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Using internet based websites to optimize english learning capability of yen dinh 3 highschool students at home

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HOÁ TRƯỜNG THPT YÊN ĐỊNH SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM USING INTERNET- BASED WEBSITES TO OPTIMIZE ENGLISH LEARNING CAPABILITY OF YEN DINH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AT HOME Người thực hiện: Nguyễn Thị Nga Chức vụ: Giáo viên Đơn vị công tác: Trường THPT Yên Định SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực (môn): Tiếng Anh THANH HOÁ NĂM 2021 Contents 1- PREFACE .1 1.1 REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE THEME : 1.1.1 Basis of theory: 1.1.2 Basis of practice: .2 1.2 AIMS OF THE RESEARCH 1.3 OBJECTS OF THE RESEARCH .3 1.4 METHODS OF THE RESEARCH .3 CONTENTS 2.1 THE RATIONALE OF ONLINE TEACHING 2.2 EMPIRICAL REVIEWS BEFORE APPLYING THE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES .5 2.3 THE EXPERIENCE INITATIVE AND ITS SAMPLE OF APPLICATION .6 2.3.1 Reviewing materials 2.3.2 Methods to post it on Internet platform .10 2.3.3 Applying process system 14 2.4 RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH 16 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 17 3.1 CONCLUSION 17 3.2 SUGGESTIONS .17 REFERENCES 18 APPENDIX 20 1- PREFACE 1.1 REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE THEME : 1.1.1 Basis of theory: Nowadays, the Internet has significantly changed how we communicate with one another as well as how we access, share and facilitate information Particularly, people are facing a plethora of information and educating services on the Internet which questions the roles of schools in this function It is the reason why as a person who works in the field of education, a teacher needs to be flexible with the way they convey their ideas to students The issue is not only about how to use technology to teach, how to take advantages of it as a tool, but about how teachers acknowledge the way the world is already developing, and understand the significance of online literacy and the role that collaboration and online engagement plays in student learning and their future workplace environment Within a countryside environment where the access of smart devices has just been spreading in a large scale recently, many schools still prefer to rely on traditional methods of teaching, without admitting that the possibilities opened when technology is brought into the classroom are endless Along with the rapid development of technology and modernization in the 4.0 era, students may face many difficulties in using the Internet properly and effectively, serving their learning purposes Especially in a countryside environment where the access of smart devices has just been spread in a large scale recently, the involvement of teachers in online learning process of students in order to guide them can be a smart step and even, bring positive effect in the education system Recently, due to the COVID-19, schools have been shut down all across the world Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom And Vietnam is not an exception As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms Despite a lot of difficulty, this can be an opportunity for people to seriously put online teaching or using the Internet to assist teacher and students’ tasks under consideration, not just as a temporary solution, but a stable and promising one Based on these above-mentioned contexts, I decide to choose “Using Internetbased websites to optimize English learning capability of Yen Dinh highs chool students at home” as the theme to contribute my ideas 1.1.2 Basis of practice: Although online learning is a revisited topic and highly-recommended solution, there are not many good suggestions for teaching online, which is learning online having the teacher involved Because we need to objectively admit that (1) online teaching is not synchronized with the school’s official agenda; (2) it is not effective randomly because teachers not control students' learning, (3) teachers not get paid for online teaching However, easily dismissing the idea without noticing about the various ways of teaching and considering their benefits to our students can limit us from some possibilities to improve our jobs and students’ quality of learning English Therefore, at the beginning of March, I did a survey participated by 73 students in classes of 12C3, 12C5 and 12C7 of Yen Dinh High School, to study the Internet habits and effectiveness of online learning among this group And below are some survey results: Firstly, the time for surfing Internet among grade-12 students was relatively stable Almost one half of the participants was reported to keep online for about hours or more per day, the other half used the range of 1-2 hours Only students asked used the Internet for less than hour a day Secondly, the most popular platforms among students included Facebook, Youtube and Zing MP3 Meanwhile, about 35% of the students came to Facebook first when accessing the browser This shows that the Internet was often seen as an entertainment tool, rather than learning one Third, nearly 70% used the Internet for learning purpose, but only a half said that their method is effective - 1.2 AIMS OF THE RESEARCH As an English teacher with over ten years’ experience, I have continuously been wondering and researching for the techniques to better the quality of teaching English Knowing that the students’ psychophysiology is doing what they fancy, enjoying new things, putting their noses on pleasure rather than studying, I have been trying my best to offer them lecture in which they can work for both study and relaxation Demonstrating that the teacher's role in interacting and teaching online with students is necessary and important Analyze the impact of interactive online learning with teachers on students Suggest some effective methods for teachers in promoting student learning through the internet Help students create a new breakthrough in revision for the National High School Exam, I have been trying my best to offer them beyond on-class lectures which were the reason why I chose the internet as a modern platform to help students effectively pratice their english and have more motivation in their studying This technique has been applied for more than four months since 2020 and in the first step I can see its promising future Therefore, I decisively exchange my initiative experience with my collagues 1.3 OBJECTS OF THE RESEARCH In each lesson of English grade 12, I prepared 50 multiple-choice questions for my students to review their knowledge about this unit And now I decided to use it as the main material for my research, to assist the online reviewing process In this report, I will take Unit 14’s questions package to be an example, so that the process can be explicitly understood 1.4 METHODS OF THE RESEARCH During the application process, I used some applications and websites as followed: - Zoom: to open online meetings (teaching through power point lecture) and play Kahoot! - Kahoot.it: an online multiple-choice game played in a group setting, boosting students' language reflexes and ability to remember lessons I use this game to help students master the latest lessons It can also increase the wholesome competition in learning and change the class atmosphere and students’ attitude This is also a good way for me to measure students' participation in the online learning process - Facebook (Messenger): Social media platform to create open space for discussion and Q&A on the topic that has been learnt at class or through Zoom (I focus on one main function of Facebook is Messenger) - Youtube: where materials are provided with audio and video After the discussion about the subject, I attached interesting and useful youtube links for students to refer - SHub classroom: Releasing test, review questions and measure students performance CONTENTS 2.1 THE RATIONALE OF ONLINE TEACHING Before going to detail content of the idea, there are some definitions that meaningfully contributed to the initiatives and should be clearly cultivated: First, teaching online here can be considered as online tutoring which is the process of tutoring in an online, virtual, or networked, environment, in which teachers and learners participate from separate physical locations Aside from space, literature also states that participants can be separated by time It especially includes both the first-hand teaching style through video meeting, but also any interactions to them through text chat and question posts… Meanwhile, reviewing activities constructed are those that help students with (1) their specific lesson from class, (2) their general knowledge related to every English grammar units and also (3) the one that useful for them in practise as well as their upcoming National Examination Therefore, the knowledge that has been transferred by the teacher can range variously from the textbook to extended material of assistance As a hightlight,he initiatives in this research was based on theory related to Online learning communities Idea (OLC) As being seen by many other researches, learning is often conceptualized as an activity merely taking place in school settings Säljö (2000) asserts that learning within an institutional setting can be seen as a complement to all forms of learning People are participants who may collaborate in practices like school, at work and in their spare time Lave and Wenger (1991) describe the process of legitimate peripheral participation, in which participants becomes a full member within a community of practice Therefore, learning is here understood as a situated activity In social practices of online learning, learning can be divided into educational learning, professional learning and learning on basis of a shared interest The use of the two factors, participants and environment, can further elaborate the participants’ activities in practices 2.2 EMPIRICAL REVIEWS BEFORE APPLYING THE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES Practicing English at home is a difficult task which can sometimes be vague and ineffective It is necessary that learners should make constant effort to understand, produce and manipulate the target language Games are highly stimulating thanks to their both amusement and challenges, social media and online test is friendly to them thanks to the interactive communication and transparency In addition, they can use the language in a more empirical way - The way you can convey knowledge through the Internet is diverse You can combine games and online video call and quick test and video watching and Q&A… at anywhere, anytime - Instead of struggling with a wide range of information, having teachers help them to initially get familiar with the online environment, as well as provide them with available learning materials is a very fresh start for students - Of course students can now combine and take best use of conventional and new method of learning English, which can improve their learning ability as the quickest - By creating habits to access Internet for learning instead of entertaining, students can change their mindset and come close to the effective online selfsearching and self-learning proccess in the future 2.3 THE EXPERIENCE INITATIVE AND ITS SAMPLE OF APPLICATION 2.3.1 Reviewing materials It includes: official textbook and added materials In this research report, beside Unit 14, I would like to take the Unit 14’s questions package as an example for reviewing package after each unit: 5 QUESTION PACKAGE Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest a disaster b prisoner c agency a international b federation c society a catastrophe b emergency c conventional a suffering b president c protection a involve b propose c improve d family d dedication d vulnerable d conference d soldier Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one She sustained severe head _ after being thrown from her horse a injure b injured c injuries d injurious According to World Bank figures, 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute _ a poor b poorer c poorly d poverty Up until the middle of the 19th century, there were no _ and wellestablished army nursing systems for casualties a organize b organized c organizational d organizers The AIDS _ continues to spread around the world Up to 4,000 people are infected with the HIV virus every single day a treatment b epidemic c tsunami d damage During World War II, the Red Cross organized relief assistance for _ and wounded soldiers and administered the exchange of messages regarding prisoners and missing persons a civilians b governments c authorities d members A _ is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake, that flows onto the land and destroys things a famine b catastrophe c tsunami d flood By the end of World War II, 179 _ of the Red Cross had conducted 12,750 visits to POW (prisoner of war) camps in 41 countries a conferences b symbols c missions d delegates We oppose this war, as we would any other war which created an environmental catastrophe a pollution b disaster c convention d epidemic The first relief assistance mission organized by the League was an aid mission for the _ of a famine and subsequent typhus epidemic in Poland a leaders b authorities c victims d organizers 10 The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless wounded and homeless a poor b imprisoned c suffered d injured 11 In 2004 more than 40 national societies have worked with more than 22,000 _ to bring relief to the countless victims of the earthquake a actions b volunteers c founders d nations 12 The International Red Cross works as _ impartial, neutral, and independent organization a a b an c the d Ø 13 In 2005 _ budget of the ICRC amounts to about 970 million Swiss Francs a a b an c the d Ø 14 The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is _ world’s largest humanitarian network a a b an c the d Ø 15 They had to delay their trip because of the bad weather a get through b put off c keep up with d go over 16 It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death a turn off b take on c get over d keep up with 17 He did not particularly want to play any competitive sport a use up b with c take up d go on 18 I am tired because I went to bed late last night a stayed up b kept off c put out d brought up 19 She got _ her car to pick _ some wild flowers a from / on b in / at c off / up d out / for 20 The customer had tried some blouses but none of them suited her a at b with c in d on 21 If I get this report finished I will knock _ early and go to the pub for some drink a up b over c on d off 22 Boy! _ away all your toys and go to bed right now a Come b Lie c Put d Sit 23 I have been trying to ring him up all day and I could not through a get b take c look d hang 24 The water supply of the building was off because the pipes burst a handed b held c cut d paid 25 How are you _ on with your work? - It is OK a calling b getting c laying d looking Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 26 Mary says that when her drugs budget was exhausted she turned to the Swedish Red Cross a Mary says that she was tired with the voluntary work for the Swedish Red Cross b Mary says that she gave all her money to the Swedish Red Cross c Mary says that the money she bought drugs was given to the Swedish Red Cross d Mary says that when she ran out of money for her drugs, she asked the Swedish Red Cross for help 27 I find it difficult to get rid of my smoking habit a As for me, stopping my smoking habit is quite difficult b I have difficulty smoking cigarettes c My smoking habit has caused me a lot of difficulties d I will quit smoking someday 28 You can look up this word in the dictionary a There are a lot of words in the dictionary for you to look at b You can find the meaning of this word in the dictionary c The dictionary contains a lot of words except the one you need d You should buy this dictionary to find the word you need 29 That car is beyond my means a That car is cheap enough for me to buy b That car is too expensive for me to buy c I am really interested in that car d I really not like that car 30 The doctor advised Mr Pike to take up a new hobby a The doctor said, "A new hobby is not good for Mr Pike." b The doctor wanted Mr Pike not to have any new hobby c The doctor said, "You should start a new hobby, Mr Pike." d The doctor said to Mr Pike, "You should stop your present hobby." Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international nongovernmental organization for the conservation, research, and restoration of the environment, which remains its official name in the United States and Canada It is the, world's largest independent conservation organization with over million supporters worldwide, working in more than 90 countries, supporting 100 conservation and environmental projects around the world It is a charity, with approximately 9% of its funding coming from voluntary donations by private individuals and businesses The group says its main mission is "to halt and reverse the destruction of our environment" Currently, much of its work focuses on the conservation of three biomes that contain most of the world's biodiversity: forests, freshwater ecosystems, oceans, and coasts Among other issues, it is also concerned with endangered species, pollution, and climate change The organization runs more than 20 field projects worldwide in any given year The organization was formed as a charity trust on' 11 September, 1961, in Morges, in Switzerland, under the name World Wildlife Fund It was an initiative of Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson Since its appearance the organization has conserved the world's fauna, flora, forests, landscape, water, soils and other natural resources by the management of land, research and investigation, and publicity, coordination of efforts, cooperation with other interested parties and all other appropriate means In the last few years, the organization set up offices and operations around the world The initial focus of its activities was the protection of endangered species As more resources became available, its operations expanded into other areas such as the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption 31 The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international organization, which were formed and managed by the governments of the United States and Canada a True b False c No information 32 The main mission of the organization is "to halt and reverse the destruction of our environment" a True b False c No information 33 The fund of the organization is mainly supported by the governments of the United States and Canada a True b False c No information 34 The World Wide Fund for Nature designed a project to change the present climate a True b False c No information 35 The organization has established offices and operations around the world a True b False c No information Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase UNICEF (The United Nations Children’s Fund) is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the (41) _ of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and (42) _ to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of (43) _ towards children UNICEF (44) _ that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development UNICEF mobilizes political will and material (45) _ to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a "first call for children" and to, build their capacity to form appropriate policies and (46) _ services for children and their families VNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for (47) _ most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and (48) _ and those with disabilities UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children In coordination with United Nations partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response available to its partners to (49) _ the suffering of children and those who provide their care UNICEF is non-partisan and its cooperation is free from discrimination In everything it does, the most disadvantaged children and the countries in greatest need have priority UNICEF (50) _, through its country programs, to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities 36 a protest b destruction c protection d achievement 37 a admits b suggests c adopts d tries 38 a poverty b behavior c medicine d injure 39 a insists b devotes c treats d mounts 40 a sources b mines c budgets d funds 41 a care b appeal c supply d react 42 a a b an c the d Ø 43 a exploit b exploited c exploiter d exploitation 44 a rise b relieve c increase d lower 45 a throws b looks c aims d points 2.3.2 Methods to post it on Internet platform The questions are designed to help students familiar with kinds of questions in the national exam I would not post all these questions to the Internet at once like a test, I seperated it into many parts, then diversify the ways students can engage to Kahoot! (and Zoom ) Kahoot! is a quiz game that require players to connect through the internet, play simultaneously together and be shared with the host’s screen to see the questions Acknowledging all of these elements, I came up with ways playing Kahoot!: (1) At class: The teacher will spend about 15 minutes on every “language focus” class for students to play Kahoot! The teacher allows them to access to his/her shared Wifi and log in to the game (2) At home: Sometimes, instead of play at class, the teacher can get an online appointment with the class, working out through Zoom online meeting room, reviewing units and then playing Kahoot! I would use question to 10 in above-mentioned question package for Kahoot game 10 Instruction: Step 1: Go to https://kahoot.com/schools-u/ and Log in as a teacher Step 2: Click Creat Kahoot (or the teacher first come to Kahoot can play the demo gaem to understand how this game work) Step 3: Insert Questions Then adjust Time limit (time for student to answer) and Points (the point that students gain if they get the right answer) to this question Then Click “Add question” (choose quiz) to go to the next question 11 Step 4: After insert all the questions, the teacher can click Preview to see how the question will be showed If everything is done, click Done to save the quiz Step 5: Click Continue-> “Test this Kahoot” to go and take PIN code 12 As can be seen here: 4953315 is the PIN code of the game (you insert this code to play the game) Step 6: Show this game through Zoom It’s because this game (Kahoot!) require students to join at the same time and they will not see the question on their screen, so I used “meeting” function on Zoom to call for my students and then share screen so that they can play together Facebook (Messenger) + Youtube Acknowledging of the distance between teacher and students, I want to build connection and reviewing Q&A through Messenger, so that students can feel like this is a close conversation and they can ask and talk to the teacher about what they can and cannot understand, which struggles them during the review exercises, including both of knowledge and technology skill Instruction: Step 1: Go to facebook.com Step 2: Create group with each class Step 3: Start a conversation Step 4: Sometimes go to Youtube and copy some useful or interesting video links to send to students (through Messenger) Sources: Khanh Vy OFFICIAL, IELTS Face-off, Mei-chan, Tuyensinh247.com Step 5: Discuss with students about the videos and given questions SHub Classroom SHub Classroom allows the teacher to create tests, connect with students and observe the improvement to each of them Therefore, the teacher can be aware of which grammar units students are good at, or which needs to be practised more I would use 40 out of 50 question in above-mentioned question package for Shub Classroom Instruction: 13 Step 1: Sign up an account which is connected to the school board, then instruct students to create their own account Step 2: Go to Exercises => Upload from your computer Step 3: Fill in all section required in the right board of this page That will help you to set the test as you want Step 4: When you see the “Finish” button is available to click, that is when you filled all required information and the test is ready to be released 2.3.3 Applying process system After building the system to enhance the interaction between teacher and students, as well as to improve the reviewing capacity in students, below shows the procedures how teacher demonstrate all of them to students The process: 14 Zoom + Kahoot.it: ( Duration: about 30 minutes for both reviewing (on Zoom) and playing Kahoot! ) - - Facebook Teacher’s activities Zoom (for online meeting)- (15 minutes) -Show summary slides on power point - Talk to students about the topic that was covered by the unit - Show the unit’s worth-noticing vocabulary Kahoot! (15 minutes) Share game code to students Waiting for students to join the game Going through each questions until the game finished - Students’ activities - Listen and jot down the teacher’s main points Fill in the game code Fill their name in game Waiting for the teacher to start the game Answer the questions as quickly but carefully as possible - Noticing the score that he/she gains after each questions Add plus score for students who can accomplish the game - Ask students if there any problems- Raise questions and 15 (Messenger): with exercises and offer to help with grammar theories Youtube: - Teacher posts useful videos onMessenger SHub classroom: Step 1: Go to Facebook Messenger to (Duration: a 15/45- announce about the test and require minute test) students to log in and take the reviewing test Step 2: Accept for all students requiring to test to access to the “test room” Step 3: Assess the results, observe the graphs and take note of students’ performance 2.4 discuss with their teacher and friends Check them out to get learning materials Within the teacher’s set time, student can log in and take the test whenever they are ready (The test is often open for 2-3 days.) RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH After using this technique, I have had the following results of the convey from classes : 12C3, 12C5 and 12C7 at the end of May, 2020 : Class 12C7 12C5 12C3 Before applying experience Excellent Average Weak – good (bad) 30% 45% 25% 37% 40% 23% 40% 40% 20% After applying experience Excellent Average Weak – good (bad) 35% 58% 7% 40% 55% 5% 43% 53% 4% It is indicated from the table of statistics above that, the qualities of the subject have considerably changed They are higher and better than those at the beginning of the school year Up to now, there’s been enough evidence to affirm that teacher’s increasing role on tutoring students online is practically effective 16 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 3.1 CONCLUSION As mentioned above, teacher can help students improve their ability of self-learning on the Internet However, from my own experience, I have realized that to take full advantages of this online platform, it is advisable that teacher should grasp the following principles: First of all, teacher has to practice and accumulate their computer technique very well and carefully, so that they can control the class smoothly It is not only about the above-mentioned instruction, but also other skill to deal with Internet technique problems Second, the procedure for each step should not be too long or complicated, they will make students tired and easily lose their interest It should be organized once a week/ two weeks to leave enough space for both teacher and students with their after-school time Finally, enthusiastic interaction between teacher and students is still the most important element to focus on Therefore, the teacher should keep create friendly and close atmosphere during communicating with class, and also should feel free to ask and answer their question During their practice, teacher has to take a role of a controller and observer to know for certain that they are actively working In the renovation period of teaching methods, there have existed a wide range of techniques used to enhance the quality of teaching and studying Trying my best to learn technology along with my students and understand what they have been struggling with, I commit myself to help my student with their English practicing I access to a various number of positive and advanced teaching methods and techniques and decide to combine it to the new platformInternet In this method, I realized most students showed their better performance, worked harder, expressed more ideas, became more active and interested in the lessons and especially had more satisfactory results despite the fact that they are the students of Yen Dinh - a mountainous high school 3.2 SUGGESTIONS It is undeniable that the skill to use technology as a learning aid is necessary for students They are living in the modern world where the immerse data on the Internet can be the key to keep pace with the society However, it does not mean that this skill is easy to take, as learning at class, they need a teacher to orient and tutor them at the first stage And I think this is a responsibility and opportunities for the English teacher to pioneer Belows are some suggestions I consider as necessary for online teaching experience: To the Department of Education and Training (DOET), it is essential to build up some official online-based platforms for local teachers, where teaching 17 communities can be boosted through communication and knowledge interexchange process Besides, some online events where the DOET can reach out to the online classes can help easier to radar the problems while considering a synchronizing teaching system online for schools, especially in the time of digitalization as the Vietnam government advocates To the high schools in general and Yen Dinh high school particularly, I found the most challenging problem is to make students acknowledged with the English online methods and more active with English learning online Therefore, it is advisable that the board of school should have some united steps towards this raising awareness process To my colleague as English teacher, we need to strive to find new ways in reaching our students It is not just about many learning websites, but about the students’ most surfing websites on the Internet Wherever they can feel comfortable, we can reach out to turn it into a positive learning platform for them The most important thing is keeping it fun when learning a language REFERENCES Archambault, L., & Kennedy, K (2014) Teacher preparation for K-12 online and blended learning In R Ferdig & K Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp 225-244) Bardakcı, Salih & Arslan, Ömer & Can, Yafes (2018) Online Learning and High School Students: A Cultural Perspective Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 19 126-146 10.17718/tojde.471909 Carlen, U., & Jobring, O (2005) The rationale of online learning communities International Journal of Web Based Communities, 1(3), 272 doi:10.1504/ijwbc.2005.006927 Säljö, R (2000) Learning as the use of tools: a sociocultural perspective on the human-technology link, in Littleton, K and Light, P (Eds.): Learning with Computers: Analysing Productive Interaction, Routledge, London LEADER’S CONFIRMATIONS ( XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ ) Thanh Hoa, June, 1st 2020 I strongly ensure this is my own work without copying from any other’s Writer Nguyen Thi Nga 18 Comments of The Scientific Council at Yen Đinh High School ( Ý kiến nhận xét Hội đồng khoa học trường THPT Yên Định ) 19 APPENDIX The survey released Hello students, This is your teacher Nguyen Thi Nga I am currently conducting a report about Internet habit and online reviewing effectiveness among students This report focuses on only three classes including 12C3, 12C5 and 12C7 Your responses on this questionaire will be served as primary data for my research, and will be kept strictly confidential Thank you so much for your answer Your cooperation is highly valued and appreciated! 2 Part 1: General Information (Short answer) What is your name? Which class are you in? Part 2: Online habit questions (Multiple choice) How many hours per day that you spend to surf the Internet? Which platform (applications or websites) that you often revisit? Which pages will you first access? Do you often interact with classmates on Social media? Do you often use the Internet for learning? Is your English self-learning method effective? Which English skills you feel easiest to learn on your own? Thank you for your answer! 20 ... contexts, I decide to choose ? ?Using Internetbased websites to optimize English learning capability of Yen Dinh highs chool students at home? ?? as the theme to contribute my ideas 1.1.2 Basis of practice:... EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES .5 2 .3 THE EXPERIENCE INITATIVE AND ITS SAMPLE OF APPLICATION .6 2 .3. 1 Reviewing materials 2 .3. 2 Methods to post it on Internet platform .10 2 .3. 3 Applying... March, I did a survey participated by 73 students in classes of 12C3, 12C5 and 12C7 of Yen Dinh High School, to study the Internet habits and effectiveness of online learning among this group And

Ngày đăng: 20/05/2021, 21:11

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    Người thực hiện: Nguyễn Thị Nga

    Đơn vị công tác: Trường THPT Yên Định 3








    2.3.2. Methods to post it on Internet platform


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