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According to a recent survey, most people are on good________ with their neighbors.. The police have been ordered not to ________if the students attack them.[r]




1. This used to be a rural area, but it has become (INDUSTRY)

2. Linda found it impossible to remain (DIFFERENCE) to the plight of the poor 3. We feel that the law against begging should not be (FORCE)

4. Police arrested well-known (TROUBLE) before the match 5. It seems unjust to arrest a poor person for (SHOP)

6. Drug (USE) is a problem now causing great concern

7. The lead actor spoke in an almost (AUDIO) voice I can hardly hear him 8. Is it impossible to (DISTINCTION) between a hobby and an interest ? 9. He was now in a more (ADVANTAGE) position

10. Jane is being kept in an isolation ward because she is highly (INFECT)

11. She seemed always to speak (CONTROVERSY) , especially at our club meeting 12. David’s compositions are full of mistakes but they are very (IMAGE)

13. Many citizens say they are (IGNORE) of the political policies of the candidates in a local election

14. It’s a very depressed area and almost 20% of young adults are (EMPLOY) 15. I don’t know why it caused so much (EMBARRASS)

16. There is a (SPACE) living room, with French windows 17. Janet has to (DRAW) from the team because of injury

18. It’s (CONSUME) to this work by hand The machine may help us a lot 19. You cannot enter the country without the (REQUIRE) documents

20. You must forgive my (EXPERIENCE) in these matters

21. Like oil, gas is a fossil fuel and is thus a (RENEW) source of energy 22. We can look forward to a period of (PROSPER)

23. Is it (DELIGHT) news to be awarded a Gold Rasberry

24. They didn’t want their money back They wanted a (PLACE) _ 25. We have decided to interview only the six best (APPLY)


26. After months of bitter arguing, the couple had to accept that they were _ (different/ suitable/ incompatible/ disaffected)

27. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your off your worry (thoughts/ mind/ heart/ head)

28. The new law on motorcyclists’ wearing safety helmet has come (into force/ to power/ effectively/ to existence)

29. All the way along the winding street

(Tom came / came Tom / did Tom come / Tom did come)

30. With their modern , lightweight boat, they soon the old vessels in the race (exceeded / caught up / outstripped / overran)

31. When I got my case back, it had been damaged _repair ( further / over / above / beyond) 32. When her millionaire father died, she came a fortune (into / with / for / at)

33. They turned down the proposal that it did not fulfill their requirements (allowing / with regard / on the grounds / by reason)


(careful/ observant/ attentive/ remarkable)

35. yesterday, I would’ve asked him not to that

(If he came / Provided he came / If he had came / Had he come)

36. I enjoy my job but it’s taken me two years to get used to working at nights (like a baker / like the baker / as a baker / as the baker)

37. I don’t think the red dress her (matches / blends / goes with / suits)

38. From the hotel there is a good of the mountain (view / sight / picture / vision) 39. I’m not _to your plan but it needs modifying (objected / disputed / conflicted / opposed) 40. According to a recent survey, most people are on good with their neighbors

(terms / term / acquaintance / relationship)

41. The police have been ordered not to if the students attack them ( combat / struggle / challenge / retaliate)

42. I’d rather you absent from class yesterday (not be / were not / hasn’t been / hadn’t been)

43. This channel doesn’t have very good sports (coverage / programs / games / medium)

44. Don’t you notice that he is in today?

(good moods / great mind / nice emotion / high spirits)

45. My sister and I aren’t at all alike We are like and cheese (mice / lime / chalk / chocolate)

46. She hasn’t got enough _to really try to get what she wants (action / activity / decision / go)

47. Well We did have a terrible row but we’ve made now (up / out / over / again) 48. You must pay import on certain goods bought into this country

(fees / tip / duties / surcharges)

49. I walked away as calmly as I could they would think I was a thief (in case / so that / otherwise / owing to)

50. Having won the gold medal, she felt on top of the (peak / mind / game / world) 51. Do you have to take that bicycle? (allowance / permission / exception / willingness) 52. I’ll give this book back to you as soon as I’m reading it

(done / gone over / finished / afterwards)

53. parker gave my mom a lovely for Spaghetti Carbonara (prescription / paper / recipe / receipt)

54. “Goodbye, Susie!” _ “ ” (The same to you / Yeah / So long / Me too) 55. You should a professional to check your horse for earthquake damage

(have / take / let / get)

56. My grandmother was by Andre’s cultivated manners and his charming smile (subjected / captivated / enslaved / captured)

57. David the “No Smoking” notice on the carriage window and proceeded to light his pipe (disbelieved / ignored / rejected / avoided)

58. I didn’t think he is in when he asked me to lend him 500 dollars (earnest / truth / seriousness / real)

59. The guilty man was given one month in which to pay the (cost / expense / fine / load) 60. To be a good pianist, you must for an hour or more everyday

(repeat / instruct / prepare / practice)


(understanding / approval / cost / consent)

63. The two sisters are very much alike, I can never them apart (say/ find/ distinguish / tell)

64. He took to the piano straightaway and became in a few months (favorable / deficient / proficient / suspicion)

65. (At the party, host to guests): “ !”

(Serve yourselves / Be at homes / Do it yourselves / Help yourselves)

66. My dad is a smoker He smokes everyday (heavy / hooked / strong / plentiful) 67. A: ”What you’re doing?” _B: “ !”

(It doesn’t touch you / It’s not your business / Look after your own stuff / Don’t concern) 68. Despite our economic problems, the majority of people substantially better off than a

decade ago (are / is / has been / have been)

69. A part-time job gives me the freedom to my own interests (chase / seek / catch / pursue)

70. Your grandpa is rather tired so not your visit Let him have a rest (delay / lengthen / prolong / shorten)

71. Companies have to consider the age of population when they are new staff (enlisting / recruiting / raising / enrolling)

72. Not until the end of the 19th century become a scientific discipline

(did plant breeding / has plant breeding / had plant breeding / plant breeding had)

73. When friends insist on expensive gift, it makes most people uncomfortable ( them to accept / they accepting / they to accept / their accepting )

74. that she burst into tears

(Such was angry girl / So angry she was / She was too angry / Her angry was such )

75. The vase is definitely not _, but just a very good imitation.(genuine / real / true / honest ) 76. Please answer the phone for me I don’t want to speak to it is

(whatever / whenever / whoever / wherever )

77. By the time Brown’s daughter graduates, he retired (will be / has been / will have / will be being )

78. the storm, the ship could’ve reached its destination on time (In case of / But for / In the event of / On the account of )

79. While to help Tim with his math, I got impatient because of his refusal to listen to what I was saying (I’m trying / having tried / I had tried / trying )

80. The problem is difficult, therefore students could answer it (none / a few / few / a lot of )

81. Do you think you can meet the given by your teacher? (time / scheme / deadline / plan )

82. Look! The yard is wet It last night

( must be raining / must have rained / might have rained / could’ve rained) 83. I understand you don’t like opera I go at least once a month

( In contrast / On contrast / In the contrast / On the contrast)

84. He has always looked his elder brother ( back on / into / upon / up to)

85. Some people sport to keep fit, not because they like it (make / practice / train / do) 86. One of the scheme is the very high cost

( shortage / advantage / drawback / shortcoming)


89. blind can see nothing ( The / A / Some / Any)

90. The thief was to six month imprisonment ( given / sent / sentenced / put) 91. Most Americans don’t object them by the 1st names

( that I call / to be called / for calling / to my calling ) 92. Your sister has in an accident

( been badly injured / been injured badly / badly been injured / all are correct) 93. Who did you invite to dinner? _No one than Frank and his family

( rather / other / except / besides)

94. Skiing is really my ( piece of cake / cup of tea / tip of the tongue / duck’s back) 95. The Vietnamese people a heroic people ( is / are / seem / feels)

96. The change in the timetable will many students having to catch an early bus (cause / mean / lead / make)

97. We are prepared to overlook the errors on this occasion your previous good look ( with a view to / with regard of / thanks to / in the light of)

98. Hill just doesn’t fit in here He’s like

( a bird in a hand / a fish out of water / a bird in the ointment / water off duck’s back) 99. If I you again in my orchard, looking for ears, you’ll be sorry

( make eyes at / take a view of / look through / catch sight of)

100.Linda broke school rules so many times that the headmaster finally her (expelled / exported / discharged / let out)

101.The water company will have to off water supplies while repairs to the pipes ear carry out (break / take / set / cut )

102.Andrew couldn’t _himself laughing at the face of Maggie ( help / stop / avoid /escape) 103.The new systems short of my expectations ( dropped / drew / fell / got)

104.When he heard the joke, he burst into ( smile / laughter / amusement / enjoyment) 105.I haven’t had a very week, I seem to have done nothing at all

( extensive / productive / enthusiastic / economical)

106.The purpose of the survey was to the inspectors with the local conditions ( acquaint / inform / instruct / notify)

107.This machine is absolutely in condition ( good / the good / a good / such good) 108.At the end of the winter, the price of the clothes in the shops usually

( sinks / lowers /drops / reduces)

109.The film lasted hours with a(n) of 10 minutes between part one and part two ( stop / interruption / pause / interval)

110.The discovery was a major for research workers ( breakdown / break-in / breakout / breakthrough)

111.The plans for the building were up a few months ago ( drawn / built / put / piled) 112.The suspect was unable to or his movements on the evening of November 20

( make up/ explain / recount / account)

113.The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home because I was the speed limit ( surpassing / exceeding / transcending / overtaking)

114.The girl was from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation ( expelled / ejected / discharged / taken)

115.The police have warned tourists to look (1) _ (2) pickpockets in the town centre ( out, for / out ,of / over, for / over, to)


117.“Would you mind if I shut the window? ” _ “ ”.( No, please / Yes, of course / Yeah, certainly / Yes, please )

118.“The problem seems annoying to everyone!” _” Yes it ” (seems / does/ is/ can be) 119.“That letter” he said “is with me.” ( nothing be done / to make nothing / nothing doing

/ nothing to )

120.The boy was absorbed collecting shells on the beach ( on / with / over / in) 121.Farmers rid of weeds by spraying ( get / make / put / set)

122.We should study hard our parents can be proud of us ( as well as / in order that/ with the aim / as that)

123.The of food during that long winter left many families in despair ( scarcity / availability / hardship/ damage)

124.These teachers to make their students understand the simple things ( try a best effort / an attempt / make great efforts / put a great attempt) 125.“Don’t fail to send your parents my regards !” _ “ ”

( You’re welcome / Good idea, thanks / It’s my pleasure / Thanks, I will)

126.It was a that the driver survived the crash His car was completely damaged ( strange / mystery / miracle / secret )

127.Up , and people cheered ( went the balloons / did the balloons go / did go the balloons / gone were the balloons )

128.Learning English isn’t so difficult, once you it ( get off with / get down to /get out with / get over )

129.You’re quite right, of course, but you needn’t have been so rude about it ( at once time / from time to time / at times / at the same time)

130.What a car! ( new small nice / nice small new / small new nice / nice new small ) 131.I know him but I have never actually spoken to him

( on sight / in sight / by sight / at sight)

132.Because of her good , she got the job as a model ( look / face / style / character ) 133.Mrs.Nga decided to give up her job for the of her children

(care / advantage / good / sake)

134.I’m in the opinion that right now a sleep will definitely you ! ( get, fresh / do, good / make, great / lead, great )

135.The dentist told him to open his mouth ( broad / much / greatly / wide) 136. begin their existence as rice crystals over most of the earth seems possible ( Raindrops / That raindrops / What if raindrops / It’s raindrops )

137 We have purchased a new of equipment to stimulate condition in outer space (slice / clap / piece / gust)

138 Several passengers received minor injures when the train unexpectedly came to a ( delay / stand / break/ halt )

139 We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town ( red / gold/ blue / brown)

140 He thought that if he admitted being afraid of swimming, he would lose with his friends ( regard / nerve / trust / face)

141 The criminal said he was sorry and he of his crime ( recalled / repented / resigned / recollected)

142 You can always on Ann to give you good advice ( bank / come / shine / reproach ) 143 What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody so stupid?


144 The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes for a cup of tea ( up / over / off / to / in)

145 laughter is the best medicine (A / The / X / Some )

146 The thought of giving up the job as a pianist never to me ( occurred / happened /came / flew)

147 Last year, I earned times my sister did ( so many as / as much as / more than / so much as )

148 Car theft accounts for more than half of all recorded crime in this country (single / solely / alone / individually)

149 It was not until she arrived in class realized she had forgotten her book ( and she / that she / when she / had she )

150 Although it was jewellery , it looks real enough (imitation / untrue / dishonest / invented)



Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (151) _ to be successful? Having someone around who always (152) the worst isn’t really a lot of (153) _we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says “ It’s looks (154) _ rain” But if you catch yourself thinking such things , it’s important to something (155) _ it

You can change your view of life,(156) to psychologist It only take a little effort, and you’ll find life more rewarding as a (157) Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and confident but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and it has to (158) Optimists are more (159 ) to start new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks

Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (160) _ towards the world Some people are brought up to (161) too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything (162) wrong Most

optimists, on the (163) _ hand, have been brought up not to (164) failure as the end of the world They just (165) with their lives

151 A, counted B, expected C, felt D, waited 152 A, worries B, cares C, fears D, doubts 153 A, amusement B, play C, enjoyment D, fun 154 A, so B, to C, for D, like

155 A, with B, against C, about D, over 156 A, judging B, according C, concerning D, following


160 A, opinion B, attitude C, view D, position 161 A, trust B, believe C, depend D, hope 162 A, goes B, falls C, comes D, turns 163 A, oppose B, next C, other D, far 164 A, regard B, respect C, suppose D, think 165 A, get up B, get on C, get at D, get over



Many celebrated artists have found (166 ) hard to (167 )

ends meet early in their career (168 ) a few well-known

exceptions, however, (poor Van Gogh being perhaps the most famous one) most went

on to find recognition within their own lifetime Picasso’s life story is the kind of

rags-to-riches tale (169 ) gives hope to many an unknown artist In 1904,

he was he was sharing draughty and primitive studio complex (170)

thirty other artists But by his death, he was a multi-millionaire and probably the most

famous modern artist ever Nevertheless, (171 ) every success story, there

must be dozens of artists who have endures a lifetime (172) hardship in

obscurity Whether they were never recognized because their work was (173 )

of sympathy with the prevailing fashion , (174) because

they (175) talent, is impossible to say Most people see art a vocation

rather (176 ) a career There (177) indeed some truth in the

idea ( 178) artists need to (179) exceptionally dedicated to

succeed, and even relatively artist sometimes (180 ) to supplement their

income by working in other areas occasionally.


day Tom and Peter decided to climb down to explore some caves near the

sea They set (181) early in the morning (182) a length of

rope and (183) food for twenty-four hours Reaching the stiff, they

fastened the rope to a (184) truck and Peter began to lower (185) _

over the edge Half-way (186) he noticed the first of the caves and stopped

on the ledge in front of it When Tom joined him they (187) the cave

together Inside it was very( 188) and they waited a moment for their eyes

to become adjusted Looking (189) they gradually made out some dim

shapes at the back of the cave Feeling excited and little frightened they (190)


It was curiously soft, warm but with something hard inside ( 191) _

he realized (192) it was and , with a cry of terror, jumped back “Quick”

he shouted “ (193) _ get out of here before it’s ( 194) late.”

They turned and ran as fast as they (195) to the rope hanging outside

Grabbing it, Tom began to climb but almost immediately the rope (196 )

and he fell back on to the ledge (197) Peter

They stared at (198) other in horror They were trapped! At that

(199) they heard the sound of the creature inside beginning to move slowly

(200) them.


driving instructor died in a (201) accident near Oxford while he

was (202) a lesson to a learner driver.

Mr Tony Carter was in the passenger seat of a Metro car when it crashed

(203) _ a lorry Mr Carter ,34, a married man (204) two children,

was the sixty-ninth person to die on this road (205) far this year The

accident happened at 2:30 p.m last Thursday when his Metro, driven (206) _

27-year -old Wayne Easton, was turning right (207) a crossroads The car hit

a Mercedes lorry (208) was traveling in the opposite (209)

Mr Easton was (210) to hospital, but (211) his condition

was described as satisfactory The lorry driver Mr Ron Tubbs was unhurt “There

was no signal” said Mr Tubbs “I (212) _ he was going to (213)

right, so I (214) _ going straight ahead as normal.” The police would like to

talk to the driver of a red and white coach which was traveling behind the lorry at the

(215) of the accident.


Lewis was a coal miner (216) _ thirty years He had

(217) _ underground in a coal mine It was a hard and dangerous (218)

.One day Edgar (219) an accident in the mine, a lot of stones fell on him A

sharp stone cut through his left leg like a (220) through butter Edgar lost

consciousness When he (221) up, he was in bed in the mine doctor’s room

He felt around with his (222) _ There was no left leg (223) his left

leg ought to be “Nurse!” he called loudly A nurse came “What have you (224) _

with my left leg?” Edgar asked She pointed to a brown cardboard box on the floor

“(225) it is, Mr Lewis, in that box” she said.


TEST (key)


1. This used to be a rural area, but it has become (INDUSTRY) _



2. Linda found it impossible to remain (DIFFERENCE) _


_to the plight of the poor. 3. We feel that the law against begging should not be (FORCE) _



4. Police arrested well-known (TROUBLE) _


_before the match. 5. It seems unjust to arrest a poor person for (SHOP) _



6. Drug (USE) _


_ is a problem now causing great concern.

7. The lead actor spoke in an almost (AUDIO) _


_voice I can hardly hear him. 8. Is it impossible to (DISTINCTION) _


_between a hobby and an interest ? 9. He was now in a more (ADVANTAGE) _



10. Jane is being kept in an isolation ward because she is highly (INFECT)



11. She seemed always to speak (CONTROVERSY) _


, especially at our club meeting

12. David’s compositions are full of mistakes but they are very (IMAGE) _



13. Many citizens say they are (IGNORE) _


_of the political policies of the candidates in a local election

14. It’s a very depressed area and almost 20% of young adults are (EMPLOY) _


. 15. I don’t know why it caused so much (EMBARRASS) _



16. There is a (SPACE) _


_ living room, with French windows. 17. Janet has to (DRAW) _


from the team because of injury.

18. It’s (CONSUME) _


_ to this work by hand The machine may help us a lot

19. You cannot enter the country without the (REQUIRE) _


_documents. 20. You must forgive my (EXPERIENCE) _


) in these matters.

21. Like oil, gas is a fossil fuel and is thus a (RENEW)


source of energy. 22. We can look forward to a period of (PROSPER)



23. Is it (DELIGHT) _


_news to be awarded a Gold Rasberry.

24. They didn’t want their money back They wanted a (PLACE) _


. 25. We have decided to interview only the six best (APPLY) _




26. After months of bitter arguing, the couple had to accept that they were _ (different / suitable / incompatible / disaffected)

27. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your off your worry (thoughts / mind / heart / head)

28. The new law on motorcyclists’ wearing safety helmet has come (into force / to power / effectively / to existence)

29. All the way along the winding street


30. With their modern , lightweight boat, they soon the old vessels in the race (exceeded / caught up / outstripped / overran)

31. When I got my case back, it had been damaged _repair (further / over / above / beyond) 32. When her millionaire father died, she came a fortune (into / with / for / at)

33. They turned down the proposal that it did not fulfill their requirements (allowing / with regard / on the grounds / by reason)

34. The new teacher was to the needs of all the children in her care (careful / observant / attentive / remarkable)

35. yesterday, I would’ve asked him not to that

(If he came / Provided he came / If he had came / Had he come)

36. I enjoy my job but it’s taken me two years to get used to working at nights (like a baker / like the baker / as a baker / as the baker)

37. I don’t think the red dress her (matches / blends / goes with / suits)

38. From the hotel there is a good of the mountain (view / sight / picture / vision) 39. I’m not _to your plan but it needs modifying (objected / disputed / conflicted / opposed) 40. According to a recent survey, most people are on good with their neighbors

(terms / term / acquaintance / relationship)

41. The police have been ordered not to if the students attack them ( combat / struggle / challenge / retaliate)

42. I’d rather you absent from class yesterday (not be / were not / hasn’t been / hadn’t been)

43. This channel doesn’t have very good sports (coverage / programs / games / medium)

44. Don’t you notice that he is in today?

(good moods / great mind / nice emotion / high spirits)

45. My sister and I aren’t at all alike We are like and cheese (mice / lime / chalk / chocolate)

46. She hasn’t got enough _to really try to get what she wants (action / activity / decision / go)

47. Well We did have a terrible row but we’ve made now (up / out / over / again) 48. You must pay import on certain goods bought into this country

(fees / tip / duties / surcharges)

49. I walked away as calmly as I could they would think I was a thief (in case / so that / otherwise / owing to)

50. Having won the gold medal, she felt on top of the (peak / mind / game / world) 51. Do you have to take that bicycle? (allowance / permission / exception / willingness) 52. I’ll give this book back to you as soon as I’m reading it

(done / gone over / finished / afterwards)

53. parker gave my mom a lovely for Spaghetti Carbonara (prescription / paper / recipe / receipt)

54. “Goodbye, Susie!” _ “ ” (The same to you / Yeah / So long / Me too) 55. You should a professional to check your horse for earthquake damage

(have / take / let / get)

56. My grandmother was by Andre’s cultivated manners and his charming smile (subjected / captivated / enslaved / captured)


58. I didn’t think he is in when he asked me to lend him 500 dollars (earnest / truth / seriousness / real)

59. The guilty man was given one month in which to pay the (cost / expense / fine / load) 60. To be a good pianist, you must for an hour or more everyday

(repeat / instruct / prepare / practice)

61. Why are you always finding with me? (mistakes / fault / wrong / false) 62. I will agree to it only on the that we share the expense

(understanding / approval / cost / consent)

63. The two sisters are very much alike, I can never them apart (say / find / distinguish / tell)

64. He took to the piano straightaway and became in a few months (favorable / deficient / proficient / suspicion)

65. (At the party, host to guests): “ !”

(Serve yourselves / Be at homes / Do it yourselves / Help yourselves)

66. My dad is a smoker He smokes everyday (heavy / hooked / strong / plentiful) 67. A: ”What you’re doing?” _B: “ !”

(It doesn’t touch you / It’s not your business / Look after your own stuff / Don’t concern) 68. Despite our economic problems, the majority of people substantially better off than a

decade ago (are / is / has been / have been)

69. A part-time job gives me the freedom to my own interests (chase / seek / catch / pursue)

70. Your grandpa is rather tired so not your visit Let him have a rest (delay / lengthen / prolong / shorten)

71. Companies have to consider the age of population when they are new staff (enlisting / recruiting / raising / enrolling)

72. Not until the end of the 19th century become a scientific discipline

(did plant breeding / has plant breeding / had plant breeding / plant breeding had)

73. When friends insist on expensive gift, it makes most people uncomfortable ( them to accept / they accepting / they to accept / their accepting )

74. that she burst into tears

(Such was angry girl / So angry she was / She was too angry / Her angry was such )

75. The vase is definitely not , but just a very good imitation.(genuine / real / true / honest ) 76. Please answer the phone for me I don’t want to speak to it is

(whatever / whenever / whoever / wherever )

77. By the time Brown’s daughter graduates, he retired (will be / has been / will have / will be being )

78. the storm, the ship could’ve reached its destination on time (In case of / But for / In the event of / On the account of )

79. While to help Tim with his math, I got impatient because of his refusal to listen to what I was saying (I’m trying / having tried / I had tried / trying )

80. The problem is difficult, therefore students could answer it (none / a few / few / a lot of )

81. Do you think you can meet the given by your teacher? (time / scheme / deadline / plan )

82. Look! The yard is wet It last night


( In contrast / On contrast / In the contrast / On the contrast)

84. He has always looked his elder brother ( back on / into / upon / up to)

85. Some people sport to keep fit, not because they like it (make / practice / train / do) 86. One of the scheme is the very high cost

( shortage / advantage / drawback / shortcoming)

87. _Is dinner ready? _No! Mother is it ready now (getting / making / doing / cooking) 88. She to tell them where the money is hidden ( objected / refused / rejected / denied) 89. blind can see nothing ( The / A / Some / Any)

90. The thief was to six month imprisonment ( given / sent / sentenced / put) 91. Most Americans don’t object them by the 1st names

( that I call / to be called / for calling / to my calling ) 92. Your sister has in an accident

( been badly injured / been injured badly / badly been injured / all are correct) 93. Who did you invite to dinner? _No one than Frank and his family

( rather / other / except / besides)

94. Skiing is really my ( piece of cake / cup of tea / tip of the tongue / duck’s back) 95. The Vietnamese people a heroic people ( is / are / seem / feels)

96. The change in the timetable will many students having to catch an early bus (cause / mean / lead / make)

97. We are prepared to overlook the errors on this occasion your previous good look ( with a view to / with regard of / thanks to / in the light of)

98. Hill just doesn’t fit in here He’s like

( a bird in a hand / a fish out of water / a bird in the ointment / water off duck’s back) 99. If I you again in my orchard, looking for ears, you’ll be sorry

( make eyes at / take a view of / look through / catch sight of)

100.Linda broke school rules so many times that the headmaster finally her (expelled / exported / discharged / let out)

101.The water company will have to off water supplies while repairs to the pipes ear carry out (break / take / set / cut )

102.Andrew couldn’t _himself laughing at the face of Maggie ( help / stop / avoid /escape) 103.The new systems short of my expectations ( dropped / drew / fell / got)

104.When he heard the joke, he burst into ( smile / laughter / amusement / enjoyment) 105.I haven’t had a very week, I seem to have done nothing at all

( extensive / productive / enthusiastic / economical)

106.The purpose of the survey was to the inspectors with the local conditions ( acquaint / inform / instruct / notify)

107.This machine is absolutely in condition ( good / the good / a good / such good) 108.At the end of the winter, the price of the clothes in the shops usually

( sinks / lowers /drops / reduces)

109.The film lasted hours with a(n) of 10 minutes between part one and part two ( stop / interruption / pause / interval)

110.The discovery was a major for research workers ( breakdown / break-in / breakout / breakthrough)

111.The plans for the building were up a few months ago ( drawn / built / put / piled) 112.The suspect was unable to or his movements on the evening of November 20


113.The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home because I was the speed limit ( surpassing / exceeding / transcending / overtaking)

114.The girl was from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation ( expelled / ejected / discharged / taken)

115.The police have warned tourists to look (1) _ (2) pickpockets in the town centre ( out, for / out ,of / over, for / over, to)

116.No matter how angry he was, he could never _to violence ( resort / use / resolve / exert) 117.“Would you mind if I shut the window? ” _ “ ”

( No, please do / Yes, of course / Yeah, certainly / Yes, please )

118.“The problem seems annoying to everyone!” _” Yes it ” (seems / does/ is/ can be) 119.“That letter” he said “ is with me.”

( nothing be done / to make nothing / nothing doing / nothing to do )

120.The boy was absorbed collecting shells on the beach ( on / with / over / in) 121.Farmers rid of weeds by spraying ( get / make / put / set)

122.We should study hard our parents can be proud of us ( as well as / in order that/ with the aim / as that)

123.The of food during that long winter left many families in despair ( scarcity / availability / hardship/ damage)

124.These teachers to make their students understand the simple things ( try a best effort / an attempt / make great efforts / put a great attempt) 125.“Don’t fail to send your parents my regards !” _ “ ”

( You’re welcome / Good idea, thanks / It’s my pleasure / Thanks, I will)

126.It was a that the driver survived the crash His car was completely damaged ( strange / mystery / miracle / secret )

127.Up , and people cheered ( went the balloons / did the balloons go / did go the balloons / gone were the balloons )

128.Learning English isn’t so difficult, once you it ( get off with / get down to /get out with / get over )

129.You’re quite right, of course, but you needn’t have been so rude about it ( at once time / from time to time / at times / at the same time)

130.What a car! ( new small nice / nice small new / small new nice / nice new small ) 131.I know him but I have never actually spoken to him

( on sight / in sight / by sight / at sight)

132.Because of her good , she got the job as a model ( look / face / style / character ) 133.Mrs.Nga decided to give up her job for the of her children

(care / advantage / good / sake)

134.I’m in the opinion that right now a sleep will definitely you ! ( get, fresh / do, good / make, great / lead, great )

135.The dentist told him to open his mouth ( broad / much / greatly / wide) 136. begin their existence as rice crystals over most of the earth seems possible ( Raindrops / That raindrops / What if raindrops / It’s raindrops )

137 We have purchased a new of equipment to stimulate condition in outer space (slice / clap / piece / gust)

138 Several passengers received minor injures when the train unexpectedly came to a ( delay / stand / break/ halt )


140 He thought that if he admitted being afraid of swimming, he would lose with his friends ( regard / nerve / trust / face)

141 The criminal said he was sorry and he of his crime ( recalled / repented / resigned / recollected)

142 You can always on Ann to give you good advice ( bank / come / shine / reproach ) 143 What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody so stupid?

( being/ to be / can be / was )

144 The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes for a cup of tea ( up / over / off / to / in)

145 laughter is the best medicine (A / The / X / Some )

146 The thought of giving up the job as a pianist never to me ( occurred / happened /came / flew)

147 Last year, I earned times my sister did ( so many as / as much as / more than / so much as )

148 Car theft accounts for more than half of all recorded crime in this country (single / solely / alone / individually)

149 It was not until she arrived in class realized she had forgotten her book ( and she / that she / when she / had she )

150 Although it was jewellery , it looks real enough (imitation / untrue / dishonest / invented)



Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (151) _ to be successful? Having someone around who always (152) the worst isn’t really a lot of (153) _we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says “ It’s looks (154) _ rain” But if you catch yourself thinking such things , it’s important to something (155) _ it

You can change your view of life,(156) to psychologist It only take a little effort, and you’ll find life more rewarding as a (157) Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and confident but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and it has to (158) Optimists are more (159 ) to start new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks

Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (160) _ towards the world Some people are brought up to (161) too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything (162) wrong Most

optimists, on the (163) _ hand, have been brought up not to (164) failure as the end of the world They just (165) with their lives


154 A, so B, to C, for D, like

155 A, with B, against C, about D, over 156 A, judging B, according C, concerning D, following

157 A, result B, reason C, purpose D, product 158 A, supply B, suggest C, offer D, propose 159 A, possible B, likely C, hopefully D, welcome 160 A, opinion B, attitude C, view D, position 161 A, trust B, believe C, depend D, hope 162 A, goes B, falls C, comes D, turns 163 A, oppose B, next C, other D, far 164 A, regard B, respect C, suppose D, think 165 A, get up B, get on C, get at D, get over



Many celebrated artists have found (166 )


hard to (167 )



meet early in their career (168 )_


_a few well-known exceptions, however, (poor

Van Gogh being perhaps the most famous one) most went on to find recognition

within their own lifetime Picasso’s life story is the kind of rags-to-riches tale (169 )


gives hope to many an unknown artist In 1904, he was he was sharing

draughty and primitive studio complex (170) _


thirty other artists But by his

death, he was a multi-millionaire and probably the most famous modern artist ever

Nevertheless, (171 ) _


every success story, there must be dozens of artists who

have endures a lifetime (172)


_ hardship in obscurity Whether they were never

recognized because their work was (173 ) _


of sympathy with the prevailing

fashion , (174) _


_ because they (175)


talent, is impossible to say Most

people see art a vocation rather (176 )


a career There (177) _



some truth in the idea ( 178) _


artists need to (179) _



dedicated to succeed, and even relatively artist sometimes (180 ) _



supplement their income by working in other areas occasionally.


back of the cave Feeling excited and little frightened they (190)


_ moved

forward Approaching the first shape Tom stretched out his hand and touched it

It was curiously soft, warm but with something hard inside ( 191) _


_ he

realized (192)_


it was and , with a cry of terror, jumped back “Quick” he

shouted “ (193)


_ get out of here before it’s ( 194) _


_late.” They turned and

ran as fast as they (195) _


_to the rope hanging outside Grabbing it, Tom began to

climb but almost immediately the rope (196 ) _


_ and he fell back on to the

ledge (197)



They stared at (198)


other in horror They were trapped! At that



_ they heard the sound of the creature inside beginning to move slowly





driving instructor died in a (201)


accident near Oxford

while he was (202)


a lesson to a learner driver.

Mr Tony Carter was in the passenger seat of a Metro car when it crashed



a lorry Mr Carter ,34, a married man (204)


two children,

was the sixty-ninth person to die on this road (205)


far this year The accident

happened at 2:30 p.m last Thursday when his Metro, driven (206)



-old Wayne Easton, was turning right (207)


a crossroads The car hit a

Mercedes lorry (208) _


was traveling in the opposite (209)


Mr Easton was (210) _


_ to hospital, but (211)


his condition

was described as satisfactory The lorry driver Mr Ron Tubbs was unhurt “There

was no signal” said Mr Tubbs “I (212)




_ he was going to (213)



right, so I (214)


_ going straight ahead as normal.” The police would

like to talk to the driver of a red and white coach which was traveling behind the lorry

at the (215)_


_of the accident.


Lewis was a coal miner (216)_


_ thirty years He had



underground in a coal mine It was a hard and dangerous



_ One day Edgar (219)


an accident in the mine, a lot of stones fell

on him A sharp stone cut through his left leg like a (220)


_ through butter

Edgar lost consciousness When he (221)


up, he was in bed in the mine

doctor’s room He felt around with his (222)


_ There was no left leg



his left leg ought to be “Nurse!” he called loudly A nurse came

“What have you (224)


with my left leg?” Edgar asked She pointed to a brown

cardboard box on the floor “(225)


_it is, Mr Lewis, in that box” she said.


Ngày đăng: 28/05/2021, 20:12

