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Exercise 9_ Choose the simple present or present continuous tense form of the verbs in parentheses to fill in the blanks.. 1_ John _________(study) hard every day.[r]



Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous tense. 1/ My father (have) coffee for breakfast every day

2/ His sister (study) in a shoe store this summer 3/ The students (look) _ up that new word now 4/ Mary (go) to school every day

5/ They (do) this exercise at the moment 6/ Ms Elen (read) _ a newspaper now

7/ It (rain) very much in the summer It (rain) _ now 8/ Bad students never (study) hard

9/ He generally (sing) in English, but today he (sing) in Spanish 10/ We seldom (eat) before 6.30

11/ She sometimes (buy) _ vegetables at his market 12/ Be quiet The baby (sleep)

13/ We always (do) _ our exercises carefully

14/ Look A man (run) after the train He (want) _ to catch it 15/ It (be) very cold now

16/ John (travel) to England tomorrow 17/ I (need) some money for my textbooks 18/ Tom (like) to go to the museums

19/ Mary (love) ice-cream

20/ My mother (cook) some food in the kitchen at present She always (cook) in the mornings

21/ I often (leave) the city at weekends

22/ The guests (watch) the TV programmes now 23/ I (see) _ you (wear) _ your best clothes 24/ The sun (set) in the west

25/ My friend (study) English for an hour every night 26/ Listen I (hear) _ someone knocking at the front door

27/ I (do) an exercise on the present tense at the moment and I (think) that I (know) _how to use it now

28/ Honesty (be) the best policy 29/ The earth (go) round the sun 30/ Two and two (make) four

Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense. 1/ We (never watch) that TV programme

2/ We (watch) a good programme on TV last night 3/ He (read) that novel many times before

4/ He (read) that novel again last vacation 5/ I (have) a little trouble with my car last week

6/ However, I (have) no trouble with my car since then

7/ I (not see) John for a long time I (see) him weeks ago 8/ The school bell (ring) We must go now

9/ I (meet) Mary last night She (become) a very big girl 10/ He is very thirsty He (not drink) since this morning

11/ It is very hot Summer (come)


13/ They (begin) to study at this school years ago 14/ Since when (you know) _ her ?

15/ How long ago (he start) to learn French ?

16/ She (lose) her handbag on the train yesterday morning

17/ My mother (be) in hospital for a long time and she cannot go home yet 18/ His dog (just run) out of the garden

19/ Mr Brown (travel) by air several times in the past 20/ He (travel) _ to Mexico by air last summer

Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous tense. 1/ I (try) to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) _ yet

2/ She (read) _ all the studys of Dickens How many (you read) _?

3/ I (wait) here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; you think she (forget) to come ?

4/ Mary (rest) in the garden all day because she (be) ill

5/ Although John (study) at the University for years, he (not get) his degree yet 6/ Jack (go) to Switzerland for a holiday He (never, be) _ there

7/ We (live) here for the last six months, and (just, decide) to move 8/ That book ( lie) on the table for weeks You (not read) it yet ?

9/ He (not be) _ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live) since then 10/ He (lose) his books He (look) for them all afternoon, but they (not turn up) _yet

11/ She (study) _ so hard this week that she (not have) _ time to go to the cinema 12/ Your hair is wet (You swim) for a long time ?

13/ Bill is still a bad driver although he (drive) cars for six years 14/ You look very tired (You study) very hard ?

15/ The phone (ring) for minutes, but I (not answer) it yet Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the present tenses.

1/ I (be) sorry I (forget) that fellow’s name already 2/ Jack (look) forward to his vacation next June

3/ I (have) no trouble with my English lessons up to now 4/ Mr and Mrs Brown (be) _ in New York for months 5/ Michael (study) 38 hours a week

6/ At present, that author (write) _ a novel 7/ George (do) good study in this class so far 8/ The weather( generally, get) hot in July

9/ You must wake her up She (sleep) soundly for 10 hours

10/ Listen! I (think) someone (knock) at the front door 11/ How long (you learn) English?

12/ That student (know) all the new words very well now 13/ Alice (lose) her Vietnamese-English dictionary 14/ Fred (just, graduate) from Oxford University 15/ The earth (circle) the sun once every 365 days

16/ That grandfather clock (stand) there for as long as I can remember 17/ That brown briefcase (belong) to Dr Rice

18/ Jim (study) on his report this year 19/ Robert (wait) for you since noon


21/ The sun (get) very hot during the afternoon 22/ Tom (buy) _ a new car next week

23/ The boys and girls (go) _ home after this lesson 24/ Davis (play) football every afternoon

25/ Up to the present, we (write) almost every lesson in this book Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous tense.

1/ He (sit) in a bar when I (see) him 2/ When I (go) out, the sun (shine) 3/ The light (go) out while I (have) tea 4/ When it (rain) , she(carry) an umbrella

5/ We (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain

6/ He (teach) _ English for months when he (live) in Germany and (study) _ as a journalist

7/ The house (burn) fast, so we (break) the window to get out 8/ He (eat) three sandwiches while you (talk) to him

9/ The servant (drop) _ two cups while she (wash up) last night; neither of them (break) _

10/ While he (write) a letter, the telephone (ring) ; as he (go) to answer it, he (hear) a knock on the door; the telephone (still, ring) while he (walk) to the door, but just as he (open) it, it (stop)

Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect tense. 1/ They (go) home after they (finish) their study 2/ He (do) _ nothing before he (see) _ me

3/ He (thank) me for what I (do) for him 4/ I (be) sorry that I (hurt) him

5/ After they (go) , I (sit) down and (rest) 6/ When I (arrive) _, the dinner (already, begin) 7/ My friend (not see) _ me for many years when I (meet) _ last week 8/ He (learn) English before he (leave) for England 9/ In England, he soon (remember) all he (learn) 10/ They (tell) him they (not meet) him before 11/ He (ask) why we (come) so early

12/ She (say) that she (already, see) _ Dr Rice 13/ By the time Bill (get) there, the meeting (start)

14/ When we (arrive) at our place, we (find) that a burglar (break) in

15/ Almost everybody (leave) _ for home by the time we (arrive) _ Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect continuous tense.

1/ I (ask) _ him what he (do)

2/ Tom (be) _ tired He (run) for an hour

3/ Although he (go) to the doctor for months, he (not, feel) any better 4/ The telephone (ring) _ for minutes before it (be) _ answered

5/ They (tell) me you (live) in London before the war

6/ The poor man (wait) for hours before he (be) brought into the room 7/ By noon that day, we (drive) for hours


9/ I (ask) _ her what she (do) _ since she (arrive) _ in England 10/ She (tell) me that she (study) English literature

Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present or the simple future tense 1/ We (go) out when the rain (stop)

2/ I (stay) _ here until he (answer) me 3/ Wait until I (catch) you

4/ I (be) _ ready before you (count) _ ten 5/ John must eat his breakfast before he (go) out

6/ Miss Helen (help) you as soon as she (finish) that letter 7/ He (tell) _ you when you (get) there

8/ She (not come) until you (be) _ ready 9/ He (tell) you when you (ask) him

10/ I (come) _ and (see) you before I (leave) _ for England

Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present, simple future, present perfect or future perfect tense.

1/ I’ll wait until he (write) his next novel

2/ When you (come) _ back, he (already buy) a new house 3/ Don’t come until I (finish) _ lunch

4/ I (hope) _ it (stop) raining by o’clock this afternoon 5/ The river (not begin) _ to rise until some rain (fall) 6/ I (stay) here until you (finish) _ your study 7/ By next month, I (leave) _ for India

8/ He (finish) _ his study before you (leave) 9/ Before you (go) , they (leave) the country 10/ The meeting (finish) _ by the time we (get) _ there

Exercise 10 : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present, simple future, future continuous or future perfect tense.

1/ We (send) you a telegram as soon as we (arrive) _ in London 2/ When George (come) _ this afternoon, he (bring) _ his friends 3/ I (speak) _ to you about that matter after the meeting tonight

4/ By the time you (receive) this letter, we (cross) the Atlantic Ocean 5/ By this time next week, you (meet) my boyfriend, Ali

6/ I (wait) _ for you right here when you (come) out of the building 7/ She (wait) for you at o’clock this afternoon

8/ I (give) it back as soon as he (want) it 9/ I (not move) from here until you (get) back

10/ They (not come) home until they (see) everything

Exercise 11 : Supply the correct tense.

1/ They (just decide) that they (undertake) _ the job 2/ We (go) _ to the theatre last night

3/ He usually (write) in green ink

4/ She (play) _ the piano when our guests (arrive) _ last night 5/ We (do) an English exercise at the moment

6/ She (just come) in and (see) you in minutes

7/ I (come) _ as soon as my study is finished (You be) ready ? 8/ Where (you go) for your holiday last year ?


11/ We (meet) only yesterday and (already decide) to get married 12/ I (never see) snow

13/ Violets (bloom) in spring

14/ We (not live) _ in England for the last two months

15/ I (lose) my keys; I cannot remember where I last (see) them 16/ He (not arrive) when I (write) my last letter to you

17/ Whenever you (go) _ to town nowadays, you (spend) _ a lot of money 18/ I (never forget) what you (just tell) me

19/ They (prepare) the Christmas dinner today

20/ When I last (stay) _ in Cairo, I (ride) to the Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow) _ the day before

21/ I (finish) _ the book before my next birthday 22/ “Hello! (You make) a cake ?

23/ He (walk) very quickly when I (meet) him yesterday 24/ We (meet) _ you tomorrow after you (finish) your study 25/ Yesterday I (buy) a new watch as my old one (be) _ stolen

Exercise 12 : Supply the correct tense.

1/ He said he (be) sorry he (give) me so much trouble

2/ I am sorry that I (not know) _you (leave) _ your pipe when you (come) _ to see me last Thursday

3/ He (be) _ so good to me when I was a boy that to this day I (not forget) _his kindness, and I hope that I (never forget)

4/ He (sleep) _ and (not understand) what you (say) _ to him He (wake) if you (speak) louder

5/ Some animals (not eat) _ during the winter and only (come) out in spring 6/ After leaving school he (study) French in Paris for two years and then (move) to America, where he now (live) _ He (visit) England once or twice and (know) English well; but (not have) yet the opportunity of visiting European countries

7/ I (know) him for a very long time

8/ When my friend Tom grows a beard, even his closest friends (not recognize) _ him 9/ When I (meet) _ him in the street, he (go) to the pictures

10/ I (study) _ English for six years now

11/ I expect he (leave) for France as soon as he (get) _ a visa 12/ He (visit) his friend yesterday and (find) that he (be) out 13/ They (sell) _ all the dresses before we (get) there

14/ After she (study) at the hospital for two years, she (decide) to give up the job 15/ He will come at once because I (tell) him by phone that you (need) him urgently I’m sure he (find) his way easily although he (never visit) this house before

16/ By the time you get back, I (finish) _ all my correspondence and then I (can help) you with yours

17/ In a few minutes’ time, when the clock (strike) six, I (wait) here for an hour 18/ He (know) her a long time before he finally (get) _ married to her

19/ I hope it (not rain) when the bride (leave) the church 20/ I (tell) a lie if I said that I (like) you

21/ They (intend) _ to go there next week; but now they (find) they (not have) _ enough money


24/ This is the second time you (break) a cup; you (break) one yesterday My last servant (never break) anything, and you (break) _ nearly half the things in the house

25/ I always (tell) _ you to comb your hair, but you never (do) _ what I (say) _

26/ Last night I (go) to a party When I (get) _, the room (be) full of people Some of them (dance) _ and others (talk) One young woman (stand) by herself I (never, meet) _ her, so I (introduce) myself to her

27/ John is in English class He (study) English this semester He (also, take) some other classes His Classes (begin) at o’clock every day

28/ I (see) _ you in the school play last night You (do) _ a terrific acting job (you ever act) _ in a play before this one?

-Yes, I (start) _ acting when I was in elementary school

29/ Yesterday I (go) _ to my daughter’s dance recital I (be never) _ to a dance recital before I (take, not) _ dancing lessons when I (be) _ a child

30/ When I (hear) _ a knock at the door last night, I (walk) _ to the door and (open) it When I (open) _the door, I (see) my brother I (greet) him and (ask) _ him to come _ in


EXERCISE 1_ Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets

a) The last time I went to London, I _ (not have) time to visit all the places I (want) to see I _ (be) able to find my way, of course, and I soon (get) to know where the main streets and the most famous buildings were But I had no time to go inside and ( have) a good look at them This time I hope to better I think I _ ( spend ) a day at Westminster if I can (go) to the Houses of Parliament Of course, I can spend a long time in Westminster Abbey and _(learn) about all the interesting things there

b) Language is one of man’s most precious possessions Without it , he _(be) unable to exchange ideas with his fellow men In the Middle Age, Latin _(be) the universal language Most university classes ( conduct) in Latin and all important documents _ (write) in that language Gradually, however, Latin _ (fall) into disuse, and by the 18th century , French (become) the language of

diplomacy Today, however, English (use) commonly in international affairs For this reason, English _( refer) to as a universal language

c) Yesterday afternoon, Tom _(have) a letter from his sister, who lives in Canberra He _( not see) her since she _(move) to Australia Through her letter , he knows that she _ (come) to England next year If she (come) she _(get) a surprise Tom and his family (live) in a beautiful new house now The house (complete) five months ago Tom _( want ) her to stay with his family The house ( have) many large rooms which are well decorated He _(want ) to show her the things which he _(buy) recently

EXERCISE 2_ Put in the correct tense of the verbs in brackets

a) Albert Maltz was a progressive American writer He (be) born in 1908 He _ (write) his first play in 1943 It _(be) against wars, so the American police _(arrest) him and _(put) him in prison in 1950

b) Haø _(come) back a moment ago and (turn) the TV on very loudly, so I (tell) her to turn it down


apartment We (pack) a picnic basket and then _(take) the bus to Forest Park We (spend) most of the day there

d) Mary and John are neighbors They (know) each other for several years Mary (move) into her house in 1980, and John (live) next door since he _(come) to the area in 1985

e) John hasn’t got a job He _(be) unemployment for months He _(study) for a textile firm which _ (have) to close because it _(not have) enough orders

f) Dennis Heal is a politician He _(go ) to Oxford University in 1950 and _ (become) a Member of Parliament for the Labour Party in 1957 He ( be) an MP since then He _(write) three story books including his autobiography He is married to the artist, Adna Heal, and they ( have) two children They _ (live) in Oxford for 15 years, then _ (move) to London in 1970 They now _(live) in Cadogan Square in central London

g) Paul Carrack is a musician and a singer He _(be) in the music business for over 20 years He _(start) playing professionally while he _(be) still at school He (travel) all over the world He (have) his first record in 1974 So far he (make) a lot of records Young people in American and Britain (know) his name and they never (forget) his number one song" The Living Year"

h)_ Dear Jill,

Here I am in New York I (1- be) here for weeks now and it (2-be) very interesting My friend, Nancy, whom I _(3- meet) in London in 1982, (4-live) in New York for years, so she ( 5_ know) all about it Yesterday we _(6-go) to China Town and (7-eat) hot dog there We (visit) the Statue of Liberty this Sunday

Love, Bob

i)_ My stay in England is coming to an end In ten days' time I _(be) back to Italy I can't hardly believe that I _(be) in Bristol for three months The time _(go) so quickly Yesterday I (take) my final exams As soon as I _(get) the result, I _(let) you know I'd really like to have a holiday when the course finishes, but I have to go back to Italy If I _(have) more time , I _(visit) Scotland Unfortunately I (not see) much of Britain I even _(not be ) to London yet

EXERCISE 3_ Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

a) Last night, I _(walk) along the street when I _(realize) that a man with a black beard, whom I (see) three times already that afternoon, _(follow) me I _(be) very worried, and at last, I (stop) and asked him why he _(follow) me The man apologized and told me he _(mistake) me for one of his friends

b) We (arrive) in Rome at 10 o'clock yesterday morning We _(stay) in a little hotel not far from the city center We _(already see) St Peter and tomorrow we _(go) on a trip to Pompeii I (be) there before I _(go) to Italy quite often when I (be) a child, but it will be interesting to see if it (change) in any way

c) Last month, John (read) _ two novels Right now he (read) _ A Farewell to Arms, and he intends to finish it next week In his lifetime, he (read) _ many novels, but this is the first Hemingway novel he (ever read)

d) I (write) when the lights (go) _ out I (write) to a friend of mine Of course, I couldn’t write in the dark, so I (get) up very early this morning to finish the letter

Exercise 4_ Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

1_ Mother (cook) _ in the kitchen at present; she always (cook) _ in the morning 2_ Miss Helen (help) _ you when she finishes that letter


5_ She is very tired because she (type) _ all the morning

6_ Although John (study) _ at the university for years now, he (not get) his degree yet 7_ Every child in the world (love) the story of Cinderella

8_ you (just buy) _ a new hat ? How much _you(pay) for it? 9_ "Tom! Stop that noisy game you (play) "

10_ I don't like to be treated as if I (be) a child Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1_ My brother is an engineer for a construction company He usually (come) to study by motorbike but yesterday he (take) the bus because his motorbike (break) down My brother (be) _ an engineer for more than five years and he is still interested in (read) _ books about construction He often (stay) up late to read books when everybody (go) _ to bed

2_ My cousin (live) _ in the North of the country He (come) _ to see us next week We (meet) _ him at the station and he (stay) with us for several days Our cousin (visit) us two years ago, but this time, when he (come) _ , he (get) _ a surprise because we (just move) into a new house

3_ My grandfather is 96 years old When he was born, Queen Victoria (be) _ still on the throne Since then, there (be) four different Kings and a Queen on the throne of the United Kingdom He (meet) _the Queen on several occasions In 1959, he (be) _a soldier in New Zealand when she (come) _ to visit New Zealand he has been married twice His first wife (die) when she (be) 32 He (meet) his second wife when he (travel) _ round France by bike in 1980 He says he (travel) _ around Europe again next year

4 What (1) (you, learn) since you (2) (come) here? How many friends (you, make)? Libraries today (1) - (be) different from those in the 1880s For example, the contents of the libraries (2) (change) greatly through the years In the 1880s , libraries (3) (be) simply collections of books However, today most libraries are multimedia centers that contains tapes, computers, disks, films, magazines, music and paintings The role of the libraries in society (4) (also, change) In the 1800s libraries(5) (be) open only to a certain people, such as scholars or the wealthy Today libraries serve everyone

Exercise 6_ Rewrite the following sentences with the given words at the beginning of each sentence. a) Ex: She hasn't come here for weeks.

It is four weeks since she last came here 1_ Tom and Jerry have been married for five years

It is five years 2_ My father hasn't been to Hanoi for years

It is _ 3_ I haven't seen her for years

It is _ 4_ I haven't enjoyed so much for years

It is _ 5_ I haven't eaten this kind of food for years

It is 6_ Mary hasn't rung for weeks

It is b) Ex: I haven't seen that man here before

It 's the first time I have seen that man here 1_ My brother hasn't driven a car before


2_ I've never met such a famous singer before

It's _ 3_ She has never been to a ballet before

It's 4_ She hasn't drunk wine before

It's _ 5_ My grandfather hasn't been in hospital before

It's 6._ The last time I saw her was three months ago

I haven’t _ 7_ The last time she went out with him was years ago

She hasn’t Exercise 7_ Give the proper forms of the verbs in brackets

a) Today there (be) more than 3000 different (live) languages in the world English (be) the most widely spoken; over 350 million people (speak) it but more people speak Chinese You may wonder why English (more widely speak) although more people speak Chinese This is because people who (speak) _ Chinese are found in China but English (speak) people (find) _ in almost every corner of the world

b) Nancy Mann was born in Argentina She _(study) French and German at Oxford University from 1970 to 1977 At the moment she studys for the BBC World Service She _(be) with the BBC for years She _(study) as an interpreter for the E U before that She also lived and studyed in Brussels for years when she (study) for the E U Now she (be) a correspondent and she

(travel) all over western and eastern Europe, and many parts of South America

c) Dick _(go) down to his friend's farm last August to help him August is the busiest time of the year for farmers because it _(be) then that they have to cut the corn It is also the time Dick

_(choose) for his holiday, so he decided to something that (be) useful and at the same time quite different from his study at the office in London Luckily the weather _ (be) fine during his two weeks on the farm One can't cut corn when it wet because then it _ (go) bad when one piles it up The farmers have to wait for sunshine , and then cut and dry the corn quickly before rain comes

Dick's friend _(study) in the garden when he (arrive).He was very delighted to welcome Dick to his farm-house

Exercise 8_ Use the correct tense of the verb in brackets to fill in the blanks

1 Every Saturday she _(come) to her school library to borrow books They (play) cards when he teacher came

3 She thanked us for what we (do) for her

4 My wife (buy) a new television before I asked her not to so You _(know) the result next week

6 He _(go) to see her after he had received the letter I (do) the exercise at the moment

8 My father _(not live) in Dalat now but he (be) there last week We _(meet) that man only a moment ago

10 Our uncle (study) in that factory for twenty years now 11 I had just gone to bed when I _(hear) a knock at the door 12 After he _(break) the door, he ran away

13 We will go out for a walk after we _(have) dinner

14 I (see) a big ship last week I _(never, see) such a big one before 15 The football match _(come) to an end before we reached the ground


Exercise 9_ Choose the simple present or present continuous tense form of the verbs in parentheses to fill in the blanks.

1_ John _(study) hard every day 2_ He (talk) to his teacher now

3_ What _you _(do) before breakfast every morning? _ Where _the sun _(rise) and _(set)? 5_ Where _(be) Ann at present?

6_ May usually (wear) a blue dress, but now she (wear) a red one

7_ In South V N it _(rain) a lot in July, August and September Now it (rain) outside 8_ Where Mr Buck (live) now?

9_ Listen I _(think) someone _(knock) on the door now 10_ Now we are in the year 2003 We _(approach) the year 2004

Exercise 10_ Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses to fill in the blank.

Venice is a city in Italy which (build) on water many centuries ago The canal (be) very deep and the people of Venice must (travel) around in boats to reach their schools, shops or businesses, etc

Recently the water in Venice _(find) to contain a great deal of pollution and even poison in it The water could cause people sickness if they _(drink) it or use it for _(cook) The government of Venice is trying (solve) this problems as quickly as they can

Exercise 11_ Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. I remember _(read) this book twice

2 Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed He tried _(explain) but she refused _(listen) to him I begin _(understand) what you mean

5 I regret (inform) you that your application has been refused I don't allow _(smoke) in my room

7 I am looking forward to _(see) you again

8 My father is fifty-seven He's afraid of _(have) retire I arrange _(meet) them there

10 Do stop (talk) I am trying _(finish) the report 11 He hasn't had a steady standpoint I think it's no use _(ask) his opinion 12 Swimming everyday is a good way of _(keep) fit

13 _(Learn) a language takes a long time

14 _(walk) on the grass in the park is forbidden

15 _(grow) different crops on the same land from year to year can prevent the land from _(be) sterile

16 He object (smoke) in his room 17 (read) enriches our mind

18 A good way of _(lose) weight is (jog) 19 Alice is interested in _(draw) the pictures

20_ By (study) day and night, he succeed in _(finish)the study on schedule

Exercise 12_ Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets


That lunch-time we (go) to the pub usual We (be) all very depressed I (study) at the company for over fifteen years and some of the people _(be) there longer than that Well, of course, we (talk) about the problem Then the landlord of the club _(hear) the news He (say) :"Why don’t you buy the company?" At first we all _(laugh) but then we (start) to discuss it properly

We (know) the problems The company _(lose) a lot of customers because it _(not develop) new products Then finally we decided to go for it

Exercise 13_ Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.

1_ How long you want me to heat the oil? _ Heat it until it (begin) to smoke

2_ How long are you going to stay here ? I'm going to stay here till my brother (finish) his exam 3_ When will you start the trip? As soon as we _(get) our tickets

4_ I'm learning French _ Well, when you _(speak) French fluently, you may find a good job 5_ By the time you (finish) this book, your meal will get cold

6_ Are you taking English course? _ Yes, and my teacher says when I (finish) five courses, I'll be able to speak it quite fluently

7_ Is your father at home? _ No, he's away on business If you have a message for him, I _ (give) it to him as soon as he (get) home

8_ Please tell me how to get to the Post Office? Go till you (come ) to a square with a statue in the middle, the turn left and you _(find) it on your right

9_ What did he say before he (leave) for Paris? He said he'd give me a ring as soon as he (reach) Paris

10_ I thought you were going to the concert ? I was But when I got there, the tickets (be) sold out So, I (have) to go back home

Exercise 14_ Complete each of the following sentences with an adverbial clause of time. 1_ He set off for another trip, as soon as he 2_ It began to rain just as _ 3_ She had written three novels before she _ 4_ I'll have taken three courses before you _ 5_ The dog has followed its master ever since _ 6_ The train had just left when I _ 7_ What were you doing when I _ 8_ She was listening to the radio when 9_ What will you as soon as you 10 _ Don’t bother me when I Exercise 15_ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

a) Yesterday, I _(walk) to school when I _(meet) Jim, my old friend He changed so much that I (not recognize) him at first He _( tell ) me he _ (see) me a few time in this street but he (not be ) sure until I _(call) his name

b) As the taxi (speed) on , Mary looked out of the window It (rain) so the road _(be) wet She _(look) forward to _(go) home after a long holiday abroad

The taxi _(slow) down and then stopped at the airport Mary (get) out of the taxi When she (look) for money in her purse to pay for the taxi-driver, he _ (take) out her luggage Then he turned round to receive the fare and Mary _(gasp) in surprise He _(be) in the same secondary school In fact, he was a former classmate

Exercise 16_ Give the correct tense and voice or form of the verb in brackets.


As a child, Elvis entered several music contests and was so good that he (win) almost every competition He _(leave) school in 1953 and studyed as a cinema usher and a truck driver

Elvis's talent _ (discover) by Sam Phillip, the owner of a record company _ (call) Sun Records However, it was Colonel Tom Parker who made Elvis famous worldwide

b) Jane and Felix _(get) married one Saturday in March They had met only one week earlier at a party and _(fall) in love Jane (ring) and told her parents her news after the wedding, when Flex _(move) into her flat Her parents _(be) surprised and angry because she _(not tell) them about the wedding

Exercise 17 Choose the correct word (A,B,C, or D) to best fill in the blanks. They Da Lat last summer

A visited B will visit C visit D have visited We have learnt English _ 2001

A in B during C for D since

3 We already Huong Pagoda

A were…seeing B are…seeing C have… seen D will…see I can’t understand the French visitors I wish I _ French

A know B have known C knew D will know

5 The church _ about 100 years ago

A was built B is built C has been built D will be built All the houses in the area _ immediately

A have to rebuild B have to be rebuilt C had to rebuild D has to be rebuilt If he soon, he might miss the train

A doesn’t come B isn’t coming C didn’t come D won’t come

Exercise 18 Fill in the blanks using the past simple or past progressive of the verbs from the box.

A Korean student told me that while he (1) _ a school in the United States three years ago, he (2) _ a lot of things about the lifestyle of Americans, which was not the same as that in Korea For example, some teachers in the American high school dressed casually when they (3) _ to class Many teachers (4) _ their students’ interrupting them while they (5) _the lessons

That student said he was at first embarrassed when his American friends (6) _ him to share the bill of their dinner But later, he (7) _ out that it is the way most Americans

During the last summer vacation, while Asian students were traveling many American students (8) _ to earn money to pay their tuitions in the next school year even though their parents were rich and could afford to pay for their children’s school expenses

Exercise 19 Underline the correct verb form

1 Mr Benson …… (left / has left / leaved / was leave) the town months ago and I …………(didn't see/ haven’t seen / hadn’t seen / wasn’t see) him since then

2 I ……… to learn English in 1992 (began / have begun / had begun / begun)

3 Everybody …… a lot of beer at the party last night (drank / has drunk / was drinking / was drink) My family …… here since 1978 (lived / has lived / is living / live)

5 Jim is my best friend I…… friends with him for 10 years (made / have made / make / am make) Today is Friday John … late for study twice this week (was / has been / is / had been)

7 I …… my grandparents last week (visited / have visited / was visiting / was visit)

8 I …… English for years Now I relatively master it (learnt / had learnt / am learning / learn ) Today is Friday I …… late for study on Wednesday (was / have been / am / were)

Lecture not mind find learn work


10 Dick … (studyed /studying/ studys/ has studyed) for this company since he ……(graduates / graduated/ has graduated / graduating) from college in 1988

11 The Browns … to Cairo since last month (travelling / travelled /travels / have travelled)

12 My friend …… his Ph.D at Yale University years ago (finishing / finished / finishes/ has finished) 13 We … a lot of important scientific discoveries in the 20th century (had / have had / have / are having)

14 This girl …… in our class at the beginning of the first term (was / is / is being / has been)

15 The Smith …… to Washington D.C twice since Christmas (were /were being/ have been / had been) 16 So far we …… a large number of English words (learn / learned/ learning / have learned)

17 She …… that TV program (never watched / has never watched / wasn’t watch / was never watch) 18 Where … years ago? (did John study / has John studyed / was John study / is John studying) 19 Mr Lam is my English teacher He …… here for years (taught / has taught / teaches / is teaching) 20 How long …… on your uncle’s farm ? (did you stay / have you stayed / were you staying / you stay) Exercise 20_Find a choice which best completes the sentence or exchange.

1_ How many times ……….them so far?

a_ have you seen b_ did you see

c_ were you seeing d_ had you seen

2_ ……….the party last night ?

a_ Does your brother enjoy b_ Had your brother enjoyed c_ Did your brother d_ Has your brother enjoyed 3_ What ……… during the last two months?

a_ did you b_ have you been doing

c_ had you been doing d_ were you doing

4_ The doctors know that it ……… difficult to save the life of the patient, but they ……… their best

a_ was / will b_ would be / had done

c_ is / had done d_ will be / will

5 _ S1 We ……… a French course now S2 How long ……… French ? S1 For two years now

a_ are going to take/ were you learning b_ have been taking / did you learn c_ are taking / had you been learning d_ are taking/ have you been taking 6_ He ……… for twenty years before he retired last year

a_ had been teaching b_ has been teaching

c_ was teaching d_ has taught

7_ He said that everything ……… all right

a_ will be b_ is

c_ can be d_ would be

8_ They said that the custom ……… back to the feudal period

a_ has dated b_ dated

c_ dates d_ is dating

9_ What ……… when you ……… school?

a_ you / will leave b_ will you / leave

c_ would you / left d_ will you be doing / will leave 10_ Is he saying he ………… her again?

a_ never talked with b_ never will talk with c_ will never talk with d_ would never talk with 11_ Mother ………… in the kitchen at present; she always ………… in the morning

a_ is cook / cooks b_ cooks / is cooking


12_ Miss Helen ………… you when she finishes that letter

a_ will help b_ helps

a_ would help d_ is help

13_ When Mary ………… back from the beach yesterday, she ………… very red from the sun

a_ came / looks b_ came / looked

c_ comes / is looking d_ is come / is look

14_ When I got home last night, I …………that Jane ………… in her room

a_ see / is b_ saw / is

c_ saw / was d_ see / was

15_ She is very tired this evening because she ………… all the morning

a_ studys b_ is studying

c_ was studying d_ studyed

16_ Although John ………… at the university for years now, he ………… his degree yet a_ have been / haven't got b_ had been / doesn't have

c_ has been / didn't have d_ has been / hasn't got 17_ Every child in the world ………… the story of Cinderella

a_ liked b_ likes

c_ is like d_ like

18_ …………you …………a new hat ? How much …………you pay for it?

a_ have had / b_ Did have / have

c_ Have had / did d_ Do … have / are

19_ "Tom! Stop that noisy game you ……… "

a_ play b_ are play

c_ playing d_ are playing

20_ I don't like to be treated as if I ……… a child

a_ am b_ were

c_was d_ have been

Exercise 21_Find a choice which best completes the sentence or exchange.

a)_ Mrs Kent is out of study, but she is very busy with her house study She …… (1)… fed up with … (2)… the same thing everyday She usually … (3)….up very early in the morning to … (4)… breakfast for the family She always … (5)… … (6)… but she … (7)… bored with … (8)… the dishes Mrs Kent … (9)… money for some months She hopes (10) a washing machine this month

1 a_ is b_ has been c_ was d_ had been

2 a_ b_ has done c_ doing d_ to

3 a_ getting b_ is getting c_ gets d_ is get

4 a_ preparing b_ prepare c_ be prepare d_ prepared

5 a_ enjoy b_ enjoyed c_ enjoys d_ is enjoy

6 a_ cook b_ cooking c_ cooked d_ to cook

7 a_was b_ is c_ be d_ has been

8.a_ to wash b_ wash c_ washing d_ washed

9.a_ save b_ saving c_ has saved d_ saves

10 a_ has bought b_ bought c_buy d_ to buy

Exercise 22_ Find a choice which best completes the sentence or exchange. She has studied as a secretary _ she graduated from college

A since B until C before D while

2 My parents first _ each other at the Olympic Games in 1982

A had met B met C meet D have met


A will learn B learn C have learnt D am learning When I came to visit her last night, she a bath

A had B is having C has D was having

Exercise 23 Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense

1 Sam _ (not receive) the parcel the last tine I _ ( speak) to him I _ (consider) buying a house but now I _ (change) my mind

3 When you _ (feel) hungry later, room service _ (bring) you whatever you _ (want) I _ (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I _ (lose) my ticket

5 Since I _ (pay) for our lunch, I _(try) to attract the waiter’s attention As soon as I _ (have) a good look at the design, I _(send) the, back to you I _ (hope) to meet you ever since I _ (read) your first novel

8 Whatever _ (happen), I _ (meet) you here in a week’s time By the time you _ (finish) getting ready, we _ (miss) the train

10 Sally! I _ (not expect) to see you here! What _ you _ (do) in New York? Exercise 24 Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets to complete the following story.


Use the correct tense forms of the verb “TO STUDY “

1- Many people ………… English nowadays because it is a universal language 2- I ………… ……….English every day

3- I……… English every day for months 4- I ……… English every day last year 5- She ……….…….French twice a week 6- She……… this lesson twice

7- She……… this lesson twice last week 8- She ………… this lesson twice tomorrow

9- She ( never ) ………… ………… …… this lesson because she doesn’t like it 10- She ( never ) ……… this lesson before

11- She ( never ) ………… this lesson again 12- She ( never ) ……… this lesson last month 13- She ( never ) ……… this lesson until yesterday 14- He usually ……… ……… Mathematics before his bedtime 15- He………… Mathematics before he went to bed 16- He ……… Mathematics before he goes to bed

17- He ……… Mathematics for hours before he went to bed 18- At the moment, we ……… … English

19- At this time last week, we……… …… …English here 20- At this time next week, we ……….……….English here 21- By this time last week, they……… … … Literature 22- By this time next week, they………… Literature

23- By this time last week, they……… …English for over one hour 24- By this time next week, they……… …….English for over one hour 25-When I was younger, I ………… ……… Physics very well

26-When I got home, I ……… Physics

27- When I got home, my brother……… his lessons

28- When I got home, my brother……… and left, so I didn’t see him 29- When I get home early, I often……… … some new vocabulary 30- When you call me at this time tomorrow, I ……… that project 31- When I lived in My Tho, I ……… English for years

32- I ………… English for years 33- I ……… English for hours

34- I………… ……… English for hours every day 35- I ……….…English for hours yesterday 36- I ……….…English for hours tomorrow

37- I ……….English for hours when you returned 38- I ……….English for hours when you return

39- He has just bought some French books He ……… ….French next week 40- When I asked someone to help me with this project, a young man stood up and said,

“I ……… this project with you”

41- Last year, while I ………… English, he ……… … French 42- We ……… how children learn to speak all day

43- We ……… how children learn to speak all day yesterday 44- He was tired because he ……….…… verb tenses

45- He is tired because he ……… verb tenses 46- He ( just ) ……… a new subject


48- He ( just ) ……… that new subject before I came

49- Please wait just a minute I ( just / finish ) ……… the program 50- I ( just ) ……….… the problem by the time you arrive

51- She ( not ) ……… anything since Christmas

52- She ……… computer science since I met her last year 53- She ……… computer science since 7:00

54- She ……… .computer science now since she likes it a lot 55- This is the first time I……… French

56- That was the first time I ………… ……… French

57- The first time I ……… French, I had difficulty speaking it 58- How long ………… you ……… … English?

59- How many new words ……….…you ……… today? 60- How many new words ……….you ……… a day? 61- How many new words ……….you ……….…yesterday? 62- I ………… ……… 10 new words a day

63- I ………… 10 new words today 64- I ……… 10 new words yesterday 65- I ……… 10 new words tomorrow 66- I ……… 500 new words so far

67- I ……… 490 new words by yesterday 68- I ……… 510 new words by tomorrow 69- This is the easiest lesson I ( ever ) ………

70- He seldom ………Chinese until 10:00 pm 71- He ………… ……….….German until 10:00 tonight

72- He ( not ) ………… ………German until 10:00 tonight 73- He ( not ) ……… German until I return 74- He ( not ) ……… German until I returned 75- She ……….Russian in days

76- She ……… Russian in the last days 77- She ……….Russian soon

78- She ……….Russian years ago

79- She ……….Russian before she left school 80- She ……….Russian since she left school

Supply the correct verb form

1 Be quiet! The baby (sleep) => We seldom (eat) before 6:30 =>

3 Look! The man (run) the train He (want) to catch it => The sun (set) in the West =>

5 It (be) often hot in summer =>

6 I (do) an exercise on the present tense at the moment and I (think) that I (know) how to use it now It (rain) much in summer It (rain) now =>

8 Daisy (cook) some food in the kitchen at present She always (cook) in the morning => I (see) her last year =>

10 What (do) you yesterday?=> 11 You (watch) TV last night? => 12 She (be) born in 1980 =>


14 He ( start) learning English when he (be) a child =>

15 She ( spend) five days paiting her house two weeks ago => 16 Listen! Someone (nock) at the door =>

17 Up to the present, we (write) almost every lesson in the book => 18 That house ( belong) to Mr Green =>

19 Rivers usually (flow) to the sea =>

20 I (move) to Ho Chi Minh city years ago to learn English => 21 When I ( arrive ) this house, he still ( sleep).=>

22 The light (go out) when we (have) dinner =>

23 Bill ( have) breakfast when I (stop) at this house this morning => 24 As we (cross) the street, we (see) an accident =>

25 Tom (see) a serious accident while he (stand) at the bus stop

26 While my father ( read) the newspaper, I (learn) my lessonand my sister (do) her homework => 27 The children (play) football when their mother (come) back home.=>

28 The bell (ring) while Tom (take) a bath => 29 I (be) tired because I (work) all day yesterday =>

30 While I (walk) along the street, I ( see) an old friend => 31 How long you (study) English? For years =>

32 I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come) yet => 33 They (live) in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975 =>

34 She (read ) all the books written by Dickens How many books you (read)? => 35 He (not, be) here since Christmas, I wonder where he (live) since then => 36 Jack (go) to Paris for a holiday He never (be) there =>

37 You (sleep) so far.? I (ring) the bell for the last twenty minutes => 38 He (write) a novel for two years, but he (not/ finish) yet =>

39 Mary (lose) her hat and she (look) for it until now =>

40 I (see) that film several times because I like it =>

41 How many times you (see0 him since he (go) to Edinburgh? => 42 We (be) from France We (be) there for 20 years =>

43 I (see) her before =>

44 Mr Green (teach) English in this school since he ( graduate) from the university in 1986.=> 45 They (go) home after they (finish) their work =>

46 She said that she (already, see) Dr Rice =>

47 When we came to the stadium, the match (already, begin) =>

48 They told me they (not, eat) such kind of food before => 49 After he (gone), we (sit) down and (rest) =>

50 After taking a bath, he (go) to bed =>

51 It was the first time I (ever, see) such a beautiful girl => 52 What you (do) at 6p.m yesterday? =>

53 Before Alice (go) to sleep, she (call) her family => 54 He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for England =>

55 When John and I got to the theatre, the movie (start) already => 56 We will go out when the rain (stop) =>

57 I (stay) here until he (answer) me => 58 Wait until I (catch) you =>

59 Miss Alen (help) you as soon as she ( finish) that letter tomorrow => 60 I (wait) here until you (come) back tomorrow =>

61 My mother (come) to stay with us next weekend => 62 Don’t leave until you (see) her =>


65 He (work) on the report at this time tomorrow => 66 I’m sure they (complete) the new road by June =>

67 At this time tomorrow, we (drive) through Pennsylvania => 68 Who (look) after the children when you are away? =>

69 By November I (work) for this company for years => 69 By March 15, I (be) here for one year =>

70 We (move) to our new house at Christmas this year =>

71 By the end of December, John (work) as a reporter for ten years => 72 I (give) him your message when I (see) him =>

73 The teacher hope we (pass) our exam => 75 You (finish) your work by tonight? =>

76 By the time you arrive, I (finish) writing an essay =>

77 Don’t call him at 2:30 p.m He ( interview) job applicants at that time => 78 Our English teacher (explain) that lesson to us tomorrow =>

79 When I (see) Mr Pike tomorrow, I (remind) him of that => 80 What you (do) at p.m next Sunday? =>

I (practice) my English lesson then =>



Choose the best option to finish each sentence

1 She was thoughtfully looking at him while he a newspaper

A read B was reading C has read D has been reading While I the floor, Mrs Paker began cooking

A swept B was sweeping C has swept D has been sweeping I just a telegram to say that my poor friend is badly ill again

A had B have had C was having D has been having

4 I have lost my key again I things I lose things too often

A always B am always losing C have always lost D was always losing I Ann at her father’s house twenty years ago and her ever since

A met/ have known B was meeting/ knew C met knew D have met/ was working Higher education in the US in 1636 when the first colonists Harvard College

A has began/ founded B began/ have founded

C began/ founded D was beginning/ have founded when Jack me, I a letter

A was phoning/ wrote B phoned/ has been writing C phoned/ was writing D has phoned/ was writing He will here till he everything

A stay/ will B stay/ will not C/ will stay/ does D will stay/ doesn’t 10 In case the weather good, they fishing

A is/ go B will be go C will be/ will go D is/ will go 11 By o’clock they dinner

A will have B will be having C will have had D is having 12 By the end of this week he the translation

A will finish B will have finished C will be finishing D is finishing 13 Before you I all the work


A will get/ will stop B will get/ will have stopped C get/ will stop D get/ will have stopped 15 I think he the letter by this time

A will answer B will have answered C will be answering D has answered 16 I my report when you entered the hall

A made B have been making C was making D have made 17 They the new words yesterday from three to seven

A learnt B have been learning C have learnt D were learning 18 She this exercise yesterday at o’clock

A wrote B has written C has been writing D was writing 19 My mother often morning exercises

A B does C doing D has done

20 She some cakes yesterday at2 p.m

A make B has been making C has made D was making 21 He me to the party yesterday

A invited B has invited C has been invited D was inviting 22 He a book two days ago

A read B has been reading C was reading D has read 23 Miss Brown’s telephone when she

A rang/ dressed B was ringing/ was dressing

D was ringing/ dresses D rang/ was dressing

25 When he into the office, the secretary a crosswords puzzle

A came/ was doing B was coming/ was doing

C was coming/ did D came/ did

26 why to me while I ?

A did you not listen/ was speaking B were you not listening/ was speaking C were you not listening/ spoke D did you not listen/ spoke

28 He for her, but she never

A was waiting/ was coming B waited / was coming B was waiting/ came D was waiting/ comes

29 While I for him to call up, he a good time in the bar A waited/ was having B have waited/ was having C was waiting/ have had D was waiting/ was having 30 They this film last week

A have seen B saw C have been seeing D were seeing 31 She the picture when I came

A painted B has painted C was painting D have been 32 They the new words yesterday from three till seven

A learnt B were learning C have learnt D have been learning 33 It this week

A rained B has rained C was raining D rains 34 She a bath at seven o’clock last night

A was having B had C has had D has been having

35 She dishes already

A was washing B washed C has washed D has been washing 36 They supper when the telephone rang

A had B have had C were having D have been having

37 I you for ages


A has gone B was going C went D has been going 39 While she , she the doorbell, then voices

A was washing up/ heard B washed up/ has heard

C has heard/ was hearing D was washing up/ was hearing 40 “ She tea”, let’s go to the dinning room”

A was making B made C has made D has been making

41 The library by the time I there

A had closed/ got B closed/ got C closed/ had got D has closed/ got 42 When my friend , I an exercise for an hour

A was coming/ had been doing B came/ was doing C was coming/ has been doing D cam/ had been doing 43 We while he

A read/ was eating B were reading/ ate

C read/ ate D were reading/ was eating

44 When he , I in London for a week

A arrived/ was living B was living/ has been living B arrived/ has been living C arrived/ had been living 45 Be quite, please We at the translation and you a lot of noise

A are working/ are making B work/ are making

B are working/ make D work/ make

46 He always for a walk in the morning

A go B is going C goes D going

47 “ Where is Jack?” _ “ He his girl friend at the station She at 12 o’clock.” A meets/ is coming B is meeting/ comes C meets/ comes D is meeting/ is coming 48 She Is something wrong?

A cries B is crying C cry D crying

49 In the morning I little time, so I a shower in the evening

A have/ take B am having/ am taking

C have/ am taking D am having/ take

50 A decade a period of ten years

A describes B is describing C describe D describing 51 Her brother in Canada now

A working B works C is working D work

52 She always but nothing to realize her dreams

A dreams/ does B is dreaming/ does C dreams/ is doing D is dreaming/ is doing 53 He so suspicious to me at the moment I wonder why

A be B will be C was D is being

54 Hurry up, Jane! We all for you

A wait B are waiting C waiting D are waited

55 Don’t bother her She her French lesson; she always it in the morning A takes/ is taking B is taking/ takes c takes/ takes D is taking/ is taking 56 The living standard Every month things more expensive

A are changing/ are getting B are changing C change/ are getting C change/ get 57 Tom and Mary for the Netherlands tomorrow

A leave B are leaving C leaving D are left

58 I have just started English course, I English grammar

A study b studying C am studying D studied

59 Mercury at 357,23 degree Centigrade


60 It me that they can’t sell their flat

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2021, 07:15

