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When you are choosing the correct grammatical form to complete the sentence, look at how the parts of the sentence fit together.. Information from one phrase often affects choices elsew[r]




1 Decide if the question requires knowledge of vocabulary or grammar

If all or some of the choices are the same part of speech, you must select the correct vocabulary item On the other hand, if you are asked to choose between different forms of the same word, you must select the grammatical form E.g Everyone should have periodic eye examination to make sure any problems are quickly ………

A produced B responded C discovered D prepared

E.g Everyone should have periodic eye examination to make sure any problems are quickly ……… A discovering B discover C discovered D to discover

In example , you must choose the word that is appropriate in the context of the sentence A medical problem must be discovered quickly so that it can be treated.

In example 2, you must select the correct grammatical form of the word The verb should be passive The past participle discovered completes the passive construction- problems are quickly discovered

2 Identify the missing part of speech to determine the correct grammatical form

Identifying the missing part of speech (noun, adjective, adverb, preposition…) can help you eliminate some of the choices If the missing word is a verb, for example, you can rule out the choices that are not verbs

Example 1:

Please…… your face with a mask when using welding materials

A protection B protect C protecting D protective

In this example, the sentence is grammatically correct when completed with a verb form that expresses a command- the imperative form of the verb A & D are not verbs, so you can eliminate these choices immediately Choices B & C are both verb forms Choice C protecting is not an imperative, B is the correct answer

3 Note that some words are often used together in set expressions

Certain combinations of words typically occur in English For example, the verb make can be used with an appointment, a date, or a mistake, while the verb is frequently used with a job, homework, or an errand For example, I made a mistake when I was doing my homework

While many of the choices in this section may seem to make sense, the question may be assessing your knowledge of English language usage


Mr Dupre has asked me to send his……… regards to you and your staff

A warm B firm C close D good

The word regards is usually used with the words warm or best While close and good might seem to make sense, they are not used to modify regards

Example 2:

He has … a great deal of time on this project

A passed B spent C cost D paid

The word time can be used with pass or spend, but the meaning of the two expressions are different To pass time means to let the time go by while you are relaxing or waiting This would not make sense in the above sentence To spend a lot of time on something means you use the time for a specific purpose.

4 Look for grammatical relationships between parts of the sentence

When you are choosing the correct grammatical form to complete the sentence, look at how the parts of the sentence fit together Information from one phrase often affects choices elsewhere in the sentence

Example : The notebook computer is the……… profitable of all the products that are presently on sale

A as B so C more D most

The phrase of all the products tells you that the notebook is being compared with more than one other product A superlative is required Choice D forms the superlative of the adjective

Example 2: Mrs Hayar ……from her trip to Jakarta late yesterday evening


Here, the clue is the phrase late yesterday evening This phrase indicates that the action took place in the past Choice B is the simple past and is the correct answer


Identifying missing parts of speech

Read the following sentences and decide what part of speech is missing in each case Choose one of the parts of speech listed below and write it in the blank

Noun preposition verb adverb conjunction adjective In order for the conference to run smoothly, we will need hundreds…volunteers

2 The need for skilled workers in the manufacturing trade will……dramatically over the next decade West street has the city’s… concentration of art galleries, museums, and restaurants

4 The RBI Corporation has …maintained that its greatest growth potential lies overseas

5 The air industry announced yesterday that it had canceled a $ 3.5 billions……for jet airplanes

6 The audience is reminded that neither cameras….recording equipment will be permitted in the auditorium Increase increasingly largest strongest of for always

Once or nor agreement agreeable PRACTICE QUESTIONS

1 I don't know what was wrong with her this morning She is usually quite

A glad B pleased C cheerful D satisfied

2 The air in the house felt cold and after weeks of bad weather

A wet B moist C damp D watery

3 The building was badly ………….in the fire

A hurt B wounded C damaged D injured

4 People who are unemployed can receive the …………

A pension B dole C scholarship D allowance My brother always at cards No wonder he won every game

A cheated B lied C tricked D deceived

6 I’m angry because you didn’t tell me the truth I don’t like ………

A being deceived B deceiving C to deceive D having deceived

7 Hurry up! We don’t have ………left

A much time B many times C little time D few time The house still remains in ………… after the hurricane

A good condition B a good condition C good conditions D the good condition In the legal profession, men ……… women by to

A outnumber B supersede C overcome D outclass 10 …………the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse drawn

A Thanks to B Prior to C In addition to D With reference to 11 I don’t like people who tend to …………other people’s kindness

A take advantage B take advantages of C take advantage in D take advantage of

12 Don't worry ! Our new product will keep your bathroom clean and

A odourless B odour C odourful D odourlessly 13 Let’s go ahead and it now Nothing ……… by waiting

A accomplishes B accomplished C has accomplished D will be accomplished 14 “When ……….?” “In 1928”

A penicillin was discovered B did penicillin discovered C was penicillin discovered D did penicillin discover

15 In recent years, the government has imposed pollution controls on automobile manufacturers Both domestic and imported automobiles must ……… anti-pollution

A equip with B be equipped with C equip by D be equipped by

16 “When can I have my car back?” “I think it’ll ……… late this afternoon”

A finish B be finished C have finished D be finish

17.I’ll have my assistant for an appointment


18 The owner had the store ……… for the holiday

A close B closing C closed D will close

19 Once the files are ready, please have them ……… me

A send B send to C sent to D sent into

20.The pictures, ……… by a professional photographer, are going to be on display

A taken B which taken C were taken D was taken

21 The owner of the hotel had the rooms ………

A redecorated B redecorate C redecorating D to redecorate

22 I won't wake unless I ……… the alarm

A don't hear B heard C hear D didn't hear

23 If I could speak Spanish, I ……… next year studying in Mexico

A will spend B would spend C had spent D would have spent

24 I wish I ……… at you so loudly with no reason yesterday

A wouldn't shout B don't shout C hadn't shouted D didn't shout

25 What would you have done if you ……… a lot of money?

A had B will C has had D have had

26 Many people would be out of work if that factory ……… down

A closes B closed C had closed D would close

27 Your picture are beautiful We ……… more if we had not run out of film

A would take B had taken C will have taken D would have taken

28 The blackmailer denied ……… the photographs to the actress

A send B to send C sent D having sent

29 This book was written by a well-known writer It is worth ………

A to read B reading C read D having read

30 Who actually saw the accident ……… ?

A to happen B happen C happened D has happened

31 We are not used to ……… in a cold climate

A lived B live C living D be lived

32 If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop ……… by every little thing that happens

A bothering B being bothered C to bother D to be bothered

33 I don’t remember ……… of the change in plans for the holiday

A to be told B to have told C telling D being told

34 I’m sorry I never graduated I’ve always regretted not ……… college

A to finish B finished C finish D having finished

35 A good teacher makes her students ……… the world from new perspectives

A to view B view C viewing D to be viewed

36 Please remember ……… your hand during the test if you have a question

A raising B to raise C having raised D to have raised

37 I advised my niece not ……….at an early age

A marrying B to marry C being married D to have been


38 Shhh I hear someone ……… in the distance Do you hear it , too?

A shout B shouted C to shout D shouting

39 Children should be encouraged ……… their individual interests

A develop B to be developed C to develop D developing

40 Could you please come over? I need you ……… the refrigerator

A help me moving B helping me to move C help me to move D to help me move 41 We considered ……… after work

A to go shop B going shopping C going to shop D to go to shop

42 All I want is for him safe

A returning B to return C return D having returned

43 Yesterday, I met a woman … grandfather was Swedish

A who B who’s C whose D which

44 She put her prize in a place … everyone would notice it

A where B which C in what D to that

45 ‘Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?’ ‘ I ……….a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.’

A make B will make C am going to make D will have made 46 Fish were among the earliest forms of life Fish ……….on earth for ages and ages


47 Today there are weather satellites that beam down information about the earth’s

atmosphere In the last two decades, space exploration ……… great contributions to weather forecasting

A is making B has made C made D makes

48 On July 20, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong ……… down onto the moon, the first person ever to set foot on another celestial body

A was stepping B stepped C has stepped D was step

49 The plane’s departure was delayed because of mechanical difficulties When the weary passengers finally boarded the aircraft, many were annoyed and irritable because they ……… in the airport for three and a half hours

A are waiting C have been waiting

B were waiting D had been waiting

50 My family loves this house It ……….the family home ever since my grandmother built it 60 years ago

A was B has been C is D will be

51 Here 's an interesting statistic: On a typical day, the average person……… about 48,000 words How many words did you speak today?

A spoke B was speaking C is D will be

52 Al painted his bedroom black It looks dark and dreary He ……… a different color

A has to choose B should have chosen

C must have chosen D could have been choosing

53 Tom is sitting at his desk He’s reading his chemistry text because he has a test tomorrow He……… A could study B should be studying C will study D must be studying

54 When Mr Lee was younger, he………work in the garden for hours, but now he has to take frequent rests because he has emphysema

A has got to B can C should be able D could

55 The swift current ……… to cross the stream

A made impossible B made it impossible C made the possibility D made possibly

56 ……… with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains not seem high at all A When compared B Compare them

C If you compare D A comparison

57 One of the most obvious characteristics of the moon is the way in which it continuously changes ……… A in appearing B its appearance C are appearing D for appearance

58 ……… a wrong number, it is important to apologize before hanging up

A You dial B Dialing C If you dial D If it is dialed 59 ……… the lion is a member of the cat family

A Like the tiger B Alike the tiger C Liking the tiger D It is like the tiger

60 ……… the seeds of the Kentucky coffee plant are poisonous A Until they have been cooked, B Cooking them

C They have been cooked D Having been cooked until 61 Natural silk is still high prized ……….similar artificial fabrics A although is available B despite there are available C in spite of the availability of D even though an availability of 62 A vacuum will neither conduct heat nor

A transmit sound waves B transmitting sound waves C sound waves are transmitted D the transmission of sound waves

63 The FDA was set up in 1940 that maintain standards for the sale of food and drugs A to enforce the laws B to enforcing laws

C enforcing laws D enforced the laws 64 I have to go to the meeting………… … I want to or not

A because B whether C as soon as D while

65 You’d better take an umbrella … it begins to rain

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 14:59



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