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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS & LITERATURE PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING SPEAKING SKILLS AT NO TRANG LONG ETHNIC HIGH SCHOOL – DAKLAK PROVINCE A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (TESOL) Supervisor: LE THI THANH, Ph.D Student: KRONG AI HUONG LAN Ho Chi Minh City, 2011 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled: PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING SPEAKING SKILLS AT NO TRANG LONG ETHNIC HIGH SCHOOL – DAKLAK PROVINCE in term of statement of Requirements for the Theses in Master’s Programs issued by the Higher Degree Committee This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other institution Ho Chi Minh City, April 25, 2011 KRÔNG ÁI HƯƠNG LAN i RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, Krông Ái Hương Lan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL, accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses deposited in the Library In term of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for the care, loan or reproduction of theses Ho Chi Minh City, April 25, 2011 KRÔNG ÁI HƯƠNG LAN ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest and sincerest gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Ph.D LÊ THỊ THANH, who has provided helpful guidance, precious comments and strong support in the development and completion of this thesis Without Ph.D LÊ THỊ THANH, this work would have never been done I would also like to acknowledge my debt to all teachers and students working at No Trang Long High School who were willing to respond to my questionnaires and gave me the permission to use their information as well as their own teaching experiences related to the scope of this thesis Last but not least, I wish to send my warmest thanks to my grandmother and my mother, who took care of my little daughter during the long period of time I spent doing this thesis with great understanding and sympathy as well as whose moral support has backed me to attain my aim iii ABSTRACT The thesis aims (1) to examine some problems faced by teachers in teaching speaking skills to ethnic students at No Trang Long Ethnic High School in Khanh Xuan Ward, Buon Ma Thuot City, DakLak Province; (2) to investigate some factors influencing the speaking skills of the ethnic students and (3) to give some suggestions for improving the quality of teaching as well as learning oral skills The study was mainly based on the questionnaire delivered to informants of 178 the 11th grade ethnic students who not major in English at No Trang Long Ethnic High School, a high school which is for various ethnic minority groups of DakLak Province and questionnaire given to five teachers who are teaching English at NTLEHS as well as two teachers from two ethnic schools in the same city who were all experienced in teaching speaking skills to minorities Besides, class observations were also conducted in two classes at No Trang Long High School so that the researcher could witness the reality in which the teachers apply their teaching methods The information gained from the classroom observation was objective Moreover, the class observation was conducted to gather information but not to evaluate the teachers’ teaching quality Hence, the teachers did not feel so worried as to affect much their usual teaching way The results of the study indicate that learners’ affective factors such as anxiety, shyness, self-esteem, autonomy; the language as well as the culture barrier between teacher and ethnic students prevent teachers from improving the quality of teaching speaking skills to ethnic students at No Trang Long Ethnic High School Based on the findings, suggestions for better practice were made to enable teachers and their ethnic students to be more successful in speaking classes The study therefore provides not only ethnic students as well as iv teachers who are in charge of teaching English at No Trang Long High School but also ethnic students as well as teachers from various ethnic schools in DakLak Province and those who are interested in teaching oral English with possible improvements on the practice of teaching speaking v TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY i RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii ABSTRACT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .vi LIST OF TABLES .xii LIST OF CHARTS xiii ABBREVIATIONS xv Chapter .1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE PROBLEM 1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDY 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 AN OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT SITUATION OF TEACHING ENGLISH AT GRADE 11 AT NO TRANG LONG ETHNIC HIGH SCHOOL – DAKLAK PROVINCE 1.4.1 A DESCRIPTION OF NO TRANG LONG ETHNIC HIGH SCHOOL (TRƯờNG P Hổ THÔNG DÂN TộC NộI TRÚ NƠ TRANG LƠNG) 1.4.2 A DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRENT SITUATION OF TEACHING 11TH GRADE ENGLISH AT NTLEHS 1.4.3 COURSE EVALUATION 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY .7 1.6 LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATIONS 1.7 AN OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY .8 vi Chapter .10 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF SPEAKING .10 2.1.1 DEFINITION 10 2.1.2 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPEAKING AND OTHER SKILLS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING 11 The differences between spoken language and written language .11 The relationship between speaking and other skills in language learning and teaching .13 2.2 FACTORS AFFECTING EFL STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS 14 2.2.1 LANGUAGE FACTORS 15 Vocabulary 15 Stress 15 Sounds 16 The content of speaking topics 16 2.2.2 PERSONALITY FACTORS .16 Self-esteem 16 Anxiety .17 Inhibition 17 Attitude and motivation 18 2.2.3 LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE 19 2.2.4 SOCIO – CULTURAL FACTORS .19 2.2.5 LEARNERS’ AUTONOMY .20 2.2.6 THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH 22 2.3 TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS 23 2.3.1 SPEAKING CLASS OBJECTIVES 23 2.3.2 STAGES OF TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS 25 The presentation stage .25 Presenting new language use through texts .26 Presenting new language use through activities 27 vii The practice stage .27 The production stage .29 2.3.3 THE ROLES OF TEACHERS AND LEARNERS IN ORAL COMMUNICATION 30 The roles of teachers 31 An informant 31 A conductor and monitor 32 A manager and guide 33 The roles of learners 36 2.3.4 POPULAR TEACHING METHODS OFTEN USED AT NO TRANG LONG ETHNIC HIGH SCHOOL IN DAKLAK PROVINCE 37 The Grammar-Translation method 37 The Communicative Approach 38 2.4 ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS .39 2.4.1 VIETNAM ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS 39 2.4.2 EDUCATION AMONG ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS IN VIETNAM .41 2.4.3 ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS IN DAKLAK P ROVINCE .43 2.4.4 THE E DE LANGUAGE 46 2.5 SUMMARY 47 Chapter .48 METHODOLOGY 48 3.1 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 48 3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN 48 3.2.1 INSTRUMENTS 49 Questionnaires 49 Questionnaire for the teachers .50 Questionnaire for the students .51 Class observation 51 3.2.2 SUBJECTS .52 Teacher subjects 52 viii Student subjects 54 3.2.3 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE 55 3.3 SUMMARY 56 Chapter .57 DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 57 4.1 DATA ANALYSIS .57 4.1.1 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PARTICIPANTS 57 The characteristics of the teachers 57 The characteristics of the students 59 4.1.2 THE PARTICIPANTS’ POINTS OF VIEW ON TEACHING AND LEARNING SPEAKING SKILLS .61 Reasons for teaching and learning speaking skills .61 The importance of speaking skills 63 Speaking skills are difficult to develop 66 4.1.3 THE FACTORS AFFECTING ETHNIC STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS AT NTLEHS 69 Teachers’ and students’ opinions about students’ feeling when speaking English inside and outside the classroom 69 Reasons for students’ lacking confidence 71 The way ethnic students solve communicative problems 72 Teachers’ and students’ opinions about students’ common mistakes when practicing speaking English 73 Teachers’ talking time compared students’ talking time in one period .74 Students’ opinions about activities used in classroom by the teacher .76 Ways of correcting speaking mistakes .78 Students’ activities practicing speaking in classroom 80 4.1.4 TEACHERS’ AND ETHNIC STUDENTS' EVALUATION ON DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH AT THE GRADE 11 AT NTLEHS .81 ix In your English speaking class, Items Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never A Teacher lectures while students passively listen to him and rarely say something B Teacher together with students actively participate in speaking activities C Students practices more, teacher plays the role as one of a communicators and corrects students’ mistakes if necessary When practicing English speaking skill, you want to be corrected □ A Immediately, while you’re speaking in front of the whole class □ B Immediately, after you finish your speaking □ C Later, at the end of the whole class’s speaking activity □ D Later, in private What you think about the oral lessons available in your present textbook? Items Agree Disagree Not sure A Suitable topics B Precise content, easy to be practiced 159 C Not much vocabulary, easy to be remembered D Communicative expressions available E Strange topics to students’ daily lives F Uninteresting content G Too much vocabulary H Using academic styles and written structures 10 What you think about: Items Good Fairly good OK Rather Bad bad A The teaching method B Tieng Anh 11 textbook C Teaching aids D The level of your students 11 Are there any following teaching aids learning English at your school? Teaching aids Yes No □ Cassette players available □ LAB or multi-media room available □ Overheads available □ Video clips available 160 □ Flash cards or pictures available 12 How often you participate in each of the following activities? Items Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never A Reading the text and answering the questions basing on the text B Doing grammar exercises C Listening to the teacher’s lecture completely in English D Practicing new vocabularies and grammatical structures through games, songs, quizzes, etc E Discussing the lessons in English together with the teacher F Practicing new structures by role-playing in dialogues G Practicing speaking activities in pairs or groups H Expressing my own idea in English 161 13 When you can’t express what to say, you often: (You can choose more than one option) Yes No □ Stop the conversation □ Use Vietnamese □ Ask for teacher’s help in Vietnamese □ Ask for classmate’s help in Ede language □ Use non-verbal language (gestures, mimes, etc….) to express what to say □ Try to express my ideas in different ways 14 How often does your teacher pay much attention to the following activities? Items Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never A Teaching pronunciation, intonation B Asking students to practice speaking English in pairs and groups C Asking students to express their own ideas about the lesson’s topic D Explaining new words in English E Explaining a new grammar point in English 162 F Explaining the new lesson and raising questions related G Using teaching aids: Pictures, cassette player, projectors, etc H Giving compliments in English to students Thank you very much for your cooperation! 163 APPENDIX 7: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS (In EDE Language) KLEI ÊMUH KSIÊM DLĂNG Du\m klei êmuh ti gu\ anei Hmei ]ia\ng hrui mă ]ih hlăm hdră ksiêm dlăng Hmăng hmưi di ih pioh [ia\ mmông ]ia\ng w^t la] du\m klei êmuh ti gu\ anei ho\ng klei ]ih gru (x) hlăm klei w^t la] dưi ruah (mâo lu klei ruah kơ sa klei êmuh) Di ih dưi brei thâo klei m^n pô ]ih hlăm du\m anôk ho\ng Klei w^t la] mơ\ng di ih jing yuôm kơ ho\ng klei tu\ jing mơ\ng hdră ksiêm dlăng anei leh anăn srăng đru hmei ksiêm dlăng, ]ih mkra, duah hdră êlan mtô mjuăt klei blu\ mâo klei tu\ dưn Hmei yua du\m klei w^t la] anei ]ia\ng ksiêm dlăng amâo djo\ ]ia\ng yua hlăm du\m hdră mkăn ôh La] jăk kơ jih jang Mta I: HƯN MTHÂO ASEI PÔ Djuê ana : _ Phung djuê : Êkei □ Thu\n Mniê □ : 15 – 16 □ 17 – 18 □ Du\m thu\n leh ih hriăm klei Anh? □ Dơ\ng mơ\ng hriăm gưl sa (êbeh thu\n) □ Dơ\ng mơ\ng hriăm gưl dua (6 – thu\n) □ Dơ\ng mơ\ng hriăm gưl tlâo (ti gu\ thu\n) Mta II: HƯN MTHÂO KƠ BRUĂ HRIĂM KLEI ANH Hluê si ih, klei tu\ dưn ]ia\ng mơ\ng bruă hriăm klei Anh hlăm sang hră m’ar jing: 164 □ Mâo bruă mă jăk □ Dưi êgao du\m klei ksiêm ngă, bi lông jih gưl hriăm □ }ia\ng blu\ hrăm ho\ng phung Ala ta] êngao, hmư\ klei mmu` leh anăn dlăng rup phim ho\ng klei Anh □ Tu\ drông ho\ng klei dhar kreh leh anăn knhâo knhak mơ\ng Ala ta] êngao blu\ ho\ng klei Anh Hluê si ih, ti hdră leh anăn bruă ngă ti gu\ anei mâo klei yuôm h^n ho\ng boh tu\ dưn kơ bruă hriăm klei Anh? (Dap hluê prue# mâo klei yo\ng yưl 1, 2, 3, … dơ\ng bruă yuôm bhăn êdi truh kơ bruă [ia\ yuôm bhăn h^n) Hmư\ Blu\ Dlăng Ênhiang blu\ Boh blu\ Hluê si ih, ti hdră leh anăn bruă ngă ti gu\ anei ih la] dleh êdi? (Dap hluê prue# mâo klei yo\ng yưl 1, 2, 3, … dơ\ng klei dleh hriăm êdi truh kơ klei êlưih hriăm h^n) Hmư\ Blu\ Dlăng Ênhiang blu\ Boh blu\ 165 Ih khăng ngă nanao mơ\ du\m bruă ngă ti gu\ anei hlăm mmông hriăm klei Anh? Klei w^t la] Nana Khăng Tăp Amâ Amâo o nanao o tuôm tuôm ôh đei ôh A Êmuh leh anăn w^t la] du\m klei êmuh ho\ng klei Anh hluê si phu\n mta klei hriăm B Mkra klei hriăm ngă Ênhiang blu\ C Hmư\ nao mtô kluôm dhuôm ho\ng klei Anh D Hriăm boh blu\ mrâo, prue# blu\ mrâo ho\ng hdră hlăp ]hưn, mmu`, klei mđao\ E Trông ]hai mb^t ho\ng Nai mtô ho\ng klei Anh kơ mta phu\n klei hriăm F Ngă hluê du\m prue# blu\ mrâo ho\ng hdră bi blu\ mb^t G Ngă hluê kruôp, êpul kơ mta phu\n klei hriăm H Blu\ yăl dliê klei ]ia\ng pô ho\ng klei Anh 166 Si ih buh tơ dah blu\ yăl dliê ho\ng klei Anh: Blu\ klei Anh Kngan kơ Mse\ aguah asei pô tlam He#` mlâo hlăm adu\ hria\m Blu\ klei Anh leh mmông hriăm Tơ dah blu\ klei Anh ih k[ah klei jho\ng kyua dah: (Ih dưi ruah lu mta klei ruah) Phu\n knhal Tu\ Amâo tu\ □ Kâo hu^ ara\ng tlao tơ blu\ soh □ Kâo amâo thâo ya klei blu\ □ Kâo săng mă [ia\ tơ nai blu\ klei Ăng glê □ Kâo amâo dja\p boh blu\ pioh po\k mdah □ Kâo amâo mưng blu\ klei Ăng glê ti anôk lu mnuih □ Kâo k[ah ênhiang blu\ Tơ dah amâo thâo blu\ ya\l sa mta klei anei adih ho\ng klei Anh, ih khăng : (Ih dưi ruah lu mta klei ruah) Mne#] Tu\ Amâo tu\ □ Mjưh klei blu\ □ Bi kmlah ho\ng boh blu\ Yua\n □ Êmuh nai ho\ng klei Yua\n 167 □ Êmuh [^ng ga\p hla\m adu\ ho\ng klei blu\ am^ pô □ Yua jơ\ng kngan, knhuah pioh po\k mdah klei ]ia\ng la] □ G^r duah boh blu\ klei Anh pioh bi ala Mta khăng soh tơ blu\ klei Anh (Ih dưi ruah lu mta klei ruah) Soh Tu\ Amâo tu\ □ Pia soh □ Soh er blu\ □ Soh gru k`a\m □ Lui boh pia knhal tu] leh ana\n boh pia mduê □ Yua boh blu\ soh □ Yua soh hdra\ ênhiang blu\ Mmông hria\m klei Anh hla\m adu\ ih: Na Khăng Tăp Amâ Amâo nao na nao o tuôm tuôm ôh đei ôh A Nai po\k mblang klei hria\m, hđeh hria\m dôk hmư\ leh ana\n [ia\ sna\k hưn la] klei thâo pô B Nai leh ana\n hđeh ăt bi 168 hra\m mb^t ngă dja\p mta brua\ hla\m mmông hria\m C Hđeh hria\m blu\ lu h^n, nai kno\ng ata\t gai leh ana\n mkra anôk soh tơ mâo 10 Ya mta brua\ ti gu\ nai kha\ng k`a\p h^n hla\m mmông klei Anh? Na Khăng Tăp Amâ Amâo nao na nao o đei mâo tuôm A Mjua\t pia, mjua\t er đo\k kơ hđeh B Brei hđeh ngă klei hria\m, bi hria\m nga\ hluê mdua, êpul C Brei hđeh la] mdah klei pô kơ phu\n mta klei hria\m D Po\k mblang boh blu\ mrâo ho\ng klei Anh E Po\k mblang hdra\ ênhiang blu\ mrâo ho\ng klei Anh F Po\k mblang, mjing prue# êmuh ho\ng klei Anh djo\ ho\ng klei hria\m G Yua rup, ma^ cassette, pui mdah rup,… H Mni hđeh ho\ng klei Anh 169 I {uah hđeh ho\ng klei Anh J La] sa dua mta klei ti êngao klei hria\m ho\ng klei Anh 11 Hla\k dôk hria\m klei blu\, ih ]ia\ng kơ nai mtô mkra brei boh blu\ soh: □ A Hla\k ih dôk blu\ ti ana\p adu\ □ B Leh ih blu\ ana\p adu\ hria\m □ C Leh jih jang mnuih hlăm adu\ jih klei blu\ □ D Mâo klei ]ia\ng la] ho\ng hja\n ih 12 Hluê si ih, hlăm klei hria\m nga\ hla\m hdruôm hra\ ara\ anei: Klei w^t la] Tu\ Amâo Amâo thâo tu\ kla\ A Mâo êlan klia\ng djo\ guôp B Klei êmuh [ia\, êlưih hria\m blu\ C Boh blu\ man dưn dja\p, êlưih hriăm blu\ D Mâo klei blu\ kha\ng yua aguah tlam E Êlan klia\ng ka tuôm thâo ho\ng klei hd^p aguah tlam F Boh phu\n amâo kda\m, amâo mâo m’ak m’ưr G Boh blu\ lu đei, dleh hdơr H Ba yua klei blu\ dleh săng, mâo kno\ng hl ăm klei ]ih đu] 170 13 Sang hra\ adei mâo ba yua dja\p mnơ\ng yua hlăm klei mtô hria\m klei Anh mơ\? (Adei mâo lu hlăm klei ruah) Yes No □ Ma^ cassette □ Adu\ LAB or multi-media □ Pui mdah rup □ Klei mdah rup □ Rup, … 14 Ih brei thâo klei blu\ hlăm: Klei w^t la] Ja\k Jăk Mse\ Amâ Amâ snăk aguah o ja\k o tlam Ja\k ôh A Klei mtô hria\m hra\ m’ar B Hruôm hra\ klei Anh 11 C Djăp mta mnơ\ng ba yua hlăm klei mtô D Hnơ\ng klei hria\m [^ng găp hlăm adu\ Mni ja\k klei mguôp ih đru nga\ 171 APPENDIX 8: LESSON OBSERVATION SHEET (Adapted from Brown, 1994) Name of the observed : ………………………………………………… Class : ………………………………………………… Observer’s name : ………………………………………………… Date :………………… …………………………… I Preparation Well-prepared in class Comment: Appropriately prepared-objectives Comment: II Presentation Instructions are clear and concise and students are able to carry them on Comment: The lesson is smooth, sequenced and logical Comment: Authentic materials are added Comment: Material is presented at the students’ level of comprehension Comment: The teacher shows an interest in, and enthusiasm for, the subject taught Comment: III Execution/methods The teacher moves around the class and makes eye contact with students Comment: There are balance and variety in activities during the lesson Comment: 10 Examples and illustrations are used effectively Comment: 11 Instructional aids or resource material is used effectively Apply A Not apply NA A NA A A NA NA A NA A NA A NA A NA A A NA NA A NA A NA A NA 172 Comment: 12 Drills are used and presented effectively Comment: 13 The teacher explores genuine situations in the class Comment: 14 Structures are taken out of artificial drill contexts and applied to the real contexts of the students’ culture and personal experiences Comment: IV Personal characteristics 15 Patience in eliciting responses Comment: 16 Clarity, tone, and audibility of voice Comment: 17 Pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and appropriate and acceptable use of language Comment: V Teacher/Student interaction 18 Teacher is a facilitator Comment: 19 The students are communicators Comment: 20 Teacher encourages and assures full student participation Comment: 21 The students are attentive and involved Comment: 22 The students are active 23 Teacher organizes effectively individual, pair and group work Comment: 24 Teacher controls and directs the class Comment: 25 The students feel free to ask questions, to disagree, or to express their own ideas Comment: Notes: NA : A : A NA A NA A NA A A NA NA A NA A NA A A NA NA A NA A NA A NA A A NA NA A NA A NA not apply apply 173 ... great understanding and sympathy as well as whose moral support has backed me to attain my aim iii ABSTRACT The thesis aims (1) to examine some problems faced by teachers in teaching speaking skills. .. which are the characteristics of a conversation and maintain the flow of speech; and nonlinguistic elements are even more complicated Mismatching and misunderstanding in oral communication can happen... English speaking skills, which is really necessary for them to carry out the educational reformation 1.6 LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATIONS Upon teaching a foreign language, “integrating skills? ?? is a notion