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An investigation into language learning strategies to improve english speaking competence of english non majored freshmen at university of transport in ho chi minh city

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS & LITERATURE  AN INVESTIGATION INTO LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPEAKING COMPETENCE OF ENGLISH NON-MAJORED FRESHMEN AT UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT IN HO CHI MINH CITY A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Department of English Linguistics & Literature in partial fulfillment of the Master’s degree in TESOL By NGUYỄN VĂN PHƯƠNG Supervised by LÊ THỊ THANH, Ph.D HO CHI MINH CITY, FEBRUARY 2011 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby certify my authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled AN INVESTIGATION INTO LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPEAKING COMPETENCE OF ENGLISH NON-MAJORED FRESHMEN AT UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT IN HO CHI MINH CITY in terms of the Statement of Requirements for Theses in Master‟s Programs issued by the Higher Degree Committee Ho Chi Minh City, February 14th, 2011 NGUYỄN VĂN PHƢƠNG i RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, Nguyễn Văn Phƣơng, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL, accept the requirements for the University relating to the retention and use of Master‟s Theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for care, loan and reproduction of theses Ho Chi Minh, February 14th, 2011 NGUYỄN VĂN PHƢƠNG ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr Lê Thị Thanh, my supervisor, for her useful instructions and enthusiastic assistance during my research She has offered me a great deal of helpful suggestion and useful advice about this study Without her careful guidance and enthusiastic encouragement, I would not have successfully completed my thesis She critically read my thesis and gave me some helpful comments so that I can perfect it Another special thank goes to all the professors who have taught me during the Master Course in TESOL These lecturers have given me some really interesting and useful lessons fulfilled with effective approaches and techniques in teaching and learning English which help me orient and develop my study The benefits of the courses are really invaluable They explained carefully the approaches and techniques in teaching and learning English which I have never heard before They are really experienced lecturers For help with reference works, I especially thank the staff members of the English Research Center of University of Social Sciences and Humanities I would like to express heartfelt thanks to the writers providing useful and interesting sources about language learning strategies These materials are useful for me to generate new ideas in this field I am also sincerely grateful to teachers of English and students at UT-HCMC for their enthusiastic participation as the study‟s subjects and they also contributed a great deal of useful information to my research iii ABSTRACT Assessing use of language learning strategies has been conducted by many researchers Those researches‟ results might have contributed significantly to the improvement of learners‟ language learning Following the direction of the previous researches, this thesis investigates the language learning strategy use of nonEnglish majors at University of Transport in Ho Chi Minh City The study aims at finding out which language learning strategies students most frequently use to improve their English speaking competence and which variables affecting students‟ use of language learning strategies in their learning process Data was collected from the 339 student subjects‟ responses to the questionnaire, the interviews with the fifteen teacher subjects, and classroom observations Based on data analysis, the results of the research show that students‟ proficiency levels, years of English learning and motivation impact on the use of language learning strategies Although the students use varieties of language learning strategies irrespective of the learning context, compensation and metacognitive strategies seem to be used most frequently Six strategies most frequently used by the freshmen are adjusting or approximating the message strategy, repeating strategy, paying attention strategy, getting help strategy, find out about language learning strategy, and delaying speech production to focus on listening strategy The study reveals the potential benefits for the students such as raising their awareness of language learning strategy use, taking risk wisely to use new strategies to develop speaking competence, learning from experiences of the proficient students in the use of effective strategies Some recommendations are made to students who need to raise awareness of language learning strategy use to improve their communicative competence, to teachers of English who should study more language learning strategies to help students learn English better and train students‟ autonomy, and to authorities who need to create better material facilities in order that both teachers and students can promote the effectiveness of learning and teaching English, especially English speaking competence iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certificate of originality i Retention and use of the thesis ii Acknowledgements iii Abstract iv Table of contents v List of Figures and Charts x List of Tables xii Abbreviations xiv Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1.1 The necessity of language learning strategies 1.1.2 University of Transport in Ho Chi Minh City 1.1.3 Department of English 1.1.4 Students at UT-HCMC 1.1.5 Teaching materials .4 1.2 THE AIMS OF THE STUDY 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SIGNIFICATION OF THE STUDY 1.5 DELIMITATION AND LIMITATION .6 1.6 OVERVIEW OF THE CHAPTERS v Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 2.1.1 Language Learning strategies .7 2.1.2 Speaking 2.1.3 Speaking competence 2.1.4 Communicative competence 2.2 FEATURES OF LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 10 2.2.1 Language learning strategies enhances students‟ speaking competence 10 2.2.2 Greater self-direction for learners .11 2.2.3 New roles for teachers .12 2.3 TAXONOMIES OF LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 14 2.3.1 O‟Malley‟s taxonomy of language learning strategies .14 2.3.2 Rubin‟s taxonomy of language learning strategies .17 2.3.3 Oxford‟s taxonomy of language learning strategies 18 2.4 APPLYING LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES TO THE SPEAKING SKILLS 21 2.4.1 Applying direct strategies to the speaking skills 22 Memory strategies 22 Cognitive strategies 22 Compensation strategies 23 2.4.2 Applying indirect strategies to the speaking skills 25 Metacognitive strategies .25 Affective strategies .27 Social strategies 28 vi 2.5 RESEARCHES INTO LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 29 2.5.1 Studies involving good language learners and limited language learners 29 2.5.2 Studies investigating factors affecting strategy choice .30 2.5.3 Studies of the effects of strategy instruction .31 2.6 SUMMARY 32 Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY .33 3.1 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 33 3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN 33 3.2.1 Sample size 33 3.2.2 Subjects 34 Student subjects 34 Teacher subjects 36 3.2.3 Instruments 37 Questionnaire for students 37 Interview questions 39 Classroom observations 40 3.2.4 Data collection procedures 40 3.3 SUMMARY 41 Chapter 4: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION .42 4.1 STUDENTS‟ RESPONSES TO THE QUESTIONNAIRES 42 4.1.1 Personal information of the student subjects 43 4.1.2 Information of the students‟ English learning 44 vii 4.1.3 Student subjects‟ Language learning strategy use 52 Memory strategy use 54 Cognitive strategy use .57 Compensation strategy use 64 Metacognitive strategy use 71 Affective strategy use 79 Social strategy use .84 4.1.4 Comparisons of Language Learning Strategy Use 91 4.2 TEACHERS‟ RESPONSES TO THE INTERVIEWS .96 4.3 DATA COLLECTED FROM CLASSROOM OBSERVATION 99 4.3.1 Students‟ participation in the classroom activities .99 4.3.2 Learning motivation of students in the different departments 100 4.3.3 Teacher‟s teaching English 100 4.3.4 Visual aids and equipment .101 4.4 SUMMARY 102 Chapter 5: FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 104 5.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 104 5.1.1 Findings from the student subjects‟ background and English learning 104 5.1.2 Findings from the students‟ use of language learning strategies 105 Findings from the research question 105 Findings from the research question .109 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 110 5.2.1 Recommendations to students 110 5.2.2 Recommendations to teachers 112 5.2.3 Recommendations to the authorities 114 viii 5.2.4 Recommendations for further researches 115 5.3 CONCLUSION 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY 118 APPENDICES 127 Appendix A: TOTAL NUMBER OF FRESHMEN OF UT-HCMC ACADEMIC YEAR 2008-2009 127 Appendix B: DIAGRAM OF ALL THE LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES .128 Appendix C: OXFORD‟S STRATEGY INVENTORY FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING (SILL) VERSION 7.0 .132 Appendix D1: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS 136 Appendix D2: BẢNG CÂU HỎI KHẢO SÁT .140 Appendix E: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 144 Appendix F: COMPARISON OF GENDER, TIME OF LEARNING ENGLISH AND THE USE OF LLS 145 Appendix G: COMPARISON OF THE STUDENTS‟ INTEREST IN ENGLISH, ENGLISH PROFICIENCY AND THE USE OF LLS 147 Appendix H: THE ORDER OF THE LLS MOST FREQUENTLY USED BY THE STUDENTS 150 ix Because I intend to study abroad Other reasons: ……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Which learning styles have you used to improve your English speaking competence? 10 How you know these language learning strategies? Teacher trained From my experience From reference materials 11 Do you want to join a training course of language learning strategies? Yes No Section 3: The use of language learning strategies to improve English speaking competence Please read each statement carefully and check your responses (, , ,  or ) that tell how true of you the statement is  Never or almost never true of me  Usually not true of me  Somewhat true of me  Usually true of me  Always or almost always true of me PART A: Memory strategies Total:…… :3 =… I use new English words in a sentence and say it      I connect the sound of a new English word and an image or picture of the word to help me practice and      remember the word easily I review English lessons often before I learn new ones      Total:… : =… PART B: Cognitive strategies I say new words several times when I first learn them I am willing to practice the sounds of English formally I say new expressions or patterns repeatedly to practice them until I learn them by heart I use the English words I know to practice speaking in different ways I try to talk like native speakers I watch English language TV shows or films spoken in English 10 I translate word-for-word from Vietnamese into English when speaking 11 I look for similarities and contrasts between English and Vietnamese to speak better 137                                         Total:… : = … PART C: Compensation strategies 12 I use both English and Vietnamese in a sentence when I 13 14 15 16 17 lack words to express my idea When I cannot find a suitable word during a conversation, I use gestures I ask interlocutor for repetition or clarification if I not understand or cannot follow his/her idea I avoid the difficult topics for which I not know the words I use simpler and more common words to express my idea for hearer to understand easily I use a synonym or a definition phrase if I cannot think of an English word promptly                               Total:… : = … PART D: Metacognitive strategies 18 I pay attention when someone is speaking English 19 I delay speech production to focus on listening 20 I try to find the most suitable ways to become a better                learner of English 21 I plan my schedule so that I have enough time to study      English 22 I look for people to whom I can talk in English      23 I have clear goals to improve my speaking competence      24 I notice my mistakes in speaking English and use that      information to self-improve my English 25 I think about my progress in learning English and      self-evaluate unceasingly PART E: Affective strategies Total:… : = … 26 I try to relax when I am afraid of speaking English      27 I encourage myself to speak English even if I may      make some mistakes 28 I take part in games, role play, and learning activities in      the classroom 29 I confide to my close friends or teachers how I feel when learning English so that they give me a useful      advice Total:… : = … PART F: Social strategies 30 I ask the better speakers of English to correct me when I talk 31 I cooperate with the more proficient language users to learn their experience and try to speak as well as them 138           32 I practice speaking English with native speakers whenever I have a chance 33 I try to learn about the own cultural features of the interlocutors 34 I notice the attitude and behavior of interlocutor                I am grateful to you for your help and cooperation 139 Appendix D2: BẢNG CÂU HỎI KHẢO SÁT Các bạn sinh viên thân mến! Bảng câu hỏi nhằm mục đích thu thập liệu cho nghiên cứu có tựa đề là: “Khảo sát việc sử dụng chiến lƣợc học ngơn ngữ để phát triển lực nói tiếng Anh sinh viên năm không chuyên Anh trƣờng Đai học Giao Thông Vận Tải thành phố Hồ Chí Minh” Các bạn vui lịng đọc câu hỏi trả lời Các câu trả lời bạn góp phần quan trọng cho thành cơng nghiên cứu Tất thông tin liệu đƣợc thu thập nhằm mục đích nghiên cứu Xin vui lòng trả lời câu hỏi sau đây: Mục 1: Thông tin cá nhân Tên sinh viên: Tuổi: Giới tính: ữ Mục 2: Thơng tin việc học tiếng Anh Bạn học tiếng Anh trƣờng phổ thông đƣợc bao lâu? m ƣa học tiếng Anh Ở trƣờng phổ thông bạn học ngoại ngữ thay cho môn tiếng Anh? Pháp văn Hoa văn Bạn có học tiếng Anh trung tâm ngoại ngữ không? ng Theo bạn kỹ ngôn ngữ cần thiết cho cơng việc bạn tƣơng lai? (Có thể chọn nhiều mục) ọc ết Bạn có thích học tiếng Anh khơng? ó ng Bạn thấy việc hoàn thiện tiếng Anh bạn quan trọng nào? ọng ọng Theo kết qủa thi môn tiếng Anh bạn học kỳ I, bạn đánh giá trình độ tiếng Anh mức nào? ất sắc ỏi ếu (9-10) (8) (6-7) (5) (dƣới 5) Tại bạn muốn học tiếng Anh? (Có thể chọn nhiều mục) ếng Anh ếng Anh môn học bắt buộc chƣơng trình đại học Vì tiếng Anh cần thiết cho công việc tƣơng lai tôi muốn mở rộng kiến thức tiếng Anh định du học c: ………………………………………………………………………………… 140 Bạn sử dụng cách học ngôn ngữ để phát triển khả nói tiếng Anh mình? 10 Làm bạn biết chiến lƣợc học ngôn ngữ này? (Có thể chọn nhiều mục) Giáo viên ự rút kinh nghiệm Từ tài liệu tham khảo 11 Bạn có muốn tham gia khóa đào tạo chiến lƣợc học ngoại ngữ khơng? Có ng Mục 3: Việc sử dụng chiến lược học ngô ngữ để phát triển khả nói tiếng Anh: Bạn vui lịng đọc cẩn thận câu sau đánh dấu mức độ trả lời thật trình học thực hành nói tiếng Anh  Khơng hầu nhƣ không với  Thƣờng không với  Không với  Thƣờng với  Luôn hầu nhƣ với PHẦN A: Chiến lược ghi nhớ Tổng: … : = ……      Tôi lập câu có từ vừa học nói câu Tơi nối kết âm tranh ảnh từ học để giúp      thực hành dễ nhớ từ Tơi thƣờng xun ơn tập học tiếng Anh trƣớc      học PHẦN B: Chiến lược nhận thức 10 11 Tổng: …… : = …… Khi học từ lần đầu tiên, tơi nói từ vài lần Tôi sẵn sàng luyện âm tiếng Anh cách nghiêm túc Tôi lặp lặp lại thành ngữ mẫu câu thuộc lòng Tôi sử dụng từ tiếng Anh mà biết để thực hành nói nhiều cách khác Tơi cố gắng nói giống nhƣ ngƣời xứ Tơi xem chƣơng trình tivi phim nói tiếng Anh Tơi dịch từ từ tiếng Việt sang tiếng Anh nói Tơi tìm kiếm tƣơng đồng khác biệt tiếng Anh tiếng Việt để nói tốt 141                                         PHẦN C: Chiến lược bù đắp khiếm khuyết 12 13 14 15 16 17 Khi thiếu từ vựng để diễn tả ý tƣởng, sử dụng câu có tiếng Việt tiếng Anh Khi khơng tìm đƣợcc từ vựng thích hợp lúc đàm thoại sử dụng cử Tôi nhờ ngƣời đối thoại lập lại giải thích rõ thêm nhƣ tơi không hiểu theo kịp ý tƣởng họ Tôi tránh chủ đề khó mà tơi khơng có đủ từ vựng để nói Tơi sử dụng từ đơn giản phổ biến để diễn tả ý cho ngƣời nghe dễ hiểu Tôi sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa cụm từ định nghĩa không nghĩ từ phù hợp PHẦN D: Chiến lược siêu nhận thức 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 Tôi ý ngƣời khác nói tiếng Anh Tơi tập trung vào nghe trƣớc nói Tơi cố gắng tìm cách thích hợp để trở thành ngƣời học tiếng Anh tốt Tơi lên kế hoạch để có đủ thời gian học tiếng Anh Tơi tìm ngƣời biết nói tiếng Anh để trị chuyện Tơi xác định rõ mục đích để hồn thiện khả nói tiếng Anh Tơi ý lỗi nói tiếng Anh dùng thơng tin để tự hồn thiện tiếng Anh Tơi nghĩ tiến việc học tiếng Anh không ngừng tự đánh giá 31                                                                  Tổng: …… : = …… Tơi cố thƣ giãn thấy sợ nói tiếng Anh Tơi tự động viên phải nói tiếng Anh tơi có phạm số lỗi Tơi tích cực tham gia trò chơi, nhập vai, hoạt động khác lớp học Tôi tâm với bạn thân giáo viên cảm giác học tiếng Anh để họ cho lời khuyên hữu ích PHẦN F: Chiến lược xã hội 30      Tổng: …… : = …… PHẦN E: Chiến lược ảnh hưởng 26 Tổng: …… : = ……                     Tổng: …… : = …… Tôi nhờ ngƣời nói tiếng Anh giỏi để sửa lỗi cho tơi tơi nói Tơi học với ngƣời giỏi ngôn ngữ để học hỏi kinh nghiệm họ cố gắng nói tiếng Anh giỏi nhƣ họ 142           32 33 34 Tơi thực hành nói tiếng anh với ngƣời xứ      có hội Tơi cố gắng tìm hiểu nét văn hóa riêng ngƣời đối      thoại Tôi ý thái độ hành vi ngƣời đối thoại      Cám ơn cộng tác bạn nhiều 143 Appendix E: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Dear teacher, This interview aims at collecting data for a study entitled “an investigation into language learning strategies to improve English speaking competence of English non-majored freshmen at University of Transport in Ho Chi Minh City” Please answer my questions Your answers are important to the success of this study All of the information collected from your answers is used for research purposes only and I promise that your personal information will be kept confidentially What‟s your name, please? …………………………………………………… What‟s your highest qualification now? …………………………………………………… How long have you been teaching English? ……………………………………………… …… How many language learning strategies you master? …………………………………………………… Which language learning strategies you often guide students to develop their English speaking competence? ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… How often you teach language learning strategies to your students? ………………………………………………………………………………… Thank you very much for your cooperation 144 Appendix F: COMPARISON OF GENDER, TIME OF LEARNING ENGLISH AND THE USE OF LLS Gender Averages 1.38 male Question 2: How long have you learnt English at high school? female years 1 1.44 1 1.50 2 1.53 1 1.56 2 1.59 2 1.65 1 1.71 1.76 1 1.79 1 1.82 years 2 1.85 1.91 1 1.94 1.97 2 2.03 1 2.06 1 2.09 2 2.12 1 2.21 3 2.24 2.26 2.32 2.35 2.38 2.41 2.44 2.47 Low level 1 1 2 60 49 17 2.50 2.53 2.56 2.59 2.62 2.65 7 2.68 6 2.71 2.74 5 2.76 1 1 1 145 never 2.79 2.82 2.85 2.88 3 2.91 3 2.94 2.97 3.00 4 3.03 3 1 3.06 3.09 13 3.12 3.15 2 3.18 2 3.21 3.24 3.26 3.29 10 3.32 3.35 3.38 3.41 3.44 3.47 Medium level 2 2 10 164 33 10 133 47 17 3.50 3.53 3.56 3.59 3.62 3.65 6 3.68 4 3.74 1 3.76 3.79 3.82 3.85 4 3.88 1 1 3.91 3 3.97 2 4.00 2 4.03 2 4.21 1 4.32 4.35 4.38 High level 1 1 1 1 70 53 146 19 Appendix G: COMPARISON OF STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN ENGLISH, STUDENTS’ ENGLISH PROFICIENCY AND THEIR USE OF LLS Question 7: Do you enjoy learning English? Averages Yes no 1.38 1.59 1 1 2 1.76 1.79 1.82 1.85 1 2 1.91 1 1.94 1.97 2.03 2.09 2.12 2 1 1 2.41 2.44 2.47 1 2 2.38 2 2.35 1 2.32 2 2.26 2.21 2.24 1 2.06 2 1 2 2 4 43 2.65 1.71 2.62 1.65 2.59 Poor 1.56 2.56 Average 1.53 2.53 Fair 1.50 2.50 Good 1.44 Low level Question 9: How you rate your overall proficiency in English based on the first semester's result? 23 3 10 147 31 32 2 1 1 2.68 2.71 2.74 2.76 2.79 2.82 2.85 3.06 3.09 3.12 3.15 1 11 3.21 3.24 3.26 3.32 3.35 3.38 3.41 3.44 3.74 3.76 3.79 3.82 3.85 3.88 3.91 2 1 2 3 14 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 1 10 10 178 19 43 10 3.56 3.68 3.47 3.65 3.29 3.62 3.18 3.03 1 3.00 6 2.97 3.59 2.94 3.53 2.91 3.50 2.88 Medium level 6 107 46 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 148 3.97 4.00 4.03 4.21 4.32 4.35 4.38 High level 1 1 1 1 1 2 72 149 33 26 Appendix H: THE ORDER OF THE LLS MOST FREQUENTLY USED BY THE STUDENTS Descriptive Statistics No Strategy Item 16: I use simpler and more common words to express my idea for hearer to understand easily Category Compensation Strategy Mean 3.8791 Item 4: I say new words several times when I first learn them Cognitive Strategy 3.7758 Item 18: I pay attention when someone is speaking English Metacognitive Strategy 3.7463 Item 13: I ask interlocutor for repetition or clarification if I not understand or I cannot follow his/her idea Compensation Strategy 3.7198 Item 20: I try to find the most suitable way to become a better learner of English Metacognitive Strategy 3.6047 Item 19: I delay speech production to focus on listening Metacognitive Strategy 3.5959 Item 15: I avoid the difficult topics for which I not know the words Compensation Strategy 3.4631 Item 27: I encourage myself to speak English even if I may make some mistakes Affective Strategy 3.3481 Item 26: I try to relax when I am afraid of speaking English Affective Strategy 3.3422 10 Item 24: I notice my mistakes in speaking English and use that information to self-improve my English Metacognitive Strategy 3.2920 11 Item 30: I ask the better speakers of English to correct me when I talk Social Strategy 3.2537 12 Item 25: I think about my progress in learning English and selfevaluate unceasingly Metacognitive Strategy 3.1563 13 Item 17: I use a synonym or a definition phrase if I cannot think of an English word promptly Compensation Strategy 3.0442 14 Item 31: I cooperate with peer Social Strategy 3.0383 15 Metacognitive Strategy 3.0118 16 Item 23: I have clear goals to improve my speaking competence Item 34: I notice the attitude and behavior of interlocutor Social Strategy 3.0029 17 Item 5: I am willing to practice the sounds of English Cognitive Strategy 2.9823 18 Item 14: When I cannot find a suitable word during a conversation, I use gestures Compensation Strategy 2.9410 19 Item 21: I plan my schedule so that I have enough time to study English Metacognitive Strategy 2.9263 20 Item 9: I watch English language TV shows or films spoken in English Cognitive Strategy 2.9086 21 Item 8: I try to talk like native speakers Cognitive Strategy 2.8879 150 22 Item 3: I review English lessons well before learning new ones Memory Strategy 2.8879 23 Item 10: I translate word-for-word when speaking Cognitive Strategy 2.8378 24 Item 12: I use both English and Vietnamese in a sentence when I lack words to express my idea Compensation Strategy 2.7994 25 Item 32: I practice speaking English with native speakers whenever I have a chance Social Strategy 2.6785 26 Item 29: I confide to my close friends or teachers how I feel when learning English so that they give me a useful advice Item 2: I connect the sound of a new English word and an image of the word to help me practice Affective Strategy 2.6578 Memory Strategy 2.6106 28 Item 22: I look for people to whom I can talk in English Metacognitive Strategy 2.5516 29 Item 6: I say new expressions or patterns repeatedly to practice them until I learn them by heart Cognitive Strategy 2.4631 30 Item 1: I use new words in a sentence and say it Memory Strategy 2.4513 31 Item 28: I take part in games, role play, and learning activities in the classroom Affective Strategy 2.3953 32 Item 7: I use the English words I know to practice speaking in different ways Cognitive Strategy 2.3776 33 Item 11: I look for similarities and contrasts between English and Vietnamese to speak better Cognitive Strategy 2.1917 34 Item 33: I try to learn about the own cultural features of the interlocutors Social Strategy 2.1858 27 151 ... centering your learning strategies, (2) arranging and planning your learning strategies, and (3) evaluating your learning strategies The centering your learning strategies consist of three sub -strategies: ...CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby certify my authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled AN INVESTIGATION INTO LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPEAKING COMPETENCE OF ENGLISH NON- MAJORED. .. scholars‟ classifications of language learning strategies, some features of language learning strategies, applying LLS to the speaking skills, and a literature review of the researches into LLS conducted

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 23:29



