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1 HEADING: 1.1 The reason for choosing the subject: Today, when English has affirmed the role and position of it in school, then raising the quality of teaching is the top concern The reform program is applied, at the same time raises a number of issues about teaching methods The question is how students perceive the whole knowledge and use it competently? Learning English is merely a language school Want to become proficient in that language, the students need to practice basic skills 4: Listening - Speaking Reading - Writing In that hearing is an important first skill training needs Listen here not merely listen to information, they need to hear and how to distill that information The fact that listening is often associated with speaking So want to understand the content implies, in other words, they must have good listening skills Without good listening skills, there will be restrictions on using the language, difficulties in communication, as well as during school hours Realizing the importance of English listening skills, teaching methods have been applied But because the objective conditions and subjective, there are still some issues that have not been promoted At the same time to meet the actual needs, I chose the topic " Methods of teaching English listening skills in secondary schools" with little desire to contribute my energy to the cause of the country's general education 1.2 Research purposes: - Learn the importance of teaching English listening skills - From the reality of the teaching of English listening skills to find active teaching methods, in accordance with the characteristics of the listening skills and to each article, each subject students - Research on the theoretical basis of teaching English listening skills - Research and practical basis of the listening skills taught in junior high school Since then devise appropriate teaching methods, is effective in order to improve the quality of teaching listening skills - Draw some lessons learned after the study 1.3 Research subjects: - Research Subjects: The study method of teaching listening skills in English secondary schools - Method of teaching listening in the audience of students at Nguyen Van Troi secondary school in Thanh Hoa city 1.4 Research methodology: To accomplish this experience initiatives with the help of colleagues and students in the school I used the following methods: - Method of reading materials, research related issues - Methods of analysis theoretical synthesis - Methods of investigation and consultation - Pedagogical Experimental Methods -1- CONTENTS: 2.1 Theoretical basis: Listening skills is one of the skills development focused in the new methods of teaching foreign languages since the method of audio - visual apply Listening skills particularly important because the importance of this skill Depending on the method, purpose, extent, duration and the use of techniques hear different implementation Indeed students can not communicate verbally if not hear what is being said to her In daily life, people often heard on two levels: sounds focused and unfocused listening While focusing work at the same time one can hear many sounds to the ears rang, as the voice of the people around, listening to music, and hear all kinds of noise in the workplace When listening, the listener can select and focus their attention on a certain sound sources, try to understand and remember what has been heard while listening to the sounds and other noises in the environment surroundings This is the kind of listening skills need to be developed in teaching foreign languages For effective listening, students need to be trained and practiced a lot to get used to listening to the voice of language forms The more you listen, the more experienced students recognize sounds, understand the meaning of information reflected in the pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation of English In practice communication, students can speculate that the information is heard through the non-verbal elements such as the change voice, facial expressions, gestures speaker's attitude, ect 2.2 Practical basis: 2.2.1 Status of the teaching of English listening skills in secondary schools : Right from the beginning to learn English students had to listen to and follow the teacher said Listening skills so well trained from the outset Previously, during the old textbooks, listening skills are trained through speaking, reading and writing Teachers not need to use a variety of teaching equipment After the program was compiled in English to match the trend of social development Listening skills are broken apart, requiring increasingly more stringent If teachers not have appropriate teaching methods, the teaching becomes difficult to hear a lot Students not understand and are not practicing their listening skills Quality teaching - hence the decline, does not meet the requirements set by the program Besides, the infrastructure of the schools also significantly affected the quality of teaching listening skills Although the reform program, but many schools Therefore in this work the teacher plays a key role: teaching how to both meet the actual requirements while improving the quality of learning for children Measures to address these issues and problems are also the practical methods to be applied more effectively to teach listening skills 2.2.2 The process of teaching listening skills: The skills training is usually done through hearing three main phases: a Preparation: (Pre - listening) -2- * The purpose of the activities in the preparatory phase is to help students to focus attention on the topic will be heard, especially for predicting what is going to be heard The activities in this stage are often linked to the knowledge base and knowledge learned units * Activities during the preparation phase: - Listen to the teacher notified for general information on the subject will hear - Read some information related to the subject hearing - See related topics paintings heard - Participate in discussions about topics / situations of the story is about to be heard - To participate in questions and answers - Make writing assignments - Read the instructions for operating the next hearing - Thinking about the implementation of activities coming The selection of activities to be implemented in the preparation phase depends on several factors such as the time of the listening exercise, the document is available or not available, the qualifications and preferences of students Hobbies of teachers and teaching conditions of the class is also a factor in the decision to choose material for the operation In addition, teaching purposes and objectives of the curriculum implementation are also fundamental to the teacher put options and decisions b While listening: (While - listening) * Purpose: The purpose of the activities in this phase is to help students develop skills in listening, which is drawn through words convey information * The activities while listening: - Mark the headings in a list or in a picture - Choose the right painting on demand - Ordering of paintings based on the fact of a story - Complete a painting - Painting - Implementation of actions - Sort of titles or objects according to certain patterns - Track route - Fill out the form or a given frame - Record or to name objects - Make the list - Select the right question, wrong - Choose the correct answers to all the questions in the form of objective tests (multiple) - Fill in the blanks in the text or the sentences given - Mark the wrong place - Predictive events or happenings of the story,ect - Look for specific details in the information given, ect c After hearing: (post - listening) -3- * The purpose of the operation after listening to: - Check that the students have understood the information required to follow or not and have completed activities while listening or not? - Find out why students did not hear or did not understand the first part of it in the listening exercise - Expansion of the subject, the language of the texts have heard and what they have learned conversion into other formats * The activities in the period after the hearing + Teacher: - To answer the oral exercises - Screening answer exercises / phototherapy - if any / or write on the board + Students: - Check the answers together in groups of people - Complete the given form or table - Make arrangements / evaluation - Assembling the parts of an essay - Write a summary - Discussion groups - Check your answer by considering the answers available in the book - Do the exercises that form problem solving or decision-making - Pairing the discrete pieces of information have heard - Recognize the relationship between those who say - Acting in conversation 2.3 Solutions: 2.3 How to make a lesson listening: Typically students will be listening to hear all over again The first time I heard help students understand the gist of the whole post and answer questions guide Once heard Monday (partial) helps students to answer test questions in order to understand the level of detail in all listening The instructions for the students to practice listening all teachers should be clear, coherent and simple In terms of quality, design and listeners have been told accurately normal speed when chatting or talking about a public problem - depending on the actual situation, and object level students, after hearing a second time, teachers can give students opened the book while listening, just retrace headphones to check the exact extent of his hearing Teachers guide students while not necessarily listen to hear every word, but to recognize the words or phrases that convey the significance of the information; a lot of time that students have to guess based on what was heard One of the important parts of the training skills of listening is the ability to anticipate what the speaker will continue to say something If in the preparation -4- of listening, the teacher gave a few questions to help students be able to predict the content about to hear is the collective training needs for students anticipating the evolutions of the listening followed by engineering listen to storytelling Example: The teacher tells a story (the content of the listening), stopped several times and referred questions to help students track the story has just predict the next movements in the story and complete the data chart) English 8: Unit 9: Natural Disasters Lesson: Skills - Listening 2.3.2 Form of the listening exercises: a) Listen to and act (for beginner students) * / Listen and perform daily activities in class Teacher: Open your books Students: (Open the books out) Teacher: Turn to page 39 Students: (Turn over 39 in the book) v, v, * / Listen and mark in the competition for available English 6: Unit Lesson 1: Getting started (Page 39) -5- Listen and match the places with the pictures you hear b) Listen to fill the gaps and solve problems In this exercise the students listen and fill in the blanks Then the exercises English 6: Unit 10: Our houses in the future Lesson 6: Skills - Listening -6- c) Listen to assess and provide the key information of all English 8: Unit 8: English Speaking countries Lesson 6: Skills – Listening ( Page 23) d) Listen and connecting with places English 6: Unit 4: My neighbourhood Lesson 6: Skills - Listening ( Page 45) -7- Match the places in the box to their correct positions on die map A supermarket B restaurant C secondary school D art gallery E Pho 99 F “Quynh” Café e) Listen and answer the questions English 7: Unit : Festivals around the world Lesson 6: Skills – Listening ( Page 33) -8- f) Listen and choose the correct answer: True/ False English 7: Unit : Festivals around the world Lesson 6: Skills – Listening ( Page 33) -9- g, Listen and choose the right answer A, B, C English 8: Unit 8: English Speaking countries Lesson 6: Skills – Listening ( Page 23) - 10 - g) Listen and correct mistakes: English 7: Unit : Films Lesson 6: Skills – Listening ( Page 23) - Nick and his father are talking about Tom Hans, a Hollywood film star Look at the picture and answer the questions before correct mistakes Who is he? What does he do? - 11 - Has he ever awarded Oscars? - Then listen to their conversation and correct the following statements Tom Hans is Nick’s favourite film star -> Nick’s father’s Tom Hans is a handsome actor -> isn’t Tom Hans has won three Oscars -> two h, Listen and fill in the blankets with the words you hear 2.4 Results: After a period of anxious concern with the method they have chosen, if students not learn better By checking the quality of student assessment have obtained positive results than quality before applying the new method Here are the test results when I still use this method Question: Listen and choose the correct answer: True/ False - 12 - Listen to Nick talk about a music festival he attended Tick (v) true(T) or false ( F) Correct the false sentences English 7: Unit : Festivals around the world Lesson 6: Skills – Listening ( Page 33) - 13 - Transcripts obtained: Number Full name Class Marks After Nguyễn Thái Tuệ An 7A1 Before Trần Mai Anh 7A1 Trần Ngọc Quỳnh Anh 7A1 Vũ Lê Thảo Anh 7A1 Đặng Gia Bảo 7A1 6 Trịnh Hữu Dũng 7A1 Hoàng Thái Dương 7A1 Đỗ Xuân Đạt 7A1 Hà Hải Đăng 7A1 10 Lê Xuân Hiệp 7A1 11 Phạm Minh Hiếu 7A1 12 Trần Quốc Hoàn 7A1 13 Nguyễn Hoàng Gia Hưng 7A1 14 Lê Phạm Gia Khang 7A1 15 Đoàn Minh Khôi 7A1 16 Nguyễn Trung Kiên 7A1 17 Nguyễn Đỗ Hải Lam 7A1 Note - 14 - 18 Nguyễn Đình Linh 7A1 19 Ngô Văn Đại Lộc 7A1 20 Trịnh Phú Lương 7A1 10 21 Phạm Thanh Mai 7A1 22 Nguyễn Hoàng Hà Mi 7A1 23 Lê Nhật Minh 7A1 24 Phùng Quang Minh 7A1 25 Lê Na 7A1 26 Đỗ Văn Bảo Nam 7A1 27 Lê Văn An Nam 7A1 28 Phạm Ngọc Nam 7A1 29 Hoàng Quỳnh Nga 7A1 30 Bạch Khánh Ngọc 7A1 31 Dương Thị Ánh Ngọc 7A1 32 Nguyễn Yến Ngọc 7A1 33 Nguyễn Thị Minh Phương 7A1 34 Phạm Thảo Phương 7A1 35 Lê Hoàng Quân 7A1 36 Nguyễn Mạnh Quân 7A1 37 Hoàng Thục Quyên 7A1 38 Đỗ Như Quỳnh 7A1 39 Hoàng Mạnh Sinh 7A1 40 Nguyễn Đức Thành 7A1 41 Phạm Minh Thư 7A1 42 Nguyễn Vũ Tường 7A1 10 43 Ngô Tiến Vinh 7A1 44 Nguyễn Phương Vy 7A1 45 Nguyễn Lê Gia Bảo 7A1 - Before Class Learning attitude - 15 - Total students 7A1 45 Excellent-Good Number Percent (%) 0 Average Number Percent (%) 16 35,5 Weak Number Percent (%) 29 64,5 - After Class 7A1 Total Excellent-Good students Number Percent (%) 45 15 33,3 Learning attitude Average Weak Number Percent Number Percent (%) (%) 23 51,2 15,5 It can be seen with the introduction of periodic training methods as described above to listen to the actual teaching, the result achieved is quite high That motivates me to constantly strive to achieve higher results - 16 - CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS: 3.1 Conclusion: In short to succeed in a general teaching hours and hours of English listening and speaking skills taught separately requires the teacher to know the harmony, skillful among steps up in class with knowledge of textbooks To make the class more lively, apart from the specific teaching methods, teachers should use more visual aids, the illustration and the actual case studies, should thoroughly apply exercises, provides an opportunity for students to be able to hear as much as possible Also to inspire student learning, teachers should give students simply listen to songs, spelling or recounted suggestive content while listening to students how to prepare before the hearing I try to maintain the aforementioned methods and constantly learning exchanges with colleagues to put effective teaching hours higher Striving to become a real good teacher Although very happy with the results achieved in recent years But I not think his approach is optimal So I look forward to the comments of my colleagues to get better method 3.2 Suggestions: Innovating teaching methods to create excitement for the students in the learning process is essential for the work of teachers teaching and students learning, so I hope the leaders concerned - Purchase additional references, investment infrastructure and teaching materials, especially the materials and equipment used in English classes in the new era - Further promote the application of information technology in teaching and learning of teachers of students in a uniform and regular - To organize thematic discussion of English courses for all teachers regularly during each drive, each day a year to improve teaching quality, timely grasp the development in the new era XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thanh Hóa, ngày 04 tháng năm 2021 Tôi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, khơng chép nội dung người khác Người thực Phạm Thị Phong Lan - 17 - References - Manual teaches English - Publisher Education Textbooks English classes 6, 7, 8, English Language Teaching Methodology Book of English teachers in grades 6, 7, 8, Document regular retraining - 18 - - 19 - ... teach listening skills 2.2.2 The process of teaching listening skills: The skills training is usually done through hearing three main phases: a Preparation: (Pre - listening) -2- * The purpose of. .. expressions, gestures speaker''s attitude, ect 2.2 Practical basis: 2.2.1 Status of the teaching of English listening skills in secondary schools : Right from the beginning to learn English students had... understand the meaning of information reflected in the pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation of English In practice communication, students can speculate that the information is heard through

Ngày đăng: 22/05/2021, 20:05

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