy patrol boats.[36]Part of Tizard Banks.

0 Burgos

Đá Ga Ven

Hughes Reef[14] 东门礁 Dongmen Jiao

Lies miles (14 km) to the east of Sin Cowe Island Naturally above water at least at low tide Occupied since 1988 Part of Union Banks.


Johnson South Reef[14][32]

赤瓜礁 Chigua Jiao

Contiguous with Vietnam-occupied Collins Reef which lies miles (6 km) away northwest Naturally above water only at low tide, but many rocks above water at high tide Site of 1988 PRC/Vietnam clash Occupied since 1988 As of 2011, has permanent reef fortresses and supply platforms able to resist winds up to 71 knots and equipped with VHF / UHF communications equipment, search radars as well as naval guns and anti-aircraft guns, which can serve as docks for Chinese navy patrol boats.[36]Part of Union Banks.

0 Mabini

Đá Gạc Ma

Mischief Reef[14]

[32] Jiao美济礁 Meiji Some rocks above water at low tide Has a lagoon In February 1995, PRC had built a wooden complex on stilts here, starting its formal occupation of the feature In 1999, the Philippines protested over this

0 Panganiban[35]


structures claiming that it is a military outpost and it poses danger to Philippine security and national defense, being 130 miles (209 km) from Palawan PRC claims it is a shelter for fishermen As of 2011, the "shelters" were equipped with satellite

communications and radars and Panganiban Reef has four building complexes with 13 multi-storey

Subi Reef[14][32]

渚碧礁 Zhubi Dao

Lies 16 miles (26 km) southwest of Philippine-occupied Thitu Island (Pagasa Island) Naturally above water only at low tide Surrounds a lagoon As of 2011, PRC has built a permanent reef fortress and supply platform that can house 160 troops This garrison has a helipad and is armed with four twin barrel 37-millimeter naval guns.[36]

0 Zamora

Đá Su Bi

First Thomas Reef

信义礁 Xinyi Jiao

信義暗沙 Xinyi Ansha

A few rocks are permanently above sea level Much of the reef is above water at low tide Encloses a lagoon

0 Bulig[35]

Bãi Suối Ngà Whitson Reef[32] 牛轭礁


Jiao Some rocks naturally above water at high tide Part

of Union Banks.

Đá Ba Đầu

Total 9 reefs 0

Republic of the Philippines

Int'l Name Local Names Description Area


Flat Island[14]

[32] Patag

[35] The fourteenth largest Spratly island About miles (10 km) southwest of Philippine-occupied Lawak Island (Nanshan Island) It changes its shape seasonally The sand build up will depend largely on the direction of prevailing wind and waves It takes the shape of an elongated one for some years now and a shape like that of a crescent moon for few years ago and it formed the shape of a letter "S" in the past Like Panata Island (Lankiam Cay), it is also barren of any vegetation No underground water source is found in the island Presently, this island serves only as a military


费信岛 費信島


observation post for the Municipality of Kalayaan A low, flat, sandy cay, 240 by 90 m, subject to erosion Has a nearby

Lankiam Cay[14] [32]


The fifteenth largest and the smallest Spratly island Located miles (13 km) northeast of Philippine-occupied Kota Island (Lankiam Cay) A few years ago this island has a surface area of more than hectares but strong waves brought by a strong typhoon washed out the sandy surface (beach) of the island leaving behind today the calcarenite foundation that can be seen at low tide Several soldiers stationed Part of Loaita Banks.


杨信沙洲 楊信沙洲

Yangxin Shazhou

Cồn San Hô Lan Can

Loaita Island[14][32]

Kota[35] The tenth largest Spratly island Located 22 miles (35 km) southeast of Philippine-occupied Pag-asa Island (Thitu Island) and 22 miles (35 km) north-northeast of the ROC-occupied Itu Aba Island It fringes the Laoita bank and reef Its calcarenite outcrop is visible along its western side at low tide The present shape of the island indicates sand buildup along its eastern side The anchor-shaped side will eventually connect with the northern portion as the sand buildup

continues thereby creating another mini-lagoon in the

process The presence of migrating sea birds adds to the high phosphorus contents of the sand found in the island

Occasionally, giant sea turtles are reported to be laying their eggs in the island Covered with mangrove bushes, above which rose coconut palms and other small trees Several soldiers stationed Occupied since 1968 Part of Loaita Banks.


南钥岛 南鑰島

Nanyue Dao

Đảo Loại Ta

Nanshan Island[14][32]

Lawak[35] The eighth largest Spratly island Located 98.0 miles (157.7 km) east of Pag-asa (Thitu Island) This island is a bird sanctuary Its surroundings are highly phosphatized that superphosphate materials can be mined out on a small-scale basis Near the fringes of the breakwaters (approx miles (3 km) from the island), intact hard coral reefs were observed to retain their natural environment and beautiful tropical fishes were seen colonizing these coral beds of varying colors Covered with coconut trees, bushes and grass 580 m long, on the edge of a submerged reef Several soldiers stationed Has a small airstrip


马欢岛 馬歡島

Mahuan Dao

Đảo Vĩnh Viễn

Northeast Cay

[14] [32] Parola

[35] The fifth largest Spratly island Only 1.75 miles (2.82 km) north of Vietnamese-occupied Southwest Cay and can be seen before the horizon Located 28 miles (45 km) northwest





Beizi Jiao

of Philippine-occupied Pag-asa (Thitu Island) Some of its outcrops are visible on its western side It has high salinity groundwater and vegetation limited to beach type of plants The corals around the island were mostly destroyed by rampant use of dynamite fishing and cyanide method employed by foreign fishing boats in the past Covered with Đảo Song

Tử Đông

Thitu Island[14] [32]

Pag-asa[35]The second largest Spratly island Serves as the poblacion for the Municipality of Kalayaan, Palawan, Phils It is covered with trees and has a variety of fauna It is home to some 300+ civilians (including children) and over 50 soldiers Other islands are expected to be populated before 2010 Population is regulated to protect the islands' flora and fauna and to avoid tension with other countries It has 1.4 km airstrip, a marina, water filtering plant, power generator and a commercial communications tower (by Smart

Communications) The Philippines' Department of Tourism is making improvements to the island to make it profitable Occupied since 1968 Part of Thitu Reefs.


中业岛 中業島

Zhongye Dao

Đảo Thị Tứ

West York Island[14] [32]

Likas[35] The third largest Spratly island This island is located 47 miles (76 km) northeast of Pag-asa (Thitu Island) Outcrops are visible on the southern and eastern portion of the island during low tides This island is considered a sanctuary for giant sea turtles that lay their eggs on the island all year round The high salinity of the ground water in the island retards the growth of introduced trees like coconuts, ipil-ipil, and other types Only those endemic to the area that are mostly beach type of plants thrive and survive the hot and humid condition especially during the dry season Has an observation post Several soldiers stationed


西月岛 西月島

Xiyue Dao

Đảo Bến Lạc, Đảo Dừa

Commodore Reef[14][32]


A sand "cay", 0.5 m high, surrounded by two lagoons Parts of reef above water at high tide It is a typical reef lying underwater and is now being manned by a military

contingent based and established in the area Some structures Several soldiers stationed Occupied since 1978


司令礁 司令礁

Siling Jiao Đá Công Đo

Terumbu Laksamana


at northern end Some structures Several soldiers stationed

火艾礁 火艾礁

  Huo'ai Jiao Đảo Cá Nhám Second Thomas Reef[38] Ayungin[3 5]

A shallow reef It is close to Chinese-occupied Mischief Reef It was occupied by the Philippines in 1999, after the 1995 controversial Chinese occupation of Mischief Reef, to put pressure on China not to occupy any features further which lie near the Philippines



Ren'ai Jiao


Ren'ai Ansha

Total 7 islands, reefs 83.89

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

Amboyna Cay[14] [32]

Datu Kalantiaw[35]

The thirteenth largest Spratly island Two parts: East part consists of sand and coral, west part is covered with guano Has fringing reef An obelisk, about 2.7 m high, stands on the SW corner Little vegetation Lighthouse operational since May 1995 Heavily fortified 1.6 安波沙洲 Anbo Shazhou Đảo An Bang Pulau Amboyna Kecil

Namyit Island [14] [32]

Binago[35] The twelfth largest Spratly island Covered with small trees, bushes and grass Has a fringing reef and is inhabited by sea birds The island is inhabited by an unknown number of Vietnamese soldiers and in the deep waters fronting the south side it is said that a submarine base is situated.[citation needed] Occupied since 1975.Part of Tizard Banks.



Hongxiu Dao Đảo Nam Yết

Sand Cay[14][32]

Bailan The ninth largest Spratly island Lies miles (10 km) to the east of Taiwan-occupied Itu Aba Island Covered with trees and bushes Fringing reef partly above water at low tide This feature is commonly confused with Sandy Cay Occupied since 1974 Part of Tizard Banks. 敦谦沙洲 Dunqian Shazhou Đảo /Đá Sơn Ca Sin Cowe

Island[14] [32] Rurok

[35] The seventh largest Has fringing reef which is above water at low tide Occupied since 1974 Part of Union Banks.




Đảo Sinh Tồn

Southwest Cay[14] [32]

Pugad The sixth largest Spratly island Only 1.75 miles (2.82 km) from Northeast Cay and can be seen before the horizon Previously a breeding place for birds and covered with trees and guano Export of guano was once carried out "on a considerable scale." Fringing reef partly above water at high tide Vietnam erected its first lighthouse in the Spratlys here in October 1993 and built an airstrip Has a three-story building, garrisoned by soldiers Philippine military controlled the island before early 1970s South Vietnamese forces (Republic of Vietnam) invaded the island in 1975, when Filipino soldiers guarding the island attended the birthday party of their commanding officer based in the nearby Northeast Cay A confirmed report came out that Vietnamese prostitutes were sent by Vietnamese officials to the birthday party, supposedly a sign of good brotherhood between the forces, but was actually used to lure the Filipino soldiers guarding the island Filipino forces apparently planned on attacking the island, thus it would have led to a war, but Vietnamese forces were able to erect a huge garrison in the island within few weeks, forcing Filipino officials to abort the plan Since then, more soldiers were assigned to Parola Island (North East Cay), to avoid it from happening again This was confirmed by interviews with soldiers involved in an episode of the defunct ABS-CBN's Magandang Gabi Bayan (Good Evening Nation) program See Policies, activities and history of the Philippines in Spratly Islands#Southwest Cay invasion for more details Part of North Danger Reef.



Nanzi Dao


Nanzi Jiao

Đảo Song Tử Tây

Spratly Island ( proper ) / Storm Island[14][32]

Lagos The fourth largest Spratly island 2.5 m high, flat Covered with bushes, grass, birds and guano 5.5 m-high obelisk at southern tip Has landing strip, and a fishing port Fringing reef is above water at low tide Some structures with soldiers stationed Occupied since 1974



Nanwei Dao Đảo Trường Sa

Alison Reef[14][32]

De Jesus[35]

Naturally above water only at low tide Encloses a



Liumen Jiao Bãi Tốc Tan Barque Canada

Reef/ Lizzie Weber Reef[14][32]

(Barque Canada Reef) Magsaysay

Coral Highest rocks are 4.5 m high, at SW end Much of reef is above water at high tide Some sandy patches 18 miles (29 km) long Its military structures were recently upgraded Occupied since 1987


Weber Reef) Mascarado

柏礁 Bai Jiao Bãi Thuyền Chài Terumbu Perahu Central London Reef[14][32] Gitnang Quezon[35]

SW part is a sandbank which barely submerges at high tide The rest is coral reef, awash, surrounding a lagoon Occupied since 1978 Part of London Reefs.


中礁 Zhong Jiao Đảo Trường Sa Đông Collins Reef/ Johnson North Reef[32]

Roxas Lies miles (13 km) southwest of Vietnam-occupied Sin Cowe Island Connected to Johnson South Reef A "coral dune" is located at the southeast corner, above the high tide line Part of Union Banks.



Guihan Jiao Đá Cơ Lin Cornwallis South



Naturally above water only at low tide Encloses a

lagoon Occupied since 1988


Nanhua Jiao Đá Núi Le Great Discovery



Several rocks are above water at high tide Most of reef is above water at low tide Has lagoon Occupied since 1988 大现礁 Daxian Dao Đá Lớn East London Reef[14][32] Silangang Quezon[35]

Rocks up to m high Encloses a lagoon Occupied since 1988 Part of London Reefs.

东礁 Dong Jiao

Đá Đông

Grierson Reef[32]


Felipe A sand cay with fringing reef Some references tell thatthere exist a Sin Cowe East Island This island may be Grierson Reef It was probably called Sin Cowe East Island because it is located to the east of Sin Cowe Island and that its sand bar is visible during low tides, making it an island Due to convention that an island must always be visible even at highest tides, Grierson Reef is not considered as an island in this list Its sand bar area is about 12 hectares Part of Union Banks.



Ranqing Shazhou Higgens Reef[14] 屈原礁

Quyuan Jiao

Lies miles (10 km) southeast of Vietnam-occupied Sin Cowe Island Only above water at low tide Part of Union Banks.

0 Đá Hi



Ladd Reef[14] 日积礁 Riji

Jiao Naturally above water at low tide Has coral lagoon

Occupied since 1988

Đá Lát Lan(d)sdowne



Sand dune, with fringing reef Part of Union Banks.

琼礁 Qiong Jiao

Đá Len Đao

Pearson Reef[14][32]


Two sand "cays", m and m high, lie on the edges of a lagoon Parts of the surrounding reef are above water at high tide Occupied since 1988


Bisheng Jiao Đảo Phan Vinh

Petley Reef[14][32]

Juan Luna

Naturally above water only at low tide, some small rocks might stand above high water Occupied since 1988 Part of Tizard Banks.



Bolan Jiao Đá Núi Thị Pigeon Reef/

Tennent Reef[14][32]


Numerous rocks are naturally above the high tide line Encloses a lagoon Occupied since 1988


Wumie Jiao Đá Tiên Nữ

South Reef[14][32]

Timog Lies about 2.5 miles (4 km) southwest of Vietnam-occupied Southwest Cay A tiny cay appears atop this reef on the most detailed map available On the southwest end of North Danger Reef Fringing reef is above water at low tide Occupied since 1988 Part of North Danger Reef.

0 奈罗礁 Nailuo Jiao Đá Nam West London Reef[14][32] Kanlurang

Quezon[35] East part is sand "cay", 0.6 m high West part is coral reef which is above water only at low tide Between them is a lagoon Vietnam erected a lighthouse here in May or June 1994 Part of London Reefs.


西礁 Xi Jiao

Đá Tây Rifleman Bank

(containing Bombay Castle)[32]


Nanwei Tan Shallowest natural depth is m, called Bombay Castle Sand and coral Occupied since 1989 Bãi Vũng

Mây Prince of Wales Bank


Guangya Tan Shallowest natural depth is m Has corals Occupied

since 1989

Bãi Phúc Tần

Grainger Bank[32] 李准滩 Lizhun Tan

Shallowest natural depth is either m or 11 m Occupied since 1991


Bãi Quế Đường Alexandra Bank


Renjun Tan

Shallowest natural depth is m Occupied since 1991 Bãi Phúc

Tần Prince Consort Bank[32]


Xiwei Tan

Shallowest natural depth is m Occupied since 1990 Bãi Phúc

Nguyên Vanguard Bank[32]


Wan'an Tan Shallowest natural depth is 16 m Vietnam has run three "economic technological service stations" in this area since July 1994 Occupied since 1989 Bãi Tư


Total 6 islands, 16 reefs, banks 46.9


Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

Swallow Reef / Island[14] [32]

Celerio The eleventh largest Spratly island Treeless cay and rocks up to m high surround a lagoon Malaysia has drawn territorial seas around this and Amboyna Cay Some 70 plus soldiers stationed here maintain a beacon Has a fishing port and a 15-room diving resort, including a 1.5 km airstrip Present land mass is reclaimed, making it the first artificial island in Spratly Occupied since 1983

6.2 Đá Hoa Lau


Danwan Jiao Terumbu Layang Layang

Ardasier Reef[14][32]

Antonio Luna[35]

Naturally above water only at low tide Encloses a lagoon Has a few sandy patches Several soldiers stationed Occupied since 1986



Guangxingzai Jiao

Bãi Kiêu Ngựa

Terumbu Ubi

Dallas Reef[32]

Rajah Matanda

Naturally above water only at low tide Encloses a lagoon Several soldiers stationed Malaysia is also using this reef for tourism



Guangxing Jiao Terumbu Laya

Erica Reef/ Enloa Reef[39]

Gabriela Silang[35]

Above water only at low tide Some isolated rocks on the eastern edge stand above high water



Terumbu Siput

Investigator Shoal[39]


Above water only at low tide Some large rocks at the western end are visible at high water Encloses a lagoon


Yuya Ansha Bãi Thám Hiểm

Terumbu Peninjau

Louisa Reef[32]


Nantong Jiao

Rocks m high Malaysia operates a lighthouse here Terumbu

Semarang/ Barat Kecil

Mariveles Reef[14][32]


A sand cay, 1.5–2 m high, surrounded by two lagoons, parts of which are above water at high tide Several soldiers stationed Occupied since 1986



Nanhai Jiao Bãi /Đá Kỳ Vân

Terumbu Mantanani

Total 1 artificial island, reefs, shoal 6.2

[edit] Virtually occupied or controlled

An unoccupied feature that lies within miles (14 km) radius of an occupied feature, provided that it does not lie between the occupied feature and another occupied feature controlled by a different country and is not within miles (14 km) of the feature occupied by the other country, can be considered as virtually occupied miles (14 km) is the effective horizon distance that can be seen from a 15 meter high structure The nearer the feature, the better

While virtually occupied features are not actual occupied features (e.g., no structures built and no soldiers are stationed or regularly visits), they are on the other hand largely controlled If a naval vessel of another country was seen within the effective horizon of a feature and in an

inconvenient direction, it can be taken as a military assault Thus, the forces occupying the feature may attack the vessel Claimant countries currently cannot upgrade the status of these virtually occupied features to absolutely occupied because other countries may view this as an expansion motive which clearly violates the Code of Conduct signed in 2002 Also, making the virtually occupied to absolutely occupied requires building of structures which will serve as barracks of new soldiers who will guard it Building of structures in unoccupied (including virtually occupied) features is prohibited by the Code of Conduct


occupies features which are near to it Example of this is South Reef which Vietnam immediately occupied after it successfully invaded Southwest Cay Thus, no feature has been virtually

controlled by Vietnam since it always occupy features which it can see within its horizon Also, Vietnam's occupied features in Tizard and Union Banks are near other countries' occupied features Hence, many unoccupied features near to Vietnam's occupied features in these banks also lie near other countries' occupied features As for Malaysia, it only occupied reefs at the southern tip of the Spratly chain where features are dispersed No other features can be found within the horizon of Malaysian-occupied features

Virtually Occupied and Controlled Virtually Occupied by the Philippines

Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

Loaita Cay

Melchora Aquino

Lies 1.5 miles (2 km) south-northeast of Philippine-occupied Loaita Island Actually, it is between two

Philippine-occupied islands, the other being Lankiam Cay, but is nearer to Loita Island A sand cay, with fringing reef naturally above water at high tide This feature is

commonly confused with Lankiam Cay Not to be confused with Loaita Island Part of Loiata Banks.



Nanyao Shazhou Bãi Loại Ta

Loaita Nan/ Loaita Southwest Reef


Lies miles (8 km) northwest of Philippine-occupied Loaita Island Nearest feature occupied by other country is Subi Reef, occupied by China, lies 30 miles (48 km) northwest Never above water Part of Loaita Banks.



Shuanghuang Shazhou

Bãi Loại Ta Nam

North Reef

Hilaga Lies 1.5 miles (2 km) northest of Philippine-occupied Northest Cay (Parola Island) Nearest feature occupied by other country is Southwest Cay, occupied by Vietnam, lies 3.5 miles (6 km) southwest Because it is Northeast Cay which lies between Southwest Cay and North Reef, North Reef became virtually occupied by the Philippines At NE end of North Danger Reef Naturally above water only at low tide The Philippines once considered building a long airstrip over this feature to ease transportation to Northeast Cay Northeast Cay is only 12.7 hectares and it doesn't have a large coral base This is unlike Pagasa Island (Thitu Island) were a long airstrip had been constructed adjacent to the island by reclaiming portions of Pagasa's large coral base Hence, the Philippines cannot build a long airstrip in Northeast Cay, forcing them to consider building it in North Reef However, though virtually occupied, they cannot build such airstrip in North Reef because the Code of Conduct prohibits it Part of North Danger Reef.



Gongshi Jiao



Reef Tiexian Jiao

Island Nearest feature occupied by other country is Subi Reef, occupied by China, lies 13 miles (21 km) southwest A low sand cay; fringing reef above water at high tide

Virtually Occupied by China

Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

Kennan Reef


Ximen Jiao (Kennan)

Lies just mile (2 km) west of PRC-occupied Hughes Reef Nearest features occupied by other country is Vietnam-occupied Sin Cowe Island and Higgens Reef, both lies about miles (14 km) west and southwest respectively Because China is very near compared to Vietnam, Kennan Reef became virtually occupied by China It actually causes many references to be confused on which feature between Hughes and Kennan is actually occupied by China Naturally above water at least at low tide

0 Đá Ken Nan

Edmund Reef 南门礁 Nanmen Jiao

Lies miles (6 km) east of Vietnam-occupied Sin Cowe Island and miles (6 km) west of Kennan Reef Part of Union Banks.

0 Hallet Reef Jiao安乐礁 Anle Lies mile (2 km) to the northeast of Hughes Reef of Union Banks. Part Holiday Reef 长线礁

Changxian Jiao Above water only at low tide Part of Union Banks. Empire Reef 主权礁

Zhuquan Jiao Above water only at low tide Part of Union Banks.

Eldad Reef


Anda Jiao

Only a few large rocks are naturally above water at high

tide Part of Tizard Banks.

Malvar Beting Burgai

[edit] Unoccupied features

Unoccupied but Largely Controlled by the Philippines

The reefs, shoals, etc to the east of the 116°E meridian are closely guarded by the Philippine Navy and Air Force Though not occupied, the Philippines undeniably has control over these features which are less 100 miles (160 km) from the Palawan west coast (note: Scarborough Shoal is 100 miles (160 km) from Zambales west coast) There are many Filipino fishermen in this region, who cooperate closely with the Philippine Navy Non-Filipino fishermen are tolerated in this region, provided that they comply with Philippine laws The press in the

Philippines have reported many arrests of Chinese fishermen by the Philippine Navy because of illegal fishing methods and catching of endangered sea species, both in this region and in the


Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

Amy Douglas Bank or Reef

Mahiwagang Diwata

Lies north of Palawan Passage Awash at low tide


Antang Tan, 安 塘礁 Antang Jiao

Bombay Shoal


Santos[35] Several rocks are exposed at low tide Surrounds a



Pengbo Ansha Boxall Reef

Rajah Sulayman

Above water only at low tide


Niuchelun Jiao Carnadic Shoal 红石暗沙

Hongshi Ansha

Director Shoal/Reef




Zhixiang Jiao Ganges Reef



恒礁 Heng Jiao

Glasgow Bank

Aguinaldo Some sources say[citation needed] this area is occupied by the Philippines due to its proximity to the

Commodore Reef


双礁 Shuang Jiao

Half Moon Shoal


Several rocks on the eastern side rise one to two feet above high tide Encloses a lagoon


Banyue Jiao Bãi Trăng Khuyết

Hardy Reef


Naturally above water only at low tide Surrounds a

narrow strip of sand


Banlu Jiao

Hopkins Reef Huoxing Jiao火星礁

Investigator Northeast Shoal


Bukid Lies only a few miles west of Palawan Naturally

above water at low tide


Haikou Jiao

Iroquois Reef Del Pilar Lies east of both Philippine-occupied Nanshan Island and Flat Island Above water only at low tide



Houteng Jiao Leslie Bank Urduja 勇士滩 Yongshi Tan Lord Auckland Shoal Lapu-Lapu 莪兰暗沙 Elan Ansha Lys Shoal Bisugo 乐斯暗沙 Lesi Ansha North East Shoal


Lies only a few miles north of Commodore Reef

Above water only at low tide


Xiaowei Ansha Pennsylvania

North Reef Yangming Jiao阳明礁


South Reef Kongming Jiao孔明礁

Reed Tablemount (including Nares Bank and Marie Louise


Recto[35] Shallowest natural depth is m About 2,500 square miles (6,500 km2) in area The Philippines occupied this feature in 1971 and a Philippine-Sweden joint oil-exploration followed afterwards.[32] However, China protested this act of the Philippines saying that this tablemount which center lies 100 miles (160 km) from the Philippines is part of China's territories After that, the Philippines tried asking China for a joint effort but China declined, arguing that the Philippines has no right in this feature Presently, this feature is largely controlled by the Philippines



Liyue Tan

Bãi Cỏ Rồng

Royal Captain Shoal


A few rocks are above water at low tide Surrounds a



Jianzhang Jiao Sabina Shoal

Escoda It encloses two lagoons, naturally above water at low tide Lies east of the Philippine-occupied Second

Thomas Reef

仙宾礁 Xianbin Jiao Sandy Shoal Mabuhangin 神仙暗沙 Shenxian Ansha Seahorse Shoal or

Seashore Shoal

Baybayin Dagat

Lies north of Palawan Passage


Southern Bank/Reef

Katimugan A group of features located south of Reed Tablemount The reef includes: Magat Salamat, Tagpi, Hubo Reef, and Katimugan Banks/Reef The area is largely controlled and used for fishing by the Philippines due to its proximity to Flat Island and Nanshan Island



Nanfang Qiantan

Templar Bank




Zhongxiao Tan Trident Shoal




Yongdeng Ansha Viper North Shoal




Duhu Ansha Viper Shoal

Tomas Claudio



Baowei Ansha

Unoccupied but Largely Controlled by Malaysia

Malaysia claims a portion of the South China Sea together with 11 islands and other marine features in the Spratly group on the basis that they are within its continental shelf These shoals lie off the North-Western coast of Sarawak over an area of 100 km in the South China Sea, as such, they are largely controlled by Malaysia.

Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

North Luconia Shoals

北康暗沙 Beikang Ansha

0 Gugusan Beting Raja

Jarum South Luconia


南康暗沙 Nankang Ansha

0 Gugusan Beting Patinggi


James Shoal 曾母暗沙 Zengmu AnshaShallowest natural depth is 17.5 m.

Not Occupied by any Country

These are the unoccupied features Some sources say that some of these features are occupied by Vietnam or China but most sources, including the latest, say that they are not occupied


Int'l Name Local Names Description Area (ha.)

Alicia Annie Reef


A sand "cay", 1.2 m high Many rocks above

high tide line

仙娥礁 Xian'e Jiao

Đá Suối Ngọc Coronation

Bank Tan康泰滩 Kangtai

Discovery Small Reef


Above water only at low tide

小现礁 Xiaoxian Jiao

Đá Nhỏ Dhaulle Shoal 逍遥暗沙

Xiaoyao Ansha

Hopps Reef

Diego Silang

Above water only at low tide Part of

Southampton Reefs.

禄沙礁 Lusha Jiao

Đá Hop Jackson Atoll


Four or five portions are above water at low tide

Encloses a lagoon

五方礁 Wufang Jiao

Jones Reef Jiao漳溪礁 Zhangxi

Lies miles (8 km) south of Kennan Reef Small reef, partly above water only at low tide Part of

Union Banks.

Livock Reef

(NE part) Jacinto

Above water only at low tide Some rocks still visible at high tide Part of Southampton Reefs. (SW part)


三角礁 Sanjiao Jiao

Menzies Reef

Rajah Lakandula[35]

Awash at low tide Part of Loaita Bank.

蒙自礁 Mengzi Jiao

Đá Men Di

Owen Shoal 奥援暗沙

Aoyuan Ansha Shallowest natural depth is m Thitu Reef 铁峙礁 Tiezhi


Above water only at low tide Located northeast of Thitu Island and unnamed on most maps Part of Thitu Reefs



Only the PRC, the ROC and Vietnam claim all of the Spratly Island Chain, including some features that are just 50 km from other countries like the Philippines and Malaysia However, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei all have partial claims only Here are the islands claimed but are not occupied by these three countries (flags refer to the country currently occupying the feature):

Philippines: Itu Aba Island , Amboyna Cay , Namyit Island , Sand Cay , Sin

Cowe Island , Sin Cowe East Island , Southwest Cay , Spratly Island Proper , Pigeon Reef , South Reef , Ardasier Reef , Erica Reef , Investigator Shoal , Mariveles Reef , Swallow Reef/Island , Mischief Reef , Subi Reef and all of features to the east of the 116°E meridian (unoccupied) (see Unoccupied but Largely Controlled by the Philippines subtable)

Malaysia: Amboyna Cay , Barque Canada Reef , Commodore Reef and Royal

Charlotte Reef (unoccupied)

Brunei: Rifleman Bank , Louisa Reef and Owen Shoal (uncertain)

[edit] 20th century timeline

1900 - Vietnam's Nguyễn Dynasty continued to assert that the state Bac Hai Company had exercised Vietnam's sovereignty in the Spratlys since the 18th century. 1927 The French ship SS De Lanessan conducted a scientific survey of the Spratly Islands 1930

France launched a second expedition with the La Malicieuse, which raised the French flag on an island called Ỵle de la Tempête Chinese fishermen were present on the island, but the French made no attempt to expel them


The Republic of China sent the French government a memorandum contesting their sovereignty over the Paracels, stating that the Paracels were the extreme south of Chinese territories, based on the Chinese interpretation of the 1887 treaty ending the Sino-French War


Three French ships had taken control of nine of the largest islands and declared French sovereignty over the archipelago to the great powers including the UK, US, China and Japan, according to the principles found in the Berlin convention France administered the area as part of Cochinchina Japanese companies applied to the French authority in

Cochichina for phosphate mining licence in the Spratlys


The Empire of Japan disputed French sovereignty over the islands, citing that Japan was the first country to discover the islands

Japan declared its intention to place the island group under its jurisdiction France and the United Kingdom protested and reasserted French sovereignty claims


Japan forcibly occupied the island group and remained in control until the end of World War II, administering the area as part of Taiwan A submarine base was established on Itu Aba


1946 France dispatched warships to the islands several times but no attempts are made to evict Chinese forces

1947 China produced a map with undefined dotted lines, and claimed all of the islands within those lines.[40] France demanded the Chinese withdraw from the islands. 1948 France ceased maritime patrols near the islands and China withdrew most of its troops


At the 1951 San Francisco Conference on the Peace Treaty with Japan, the Soviet Union proposed that the Spratlys belonged to China This was overhelmingly rejected by the delegates The delegates from Vietnam, which at that time was a French protectorate, declared sovereignty over the Paracel and the Spratly Islands, which was not opposed by any delegate at the conference China did not attend the conference and was not a

signatory of the treaty


Tomas Cloma, director of the Maritime Institute of the Philippines, claimed sovereignty over much of the Spratly Islands, naming his territory "Kalaya'an" ("Freedomland") The People's Republic of China, the Republic of China, France, South Vietnam, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands all issued protests The Republic of China and South Vietnam launched naval units to the islands, though South Vietnam left no permanent garrison Later in the year, South Vietnam declared its annexation of the Spratly Islands as part of its Phước Tuy Province


The People's Republic of China issued a declaration defining its territorial waters which encompassed the Spratly Islands North Vietnam's prime minister, Phạm Văn Đồng, sent a formal note to Zhou Enlai, stating that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam respects the decision on the 12 nautical mile limit of territorial waters Both the South Vietnamese government and the communist revolutionary movement in South Vietnam continued to assert that the Spratlys belonged to Vietnam

1961-3 South Vietnam established sovereignty markers on several islands in the chain

1968 The Philippines sent troops to three islands on the premise of protecting Kalayaan citizens and announced the annexation of the Kalayaan island group

1971 Malaysia issued claims to some of the Spratly Islands

1972 The Philippines incorporated the Kalayaan islands into its Palawan province 1975 The unified Vietnam declared claims over the Spratly Islands

1978 A presidential decree from the Philippines outlined territorial claims to the islands


Malaysia published a map of its continental shelf claim, which includes twelve islands from the Spratly group

Vietnam published a white paper outlining its claims to the islands and disputing those of the other claimants


Vietnam published another white paper, occupied several of the islands and constructed military installations

The Philippines also occupied several more islands and constructed an air strip


1984 Brunei established an exclusive fishing zone encompassing the Louisa Reef and neighboring areas in the southeastern Spratly Islands

1996 The first Philippine-Vietnam Joint Marine Scientific Research Expedition in the South China Sea was conducted aboard the RPS Explorer of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

1987 The People's Republic of China conducted naval patrols in the Spratly Islands and established a permanent base

1988 PRC warships and Vietnamese transport ships had a minor clash over Johnson Reef PRC forces prevailed and the PRC won control over some Spratly reefs for the first time in the dispute


The Philippine government revealed Chinese military structure being built at the Mischief Reefs Philippine President Fidel Ramos ordered increased patrol of the

Philippine-controlled areas, the incident leads to numerous arrests of Chinese fishermen and naval clashes with Chinese pirate vessels

2008 Taiwan's President became the first head of state from the claimant countries to visit Spratly islands His visit sparks criticism from other claimants


The Office of the Philippine President enacted the "Philippine Baselines Law of 2009" (RA 9522) The new law classifies the Kalayaan Island Group and the Scarborough Shoal as a "regime of islands under the Republic of the Philippines." This means that the

Philippines continues to lay claim over the disputed islands.[41]


Two submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf were made on May A joint submission by Malaysia and Vietnam claims jurisdiction over their

respective continental shelves out to 200 nautical miles A lone submission by Vietnam claims jurisdiction over an extended shelf area The People's Republic of China and the Philippines both protested the moves stating that they violated agreements made with regards to the islands.[42][43]


On 18 May 2011, China Mobile announced that its mobile phone coverage has expanded to the Spratly Islands, under the rationale that it can allow soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen and merchant vessels within the area to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues The deployment of China Mobile's support over the islands took roughly one year to fulfil.[44]


In June, the Chinese navy conducted three days of exercises, including live fire drills, in the disputed waters This was widely seen as a warning to Vietnam, which had also conducted live fire drills near the Spratly Islands Chinese patrol boats fired repeated rounds at a target on an apparently uninhabited island, as twin fighter jets streaked in tandem overhead 14 vessels participated in the maneuvers, staging antisubmarine and beach landing drills aimed at "defending atolls and protecting sea lanes."[45]

[edit] See also

 Senkaku Islands dispute


1 ^ Veloso Abueva, Jose (1999) Admiral Tomas Cloma, father of maritime

education and discoverer of freedomland/Kalayaan Islands. Center for Leadership, Citizenship and Democracy, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines (Diliman, Quezon City)

2 ^ Guo, Rongxing Territorial Disputes and Resource Management. p 229 ^ ab Borneo Post: When All Else Fails Additionally, pages 48 and 51 of "The

Brunei-Malaysia Dispute over Territorial and Maritime Claims in International Law" by R Haller-Trost, Clive Schofield, and Martin Pratt, published by the International

Boundaries Research Unit, University of Durham, UK, points out that this is, in fact, a "territorial dispute" between Brunei and other claimants over the ownership of one above-water feature (Louisa Reef)

4 ^


5 ^


6 ^ "China asserts sea border claims" British Broadcasting Corporation May 13,

2009 Retrieved 2009-06-11

7 ^ See the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf's website ^ "Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu's Remarks on Vietnam's

Submission on Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf in South China Sea" Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People's Republic of China 10 May 2009 Retrieved 2009-06-11

9 ^ Online version available from the ASEAN website.

10 ^ Landler, Mark (2010-07-23) "Offering to Aid Talks, U.S Challenges China on

Disputed Islands" The New York Times Retrieved 2010-08-15

11 ^ Wong, Edward (2010-02-04) "Vietnam Enlists Allies to Stave Off China’s

Reach" The New York Times Retrieved 2010-08-15

12 ^ "China, US spar over Spratlys" The Manila Times 2010-08-02 Retrieved


13 ^ Lee, Peter (2010-07-29) "US goes fishing for trouble" Retrieved 2010-08-15. 14 ^ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacadaeafagahaiajakalamanaoap Territorial

claims in the Spratly and Paracel Islands, globalsecurity.org

15 ^ United Nations Law of the Sea 16 ^ Case of the Spratly Island Dispute

17 ^ "Jurisprudential Evidence To Support China's Sovereignty over the Nansha

Islands";"Historical Evidence To Support China's Sovereignty over Nansha

Islands";"International Recognition Of China's Sovereignty over the Nansha Islands", Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China

18 ^ David G Wiencek (2002) Cooperative monitoring in the South China Sea:

satellite imagery, confidence-building measures, and the Spratly Islands disputes Greenwood Publishing Group p 19 ISBN 9780275971823

19 ^ 《元史》地理志;《元代疆域图叙》

20 ^ 《海南卫指挥佥事柴公墓志铬》

21 ^ 《清直省分图》天下总舆图

22 ^ 皇清各直省分图》之《天下总舆图

23 ^ 《大清一统天下全图》


25 ^ "Spratly Islands" The Spiritus Temporis Web Ring Community Retrieved

2010-08-17 "It is a generally accepted practice in oceanography to refer to a chain of islands through the name of the biggest island in the group or through the use of a collective name Note that Spratly (island) has an area of only 13 hectares compared to the 22 hectare area of the Pag-asa Island Distance-wise, Spratly Island is some 210 nm off Pag-asa Islands This further stresses the argument that they are not part of the same island chain The Paracels being much further (34.5 nm northwest of Pag-asa Island) is definitely a different group of islands"

26 ^ Furtado, Xavier (December 1999) "International Law and the Dispute over the

Spratly Islands: Whither UNCLOS?" Contemporary Southeast Asia: 386–404

27 ^ The Sino-Vietnamese difference on the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos,

Luu Van Loi, 1996, The Gioi publisher

28 ^ Ling Wai Dai Da (Information on Things Beyond the Passes) by Zhou Choufei 29 ^ Zhu Fan Zhi (Notes on Foreign Countries) by Zhao Juguo

30 ^ Dzurek, Daniel J.; Schofield, Clive H (1996) The Spratly Islands dispute:

who's on first? IBRU pp ISBN 9781897643235

31 ^ San Francisco Peace Treaty

32 ^ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacadaeafagahaiajakalamanaoapaqarasatauav

"Digital Gazetter of Spratly Islands" Retrieved 2008-02-08

33 ^ Google Earth at 10°22’40.72" N and 114°21’59.17". 34 ^ Taiwan News.[broken citation]

35 ^ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacad "Place Keywords by

Country/Territory– Pacific Ocean (without Great Barrier Reef)" (PDF) Retrieved 2008-02-08

36 ^ abcdef DJ Sta Ana, China builds more Spratly outposts, May 24, 2011, The

Philippine Star

37 ^ Google Earth 11°27'12.79"N 114°21'21.61"E

38 ^ No comprehensive list of Philippine-occupied Spratly islands is easily available.

A web search can confirm that Ayungin Reef is occupied by the Philippines

39 ^ ab Erica Reef and Investigator shoal were occupied by Malaysia in 1999

However, no comprehensive updated list of islands occupied by Malaysia is easily available A web search can confirm the occupation of these two features

40 ^ "International Claims in Spratly and Oil Claims" paracelspratly.com. 41 ^ Philippine Baselines Law of 2009 signed, GMA News, March 11, 2009.

42 ^ Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) Outer limits of the

continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines: Submissions to the Commission: Joint submission by Malaysia and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf 28 May 2009 Retrieved 18 September 2009

43 ^ Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) Outer limits of the

continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines: Submissions to the Commission: Submission by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf 28 May 2009 Retrieved 18 September 2009

44 ^ Ian Mansfield, 18th May 2011, China Mobile Expands Coverage to the Spratly


45 ^ "Chinese naval maneuvers seen as warning to Vietnam" Chinh's News |

date=June 18, 2011}} [edit] Further reading

 Daniel J Dzurek; Clive H Schofield (1996) The Spratly Islands dispute: who's on first? IBRU ISBN 9781897643235

[edit] External links  Spratlys website (pro-China)

 Paracels and Spratlys website (pro-Vietnam)  Mariner's page of the Spratly Islands

 Taiwanese List with ~170 entries

The Dotted Line on the Chinese Map of the South China Sea: A NotePDF (150 KB)  List of atolls with areas

 A tabular summary about the Spratly and Paracel Islands  Third Party Summary of the Dispute

 Ji Guoxing (October 1995) (PDF) Maritime Jurisdiction in the Three China Seas:

Options For Equitable Settlement Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation  A collection of documents on Spratly and Paracel Islands by Nguyen Thai Hoc


 Inventory of Conflict and Environment (ICE), Spratly Islands Dispute

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Spratly Islands Territorial disputes in the South China Sea Johnson South Reef Skirmish Southwest Cay Invasion Policies, activities and history Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads view talk edit territorial dispute ove South China Sea S People's Republic of China, t Republic of China (T n), Malaysia, t Philippines , Vietnam, Brunei A of oil a nd natural gas, i n extended continental shelf But [hide] 1 Reasons for the dispute 1.1 Hydrocarbons 1.2 Commercial fishing 1.3 Commercial shipping 1.4 Confrontations and other incidences 1.5 Extended continental shelf claims 2 Moves towards resolution 2.1 Diplomatic moves 2.2 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea 2002 2.3 United States intervention 3 Various claims 3.1 Brunei 3.1.1 Basis of Brunei's claim 3.2 Malaysia 3.2.1 Basis of Malaysia's claim 3.3 People's Republic of China and Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.3.1 Basis for PRC's and ROC's claims 3.3.2 Criticisms to the PRC's and ROC's claims 3.4 Philippines 3.5 Vietnam 4 Tabular listing of features showing country possessions 4.1 Occupied features 4.2 Virtually occupied or controlled 4.3 Unoccupied features 4.4 Claimed features by country but occupied by other country 5 20th century timeline 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External links by Kuwait, pl Tomas Cloma a of Freedomland .[1] .[2] of Palawan, nd Crestone Energy (a Denver, Colorado) s of ConocoPhillips, a Exclusive Economic Zone (E ng Louisa Reef i .[3] Suez Canal a Panama Canal; [4] Benigno Aquino III w arms race i Liang Guanglie i [5] 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea T 2009.[6] Paracel Islands, a .[7] ory.[8] Vietnamese troops on Spratly Island n ASEAN-broke [ on[9] United States S Hillary Clinton a ,[10] bilateral ne .[11] The Manila Times c [12] Chi Yang Jiechi s ".[13] expansion. South China Seas ne continental shelf a 3][14] Brune Law of the Sea .[15] Spratly Chain i .[16] Swallow Reef ( Ardasier Reef ( ), Mariveles Reef d mainland China be Taiwan s Itu Aba, t n Nanking A Second Sino-Japanese war dre Allied Powe rs d Itu Aba Island, t 1956.[18] Phạm Văn Đồng s o Zhou Enlai. n, Penghu , Kinmen , Matsu, a North Vietnam' Republic of China Armed Forces a , Taiping Island. Han Dynasty i of Eastern Han Dynasty a Eastern Wu (one Three Kingdoms) S Yuan Dynasty i ory,[19] Ming Dynast y Qing Dynasty from ury.[21] In 1755,[2 2][23] a of Chinese pot .[24] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China T galleons t of San Francisco Treaty, n anachronistic c d ( Kalayaan. group.[25] 200-mile hough.[26] r maritime law t .[27] , Qianli Changsha a Wanli Shitang w [28] [29] a Jiaozhi be .[30] In Lê Quý Đôn, H In Nguyễn Dynasty, Cairo Declaration, dra Bảo Đại 1951 San Francisco Conference on t .[31] [ ] Vietnam War t Vietnam War, t of Khanh Hoa Province effective visible distance of hori 14][32] p[33] 2008.[34] Filipino T w[35] 华阳礁 .[36] Ca Northeast Ca Thitu Isla airstrip, a marina, w r (by Smart Communications) T West York Isla f[38] Namyit Isla Sin Cowe Isla Southwest Ca ABS-CBN' Policies, activities and history of the Philippines in Spratly Islands#Southwest Cay invasion sand bar a Đá Tiên Nữ artificial island i f[39] 116°E meridian (unoc Sino-French War. of Cochinchina J Empire of Japan di .[40] Phước Tuy Province. South Vietnam e white paper out d Swallow Reef (Layang Layang), one Mines and Geosciences Bureau Department of Environment and Natural Resources. minor clash ove Johnson Reef P Mischief Reefs P Fidel Ramos orde .[41] .[4 2][43] y 2011, China Mobile a .[44] ."[45] Senkaku Islands dispute Administration Office for Xisha Islands, Zhongsha Islands and Nansha Islands V G Borneo Post: When All Else Fails A International Boundaries Research Unit, U http://www.bbc.co.uk/vietnamese/vietnam/2009/10/091002_truong_van_hien_iv.shtml http://globalnation.inquirer.net/2247/philippines-warns-of-arms-race-in-south-china-sea "China asserts sea border claims" S website "Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu's Remarks on Vietnam's Submission on Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf in South China Sea" M Online version a L rk (2010-07-23) "Offering to Aid Talks, U.S Challenges China on Disputed Islands" T Wong, Edward (2010-02-04) "Vietnam Enlists Allies to Stave Off China’s Reach" "China, US spar over Spratlys" L (2010-07-29) "US goes fishing for trouble" Re Territorial claims in the Spratly and Paracel Islands, gl United Nations Law of the Sea Case of the Spratly Island Dispute "Jurisprudential Evidence To Support China's Sovereignty over the Nansha Islands" ;"Historical Evidence To Support China's Sovereignty over Nansha Islands" ;"International Recognition Of China's Sovereignty over the Nansha Islands", D (2002) 19 ISBN 9780275971823. Undersea Treasure Chest Stirs up Tensions, BBC, A "Spratly Islands" T F r 1999) "International Law and the Dispute over the Spratly Islands: Whither UNCLOS?" The Sino-Vietnamese difference on the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos, Luu Van Loi, 1996, The Gioi publisher L Z Dzurek, Daniel J.; (1996) 8 9781897643235. San Francisco Peace Treaty "Digital Gazetter of Spratly Islands" Re G Taiwan News. [ "Place Keywords by Country/Territory– Pacific Ocean (without Great Barrier Reef)" (P , China builds more Spratly outposts, M G N web search c web search c "International Claims in Spratly and Oil Claims" paracelspratly.com. Philippine Baselines Law of 2009 signed, G Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) Outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines: Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) Outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines: Submissions to the Ia y 2011, China Mobile Expands Coverage to the Spratly Islands, Ce "Chinese naval maneuvers seen as warning to Vietnam" Chi Spratlys website Paracels and Spratlys website Mariner's page of the Spratly Islands Taiwanese List with ~170 entries P List of atolls with areas ) A collection of documents on Spratly and Paracel Islands by Nguyen Thai Hoc Inventory of Conflict and Environment ), Spratly Islands Dispute What's this? Categories: Territorial disputes of the Philippines Spratly Islands Territorial disputes of the People's Republic of China Territorial disputes of Malaysia Territorial disputes of Vietnam Territorial disputes of the Republic of China Disputed territories in Southeast Asia Log in / create account Discussion View history Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact Wikipedia हहनदी  Nederlands Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; Terms of use for de Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a

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