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Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THPT Yên Hòa

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Tham khảo Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THPT Yên Hòa được chia sẻ dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn nắm được kiến thức trọng tâm của môn học, nâng cao khả năng ghi nhớ, khả năng tư duy để tự tin khi bước vào kì thi sắp tới. Chúc các bạn thi tốt!

d others a a b an c the d no article a holiday b engagement c diet d duty a vary b variety c varied d variously a say b talk c speak d tell 10 a too b either c so d neither VI Reading the passage and choose the best answer The status of women in Japan is complex and cannot be characterized in simple terms Slowly, there is a growing number of professional women and professional women's associations More women continue to work after getting married and having children However, many companies have separate programmes for women, usually non-career development, and follow practices that would be considered discriminatory in other societies For a typical couple, the female spouse is still generally expected to all of the cleaning, cooking, and other chores, whether she is working or not Single women are said to be enjoying their lives, spending much money on travel abroad and shopping Housewives are active in networking themselves for various objectives, for example volunteer activities, community services, recycling activities, study groups, and many others The traditional Japanese value of “good wife, good mother’ is changing Unlike other countries where a couple is the usual social unit, in Japan it is typical for only the husband to be invited to business gatherings or to weddings for company employees Exceptions are frequently made for foreign visitors depending on the occasion, but wives should not take their exclusion as a personal insult The status of women in Japan is A indefinite and illegal B complex and unclear C clear and high D low and simple Nowadays Japanese women A can go to work after getting married and having children B all have become professional women C take over most important work in many companies D have the same work and pay as men in all companies In the family, the female partner A often does all the housework if she doesn’t go to work B the male spouse always helps his wife with cooking and other chores C is still generally expected to all of the housework D no longer spends much time doing the housework Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage? A It is normal for only the husband to be invited to business gatherings B Single Japanese women are used to enjoying their lives, spending much money on travel abroad and shopping C The traditional Japanese value of “good wife, good mother” is changing D Wives in Japan can take their exclusion as a personal insult What can be inferred from the passage? A the role of Japanese women in the society is changing so that all Japanese women gain gender equality in both society and home B there have been some changes in their social role but Japanese women haven’t acquired the same rights as men in many fields yet C Japanese women are fighting for their definite status in the society D most Japanese women are satisfied with their social role nowadays VII Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase Children in (1) _ Netherlands must be at least four years old to (2) _ primary education Almost all 4-year-olds (99 3%) in the country indeed attend primary school, (3) _ this is not compulsory until children reach the age (4) _ Primary school is free of charge In most schools, children are grouped by (5) _ in mixed ability classes, with one teacher for all subjects Primary school (6) _ of groups, thus schooling (7) _ for years During the first two years, which (8) _ kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of (9) _, during the last years, children receive an average of 25 hours per week Schools are open days a week, but children are free on Wednesday afternoon At the end of primary school, or in group 8, school gives advice on secondary school choice Most schools use a national test to support this advice, for instance the 'Citotoets', a test (10) by the Central Institute for Test development a a b an c the d no article a afford b enter c come d run a although b despite c in spite d due to a of b on c in d for a old b elderly c aging d age a includes b contains c consists d composes a spends b lasts c lengthen d takes a also called b is also called c is called also d is also calling a educate b educative c educator d education 10 a develop b to develop c developed d developing PHẦN TỰ LUẬN I Give the correct form of the given words to complete each sentence Discrimination starts at home because parents treat boys and girls (DIFFER) Brenda was aware of gender (PREFER) in favors of boys Working mother may become more (KNOW) and can find good ways to educate their children There are some (SIMILAR) between traditional wedding and modern one The bride and the groom will be much happier if they don’t have to waste money on (NECESSITY) things The man is very rich, (PRESTIGE) and happy One of the most typical American features is (INDIVIDUAL) To many _ Vietnamese people, breaking a mirror is considered as a bad luck and can only be solved by throwing it into a river (SUPERSTITION) People from cultures bring language skills, new ways of thinking, and creative solutions to difficult problems (DIVERSIFICATION) 10 Since 2009, Iceland has been the global in gender equality (LEAD) II Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice form: The teacher won’t correct exercises until tomorrow _ They will hold the meeting before the May Day _ They have to record the song with strong rhythm and harmony _ They may use this stadium for holding a new concert of Blackpink _ She used to pull my hat over my eyes _ You must clean the wall before you paint it _ We must take good care of books borrowed from the library _ We can never find him at home for he is always on the move _ Are the police making inquiries about the thief? _ 10 Will buses bring the children home? _ 11 When will you assign the work to others? _ 12 What books are people reading this year? _ 13 Who looked after the children for you? _ 14 Why didn’t they help him? _ 15 Who are they awarding the Oscar for Best Leading Actress to? _ III Complete the conversations, using the correct form of the word(s) supplied and adding any other words needed A: Why have you bought a new car? B: We needed one with a _ (big) boot, to take our sports gear A: Which is (small/ planet) in our solar system? B: Pluto, isn’t it? I know it’s (far) away from the sun A: Do you like playing badminton? B: I prefer tennis I think tennis is _ (interesting) badminton A: Who is (good/ student) in the class? B: Matthew is _ (intelligent) student in the class He’s (intelligent) other students A: What is the weather like in Ho Chi Minh City? B: It’s getting _ (bad) A: Is April _ (hot/ month) of the year? B: Yes, it is A: hall we go for a swim? It’s lovely and sunny B: I’m not sure There’s quite a strong wind I think you’ll find it’s _ (not/ warm) it looks, when you get outside you A: Which is _ (high) mountain in Africa? B: I’m not sure Kilimanjaro, perhaps? A: Where’s that? In Zambia? B: No, it’s _ (far/ north) that Kenya I think A: Which mountain is (high) Everest or Kilimanjaro? B: Everest It’s _ (high/ mountain) in the world A: What is _ (important) in one’s life? It’s money, isn’t it? B: In my opinion, health and happiness are _ (important) money A: Hurry up! We’ll miss the train Can’t you run (fast)? B: Sorry, I’m going _ (fast) I can already A: OK I guess you’re quite a bit (short/I ) after all 10 A: I’m very sorry to hear of your mother’s illness B: Unfortunately, her illness was (serious) we thought at first A: Does she feel (healthy) now? B: Yes, she’s a little bit (good) 11 A: Are you still trying to get that stain out of the rug? B: Yes I’ve tried all sorts of soaps and things but it’s still (clean) when I start 12 A: We’d better go to the bank this morning B: Can’t we go (late)? A: No They shut (early/ here) they at home 13 A: How was your driving test? B: Oh, not so bad really It was (much/ easy) I’d expected, in fact A: So, you’re passed? B: Yes, I have A: Congratulations! That’s _ (good) news I’ve heard for ages! 14 A: Is your new car as big as the old one? B: No, it’s _ (small), so it uses, (little) petrol They tested some small cars, and this one costs (little) to run of all the cars in the test IV Complete the conversations Put in a/an or the A: Look outside …… sky is getting very dark B: I hope there isn’t going to be a storm A: I’m going out for……walk Have you seen my shoes? B: Yes, they’re on ……floor in ……kitchen A: Would you like ……tomato? There’s one in ……fridge B: Oh, yes, please I’ll make myself ……cheese and tomato sandwich A: If you are going into ……city centre, can you post these letters for me? B: Yes, I’ll take them to ……main post office A: I’ve got……problems with my phone bill Can I see someone about it? B: Yes, go to ……fifth floor ……lift is along the corridor A: I didn’t know Melanie had ……dog B: It isn’t hers She’s just taking it for a walk while ……owner is away A: I’ve got ……headache I’ve had it all day B: Why don’t you go to ……health centre? A: Guess what I found ……$50 note on the pavement this morning B: You really ought to take it to ……police station A: How was your trip to ……coast? B: Wonderful ……sun shone all day We had ……great time 10 A: What’s your brother doing now? Has he got ……good job? B: Yes, he’s ……soldier He’s in …… army He loves it It’s …… great life, he says 11 A: I went to see Doctor Pascoe yesterday She’s ……best doctor I’ve ever had B: She’s very nice, isn’t she? You couldn’t meet ……nicer person 12 A: Why were you late for your meeting? B: Well, first I had to go to ……hotel I’d booked into I took ……taxi from …… airport, and……driver got completely lost It was ……terrible nuisance ……man was ……complete idiot ... phrase Children in (1) _ Netherlands must be at least four years old to (2) _ primary education Almost all 4-year-olds (99 3%) in the country indeed attend primary school, (3) _ this is... which (8) _ kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of (9) _, during the last years, children receive an average of 25 hours per week Schools are open days a week, but children... skills, new ways of thinking, and creative solutions to difficult problems (DIVERSIFICATION) 10 Since 20 09, Iceland has been the global in gender equality (LEAD) II Rewrite the sentence in the

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 05:40