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KIEM TRA1245 phutUnit 1 23 de 1

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As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.. C©u 36: The word readin[r]


TEST FOR GRADE -12-NO 1(2012-2013 ) NAME: ……… CLASS:……… Code:140 I.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

C©u 1: A. women B. respect C. parents D. determine

C©u 2: A. concerned B. developed C. raised D. maintained

C©u 3: A. majority B. traditional C. American D. manage

C©u 4: A. called B. photographed C. smoked D. based

C©u 5: A. shares B. looks C. beliefs D. attempts

II Choose the word which is tressed differently from the rest

C©u 6:A. across B. common C. simply D. brother

C©u 7:A. prolem B. dinner C. suppose D. minute

C©u 8:A. waiter B. toward C. teacher D. slightly

III Choose the best answer.

C©u : What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary ! _

A. Thank you

for your compliment

B. Thanh you very much I am afraid

C. You are

telling a lie D. I don’t like your saying

C©u 10: When John last night, I my favourite show on TV

A. called/ was

watching B. called/ have watched

C. was calling/

watched D. had called/ watched

C©u 11 : Sometimes I not feel like to my sibling about my troubles

A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked

C©u 12 : You are old enough to take for what you have done

A. irresponsible B. responsibility C. responsibly D. responsible

C©u 13 : By this time next summer, you your studies

A. complete B. will have completed C. will complete D. are completing

C©u 14 : Last night at this time, they the same thing She and he the newspaper

A. were doing/

was cooking/ was reading

B. had done/ was cooking/ read

C. are doing/ is

cooking/ is reading

D. was doing/ has cooked/ is reading

C©u 15 : You look great in this new dress _

A. Not at all B. With pleasure

C. Do not say

anything about it

D. I am glad you like it

C©u 16 : Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and solution quickly

A. happen B. encounter C. arrive D. clean

C©u 17 : John asked me that film the night before

A. that I saw B. If I had seen C. If had I seen D. had I seen

C©u 18 : Robert said that his father to London the year before

A. goes B. has gone C. had gone D. went

C©u 19 : The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to her attention

A. follow B. pull C. attract D. tempt

C©u 20 : In the 19th century, it two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.

A. have taken B. had taken C. was taking D. took

C©u 21 : She got up late and rushed to the bus stop

A. went quickly B. went leisurely C. came into D. dropped by

C©u 22 : My mother always the first up and the last to bed

A. getting/ going B. to get/ going C. getting/ to go D. to get/ to go

C©u 23 : Tam is willing to help his mother with the household

A. jobs B. chores C. choir D. chord

C©u 24 : She told the boys on the grass

A. not playing B. not play C. did not play D. not to play

C©u 25 : When Peter , I him to your new house

A. had arrived/

had taken B. arrives/ will take

C. has arrived/

am taking D. will/ take


A. household chores B. night shift C. special dishes D. solution

C©u 27 : I have not met her for three years

A. During three

years, I met her once

B. I did not meet her three years ago

C. The last time

I met her was three years ago

D. It is three years when I will met her

C©u 28 : He has been very interested in doing research on since he was at high school

A. biology B. biologically C. biologist D. biological

C©u 29 : By the time we to the station, Susan had been waitng for us for more than two hours

A. have got B. will get C. get D. got

C©u 30 : Body language is a potent form of communication

A. oral B. non-verbal C. verbal D. tongue

IV Choose the word or phrase that is not correct.

C©u 31 : Everybody in our family have to the share of the household chores

A B C D C©u 32 : We often give gifts in a friend’s or relative’s birthday


C©u 33 : In Vietnam, two or three generations lives under one roof


C©u 34 : My brother is always willing to give hand with doing the gardening

A B C D C©u 35 : In Asia, a husband is obliged telling his wife he has been


V. Read the passage again then choose the correct answer to answer the following questions by marking the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D.

Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal

Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people

Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating

Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills

Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading non-verbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the non-verbal to communicate As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process

C©u 36: The word reading has a close meaning to .

A looking at the words that are written B understanding C saying something aloud D expressing C©u 37: Which is not included in non-verbal communication?

A spatial distance B tone of voice C words D facial expressions C©u 38: According to the writer, .

A One cannot communicate in both verbal and non-verbal language B People communicate with both verbal and non-verbal language C Those who can listen and talk should not use non-verbal language D Non-verbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute C©u 39: Human beings .

A have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language through books B can communicate in non-verbal language only when they are mature C have learnt how to communicate in non-verbal language since a child

D communicate in non-verbal language much less than they in verbal language C©u 40: We can learn from the text that .

A most people not like non-verbal communication B even silence has message value

C non-verbal can never get any responses


Ngày đăng: 03/06/2021, 04:41



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