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punctuality Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.. action.[r]



Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions

1 A enterprise B prevention C fertilize D implement A accompany B comfortable C interview D dynamism 3: A effectiveness B satisfaction C accountancy D appropriate

4: A secure B oblige C vacant D equip

5: A representative B characteristic C technological D punctuality Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

6: He told everyone that he had flu, but in fact, he had just a cold

A come up with B come down with C gone in for D maked up for 7: has she behaved like that before

A Only by B When C For D Never

8: In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep yourself

A occupation B occupied C occupant D occupational

9: Creat a new and put all your files into it

A directory B direction C director D directing

10: He carried a(n) driving license

A artificial B unfaithful C.untrue D false

11: As the drug took , the patient bacame quieter

A effect B force C influence D action

12: Instead of doing their own painting and papering, they hired a firm of decorators

A inside B inward C internal D interior

13: -“More coffee? Anybody?” - “ “

A I don’t agree, I’m afraid B I’d love to C Yes, please D It’s right, I think 14: -“Oh, I’m really sorry!” - “ ”

A It was a pleasure B That’s all right C Thanks D Yes, why? 15: You the washing-up I could have done it for you

A needn’t have done B hadn’t to C couldn’t have done D mustn’t have done 16: anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once

A Should B Would C Can D Did

17: In some countries, on moral that education should not be taxed, there is no tax on books A principle B idea C concept D reason

18: He travels for 20 years and then he decided to return home A father away B far and wide C far from it D farthest of all

19: I several musicians around that time

A came up with B made friends to C got back to D made the acquaintance of 20 Remember to appreciate what your friends for you You shouldn’t take them

A as a rule B as usual C out of habit D for granted

21 It’s very kind of you to give me something on my birthday, but you bought such an expensive present like this

A didn’t need B needn’t C needn’t have D haven’t needed 22 _ appear, they are really much larger than the Earth

A As the small stars B The stars as small C Despite of the small stars D Small as the stars 23 After running up the stairs, I was breath

A without B out of C no D away from

24 I know his name, but I can’t recall it at the moment It’s on the tip of

A tongue B brain C mind D memory

25 to the big city, I have got lost many times

A Useless B Unused C Unfamiliar D Unacquainted

26 He has a big house and an expensive car, not to _ a villa in Dalat

A infer B refer C mention D imply

27 The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _ a good answer

A put up with B keep pace with C made way for D came up with 21 The volcano which had been _ for years suddenly exploded

A passive B idle C immobile D inactive

22 Although he was completely , he produced the most beautiful table


23 We can put you _ for a few days if you have nowhere else to live.(put sb up)

A on B out C up D off

24 Andrew is known for always saying _ comes to his mind

A anything B something C everything D whatever

25 It’s hard to _ well with him He’s got such a difficult character

A get over B get on C get into D get in

26 If that old vase is a _ one, it will cost a lot of money

A sincere B genuine C truthful D realistic

27 Hard work can often bring _ success

A into B in C about D up

28 He _ a big fortune when he was young, so he didn’t have to work hard

A came into B came up C came across D came round

29 He manages to visit his parents _ Saturday

A another every B every other C every the other D other every 30 _, all animals need oxygen, water, food and proper range of weather

A Being survive B To survive C When surviving D Surviving 31 Despite playing under strength, the village team _ beat the rivals

a could b were able to c couldn’t d weren’t able to 32 I suggest Andrea in touch with the organisers

a should get b to get c getting d gets

33 The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away

a went b turned c grew d a and b

34 during the storm

a They were collapsed b The fence was collapsed c They collapsed the fence d The fence collapsed 35 The suspect confessed _

a his crime b the police his crime c his crime to the police d his crime the police 36 thinks that Judith should be given the job

a Neither of us b The majority of my colleagues

c Practically everyone d A number of people 37 We had holiday in Spain

a a two week’s b two weeks c two-week d a two-week 38 The company owns _ in the city centre

a a cars park b several car parks c a car parks d several cars parks 39 The government has introduced _

a a children’s clothes tax b a tax on children clothes c a children clothes tax d a tax on children’s clothes 40 I’ll be with you in _

a one quarter of an hour b a quarter of an hour c a quarter of one hour d a quarter of hour 41 _ my friends knew I was getting married

a Not much of b Not many of c Not much d Not many

42 the children _ awake

a None of…was b Not any of…were c No … was d None of…were 43 The party was excellent, and I’d like to thank all the

a concerned people b responsible people c people that concerned d people concerned 44 I asked Francis to clean the car, and he did

a a well job b the job good c a good job d a job well 45 , they slept soundly

a Hot though was the night air b Hot as was the night air c Hot the night air as was d Hot although the night air was 46 John was the first person I saw _ hospital

a by leaving b on leaving c in leaving d on to leave 47 He suddenly saw Sue the room He pushed his way the crowd of people to get to her

a across…through b over…through c across…across d over…along 48 She tried to _

a talk me the plan out of b talk out of me the plan c talk me out of the plan d talk out me of the plan 49 _ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50


a at b in c on d by 51 From an early age, Wolfgang had a(n) for music

a interest b passion c involvement d tendency

52 Financial help from his parents James to complete his studies

a granted b provided c eased d enabled

53 I like that photo very much Could you make an _ for me?

a increase b enlargement c extension d expansion

54 I’m becoming increasingly _ Last week, I locked myself out of the house twice

a oblivious b mindless c absent d forgetful

55 Our feeling for beauty is inspired by the harmonious arrangement of order and disorder in nature.

A as occurs

B it occur

C occurred

D as it occurs

56: Today’s weather will be _ of yesterday

A continuity

B continuous

C continuation

D continue

57: “How much you earn, Joe?” - “I’d _”.

A better not to say

B rather not say

C prefer not say

D rather don’t say

58: The _ of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful.

A sight

B mirror

C shadow

D Reflection

59: I can’t help you with your homework tonight; _ shopping.

A I go

B I’m going

C I have gone

D I’ll go

60: She spends a _ deal of her time gardening.

A large

B high

C big

D great

61: Some people _sport to keep fit, not because they like it.

A train

B do

C practice

D play

62: _ the phone rang later that night did I remember the appointment.

A Just before

B Only

C Not until

D No sooner

63: It looked dark and heavy _ it was going to rain.

A unless

B as if

C although

D whereas

64: A _ of interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name

A hint

B mark

C flicker

D trace

65: _ that it might be easier to prepare a better map of the moon than of the Earth.

A The saying

B It is said

C They say

D To say

66: The facilities of the old health centre _

A are as good as or better than the new centre.

B are as good or better than the new centre.

C is as good or better than the new centre D are as good as or better than those of the new centre.

67: _ weather! We can’t go out for a walk now.

A How a terrible

B How terrible

C What terrible

D What a terrible

68: Jane wasn’t in when I arrived I suppose she _ I was coming.

A may forget

B must have forgotten

C must forget

D can’t have forgotten

VII Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

69 She is among the few who wants to quit smoking instead of cutting down A B C D

70 Doctors have always recommended that a person with a cold must drink fluids, such as juice or water A B C

to prevent the loss of water in his / her body D

71 Alike light waves, microwaves may be reflected and concentrated A B C D

72 We felt asleep at the meeting because the speaker had such a monotonous voice A B C D

73 One-cent coins issued in the United States in 1982 was 96 percent zinc A B C D


A Idioms of colors


2 He argued with her until he was blue in the face

3 It was a red-letter day when she finally received her graduation diploma

4 My sister became white as a ghost when she saw the man at the window \

5 She passed her exam with flying colors and now wants to go out and celebrate

Exercise 1

1 'Incredible! Peter is on time! He is not late as usual! It is really ……… !'

2 'I got a '100%' at my exam My teacher told me that I passed it……….!'

3 'I came and stopped the debate: Peter was ………and I was worried.'

4 'Sarah has just had an accident She was ………when I saw her at the hospital.'

5 'Sandra's brother is a criminal He is ………

B Idioms of soprts

1 The government dropped the ball on their decision to expand the airport runway without consulting the local


2 The president of the company handed the torch to his son when he decided to retire.

3.It was a case of hitting someone below the belt when the girl stole her best friend's boyfriend from her

4 My friend jumped the gun and applied for the job before he knew that his application was accepted.

5 The salesman always worked extra hours in order to score points with his boss.

Exercise 2

1 I guess Joe ………when he told everybody Jennie had agreed to marry him I just heard

that she has announced her engagement to some other guy she went to college with.

2 We’re all upset with Lee We were sure we’d get the big contract with this customer to build a new factory

but Lee ……… He made mistakes in figuring the budget and now the customer doesn’t want

to business with us.

3 David stopped working He


of pigeon-racing to his son Ber who took the pigeons to

his current home.

4 Peter has done very bad things to Sarah He ………, and that won't be forgiven.

5 My friend didn't agree with me but I think I ……… with him by saying that Halo is totally


C Idioms of school


My sister was always the teacher's pet when she was in the first grade at school.

2 The boy loves to read and always has his nose in a book.

3 The teacher took the roll and then we started the lesson

4 My cousin plans to go to a cow college when he finishes high school

5 The teacher stopped to count noses several times during the field trip

Exercise 3

1 Sarah always buys dozens of books She loves science fiction books, novels and poetry She always


2 The teacher always ……… before starting the course.

3 The teacher always ………before going back to school after a school trip.

4 Harry is the ………he always gets good marks and the teacher is very friendly with him.

5 I went to a ……… and I started my own business I now have one hundred cows.

D Idioms of human bodies

1 I yelled at the top of my lungs to get the attention of that man

2 Blood is thicker than water and people usually support their family rather than their friends in times of


3.The little boy had butterflies in his stomach when he had to give the speech in front of the class


The worker tried to save his own neck without thinking of any of the other people

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2021, 21:27

