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Choose the underlined word that has different pronounciation:1. Choose the best answer:.[r]


TEST I Choose the underlined word that has different pronounciation:

1 a city b my c sky d cry a mention b option c federation d question a ghost b office c long d modern a climate b comprise c notice d divide a region b group c dialouge d guitar a said b baggy c pants d added a poets b occasion c convenient d compulsory a continue b primary c additional d territories a wealth b meat c peaceful d beaches 10 a religion b secondary c design d region II Choose the best answer:

1 We would rather _ at home than go out on rainy day ( stay/stayed/to stay/staying)

2 They _ walk to school when they were students (used to/were used to/did used to/are used to) 3.The _ vase could be repaired (breaking/break/broken/broke)

4 I’m very busy these days I wish I _some time to rest.( have/had/to have/have had) What you usually wear _ the weekend? (of/on/above/about)

6 It’s Mr Smith I have known him _ a long time (since/for/at/in)

7 The Baker family is very friendly _ Van enjoys being a member of their family (that /as/ so/ because) Wearing uniforms helps students feel _ in many way.(equal/casual/comfortable/ different)

9 It’s easy for people to get _ to Internet (contact/access/use/to use) 10 The second goal _ by Tom (scored/will scored/is scoring/was scored)

11 Internet is a very fast and convenient way for me to get _ (situation/ invention/ information/ communication).

12 September 2nd has been considered a great holiday in Viet Nam _ 1945.(since/in/for/from). 13 Viet Nam is divided _ three parts.(on/in/into/by)

14 That room _ in use since it was redecorated.(is/ has been/ was/ used to be) 15 She asked me _ she could come that day.(if/ when/ about/ while)

III Choose the suitable adjective to fill in the blank with the correct form:

beautiful careful clear dangerous easy fast fluent good hard slow

1 She ran very so I couldn’t catch up with her We lost the match because we didn’t play He is a good driver He drives very She is a famous singer She sings He worked very and got tired

6 Don’t walk so quickly Can you walk more ?

7 Can you speak more , so I can understand what you mean? She practices speaking English every day, so she speaks it very He cycled and had some accidents

10 It is a very simple question You can answer it IV Make up sentences with If:

a She comes late again b I win this competition c We go by train

d We go by plane e You need more bags

f We throw the bottle over the hedge

1 I’ll give you some it will be cheaper

3 that will pollute the wood she will lose her job it will be quiker


V Find and correct mistakes:

1 I haven’t come back to London since my father last visits me A B C D

2 Do you know how getting to the post office from here? A B C D The policeman told her not driving her car so fast again


4 Bill asked me if I am going to visit my aunt the day before A B C D

VI Give the correct form of the word:

1 Liverpool is an ……… city in the north of England IDUSTRY Is Buddhism the country’s ……… religion of Thailand? OFFICE We ‘re very impressed by the ……… of your town’s people FRIEND You must be ……… when you open that door CARE Should English be a ……… foreign language in Viet Nam? COMPEL This handbag gives us ……… information about ASEAN ADD Our school has a lot of ……… teacher QUALIFY When you take an exam, you are an ……… EXAMINE We could see some strange ……… on her face IMPRESS 10.Your English is much better, but there’s still room for ……… IMPROVE

TEST I Choose the underlined word that has different pronounciation:

a notice b grow c ghost d lost a casual b material c champagne d campus a deny b deposite c benefit d respond a hike b shrine c widely d opinion a furious b purpose c surf d turn a garage b sewage c garbage d courage a disappointed b provided c polluted d reduced a flow b row c cow d know a trash b mass c wrap d stage 10 a dynamite b junkyard c fly d deny II Choose the best answer:

1 We wish we _ speak English _.(could,fluently/ could,fluency/ can,fluently/ can,fluency) If you _ to get well soon, you must take this medicine.(will want/ wanted/ would want/ want) We _ a lovely holiday there, didn’t we? (have/ had/ have had/ were having)

4 While I was watching TV in my room, my mother _ in.(was coming/ would come/ comes/ came) Her father taught her _ to cook when she was young.(what / when / how/ where)

6 She had to go shopping for her friend, _ she? (didn’t / hadn’t / does / did)

7 I enjoy _, but I wouldn’t like _ it all my life.(to teach,to / teaching,doing / to teach,doing / teaching,to do).

8 They suggested that he _ by bicycle or public transport.(should travel / travels / traveled/ traveling) The light _ so we couldn’t see anything.(went on/ went off/ went by/ went out)

10 Hurry up _ you will miss the train.(so/ but/ and/ or)

11 Even _ it was very cold, Mr Ba was waiting for the bus.(although/ though/ despiteof / in spite of) 12 If the weather _ good tomorrow, we _ swimming.(is,go / will be,will go / is,will go / will be,go) 13 Remember to _ off your shoes when you go into the temple.(take/ turn/ go/ get)

14 It’s rainy very hard, _ we can’t go out.(because/ so/ but/ or)

15 _ you work hard, you won’t pass the final exam.(If/ Unless/ When/ While)

III Combone two sentences in each pair below into one sentence, using the connectives in the box. and but because or so therefor however for

1 Are you applying for graduate school Will you look for a job?


2 I understand your point of view I don’t agree with it

People should use more solar energy It is cheap, clean and unlimited

The cost of installation is very high Solar domestic heating systems are economical to use Nam has applied for scholarship Mai has requested financial aid

My father is on holiday He is unable to attend the meeting

We started our journey early We reached the nearest village before sunset

Lan went out last night She bought a book

IV Fill the gap in each sentence below with a suitable phrasal verbs from the box.

turn on turn off look for look after go on take off get on give up Students their coats before entering a lecture hall

2 My father wants to smoking but he can’t I’ve lost my keys Can you help me to them?

4 Mr Brown is 85 and living alone He needs someone to him The bus were full We couldn’t

6 We must change our way We can’t living like that Don’t forget to the TV before going to bed

8 It’s dark here Please the lights V Give the correct form of the word:

1.You should write a letter of ……… to that institute INQUIRE I watch the new everyday because it is very ……… INFORM

3 The internet is a very useful means of ……… COMMUNICATE We can see many ……… on TV everyday ADVERTISE They live in a ……… area in the north of the country MOUNTAIN It’s ……… of you to cheat in the exam HONEST The police are looking for a dangerous ……… CRIME She received a lot of ……… from her friends COURAGE There are ……… about wearing uniforms at school ARGUE 10 The internet has ……… developed in very field INCREASE VI Rewrite these sentences:

1 Whose bag is this?

( belong ) -> Shall we use gas instead of burning coal?

( suggest ) -> What about using energy-saving appliances?

( should ) -> My sister looked after our children when we were away

( took ) -> “Why you turn off the television?” Ellen asked me

->Ellen asked me I’m so busy, so I don’t write to my friends regularly

->If I weren’t They will build a new school in the country

->A new school I would rather the homework than go out in the rain


TEST I Choose the underlined word that has different pronounciation:

1 a garbage b standard c solar d lunar a covered b installed c describled d decorated a chopstick b charity c children d Christmas a celebration b plumber c bulb d blanket a energy b generous c category d suggest a creature b appear c reason d teacher a identify b typhoon c terrify d crazy a hole b object c spot d solid a exist b public c despite d mineral 10 a gemstone b imagine c organism d.generous II Choose the best answer:

1 _ the traffic was bad, we arrived on time.(Although/ In spite of/ Even/ Despiteof) I’ll show you around the city when you _ (come/ are coming/ willcome/ came)

3 If energy _ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different (is/ will be/ were/ would be).

4 _ energy can be cheap and clean.(Sun/ Sunny/ Solar/ Solarize)

5 I am writing this to tell you _ you are missed and loved.(how many/ how much/ how long/ how far) We should learn about keeping the environment _ (pollute/ polluting/ polluted/ unpolluted)

7 The pencil _ I write is made in Japan.(who/ whom/ which/ where) We don’t want _ like that.(talking/ being talked/ talked/ to be talked) They _ in Ha Noi since last Monday.(have been/ were/ are/ will be)

10 He runs _ to get there first.( enough fast/ fast enough/ enough to fast/ to fast enough) 11 Let’s go shopping, _ ?(shall we/ can we/ we/ should we)

12 We have just had our house _ (rebuild/ rebuilt/ to rebuild/ rebuilding)

13 Computer is one of the most important _ of the 20th century.(invent/ to invent/ inventor/ invention). 14 Listen to what I am saying, _ ? (don’t you/ will you/ you/ did you)

15 _ if we took the map with us.(We would get lost/ We wouldn’t get lost/ We got lost / We did not get lost).

III Combine these pairs of sentences, using who, which, where and whose. He met many friends The friends encouraged him in his work

2 He often tells me about his village He was born there

3 Can you understand the question? He asked you the question last time The man is an architect We play with his son every day

5 The city was beautiful We spent our vacation in that city The book was rather difficult I gave him that book The picture has been stolen You were talking about it She is the girl I bought those roses for her

IV Give the correct form of the word:

1 There are many - in our country of a year CELEBRATE We celebrate our - Day on September 2nd DEPEND You must be - when you open that door CARE We can save - resources by using solar energy NATURE We can’t clean up our - rivers and seas over night POLLUTE We must learn about keeping the environment ……… POLLUTE The storm last week caused………damage EXTEND A huge ………wave struck Anchorage, Alaska in the 1960s TIDE

9 The whole city was……….by the hurricane DESTRUCTION 10 The tornado hit the village without any……… WARN

V Give the correct form of the verb:


2 I’m sorry I ( not finish ) - this work yet You ( see ) - any good films recently?

4 Poems as well as plays ( write ) - by Shakespeare

5 She is having an examination She wishes she (spend ) - a day off on a farm now Would you believe twenty phone calls ( make ) -by Tom today?

7 We hate ( watch ) - the advertising program on TV I had a phone call while I ( surf ) - the web

9 Let’s get the house ( clear up ) - before he arrives 10 They ( live ) - in that house since it was rebuilt 11 How many lessons you ( miss ) - this year ?

Only one, and that ( be ) - because I had flu in November

12.What you ( look for ) - ,Mai? You ( lose ) -anything? 13 I suggest (burn) - coal to heat the house

14 If we (not save) - energy, there (be) - great shortage in the next century

15 Do you have any difficulty in ( solve ) - this problem VI Rewrite the sentences:

1 Mary always went swimming after school last year

-> Mary used to……… My daughter has studied English for two years

-> My daughter started ……… She wants to buy that villa but it’s too far expensive for her

-> She wishes ……… It took Nam two days to have a trip to the countryside last week

-> Nam spent ……… They have changed the date of the meeting

-> The date ……… Finding an apartment in a big city is not easy

-> It is not ……… We enjoy playing soccer

-> We are interested ……… Nobody has invited me, so I’m not going to the party

-> Because ……… My car broke down, so I missed the beginning of the film

-> Because of ……… 10 I started to play the piano ten years ago

-> I have ……… TEST

I Choose the underlined word that has different pronounciation:

1 a thunder b erupt c trust d pull a comprise b tropical c collection d polluted a label b crack c battery d carriage a trace b grade c pray d gather a tidal b sight c divice d mineral a worked b loved c missed d washed a thank b think c throughout d there a how b house c hour d horse a meat b seat c sea d dread 10.a write b prize c give d hi II Choose the best answer:

1 Yesterday I met some people (who‘s/whose) car broke down What’s the name of the girl (who/which) is singing?


4 We went to Hoan Kiem to see firework (despite/though) the fact that it’s very cold (In spite of /Even though) I had an umbrella, I got very wet in the rain

6 I sent a card to congratulate Hoa (for/on) winning the first prize in the English speaking contest It is very kind (of/for) you to help me with my homework

8 Minh (washed/was washing) the dishes while her sister (made/was making) the cake How _ is your house from here? ( many/ much/ long/ far)

It’s about two hours by car

10 They asked me where I _ from, so I said Ha Noi.(come/came/coming/to come)

11 They are working hard _ they want to be well prepared for examination.(but/ as/ so/ therefore) 12 She can’t get home _ she has no money.(unless / if / until / without)

13 _ the bad weather, the football match was put off.(As/ Because/ Because of/ So) 14 This is the place _ a lot of people were died.(which / when / where / who) 15 I _ that if I were you.(won’t / shan’t / don’t / wouldn’t)

III Join the sentences, using relative clauses:

1 Last month I went to Hai Phong My uncle is working there

Look at the girl She is wearing a white dress

I read about the child His life was saved by his pet dog

That is the picture of his town He grew up in that town

I really enjoyed the firework It was displayed on the National Day

His mother died last year He looked after her over 20 years

Dr Rowan has had to all his typing His secrectary resigned weeks ago

The pencil is made in Japan I write it

This is the place A lot of people were died here

10 Mr Quang will be here soon He will help us

IV Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.

1 The police have caught the man whom stole my motorbike A B C D Is that the reason what I should come on time?


3 The man to who you have just spoken, is the secretary A B C D

4 It is the village when you used to live, isn’t it ? A B C D

5 What was the name of the horse who won the race? A B C D V Give the correct forms of the verbs:

1 I’m very busy now If I ……… enough time, I ……… to the park (have/go)

2 Maybe I will have enough time tonight If I ……… enough time, I ……… a letter to my wife (have/write) The ticket is 200 dollars, but I have onlt 150 dollars If I ……… enough money, I ……… home this weekend, (have/fly)

4 The weather is terrible today But if the weather ……… good, I ……… for a five-mile walk (be/go) Jim is very lazy If he ……… hard, he ……… good grades (study/get)


8 you didn’t tell me about your problem If you ……… me about it, I ……… you (tell/help)

9 What would you like to tonight? Do you want to go to a movie? If you ………to go to a movie, I ……… with you (want/go)

10 I have the history class today If I ……… to class today, I ……… shopping (not have to go / go) VI Rewrite these sentences:

1 He is busy right now So, he can’t help them

→ If I’m not you, so I can’t tell him the truth

→ If I She came, so he wasn’t disappointed

→ If He is not a good student He didn’t study for the test yesterday

→ If She didn’t say sorry so he was angry

→ If It rained last night so I didn’t go to the barbecue

→ If My parents not allow me to go, so I have to stay at home

→ If The computer broke down and I had to stop my work

→ If She loves him so she forgives him easily

→ If 10 He was angry so I didn’t say anything


I Circle the word whose underlinded part is pronounced differently from that of the rest

A base B tomb C obey D tub

A snake B fall C all D talk

A needs B Teams C minerals D forests

A shown B known C town D snow

A question B nation C correction D pollution

A match B chair C chemistry D catch

A seen B sure C seem D sit

A supply B deny C reply D simply

II Complete the sentences with appropriate words in parentheses:

1 He bought a lot of things : notebooks , pens , …… pencils from the shop (but, or, and, so) It was raining hard , …… we could not go on a picnic as planned (however, but, because, so) Tommy suggested …… a pairs of shoes for Dad on his birthday (buying, buy, to buy, bought) The children laughed …… when they were watching a comic (happiness, happy, happily, unhappy) If it continues to rain , I think we …… home and watch TV (would stay, will stay, used to stay, stay ) There is too much traffic … , the air is polluted (however, since, therefore, but)

7 She goes to the library three times a week She …… reads books there (never, often, rarely, once) A disastrous volcanic eruption happened in the Philippines …… 1991 (on, in, at, since)

III Read the following passage and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

There are many celebrations throughout the year in Viet Nam, but Tet or the Lunar New Year is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people

Tet usually occurs in late January or early February A few days before Tet is the time for people to clean and decorate their homes During Tet, people, old and young, enjoyed special food cooked on the occasion of Tet It is also the time for family members to be together

Facts T F


2 Tet usually begins in early January

3 People often make their houses nice and new for Tet Tet is the time for family reunions

IV Give the correct form of the word:

1 There was an………shower which made me very wet EXPECT In my opinion, flying saucer might be people’s……… IMAGINE There are some ………circles in the fields in Great Britain MYSTERY Some people said that saw man-like……… get out of the UFOs CREATE In………, I believe UFOs exist and there is life in other planets CONCLUDE Give us some……….to support your idea PROVE It was ………of you to have broken the vase CARE The volcano in the Philippines erupted in 1991 was the world’s largest volcanic

……… in more than 50 years ERUPT

9 If you want to attend the course,you must pass the ………….examination COME 10 In the 1980s jeans became high fashion……… CLOTH

V Give the correct forms of the verbs:

1 How many lessons you ( miss ) - this year ?

Only one, and that ( be ) - because I had flu in November

2.What you ( look for ) - ,Mai? You ( lose ) -anything? I suggest (burn) - coal to heat the house

4 If we (not save) - energy, there (be) - great shortage in the next century

5 Do you have any difficulty in ( solve ) - this problem I’ll have my brother ( repair ) - my bicycle

7 They advised him ( not cross ) - the street against the red light I don’t want ( take ) - care of as if I were a child

9 We ( look ) - for a cafeteria when we met Sue

10 Minh ( just win ) - the first prize in the talent contest VI Rewrite these sentences:

1 “ This picture is very nice”, my uncle said

-> My uncle said ……… Mrs Ha wants to get a lot of monney She must work harder

-> If ……… ……… “ What are you doing now ? ” said the teacher to Tom

-> The teacher asked ……… “ Will you be free tomorrow ? ”said to me

-> She asked me ……… She asked me why I was learning English

-> “ Why ………?” said she to me Why many people use Internet? ( passive form)

-> ……… His mother died last year He looked after her over 20 years ( Use : whom ) ->……… They have done a lot of revision for the coming exam ( passive form) -> ……… She goes to university, so she can get a better job ( Use : in order to ) -> ……… 10 “ Do you speak any other language, Mai? ” the teacher said

-> The teacher asked ……… TEST

I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

1 A design B loose C style D symbol


3 A casual B sale C sleeveless D slit

4 A expecting B electricity C yesterday D described

5 A cheap B heavily C already D head

6 A humor B abrupt(sudden) C unpolluted D dump

7 A parks B label C behavior D nominate

8 A predict B destroy C energy D effective

II Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences. Our teacher said that the earth _around the sun

A go B goes C is going D went

2 He said that he _his bicycle the day before

A loses B has lost C had lost D was lost

3 The methods of teaching English _improved recently

A are B were C in D have been

4 Last week, our teacher _the class into three groups

A shared B turned C changed D divided

5 Tam _go fishing with his brother when he was young

A used to B is used to C gets used to D was used to

6 I wish I _all about this some weeks ago

A knew B have known C had known D would know

7 Islamic people usually go to the _to pray

A pagoda B mosque C temple D church

8 Ha Long Bay is a beautiful spot _is visited by thousands of tourists every year

A where B which C whom D whose

9 They dicided to go out _it was raining heavily

A but B therefore C however D although

10 What would you if you _ a UFO?

A saw B to see C see D could see

III Read the following passage and write True or False after statements:

It is now feared that the number of dead people following yesterday,s earthquake could be as high as 3000. Many of the victims died when their homes collapsed The government has sent many rescue workers to search for survivors who may still be trapped under the fallen walls , although there is no hope that anyone is still alive now

Statements True False

1 The earthquake happened three days ago

2 The number of people who died could reach 3000 The collapsed houses killed many people

4 The rescue workers are not working now because there is nobody who is still alive

IV Give the correct form of the word:

1 Local authorities should prohibit and fine……….anyone using

elecctricity to catch fish HEAVY My brother is an……… engineer ELECTRIC

3 You must write your………… form clearly APPLY We celebrate our ………Day on September 2nd DEPEND His friends ……… him a lot in his career COURAGE English is used……….in many countries in the world WIDE You must be……….when you open that door CARE I was so disappointed all my efforts ended in……… FAIL A lot of heroes and ………appeared during the for HERO

national ……… and……… DEPEND / FREE 10 We all know that there is no easy ……… ……… to SOLVE


V Give the correct forms of the verbs:

1 If we ( not protect ) - the environment, our green planet ( be ) - badly polluted

2 A brick-layer (be ) - a person who ( have ) -skills in building with bricks

3 Binh ( not feel ) - well now because he ( stay up) - too late last night What you ( ) - if you ( have ) - a chance to meet aliens from outer space?

5 If he ( not start ) - at one, he ( not catch ) - the last train They can’t swim in this lake because the water highly ( pollute ) -

7 Although Tuan was tired, he spent all the weekend ( ) - his homework

8 Mrs Brown ( be ) - an English for teacher twenty-nine years She first ( start ) - teaching English at a small school in the countryside After ( teach ) -there for ten years, she ( move ) - to a big city Since then she ( be ) - a teacher at a big school in the city

9 My father ( already be ) - to Ha Noi many time 10 She wishes she ( can take ) - part in the game VI Rewrite these sentences:

1 They haven’t phoned us for a month

-> It is ……… They want to be highly paid, so they work much harder

-> They work much harder in……… ……… My father used to take me to the zoo when he had free time

-> I ……… I was impressed by the performance of that young singer

-> The performance of that young singer made ……… If he improves his spelling, he will get good grades

-> Unless ……… “ You ‘d better not spend any more time in the sun, Kate,” said Annie -> Annie advised ……… Don’t tell anyone if we let you into the secret

-> Don’t tell anyone if you ……… Keep your neighborhood clean and you will have an ideal place to live -> If ……… We couldn’t keep on clearing the beach because of the heavy rain

-> Because it ……… 10 He is a more persuasive speaker than his brother

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2021, 00:14



