CODE Làm Thanh Tiêu Đề Web Chạy Trên Task Manager Khi Đóng Mở Web .... CODE Chống Click Chuột Phải ....[r]
(1)Tạo Button Giờ Trên Website Trích:
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <! Begin
day = new Date(); miVisit = day.getTime(); function clock() {
dayTwo = new Date();
hrNow = dayTwo.getHours(); mnNow = dayTwo.getMinutes(); scNow = dayTwo.getSeconds(); miNow = dayTwo.getTime(); if (hrNow == 0) {
hour = 12; ap = " AM";
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hour = hrNow;
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hour = 12;
} else if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = (hrNow - 12); ap = " PM";
if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = hrNow - 12; }
if (mnNow <= 9) { = "0" + mnNow; }
else (min = mnNow) if (scNow <= 9) { secs = "0" + scNow; } else {
secs = scNow; }
time = hour + ":" + + ":" + secs + ap; document.form.button.value = time; self.status = time;
setTimeout('clock()', 1000); }
function timeInfo() { milliSince = miNow;
milliNow = miNow - miVisit;
secsVisit = Math.round(milliNow / 1000); minsVisit = Math.round((milliNow / 1000) / 60);
alert("There have been " + milliSince + " milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 " + "You have spent " + milliNow + " of those milliseconds on this page "
+ " About " + minsVisit + " minutes, and " + secsVisit + " seconds.");
document.write("<center><form name=\"form\">" + "<input type=button value=\"Click for info!\""
(2)onError = null; clock();
// End > </SCRIPT>
Doan Code nghe nhac online
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codebase=", 1,52,701" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components "
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pluginspage=" /" file="file de o day"
src=" / / / /spritps/php/music/musc_cool/MediaOnline/templates/play.php"
ShowControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1" width="350" height="300"> </embed>
Doan Code chen MP3
<embed style="height:25px; width:400px; " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=" link nhạc mp3"
flashvars="autoplay=true" allowScriptAccess="none"></embed> Doan Code AutoPlay cho Web
<object width="300" height="270"><param name="movie"
value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashvars" value="&autostart=true"
/><embed src="" quality="high" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="&autostart=true" width="300"
(4)Share cho người code Thời tiết blog plus mà Nhi sử dụng nhá thích lấy sử dụng he thanks cho bạn làm wen thui đủ rùi heheChúc người zui zẽ he' he'
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr>
<td align="center"> Thủ đô Hà Nội<br /> <img
src=" ions/48820.gif"
alt="Ha Noi" height="41" width="127"> <br /><br />
Cố đô Huế<br /> <img
src=" ions/48852.gif"
alt="Co Do Hue" height="41" width="127"><br /><br /> Tp Hồ Chí Minh
<br /><img
src=" ions/48900.gif"
alt="Ho Chi Minh" height="41" width="127"><br /><br /> Tp Ðà Nẵng<br />
src=" ions/48855.gif"
alt="Da Nang" height="41" width="127"><br /><br /> </td>
</tr> </table> </div>
CAO BẰNG <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48808.gif" alt="Click for Cao Bang, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
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(5)SƠN LA <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
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LẠNG SƠN <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48830.gif" alt="Click for Lang Son, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
LÀO CAI (SAPA) <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
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THÁI NGUYÊN <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
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NAM ĐỊNH <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48823.gif" alt="Click for Nam Dinh, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
THANH HÓA <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48840.gif" alt="Click for Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0"
width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
VINH – NGHỆ AN <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
(6)height="41"/></a> <br />
HÀ TĨNH <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48846.gif" alt="Click for Ha Tinh, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48848.gif" alt="Click for Dong Hoi, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
HUẾ <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48852.gif" alt="Click for Hue, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
ĐÀ NẴNG <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48855.gif" alt="Click for Da Nang, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48860.gif" alt="Click for Hoang Sa, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
QUY NHƠN <a href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48870.gif" alt="Click for Qui Nhon, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a> <br />
href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48877.gif" alt="Click for Nha Trang, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0"
(7)href=" bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"> <img
src=" obal/stations/48920.gif" alt="Click for Truong Sa, Viet Nam Forecast" border="0" width="127" height="41"/></a>
Code đồng hồ
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" src='' width='150' height='200'/></embed>
Banner tự động chạy ! Phần code
<html> <head>
<LINK href="zing_banner.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<SCRIPT src="zing_trangchu/anh_thu.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT> <style>
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nner3.jpg","banner4.jpg","banner5.jpg"," g","banner7.jpg","banner8.jpg"); var xsImgLinks = new Array("","http://maiyeue //"); var xsImgTexts = new Array(" "," "," ");
var xsImgSize = new Array(focus_width, focus_height); // >
(8)(9)Tương tự đoạn mã giới thiệu, ngắn
Lưu ý :
++Cái không viết thẳng vào web , dùng Notepad dán đoạn mã lưu lại với file có js định dạng font UTF-8(VD : xemlich.js)
++Để sử dụng , chèn câu lệnh sau vào nơi bạn thích (tốt thẻ </body>) CODE
<script SRC="xemlich.js"></script> <= Chú ý đặt đường dẫn cho
<! Hiển thị lịch dạng phân bố > <! > <! Begin
var day_of_week = new Array('Chủ nhật','Thứ hai','Thứ ba','Thứ tư','Thứ năm','Thứ sáu','Thứ bảy');
var month_of_year = new Array('Tháng 01','Tháng 02','Tháng 03','Tháng 04','Tháng 05','Tháng 06','Tháng 07','Tháng 08','Tháng 09','Tháng10',' Tháng11','Tháng 12');
var Calendar = new Date();
var year = Calendar.getFullYear(); var month = Calendar.getMonth(); var today = Calendar.getDate(); var weekday = Calendar.getDay(); var DAYS_OF_WEEK = 7; var DAYS_OF_MONTH = 31; var cal;
Calendar.setMonth(month); // Display variables // var TR_start = '<tr>'; var TR_end = '</tr>';
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cal += TR_start;
for(index=0; index < DAYS_OF_WEEK; index++) {
if(weekday == index)
cal += TD_start + '<b><font color=red>' + day_of_week[index] + '</font></b>' + TD_end; else
(10)cal += TD_end + TR_end; cal += TR_start;
for(index=0; index < Calendar.getDay(); index++) cal += TD_start + ' ' + TD_end;
for(index=0; index < DAYS_OF_MONTH; index++) {
if( Calendar.getDate() > index ) {
week_day =Calendar.getDay(); if(week_day == 0)
cal += TR_start;
if(week_day != DAYS_OF_WEEK) {
var day = Calendar.getDate(); if( today==Calendar.getDate() )
cal += highlight_start + day + highlight_end + TD_end; else
cal += TD_start + day + TD_end; }
if(week_day == DAYS_OF_WEEK) cal += TR_end;
Calendar.setDate(Calendar.getDate()+1); }
cal += '</table></td></tr></table>'; document.write(cal);
(11)Hiển thị ngày tốt – xấu web
<script src="
url= itle=Xem+ng%C3%A0y+t%E1%BB%91t+x%E1%BA%A5u+-+l%E1%BB%8Bch+v
(12)TỔNG HỢP CÁC LOẠI CODE VIẾT WEB Khơng Cho Click Chuột Phải
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.1> function right(e) {
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alert('Chuc Mot Ngay Vui ve - Gui Wedsite Cho Ban Be Cua Minh Nha !'); return false;
return true; }
if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); window.onmousedown=right;
2 CODE Làm Thanh Tiêu Đề Web Chạy Trên Task Manager Khi Đóng Mở Web Trích:
<script language=javascript > title_tmp1=document.title
if (title_tmp1.indexOf(">>")!=-1){ title_tmp2=title_tmp1.split(">>"); title_last="*~*"+title_tmp2[1];
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if (title_last=="*~*"){title_last="*~*"}; if (title_last=="*~*"){title_last="*~*"}; }
else { title_last=" wWw.KyNiemB2.Top1.Vn "} }
title_new=""+title_last+"" step=0
function flash_title() {
if (step==8) {step=1}
(13)if (step==2) {document.title='[ -*-'+title_new+'-* -]'} if (step==3) {document.title='[ * '+title_new+' * ]'} if (step==4) {document.title='[-* -'+title_new+' -*-]'} if (step==5) {document.title='[ * '+title_new+' * ]'} if (step==6) {document.title='[ -*-'+title_new+'-* -]'} if (step==7) {document.title='[ *'+title_new+'* ]'} setTimeout("flash_title()",180);
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3 CODE Chống Click Chuột Phải Và Làm "Giật Giật Web Nêu Người Xem Cứ Cố ý Click Right
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> document.onmousedown=click var times=0
var times2=10 function click() {
if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) { if (times>=1) { earthquake() }
alert("Ban Ko Dc Click Chuot Phai"); times++ } }
function earthquake() {
alert("Ban Ko Dc Click Chuot Phai"); window.moveTo(0, 0)
window.moveTo(1, 1) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(10, 10) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(1, 1)
alert("Giat Nhu Fiml Nha??!") tremmors()
(14)function tremmors() { window.moveTo(0, 0) window.moveTo(1, 1) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(10, 10) window.moveTo(11, 11) window.moveTo(12, 12) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(1, 1) tremmors()
4 CODE Làm Con Chuột Có Mấy Cái Vịng Chạy Chạy Xung Quanh Trích:
<script language="JavaScript">
<! Mouse Attack by Kurt Grigg -
var num=10;//Number of dots! var vel=20;//Speed!
var col=new Array('#0080ff','#ffffff','#0000ff','#44ccff');//Dot colours, 2! var stopafter=60; //Stop and clear after x secondS!
//Nothing needs altering past here var MAy=0;
var MAx=0; var py=0; var px=0; var angle=0; var distance=0; var rep;
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var n4=(document.layers);
(15)var ie=(document.all);
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stopafter*=1000; if (n4||n6){
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MAy = (ie)?event.clientY:event.clientY-window.pageYOffset; MAx = event.clientX;
document.onmousemove=mouse2; }
if (n4){
for (inc=0; inc < num; inc++)
document.write('<layer name=dots'+inc+' top=0 left=0 width='+inc/3+' height='+inc/3+' bgcolor=#ffffff></layer>');
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document.write("<div id='outer' style='position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px'>"); document.write("<div style='position:relative'>");
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document.write('<div id="dots'+inc+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:'+ inc/3+';height:'+inc/3+';background:#ffffff;font-size:1">.</div>');
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function pos(){
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px=rx; } pos();
function followleader(){
sy=(!ie)?window.pageYOffset:0; sx=(!ie)?window.pageXOffset:0;
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randomcol=col[Math.floor(Math.random()*col.length)]; temp1=eval(_d+_a+"dots"+inc+_r+_s);
temp1.visibility=v; if (inc < num-1){
temp1.left=temp2.left }
else{; temp1.left=px; }
if (n4)temp1.bgColor=randomcol; else temp1.background=randomcol; }
function bomb(){ ay=MAy-py; ax=MAx-px;
angle=Math.round(Math.atan2(ay,ax)*180/Math.PI); if (angle < 0) angle += 360;
MAdy=py-MAy; MAdx=px-MAx;
distance=Math.floor(Math.sqrt(MAdx*MAdx+MAdy*MAdy) ); go_y = Math.round(vel*Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180));
go_x = Math.round(vel*Math.cos(angle*Math.PI/180)); py+=go_y;
if (distance < vel) pos(); followleader();
tmr=setTimeout("bomb()",20); }
function dsbl(){
(17)put=true; MAx=0; MAy=0;
setTimeout('clearTimeout(tmr)',stopafter+100); }
setTimeout('dsbl()',stopafter); // >
"","http://maiyeue // wWw.KyNiemB2.Top1.Vn