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Assessing the air environmental quality during the construction and operation phase of bac giang concrete factory

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY LUU QUANG TU ASSESSING THE AIR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DURING THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION PHASE OF BAC GIANG CONCRETE FACTORY BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode: Full-time Major: Environmental Science and Management Faculty: Advanced Education Program Office Batch: 2014 - 2018 Type: On-the-Job Training (OJT) THAI NGUYEN, 2018 DOCUMENTATION PAGE WITH ABSTRACT Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student name Luu Quang Tu Student ID DTN1153180110 Thesis title Assessing the air environmental quality during the construction and operation phase of Bac Giang concrete factory Supervisor Dr Do Xuan Luan Abstract: The factories are constantly being built to serve the needs of society The process of construction and production have a great impact on the environment The risks of environmental pollution will be increased, causing great harm and impact on human health and ecosystems The following report will show the cause of air pollution in construction and production of the factory, take out the remedy, using processing technology of air pollution to minimize the amount of air pollution into the environment Keywords: Pollution, Air pollution, Concrete, Emission levels, Construction, Production, Remedies Number of pages: Date of Submission: i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To achieve results like today, first I sincerely grateful board of directors Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, the teachers at the school who have devoted entirely to teaching the useful knowledge for me throughout the process of learning in school Especially, I would like to thank most sincerely to teacher Do Xuan Luan, who enthusiastically taught and directed me throughout the process of implementing the subject and can complete this graduation theses At the same time, I would like to thank Bac Giang Natural Resources and Environment Department, the staffs in Bac Giang Center For Monitoring Resources and Environment were enthusiastic help me during my internship at the Agency and to have more practical knowledge In addition, I would like to send my heartfelt sentiments to all of my friends, who were sticking and helping me throughout these years of study at the school Finally, I would like to gratitude to parents, who had given me the most favorable conditions so that I can achieve results like today Thai Nguyen, September,2018 Student Luu Quang Tu ii TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENTATION PAGE WITH ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Contents of work 1.4 Profile of the cooperating agency 1.5 Timeline CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Benefits of producing concrete in society, economics, environment 2.2 Overview of air pollution 2.2.1 Concept 2.2.2 The causes of air pollution 2.2.3 Effects of Air pollution iii 2.2.4 Remedies air pollution 10 2.3 Measures to manage air pollution in the world 12 2.4 Sanction measures polluting the environment of Vietnam 15 2.5 Description of the construction situation Bac Giang concrete production factory 17 CHAPTER III CONTENTS AND METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 Research Methods 22 3.1.1 Data collection 22 3.1.2 Data treatment and analysis 22 3.1.3 Methods 24 3.2 The current state of environmental quality 25 3.2.1 Air environment 26 3.2.2 Water environment 27 3.2.3 Soil environment 30 3.3 The source of air pollution in construction and production stages 31 3.3.1 Construction phases 31 3.3.2 Production phase 36 3.4 Measures to prevent air pollution 41 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION AND LESSON LEARNED 46 4.1 Discussion 46 iv 4.2 Lesson learned 47 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 48 REFERENCES 50 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: The project area Figure 3.1: ProDSS Multiparameter Water Quality Meter Figure 3.2 Sample of water Figure 3.3 Sample of soil Figure 3.4: Factory model Figure 3.5: Boiler fumes treatment system by tank of lime water solution vi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: The main works of the project Table 2.2: The volume of materials serving the building process Table 2.3: The main products Table 2.4: The materials used for production (1 year) Table 3.1: Results of environmental monitoring ambient air Table 3.2: Results of monitoring and analysis of groundwater Table 3.3: Results of monitoring and analysis of surface water environment Table 3.4: Results of monitoring and analysis of soil environment Table 3.5: Pollution coefficient of some vehicles Table 3.6: The concentration of pollutants emitted by vehicles Table 3.7: The concentration of pollutants emitted by vehicles Table 3.8: Level of fuel consumption of equipment, construction vehicles Table 3.9: Results of calculating the emission in ambient air from construction machinery Table 3.10: The concentration of pollutants emitted by vehicles Table 3.11 The concentration of pollutants in the exhaust gas of the generator vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EIA : Environmental impact assessment JSC : Joint Stock Company NTR : National technical regulation TCVN : National standards TSP : Total Suspended Particles UBND : People's Committee UV : ultraviolet VOCs : Volatile organic carbon compounds viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Nowadays, the human has not stopped the research and inventions to create the best products for their needs With population growth and urbanization in large cities, entertainment centers the factory is constantly being built, contributing to economic growth and meeting the best demands of people Along with the fast development of industry, the environment has suffered a large amount of waste due to the manufacturing process of the plants That lead to the accumulation of pollutants harmful to human habitats So, the problem of managing waste needs to be taken seriously In addition, waste in the construction of the plant is one of the main causes of environmental pollution Therefore, the need to take measures to manage and handle the suit to limit environmental pollution in the process of construction and production of the plant During this internship, I conducted a research project: “Assessing the air environmental quality during the construction and operation phase of Bac Giang concrete factory” 1.2 Objectives + Assess the current state of the environment prior to the construction of the factory + Forecasting the level of air pollution during the construction and operation of the plant + Propose measures for handling air pollution caused by the construction and operation of the factory Table 3.9: Results of calculating the emission in ambient air from construction machinery Load emissions Concentration of Standards Pollutant (kg / ton of fuel) substances (mg/m3) (QCVN05:2013/BTNMT) Dust 0,94 0,049 0,3 CO 0,05 0,0026 30 SO2 2,8 0,148 0,35 NO2 12,3 0,65 0,2 VOCs 0,24 0,013 - ( Source: Bac Giang Center of Natural Resources and Environment Monitoring ) Note: (-): No specified QCVN05:2013: National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality Results: As a result, the NO2 content exceeded QCVN 05: 2013 / BTNMT (average hour) by 3.25 times Other indicators are within the allowable limits 3.3.2 Production phase Dust emissions originate mainly from the raw mills, raw materials poured out from the silo, means of transports, the kiln system, the clinker cooler, and the concrete mills A general feature of these process steps is that hot exhaust gas or exhaust air is passing through pulverized material resulting in an intimately dispersed mixture of gas and particulates The nature of the particulates produced is combined with the source material itself, that is raw materials (partly calcined), clinker or cement Dust emissions have been linked to respiratory problems such as Tuberculosis The combustion of fuel in rotary cement kilns generates nitrogen oxides from nitrogen in the fuel and incoming combustion air The amount emitted depends on 36 several factors including fuel type, nitrogen content, and combustion temperature Both sulphur dioxide and some the nitrogen oxide react with the alkaline cement and are removed from the gas stream VOCs are a class of chemicals that are discharged directly to the air as a result of evaporation or another type of volatilization Sources cover stored gasoline, stored solvents and other industrial chemicals, and certain industrial processes Incomplete combustion of fuels of many types is also a significant source of VOC discharge to the ambient air The principal harmful effects of VOCs are toxicity, the possible contribution to smog via photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, and possible contribution to the “greenhouse effect” and consequent global warming  Emissions from vehicle transport The means of transport (cars have 24 tonnes payload) burning the fuel (petrol, oil) born dust, CxHy, CO, NO2, SO2, with relatively high concentrations When the project goes into operation, the total volume of material will use is 317824 tons/year, equivalent to about 26485 tons/month and about 883 tons/day (The project owner will use the cars have 24 tons payload) so, average daily traffic is 37 car/day, about car/h 37 Table 3.10: The concentration of pollutants emitted by vehicles Dust CO SO2 NO2 Number Distance (m) (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (µg/m3) 1.12 5.2 2.6 12.9 10 0.67 3.1 1.5 7.8 15 0.5 3.2 1.1 5.8 20 0.4 1.9 4.7 30 0.3 1.4 0.7 3.5 50 0.21 0.96 0.5 2.4 Applied standard Average 1h 300 30.000 350 200 ( QCVN05:2013) Average 24h 200 5.000 125 100 Note: QCVN05:2013: National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality Results: From the results of calculations compared with National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality, we have found that the concentration of pollutants in the exhaust gas and dust generated by the transport means, is many times lower than the standard allowable So, the scope and extent of influence of polluting sources on transport routes are negligible  The impact caused by exhaust from the backup generator system In the operating phase, the project will use backup generator system (with capacity is 1000 KVA, running with diesel oil), used in cases of power failure The specifications of the machine as follows: + Capacity : 1000 KVA + The amount of oil consumed : 117 kg oil /h + The content of C, H and S in oil : 83,5%, 11,5%, 0,05% 38 + Emissions when burning kg of oil : 18,5 Nm3/kg oil + Exhaust gas flow : 1896 Nm3/h Pollutants generated in the combustion of that fuel is CO2, CO, SO2, NOx and dust To define and test the concentration of pollutants in the waste gas of the backup generators: Calculated according to the method of rapid assessment based on pollution coefficient of WHO (Assessment Of Source of Air, Water and Land Pollution, WHO) The results of forecasting air pollution from generators are presented in the following table: Table 3.11 The concentration of pollutants in the exhaust gas of the generator Pollution Applied standard Concentration Pollutant Mass (kg/h) coefficient (QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT, (mg/Nm3) Dust (kg / ton of oil) 0,28 0,708 29,7 column B) 200 SO2 20S 0,1 43,8 500 NOx 2,84 8,849 371,2 850 CO 0,71 2,065 86,6 1000 VOC 0,035 0,737 30,9 (Source: Report of company) Note: S: Sulfur content is in oil DO ( 500 PPM) QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT: National Technical Regulation on Industrial Emission of Inorganic Substances and Dusts Results: The results show that the most concentrations of pollutants in the exhaust gas are below the allowable limit So, the impacts on the environment of the project area due to emissions from generators are negligible  The impact of emissions from boiler Boilers are the heat source for technological equipment through the heat 39 conduction medium is high-pressure steam Boilers can be heated from a variety of sources At present, three main types of fuel are fired, wood, coal or F.O (Fuel Oils) It produces the following emissions: dust, SO2, NO2, CO, CO2, - Wood-fired boilers: When burning wood, the substances in the exhaust gas vary depending on the firewood, but the amount of emission generated is relatively stable For calculation, we can use the value of VT20 = 4.23 m3 / kg, which means that when burning kg firewood will generate 4.23 m3 of exhaust gas at 200oC The amount of dust in the exhaust that is a part of the amount not burnt and impurities had in firewood, which usually accounts for 1% of the dry wood weight Dust in the exhaust fumes firewood boiler has a particle size from 500 μm to 0.1 μm, the concentrations ranged from 200-500 mg/m3 - Coal-fired boiler: Pollution of coal burning boilers mainly dust, CO2, CO, SO2, SO3 and NOx due to the chemical composition of the coal combined with oxygen during combustions Sulfur in coal = 0.5%, so there in emissions SO2 concentration of approximately 1,333 mg/m3 The emissions depending on each coal Dust in the boiler exhaust smoke is solid particles whose size vary, from several micrometers to a few hundred micrometers - Oil-fired boiler: In emissions of oil-fired boiler F.O people often see the following substances: CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, SO3 and steam, and particulate matter we often call the soot Emissions when burning oil F.O little change The needs of the air needed for burning off kg oil F.O is V020 = 10.6 m3/kg, the emissions generated when burning kg of oil F.O is: Vc20 ≈ 11.5 m3/kg - 13.8 kg ≈ kg oil/gas emissions 40 Depending on the boiler system that the company wants to install and the source of fuel to be used, it is possible to calculate the pollutant concentration of the furnace and compare with QCVN 19: 2009 / BTNMT (National Technical Regulation on Industrial Emission of Inorganic Substances and Dusts) 3.4 Measures to prevent air pollution In the process of construction and production cannot avoid the emission of air pollution into the environment Therefore, the need to have the remedy in a timely manner to avoid affecting the environment in both the stage  During the construction phase: - The construction area, building materials are separated from the surrounding area by building a temporary wall (wooden boards or corrugated iron), the minimum height of the temporary wall is 3m - Carefully cover the trunk when carrying building materials - Machinery and equipment participating in the construction ensure the elements meet the emission standards - Periodically moisten the vehicle ramp that runs through the project area, with a frequency of days/times… - Construction of temporary barriers (brick, wood, ) in the construction area to limit dust spread to outside - Education of consciousness of environmental protection for workers, showing them the benefit of protecting the environment associated with the protection of the health of themselves and the community 41  During the production stage: During operation, the air environment is mainly polluted by dust and emissions from the following four main sources: Transportation, Factory area and storage of materials, Emissions from the boiler • Transportation - Selection of quality assurance supplies, close to the project area - Transportation vehicles and internal roads of the concrete batching plant need to be cleaned to minimize the level of dust emission into the air environment - Set up cleaning teams, sweeping the road with minimum frequency once a day, especially in the hot dry weather, the company will proceed to spray water times/day on several areas to minimize the amount of dust emission • Factory area and storage of materials + Storage of materials: Material storage area comprises the raw material for the plant's manufacturing process The majority of raw materials as cement, iron, sand, will the emission of polluting gases To reduce pollution using the following measures: - Use shields measures in gathering materials’ area to limit the dispersal of dust into the environment around - Restrictions contain too much material at the same time - Installation of sprinklers (rain spray form) in the area of material transfer conveyor - Growing trees around the project to limit the spread of dust + Factory area: 42 Factory layouts are airy and clean, there are doors, Windows, sure enough conditions such as lighting, ventilation, for factory The factory design model is shown in the picture below: Wind Wind Wind Heat source Wind Figure 3.4: Factory model  The conveyor system of concrete mixing Cement was transported up the silo by the aerodynamic compression method, then transported from the hopper into the mixing chamber, where the cement mix was mixed with compressed gas line pressure has about 1.2-1.6 Kg/cm2 This gas mixture goes into the silo, then cement is retained and the gas is drained out by the sleeve filter Besides, mixing materials and raw materials to the system of mixing will often apply measures such as water spray on the material before shipping to the mixing system to minimize the amount of dust spread into the air environment Use of the technology and equipment for the control of air pollution, such as: Systems project Biofiltration, Control Of Gases, Electrostatic precipitators, Wet 43 Scrubbers, Flexible Pulse Jet Filters  Emissions from the boiler Emissions (harmful gases like CO, SO2, and NOx) from coal combustion to operate the boiler and dust of the impurities will go into Cyclone dust filter system, then it will be put into the tank of lime water solution and ultimately discharged to the environment Exhaust fans Chimney Emissions Dust filtration Boiler Lime water solution tank Lime water solution Figure 3.5: Boiler fumes treatment system by tank of lime water solution 44 The emissions go through the cyclone dust filter to remove ashes, carbon black by centrifugal force and gravity Ashes and black carbon has a greater weight than the air, which is retained at the bottom of the cyclone dust filter, then the gas line continue to be lead through the lime water tank The pollutants (SO2, NOx) will combine with the solution and create form salts, small dust particles are also retained and settled to the bottom After passing through the absorption tank system, clean emissions are discharged into the air by chimneys The waste will be processed in common with solid waste and the solution will be added periodically The process of absorbing the emissions occur as follows: CO2 + Ca(OH)2 > CaCO3 + H2O CaCO3 + SO2 + H2O + O2 > CaSO4 + CO2 + H2O Ca(OH)2 + 4NO2 > Ca(NO3)2 + Ca(NO2)2 + 2H2O In fact, much concrete production factories in Vietnam and around the world have also used the aforementioned systems, 90-95% of the amount of dust, CO, NOx and SO2 will be retained in the solution Make sure the air after through the absorption system will be located within the limits of QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT column B (QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT: National Technical Regulation on Industrial Emission of Inorganic Substances and Dusts) 45 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION AND LESSON LEARNED 4.1 Discussion Firstly, Construction activities that give to air pollution include land clearing, the operation of diesel engines, machinery, transportation, burning, and working with toxic materials All construction sites generate high levels of dust (typically from concrete, cement) and this can lead to large distances over a long period of time Therefore, the project owner needs to plan for air pollution remediation from the start of construction planning to the completion of the plant This will minimize the impact on the environment and the people Second, through the process of finding out about processing technology of air pollution in the production process of concrete in Vietnam and other developing countries in the world, pointed out the weaknesses in the processing of air pollution in Vietnam Currently, in Viet Nam, most of the companies in the concrete industry apply the technology as stated But the technology used in the factories in Viet Nam is still limited and not yet have much experience in operating the latest technology in the world Therefore, we need to learn more experiences in developed countries in the application of technology to minimize contamination of the environment One of the most important issues in Vietnam is that the cost of a pollution treatment system is very expensive, so we not have enough money to import the best processing technology in the world But now Viet Nam is gradually improving the processing of air pollution The Government has also paid attention to the issue of air pollution, reviewed and setting standards, laws, technical improvements, support policies for air pollution treatment technology to apply in the process of managing and processing of 46 air pollution in Viet Nam and towards a future of economic development that does not affect the environment 4.2 Lesson learned During graduation internship at Bac Giang Center For Monitoring Resources and Environment with the original goal is to learn more knowledge to be able to apply in practical work This is a very professional working environment and has helped me to learn a lot of knowledge beyond my expectations The first thing that impressed me the most was that everyone's attitude towards their work was very serious, which is something that everyone needs to learn Because in work, we need to have the passion, an attitude to work really seriously can help us to improve the knowledge of themselves and complete the work in an excellent way Initially, in the process of becoming acquainted with the work, the equipment used in the environmental analysis also quite new to me But with the help of the people in the Center and the actual survey trip in some companies that have helped me learn more knowledge outside my majors, understand more about active processes in the production, the processing system sources of environmental pollution and the use of environmental analysis equipment to monitor, analyze and synthesize the current state of environmental quality From that establishes environmental impact reports, proposals and recommendations the prevention solution to minimize environmental pollution That's the invaluable knowledge for me 47 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS With results analyzed samples: water, air, land It can be seen that the results of the analysis had pointed out was the quality of the environment in the area before building the plant generally is relatively good Measurable indicators are lower than the limit specified by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, however water environment, there is a number of substances exceeding the prescribed as Chloride (exceeds 6.41 times), COD (exceeds 1.06 times), total suspended solids (exceeds 1.56 times), NH4 (exceeds 1.65 times), DO (lower than the limit allows 1.04 times) and Coliform (exceeds 3.2 times) should be overcome During the construction and production phase The concentration of pollutant emissions of vehicles and generators is much lower than the standards set by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment That of NO2 emissions in machinery equipment exceeds 3.25 times the prescribed level If the project owner complies with the air pollution protection plan mentioned above, it will not harm the air environment The above is the entire contents of the internship report with the subject: “Assessing the air environmental quality during the construction and operation phase of Bac Giang concrete factory” During graduation internship at Bac Giang Center For Monitoring Resources and Environment of Bac Giang Natural Resources and Environment Department I have understood how to manage and handle the air pollution in the construction and production process of Bac Giang Concrete Production Factory In this thesis, I used the knowledge learned in school and tried to present the basics of the process handle of air pollution Learn lots of new knowledge as active 48 processes in the production process, the source systems that cause environmental pollution and the use of environmental analysis equipment to monitor, analyze the environmental quality status  Recommendation: Project owners should take the following measures: + In coordination with the State management bodies and the specialized agencies to perform control, monitoring the current state of the environment of the plant + Carry out periodic environmental control as specified Results of analysis and measurement of environmental quality will be stored for comparison and control, and submitted to state management agencies for monitoring + Manage, supervise the construction and operation of the mixer machine in order to comply with the approved technical design, closely monitoring the condition of the machinery to minimize noise and emission impacts + Inform employees about regulations and guidelines for occupational safety and environmental protection Regular control and strict implementation of the provisions and instructions + Regularly monitor the work: cleaning work, waste treatment and emissions 49 REFERENCES Phạm Ngọc Đăng (2003) Mơi trường khơng khí Nxb Khoa học kỹ thuật Hà Nội Karstensen K.H 2006 Formation and Release of POPs in the Cement Industry, Second Edition, World Business Council for Sustainable Development Alstom 2011 Cement: Air Quality Control Solutions, Levallois-Perret Cedex, France Karstensen K.H 2007 Cement Production Technology, National Policy on High Temperature Thermal Waste Treatment and Cement Kiln Alternative Fuel Use, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Republic of South Africa J Environ Sci Air quality management in China: issues, challenges, and options Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 24, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 2-13 http://www.environment.gov.au/protection/air-quality https://www.export.gov/article?id=Vietnam-Environmental-and-Pollution-ControlEquipment-and-Services http://moitruongxuyenviet.com/ky-thuat-text-thu-3875.html https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/science/concrete-may-help-curb-airpollution-says-study-4743670/ http://wbcsdcement.org/about-cement/benefits-of-concrete http://khpl.moj.gov.vn/qt/tintuc/Pages/hoi-dap-phap-luat-bao-ve-moitruong.aspx?ItemID=78 http://xulymoitruong.com/xu-ly-khoi-thai-lo-hoi-2-918/ https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/17653.html 50 ... ? ?Assessing the air environmental quality during the construction and operation phase of Bac Giang concrete factory? ?? 1.2 Objectives + Assess the current state of the environment prior to the construction. .. impacts during the construction and production of the Bac Giang Concrete Factory, to bring out the best remedy to reduce the optimal air pollution during the construction of the factory and the production... construction of the factory + Forecasting the level of air pollution during the construction and operation of the plant + Propose measures for handling air pollution caused by the construction and operation

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2021, 08:32


