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Nội dung

Read this passage carefully and then choose the best answers to the questions below by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or DC. (10 points).[r]


Cuộc đời tệ bạc bạn ơi….????

Xã hội Việt Nam kìm hãm người có lực thật

Sở Giáo dục - Đào tạo kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi thành phố lớp 12 Hải Phòng Năm học 2007 - 2008

Môn thi : Tiếng Anh

Hệ năm -Bảng B

Thời gian: 150 phút

(Bài thi gồm 06 trang Tổng điểm: 100)

Điểm thi: Bằng số: _ Bằng chữ: _

Tên, đơn vị công tác hai người chấm thi:





Số phách:

(do Chủ tịch Hội đồng chấm thi ghi)

Ghi chú: Thí sinh làm vào đề thi Không viết bút chì, bút mực đỏ

_ _

I Circle your choice A, B, C or D before the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest (5 points)

1 A season B feature C increase D threaten

2 A necessary B approach C language D American

3 A nearby B difficulty C healthy D documentary

4 A university B use C understand D student

5 A smoke B home C photo D fog

6 A accept B accurate C success D accident

7 A further B furniture C purity D surgery

8 A importance B difficulty C desire D determination

9 A question B expectation C investigation D occupation

10 A prepare B receive C expect D end

II Circle your choice A, B, C or D before the best answer to complete each sentence. (25 points)


A which B where C in where D in that Mr Smith was in a road accident

A dropped B wounded C injured D damaged You can’t leave the country a passport

A no B without C if not D unless New York is famous it skyscrapers

A as B with C for D of

5 The cost of the hotel room doesn’t usually the price of breakfast A include B add C contain D share

6 If you want to have a pet, you must be ready to care of it for several years

A have B take C look D need

7 If I were you, buy this house

A I’d B I’ll C I’d have D I

8 The villa is conveniently about a mile from the shopping center A stationed B placed C located D put

9 The first National Park was two years ago

A set B established C located D stationed 10 If I hadn’t drunk so much coffee, I better

A would have slept B slept C will sleepD sleep 11 The park has changed so much that I cannot

A realize B recognise C identify D notice 12 We enjoy to classical music

A to listen B listening C listen D listened 13 The Eiffel Tower is still man-made structures in the world

A a very high one B highest one C the higher one D one of the highest 14 The park hundred of species of endangered animals

A contains B consists C composes D holds 15 Is modern English different old English?

A from B of C in D on

16 Do you know who the washing machine?

A discovered B invented C founded D realized 17 What books Mark Twain's best works?

A considered B consider C are considering D are considered 18 It’s essential to the environment

A care B protect C prevent D restrict

19 Trees, grasses and other plant life an important part in the natural circulation of water and thus help conserve it

A make B play C keep D have

20 He asked me the book I borrowed from the library A if I found B if I had found

C whether I have found D whether I found

21 The water in this river is for all of us to swim

A clean enough B too clean C enough clean D clean 22 Neither Kim nor his friends good at math


23 If you want to find an answer this question, please have a look at "Vietnam Economy 1990 - 2000" book

A for B on C about D to

24 Since Le was so shocked by the sad news, she found herself with tears A trembled B to tremble C be trembling D trembling

25 Never staying up late at night is the first thing if you want to stay young and beautiful

A remember B to remember C remembering D remembered

III Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that is incorrect (10 points)

1 He invited me to having dinner with him and his family


2 This is the school at which Uncle Ho used to studying when he was young


3 Alike her elder sister, Jane prefers working as a model


4 Tom apologized to the postman for being unpolite to him


5 If the question were not so difficult I will be able to answer it


6 He didn't get the job despite of his experience in the field


7 He practises speaking English every day in order to he can speak it fluently


8 If I were you, I didn't buy that old building A B C D

9 His father was quite satisfied about his success


10 The teacher asked her weather she knew how to solve the problem


IV Read the following passages and circle the best answer A, B, C or D ( 35 points)

Passage A:


and nowadays insufficient knowledge of English can be a problem in businesses

1 A being B been C is D be

2 A to B or C and D with

3 A official B office C original D main

4 A which B who C that D where

5 A attached B attaching C attach D which attach

6 A having B on C up D down

7 A below B beneath C less D under

8 A nation– wide B world – wide C country – wide D world– through

9 A others B another C other D various

10 A is B to be C being D that

Passage B:

Revising for exams is not as easy as it looks You will need to work out which routine suits you best, and (1) _ stick to it Some people like studying at night when it's quiet, whereas others find the early morning is a (2) _ time to get things done You might enjoy (3) _ to music while you revise, but this can be unhelpful Can you really concentrate (4) _two things at once? So think (5) _you turn your radio on!

Your diet is also important while you are revising This may be a more than usually (6) _period of your life, when you should take extra care to eat properly No missed meals, no junk food, or endless cups of coffee! Get plenty of exercise as well If you've got fed up with (7) _ you're doing, or find it hard to concentrate, go for a walk to clear your head (8) _exercise will help to keep your body fit and your brain working (9) _ Finally, you also (10) _to take time off Go out occasionally, see your friends, make time to relax Then you will return to your studies fresh and full of enthusiasm!

1 A then B than C after D often

2 A best B good C worse D well

3 A to listen B having listened C listen D listening

4 A on B in C of D for

5 A unless B if C before D after

6 A stressy B stressed C stressing D stressful

7 A which B what C that D who

8 A Strongly B Every C Regular D Always

9 A well B energetic C good D correct

10 A must B should C need D may

Passage C:


Trees are amongst the biggest and longest-living things on the Earth, some dating back longer than the oldest buildings But (1) _ being nice to look at, trees also (2) _ an important role in improving the quality of our lives


environmental benefits They offer shade and shelter, which in (7) _ reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool (8) _ buildings; at the same time, they also remove other impurities from the air we breathe

Urban trees are especially important because for many people they provide the only daily (9) _ with the natural world What's (10) _ urban trees also provide home for birds, small animals and butterflies (11) _ the trees we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures in our cities Regrettably, (12) _ , trees in cities are now coming under (13) _ There is a limit to the level of pollution they can (14) _ and, down at street level, their roots are being seriously (15) _ by the digging needed to make way for modern telephone, television and other cables

1 A as far as B as long as C as soon as D as well as

2 A play B show C act D serve

3 A scale B size C range D area

4 A called B known C titled D referred

5 A in B away C up D out

6 A bring B make C take D find

7 A turn B place C order D reach

8 A opposite B close C next D nearby

9 A junction B touch C contact D taste

10 A more B else C most D other

11 A Throughout B Beyond C Without D Outside

12 A therefore B whilst C however D despite

13 A risk B threat C danger D warning

14 A stand in for B face up to C put up with D face back on

15 A concerned B disturbed C interfered D involved

V Circle the sentence A, B, C or D nearest in meaning to the original sentence (5 points)

1 She can't possibly stay up to finish her homework tonight A She can't her homework tonight

B It is absolutely possible of her to stay up to finish her homework tonight C She can't possibly get up to finish her assignment tonight

D It is impossible for her to stay up to finish her homework tonight Can you tell me her address?

A Do you know what is her address? B You know what is her address? C Do you know what her address is? D Can you know her address?

3 People believe that there will be severe earthquakes and tidal waves next year

A It is believed that severe earthquakes and tidal waves will have happened next year


A Don't forget to make the light off before you go to bed B Remember making the light off before bedtime

C Don't forget to switch the light before bedtime

D Remember to switch off the light before you go to bed ''You stole my bicycle!" his neighbour said

A His neighbour told him to steal her bicycle B His neighbour thought that he stole her bicycle

C His neighbour accused him of having stolen her bicycle D His neighbour accused him to have stolen her bicycle

VI Complete each of the unfinished sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the sentence beforw it (10 points)

1 He can it better than his friends His


2 She didn't say a word as she left the room

She left the


3 That is the most shocking story I have ever heard

I have

4 He got to the station late and missed the train

By the time

5 I'm trying to eat fewer fatty foods

I'm trying to cut


It is ten

7 So far I have written ten pages of my letter

I am

8 " Let 's go for a walk in the park," said Andrew

Andrew suggested

that His second attempt on the world record was successful



10 I 'm sure he doesn't know that his brother is seriously ill He


VII Write a passage (of about 150 words) about the importance of fresh water in our daily life and what we should to protect it (10 points)


The end


Trường THPT Trưng Vương

- -



KHỐI 11 NĂM HỌC 2008-2009


Ngày thi ……… tháng ……… năm 2009

Thời gian: 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)


Họ Tên Thí Sinh:

……… Sô báo danh: ………


PART 1: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B, C or D) Write your answers in the spaces bellow. Number is an example ( ms )

1 The ……….-hour accident caused chaos for the local motorists yesterday evening

A rush B high C traffic D heavy

1 The unemployment rate of the area ……… every year until 2003 then started to fall A raised B rose C dropped D decreased It is gravity………objects towards the earth

A pulling B to pull C what pulls D that pulls …………problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs

A One of the biggest B.The biggest one C Of the biggest one D There are the biggest

4 ………foreign languages requires great effort

A Learn B Learning C To learn it D Learnt "I am tired"

“ ……… ”

A Me too B Also me C For me the same D I also I’m really not satisfied with the way you have ………the situation

A dealt B handled C done D fingered We may win, we may lose- It is just the ……… of the draw

A strike B odds C chance D luck

8 War is ………as open-armed conflict between countries or factions within countries A delineated B declared C defaulted D defined

9 I hope you won’t take it………if I suggest an alternative remedy A offence B amiss C upset D most 10 Claims for compensation could ……… run into billions of pounds

A far B much C well D most


1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

6………7……….8……….9……… 10………

PART 2: Complete the spaces with A, AN, THE or (No article) Write your answers in the spaces bellow

Number is an example (1 m)

0: Jason’s father bought him ……… bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday Countries around (1) ……….world have begun to deal with (2) ……… problem in various ways Some countries, in (3) ……….effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves They then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining (4) ………


YOUR ANSWERS: ………….the………

1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

PART 3: Give the correct preposition Write your answers in the spaces bellow Number is an example (1 m)

0 It is very good ……….you to volunteer to help the poor I’m sure you are capable …………passing the exam

2 He is not aware ………….the dangers of smoking

3 Many Vietnamese students have difficulty ……… learning English I get very annoyed ……… people who don’t queue at bus stop

5 If you have any complaints , tell me ………my face I can’t stand people who things behind my back

YOUR ANSWERS: ………….of………

1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

PART 4: Give the correct forms and tenses of the verbs in brackets Write your answers in the spaces bellow Number is an example (1 m)

1 Her (get) ……… sick was not expected

1 She took a risk investing money with them I’d rather she (not do) ……… it He (not catch) ………cold if he would not have walked in the rain so long

3 I'll wait until he (finish)……… his novel By next month I (leave) ……….for India He volunteered ( help) ……… us

YOUR ANSWERS: ………….getting………

1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

PART 5: Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage.

Write your answers in the spaces bellow (2ms)

Although all Americans not (1) the same way, their speech has enough in common that American English can be recognized as a (2) …… of English distinct from British English, Australian English

and other national varieties American English has grown up with the country It began to (3) from British English during its colonial beginnings and (4) regional differences and ethnic flavor Today it

(5) ……….other languages and other varieties of English because it is the medium by which the attractions of American culture its literature, (6) pictures and television programs -are transmitted to the world

All speakers of English (7) a common linguistic system and a basic set of words But American English (8) from British English, Australian English and other national varieties in many of its

pronunciations, words, spellings and grammatical (9) Words or phrases of American (10) and those used in America but not so much elsewhere, are called Americanisms

1 A say B speak C talk D tell


4 A enquired B inquired C required D acquired A affluence B fluency C influences D nuances A motion B moving C movement D removing

7 A have B bear C tear D share

8 A differentiates B differs C changes D alters A constructions B building C points D syntax 10 A birth B source C origin D tradition


1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

6………7……….8……….9……… 10………

PART 6: Fill in each blank with one suitable word Write your answers in the spaces bellow (2ms)

Is Photography Dead?

For a long time in the past photography was not regarded as an art It was simply a skill and it was criticized for being too mechanical and not creative enough At last, however, photography is now accepted as a unique and very important (1) of art

The photograph's claim to be an objective record of reality is now seriously challenged, and the important function of photography in modern-day society is consequently (2) threat The threat has suddenly become all the more serious as more and more photographers are (3) to the new technology which computers offer Moreover, a (n) (4) number of colleges have now begun to offer (5) in computer imaging All these developments (6) a disturbing question Is photography, as we know (7) dead?

In spite of its complete transformation by new technological developments, however, photography will continue to play a (8) role in our culture Although it may no longer (9) to be realistic, modern photography can continue to provide us with fresh visral (10) about ourselves and the world in which we live


1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

6………7……….8……….9……… 10………

PART 7: Read the passage below carefully and choose the best answer.

Write your answers in the spaces bellow (2ms)

Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century He was born in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of 14 Several years later he spent one year in Mexico before attending Columbia University in New York For a few years after that, he roamed the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry He returned to the United States and attended Lincoln University, where he won the Witter Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia with the help of a Guggenheim fellowship His novels include Not without Laughter

(1930) and The Big Sea (1940) He wrote an autobiography in 1956 and also published several collections of poetry The collections include The Weary Blues (1926), The Dream Keeper


Selected Poems (1959) A man of many talents, Hughes was also a lyricist, librettist, and a journalist As an older man in the 1960s, he spent much of his time collecting poems from Africa and from African-Americans to popularize black writers Hughes is one of the most

accomplished writers in American literary history, and he is seen as one of the artistic leaders of the Harlem Renaissance, the period when a neighborhood that was predominantly black produced a flood of great literature, music, and other art forms depicting daily city life for African-Americans

1. What is the main topic of this passage?

A The life of Langston Hughes B The Harlem Renaissance

C African-American writers D American twentieth-century writers

2 .Where was Langston Hughes born?

A Spain B New York C Missouri D North Carolina

3 As used in the passage, which of the following words could best replace the word "ports"?

A Islands B Ships C Friends D Harbors To which of the following movements might Shakespeare in Harlem refer?

A The Civil War B The Harlem Riots

C The Harlem Renaissance D The Civil Rights Movement What provided Hughes with assistance for his travel to Spain and Russia?

A His job as a reporter B His career as a soldier C A literary fellowship D A college study program The word "talents"in the passage could be replaced by which of the following?

A Desires B Abilities C Strategies D Careers According to the author, what did Hughes during the later years of his life?

A Write short stories B Popularize African-American writers

C Advocate racial equality D Write about life in Harlem

8 Which of the following could best replace the word "accomplished"as used in the passage? A Successful B Prolific C Brilliant D Imaginative Which of the following can best substitute for the word "depicting" in the passage?

A Congratulating Blessing C Screening D Portraying 10 According to the passage, Langston Hughes was all of the following EXCEPT:

A A novelist B A poet C A historian D A journalism


1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

6………7……….8……….9……… 10………

PART 8: Fill each blank with a suitable word or phrase. Write your answers in the spaces bellow (2ms)

1 The car can't have broken down I serviced last week

2 If I situation, I certainly wouldn't have had the courage to what you did Although he had a difficult time during the war, it harm

4 It's no the cold and wet, you'll just have to put up with it


7 I'm death of spiders!

8 I heard the thunder in the distance

9 He's been weather for ages and still isn't back at work 10 We made the uniforms ourselves as we couldn't ……… made


1………2……….3……….4……… 5………

6………7……….8……….9……… 10………


PART 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as sentence printed before it (2ms)

EXAMPLE: “They would be very disappointed if you did not come,” the man said to his daughter

 The man told his daughter (that) they would be very disappointed if she did not come

1 “I am happy you have passed the final exams Congratulations!” Tom said to me

Tom congratulated ……… You ‘d better not swim too far from the shore,” the lifeguard said to us

The lifeguard advised ……… Birth rates have fallen sharply recently

There ………

4 I didn’t hear the news until the next day

It was not ………

5 Although it rain torrentially all day, we all enjoyed the excursion

Despite ………

PART 2:Write a new sentence using the word in brackets Do not alter the word in any way (2ms)

1 He may choose to take early retirement (option)

……… He didn’t take any part in the conversation (contribute)

……… We lose our way because the signposts were confusing ( which)

……… He likes to be addressed as “Professor” (call)

……… She always has a good relationship with the children (gets)

……… PART 3: Write an essay about 200 words on the following topic:

What measures you take in order to reduce air and water pollution in your city? (3ms)





Thời gian: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm số: ………

Điểm chữ:… ………

Giám khảo 1:


Giám khảo 2:


Số phách:


I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words Write your answer in the space provided.

1 A associate B sociable C ancient D ancestor

2 A walked B threatened C passed D forced

3 A too B food C soon D good

4 A legal B legend C generous D manager

5 A adventure B future C mature D figure



II Pick out the word that differs from the other words in the position of the main stress Write your answer in the space provided.

6 A comedy B collection C comical D calculate

7 A ambitious B memorial C memory D mechanic

8 A remove B cancel C copy D answer

9 A Japanese B engineer C practical D questionnaire

10 A document B develop C opponent D astonish

6 10



I Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence Write your answer in the space provided.

11 Secondary schools offer a wide of subjects

A field B scope C list D range Đề thi thức


12 When he woke up, he realized that the things he had dreamt about could not have happened A possibly B likely C certainly D potentially 13 - “Do you think the book is expensive?

- “Yes, it’s not what we paid for it.”

A worthy B worth of C worth D valuable 14 To extent did she benefit from her uncle’s will?

A what B how C which D whom 15 The new system didn’t expectations

A catch up with B bring about C come across D come up to 16 Before the meeting finished, they had arranged when next

A they met B they to meet C to meet D should

they meet

17 aren’t effective anymore because insects have become resistant to them

A Fertilizers B Pesticides C Herbicides D Composts

18 When he heard the joke, he burst into loud

A smile B laughter C amusement D enjoyment 19 The traffic lights to green, and the car drove on

A exchanged B turned C removed D shone 20 It is a good idea to be dressed when you go for an interview

A finely B boldly C smartly D clearly 21 We were so late that we had time to catch the train

A nearly B almost C hardly D simply 22 They are going to make excursion next month

A a two-week B two-weeks C two weeks' D a two-week's

23 I haven't had a very week I seem to have done nothing at all

A extensive B productive C enthusiastic D economic

24 The purpose of the survey was to the inspectors with local conditions

A inform B acquaint C instruct D notify

25 Do you know the man over there?

A interviewed B interviewing C to interview D interviews

11 14 17 20 23

12 15 18 21 24

13 16 19 22 25

II There is one mistake in each of the following sentences Find and correct it.

26 Because the torrential rains that had devastated the area, the governor sent the National Guard to assist in the clean-up operation


29 Comparing with other countries, Libya spends a high percentage of income on education 30 People are now enjoying a higher level of living

31 In the United Kingdom women see their doctor on the average five times a year

32 Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesn’t know to prepare French foods in the traditional manner

33 When we arrived at the store to purchase the dishwasher advertise in the newspaper, we learned that all the dishwashers had been sold

34 After rising the flag to commemorate the holiday, the mayor gave a long speech 35 This time tomorrow I will lie on the beach, enjoying the sunshine


26 31

27 32

28 33

29 34

30 35

III Give the correct form of the words in the brackets in each of the following sentences Write your answer in the space provided.

36 I was annoyed at his (REFUSE) to co-operate 37 The book doesn’t say much about prices, but it is very (INFORM) about everything else 38 The noise (LESS) as the plane got farther away

39 He lost in the election because he was a weak and (DECIDE) leader 40 I couldn’t help it The accident was (AVOID)

41 She was (EXTREME) knowledgeable about the history of China 42 He was very (SET) _ when his cat was run over

43 Jackson had another violent (AGREE) _ with the referee 44 Many people were buried (LIVE) after the earthquake 45 She studied (ECONOMY) at university

36 ……… 39 ……… 42 ……… 45 ………

37 ……… 40 ……… 43 ………

38 ……… 41 ……… 44 ………


I Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word Write your answer in the space provided.

Australia is a big country, but nearly all Australians live near the sea On hot summer days, you can see thousands of people at the beach Many beaches have waves (46) are very high


Surfing is not a new sport Perhaps its origins need explaining It started hundreds (50) years ago in Hawaii Men swam (51) to sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very quickly by riding the waves These first surfers did not (52) a board They were “body surfers” Many people (53) this type of surfing today

After a while people started to use boards and rode the waves by lying, kneeling or standing (54) them These first surfboards were made of wood and the water made them rot after a while Today, surfboards are made of plastic or fibreglass (55)

46 ……… 49 ……… 52 ……… 55 ………

47 ……… 50 ……… 53 ………

48 ……… 51 ……… 54 ………

II Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap Write your answer in the space provided.

What you well? What you enjoy doing? Your answers to these two questions will help you identify your (56) An employer will consider you seriously for a (57) when you can show them that you know who you are, what you can offer and which you have studied. Sometimes it is difficult to know what your weaknesses are Clearly not everyone is equally good (58) everything You may need to improve yourself and so (59) courses in that field could turn a weakness into strength

You will need to (60) some time on your assessment Your honesty and the desire for self-improvement will lead to (61) in getting the right job Explore the following seven areas to start to get to know yourself: your aptitude, your skills, your personality, the level of responsibility you feel comfortable with, your interests and your needs

Ask (62) if you have any special talents and if you need to consider your physical health when choosing a job. Be as honest and realistic as you can, and ask for other people's (63) if necessary Make a list of these things It is usually a good idea to talk about your aptitudes with teachers, family and friends

If you are considering a career that (64) a special talent, such as art, acrobatics, mathematics or music, discuss your aptitudes with (65) expert in that area and discover how they fit the needs of the occupation

56 A strong B strength C strengthen D strengthened

57 A position B location C spot D room

58 A upon B in C at D for

59 A meeting B taking C making D interviewing

60 A use B make C lose D spend

61 A success B successful C successfully D succeed

62 A you B your C yours D yourself

63 A interests B fields C opinions D attendances

64 A requires B asks C tells D urges


56 59 62 65

57 60 63

58 61 64

III Read the following text and choose the best answer for the questions below Write your answer in the space provided.

May 7th 1840 was the birthday of one of the most famous Russian composers of the nineteenth

century: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the son of a mining inspector Tchaikovsky studied music as a child and later studied composition at the St Petersburg Conservatory His greatest period of productivity occurred between 1876 and 1890, during which time he enjoyed patronage of Madame von Meck, a woman he never met, who gave him a yearly living stipend Madame von Meck later terminated her friendship with Tchaikovsky, as well as his living allowance, when she, herself, was facing financial difficulties It was during the time of Madame von Meck’s patronage, however, that Tchaikovsky created the music for which he is most famous, including the music for the ballets of “Swan Lake” and “The Sleeping Beauty”. Tchaikovsky’s music, well-known for its rich melodic and sometimes melancholy passages, was one of the first that brought serious dramatic music to dance Before this, little attention had been given to the music behind the dance Tchaikovsky died ostensibly of cholera on November 6th 1893, though there are now

some scholars who argue that he committed suicide 66 The best title for this passage could be

A “The Life and Music of Tchaikovsky”

B “Development of Tchaikovsky’s Music for Ballets” C “Tchaikovsky’s Relationship with Madame von Meck” D “The Cause of Tchaikovsky’s Death”

67 According to the passage, all of the following describe Madame von Meck EXCEPT

A she had economic troubles B she was generous

C she was never introduced to Tchaikovsky D she enjoyed Tchaikovsky’s music

68 According to the passage, Tchaikovsky’s music is most well-known for

A its repetitive and monotonous tones B the ballet-like quality of music C the richness and melodic drama of the music D its lively, capricious melodies 69 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A Tchaikovsky’s influence on ballet music B Tchaikovsky’s unhappiness leading to suicide C The patronage of Madame von Meck

D Tchaikovsky’s productivity in composing 70 It can be inferred from the passage that

A it was not the music behind the dance that made Tchaikovsky famous B there is suspicion on the cause of Tchaikovsky’s death


66 68 70

67 69


I Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.

71 It is extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days We find

72 Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child Only when

73 While mending the road, they accidentally blocked our water pipes

They accidentally cut off

74 He brought the umbrella along but it didn't rain

He needn't

75 While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time



Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence Do NOT change the form of the given word(s).

76 When I was driving, I realized that the car wasn’t working properly (WRONG)


77 Sandra said that she was willing to work late (MIND)


78 They pretended to be enjoying themselves, but they weren’t really (AS)


79 I can't lift this table on my own (UNLESS)


80 The coins are believed to have been buried for safe-keeping (IT)


III Write a composition about the following topic: What you think an ideal teacher should be?





Kỳ thi chọn HSG Lớp 12-thpt năm học 2006-2007 Đề thi Môn: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian thi: 180 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề) I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

1 A influenced B terrified C averaged D


2 A host B most C cost D post

3 A boot B book C hook D foot

4 A south B truth C smooth D both

5 A miles B months C lakes D mates

II Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

1 A accurate B customer C computer D exercise

2 A reduction B popular C financial D romantic

3 A theory B generate C delicious D confidence


5 A characteristic B environmental C documentary D sophisticated

III Choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence below Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

1 When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped gift in front of you Opening a present in front of the gift-giver is polite

A acquired B considered C known D called

2 Even if the host doesn’t like a present, he or she will tell a “white lie” and say …… they like the gift to prevent the guest from feeling bad

A how often B what C for what D how much

3 ……… the low rainfall this year, the crops did not produce a high yield

A Since B Despite C Due to D Because

4 The color of your shirt does not ……… that of your trousers

A suit B fit C harmonize D match

5 Many people love routine jobs which promise ………

A security B sanguineness C vacancy D registration

6 An employer may look with………… on a young college graduate

A suspect B suspicion C suspicious D


7 Expressing one’s ……… is one skill that the school can really teach

A thinking B thoughts C thoughtfulness D


8 As a model, you have to ……… the art of walking in high heels

A master B grasp C study D gain

9 An accident in the power station may result in large ……… of radiation being released

A numbers B number C amount D amounts

10 They are bring in ………….changes to the way the office is run

A large B radical C deep D immense

11 Some people feel that television should give less ……… to sport

A programmes B coverage C concern D


12 If you can’t find what you want in this chapter, look it up in the …………

A reference B index C catalogue D directory

13 People believe there is a ……… between the two crimes

A joint B chain C link D connector

14 I can’t tell Peter and Paul apart; they are ………… twin

A similar B alike C resemblance D identical

15 You are not allowed to drive ………… the influence ………… alcohol

A under/of B in/of C under/by D by/in

16 She was overwhelmed with honor ……… recognition ……… her bravery

A with/of B on/in C by/about D in/of

17 ……… exception ………… the little baby, everybody in my family has to jog every morning

A With/to B With/of C In/of D By/on

18 The staff can’t take leaves at the same time They have to take holidays ……… rotation

A on B under C by D in


A on the spot B all in all C beyond the joke D with in reach

20 The children often make ……… of Charles, which annoys his parents very much

A allowance B fun C way D


IV Choose the most suitable answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete each of the numbered gaps in the passage below Write your answers on the answer sheet

Keeping your distance

Personal space is a term that refers (1) ……… the distance we like to keep between ourselves and other people When (2) ………… we not know well gets too close we usually begin to feel uncomfortable If a business colleague comes close than 1.2 meters, the (3) ……… common response is to move (4) ……… Some interesting (5) ……… have been done in libraries If strangers come too close, many people get up and leave the building; others use different methods such as turning their back on the intruder Living in cities has (6) people develop new skills for dealing with situations (7) ……… they are very close to strangers (8) ……… people on crowded trains try not to look at strangers; they avoid skin contact, and apologize if hands touch by mistake People use newspapers (9) …… a barrier between themselves and other people, and if they not have one, they stare into the distance, (10) ………… sure they are not looking into anyone’s eyes

1 A from B to C for D about

2 A anyone B nobody C people D someone

3 A most B best C more D first

4 A on B in C up D away

5 A research B studies C survey D


6 A done B caused C made D allowed

7 A that B where C which D how

8 A Most of B The most C Almost D Most

9 A like B as C alike D such as

10 A making B make C be D made

V Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it Jupiter’s less than 10-hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system insofar as the principal planets are concerned There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 0 - less than that for any other planet


or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology Its longevity may well be due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted

1 According to the passage, Jupiter has the shortest day among the principal planets because A its rotation period is shorter than 10 hours

B the axial inclination is only just over 30

C it is on the average the brightest of all the planets D There is the interference of the Great Red Spot The author’s tone in this passage is

A argumentative B supportive C enthusiastic D neutral

3 According to the passage, Mars outshine Jupiter

A on a regular basis B from time to time

C every several months D less often than any other planet

4 This passage would be of most interest to A students of anthropology B geologists

C mathematicians D amateur astronomers

5 It can be inferred from this passage that Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

A will become brighter with time B will one day vanish

C will continue expanding D is made of floating gases

VI Fill each numbered blank in the passage with one suitable word Write the answers on the answer sheet.


It happened over 300 years (1)……… in Holland Anton van Leeuwenhoek had a new microscope that he (2) ……… made One day he looked through it at a drop (3) ………… lake water What he saw surprised him

The water was alive with what Leeuwenhoek called "wee beasties." The microscope made tiny organisms look 200 times (4) ……… than life size Leeuwenhoek was one of the first scientists to see (5)………… things that were that small His work was a giant step (6) ………… science Today, microscopes are (7) ………… stronger An electron microscope can make tiny organisms look 200,000 times life size A few electron microscopes can see individual atoms Pictures can be made to show the objects (8)………organisms much bigger The pictures add greatly to (9) ……… we know about tiny objects and organisms Microscopes have come a long way (10) 300 years!

VII Use the correct form of the word given in capitals to complete the numbered spaces in the passage below Write your answer on the answer sheet

1 synonym 3 hand 5 mathematics 7 own 9 stand 2 rely 4 front 6 position 8 reside 10 likely

King of the Watchmakers


1680s, and although it is not known how Watson became involved in the trade, he was a trailblazer for others

Watson made his name in 1682 when he sold a clock to King Charles II and was invited to be the King’s (5) The following he began work on an astronomical clock for the King, complete with planets and signs of the zodiac, which took seven years to build It not only told the time of day but also the (6) changes of the planets Queen Mary acquired it in 1691 and it is still in the (7) of the Royal Family

He built several other clocks, and by 1690 the clamour for Watson’s clocks was such that he left Conventry and took up (8) in London He became Master of the London Clockmakers’ Company in 1692, which is testament to his (9) in the growing industry

In 1712, Samuel Watson’s name disappears from the records of the London Clockmakers’ Company, and the (10) is that he died in that year

VIII Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

1 If only I hadn’t believed his lies! (taken) I wish ……… by his lies!

2 The committee said there was no possibility of discussing the matter any further (discussion) The committee said that further ………question

3 Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel (view) Alison bought the big house ……… ……… a hotel

4 The writer’s terse writing style contrasted sharply with his spoken language (contrast) There ……… the writer’s spoken language and his terse written style It is not very likely that Angela will be given the leading role (chance)

Angela has ……… ……….the leading role

6 When I started work I was so inexperienced that I couldn’t send a fax (clue) I didn’t ……… send a fax when I started work

7 It took several months for George to recover completely from his accident (make) Only after several months ……… his accident

8 Many people believe that all cats have tails, but they’re wrong (popular) Contrary ……… cats have tails

9 Alan was not a confident person, and that was why he was so shy (due) Alan’s ……… of confidence

10 ‘I can’t believe it – I’ve just come into $10,000!’ James shouted (luck) James couldn’t ……… came into $10,000

The end



Năm học: 2007-2008


THỜI GIAN: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề


Part 1: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence.

1 The school was closed for a month because of serious of fever

A outcome B outburst C outset D outbreak

2 The campaign raised far more than the of $20.000

A aim B object C goal D target

3 We have a future ahead with little comfort, food or hope

A cruel B pessimistic C grim D fierce

4 Only thoroughly unpleasant people leave the of their picnics to spoil the appearance of the countryside

A rest B remainder C remains D rester

5 An almost line of traffic was moving at a snail’s pace through the town A continuous B constant C continual D stopping

6 Medieval travelers’ tales of fantastic creatures were often fascinating but not always

A credible B creditable C credulous D imaginable

7 Don’t be late for the interview, people will think you are a disorganized person

A unless B otherwise C if not D or so

8 My friends have just moved to a new flat in a residential area on the of Paris

A suburbs B outside C outskirts D side

9 You are being thoroughly in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place

A unrequited B unrepresentative C unreliable D unreasonable 10 “But so”, I told him, “you are my own ”

A heart and heart B body and soul C flesh and blood D skin and bone

Part 2: Use the word in capitals at the end of these sentences to form a word that fits in the blank space.

1 How much does of this club cost? (MEMBER)

2 She is extremely about the history of art (KNOW) Traveling in big cities is becoming more and more every day (TROUBLE) He is completely ! Not only is he lazy but he is dishonest too (EMPLOY) His boss told him off because he had behaved


6 He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later when a medical check proved that he had been taking drugs


7 Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of their diet


8 The trouble with Mr Brown is that he’s so One minute he goes mad when you come late; the next he says nothing You never know where you are!


9 It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird It has been listed as one of the species

(DANGER) 10 I didn’t know who it was – with a mask on she was completely


Part 3: Complete each sentence with one of the idiomatic phrases given Use each phrase once only.

made her blood boil jumped out of her skin had a lump in her throat

kept her head lost her head gave me the cold


pulled her legs took her breath away Pauline completely ignored me this morning She

2 It really to see her friend copy a poem she had written and then present it to her boyfriend as one that she had written for him

3 Saying goodbye to her son was a very emotional occasion for her and she as she watched him get on the train

4 The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely fantastic It really Susan panicked when the fire broke out She

6 When I dropped that tray behind her, she got a shock She almost My sister remained very calm She

8 Sally didn’t believe us, did she? We only joked! We only !

Part 4: Put each verb given in brackets into an appropriate tense or form

1 Mr Pike, who is supposed (witness) the accident, (leave) the town

2 At this time next week they (sit) in the train on their way to Paris

3 He said that he watered the plants every day He (water) them If he (have), they wouldn’t have died

4 No sooner the announcement (make) than everyone started complaining They said they never (make) to anything they didn’t want to before We (watch) the play for nearly thirty minutes when he came

7 The pop star who (take) part in over 25 films always avoids (recognise) by (wear) dark glasses


9 Not until John (receive) the offer of promotion in writing he (celebrate)

10 He (have) trouble with the second-hand car since he bought it He wishes he (not / buy) it


Part 1: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space For each question, circle letter A, B, C or D next to the answer you choose.

If you’re an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl It has become a symbol of our wasteful, throw-way society But there seems little (1) it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic has brought enormous (2) even environmental ones It’s not really the plastics themselves that are the environmental (3) – it’s the way society choose to use and (4) them

Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal – non-renewable natural (5) We (6) well over three million tones of the stuff in Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away A high (7) of our annual consumption is in the (8) of packaging, and this (9) about seven per cent by weight of our domestic (10) Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of it is, though the plastic recycling (11) is growing fast

The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich – they have a higher calorific (12) than coal and one (13) of ‘recovery’ strongly (14) by the plastic manufacturers is the (15) of waste plastic into a fuel

1 A evidence B concern C doubt D likelihood

2 A pleasures B benefits C savings D profits A poison B disaster C disadvantage D evil

4 A dispose B store C endanger D abuse

5 A resources B processes C products D fuels

6 A remove B import C consign D consume

7 A portion B amount C proportion D rate

8 A way B kind C form D type

9 A takes B makes C carries D constitutes

10 A refuse B goods C requirements D rubble 11 A manufacture B plant C factory D industry

12 A degree B value C demand D effect

13 A measure B mechanism C method D medium 14 A desired B argued C favored D presented 15 A conversion B melting C change D replacement

Part 2: Read the following text and then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word.


small she had to (4) up with noisy games in the house, or join in interminable games of football in the garden which (5) her out If the house went quiet, she wondered what the monsters were getting up to, or what crisis she would have to (6) with next She dreaded the fact that they might (7) after her husband, who admitted having (8) an uncontrollable child who (9) most of the time showing off to his friends by breaking things or getting into fights What was worse was that (10) else thought he was a sweet child, and he got away with the most terrible things! However, she had experienced an even greater shocked with her children They had (11) out of all their naughty behavior, and (12) up serious hobbies (13) as chess and playing the piano They never did anything without (14) it over first, and coming to a serious decision She had to face up to the fact that they made her feel rather childish as they got (15) , and that in some ways she preferred them when they were young and noisy

Part 3: The paragraphs of the magazine article are in the wrong order Number the paragraphs (A, B, C, D, E)

A On the ghost of Chaffin’s second visit to his son, he told him that he would find a will in the overcoat pocket The coat was actually in the possession of the third brother

B In 1921, a certain James Chaffin died, leaving his entire fortune to his third son, Marshal, in a will which had been written a full fifteen years earlier, in 1905, and signed in front of witnesses His wife and two other sons were virtually cut off without a penny Marshal was not inclined to split up the inheritance he had come into any more fairly

C Once it was found, they came across a note sewn in the lining of one of the pockets saying they should look in an old family Bible This Bible was found in the keeping of Chaffin’s widow and examined in front of independent witnesses Sure enough, there in the Bible they discovered a later version of the will, one which divided the property and money evenly between the widow and the three sons The will appeared to be genuine and Marshal was not prepared to challenge it in court

D Some people believe that the dead still keep in touch with us through our dreams One of the most famous and extraordinary cases of contact with the dead was the so-called Chaffin Will affair

E Four years went by and then, strangely, James Chaffin’s ghost started to appear before one of his other two sons The apparition had on an old overcoat which had often worn in life


Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

1 Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill


2 I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting

Rather The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week

There has The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended

Had it not Harriet was upset because she saw Peter with another woman

It was We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful

Much to People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to

The Their relationship was doomed because of their incompatibility

Had You should admit that you are to blame, not to conceal it

I’d rather 10 If she had been less determined she wouldn’t have been able to get better so quickly It was her

Part 2: The following sentences contain errors Rewrite them correctly.

1 Weakened by his last illness, I felt sure that another winter in this country would kill him

He missed one day of the exam Will he be necessary to take the whole exam again? It seems to me that my pen pal from America telephoned to me while I was watching a live football match on TV last night

The librarian asked Tom had taken away the magazines from her desk to bring them back

It is now time that a solution to the problem found

It looked like the house was unoccupied for several months of the year

Each of the company’s employees presenting with a gold watch when they will retire Only when the general’s personal diaries published the truth came out

11 On asking about the strike, the minister declined to comment


Trường THPT Đạ Tẻ Đề Thi Khảo Sát Học Sinh Giỏi

Tổ: Anh Văn Môn: Anh Văn Năm học: 2008-2009

Thời gian: 180 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề)

( Đề thi gồm 04 trang học sinh làm tên tờ đề thi)

Họ tên thí sinh:……… Lớp 12 A……


Part I: Thuc is taking a course in Study skills in English Now in his class on reading skills, the teacher is making a quick review about what they learnt in the last class Listen to this conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 It is important to know the purposes of reading

2 Surveying a book will help decide whether the book is necessary for you The contents pages of a book show how the book is organized

4 Unlike the index, the table of contents gives more detail about the concepts mentioned in the book

5 It is necessary to make sure that the level of the book is neither too easy nor too difficult for you

6 The date of publication can usually be found on the cover Your answers:



Part II: Listen to the conversation again and answer these questions.

1 In what way the purposes of reading help your reading a book?

……… ………

2 Apart from the organization of the book, what the contents pages tell readers? ……… ………


……… ………

4 Where are the items of a book alphabetically arranged, in the contents or the index?

……… ………

5 What skill can help you decide quickly whether the book is easy enough for you?

……… ………


Part I: The text below has 10 mistakes Read it carefully and pick out the mistakes.


Almost everyone says that computers are wonderful and that they are changing our own lives for the better by making everything faster and more reliable, but I am not so much sure that this is the case

The other day I was standing in large department store until waiting to pay for a couple of films for my camera when the assistant announced that the computer which controlled the till it had stopped working I did not think this was a big problem and I set myself off to find another counter, but of course, all the machines are one part of the same system So there we were: a shop full of customers, money at the ready, waiting to make our purchases, but it was quite clear that none out of the assistants knew what to They were not allowed to take our money and give to customers a written receipt, because the sales would not then have been recorded on the computer system In the end, like with many other people, I left my shopping on the counter and walked out Don’t you think so that’s ridiculous? It would never have happened before computers, and that, for me, is all the problem: we are beginning to depend on these machines for so completely that we simply cannot mange without them any more

Your answers:


6 10

PART II: read the article below and then decide which word (A, B, C or D) best completes each space Make the right choice and your answers in the box.


Thirteen-year olds not spend as much money as their parents suspect at least not according to the findings of a (1) ………survey, Money and Change The survey (2) …three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old, from (3) …Britain


Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (6) …among teenagers Therefore, the (7) …of children (8) …an effort to save for the future

Greater access to cash (9) …teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible (10) …a result The economic recession seems to have encouraged (11) …attitudes to money, even in the case of children at the ages Instead of wasting what pocket (12) …they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took (13) …in the survey seem to (14) …to the situation by saving more than half (15) …their cash

1 a late b recent c latest d fresh

2 a included b contained c counted

d enclosed

3 a entire b all over c complete d the


4 a reach b get c make d


5 a acceptable b adequate c satisfactory d enough

6 a gaining b heightening c increasing

d building

7 a most b maximum c many d


8 a make b c have

d try

9 a among b through c between d


10 a like b as c for d in

11 a aware b knowing c helpful d


12 a cash b money c change d


13 a part b place c share d piece

14 a reply b answer c respond d


15 a from b as c of d for

Your answers:


9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Part III: Read the following passage, choose the best answers, and write them in the box below.



there were about fifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten There are only black robins left in the world The island has many other birds, of course, of different kinds, large and small; these seem to multiply very happily

Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin- to guard those remaining and to increase their number Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made The idea is to buy another island nearly as a special home, a “reserve”, for threatened wild life, including black robins The organizers say that Little Manger should then be restocked with the robin’s food- it eats only one kind of seed- and so renewed for it Thousands of required plants are at present being cultivated in New Zealand The public appeal is aimed at the conscience of mankind, so that the wild black robin will not die out and disappear from the earth in our time at least

Is all this concern a waste of human effort? Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out? Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?

In the earth’s long, long past hundreds of kinds of creatures have evolved, risen to a degree of success- and died out In the long, long future there will be many new and different forms of life Those creatures that adapt themselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for a long time Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early That is Nature’s proven method of operation

The rule of selection-“the survival of the fittest”-is the one by which man has himself arrived on the scene He, being one of the most adaptable creatures the earth has yet produced, may last longer than most Some creatures, certain small animals, insects and birds, will almost certainly outlast man, for they seem even more adaptable You may take it as another rule that when, at last, man shows signs of dying out; no other creature will extend a paw to postpone his departure On the contrary, he will be hurried out; for Nature, though fair, is a hard-heard mistress She has no favorites

Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins I leave you to judge whether we should try to anything about it

1 The black robin is dying out mainly because……… a people have been very careless about its survival b its only food is becoming exhausted on Little Manger c the other birds on the island have destroyed it

d the appeal for money has come at the wrong time

2 The success of the other small birds on Little Manger shows that……… a the island cannot have very much food left

b something has to die out, they cannot all be winners c the big birds have all been attacking the black robin d the black robin has failed to meet the challenges of life


b the number of wild life reserves that are available c the concern and generosity of the public

d the size of the home or the amount of space one has to live in The evidence seems to suggest that………

a it is a disaster for every one when one kind of bird dies out b all creatures are concerned about the survival of others c Nature expects and accepts the dying out of weaker breeds d man is to blame when such a ting happens

Your answers:



Part IV: Read the text below Use the word given to form a word that fits in the space.


These days it is impossible to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are doing to the environment The earth is being (1.threat) …and the future looks bad What can each of us do?

We cannot clean up our (2 pollution) …rivers and seas overnight Nor can we stop the (3 appear) …of plants and animals But we can stop adding to the problem while (4 science) …search for answers, and laws are passed in nature’s defense It may not easy to change your lifestyle (5 complete) …, but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of (6.drive) …you do, or use as little plastic as possible It is also easy to save energy, which also reduces household bills We must all make a personal (7 decide) …to work for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better world for our grandchildren

Your answers:




Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such way that it means exactly the same as the sentence given before it.

1 “Why hasn’t Nam phoned?” she wondered  She

wondered……… ………

2 The thief tried to escape but the police stopped him  The police prevented the


 Lan has

……… ………

4 My mother made these curtains  These

curtains……… ………

5 “If I were you I wouldn’t trust Diep”, Lan’s mother told her  Lan’s mother

advised……… ……

6 Nam is better at chemistry than Tuan  Tuan is

not……… …………

7 His parents made him study for his exams  He

was……… ………

8 I only help you if you promise to try harder 

Unless……… ………

9 She bought that house in 1994  She

has……… ………

10 They believe that he is mad



11 It was such a boring film that he fell asleep  The

film……… …………

12 We spent three hours getting to HO CHI MINH City  It

took……… ………


 She’s not

used……… ………

14 This is his first visit to Date  He

is……… ………

15 It was his own fault that he lost his job He was late for work every morning 

If……… ………

Part II: In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students Do you think it is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details (in about 150 words)

(You can write in this page)

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………


……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………




* * *

-ĐÈ CHÍNH THỨC MƠN: TIẾNG ANH - (VÒNG 2) Thời gian: 150 phút ( Không kể thời gian giao đề)


-I LISTENING (20 points)

Part 1: Cathy, a young Canadian wants to go to an aerobics class at the Fitness Centre, a London gym She speaks to the receptionist who gives her the information sheet below Listen to her conversation and fill in the gaps You will hear the recording twice


Name of class Monday - (1)


Level Price

Aerobics 8.30 – 9.30 (5) ……… … £ 2.50

Aerobics (2) ……… … Beginner/intermediate (7) …………



5.30 – 6.30 (6) ……… … £2.50

Jazz class (4) ……… … Beginner/intermediate (8) …………

Part 2: Roy and Sylvia have a lot of things to this weekend Listen to them deciding which things they want to Put a tick ()in the correct column to show who does what You will hear the recording twice.

Roy Syvia Leave till later

clean the bathroom  take out the rubbish


put away the groceries iron the sheets

Part 3: You will hear four short conversations Listen to the recording and answer the following questions You will hear the recording twice

1 Who enjoyed the weekend more? The boy or the girl?

2 What did the woman have to eat or drink on the train?

3 Where are the young couple from exactly ?

4 Did the young man like the film? What was its title?


Part 1: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence.

1 Lions tend to on large animals, like deer

A hunt B kill C prey D chase If too many species out, it will upset the ecosystem

A disappear B die C go D extinct You really should your energy for the difficult climb ahead

A preserve B keep C maintain D conserve

4 I shall the job to the best of my

A capacity B ability C knowledge D talent If it/s raining tomorrow, we shall have to put the match till


A off B away C in D on She stopped him home by hiding the car key

A not drive B not to drive C to drive D from driving

7 Just keep working on him; he'll come the idea sooner or later A down with B up for C up with D round to If you keep the wound clean, it should very quickly

A cure B heal C recover D treat Don't think about it; just make a selection

A rough B sample C random D skilled


Part 2: read the text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Just a bit of fun?

For many people, playing card games is one of the most (0) enjoyable ways of spending their leisure time Indeed, in


some cultures card games and even an element of (1)……….…… GAMBLE

amongst friends and family is quite common on certain special occasions, such as New Year’s Eve (2)………at cards is


a bit like having your fortune told - it is a (3)……….…….bit of fun HARM

even if you don’t win, you can take comfort in sayings, such as

(4)………at cards, lucky in love.’ It is often LUCK

(5)………to watch someone who has never played cards AMUSE

before beat all the experts This is called ‘(6)……… ……… luck’ BEGIN and it adds to the fun Some people find it (7)……… …just


watching a game of cards, while others find the whole thing incredibly (8)……… ……….if they are not taking an active part


(9)……….………., for some people card games become an FORTUNATE

(10)……….that they cannot control ADDICT

Part 3: Complete these sentences using the correct form of one the pharsal verbs below in each space

catch on catch up drop out drop off kick off

join in fall behind fall out kick out join up I am not friends with Peter anymore We’ve ……… .

2 Don’t just sit there watching the game,……….…… !

3 If there is a war and they want soldiers for the army, would you

……… ?

4 I’m looking forward to the match What time they……… …….?

5 The pupil misbehaved so much that the teacher had to……… him……….………


7 That style looks so old-fashionned; I don’t think clothes like that will ever……… …

8 The other runners were so far ahead that it was difficult for him

to……… ……

9 She couldn’t catch up with the other runner because she had………….….too far………

10 When we got to the market I asked the taxi driver to……… me………

III READING: (25points)

Part 1:Read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C,D best fits each space ACTION SCENES IN FILMS

Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes in action films These scenes, which are (1) as stunts, are usually (2) by stuntmen who are specially trained to dangerous things safely (3) can crash a car, but if you are shooting a film, you have to be extremely (4) , sometimes stopping (5) in front of the camera and film crew At an early (6) in the production, an expert stuntman is (7) in to work out the action scenes and form a team He is the only person who can go (8) the wishes of the director, (9) he will usually only this in the (10) of safety

Many famous actors like to the dangerous parts themselves, which produces better shots, since stuntmen don’t have to (11) in for the actors Actors like to become (12) in all the important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent progress in safety equipment, insurance companies would never (13) them take the risk To their own stunts, actors need to be good athletes, but they must also be sensible and know their (14) If they were to be hurt, the film would (15) to a sudden halt

1 A remarked B known C referred D named

2 A performed B given C fulfilled D displayed

3 A Everyone B Someone C Anyone D No


4 A detailed B plain C straight D precise

5 A right B exact C direct D strict

6 A period B minute C part D stage

7 A led B taken C drawn D called

8 A over B against C through D across


10 A interests B needs C purposes D regards

11 A work B get C put

D stand

12 A connected B arranged C involved D


13 A allow B let C permit D admit

14 A limits B ends C frontiers D borders

15 A come B fall C pull D go

Part 3: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word in the dialogue below.

Robert: (1)……… ………… the television on, Marion The Rich and the Ugly is on in

a minute

Marion: You are not watching that rubbish, are you? I can’t stand Brazilian (2)………

operas Anyway, which (3) ……….is it on?

Robert: I think it’s on Channel Five I only started watching it last week, this is the last (4) ……… I find it quite funny, more like a (5) ……… ………

than the unusual melodramatic stuff

Marion: I’d rather watch a (6) ……… like Tom and Jerry or The Flintstones

any day

Robert: It’s an incredibly popular (7) ……… It’s got bigger (8)………

ratings than any other show on TV

Marion: You mean to say that more (9) ……… watch rubbish like that than

any other programme?

Robert: Yes Ah It’s just starting Can you turn the (10) ……… up? I can’t

hear anything

IV WRITING (25 points)

Part 1: Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it

1 You can’t leave the room during the exam.

You are not 2 The price of the room includes breakfast.


3 Some people said Peter stole the pen.

Peter is 4 They haven’t finished building the bridge yet.

The bridge 5 They will want to know what you have in your suitcase.

You will be asked 6 I managed to get up on time by going to bed early.

If I 7 I would like you to give me a ring the moment you arrive.

As soon as 8 Take my advice and marry when you are older.

If I were 9 It is not necessary for you to wake me up in the morning. You don’t 10. Shoes and trainers are not permitted at my school.


Part 2: COMPOSITION (You should spend about 30 minutes on this task.)

Air pollution is a serious problem in Vietnam In about 250 words, write about what causes air pollution, its effect to our health and propose some solutions to this problem



Kỳ thi chọn đội tuyển học sinh giỏi quốc gia

Năm học 2008 2009

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh lớp 12 thpt (Đề thi gồm có 08 trang)

Thời gian: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Điểm số:

Điểm chữ:

Họ tên, chữ ký GK 1: Họ tên, chữ ký GK 1:

Số phách

Part I phonetics

Question 1: Pick out the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of other words.

1 A passion B action C motion D vision

2 A reason B leisure C feather D measure

3 A enough B cough C cup D rough

4 A guest B least C mess D rest

5 A essential B informant C resistance D instant

1………2………3………4……… 5……… Question 2: Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words.

6 A situation B comfortable C recently D necessary

7 A exhausted B atmosphere C suspect D computer

8 A excessive B celebrate C expensive D instruction

9 A energy B primary C facilities D pleasure


6………7……… 8………9……… 10………

Part II Lexico – grammar

Question 1: Choose the best option among A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1 As the evening ……….on, I became on more and more bored

A passed B drew C stuck D wore

2 All her hard work paid……… in the end and she’s now vey successful

A up B out C back D off

3 I would certainly …… twice before doing something as risky as that

A consider B reflect C think D reckon

4 They were playing their music at ………volume and distributing

A utter B supreme C total D full

5 I have had a ……….of misfortunes

A success B continuation C repetition D succession

6 Only hotel guests have the……… of using the private beach

A occasion B privilege C permission D possibility

7 The drunken soldier was ……… crazily from one side of the street to the other

A marching B racing C staggering D scrambling

8 You can talk to him until you’re …… in the face, but he still won’t understand

A white B green C yellow D blue

9 I can’t understand Keith, he’s a funny sort of………

A individual B figure C human D one

10 They have no idea at all………

A where he has gone B which place

he has gone

C where did he go D where has he gone


Question 2: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Ever since the day I decided to move to London, I have been worrying whether the decision I …(1)… ( take ) was the right one As I have already sold my house and …(2)… ( arrange ) a new job, It is too late to change my mind However, since then I have heard a lot of negative things about living in the capital, and lately some of them have begun to bother me I …(3)… ( grow up ) in a fair small town and I have spent all my life there I …(4)… ( already want) to live in big city and so when my company …(5) ( offer) me a job in their London office, I grabbed at the chance But according to a program I …(6)…( just hear) on the radio, more and more people …(7)… (stop) working in London recently, and a lot of large companies have chosen to move away from the centre Of course I (8)…(

tell ) my parents that I am moving and they (9) ( accept )my decision, but when I told my friends they seemed rather shocked Since then I…(10)… (hope) secretly that the company would tell me that the move was off

1 ………2 ……… ………. 4 ………

5 ………

6. ……… ……7 ……… .8……… 9 ………

10. ………

Question 3: In most lines of this passage, there is one unnecessary word It is either incorrect grammatically or does not fit the sense of the passage Tick each correct line If a line has a word which should not be there, write the

word in the space in the column on the right (0) has been done as an example.

A study into family of health conducted in California comes

up with some interesting conclusions, though these might not be

acceptable to everybody The main conclusion is so that for a

family to remain healthy, both the relationship between husband

0 of


0. so


and wife play a major role The family perhaps surprising

aspect of this research, however, is that statistically the healthy family is as optimistic, church-going, and let by a

traditional male And perhaps not so much surprisingly, what

promotes the health of the husband and does not necessarily

promote the health of the wife too., and vice versa For example, when it comes to expressing emotions, thus it is

generally assumed that giving us an outlet to feeling is healthy

But according to the study, there may be benefits for one party but not for the other If the wife talks to more than the husband

does in these situations and gives him feeling of guilt, then he

is likely to become a depressed, whereas if the wife lets the

husband donate on the arguments, then she in turn will be the

one of whose mental state will suffer The study also found that when man donates in domestic arguments, they often end up trying to avoid from the real issue, or to become silent and

withdrawn This has effect of making the wife feel anxious and depressed As a person’s mental state there is closely linked to their physical as well being, it is clear that the dynamics of

family relationship help to determine health in general


Question 4: Write the correct form of each word in the space provided in brackets.

1. Please our letter of the 14th We have not had a reply (know) 2. Keith’s exam results turned out to be (disaster)

3. Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict (bring)

4. I think it’s sheer to get married in church if you don’t believe in god (hypocrite)

5. These countries are in imports of raw cotton (prefer)

6. Sam was accused of stealing some documents (confidence)

7. You not have to go Your decision must be entirely (volunteer)

8. Going swimming everyday would have very effects (benefit)

9. He felt certain about his success (tolerate)

10.Do you feel to the new job? (attract)













Someone once described that age we live in as that of a vanishing world, one in which the familiar is constantly disappearing for ever and technological change if often difficult to …(1)…with So it should come as no surprise to most of us to hear that yet another part of everyday life is …(2)…to go forever Still, when I read recently that within the next decade money as we …(3)…it will probably cease to exits in technologically advanced countries, I had to read the article twice to make sure it wasn’t April 1st …(4)…to Professor Gerry Montague of the Institute for

Economic Reform, the familiar coins and banknotes will soon be replaced entirely by credit cards of various kinds And the shop of the future (the ‘retail outlet’ ads Prof Montague puts it) will be …(5)… directly to the network of banking computers The assistant will simply key in your bank account code number and the amount you have spent, and thank you politely You won’t have to dig deep in your …(6)…for change or pretend at the pub that you have left your money at home You may not even have a number for your account as such, as the computer may by then be able to read your handprint So no more credit card frauds either But I am afraid that I shall …(7)…money I have felt strongly attached to it, ever since I received my first pocket money when I was five, and kept it in a money-box Even if my credit card of the future will able to tell me exactly how much … (8)…power I have left in the computer files, even if it lights up and plays a happy (or sad) tune at the same time, nothing will be able to replace the sheer pleasure I gained from …(9)…the coins in my money -box Not to …(10)…the other obvious problems which will be caused by an absence of real money-like how to start a football match, for example!

1 A keep B manage C cope D survive

2 A about B almost C ready D tending

3 A earn B know C use D need

4 A Thanks B Contrary C According D


5 A taken B alone C responsible D linked A pockets B wallet C cheque book D cash

7 A miss B spend C waste D borrow


9 A rattling B withdrawing C estimating D throwing 10 A tell B confront C guess D mention

1 …… 2 …… 3 …… …4 …… 5. ……… 6 …… 7 …… 8 …… 9 …… 10 ……

Question Read the following passage and choose the best option.

To a European, money means power, the freedom to as he likes, which also means that, consciously or unconsciously, he says: “I want to have as much money as possible myself and others to have as little money as possible.”

In the United States, wealth was also acquired by stealing, but the real exploited victim was not a human being but poor Mother Earth and her creatures who were ruthlessly plundered It is true that the Indians were expropriated or exterminated, but this was not, as it has always been in Europe, a matter of the conqueror seizing the wealth of the conquered, for the Indian had never realized the potential riches of his country It is also true that, in the Southern states, men lived on the labor of slaves, but slave labor did not make them fortunes; what made slavery in the South all the more inexcusable was that, in addition to being morally wicked, it didn’t even pay off handsomely

Thanks to the natural resources of the country, every American, until quite recently, could reasonably look forward to making more money than his father, so that, if he made less, the fault must be his; he was either lazy or inefficient What an American values, therefore, is not the possession of money as such, but his power to make it as proof of his manhood; once he has proved himself by making it, it has served its function and can be lost or given away In no society in history have rich men given away so large a part of their fortunes A poor American feels guilty at being poor, but less guilty than an American renter who had inherited wealth but is doing nothing to increase it; what can the latter but take to drink and psychoanalysis?

1 Which of the following can be concluded from the first paragraph? A Those who have a lot of money enjoy real freedom


C Some European acquire money and power without even being conscious of it

D Some people not only want to get rich but wish others to be poor To an American, money means …………

A The freedom to whatever he likes B proof of ability and manhood

C diligence and efficiency D both B and C

3 The author seems to believe that the natural resources in the U.S are …………

A poor B limited C rich D on the


4 In the passage, the word “fortunes” (Para.2 and 3) is used twice What does it mean?

A luck B good opportunities C wealth D power

5 In the author’s opinion, an American renter ………… A should feel more guilty than a poor American B should feel content with this inherited wealth

C is even lazier and more inefficient than a poor American D will take to drink if he does nothing to increase his wealth


4……… 5………

Question 3: Fill in each blank with the most suitable word.


A diet rich in vegetables and fruit, good general health and regular exercise may help avoid (5) illness Experts are doubtful whether taking lots of vitamin C will make any difference, but reducing stress levels may help Basic hygiene is certainly important, though, especially in the office We know that the illness (6) be pass on from cups and saucers, so more than simply rinse them under the tap with all the others Wash surfaces Remember to wash them properly (7) hot water and use disinfectant to clean surfaces Remember to wash your hands regularly and don’t touch your face (8) flu enters the body through eyes, nose or mouth Other tips on prevention include (9) rid of cloth handkerchiefs, which provide a home for germs Change to paper tissues and throw them (10) afterwards











Question 4: Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with one word from the list Use each word once.

in grew caused unlike terms investment remains exchange form unit makes fixed allowed with called


What …(2)…gold attractive is that it has a value of its own for both industrial and ornamental purposes, …(3)…paper bank notes, which are worthless …(4)…themselves As a result, gold is bought as an …(5)…in times of financial uncertainty

Until the 1930s, several European currency were based on the Gold Standard, which meant that the value of a …(6)… of currency was fixed in …(7)…of a stated quantity of gold People could freely …(8)…any bank notes they had for gold In 1931, world- wide financial problems …(9)…the Gold Standard to be dropped Then, in 1935, the USA, France and the UK …(10)…the price of gold at $35 an ounce, which remained the price until 1971 Because the demand for gold …(11)… so fast, however, the price of gold for ornamental and industrial purposes was … (12)…to rise Today ounce of gold costs $390 in London

Gold for jewelry is mixed …(13)…a mental alloy and the purity of the gold is measured in carats Most gold sold to the public has 40% gold and is …(14)… nine- carat gold Good investors can buy pure from dealers in the …(15)…of gold bars or gold coins

1 ………2 ……… 3 ……… 4 ……… 5 …………

6 ……… 7 ……… 8……… 9 ……… 10 …………

11 ……… 12……… 13. ……… 14 ……… 15.



Question 1: For each of sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as

possible In meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in any way.


……… …………

My car costs me an awful lot to run these days ( spend )

……… ………

They are letting David out of hospital next week ( released )

……… ………

The garden is too small for us to build a swimming pool ( room )

……… ………

What speed is allowed on this motorway? ( How )

……… ………?

It is as though they were millionaires, the way they live! ( might )

……… ………

We could have walked to the station, it was so near A taxi wasn’t at all necessary ( enough )

……… ………

There is no need to telephone me when you arrive ( bother )

……… ………


……… ……… ?

10 Nobody would let me go into hospital to see the survivors ( allowed )

……… ……… …

Question 2: Write about the following topic:

“ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.” You should write at least 300 words

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………


……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………


……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

The end


SÓC TRĂNG Năm học 2008 – 2009

-o0o -

-/// -Đề th ức

Môn : Tiếng Anh –Lớp 12

(Thời gian làm 180 phút, không kể phát đề) I LISTENING (3 points)

PART 1: Listen to a talk and circle A,B,C or D to indicate the correct answer

1 What is the main topic of the talk? A How to become young entrepreneurs B How to meet rich, famous people C How to become wealthy people D How to have qualities of rich people Who is the audience?

A Young entrepreneurs B University students C Rich businesspeople D Famous millionaires

3 Which of the following is NOT true according to the talk? A The rich have qualities that make them different B Not all the qualities that rich people have are good C Meanness is one quality people should have to get rich D Rich people’s appearance is very different from ours What did Matthew Freud to get money when young?

A He helped his friends with their homework B He sold mice to his friends at school C He showed rich schoolfriends how to learn D He made friends with millionaires’children Which of the following is NOT a quality of the rich?

A Extravagance B Confidence C Hard work D Ambition

6 Which of these people is mentioned as an example of a hard-working person? A John Paul Getty

B Bill Gates C Rupert Murdoch D Anita Roddick

PART 2: Listen to a conversation and fill in the numbered gaps in the table Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Day of arrival Sunday (1) ………

Subject (2) ……… (3) ………

Number of books to read (4) ……… (5) ………

Day of the first lecture (6) ……… (7) ………



PART 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces provided under this part.

1 They say he inherited his money from a relative he had never met

A faraway B remote C distant D far

2 The discovery of penicillin was a significant medical

A breakthrough B innovation C revolution D novelty

3 As the day wore , I began to feel more and more uncomfortable in their company

A in B on C out D off

4 It was a rough _ and a lot of people on the ferry were seasick

A travel B voyage C trip D crossing

5 I was thinking of going out, but on _ thoughts, it might be better to stay in

A strong B second C good D deep

6 One of my classmates is always putting me _ in public It’s so embarrassing!

A up B off C through D down

7 Turn to page 35 to find out at a _ which courses are available to you

A glance B stare C glimpse D look

8 The aircraft experienced severe _ during the final approach, but the pilot kept his cool and landed it safely

A instability B wavering C turbulence D unsteadiness

9 Frank has been the _ of the local history museum for over ten years now

A escort B dean C curator D conductor

10 With our help, she finally came _ after having passed out for five minutes

A back B round C by D down

11 I know his name is ‘Jim’, but it was just a of the tongue when I called him ‘Tim’

A slide B skid C skim D slip

12 Increased traffic _ has led some local councils to start charging drivers to enter city centres

A congestion B blockage C stoppage D obstruction

13 I know it’s hard to stop smoking, but you’ll feel better in the long _

A time B turn C way D run

14 If you leave your baggage at the airport, it will be taken away

A inattentive B careless C unattended D neglectful

15 James Bond was sent _ a mission to recover a top secret file

A in B on C off D out

1 _

4 _

7 _

10. _ 11 12

13. _ 14 15


A DISAPPOINTING MEAL Have you ever complained in a restaurant? I never thought I would, but last week I ended up doing just that It was my best friend’s birthday, but I had booked a table at a new restaurant that had just opened in the city centre But while we arrived, exactly on time, they told me that it was no record of my booking and we would have to wait for a table to become free I suspected that they had given our table to anyone else, but I didn’t say anything Then we were kept waiting for an hour without an apology, because they did take our order We both chose soup as a starter and my friend ordered a steak like a main course I thought I would be a bit more adventurous, and decided to try something called Ossobuco, if I wasn’t quite sure what it was To cut a long story short, a soup was almost cold, my friend’s steak was uncooked at the middle and my Ossobuco turned out to be a plate of bone within a very acidic sauce So, we called the manager and told we would not pay because the meal had been substandard But in the end we paid because we had eaten it all, but we won’t be going there again!

0 but – so

1 ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… 10 ………

PART 3: Write the correct form of each word in brackets in the numbered spaces provided in the column on the right (0) has been done as an example


In Britain, what is described as ‘food miles’, the distance which food is transported from the place where it is grown to its point of sale, continues to rise This has major (0 ECONOMY) , social and environmental consequences, given the traffic congestion and pollution which (1 VARIABLE) follow

According to (2 PRESS) groups, the same amount of food is travelling 50% further than twenty years ago What’s more, the rise in the demand for road haulage over this period has mostly been due to the transport of food and drink The groups assert that the increase in the number of lorry journeys is (3 EXCEED) and that many of these are far from (4 ESSENCE)

In the distribution systems employed by British food (5 RETAIL), fleets of lorries bring all goods into more (6 CENTRE) located warehouses for redistribution across the country (7 LOGIC) as this might appear, the situation whereby some goods get sent back to the same areas from which they came is (8 AVOID)

In response to scathing (9 CRITIC) from environmentalists, some food distributors now aim to minimise the impact of food miles by routing vehicles, wherever possible, on motorways after dark This encourages greater energy (10 EFFICIENT) whilst also reducing the impact on the residential areas through which they would otherwise pass


PART 4: Complete the news report Put each verb in brackets into the correct form Write your answers in the spaces provided below the passage.

The actress Vanessa Kemp (1 DISAPPEAR) Yesterday she (2 FAIL) to arrived at the Prince Charles Theatre in London’s West End for her leading role in the comedy ‘Don’t look now!’ Ms Kemp, who (3 LIVE) in Hampstead, left home at four o’clock yesterday afternoon for the theatre, a journey she (4 MAKE) several times the week before Two people who (5 WALK) past her home at the time saw her (6 LEAVE) But no one (7 SEE) her since then At half past seven she still (8 NOT, ARRIVE) at the theatre At eight o’clock the theatre manager (9 HAVE) to break the news to the audience, who (10 WAIT) patiently for the play to start Since yesterday, theatre staff and friends (11 TRY) to contact Ms Kemp, but they (12 HAVE) not success so far The police (13 TAKE) the matter seriously, but they (14 BELIEVE) that she is unlikely to be in any danger Her friends all (15 WANT) to hear from her soon




10. 11 12

13. 14 15

PART 5: This is a weather forecast on a local radio station Put in the missing prepositions. Write your answers in the spaces provided below the passage.

Good morning This is the weather at six in the morning on Thursday February It’s cold outside, and there’s ice (1) the roads, so don’t drive too close to the car in front of you! There should be forty metres (2) _ you and that car! If you’re driving (3) the city this morning, pay attention to schoolchildren walking (4) the road Remember, you might be next to a school! Traffic is moving very slowly (5) the city centre (6) the moment There was an accident last night – If you’re driving (7) Central Library, the Police may stop you and ask you a few questions That’s all for now More weather news every hour, (8) six in the morning (9) six at night This is the KC News Network making sure you’re up to date (10) _ the news!

1 ……… ………

3 ……… ………

5 ……… ………

7 ……… ………


PART 6: Insert A, AN, THE or Φ (zero article) Write on the numbered blanks.

I came home from school one day with (1) headache, and took two aspirins from (2) _ bottle in (3) medicine cupboard They left (4) _ curious aftertaste in my mouth, and when my mother came home half an hour later I told her what I had done She shrieked and ran to (5) _ telephone: I had taken some tablets that (6) doctor had prescribed for her stomach cramps, and she had been warned that it was dangerous to exceed (7) _ stated doze – one tablet a day She had broken (8) bottle that morning, and transferred (9) _ tablets to (10) _ empty aspirin bottle

III READING (4 points)

PART 1: Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your answer (0) has been done as an example


The Open University was created in 1968 to (0) _ people who cannot afford to (1) regular courses of study, the opportunity of studying and (2) _ a university diploma or degree They study at home and their academic performance is assessed by (3) of written examinations or project work Most Open University students (4) in study while also holding down a job or coping with a busy home life They study in order to update their job skills or for personal (5)

At the heart of most courses is a (6) _ of specially written and professionally printed textbooks and workbooks which students receive by post On many of the courses, students are (7) to watch television programmes on the BBC network, which are usually broadcast in the (8) _ hours of the morning The (9) _ of these programmes is to develop and broaden the study experience, so that students not have to (10) only on the printed material they are sent

Students are (11) with all the notes and books they need and, in (12) , some courses also include audio and video cassettes and computer software However, studying at the Open University can be a (13) because students have few opportunities to (14) _ each other That is why the University encourages students to set (15) and run informal study groups themselves

0 give B bring C let D make

1 A present B assist C attend D apply

2 A managing B claiming C reaching D obtaining

3 A method B means C route D system

4 A fit B take C put D join

5 A delight B satisfaction C joy D challenge

6 A unit B club C set D heap

7 A expected B needed C hoped D considered

8 A first B initial C starting D early

9 A cause B reason C end D aim

10 A rely B believe C trust D confide

11 A given B provided C posted D handed

12 A addition B particular C advance D return

13 A fight B struggle C battle D pressure

14 A introduce B know C meet D speak

15 A out B in C up D off


A Japanese construction company plans to create a huge independent city-state, akin to the legendary Atlantis, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean The city, dubbed “Marinnation”, would have about one million inhabitants, two airports, and possibly even a space port Marinnation, if built, would be a separate country but could serve as a home for international organisations such as the United Nations and the World Bank

Aside from the many political and social problems that would have to be solved, the engineering task envisaged is monumental The initial stage requires the building of a circular dam eighteen miles in diameter attached to the sea bed in a relatively shallow place in international waters Then, several hundred powerful pumps, operating for more than a year, would suck out the sea water from within the dam When empty and dry, the area would have a city constructed on it The actual land would be about 300 feet below the sea level According to designers, the hardest task from an engineering point of view would be to ensure that the dam is leak proof and earthquake proof

If all goes well, it is hoped that Marinnation could be ready for habitation at the end of the second decade of the twenty-first century Whether anyone would want to live in such an isolated and artificial community, however, will remain an open question until that time

1 According to the text, Marrination, when built, will be a(an) city

A underground B underwater C marine D legendary

2 The word ‘akin’ in paragraph could be best replaced by

A similar B next C likely D close

3 Which of the following would NOT be a problem for the construction plan?

A social B political C financial D engineering

4 Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A Marinnation will be located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean B Marinnation will be built in a deep place in the Pacific Ocean C Marinnation could be served as home for international organisations D Marinnation would have about one million inhabitants

5 The word ‘monumental’ in Paragraph means _

A important and difficult B like a large monument

C serving as a monument D important and historic

6 What is going to be built first?

A a city B a dam C a monument D a sea bed

7 The phrase ‘suck out’ in paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A draw out B pull out C dry up D take out

8 The most difficult task is to protect the dam against _ and earthquake

A fire B water C sunlight D weather

9 According to the text, people could come to live in the future city in the year _

A 2020 B 2010 C 2012 D 2002

10 What does the author imply in the last sentence of the passage?

A The construction of Marinnation could never be completed in time B People will ask an open question about living in Marinnation

C People will ask how they can live in such an isolated and artificial city D People might not want to live in an isolated and artificial community



Having to obey rules and regulations when riding a bike is (0) one of the first experiences children have of the idea of obeying the law However, a large number of children (1) _ left to learn the rules by trial and (2) , instead of being guided by experienced (3) _ Every year, hundreds of children visit the doctor or the hospital casualty department (4) crashing on their bikes This could be easily prevented by (5) _ them the basics of bicycle safety Ideally, children should be allowed to (6) only in safe places, such as parks and cycle tracks When this is not possible, and they are permitted to go on the (7) , it is important to teach them (8) basic safety principles

First, they ought to learn and obey the rules of the road, which (9) _ traffic signs, signals and road markings Second, they should (10) _ wear a helmet Studies have shown that wearing bicycle helmets can (11) head injuries by up to 85 per cent In many places, (12) are required by law, particularly (13) _ children Finally, children should be made to understand (14) _ importance of riding in areas that are brightly lit and of wearing clothes that make (15) _ clearly visible on the road

1 _ _

4 _ _

7 _ _

10. 11 _ 12 _

13. 14 _ 15 _

IV WRITING (6 points)

PART 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.

1 The alarm went off just as they came out of the building

Scarcely ……… I told Simon to stop talking, but he didn’t

Simon kept ……… To be sure of catching the bus, they got to the bus station very early

To avoid ……… Good working relations depend on effective management

The more ……… You ran the risk of being burgled when you left the door unlocked

Your house could ………


1 After six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to get married (KNOT) ……… At this very moment my wife may be arriving back home (PROBABLY)

……… Noise is something that it is not possible for me to tolerate (PUT)

……… With this strange noise, there must be something wrong with the car (SOUNDS)

……… Our luggage has been stolen! (RUN)


PART 3: The chart below shows the results of a poll of theatre-goers on what disturbs them during performances at the theatre Write a report, describing the information shown You should write about 150 words


……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

PART 4: Some people say that we should not judge a person by his or her appearance Others believe that appearance can tell us something about the personality of an interlocutor What is your opinion? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer You should write about 300 words


……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………




Chú ý: Mỡi câu hỏi thí sinh làm 01 tờ giấy riêng biệt QUESTION I Phonetics (10 points)

A Identify the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the other

words in the group.

1 A arrived B linked C lived D opened

2 A explanation B main C faint D paint

3. A copious B obese C drone D clamorous

4 A germ B gesture C gene D gear

5 A manufacture B mature C pasture D nature

B Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in the same


1 A trigonometry B explanatory C immediately D democracy

2 A legislature B repository C magnificent D mistake

3 A argumentative B psychological C contributory D hypersensitive

4 A photograph B payroll C accent D regretful

5 A majority B ceremony C astronomy D investiture

QUESTION II Vocabulary (10 points) Select the best option for each blank

1 Employees who have a ……… are encouraged to discuss it with the management

A hindrance B grievance C disadvantage D disturbance

2 The police are ……… certain who the culprit is

A in some ways B more or less C here and there D by and by

3 Women’s participation ………… in the workforce was lower in the countries which had less-developed economies

A scale B speed C velocity D rate

4 Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ……… improvement in her condition

A decipherable B legible C discernible D intelligible

5 I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog but I must admit that I’ve hardly put ……… in the problem so far

A a dent B a foot C a brave face D damper

6 From time to time he ………himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel

A craves B indulges C treats D benefits

7 Men still expect their jobs to take _

A superiority B imposition C priority D seniority

8 According to a recent survey, most people are on good ……… with their neighbours

A terms B relations C relationships D acquaintance

9 The police have been ordered not to ……… if the students attack them

A combat B rebuff C retaliate D challenge

10 The police finally arrested the ……… criminal


QUESTION III Grammar (20 points)

A. Put each verb in brackets in an appropriate form (10points)

1 She has made up her mind ……… (have) a garage ………… (build) next to the house The statue ………… (break) while it ……… (move) to another room in the museum The highway patrol advised … (take) the old route through the city

4 The bell is ringing I must stop … (do) my homework … (answer) the phone Why you all ………… (laugh)? Roger ……… (tell) you his funny stories? Don’t worry We ………… (finish) the report by 11

B Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks (10 points) We’re all very obliged ……… you

2 He’s quite careless ……… danger She’s very nervous ……… the new boss I’m faithful ……… my principle

5 I’ve been so anxious ……… you This service is free ……… charge

7 They went ahead contrary ……… my advice He was married ……… Sue for a day

9 .the devil and the deep blue sea 10 Have a card your sleeve QUESTION IV Reading (30 points)

A Read the text below and then answer the questions - (10 points) The World and Its Global Economy

The world as man knows it today is getting smaller and smaller because of technology such as the Internet and high speed modems In fact, on March 3, 2005, a man flew entirely around the globe without refueling or stopping in a one-person jet The world is changing the world, and as the 21st century continues, the global economy will play a larger and larger role As Thomas Friedman so eloquently put it in Lexus and the Olive Tree, globalization is "the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies to a degree never witnessed before."


learn can quickly adapt to changes in the global economy by quickly preparing to enter other career fields if his job is here today, but gone in the morning

If the world turns into a global economy, a person will need to be able to get along and work with people from different cultural backgrounds However, unless a person has spent time living in different parts of the world, this might be hard to While many students from foreign countries, especially the Asian countries, come to the US to earn a graduate degree, how many students from the US spend even a semester abroad studying in another country? The answer to this question is of course a very small percentage

While individuals from some of foreign countries and some individuals from the US and the US economy will adjust to globalization, will the rest of the world? Mass media are more than willing to continue to stir the pot of controversy as they not only have to learn how to report the positive news, but also dole out a continuous stream of negative news When a person in a developing country sees all the cars on the streets of Beijing, of course that person wants a car so he can show his neighbor how wealthy he is, and all this does is promote unneeded consumption Why does the person who has nowhere to go and no money to spend for travel want to own a car? The simple answer is because the media paint owning a car as a symbol of wealth and it is human nature to want to become wealthy or at least to appear wealthy

On the positive side, as prices rise due to increased demands on scarce resources, there will be an incentive to find affordable alternatives For example, as the price of oil rises and along with it the price of a gallon of gasoline, a point will be reached at which people are no longer willing to purchase gasoline so they can drive their cars, and they will demand both alternative transportation methods and cars which use another source of energy A current online survey says $2.50 per gallon of gasoline is the point at which the people in the US will start making demands on the auto manufacturer, which will open up new career fields in a few countries that have the technology needed to meet the demands; however, people around the globe will work together on it

1 The word “inexorable” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A upward B recent C inevitable D preposterous

2 The word “solicit” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A lure B sell C help D ask for

3 According to par.2, what can be inferred about the role of a project supervisor? A To make sure the project is finished correctly and on time

B To hand-check each of the steps in a project

C To assign each of the items that needs to be done in a project D To talk to everyone on a daily basis

4 According to the passage, people need to learn how to learn, otherwise

A they will not move from the first grade to the second grade in elementary school B they will not be able to work in the same job throughout college

C they will not be able to switch from one career to another as the global economy changes D they will not be able to graduate from college and become a member of the global economy

5 Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence in

the passage?

A The mass media are like a witch stirring her cauldron



advertising revenue

C The mass media will report half-truths if it will keep their ratings up so they can sell advertising

D The mass media report every angle of a story since reports are apolitical and never present

only one viewpoint

6 In paragraph 5, what can be inferred from the description of the media about owning a car? A A car needs to be painted certain colors if it is going to show others a person is wealthy B The media are so biased that they will provide paint if a person needs to paint his car so as to

project the car as a symbol of wealth

C The media slant the stories, so it will appear to viewers that only wealthy people own a car D The members of the media don't own cars, so they are jealous of those wealthy people who

own cars

7 Look at the four squares [■]in par.2that indicate where the following sentence could be added to

the passage

E-businesses will be the lucrative businesses in the future since they are available to everyone

with an Internet connection Where would the sentence best fit?

8. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage Some sentences not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage

The Internet and technology are making the world a smaller and smaller place today, and this is creating a global economy

• • •

A As Thomas Friedman so eloquently put it in Lexus and the Olive Tree, globalization is "the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies to a degree never witnessed before,"

B A global economy poses some serious problems and if a company doesn't act fast enough, it can lose, and if the company loses heavily, the employees working for the company and the stores that depend on those employees buying their goods can go out of business

C A person who is good at learning how to learn can quickly adapt to changes in the global economy by quickly preparing to enter other career fields, if his job is here today but gone in the morning


college, so it becomes vital

E People are always going to be willing to pay any price they need to pay in order to buy something they want, which is why the price of gasoline will not be a factor in the global economy

F Individuals from some foreign countries, some individuals from the US and the US economy will adjust to globalization, but the real question is, how is the rest of the world going to react to living in a global economy?

B Close test (20 points)

Art as a career

Many celebrated artists have found (1) hard to (2) ends meet early on in their careers (3) a few well-known exceptions, however, (poor Van Gogh being perhaps the most famous one) (4) _ went on to find recognition within their own lifetime Picasso’s life story is the kind of rags-to-riches tale (5) _ gives hope to many (6) _ unknown artist In 1904, he was sharing a draughty and primitive studio complex (7) _ thirty other artists But (8) his death, he was a multi-millionaire and probably the most celebrated modern artist ever Nevertheless, (9) _ every success story, there must be dozens of artists (perhaps some potential ‘greats’) who have endured a lifetime (10) _ hardship in obscurity (11) _ they were never recognised because their work was (12) _ of sympathy with the prevailing fashion, or (13) they lacked talent, is impossible to say Most people see art (14) a vocation rather (15) a career There (16) _ indeed be some truth in the idea (17) artists need to (18) exceptionally dedicated to succeed, and even relatively successful artists sometimes have (19) supplement their income by working (20) other areas occasionally

QUESTION V Use of English (30 points) A Sentence transformation (20 points)

Part Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence

printed before it (10 points)

1 Someone has suggested the resignation of the minister It I have frequently made stupid mistakes like that

Many's You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong

Contrary 4.You should have called the doctor at once

It was Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late

Gary prides

Part Write a new sentence similar in meaning to the one given, using the word given in brackets Do not alter the word in any way (10 points)

1 Many customs restrictions within the EC have been abolished AWAY

2 At the moment I can’t afford to buy a new car QUESTION


3 I assume you’re hungry GRANTED

4 I know I can convince Dave that I'm right about this matter BRING

5 Students at the school are not allowed to go into the Rainbow Disco BOUNDS

B Error correction (10 points)

Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1 The bus was plenty of people who had spent many a happy hour in the stores doing their Christmas



2 Weather and geography conditions may determine the type of transportation used in a region A B C D

3 When you talk to the old man, please remember to speak out as he's hard of hearing A B C D

4 The old and the new in transportation also contrast sharply in Middle East A B C D

5 The ocean probably distinguishes the earth from other planets of the solar system, for scientists A B C

believe that large bodies of water are not existing on the other planets D

6 Geothermal energy is energy to obtain by using heat from the Earth’s interior A B C D

7 In general the only kinds of cells that cannot replace itself are nerve cells A B C D

8 Historians believe that some forms of advertising must be as old as barter and trade A B C D

9 Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means of A B C

spot, alive reports D

10 Dams are used to control flooding, provide water for irrigation, and generating electricity for A B C

the surrounding area D




Thời gian làm 180’

Chú ý: Mỡi câu hỏi thí sinh làm 01 tờ giấy riêng biệt QUESTION I Phonetics (10 points)

A Identify the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the other

words in the group.

1 A arrived B linked C lived D opened

2 A explanation B main C faint D paint

3. A copious B obese C drone D clamorous

4 A germ B gesture C gene D gear

5 A manufacture B mature C pasture D nature

B Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in the same


1 A trigonometry B explanatory C immediately D democracy

2 A legislature B repository C magnificent D mistake

3 A argumentative B psychological C contributory D hypersensitive

4 A photograph B payroll C accent D regretful

5 A majority B ceremony C astronomy D investiture

QUESTION II Vocabulary (10 points) Select the best option for each blank

1 Employees who have a ……… are encouraged to discuss it with the management

A hindrance B grievance C disadvantage D disturbance

2 The police are ……… certain who the culprit is

A in some ways B more or less C here and there D by and by

3 Women’s participation ………… in the workforce was lower in the countries which had less-developed economies

A scale B speed C velocity D rate

4 Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ……… improvement in her condition

A decipherable B legible C discernible D intelligible

5 I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog but I must admit that I’ve hardly put ……… in the problem so far

A a dent B a foot C a brave face D damper

6 From time to time he ………himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel

A craves B indulges C treats D benefits

7 Men still expect their jobs to take _

A superiority B imposition C priority D seniority

8 According to a recent survey, most people are on good ……… with their neighbours


9 The police have been ordered not to ……… if the students attack them

A combat B rebuff C retaliate D challenge

10 The police finally arrested the ……… criminal

A famous B renowned C respectable D notorious

QUESTION III Grammar (20 points)

A. Put each verb in brackets in an appropriate form (10points)

1 She has made up her mind ……… (have) a garage ………… (build) next to the house The statue ………… (break) while it ……… (move) to another room in the museum The highway patrol advised … (take) the old route through the city

4 The bell is ringing I must stop … (do) my homework … (answer) the phone Why you all ………… (laugh)? Roger ……… (tell) you his funny stories? Don’t worry We ………… (finish) the report by 11

B Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks (10 points) We’re all very obliged ……… you

2 He’s quite careless ……… danger She’s very nervous ……… the new boss I’m faithful ……… my principle

5 I’ve been so anxious ……… you This service is free ……… charge

7 They went ahead contrary ……… my advice He was married ……… Sue for a day

9 .the devil and the deep blue sea 10 Have a card your sleeve QUESTION IV Reading (30 points)

A Read the text below and then answer the questions - (10 points) The World and Its Global Economy

The world as man knows it today is getting smaller and smaller because of technology such as the Internet and high speed modems In fact, on March 3, 2005, a man flew entirely around the globe without refueling or stopping in a one-person jet The world is changing the world, and as the 21st century continues, the global economy will play a larger and larger role As Thomas Friedman so eloquently put it in Lexus and the Olive Tree, globalization is "the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies to a degree never witnessed before."


is here today might be gone long before the child can graduate from college, so not only does it become vital that a person gain the needed knowledge to enter a given career field, but the person also needs to learn how to learn Learning how to learn may prove to be even more necessary than the knowledge needed to enter a given career field A person who is good at learning how to learn can quickly adapt to changes in the global economy by quickly preparing to enter other career fields if his job is here today, but gone in the morning

If the world turns into a global economy, a person will need to be able to get along and work with people from different cultural backgrounds However, unless a person has spent time living in different parts of the world, this might be hard to While many students from foreign countries, especially the Asian countries, come to the US to earn a graduate degree, how many students from the US spend even a semester abroad studying in another country? The answer to this question is of course a very small percentage

While individuals from some of foreign countries and some individuals from the US and the US economy will adjust to globalization, will the rest of the world? Mass media are more than willing to continue to stir the pot of controversy as they not only have to learn how to report the positive news, but also dole out a continuous stream of negative news When a person in a developing country sees all the cars on the streets of Beijing, of course that person wants a car so he can show his neighbor how wealthy he is, and all this does is promote unneeded consumption Why does the person who has nowhere to go and no money to spend for travel want to own a car? The simple answer is because the media paint owning a car as a symbol of wealth and it is human nature to want to become wealthy or at least to appear wealthy

On the positive side, as prices rise due to increased demands on scarce resources, there will be an incentive to find affordable alternatives For example, as the price of oil rises and along with it the price of a gallon of gasoline, a point will be reached at which people are no longer willing to purchase gasoline so they can drive their cars, and they will demand both alternative transportation methods and cars which use another source of energy A current online survey says $2.50 per gallon of gasoline is the point at which the people in the US will start making demands on the auto manufacturer, which will open up new career fields in a few countries that have the technology needed to meet the demands; however, people around the globe will work together on it

1 The word “inexorable” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A upward B recent C inevitable D preposterous

2 The word “solicit” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A lure B sell C help D ask for

3 According to par.2, what can be inferred about the role of a project supervisor? A To make sure the project is finished correctly and on time

B To hand-check each of the steps in a project

C To assign each of the items that needs to be done in a project D To talk to everyone on a daily basis

4 According to the passage, people need to learn how to learn, otherwise

A they will not move from the first grade to the second grade in elementary school B they will not be able to work in the same job throughout college

C they will not be able to switch from one career to another as the global economy changes D they will not be able to graduate from college and become a member of the global economy


sentence in the passage?

A The mass media are like a witch stirring her cauldron

B The mass media always report the truth since this keeps the ratings up and brings in the most

advertising revenue

C The mass media will report half-truths if it will keep their ratings up so they can sell advertising

D The mass media report every angle of a story since reports are apolitical and never present

only one viewpoint

6 In paragraph 5, what can be inferred from the description of the media about owning a car? A A car needs to be painted certain colors if it is going to show others a person is wealthy B The media are so biased that they will provide paint if a person needs to paint his car so as to

project the car as a symbol of wealth

C The media slant the stories, so it will appear to viewers that only wealthy people own a car D The members of the media don't own cars, so they are jealous of those wealthy people who

own cars

7 Look at the four squares [■]in par.2that indicate where the following sentence could be added to

the passage

E-businesses will be the lucrative businesses in the future since they are available to everyone

with an Internet connection Where would the sentence best fit?

8. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage Some sentences not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage

The Internet and technology are making the world a smaller and smaller place today, and this is creating a global economy

• • •

A As Thomas Friedman so eloquently put it in Lexus and the Olive Tree, globalization is "the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies to a degree never witnessed before,"

B A global economy poses some serious problems and if a company doesn't act fast enough, it can lose, and if the company loses heavily, the employees working for the company and the stores that depend on those employees buying their goods can go out of business


economy by quickly preparing to enter other career fields, if his job is here today but gone in the morning

D A career field that is here today might be gone long before the child can graduate from college, so it becomes vital

E People are always going to be willing to pay any price they need to pay in order to buy something they want, which is why the price of gasoline will not be a factor in the global economy

F Individuals from some foreign countries, some individuals from the US and the US economy will adjust to globalization, but the real question is, how is the rest of the world going to react to living in a global economy?

B Close test (20 points)

Art as a career

Many celebrated artists have found (1) hard to (2) ends meet early on in their careers (3) a few well-known exceptions, however, (poor Van Gogh being perhaps the most famous one) (4) _ went on to find recognition within their own lifetime Picasso’s life story is the kind of rags-to-riches tale (5) _ gives hope to many (6) _ unknown artist In 1904, he was sharing a draughty and primitive studio complex (7) _ thirty other artists But (8) his death, he was a multi-millionaire and probably the most celebrated modern artist ever Nevertheless, (9) _ every success story, there must be dozens of artists (perhaps some potential ‘greats’) who have endured a lifetime (10) _ hardship in obscurity (11) _ they were never recognised because their work was (12) _ of sympathy with the prevailing fashion, or (13) they lacked talent, is impossible to say Most people see art (14) a vocation rather (15) a career There (16) _ indeed be some truth in the idea (17) artists need to (18) exceptionally dedicated to succeed, and even relatively successful artists sometimes have (19) supplement their income by working (20) other areas occasionally

QUESTION V Use of English (30 points) A Sentence transformation (20 points)

Part Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence

printed before it (10 points)

1 Someone has suggested the resignation of the minister It I have frequently made stupid mistakes like that

Many's You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong


4.You should have called the doctor at once

It was Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late

Gary prides


1 Many customs restrictions within the EC have been abolished AWAY

2 At the moment I can’t afford to buy a new car QUESTION

3 I assume you’re hungry GRANTED

4 I know I can convince Dave that I'm right about this matter BRING

5 Students at the school are not allowed to go into the Rainbow Disco BOUNDS

B Error correction (10 points)

Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1 The bus was plenty of people who had spent many a happy hour in the stores doing their Christmas



2 Weather and geography conditions may determine the type of transportation used in a region A B C D

3 When you talk to the old man, please remember to speak out as he's hard of hearing A B C D

4 The old and the new in transportation also contrast sharply in Middle East A B C D

5 The ocean probably distinguishes the earth from other planets of the solar system, for scientists A B C

believe that large bodies of water are not existing on the other planets D

6 Geothermal energy is energy to obtain by using heat from the Earth’s interior A B C D

7 In general the only kinds of cells that cannot replace itself are nerve cells A B C D

8 Historians believe that some forms of advertising must be as old as barter and trade A B C D

9 Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means of A B C

spot, alive reports D

10 Dams are used to control flooding, provide water for irrigation, and generating electricity for A B C

the surrounding area D


Đề thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh 9 Trường học Học sinh giỏi Quận Ba Đình - HN Lớp học

Năm học 2004 Môn thi Anh văn Thời gian 120 phút Thang điểm 10

I Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (3pts)

1 You ever (1- be) to England? – Yes, I (2- go) there years ago If she (3- work) harder, she (4- not fail) the exam last year It’s difficult to get used to (5- eat) with chopsticks

4 The chairman suggested (6- hold) another meeting next week I prefer (7- drive) to (8- be driven)

6 Would you mind (9- lend) me 5$ I forgot (10- cash) a cheque I’d rather (11- stay) at home than (12- work) for him

1-………2-……… 3-……… 4-……… 5-……… 6-……… 7- ……… 8-……… 9-……… 10-……… 11-……… 12-……… II Choose the best answer and fill in the blanks (2pts)

1 It was over 30 feet in length That’s how ……… it was (length/tall/large/long) He set up a new world record He ………a new record (did/player/created/found) Secondary schools offer a wide ……… of subjects (list/range/field/scope)

4 Since the ……….of the motor car, road accidents have increased dramatically (approach/inauguration/initiation/advert)

5 I can’t that report today I’ve got far too much other work to……… (catch up on/go in for/get away with/cut down on)

6 While you’re away from the office on business trips, you will be given a daily………of 25 pounds towards meals and accommodations (allowance/price/permit/money)

7 My brother has………in the military (joined/entered/served/participated) The discovery was a major……….for research workers


III Give the correct form of the words in the brackets (2pts) My teacher……….me to take this exam (courage)

2 He has the………to become a professional football player (able) Give me something to drink please! I’m dying of………(thirsty) We try to bring our work to………(satisfy)

5 The……… of the question was requested (repeat) The teacher checks for regular……….(attend)

7 The roads are rough in……… areas, so it’s hard to travel by road (mountain) The people whose houses are to be demolishes when the new road is rebuild will be………outside the city (house)

IV Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or adverb particles (3pts) The exercise was……… the abilities………….most………….the class Students were angry………….being treated………….children

3 The watch is still……….guarantee

4 We can only guess………….her reason………… leaving

5 ………being questioned………the police, she was released……… charge Her father’s illness cost a cloud……… her wedding day

V Fill in the blanks with one missing word (3pts)

A doctor who worked in a village was very (1)………… because many people used to stop him in the street and asked his (2)……… In this (3)………… he was never (4)………… for his services, and he never managed to earn much money He made (5)…………his mind to put an (6)……… to this One day, he was (7)……… by a young man who said to him “Oh doctor, I’m so glad to see you I’ve got a (8)……… pain in my left side” The doctor (9)……… to be interested and said “ Shut your eyes and stick your tongue (10) ………of your mouth” Then he went away, leaving the man standing in the street (11) ……… his tongue hanging out and a large (12)……… of people laughing at him VI Rewrite these sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it (3pts)

1 We believe that he will become rich some day -> Our………

2 Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t go camping -> The bad weather prevented…………

3 I walk away as calmly as I could so that they wouldn’t think I was a thief -> In case………

4 Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test -> As long as………

5 His fondness for the game increases with his proficiency -> The more………

6 The President is the statesman I admire most of all -> There is…………

VII Make a complete letter (2pts) Dear Julia,


4 I/wonder/you/like/go/see/film/play

5 There/be/new/Harrison Ford film/at/Odeon Perhaps/can go/meal/drink/afterwards Give/ring/later/week/arrange/more definite Look/forward/hear/you/soon



NĂM HỌC 2008-2009


(Đề thi có 03 trang)

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Họ tên thí sinh:

Ngày tháng năm sinh:

Số báo danh

Học sinh trường: Số phách

Họ tên, chữ ký giám thị 1:

Họ tên, chữ ký giám thị 2: CHỈ DẪN:

1 Đề thi gồm 03 trang Thí sinh kiểm tra số trang trước làm

2 Thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề thi (ghi câu trả lời vào đánh số phía đề mỡi phần)

3 Thí sinh giữ gìn cẩn thận làm

4 Nếu thí sinh làm sai, dùng thước gạch, không dùng bút tẩy màu trắng Thí sinh dùng bút màu xanh đen để làm Không dùng mực màu đỏ Giám thị khơng giải thích thêm

6 Thí sinh khơng sử dụng bất tài liệu kể từ điển




NĂM HỌC 2008-2009

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh lớp

(Đề thi có 03 trang)

Thời gian: 120 phút (khơng kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm Họ tên, chữ kí giám khảo Số


Bằngsố: Bằngchữ


Section A: Vocabulary and grammar

I Give the correct form of the verb in the bracket to complete the sentence.

a Marry (1 have)……… dinner when her friend called b I wish I (2 know)………….how to mend this shirt

c.Trung used (3 write)……… to his friends And now he (4.communicate) ……….with them through the Internet

d Hung and Tony (5 be)………… pen pal for three months e If I (6 be)………… a bird, I wouldn't want to live in the cage


f It (7 not rain)……….…… much in our country in the winter

g If you (8 read)……… in bad light, you (9 ruin)………… your eyes h That school (10 build)……….five years ago


6 10

II Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition

a Huong and her brother don't want to move to the new house They've lived here (1)… 10 years

b Thanh is very interested (2)……… playing piano c This room has been filled (3)……… smoke

d He is very brave He 's not afraid (4)………anything e Hoang is very good (5)……… drawing

f I haven't heard(6)………… you since you left here (7)…………the beginning (8)…….Mach



III Each following sentence has a mistake, underline and correct it on the box 1.When we were small, we used to finding wide animal in this forest

2 They haven’t visited us when they moved here Your house has just been built, didn’t it?

4 If we were at home next week, we will meet our old friends


IV Give the correct form of the word in bracket to complete the sentence a I am interested in (1)……… English at your language center (LEARN) b What is your (2)……… television program? (FAVOR) c He has a beautiful stamp (3)……… (COLLECT)

d The Ao dai is the (4).dress of Vietnamese women (TRADITION) e I' ve never seen such a (5) ……… painting (BEAUTY) f The Internet is a fast and covenient way to get (6)………… (INFORM)




I Choose the suitable word in the box to fill in each blank to complete the passage foreign give hear in

languages meaning newspapers useful Students of foreign (1)……… need a dictionary which contains all the words in common use (2) ………their own language and the one they are trying to learn, that is, the words they are likely to (3)………… in conversations and on radio, and those they will meet in the books and (4)…………they read Such dictionaries usually give the (5)……….of a word by translating it; and sometimes, but not always, they (6)…………translations of phrases and structures Dictionaries of this kind are useful to translators, but less (7)……….to earnest students of language than dictionaries which give meanings, explanations and examples in (8)……… language itself



II Read the text then answer the questions below WHERE DO WE GET THE NEWS?

Information about what has happened in the world, in our country, in our area, or even in our town comes to us in many ways People who can read often get their news from media Because many people in the world are illiterate, however, they get the news from their television or radio

Newspapers around the world are similar in many ways They all have news stories that tell people about the event of the day or week Often, papers have other purposes that are devoted to business, sports and maybe the lastest fashion news Papers usually appear weekly or everyday, but in some places they may only appear monthly Magazines are another way that some people get the news They are longer and usuaally appear slower Television and radio are two other ways of the news They get the news out faster than the newspapers and magazines, and they don't have to be read Radio and television stations broadcast the news several times each day

1 Where people who can read get the news?

……… How the illiterate people get the news?

……… What are the purposes of newspapers around the world?

……… Which is quicker? A newspaper or a magazine?


……… How many means of media are mentioned in the text? What are they? ……… ………

Section C: Writing

I Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to thefirst one.

1 The fire will go out if he doesn’t put more wood on

Unless ……… Astudent translated the books

The books ……… What a pity, I don’t know where he is

I wish

……… I started learning English years ago

I’ve ……… I’d like you to help me to put the chair away

Do you mind ……… ? She is tired, so she can’t join the trip

If ……… “ I am busy” Mary said to me

Mary told ……… If you not water the flowes, they will die

Unless ……… II Complete the sentences using sets of words given

1 Quang/ enjoy/ play/ piano //

……… Huong/ invite/ me/ her birthday party/ last week //

……… He/ used/ have/ breakfast/ home/ when/ he/ be/ small //

……… English/ speak/ many countries/ the world //

……… In the 18th century/ jean cloth/ make/ cotton //





Môn: Tiếng Anh

Thời gian: 90 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề)

Khóa ngày 03/04-02-2010

Họ tên thí sinh……… Số báo danh

Học sinh trường ……… ……… ============================================================================

Giám thị 1……… Chữ ký ………

Giám thị 2……… Chữ ký ……… ============================================================================

Phần 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại

1 A few B new C threw D knew

2 A teach B deaf C.reach D team

3 A walked B filled C died D played

Phần 2: Chọn từ có vị trí trọng âm khác vị trí với từ cịn lại.

4 A remote B wander C website D widely

5 A communicate B.experience C embroidery D inspiration

Phần 3: Chọn phương án thích hợp (A, B, C, D) để hoàn thành yêu cầu câu.

6 _ of the students in her class could finish the assignment yesterday A Neither B None C Either D Not much

7.” How long with you been with the company?” “ I there for two years” A will work B was working C worked D have worked

8 The teacher _the class into groups of three

A shared B turned C changed D divided They came and inforned us _ their dicision

A about B with C for D on

10 It’s late It’s time home

A we go B we must go C we went D we’d go 11 Sally turned in her report, _?

A does she B doesn’t she C did she D didn’t she 12 No one died in the accident, ?

A is he B isn’t he C did they D didn’t they 13 I finally finished at 7.00 pm and served the dinner A cooking B being cook C to cook D to be cooked 14 My uncle you met yesterday is a lawyer

A whose B whom C which D that

15 The pencil _I am writing is make in china

A with which B by which C.which D.that

16 My parents get up very early this morning _ pack the car for our journey


A so that B in order to C because D in case 17 I know I can _on my friends to help me

A depend B.devide C carry D call

18 What a pity! Lan can’t come with us We all wish she

A would B.could C should D can

19 Like Vietnam, Malaysia is a _country

A tropical B tropic C tropics D Tropically 20 Did he live in the country when he was young

A use to B used to C get used to D be used to 21 Neither the students nor the teacher come

A have B has C is D are

22 “ Susan, what would you _do tomorrow evening ?” A like B rather C better D ought to 23 “Someone is knocking at the door it be Mary?”

-“ It Mary To my certain knowledge she is in Moscow.”

A May/isn’t B.Could/can’t be C Is/can’t be D might/ may not be 24 What beautiful eyes _!

A does she have B she has C has she D she doesn’t has 25 Make exercise is a part your daily

A regularity B chore C routine D frequency 26 the storm, the ship couldn’t reach its destination on time A In case of B In spite of C Because of D But for 27 He completely _with what I said

A accepted B complained C agreed D argued 28 I finished my homework a few day ahead _the deadline

A of B to C by D at

29 He hurried he wouldn’t be late for work

A since B as if C unless D so that 30 If she rich , she would travel around the world A would be B is C has been D were 31 Mary was the last applicant

A to be interviewed B to be interviewing C to interview D to have interviewed

32 The cat was to wait for the mouse to come out of its hole A patient enough B so patient C enough patient D too patient

33 When _a dictionary, you need to be able to understand th symbols and the abbreviations it contains

A using B having used C to use D use 34 How can I know book is your? They are so alike

A what B which C this D the


C would be/ would take D were/ would take 36 You’ ve never been to Nha Trang, ?

A have you B haven’t you C you have D you haven’t 37 The smaller the room is, The furniture it need

A fewer B smaller C less D more

38 Who is the of the three girls

A pretty B prettier C more pretty D prettiest

39 The secretary to I talked didn’t know where the meeting was

A Whom B which C that D who

40 I have to be present at eight o’clock and so A are you B you C have you D you 41 He was offered the job _his qualifications were poor A despite B even though C.in spite D whereas 42 It was raining very , so I took an umbrella

A wet B badly C hard D firmly

43 Hurry up or you’ll be late school

A on B in C to D for

44 May I introduce you _Mrs Brown.?

A for B with C to D of

45 _the students in my class enjoy taking part in social activities A Most of B Most C Many D The number of

Phần 4: Chia dạng động từ ngoặc.

A I’m sorry I ( 46.not, finish)……… this work yet

B They like(47.chat) ……… They use the internet very often

C I(48.have) ……… a phone call while I (49.surf) ………the web


D The house where the dead man was found is being guarded by the police to prevent it from (50.enter) ………

E Mrs Paker (51 be) ……… a teacher of English for twenty nine

years She first (52.start) ……… teaching English at a small school

in the countryside After(53 teach) ……… there for ten years, She

(54 move) ……… to a big city

F They have lived in that house since it (55.build) ………

Phần 5: Mỗi câu sau có lỗi sai Hãy tìm lỗi sai sửa lại cho đúng.

56 She wishes she will go to the party with her sister tomorrow A B C D 57 I seldom visit art gallaries I am not interesting in art A B C D 58 In the past, Jeans wore mostly by working people A B C D



60 How wonderful! I’m amazing that I could win the first prize A B C D

Phần 6: Điền vào chỗ trống dạng từ cho in đậm

61 Are you fond of beauty

62 She will make _for us to see that famous singer 63 Mrs Smith is a good

64 He gets letters from people who have read his book

65 I want to this cake into parts

Nature Arrange Cook Regular division Phần 7: Điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau từ thích hợp( 01 mark)

It is not easy for adult students of learning English to improve their pronunciation Unlike children, adults often find it hard to change the(66) _they speak This is why adults have (67) _ difficulties in pronunciation than the children There (68) several things that international students of English can to (69)

Their pronunciation and to learn(70) well They can join an English pronunciation class or practice speaking listening to

English(72) speakers as much as possible Watching TV programs in English is also a good way (73) improving your pronunciation The best way to improve your(74) is to learn English in an English speaking country (75) _where you can learn the language as well as its culture

Phần 8: Chọn phương án thích hợp( A, B, C D) để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

Radar is an electonic device that can “see” great distance(76) fog, rain, snow, clouds and darkness It can find nad accurately(77) missiles, air-craft, ships, cities, rainstorms and mountains Radar uses radio waves (78) _light waves, which the human eye uses in seeing This (79) it likely for radar to locate many kinds of objects at great distances (80) than eye can see Radar became an (81) _ milatary device during world world II Today networks of radar look out stations guard the United States and Canada 24 hours a day (82) _ long-range missiles and airplanes Patrol planes and ships search the oceans (83) _ radar for hostile ships and air-crafts Airports use radar to (84) _ planes safely to earth in fog or storms Radar helps weathermen warn of (85) hurricanes and tornadoes

76 A despite of B despite C although D eventhough 77 A locate B locating C located D location 78 A instead B instead of C in spite of D despite of

79 A make B makes C D does


81 A import B importance C important D importantly

82 A against B for C to D with

83 A by B with C on D at

84 A guiding B guide C scouting D scout

85 A approach B approached C to approach D appoaching

Phần 9: Dùng từ gợi ý để viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi

86 Barbara cooks better than Mike does

Mike doesn’t

87 She asked, “ How many Japanese students are there in your class, Tom? “

She asked

Tom 88 I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning

I am used

to _ 89 Would you please give me a hand?

Would you

mind _? 90 I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly

If he didn’t

_ 91 Although he took a taxi, he arrive late for the concert

In spite of

_ 92 The suitcase is so heavy that I can’t carry it

It is

such _ _

93 Why don’t you ask her yourself?


suggest _

94 How long is it since you last saw Mary?


_? 95 The fight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours




Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo Hải Dương Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi tỉnh lớp năm học 2009 - 2010

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

Ngày thi: 28/03/2010. ( Thí sinh khơng sử dụng loại tài liệu gì)

A LISTENING (10 points)

Listen to three important inventions and fill each blank with a number or a word

1 Two Americans made the first jeans in………._. _ Women saw the picture of jeans in a………

3 The first television picture transmitted on 25 October, 1925 was a………

4 Felix Hofman invented the drug Aspirin at the age of……… .

5 In 1969 Aspirin was taken to the……… by the Apollo astronauts

B PHONETICS (5 points)

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group

6 A powder B beauty C harvest D immediately A signature B excellent C semester D necessary A reasonable B enjoyable C avoidable D traditional A consist B design C fashion D collect 10.A manufacture B tomorrow C development D employment


I Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence (10 points).

11.He has just taken an examination……… Chemistry

A on B about C for D in

12.Could you lend me some money? I’m very……… of cash at the moment

A short B scare C low D down

13.It is no use……… what has been done

A to regret B regretting C regretted D regret 14.To his way of thinking, London is a dull place………


15.I had no difficulty……… to her English

A listen B to listening C listening D to listen 16.I don’t believe……… he says

A however B whenever C whatever D wherever 17.Neptune is about thirty times as far from the Sun………

A like the Earth is B such as the Earth C where is the Earth D as is the Earth

18.The population of the world is growing at a dangerous………

A step B rate C measure D costs

19.His parents never allow him……… _

A smoking B smoked C to smoke D smoke 20.Her English was so……… as she used to be in an English speaking


A definite B fluent C wide D international

II Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences (10points).

21.The cost of the (CARRY) must be paid by the buyer

22.Unfortunately, you will be at a/an (ADVANTAGE) if you can’t drive

23.We were very (EXCITE) about the football match last night 24.Don't worry about the volcano It's been for years (ACT) 25.The water and land around the (CHEMISTRY) factory are

seriously polluted

26.I was too (SHAME) to tell the teacher about my stupid mistakes 27.We like the beauty of the city and the (FRIEND) of the people 28.My father gave up smoking because he knows it is very (HARM)

29.The tour guide always tries to make his guests feel (COMFORT) 30 Exercising daily will help you to work (EFFECT)

III Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correction (5 points).

31.You'll have to work hard to catch up for the rest of the class as they started studying before you

A B C D 32.In some countries children are put under great pressure by their parents

getting good exam results

A B C D 33.The study of these animals are truly fascinating, and many books have been

written about them


34.She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview A B C D



IV Match each sentence in column A with its suitable response in column B. Use each response once only (5 points)

36.Would you recommend a place for sightseeing?

37.Shall I take you to the station? 38.I'm feeling hot

39.Would you mind closing the front door?

40.Will she go to the meeting with us this afternoon?

A It's very good of you to offer but I'm expecting my cousin

B No, of course not C Yes, I'm sure

D I'd love to That's very kind of you E I think you should take your coat off


F How about Ha Long Bay? G Yes, I hope so

H In about half an hour's time


I Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, D best fits each space (10 points).

Man has always depended on plants (41)……… food and many other useful products For this reason, farming is one of the world's most important industries At first, (42)……… man did not know how to plant seeds and raise crops He (43)……… wild fruits and vegetables where he found them Then man discovered how to grow his own food He (44)……… seeds and waited for the crop to grow For the first time, he could be reasonably sure of his food supply He could settle down and set up shelters in the places (45) ……… he grew food

As populations began to increase, the (46)……… for food became greater Old-fashioned tools and farming methods were insufficient in (47) ……… the demand, so man cultivated more and more land and invented complicated machines to make his work easier Tractors replaced horses and other farm animals Scientists studied and (48)……… with plants They told farmers how to control plant diseases, and how to grow bigger and better crops Now one man, (49)……… a wide knowledge of plants and the help of machines, can cultivate hundreds of acres He can raise plants which did not originally grow in the soil or (50)……… of his community

41.A about B with C for D to

42.A early B initial C primary D original

43.A collected B gathered C assembled D amassed 44.A brought up B raised C grew D planted

45.A which B where C that D when

46.A demand B request C requirement D necessity 47.A taking B getting C meeting D achieving 48.A practiced B tried on C tested D


49.A on B in C at D with

50.A situation B condition C climate D weather


It is very important to eat well, especially (51)……… you're students If you are at school, you may go home (52)……… lunch, and have a cooked meal of meat or fish and vegetables Or perhaps you take some food with you to school, and eat it in the lunch (53)……… A chicken and lettuce sandwich, with some fresh fruit would be a light (54)……… healthy lunch Many people around the world eat plain, boiled rice two or three (55)……… a day

Students not often eat well when they are revising for an (56) ………., they eat chocolate and drink (57)……… of black coffee And by the (58)………, doctors say everybody should start the day (59) ……… a healthy breakfast It is (60)……… _good for you to drink a lot of water right through the day

III Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D (10 points)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research, the emission from car exhausts causes more deaths than road accidents The research found that one third of all harmful air pollution was caused by road transport, and that long term exposure to pollution caused estimated 21,000 premature deaths a year across the three countries, France, Austria and Switzerland This is much higher than the 9,947 who died that year as a result of road accidents

In addition, the researchers calculated that the car fumes caused 300,000 extra cases of bronchitis in children, and 15,000 extra hospital admissions for heart disease made worse by the pollution They calculated that the cost of dealing with all this was 27 billion Euros per year A lot of money goes into making cars safer, but not as much is spent solving air pollution

61.What is the main idea of the text? A Pollution and road accidents B Bad effects of car exhausts

C the necessity of making cars safer D The toll of road accidents

62.According to the passage,

A air pollution causes more deaths than road accidents B road accidents cause more deaths than car fumes C long term exposure to pollution is harmless D car fumes cause one third of premature deaths 63.Which of the following is not true?

A Car exhausts cause bronchitis and heart disease B Car fumes cause one third of all harmful air pollution C Each year road accidents cause 9,947 deaths

D More people died as a result of air pollution than road accidents 64.The money spent solving air pollution is

A 27 billion Euros per year B not able to calculate

C more than making cars safer D less than to make car safer

65.Which of the following is not mentioned as the bad effect of air pollution? A Causing illness in children



I Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (5 points)

66."Don't forget to your assignment, Jack.” said Jack’s mother

- Jack’s mother 67.I suggest you take part in the competition

- If I ……… 68.It was so late that they couldn't anything about this

- It was ………

69.Although I can't speak Chinese, I decide to settle in Shanghai - In spite ……….…

70.It is difficult for me to understand his dialect - I find ………

II Use the suggest words and phrases to write complete sentences of a passage. (10 points)

71.Jack London/ famous/ American writer//

72.He/ bear/ January 13th/1876/ San Francisco/ California// 73.family/ poor/ he/ have/ leave/ school/ make money// 74.He/ work/ hard/ different jobs//

75.Later/ he/ return/ school/ he/ not/ stay/ long// 76.1897/he/ go/ Alaska/ find/ gold/

77.There/ he/ find/ ideas/ books / stories// 78.He/ come/ home/ start/ write//

79.writings/ successful/ he/ become/ rich/ famous/ twenties// 80.poor health/ he/ die/1916/ age/ 40//

III Tet is the most important holiday in our country Write a letter to your pen pal to tell him/ her about it You should use the following information in your letter (10 points).

- Time of the holiday

- Acivities people before Tet - Acivities people during Tet

- The things you enjoy most about the holiday - …

Begin and end your letter as follows:

Dear Lan,




Class: Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9 Năm học: 2009 - 2010

Thời gian: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm thi Chữ kí giám khảo Số mật mã.

(Do lãnh đạo HĐ chấm thi ghi)

Question 1:

a- Choose a word that the way of spelling underlined sound is different from another.

1 A- thank B- than C- month D- youth

2 A- advantage B- adventure C- advertise D- addtion

3 A- main B- complain C- curtain D- entertain

4 A- good B- noon C- soon D- food A- sing B- morning C- long D- angry

b- Complete this report, putting the verbs in the right tense.

As I (1- get) … into my car my neighbour ( 2- shout) …… out of his front window and (3- ask)… me where I (4 - go ) … When I (5- tell) …… him I (6- go ) …… to town he (7- ask )… if I (8- can)…… give him a lift into work He (9- be ) …… afraid he (10- be ) …… late for work because his car (11- break down )…… and it (12- not start ) … I explained that I (13- not go ).… into town but I (14- can) …… give him a lift to the railway station

Question 2:

a- Fill each blank with correct form of the word given in capital letters.

1 He was ……… when he did the test badly HOPE We started our trip on a beautiful ……… morning SUN I enjoyed the book very much, because it was so ……… READ

4 What time you ……… start work ? USE

5 I really don’t think he has the ……… to this job ABLE

b- Find and correct the wrong form of verbs in the following sentences.

1 I enjoyed to listen to her song

2 The breaking glass was still on the floor He walked away without to look back

4 Most of people inviting to dinner were old friends We’re looking forward to visit London

Question 3: Fill in the blank with must, have to, or be to

1 “It’s eight o’clock The children …… go to bed”, Mr Brown said to the nurse


2 He told me that I …… learn by heart some twenty lines every day to know Enlish well

3 He …… stay the night with us because he was missed the last bus I …… start on my new job on Monday

5 She …… learn to things for herself I refuse to help her in future

6 He …… stay the night with us and tomorrow he sets off on his tour to Europe We …… begin as early as possible or we shan’t finish it today

8 My mother says that I …… not be out after 11 o’clock but I don’t have to hurry home because she herself is out playing bridge

9 My bike was under repair and I ……… collect it that afternoon 10 My bike is under repair and I ……… walk here this morning

Question 4: Fill in each blank with one suitable word.

The Browns live in the countryside Last week when they came up to London, they …1… their times in seeing as much as …2… Mrs Brown was most interested in stores, especially in Oxford Street, and bought some of …3… things which she could not find in the shops in the countryside Their two children, George and Susan, …4… had never been to London before, were surprised at the crowds everywhere They enjoyed travelling on the underground and going down the moving stairs …5… lead to the platforms

One day they went to Hyde Park and walked along on the grass to Kensington Garden in the bright autunm sunshine It was very quiet here Only the noise from the streets reminded them that they were still in a city The …6… of the tall trees were turning red, brown and yellow, birds were …7… about, sheep were eating the grass, there were …8… of flowers, and ducks were swimming about on the Round Pond George, …9… hobby was planes and boats, was very much interested in the model boats which boys were sailing …10… the Pond

Before the end of the week they had seen a great They hoped, however, to see more of London on their next visit

Question 5:

a- Choose the best answer

1 ……… he was sick, he still turned up for his guitar lesson

A Although B Because C Despite D Since The old man was very fond ………… telling stories

A to B about C of D for

3 They ……… haven't replied to the letter we sent two months ago

A still B yet C already D ever

4 His face looks …………., but I can’t remember his name

A similar B alike C memorial D familiar The fire officer is coming to …………the building tomorrow

A look B inspect C witness D watch

6 The boys hurt ……… when they injured down from the tree

A one another B each other C himself D themselves I’m sure they were …………lies


8 She’d rather die than ……… Peter

A she married B to marry C marrying D marry

b-Read the text below then choose the right sentence a, b, c or d.


It was a beautiful spring day: the sun was shining, the sky was blue In the centre of London a policeman cried He saw a man with a big lion They were walking down the street

“Hey,you!” he said “What are you doing here with this lion? You can’t walk around the streets with a lion Take it to the Zoo!”

“OK, officer I want to show Baby the town.”

The man opened the door of his car and the lion jumped in The car went away

The next day the police officer saw the same man and the same lion again “Hey, you!” he said.”Come over here! And bring that lion with you!” The man took the lion to the police officer

“What’s the problem, officer?”

“Problem? I told you yesterday to take the lion to the Zoo!”

“Oh, I did, officer, I took Baby to the Zoo He enjoyed it very much But today, I am taking him to the swimming pool !”

1 a- It wasn’t raining that day

b- A policeman saw a man with a dog in the centre of New York c- The man and his pet were walking along the park

d- The man didn’t have a car

2 a- The lion couldn’t get into the car, the lion was too big

b- The policeman took the lion to the Zoo and put the lion into the cage c- The man showed his pet the Zoo

d- The policeman was happy to see a man with a lion in the centre of London

3 a- The man had a baby It was a nice girl of three b- Baby was the lion’s name

c- The policeman told the man to show Baby the town d- The lion visited the London Zoo

4 a- The man could drive a car

b- The lion didn’t like the Zoo at all

c- The policeman took the lion to the swimming pool

d The policeman met people with lions in London streets every day a- The lion was the man’s pet

b- The man had a baby lion as a pet

c- The policeman showed the park and the school to the lion

d- When the policeman saw the man with the lion he got very hungry


1 I was very interested in our conversation It was interesting ……… Why did you that ?

Whatever ……… ? These bookshelves are my own work I made ……… I don’t play tennis as well as you You ………

5 I haven’t been to the dentist’s for two years It’s ………

6 Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress She never ………

7 I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university After ……… It’s not worth living to make her change her mind

There’s ………

The end



Ngày thi: 20/03/2009 Thời gian làm bài: 90phút (Đề thi gồm có trang)

Họ tên thí sinh:……… Số báo danh: ………

Chú ý: Thí sinh làm vào phiếu trả lời (có phát kèm đề)

_ Phần I: Chọn từ có phần trọng âm khác vị trí với từ lại

1 A advance B chicken C culture D foreign

2 A decorate B disappoint C festival D primary

Phần II: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại.

3 A feather B leather C feature D measure

4 A jeans B pants C shoes D ties

5 A audience B august C laugh D taught


Phần III: Chọn phương án thích hợp (A, B, C or D) để hồn thành yêu cầu của câu để thay phần gạch chân (

My penpal and I have once every month since 2004

A called B read C wrote D


Designers of Vietanmese Ao dai have taken from Vietnam’s ethnic monitory

A poetry B inspiration C material D thinking

At the to the village stands a big old banyan tree

A entrance B enter C fence D hedge

In my , the benefits of the Internet are undeniable

A head B belief C heart D brain

10 My brother was as the most effective activist in the school charity program

A chosen B appointed C invited D said

11 As the earth turns, half of the planet the sun, and the other half faces away

A meets B likes C enters D faces 12 That restaurant is dirty that few people eat in it

A so B such C very D too 13 You dislike playing basketball and table tennis, ?

A don’t you B you C won’t you D will you 14 The little boy stopped playing football and ran his mother, who has just come home

A for B off C after D towards

15 That was a ceremony

A prepared-well B well-prepared C prepare-well

D well-prepare

16 How wide is this street? –

A It’s 20 meters wide B It’s wide 20 meters

C It’s 20 meters in wide D It’s in wide 20 meters

17 Before I bought the jeans, I asked if I could them on

A wear B try C have D take

18 Here is the man my brother is going to

A who his daughter / marry B whose daughter /

marry with

C whose a daughter / marry to D whose daughter / marry


A in B on C of D at 20 I suggest we money to buy a new car

A save B to save C saving D to be saved

21 “I’m taking my first exam next week” – “ ”

A Cheers B Good luck C Well done D


22 I’m not accustomed up so early

A to getting B to get C by getting D get

23 I wish I work tomorrow

A won’t have to B don’t have to C didn’t have to

D needn’t

24 I must think that matter over carefully before I answer you

A remember B decide C consider D memorize

25 It’s necessary that every student of our class _ hard

A study B studying C to study D studies

26 My teacher arrived after I for her ten minutes

A waiting B was waiting C had waited D have


27 Nobody is ready to go, ?

A isn’t he B is he C are they D aren’t they

28 When tropical storm 120 kilometers per hour, it can damage a lot of things

A arrives B comes C reaches D runs

29 A: “What a lovely house you have!” – B: “ ”

A Of course not, it’s not costly B I think so

C Thank you Hope you will drop in D No problem

30 Remember the door before going to bed

A locking B to lock C locked D not locking 31 Many things which we can now couldn’t years ago

A B done C being done D be done

32.When I first visited Alaska, I couldn’t get used the cold weather

A with B to C for D in

33.Some of my friends are taking extra classes in English become tourist guides

A so that B so as C in order that D so as to 34.Peter and his friend were badly injured in the last match, so can play today

A both of them B either one of them C neither of them D not any of them

35.Nancy talks as if she everything

A knows B had known C knew D


36 There are a lot of people at my friend’s wedding party, only a few of I had met before

A who B whose C whom D which

37.You should have known that Anne could not keep a secret Never again her anything

A will tell B will I tell C I tell D I will tell 38. breakfast is the first meal of the day

A The B A C This D

39.We had a good time last summer

A enjoyed ourselves B had plenty of time C had enough time D had a useful time

40 I like school , but later I hate it

A at the first B at first C in the first time D in a first time 41 I must get that letter posted I must

A post it B have posted it C have it posted D have got it posted

42 Someone had thrown a lighted cigarette into a wastepaper basket In the passive voice, this should be read:

A A wastepaper basket had been thrown a lighted cigarette B A lighted cigarette had been thrown into a wastepaper basket C Someone had been thrown in to wastepaper basket

D A cigarette had been thrown into a wastepaper basket by someone 43.This is the first time I _ this Shakespeare’s novel

A read B have read C reading D to read 44.No one has ever asked me that question before

In the passive voice, this should be read:

A That question has ever been asked me by no one before B That question has never been asked me before by any one C I have not ever been asked that question before

D I have never been asked that question before

45.They didn’t understand the matter; , they didn’t ask for help

A but B however C moreover D and

46 “Do you want to go to work by bus or by train?” – “I by train” A would rather go B would rather to go C would rather going D would prefer go

47 Ha has money that he can’t afford to buy food

A so few B so many C so little D so much 48 The journey was rather long but really

A enjoy B enjoying C enjoyable D enjoyed 49 Do you know ?


50 She prefers

A going for a swim to study B going for a swim to studying C go for a swim to studying D go for a swim to study

Phần IV: Chia dạng động từ ngoặc.

51 His sister (give) a car for her twentieth birthday next year 52 I (read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now 53 He (elect) president of the football club at their last meeting 54 My room (not clean) yet

55 The house was very quiet when I got home Everybody (go) to bed 56 Many books (write) about the Second World War

57 The name of the new town (choose) by the committee tomorrow 58 Present day problems demand that we (be) ready for any emergency 59 You (not go) there because he did not expect you

60 You (walk) too fast That’s why you are tired

Phần V : Trong câu sau có lỗi sai Hãy gạch chân lỗi sai viết phần sửa lại vào bên phải

61 Martar along with her cousins from New York are planning to attend the festival

(61) _ 62 Since they had spent too many time considering the contract, the students lost

the opportunity to lease the apartment (62) _

63 We reached the nearest village after walk for five hours (63) _

64 Jane looked sadly and worried this morning I wonder what happened to her (64) _

65 The kitchen is not very big but there’s a lot of cupboards (65) _

66 Your brother hardly goes to work by bus, doesn’t he? (66) _

67 In case it may rain hard this afternoon, you should take the rain coat with you (67) _

68 He told me that his father had gone to Nha Trang by a comfortable coach the day before (68) _

69 She thinks disobeying parents and teachers are not good (69) _

70 Students who study abroad often have to confront cultural shock and homesick (70) _

Phần VI: Tìm dạng thích hợp từ cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng.


I am very (73 PRIDE) to be chosen for the (74 NATION) team

We often go to the town (75 CULTURE) house, which always opens on

(76 PUBLICITY) holiday

Al though the problems were rather (77 DIFFICULTY), they managed to

(78 SOLUTION) all of them

5 You can congratulate me on (79 HAVE) a good job My application has been


Phần VII: Điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau từ thích hợp:

Everyone wants to reduce pollution But pollution problem is (81) complicated as it is serious It is complicated (82) much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For example, exhaust (83) automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution But automobiles (84) transportation for millions of people Factories discharge much of the material (85) pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a large (86) of people Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertilizers and pesticide (87) important aids to the growing of crops Thus, to end (88) greatly reduces pollution immediately, people would have to (89) using many things that benefit them Most people not want to that, of course But pollution can (90) gradually reduced in several ways

Phần VIII: Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi cuối đoạn.

The culture of Vietnam is one of the oldest in the Southeast Asia region Although Vietnam lies geographically in Southeast Asia, long periods of Chinese domination and influence has resulted in the emergence of many East Asian characteristics in Vietnamese culture, and generally Vietnam is said to be a part of the East Asian cultural sphere, known widely as Chinese cultural sphere

Despite considerable foreign influence, Vietnamese people have managed to retain many distinct customs While Chinese culture has the largest influence on traditional Vietnamese culture, there is also a much smaller influence from the Cham and later Western cultures, most notably of France, Russia and the United States


Vietnam’s population in 2006 was 84,402,966, with a population density of 253 people per km2 Most people live in or near the densely populous Red

River or Mekong deltas

Due to the nation’s southward expansion throughout its history, along with the different climate and environment met by the settlers as they moved further south, slightly different regional cultures began to emerge, most notably between Northern and Southern Vietnam

91.The culture of Vietnam

A is the youngest in Asia B does not get any Asian characteristics

C was influenced by that of China D was greatly dominated by that of Western

92 Which culture has not affected the Vietnamese one?

A Of the United States B Of the United Kingdom C Of Russia D Of France

93 Vietnamese people

A cannot keep their own culture in their daily life B have many diverse nation customs

C highly appreciate the Western influence on their culture D failed to retain the native customs

94.Through history, Vietnam expended to the

A south B north C east D west

95 Which statement is true?

A The North and the South of Vietnam have the same regional cultures B The Mekong delta is more populous than the Red River one

C Red River delta is densely populous

D Vietnamese people not like living in the deltas

Phần IX: Hãy dùng từ gợi ý để viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi

96.Gary is the best guitarist in the class  No one else ………

97.Lan was sick but she still went to class yesterday  Despite ………

98.People think that doing morning exercises is good for health  It ………

99.Follow the instructions carefully and you won’t have any problems  As long as………

100 “I’m sorry, I gave you the wrong number” said Paul to Susan

Paul apologized………


102 The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the press  Nobody who…………

103 The garage is servicing my car on Monday

I am ………

104 She didn’t say a word as she left the room

She ………

105 She is too young to see that movie  She is………

=== THE END===

Full name: Class:

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Huyện

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9 Năm học: 2009 - 2010

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm thi Chữ kí giám khảo Số mật mã.

(Do lãnh đạo HĐ chấm thi ghi)

Đề số 5:

I / Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.

1 A easy B head C heavy D weather A airports B banks C shops D places

3 A run B truth C fun D summer

4 A woman B chosen C spoken D rode A fear B leather C dear D clear A method B television C engineer D electric A read B speak C threaten D team

8 A tin B tiny C thin D minute

9 A books B adults C classes D boats

10 A without B sixth C month D think II / Choose the word with the different stress pattern


1 A company B atmosphere C customer D employment

2 A abroad B active C address D attend

3 A wonderful B beautiful C colorful D successful A example B exercise C exactly D exporting A assistant B difficult C important D encourage

III/ Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given at the end of the sentence.

1 There is some new _ in the laboratory EQUIP Her broken arm is still PAIN He likes watching programs on TV ENTERTAIN

4 There are some _ between them SIMILAR , it was used by both men and women TRADITION The Internet is still _ to us COST

7 This book is very _ INFORM They know well the _ of learning English


9 Going to parties can be fun and _ ENJOY 10 How can we reduce air - ? POLLUTE

IV / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

1 Hardly believes your story

A : somebody B : anybody C : everybody D : all I know you won’t mind working with her, _ ?

A : I B : don’t I C : will you D : won’t you The old man can tell us where

A : does Peter live B : Peter lives C : Peter living D : does Peter live?

4 She acts as if she it perfectly

A : knows B : knowing C : knew D : to know

5 Thanks our English teacher, we have learnt many English songs

A : to B : for C : on D : none is correct

6 He has never been to England, ?

A : is he B : isn’t he C : has he D : hasn’t he In my school, we can choose between Art and Music They are _ A : compulsory B : optional C : interesting D : easy


A : unhappy B : happy C : happiness D : happily I _ books but I don’t read them any more

A : read B : am reading C : was reading D : used to read 10 The students are still playing on the field _ it is raining heavily A : though B : because C : but D : despite

11 Our house needs _

A : to paint B : paint C : painted D : painting 12 Be patient _ you won’t succeed

A : because B : or C : unless D : otherwise 13 Hoa couldn’t help _ when I told her the joke

A : laughing B : laugh C : to laugh D : laughed 14 I was named _ a wealthy relative of my mom’s

A : in B : on C : from D : after

15 The teacher them the answer to the question

A : explained B : said C : discussed D : told

V / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage :

I had a very (1) _ summer vacation last year My cousin took me to her house in the east of Hai phong We went (2) _ train from Hanoi to Hai phong Then we (3) _ a bus to her house.(4) the first day we went to visit many beautiful places in the city The next day we went (5) _ in the mountain We (6) up a big mount and had a wonderful view (7) _ the top of the hill In the distance we could see the sea, too Then we visited a (8) of a Vietnamese heroine and enjoyed the fresh air there I was very (9) _ when it was time to go back to my house I was really looking (10) to the next summer when I could visit my cousin again

1 A : exciting B : thrilling C : dangerous D : boring

2 A : on B : for C : by D : of

3 A : drove B : bought C : brought D : took

4 A : From B : To C : At D : On

5 A : picnic B : camping C : holiday D :


6 A : climbed B : went C : walked D : got

7 A : on B : at C : in D : from


VI / Rewrite each of the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same :

1.I lived in Hanoi before, but I don’t live there any more => I used

……… The last time she went out with him was months ago

=> It is

……… It’s believed that the man escaped in a stolen car

=> The man is ……… We have a six o’clock deadline for this work

=> This work must……… I had better get back to work

=> It’s time

……… When did you first know him?

=> How long

……… The school uniform must be worn every day

=> The students

……… The car was so expensive that I couldn’t buy it

=> The car was

……… These boys find playing soccer after school exciting

=> It’s

……… 10 They have to repaint their house today

=> Their house needs ………

VII / Read the passage and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False Tick T for True and F for False.

Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847 His family moved to Michigan when he was seven years old Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self- educated His natural curiousty led him to start


Thomas lit up the world with his invention of the electric light He also invented the photograph, the motion picture camera and over 1,200 other things

Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18 in Jersey He left numerous inventions that improved the quanlity of life all over the world

T F Thomas Edison invented the electric light _

2 He was born in Michigan _ _

3 Thomas almost learnt by himself _ _

4 He had more than 1,200 inventions in his life _ _

5 Thomas died in Jersey in 1934 _ _

VIII / Make up sentences using the given words

1 sister / not strong / participate / race

……… ……

2 Everest / high / Mount / world

……… ……

3 They / not able / finish / game / badminton / because / heavy shower

……… ……

4 children / look / going / circus

……… ……

5 Hoa / like / watch TV / , / not keen / kind

……… ……


-Full name: Class:

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Huyện

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9 Năm học: 2009 - 2010

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm thi Chữ kí giám khảo Số mật mã.

(Do lãnh đạo HĐ chấm thi ghi)

Đề số 4:

I / Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.

1 A measure B decision C pleasure D permission A call B cut C cell D. contain A push B full C sugar D bus

4 A are B stare C care D dare

5 A bet B get C decide D set

6 A boat B coat C broad D road A chapter B chemist C cheese D rich

8 A grow B brown C cow D how

9 A visited B called C divided D invited

10 A think B that C three D


II / Choose the word with the different stress pattern

1 A medium B computer C formation D connection A national B cultural C popular D musician A successful B humorous C arrangement D attractive A apartment B tradition C different D expensive A tomorrow B continue C popular D informing

III/ Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given at the end of the sentence.

1 My father gave up smoking because he knows it’s _ HARM It was very of you to leave your bag on the bus CARE


3 We like to live in a quiet and _ village PEACE I received a lot of _ from my parents


5 He usually thinks about his 50 years ago CHILD They like the beauty of the city and the of the people


7 It’s important for the children to get a good EDUCATE

8 Mr Huy is a very strict _ EXAM

9 My friend is very HELP

10 He is the most person in my family SUCCESS

IV / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence

1 The examination will be held _ January 4, 2010

A : at B : on C : in D : from

2 Why is it difficult for us to _ to the Internet ?

A : surf B : respond C : suffer D : get access In the 1990s, the sale of jeans ended going

A : up B : on C : over D : into

4 All the _ were failed in the written examination

A : exams B : examiners C : examinees D : examination The equipment in our school needs

A : to modernize B : modernized C : modernizing D : modernization Lao is famous for its hot _

A : industry B : area C : climate D : food He read this book last night, ?

A : doesn’t he B : didn’t he C : hasn’t he D : isn’t he Are they used up early in the morning?

A : to get B : get C : to getting D : getting The teacher let me _ home early because I had a headache

A : go B : going C : went D : to go

10 There is a river across his village

A : running B : lying C : flowing D : reaching 11 What did that man say ?


A : visit B : visited C : have visited D : visit to 13 The train arrived _ Hue station at pm

A : in B : on C : at D : to

14 When I was a student, my mother me to school

A : takes B : is taking C : was taking D : used to take

15 The children were into four groups for the game

A : separated B : separating C : separate D : to separate

V / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage :

Sarah always (1) her work when she gets home (2) school She also makes sure that she does her homework (3) _ she goes out to play In class, Sarah is very (4) she pays attention(5) all her teachers and always put (6) _ her hand to answer their questions As a result, Sarah (7) gets high marks in her examinations She (8 ) been first in class (9 ) _ two years now She hopes to continue (10) _ the best student in her school

1 A : B : does C : revises D : revise

2 A : at B : to C : in D : from

3 A : when B : before C : after D : while

4 A : attend B : attentive C : attentively D : attention

5 A : to B : with C : for D : at

6 A : in B : on C : at D : up

7 A : seldom B : hardly C : usually D : never

8 A : is B : will C : was D : has

9 A : in B : for C : since D : later

10 A : to be B : being C : have been D : be

VI / Rewrite each of the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same :

1.The test is so long that I can’t finish it in time => It’s

……… They haven’t played tennis for almost years

=> They stopped


=> It takes

……… I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night

=> I

wish……… He wants people to call him Sir

=> He wants

……… He doesn’t take any exercise; that is why he is so unhealthy

=> If he

……… All his suits were made in Paris

=> He had ……… I’ve never tasted soup before

=> This is ……… When did you start learning English?

=> How long ………? 10 They haven’t decided the exact time yet

=> The ………


VII / Read the passage and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False Tick T for True and F for False.

Singapore is an island city of about three million people It’s a beautiful city with lots of parks and open spaces It’s also a very clean city

Most people live in high- rise flats in different parts of island The business district is very modern with lots of high new office buildings Singapore also has some nice older sections In Chinatown, there are rows of old short houses The Government buildings in Singapore are very beautiful and date from the colonial days

Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants There are many good shopping centers Most of the goods are duty free Singapore’s restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable T F There are three and a half million people in Singapore


3 The Government buildings have just been built

4 The houses in Singapore are very small

5 Most of the goods are expensive

VIII / Make up sentences using the given words

1 Sister / not cook / well as / mother

……… ……

2 How long / him / finish work ?

……… ……

3 Mr An / stop / cigarettes / years ago

……… ……

4 Rice / export / countries / world

……… ……

5 boys / interst / film / so/ not go to bed

……… ……

The end



NĂM HỌC 2007-2008

Mơn: Tiếng Anh lớp 12

Thời gian: 180 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 18 tháng 12 năm 2007

Số phách:

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Đề gồm 08 trang Được đánh số thứ tự từ 1-8 Các thí sinh kiểm tra cẩn thận số trang đề thi trước làm bài.

Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi


Listening (4đ) Số câu Điểm tổng cọng Q (2đ) 0,25đ/ câu

Q (2 đ) 0,25đ/ câu


Grammar and Vocab (12 đ)

Q (5đ) 0,25đ/ câu Q (2,5đ) 0,25đ/ câu Q (2 đ) 0,25đ/ câu Q (2,5 đ) 0,25đ/ câu


Reading (12đ)

Q (5 đ) 0, 25đ/ câu Q (2,5đ) 0,25đ/ câu Q (3 đ) 0,25đ/ câu Q.4 (1,5đ) 0,25đ/câu


Writing (12đ)

Q (4 đ) 0,5đ/ câu Q (4 đ) 0,5đ/ câu Q (4 đ)

Tổng điểm Điểm ghi chữ: ……….

Chữ ký GK ……… ; Chữ ký GK 2: ………


Question Listen to three people inviting friends to events and activities Complete the table Do the friends accept the invitations? You will hear the tape twice: (2 pts)

Event/ Activity Day Time Accept? (Tick (√)

Jake and Paula … movie … (1)


(2) …… …… X … Lucy and


(3) ………… (4) ………… (5) … … (6) …… Rich and Ed (7)


… Saturday …


Question Listen and circle the best answer for question 1-3 Then fill in the survey for Erica from Question 4-9 Some has been done for you You will hear the tape

twice (2pts)

1. This is ……… a. an interview

b. a telephone conversation c. a casual conversation 2. The people talking ………

a. are sisters b. are friends

c. not know each other 3. Erica’s lifestyle is

a. very unhealthy b. pretty healthy c. very healthy

4. What kind of exercise you do?




Other tennis

5. What you to relax?



Hanging out

Other …

6. Which of the following you eat?





7. How often you drink alcohol?




8. How often you smoke?



Never 9. When you go to bed?

Before 9:00



After 12


Question Circle the letter of the best answer (5 pts.):

1 Don’t be silly! That possibly be Madonna!

A mustn’t B shouldn’t C won’t D can’t

2 No sooner had we started the picnic the rain began pouring down!

A than B when C that D and

3 You really shouldn't buy that car I know the engine is fine, but most of the bodywork has been away by rust

A eaten B dissolved C crumbled D erased


A am leaving B leave C will leave D shall leave By the time Brown’s daughter graduates, retired

A he B he has C he’ll being D he’ll have ……… you try, you can never get them all right

A How hard B However hard

C For as hard as D So hard as On he had won, he jumped for joy

A telling B he was told C being told D having told earlier, I would have done it for you

A Had I known

B If I knew C Did I know D By knowing 10.Conservationists are worried that many potentially valuable of

plants and animals are threatened with extinction

A examples B brands C variations D species 11.He had an excellent grade in his examination _ the fact that he

hadn't worked particularly hard

A in spite of B although C because of D on account of 12.It was in this house ………

A where I was born

B in which I was born

C that I was born D I was born in 13.Did the man by the committee accept the job?

A appointing B appointed C was appointed D to appoint 14.I have two horses ……… of them run very fast

A All B Each C Both D One

15.The child was told to for being rude to his uncle

A excuse B apologize C confess D pardon 16.“John found it difficult to adjust to Libya.”

“For one thing, ……… is a difficult language to learn.” A Arabic B the Arabic C the language


D Arabics language

17.Some of you may have already completed section one ………., you can go on to section two

A If so B If you C If you may D If not 18.When I was young, everyone in the family gather together at

home for Christmas

A would B used C was used D use

19.When his daughter returned after midnight for the third time, Henry decided to down the laws and refused to allow her out at all

A set B put C hand D lay

20.Now ' s a time to tell me you are going out this evening - I've spent the whole day preparing supper for you


Question Use the proper tense/form of verbs in parentheses Write your answer in the space provided (2,5 pts.)

The world is getting warmer and the oceans are rising Why ……… this (1 happen) One answer is that it could simply be part of a natural process After all, there (2 be) ice ages and long periods of warmth, so we could just (3 experience) another warming trend This kind of answer (4 have) more supporters a few years ago What scientists now (5 believe) is that human activity is the cause For more than two hundred years, human ……… gradually (6 change) the atmosphere, mainly as a result of industrial pollution We (7 create) an atmosphere around the earth that, like a giant glass container, (8 let) heat from the sun through and then (9 hold) it in ……… temperatures and sea levels (10 keep) rising? The general answer is unfortunately yes

Question Correct the mistakes in the use of determiners and quantifiers in this text There is an example for you (2pts):

I read a newspaper article about some of Spanish boys who got lost while they were hiking in Scotland One of boys fell and twisted the ankle badly so he couldn’t move Most them stayed with injured boy while two the older boys left to find help However, this two boys didn’t know where to go and, after walking round in a big circle for a few hours, ended up back with his friends Luckily, each boys had brought some water and food with him, so all them managed to survive a cold wet night out of doors They were rescued the next day

Example: some of Spanish boy → some Spanish boys

1 ……… →


2 ……… →


3 ……… → ……… ……

4 ……… →


5 ……… →


6 ……… →


7 ……… →


8 ……… →


Question Read the text below Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.(2,5 pts)

One thing I know is that I wouldn't like to have an occupation OCCUPY

that has anything to with physics,(1) or maths;


I am not the(2) type at all In fact at school, I was a


complete(3) in these subjects Neither am I very


good at dealing with people, nor am I(4) , so jobs in


business, administration and (5) don't really interest


me either Moreover I find it (6) to be surrounded by


a lot of people; I would much rather have a job involving creative work or (7) skills of some sort I would like to have the


chance of work outdoors (8) and perhaps a bit of


traveling too I am not (9) concerned about becoming


rich but I would like to have a (10) income enough to


live comfortably


Question Fill each gap in the passage with one suitable word (5 pts.)

Last Wednesday, Mary went to a concert with her friend Julia The concert- hall was on the other side of the town and so they decided to (1) home early They caught the bus and arrived long (2) the concert was due to start There was a café nearby so they went in Mary ordered a sandwich and coffee but Julia decided to have a hot meal While they were waiting to (3) served, Mary looked (4) her handbag for the tickets to check what time the concert (5) begin

To (6) dismay, she discovered that the tickets were not there! Then she remembered that she (7) left them on the table at home She told Julia (8) had happened and said she would go home to get the tickets She promised to be (9) before the concert started


she (12) to wait a long time for (13) one She was just beginning to despair (14) she saw a taxi, which she signalled to stop Giving her address to the driver, she jumped (15) , and fifteen minutes later she was home “Wait for me,” she said and ran into the house Mary picked (16) the tickets from the table and the taxi-driver drove her straight back to the café

Julia had just finished her meal Together they hurried out of the café and walked quickly to the concert-hall, (17) they arrived hot and (18) of breath Mary showed the tickets to the man at the door, (19) looked at them carefully and then (20) them back “I’m sorry,” he said “”These are for next Wednesday.”

Question Read the text and Table below Complete this text with these words plus of where necessary (2.5 pts)

a great deal few many most twelve times

a third fewest more ninety per cent


I read several studies about dating In one American study, the researchers asked a large number of college students about arranging a date They focused on dates arranged by women (see Table 1) (1) ……… the students preferred hints In a hint, for example, the woman mentions that she has noticed something about the man or seen him somewhere If he talks to her, she can pay (2) ……… attention to him and act as if he is very interesting Then maybe she can say that she’d like to talk to him again These types of hints were preferred by about (3) ……… the students

About a third of the women said they wanted to wait for the man to ask But only three per cent of the men wanted that This means that almost (4) ……… as many women as men think that this is a good idea Such a large difference suggests that a lot of women are waiting and hoping for something that very (5) ……… men will This may be one of the (6) ……… reasons why students think it is hard to get a date

Another reason may be their different opinions about asking directly “Asking directly” was chosen by the (7) ……… women More men, almost (8) ……… them, liked this approach In fact, in another study I read, (9) ……… college men said that if they were asked directly, they would say “Yes.” An example of asking directly was: “I have some tickets for a concert Would you like to go with me?” In my opinion, this example may not provide reliable evidence about dating The man may want to go to the concert and say, “Yes,” but he may not like the woman Is this a date? I don’t think so I believe that we need (10) ……… these studies to find out if men and women define “date” in the same way




Men agree Women agree

ask him directly 30% 2%

……… give him a hint 67% 63%

……… wait for him to ask her

3% 35%

Question Read the following passage and circle the most suitable word for each space: (3 pts)

According to a magazine article I read recently, we (1) live in an age of increasing leisure Not only are more and more people reaching retirement age with their taste for enjoyment and even adventure relatively (2) but the working week is becoming shorter and the opportunities for leisure are becoming greater and greater all the time Not to mention the fact that people (3) _ to spend less time traveling to work or may even be working from home What I can't understand, however, is who these people are As far as I can (4) the whole thing is another one of (5) journalistic fictions I admit that there are a lot of retired people (6) _ but I am not sure that all of them are dashing about learning hang- gliding or sailing single-handed (7) _ the world My own parents seem to (8) _ most of their time gazing at the television And as for the shorter working week, I wish someone (9) remind my company about it I seem to be working longer and longer hours all the time The little leisure time I have is eaten into by sitting in the traffic jams or waiting for trains to

(10) _ up at rain-swept platforms I haven't noticed any dramatic

improvements in my (11) _ either, but perhaps I just have to wait until I get my (12)

1 A presently B at the moment C now D at

this time

2 A present B survived C free D


3 A use B tend C have D demand

4 A concern B imagine C expect D tell

5 A the B those C these D some

6 A in our days B in these times C nowadays D now and again

7 A round B over C through D into

8 A have B use C save D spend

9 A would B to C had D might

10.A keep B line C show D set

11 A cost of living B lifestyle C lifeline D livelihood

12 A pension B retirement C insurance D


Question You are going to read a magazine article about pollution of the atmosphere Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A-H) for each part (1-6)

of the article There is one extra heading which you not need to use There is an example for you (1.5 pts)

A Before ozone existed B Repair gets slower C People ignore warnings D Ozone hole a certainty

E The future is our responsibility F The function of the ozone layer G Delay reactions

H Humans to blame

Strange results

In September 1982, Dr Joe Farman, a British scientist working in the Antarctic, found that a dramatic change had taken place in the atmosphere above his research station on the ice continent His instrument, set up to measure the amounts of a chemical called ozone in the atmosphere, seemed to go wild Over just a few days they recorded that half the ozone had disappeared

0 D

He couldn’t believe his eyes, so he came back to Britain to get a new instrument to check his findings But when he returned the following year at the same time, the same thing happened He had discovered a hole in the ozone layer- an invisible shield in the upper atmosphere- that turned out to extend over an area of the sky as wide as the United States and as deep as Mount Everest is high When he published his findings in scientific journals, they caused a sensation Scientists blamed pollution for causing the ozone hole


The ozone layer is between 15 and 40 kilometres up in the atmosphere, higher than most aero planes fly This region contains most of the atmosphere’s ozone, which is a special form of the gas oxygen Ozone has the unique ability to stop certain dangerous invisible rays from the sun from reaching the Earth’s surface-rather like a pair of sunglasses filters out bright sunlight These rays are known as ultra-violet radiation This damages living cells, causing sunburn and more serious diseases The ozone layer is vital to life on the surface of the Earth


Until the ozone layer formed, about two thousand million years ago, it was impossible for any living thing to survive on the surface of the planet All life was deep in the oceans But once oxygen was formed in the air, and some of that oxygen turned to ozone, plants and animals could begin to move on to land



from refrigerators and aerosols to fire extinguishers, and floating up into the ozone layer and destroying the ozone The most common of these gases are called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)


The damage is worst over Antarctica, and near the North Pole, where scientists have seen small holes appear for a short time each spring since 1989 So far, these holes have healed up again within a few weeks by natural processes in the atmosphere that create more ozone But each year, it seems to take longer for the healing to be completed Also, all round the planet, there now seems to be less ozone in the ozone layer than even a few years ago


The first new international law to stop people making or using CFCs was the Montreal Protocol, agreed by most of the world’s governments in 1987, Since then, there have been new controls on other chemicals that destroy ozone The problem is that it takes roughly eight years for CFCs, which are released when an old fridge is broken up, to reach the ozone layer That is why, despite all the cuts, ozone holes were deeper than ever around both the North and South Poles in 1993 Amounts of CFCs in the atmosphere will continue to rise for anther five years, say scientists


Every year, the atmosphere will attempt to repair damage to the ozone layer caused by our pollution But we are stretching its capacity to recover to the limit If we stop using all ozone-destroying chemicals within the next five years, it is likely to be at least the middle of the 21st century before the ozone hole stops

forming over Antarctica each year And, if we are to survive, we all have to face the problem now


Question Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (4 pts.)

EXAMPLE: I expect that he will get there by lunchtime ANSWER : I expect him to get there by lunchtime

1 I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back Hardly ………

2 While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time

Despite my ………

3 My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known

I’ve ………

4 Her hobby is one thing that she doesn't intend to give up She has ………

5 Nick told one of the detectives that he had taken the cashbox

Nick admitted ………


By the time we sell the car, ………

7 The room wasn’t only cold, it was also very damp

Not ………

8 They were seasoned travelers, which we hadn't expected them to be!

Contrary ………

Question Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce complete sentences from the following sets of words and phrases Note carefully from the example what kind of alterations need to be made Write each sentence in the space

provided (4 pts.)

EXAMPLE : Andrea/ get along very well/ new job

ANSWER : Andrea is getting along very well in her new job

1 Jane/ promise/ keep in touch/ us/ Australia//


2 My brother/ work at a bank/ for the time being/ later/ try to find/ job/



3 They/ advantage/ hospitality/ stay/ whole week/ without/ pay// ………

4 I/ be used/ get up early/ don’t mind/ leave/ o’clock/


5 He/ used to/ go hunting/ forests/ younger//


6 She/ furious/ he/ take/ notice/ her//

7 castle/ date/ 9th century

8 Sheep/outnumber/ people/ New Zealand/ twenty to


Question As a part of a new series, an educational magazine has invited readers to write articles called How and why I started learning English Write an article of

150-200 words based on your own experience (4pts.)

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………


……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ………

……… ……

……… ……

……… ……

……… ……


-Full name: Class:

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Huyện

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Năm học: 2009 - 2010

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm thi Chữ kí giám khảo Số mật mã.

(Do lãnh đạo HĐ chấm thi ghi)

Đề số 3:

I / Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.

1 A were B verb C where D person A though B brought C thought D ought A much B mum C student D subject A daughter B laugh C taught D caught A sure B sugar C sing D mission A promise B advise C surprise D realise

7 A busy B thus C must D bus

8 A slow B nobody C do D go

9 A dictation B repetition C station D question

10 A bury B nurse C hurt D curly

II / Choose the word with the different stress pattern

1 A successful B interest C arrangement D disaster

2 A competition B repetition C equipvalent D disappointment A regret B selfish C purpose D preface

4 A writer B teacher C builder D career A morning B college C arrive D famous

III/ Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given at the end of the sentence.

1 I’d like a nice orange JUICE I believe you because I know you are TRUE The _ she gave last night was marvellous PERFORM A letter should always end with the of the writer SIGN

5 There is no between the two boys COMPARE Thanks for your INVITE


7 It has become almost a _ topic of conversation DAY He usually writes _ for our newspaper POET

9 We like the of our city BEAUTIFUL 10 He was very _ of the work he had done PRIDE

IV / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence

1 Islamic people usually go to the _ to pray

A: pagoda B : mosque C : temple D : church The unit of _ used in England is pound

A : money B : change C : currency D : bank – note This small dictionary 75,000 words

A : makes B : uses C : comprises D : consists The mirror was _ broken

A : accident B : accidently C : accidental D : by accident Is there anything you’d like me to get you ?

A : else B : more C : anymore D : extra These shoes don’t you They are too small

A : suit B : match C : pass D : fit Travelling by air is not cheap And it isn’t interesting A : either B : neither C : too D : also Leonardo Di Capro is famous a film star

A : by B : to be C : for D : as We won’t go out it stops raining

A : if B : if not C : unless D : when 10 My father told me careful when I went out at night

A : being B : to be C : be D : have been 11 I prefer apples _ oranges I hate oranges

A : to B : than C : as D : from

12 He said he _ a friend at the restaurant that day

A : is going to meet B :meets C : is meeting D : was meeting 13 I’m looking _ to seeing you

A : to B : at C : in D : forward

14 Nobody understands what they say, ?

A : they B : don’t they C : does he D : doesn’t he 15 If I became rich, I _ travel around the world

A : will B : can C : could D : used to

V / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage :


can just choose the right sports channel There he can enjoy a broadcast of an ( )

football match (7) _ it is actually happening Television is also a very useful way (8) _ companies to advertise their products

It is too hard for us to see why (9) _ is a TV set in almost every home today And, engineers are developing interactive TV ( 10) _ allows communication

between viewers and producers

1 A : appeared B : invented C : came D : happened

2 A : late B : later C : ago D : before

3 A : cheap B : expensive C : popular D : impressive A : goods B : news C : things D : places

5 A : sure B : certain C : case D : example

6 A : internation B : international C : internationly D : internal

7 A : as B : so C : and D : or

8 A : of B : in C : for D : with

9 A : it B : this C : that D : there

10 A : who B : which C : what D : it

VI / Rewrite each of the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same :

1.My father is too old to learn how to drive

=> My father is “ If I were you, I wouldn’t trust Peter” Mary said to John

=> Mary advised She can’t have any more children because of her age

=> She is too We spent hours getting to London by plane

=> It took Walking in the rain gives him pleasures

=> He enjoys

6 Travelling by plane is much more expensive than travelling by train => Travelling by train We’ve run out of milk

There They got lost because they didn’t have a map

If they He couldn’t repair the broken vase

The 10 Everyone heard about the accident before I did I was


Marie was born in Poland in 1876 She learnt to read when she was years old She was intelligent and had an excellent memory She finished high school when she was only 15 years old When she grew up, Mary went to Paris to study Mathematics and Chemistry at the University She won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 and years later she received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry Marie Curie died in 1934


1 Marie could read earlier than other children _ She finished high school in 1893 _ She had Nobel Prizes _ She studied in a university in Poland _ Marie died when she was 68 years old _

VIII / Make up sentences using the given words

1 It / me / hours / complete / report

Brother / say / be / good / student / class

3 We / use / get up / early / morning

How much / you / spend / watch TV / everyday?

5 Mai / wish / can get access / internet

The end

-Full name: Class:

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Huyện

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Năm học: 2009 - 2010

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm thi Chữ kí giám khảo Số mật mã.

(Do lãnh đạo HĐ chấm thi ghi)


Đề số 2:

I / Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.

1 A near B hear C heart D appear A intermediate B immediate C medium D medicine A carriage B city C car D corn A heard B earn C team D learn A food B poor C mood D shoot

6 A window B tow C flow D now

7 A gymnastics B got C enlarge D bridge

8 A third B fire C first D sir

9 A dozen B close C both D so

10 A weight B height C eight D vein

II / Choose the word with the different stress pattern

1 A cartoon B western C teacher D theatre

2 A design B mention C poetry D modern

3 A beautiful B important C delicious D exciting A education B development C economic D preparation A cinema B position C family D popular

III/ Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given at the end of the sentence.

1 That singer looks very _ FASHION He had an accident because of driving _ CARE What is the _ of your street ? LONG She has one of the biggest in Britain COLLECT I’d like to book a _ to Bangkok FLY

6 These shoes look smart but they are _ COMFORT Could you repeat that ? EXPLAIN He lives in a _ house WOOD My father is the of this newspaper EDITION 10 Many people are _ in watching news INTEREST

IV / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence

1 You must leave now you will be late for school

A : if B : unless C : and D : or


A : because B : so C : but D : and

4 When I’m away from home, I my parents very much A : miss B : remember C : forget D : love

5 it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat A : If B : Since C : Because D : Although People in big cities are afraid _ traffic jams

A : of B : up C : off D : on

7 What are you doing, Lan ? I’m my pen

A : turning on B : wearing out C : looking for D : going on Let’s _ after a hard working week

A : rest B : relax C : go shopping D : A & B

9 I bought you a new car, would you be very happy ?

A : When B : As C : If D : Whether

10 You like watching sports, don’t you ? - A : Yes, I like B : I think so C : No, I hate it D : I’m the opposite 11 I suggest you should _ the windows in the summer A : to open B : opened C : open D : opening 12 “Let’s go to the pop concert !” – “ _”

A : All right B : We go C : Yes, please D : You’re going 13 People use the Internet many different purposes

A : on B : in C : with D : for

14 I’m clever, _ ?

A : don’t I B : am not I C : are I D : aren’t I 15 My class is divided four groups

A : in B : in to C : on D : for

V / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage:

Nowadays, more and more people are changing the (1) _ they use their televisions When television was new, we (2) turn (3) and watch whatever there was The fact that it was on TV was (4) for us to think it must be enjoyable But no that it is part of every life We choose the program we watch ( 5) more carefully We remember that we have many (6) _ interesting things to As we watch (7) programs, we want to be sure that we will have a really good (8) , with bright colors, and (9) _ we are really interested, we want really clear sound Of course, for higher (10) _ , we have to pay more

1 A : course B : way C : reason D : cause

2 A : use to B : was use to C : used to D : was used to

3 A : off B : out C : on D : over

4 A : enough B : too C : so D : such


8 A : picture B : view C : sight D : seen

9 A : in spite of B : though C : because D : because of 10 A : quarter B : quantity C : quality D : qualification

VI / Rewrite each of the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same :

1.We had to wait hours for Peter

=>Peter kept Although they played well, the team lost

=> Despite the fact She didn’t say a word as she left the room

=> She left the room I’d rather not see him tomorrow

=> I don’t We haven’t been to a football match for years

=> It’s Hoa is the cleverest student in the class

=> Nobody “ Don’t forget to phone your teacher” The mother said to her son

=> The mother reminded They believe he is a good inventor

=> He is We won’t go away if the weather is bad

=> Unless 10 If I were you, I’d look for another job

= > I suggest

VII / Read the passage and then decide whether the statements that follow are True or False Tick T for True and F for False.

In the center of Southeast Asia is the nation of Thailand ( the former name was Siam ) It’s surrounded by Burma, Cambodia, Laos, the Gulf of Siam, and the Andaman Sea

In the northern part of the country, there are mountains with forests and very fertile land In the south, there are rain forests where you can find tigers and monkeys, for example In general, the weather is hot, humid, and tropical The weather is controlled by monsoons, which are heavy rains that occur at certain times of the year These heavy rains come from the ocean

The most important exports of Thailand are rice, rubber, corn, and tin In fact, Thailand is one of the world’s leading exporters of rice



in the north of Thailand _ 3.We may conclude that in the southern

part of Thailand it never snows _ Thailand’s biggest export is rubber _ The rains which come from the ocean

are called monsoons _

VIII / Make up sentences using the given words

1 I / suggest / use / public buses/ instead / motorbikes

2 I / not able / phone her / not have / phone number

3 Tourists / really impress / beauty / city

4 They / invite him / join / party / restaurant

5 He / late / last night / so / tired / sleepy

The end

-Full name: Class:

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Huyện

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Năm học: 2009 - 2010

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm thi Chữ kí giám khảo Số mật mã.

(Do lãnh đạo HĐ chấm thi ghi)

Đề số 1:

I / Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.

1 A Butter A put C sugar D push A Where A winter C wrong D warm

3 A Few B new C threw D knew

4 A Far B glasses C have D can’t A Pretty B get C send D well

6 A Close B chose C lose D rose


7 A Watches B practises C misses D grapes

8 A Home B hour C horn D high A break B steak C meal D great

10.A but B cut C sun D put

II / Choose the word with the different stress pattern

1 A permission B computer C million D perfection A scholarship B negative C develop D purposeful A document B comedian C perspective D location A polictics B deposit C conception D occasion A prepare B repeat C purpose D police

III/ Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given at the end of the sentence.

1 They want to visit some places in Hanoi FAME In some countries, is free EDUCATE This television program is very _ INFORM Do you have a _ costume in your country ? NATION More than a thousand workers are here EMPLOY We are waiting for the _ of his plane ARRIVE Our school has excellent _ REPUTE He should read the _ well before using it INTRODUCE The President was a very man POWER 10 That old village is very PICTURE

IV / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence

1 The English textbook _ of ten units

A : comprises B : includes C : has D : consists have you known her ?

A : How often B : How long C : How long ago D : When No one can the benefits of the Internet

A : agree B : accept C : deny D : refuse She that we should help the poor

A : said B : suggested C : told D : A & B

5 They couldn’t pass the final _ because they didn’t work hard A : course B : exam C : academy D : institute

6 “ Thank you very much” – “ _”


9 I look forward to hearing _ you

A : of B : to C : from D : about

10 How much time you spend TV everyday?

A : watch B : watches C : watched D : watching 11 Let’s sing a song, _ ?

A : doesn’t it B : we C : will us D : shall we 12 Please turn _ the volume I can’t hear the news well

A : on B : up C : down D : off

13 Lan wishes she Malaysia next summer vacation A : visited B : can visit C : could visit D : will visit 14 They arrived Hanoi last night

A : on B : at C : to D : in

15 Buddhism is a/ an

A : religion B : region C : group D : association

V / Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage:

Not so long ( 1) , in many countries, children went to school wearing a school ( ) Boys wore a white shirt and a tie, a dark jacket, gray pantsand black shoes Girls (3) to wear a white blouse and a dark, knee- length (4)

_ Today, in many countries, students have a very different kind of (5)

_ They wear tennis shoes, jeans, and a T- shirt (6) a hot day students might even come to class in a pair of (7) _ Teacher in the past (8) _ never have allowed these students in to their class At that time, the men teachers used to wear a suit and tie, and most (9) teachers wore a dress or skirt But when you look inside a classroom today, it is sometimes (10) _ to tell who are the teachers and who are the students!

1 A : time B : before C : after D : ago A : cloth B : bag C : uniform D : clothing A : have B : had C : used D : ought

4 A : shirt B : skirt C : pant D : dresses

5 A : hat B : shirt C : skirt D : uniform

6 A : in B : at C : on D : for

7 A : shoes B : trousers C : sandals D : shorts

8 A : should B : had C : could D : ought

9 A : man B : woman C : girl D : women

10 A : difficult B : easy C : uneasy D : possible

VI / Rewrite each of the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same :

1 I think it would be a good idea to take the bus


2 He prefers going out for a meal to having dinner at home => He’d rather The last time I played football was in 2005

=> I haven’t She asked : “ Why hasn’t he phoned ?”

=> She wondered The play was so boring that he fell asleep

= > It was Sarah is better at English than Mary

=> Mary isn’t People say that he is very rich

=> It is

8 They are having a lot of trouble now because they lost their passports lastweek => If they

9 It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning

=> Getting 10 How long have you lived here ?

=> How long ago ?

VII / Read the passage and then answer the questions :

Zamenhof invented a new language called Esperanto to improve understanding between people of different countries He showed Esperanto to his friends to find out what they thought about it Later in the same year he went to study at a university in Moscow He wanted to improve Esperanto Zamenhof’s friends then worked hard to spread the new language They tried to persuade schools through out the world to teach it However, only a few people today speak Esperanto because more and more people use English as a foreign language

1 What did Zamenhof invent Esperanto for ?

2 Who helped Zamenhof to spread Esperanto?

3 How widely is Esperanto spoken nowadays ?

4 Is Esperanto as old as English ?

Why did he go to Moscow to study ?

VIII / Make up sentences using the given words


2 You / hurry / or / be late / school

difficult / me / work / rain

People / use / think / earth / square

Internet / wonderful / invent / modern life

The end

-Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo Bắc Giang Đề thức

Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Tỉnh năm học


Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9

Ngày thi: 28/03/2010 Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút

Điểm bài thi

Bằng số:……… Bằng chữ:

Giám kháo


Giám khảo


Lưu ý: - Bài thi gồm 04 trang, thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề thi. - Thí sinh khơng sử dụng loại tài liệu nào.

Section A: Phonetics (10 points)

Part I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. Circle A , B , C or D.

1 A gymnastics B got C enlarge D bridge

2 A worm B worse C more D work

3 A meat B leader C heat D sweater

4 A good B mood C noon D pool

5 A hurt B nurse C bury D curly


Part II Choose the word that has the stress on a different syllable from the rest in each group.

1 A education B community C development D unbreakable A exciting B important C delicious D beautiful A recreation B entertainment C literature D information A natural B department C exception D attentive A performance B industry C importance D provision

Section B Grammar and Vocabulary (35 points)

Part I Choose the correct answer, circling letter A , B , C or D.

1 Has the committee a decision yet?

A given B made C done D arrived

2 the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished

A Until B In C By D On

3 her five dresses, she likes the red one best

A Of B In C From D Among

4 Because of the bad weather, we had to put our picnic until next weekend

A out B away C up D off

5 By the year 2015, the world population biilion people A will reach B reaches C will have reached D reach We are destroying our environment by adding more to it

A pollutes B pollutants C pollutives D pollutions He tried to explain the reason he got to class late yesterday

A for which B of which C in which D by which

8 We didn’t remember our document into our removable disk so we have lost all now

A saving B to be saving C saved D to save There is a crowd of students for the lecturer outside the lecture hall

A to wait B waiting C to be waiting D are waiting 10 The storm was on Thursday of that week

A the B x C a D an

Part II Read the following passage then give the correct form/tense of the verbs in brackets.

Although some groups of people (1 always live) outdoors in tents, camping as we (2 know) it today (3 begin) to be popular about 50 years ago The increase in the use of cars and improvements in camping equipment (4 allow) more people to travel longer distances into the countryside and (5 stay) there in greater comfort


Whether campers are separate in the mountain or on a busy site, they should remember to keep the area clean and tidy In the forests, they must put out any fires and keep food hidden to avoid (10 attract) animals

Part III Give the correct form of the words in capital in brackets.

1 It’s forbidden to destroy (HISTORY) buildings

2 ( FOREST) is a big problem for the government to solve

3 The cultural and historical sites in Kyoto and in the (SURROUND) _areas have been given appropriate care and maintenance

4 Burning coal is a(an) (ECONOMY) _ way Burning gas is cheaper I’ll give you some directions with the map (ENCLOSE) _

6 He told his father a seemingly (CONVINCE) story to explain his lateness but his father didn’t believe him

7 It was not easy to understand her (ACT) to the situation I forgot to renew my (MEMBER) in the sailing club John likes a lot of dishes of Vietnam, (SPECIAL) _

10 We would like to talk to a student (PARTICIPATE) _ in most activities of the school

Part IV Fill in the blank with one preposition.

1 Nobody helped him to this work He managed to it his own He has a new solution the problem

3 Do you know any songs the Beatles? His attitude his job is very negative

5 I’m just going out to some shopping I’ll be back half an hour

Section C Reading comprehension ( 30 points)

Part I Read the pasage carefully then answer the questions below it.

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu ended the Indochina War Today Dien Bien Phu is a tourist destination Many visitors are battle veterans or members of their families As well as visiting the battle site, tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Muong Thanh Valley, visit the neighboring villages, and share the hospitability of the local people

Most of the people who live in the area are members of the Thai or H’Mong ethnic minorities However, they not depend on tourism alone to live As Dien Bien Phu is only 30 kilometers from Laos border, it is an important trading center Food leaves here for Laos and Thailand and goods arrive back to provide for the northern provinces of Vietnam


1 What did Dien Bien Phu use to be?

Who visits Dien Bien Phu?

Do tourists come to Dien Bien only to visit the battle site?

Why is Dien Bien Phu an important trading center?


5 Do people in Dien Bien Phu depend on tourism or on trading to live?

Part II Fill in each space in the following passage with one suitable word

Miss Darby was one of those people who never threw anything away “You never know when you might need it” was (1) of her favourite sayings She lived (2) herself in a large Victorian house across the road from us (3) _ I never went to her house, I knew it was full of antique furniture, Persian carpets and so on In every room, there were dozens of paintings so that her house was (4) _an art gallery I remember my father (5) _ that she was a “Straffordshire Darby” but I (6) _no idea of what he meant I (7) out years later that the Darby family had made their money from coal-mining in Straffordshire We used to make (8) stories about her My sister, Alice, (9) was a romantic girl, told us that Miss Darby once had a lover, but he walked out one day and she (10) saw him again!

Part III. Read the passage then choose the correct answer to each question Circle A, B ,C or D

The play now on at the New Theater as part of the Eastern Arts Festival is not among the best plays for which the director, Army Fielding, has been responsible.The action takes place in the home of Professor Spear One night his landlady comes to the house for a chat After inviting her in, the professor hears a sound and thinking it is a burglar coming to rob the house, fires his gun By mistake the wrong person is shot and the thief gets away The scene of the second act is a law court, in which everyone waits to find out if the professor is guilty of murder

I did not care for the acting in some cases Norman Jones is normally seen in some comedies and it is not satisfactory as the professor He doesn’t look like a wise old man Also Simon Fry, as the servant, shouted at the top of his voice through the play The hit of the evening, however, was James Smith as the judge On the whole, the play appeared to be a little out of date I can think of many other plays which would have been more suitable for a group of clever young actors to perform The play continues until the end of the month

1 The passage is from .

A a review of the play B an instruction to a book

C a letter D an advertisement

2 What is the writer trying to ?

A To give advice to the writer of the play B To warn people not to go and see the play C To give his own opinion of the play

D To persuade the director to change the play

3 The writer’s opinion about the play is that . A there were not enough actors for the parts

B the actors would have performed better in a modern play C the play was being performed at the wrong time of the year D the play was a comedy but the audience did not find it amusing

4 The writer thought the actor who played the professor was unsatisfactory because . A he made the audience laugh too much


C he had the wrong kind of moustache D he was not clever enough to play the part

5 Who, among the four following persons, will probably enjoy the play ?

A “I don’t care much for serious subjects I like comedies, especially about the young Norman Jones is great, so young and lively I like the way he jumps about the stage He can never stand still.”

B “I only like going to the theatre when there is something on with a lot of songs Simon Fry is a good singer I saw him in a show last year I hope he’ll be singing again when I next go to the theater.”

C “I really prefer plays with a good story I like to wonder about what to happen in the end I’m a great fan of James Smith.”

D “I prefer modern plays This director did one that I liked last year There were a group of actors on a bare stage without any scenery It showed what is wrong with modern society.”

Part IV Read the pasage then choose the word or phrase that best fits each space by circling A, B , C or D.


It is said that what one (1) _considers beautiful may not be beautiful to another (2) _ beauty is something that (3) _not only to the eyes, but also the other senses I think true beauty makes you see beyond the lovely sight It will give you insight or realization of something (4) beyond the appearance

When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their (5) _attractiveness Of course, a beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to (6) _ But I find that the most memorable ”beautiful people” are those who have good personalities behind their pretty faces

(7) kind of beauty in people that attracts us greatly is what known as the inside beauty People with this kind of beauty have attained inner peace They usually care about their fellow -man, and try to right the justice in this world As you know, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa are well-known for these personalities

In fact, around us, we know many people who are always ready to lend (8) _to people in trouble Many people in our city provide (9) _of floods in Mekong Delta, the disabled or the poor with clothes, money and food Many young go to rural, mountainous or island areas to help people there We greatly admire the beauty of these people because they make the world better This inner beauty gives a certain radiance to their looks

In short, everyone has (10) _ idea of beauty, and we need to have things, people and places of beauty in our everyday life Do you think so?

1 A individual B persons C people D member

2 A With me B For me C To me D Of me

3 A pleasant B pleases C pleased D pleasing A interesting B interested C interest D interestedly A physic B physics C physist D physical A look for B look after C look at D look in

7 A Another B Other C Others D Anothers


10 A his own B our own C their own D her own

Section D: Writing (25 points)

Part I. There are ten mistakes in the following passage Find them and write your corrections in the numbered space provided.

It is very important for use water carefully Here are some way you can use less water First, you should be surely you turn of the faucets tightly They should not drip in the bathroom or kitchen sink Second, you should not keep the water on in a long time You should turn it off while you are doing something else It should be off while you are shaving or washing your teeth It should also be off while you are washing the dishes Final, in the summer you should watering the garden in the evening That way you willl not lose a lot water During the day the sun dries up the earth too fastly

1 10

Part II Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it Use the words given and not change their form.

1 We won’t get to the airport in less than 20 minutes (take)

Carol finds it very easy to make friends (difficulty)

3 There was no one for him to talk to (had)

Thanks for your help and encouragement, I have my life as today (But for)

I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not (mind)

Part III.Rewrite the sentences so that the meanings stay the same.

1 The teacher started to write the lesson plan right after he returned home from work -> Hardly I only recognized him when he came into the room

-> It was I must thank Jane and Alice for their presents

-> I must send He stayed home because he got a cold

-> He came down They haven’t written to each other for almost two years

-> They stopped

Part IV.Complete the sentences using the given words Make any changes if necessary.

1 I/ want/ have/ that suit/ clean/ iron/ before/ meeting

Many foreigners/ be/ not/ accustomed/ cold weather/ Vietnam


3 Because/ heavy rain/ many students/ be late/ class/ yesterday

My brother/often/ spend/ spare time/ read /books/ watch/ television

One/ disadvantages/ living here/ lack/ public transport

The end




NĂM HỌC 2009 - 2010


ôn :Tiến

g Anh

Ngày thi: 26/1/2010

Họ tên thí sinh : Nam ( nữ ) … Ngày sinh : tháng năm Nơi sinh : Học sinh trường : Đang học lớp: Thi hội đồng coi thi :

Họ tên chữ ký giám thị

Số phách

(do chủ tịch hội dồng chấm thi ghi)

Giám thị số … Giám thị số 2:

Chú ý:

-Thí sinh phải ghi đầy đủ phần theo hướng dẫn giám thị -Thí sinh khơng ký tên hay dùng ký hiệu để dánh dấu thi (ngồi việc làm theo yêu cầu thi)

-Bài thi không viết mực đỏ, bút chì, hai thứ mực Phần viết hỏng ngồi cách dùng thước để gạch chéo, khơng tẩy xố cách khác (kể bút xố)





NĂM HỌC 20009- 2010


ôn : Tiến

g Anh

Ngày thi: 26/1/2010

(Thời gian làm 150 phút không kể thời gian giao đề) S ố phách:

Điểm thi Họ tên chữ ký

Giám khảo 1: Giám khảo : ………… Bằng số Bằng chữ

Thí sinh làm vào tập để thi

A/ Listening

Listen and complete the conversations Use the expressions in the box -How you

-Nice to meet you

-It’s pleasure to meet you -I’d like to meet you -Come and meet Hoa: Hello, Nam Nam: Morning, Hoa

Hoa: Nam, (1)……….……… my cousin, Thu Nam : (2)………, Thu

Thu: Nice to meet you too, Nam

2 Khai: Miss Lien,(3)……… ……… my mother Miss Lien: (4)……….………., Mrs Vi

Mrs Vi: The pleasure is all mine, Miss Lien


talk to him Mrs Vi: Certainly

3 Ba: Bao, (5)……… … my grandmother Bao: Hello, ma’am

Grandmother: Hello, young man

Ba: Bao is my classmate, Grandmother Grandmother: What was that?

Ba : Classmate! Bao is my classmate Grandmother: I see

4 Mr Lam: Isn’t that Lan’s father, my dear? Mrs Linh: I’m not sure Go and ask him Mr Lam: Excuse me Are you Mr Thanh? Mr Thanh: Yes, I am

Mr Lam: I’m Lam, Nga’s father

Mr Thanh: (6)………

B/ Reading

I Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word

Nam is a (1)… at Pham Hong Thai secondary school He (2) … in class 7A He (3) ….to school six (4).… a week, except Sunday His classes (5)… at seven o’clock and (6) … at a quarter past five in the afternoon At school, he (7)… a lot of subjects, such (8).… Math, Literature, English, Chemistry, and so on…

……… 2… …… … 3……… 4……… 5……… 6……… 7……… 8………

II Read the passage the answer the questions.

My name is Huy and fishing is my favorite sport I often fish for hours without catching anything But this does worry me Some fishermen are unlucky Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish I am even less lucky I never catch anything, not even old boots After spending the whole morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag “You should give up fishing”, my friends say “It’s a waste of time” But they don’t know that I’m not really interested in fishing I’m only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!


1 What is Huy’s hobby?

……… When he goes fishing, what does he often catch?

……… When does Huy usually go fishing?

……… What his friends advise him?


5 Where does he sit to fish?

……… What does Huy when he fishes?


C Vocabulary - Grammar

I Find and correct one mistake in each sentence from A, B, C or D.

0 After Son had returned to his house, he was reading a book A B C D

D was reading read

1 Nam hasn’t finished the work yet, and Ba hasn’t neither A B C D

……… After Tom ate dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed


……… Mai and her sister studied biology last year and so does Nam


……… Having lived here for 10 years, Ba is used to speak English with all his classmates A B C D

……… George is enough intelligent to pass this economics class without help


……… He was drink a cup of coffee when the telephone rang


……… These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time


……… There is some scissors in the desk drawer in the bedroom if you need them A B C D


II Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 This house (build) 30 years ago

……… Tom (watch) TV at last night

……… She asks me (tell) about him for several times


4 Please be quite! I (work)

……… Up to now the teacher (give) us tests

……… Would your children mind (keep) quite for a moment? - I am trying to fill the form ……… Remember (send) a post card when you reach Ha Noi

……… He'll leave as soon as he (hear) the news


III Give the correct form of the word in bracket to complete the sentences.

1 Don’t put too much ……… in what the papers say ( confident ) I’ve never had such a ……… meal in my life (taste)

3 The sudden ……… of a policeman caused the thief to run away.(appear) Peter has a great stamp ……… (collect)

IV Complete the sentences with the prepositions given.(about, at, for, with, from, on) I can see you ……… Monday

2 I'll never see her……… the beginning of the week She always agrees ……… every thing he says I apologize ……….keeping you waiting

5 She always borrows money ……… me She always upsets …… the news

D Writing

I Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meanings.

1 Going fishing with friends and family is fun

It … ……… ……… Children often give their mothers flowers on the Women’s Day

Children’s mothers ……… I am very busy I can’t go with you

If … ……… ……… “How many teachers are there in your school?” Lan asked

Lan asked … The last time I saw him was in 2004

I haven’t……… The joke was funny, but no one laughed


7 What is the cost of this book?

How Na likes swimming but she doesn’t know how to swim


II/ Complete the letter with the words or phrases given.

Dear Mary,

1 Thank you/ invite/ me/ your wedding party

I/ afraid / not be able to/ come

We / have/ many things / do/ this week

Boss / ask / me/ work overtime

I / promise/ so/ and / have to keep / promise

I / wish/ can go/ party

If / I / be/ there/ all of us / have / good time

I / think/ you / when I / type/ piles of letters

I / hope / your party/ successful

10 I / wish / happy returns







NĂM HỌC 2009- 2010


ôn :Tiến

g Anh

Ngày thi: 26/1/2010

A/ Listening

( 0,5 ms x = ms) I’d like you to meet Nice to meet you I’d like you to meet

4 It’s a pleasure to meet you Come and meet

6 How you

B/ Reading

I Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word (0,25 ms x = 2) student is goes days

start/begin finish/end learns as

II Read the passage the answer the questions (0,5 marks x =3)



3 Huy usually goes fishing in the morning His friends advise him to give up fishing He sits on the boat to fish

6 He doesn’t anything (He does nothing)

C Vocabulary - Grammar

I Find and correct one mistake in each sentence from A, B, C or D (0,25 ms x 8=2) D: hasn’t neither => hasn’t either

2 A: ate => had eaten

3 D: so does Nam => So did Nam (Nam did, too) C: used to speak => used to speaking

5 A: enough intelligent => intelligent enough A: was drink => was drinking

7 C: we => us A: is => are

II Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (0,25 ms x = 2) build => was built

2 watch => was watching tell => to tell

4 work => am working give => has given keep => keeping send =>to send hear =>hears

III Give the correct form of the word in bracket to complete the sentences. (0,5 ms x = 2)

1 confidence tasty

3 appearance Collection

IV Complete the sentences with the prepositions given. (0,25 ms x = 1,5) I can see you on Monday

2 I'll never see her at the beginning of the week She always agrees with every thing he says I apologize for keeping you waiting.

5 She always borrows money from me She always upsets about the news

D Writing

I Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meanings. (0,25 ms x = 2)


2 Children’s mothers are often given flowers on the Women’s Day (Flowers are often given to children’s mothers on the Women’s Day)

3 If I am not busy, I will go with you.(I won’t go with you if I’m busy) Lan asked me how many teachers there were in my school

5 I haven’t seen him since 2004

6 Although the joke was funny, no one laughed

7 How much is this book?/ How much does this book cost? Na wishes she knew how to swim

II Complete the letter with the words or phrases given. (0,25 ms x 10 = 2,5) Dear Mary,

1 Thank you for inviting me to your wedding party I am afraid I am not able to come

3 We are having/have many things to this week The/My boss (has) asked me to work overtime

5 I promised/have promised to so and have to keep my promise I wish I could go to the party

7 If I were there, all of us would have a good time (together) I will be thinking/ think of you when I type these piles of letters I hope your party will be a success

10 I wish you many happy returns Love,


Sở Giáo dục Đào

tạo Hà Nam

Kỳ thi chọn Học sinh giỏi năm học 2009-2010

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9 Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút

Điểm thi

Họ tên người chấm thi số 1: Bằng sô:

Họ tên người chấm thi số 2: Bằng chữ:

Question I: Give the correct tense / form of the verbs in the brackets ( 2.0 p)

Dear Mary,


I (3 be) in London for three months and I (4 enjoy) life here very much I (5 work) hard since I (6 arrive) and everyone (7 be) kind to me

You said you (8 come) to see me this Christmas I hope you (9 not change) your mind Let me (10 know) what date you are thinking of arriving

With love, David Your answer: 1……… ……… 2……… ……… 3……… ……… 4……… ……… 5……… ……… 6……… ……… 7……… ……… 8……… ……… 9……… ……… 10……… ………

Question II: Use the correct form of the word ( 2,0 p)

John watched a (1 document) on TV last night It was all about the problems (2 threaten) our environment He was shocked to find out how little he knew about (3 globe) warning or acid rain He had heard the term before but he knew (4 practical) nothing about the damage they cause to our planet He feels he should something to be (5 help).He would like to join an (6 organize), but he doesn't know which one to join He has seen so many (7 advertise) in newspapers that he can't make up his mind However, he believes that it is (8 acceptable) not to be environmentally aware and he is (9 hope) that one day everyone will be part of a world movement to save the earth He was sure that in this time of (10 technology) advances, we find some way to solve the world's problems

1……… ……… 2……… ……… 3……… ……… 4……… ……… 5……… ……… 6……… ……… 7……… ……… 8……… ……… 9……… ……… 10……… ………

Question III: Choose the best answer from four choices ( A, B, C or D ) given to complete each sentence ( 3.0 p)


A Whatever B What C Which D That Is Mary a friend of ?

A you B your C yours D you're

3 Vietnamese people are always proud Vietnam's traditions and customs

A in B of C on D at

4 London is the city I have visited several times

A in which B where C in that D which

5 If the weather fine tomorrow, we on a picnic

A is/go B is/will go C will be/go D will be/will go My father has gone to Japan last week

A for B since C on D in

7 It's time for us for our examination

A study B studying C studied D to study

8 Although we are far away from each other, we still so often

A keep in touch B say hello C keep on D keep together They wish they have to work hard to earn money

A couldn't B can't C don't D didn't

10 their being poor, they are very self-confident and generous

A However B Although C Because D Despite 11 Our old house 20 years ago

A build B built C was built D had been built

12 Is she teacher in your school?

A good B better C the best D best

13 Their made the party atmosphere warmer

A friendly B friendliness C unfriendly D unfriendliness 14 Nam: Would you like a glass of beer?


A No, let's not B No, I don't C No, thanks D No, I wouldn't 15 Nam: Congratulation! You have got high marks in the last term


A It is kind of you to say so C I'd love to say so

B Really? Never say so D You're welcome

Your answers:

1 10 11 12 13 14 15

Question IV: There are 10 mistakes in the following passage Underline and correct them (2.0 p)


because of there is not much traffic The people here are much friendlier than those in a city If someone has a problem, there is always people who can help However, one thing I don't like about Henfield is that there's not much to in the evening We haven't got any cinemas or theaters But I still prefer village life for life in a big city

Your answer:

Mistakes Correction Mistakes Correction

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Question V: Fill in each numbered blank with the most suitable word (2.0 p)

Tourism was not always as important as it is today In the past, wealthy people could travel on vacations to other countries But more people travel today in the past because there is a growing middle class in many parts of the world People now have more money for travel Special airplane fares for tourists make travel expensive and attractive than ever before One person does not travel for the reason as another But most people enjoy seeing countries that are different their own They also like to meet new people and new foods

Tourism causes many in a country and in people's People build new hotels, restaurants and train men, women as tour 10 to show tourists interesting places There are new night clubs and other attraction for visitors to entertain International tourism is really a big business

Your answer:

1……… ………

2……… ………

3……… ………

4……… ………

5……… ………

6……… ………

7……… ………

8……… ………

9……… ………

10……… ………

Question VI: Read the passage; Then choose the best answers (2.0)


Smith and he asked me up to his room (4) coffee (5) room looked nice with comfortable chairs We talked a little and then he (6) me his story

" A long time (7) I was young artist and came to France where I was traveling from place to place making sketches One day, I met two French artists (8) were also moving from place to place making sketches and I joined them We were as happy (9) we were or as poor as we were happy, as you like it."

"Claude and Carl-these are the names of those boys-were always in good spirits and laughed at poverty We were very poor We lived (10) the money which we got from time to time for our sketches "

1 A interest B to interest C interested D interesting

2 A at B of C for D up

3 A in B about C for D as

4 A drink B to drink C drinking D drank

5 A ị B Â C An D The

6 A told B said C spoke D asked

7 A next B up C ago D before

8 A why B whom C whose D who

9 A as B more C than D less

10 A about B in C against D on

Your answer:

1 10

Question VII: Read the passage; Then choose the best answers (2.0p) A NOBLE GIFT

One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statute of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France The great statute, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour By 1884, a statute which was 151 feet tall, had been erected in Paris The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America By the end of October 1886, the statute had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their home in America

1 The Statute of Liberty

A is the most famous monument in the world


D is among the most famous monuments in the world The Statute of Liberty

A was sent to America in 1884 B was sent to America in 1885

C was sent to America in 1886 D was never sent to America The Statute of Liberty

A was sold to the USA by the French people

B was given to the American people as a present by the French people C was presented to the USA in the 18th century by the people of France.

D was designed and constructed according to the order placed by the French sculptors The Statute of Liberty was first erected

A in New York

B on an island at the entrance of New York Harbour

C in Paris

D in Eiffel Tower The Statute of Liberty was made of

A copper

B copper with metal framework

C concrete

D concrete with metal framework

Your answer:


Question VIII Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (2.5 p)

1 I didn't have enough money, so I didn't buy that laptop

 If "I must study hard for my next examination"

 She said They won't allow you to go in the house

 You The man standing over there is my uncle

 The man who Nobody finished their exercises on time

 Their exercises The explorer was Christopher Columbus and he discovered America

 The explorer In spite of his good learning condition, he doesn't study well

 Although Let's go swimming tomorrow afternoon

 How Mary doesn't speak English so well as Jane


10 The switch was too high for him to reach

 He wasn't tall

Question IX: Write a short passage (150-200 words) about our environment (2.5 p)

You should write about the real situation, the pollution and the causes of pollution and what we should to protect our environment Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments.

The End



Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) —————————

Lưu ý: Đề thi gồm 04 trang. PART A - LISTENING

I You will listen to a conversation between two friends As you listen, answer the questions below You will hear the talk THREE TIMES Write your answers on the answer sheet.


1 Who is Mike talking about?

What was the first complaint about Mike?

Question 3-7: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.

3 Mike often talks about A his difficulties at his house B finding a place to live in C the parties he went to D his friend’s house

4 Mike wants to move, but he wants to live

A alone B in a quiet place C near the school D with his parents How many people live in Tom’s house besides Tom?


6 The expenses which Tom and his housemates share not include

A food B rent C light D heating

7 If Mike goes to live with Tom, he will likely have _

A more food B more expense C more noise D more freedom

Question 8-10: Write NO more than three words.

8 What day is it when Tom and Mike are talking?

On what date will Jane leave her room?

_ 10 When is Mike moving into the house?



II Choose the best answer from the four options (marked A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence below Identify your answers by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet.

1 My little brother enjoys museums and art galleries

A visiting B seeking C traveling D collecting Thousands of people came to see the Queen the rain

A according B owing to C in spite of D although Though she was very tired, she went on

A work B to work C working D to working

4 That part of the park _ several times this year

A is repaired B has been repaired C was repaired D repaired After a lot of difficulties, he to open the door

A succeeded B obtained C realized D managed


A on the other hand B even though

C otherwise D consequently

7 Mr Jones, _ I was working, was very generous about overtime payments

A he B for whom C for him D whom

8 Candidates should note that the _ for entries for the examination is 2nd December.

A deadline B term C period D closure Mary said that she would go to Manila

A tomorrow B.the previous day C yesterday D the following day 10 They were very when they choose the members of the team

A selected B selective C selectively D selection 11 _ flowers made of paper or plastic can be bought from the market

A Genuine B Artificial C Natural D Counterfeit 12 Everybody was surprised because he went to the party without _

A inviting B invited C being invited D to invite 13 Just when I thought I _ to set the alarm clock, it went off

A had forgotten B was forgetting C would forget D will forget 14 My new car is more than the one I had before

A economic B economy C economical D economist 15 In order to keep our school clean, littering is strictly _

A restricted B promoted C prohibited D encouraged

III Give the correct form of the given words in brackets to complete the following sentences Write your answers on the answer sheet.

1 Advertising (courage) us to buy things that we don’t really need It is a good book because it is very _ (inform)

3 She goes on a (vegetable) diet to lose weight

4 The country is very _ (mountain) so traveling by road is difficult Many people like him because of his _ (generous)

6 The media help increase the _ (popular) of sports and games In my city, there is always a serious (short) of water in summer I’ll ask my parents for _ (permit) to go there with you

9 After the earthquake, thousands of people in this area became (home) 10 The (destroy) of forests has brought about floods recently


IV Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the correct answer Identify your choice by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.



corresponding emotional responses The idea was first put forward by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906 He believed that different facial (2) affected the flow of blood to the brain, and that this could create positive or negative feelings A happy smile or irrepressible (3) _ increased the blood flow and contributed to joyful feelings However, sad, angry expressions decreased the flow of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a vicious circle of gloom and depression by effectively starving the brain of essential fuel

Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early research, and (4) that the temperature of the brain could affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters — which definitely influence our moods and energy levels He argues that an impaired blood flow could not (5) deprive the brain of oxygen, but create further chemical imbalance (6) inhibiting these vital hormonal messages Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains remember that smiling is associated with being happy, and that by deliberately smiling through your tears you can (7) _ your brain to release uplifting neurotransmitters — replacing a depressed condition (8) a happier one People suffering from psychosomatic (9) _, depression and anxiety states could (10) _ from simply exercising their zygomatic muscles which pull the corners of the mouth up and back to form a smile — several times an hour

1 A desperately B determinedly C deliberately D decidedly

2 A aspects B looks C expressions D appearances A laughter B sadness C humour D depression A advises B wants C demands D suggests

5 A even B only C ever D always

6 A by B without C when D from

7 A make B persuade C let D decide

8 A through B by C after D with

9 A disease B illness C infection D ailment 10 A recover B improve C benefit D progress

V Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage Use only one word in each space Write the answers on your answer sheet.

Many of the things we depend on receiving information from other people Catching a train, making a phone call and going to the cinema all involve information (1) _ is stored, processed and communicated In the past, this information used to (2) kept on paper in (3) form of, for example, books, newspapers and timetables Now more and more information is put on computers

Computers play an important (4) in our everyday lives, sometimes without us even realizing it Consider the use (5) _ computers in both shops and offices Big shops especially chain stores with branches (6) _ over the country, have to deal with very large amounts of information


A (12) _ of office work in the past involved information on paper (13) it had been dealt with by people, the paper was put (14) for future reference This way of working was (15) _particularly easy or fast A computerized system is much more efficient

VI Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D Identify your answers by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

The Hollywood sign in the hills that line the northern border of Los Angeles is a famous landmark recognized the world over The white – painted, 50 – foot – high, sheet mental letters can be seen from great distances across the Los Angeles basin

The sign was not constructed, as one might suppose, by the movie business as a means of celebrating the importance of Hollywood to this industry; instead, it was first constructed in 1923 as means of advertising homes for sale in a 500 – acre-housing subdivision in a part of Los Angeles called “Hollywood land” The sign that was constructed at time, of course, said “Hollywood land” Over the years, people began referring to the area by the shorten version “Hollywood” and after the sign and its site were donated to the city in 1945, the last four letters were removed

The sign suffered for years of disrepair, and in 1973, it needed to be completely

replaced, at a cost of $ 27,700 per letter Various celebrities were instrumental in helping to raise needed funds Rock star Alice Cooper, for example, bought an O in memory of Groucho Marx, and Hugh Hefner of Playboy fame held a benefit party to raise the money for the Y The construction of the new sign was finally completed in 1978

1 What is the topic of this passage?

A A famous sign B a famous city

C World landmarks D Hollywood versus Hollywood land The expression “The world over” in line could best be replaced by _

A in the northern parts of the world B on top of the world C in the entire world D in the skies

3 It can be inferred from the passage that most people think that the Hollywood sign was first constructed by _

A an advertising company B the movie industry C a construction company D the city of Los Angeles The pronoun “it” in line refers to _

A the sign B the movie business

C the importance of Hollywood D this industry

5 According to the passage, the Hollywood sign was first built in

A 1923 B 1949 C 1973 D 1978

6 Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Hollywood land? A It used to be the name of an area of Los Angeles

B It was formerly the name of the sign in the hills C There were houses for sale there


7 The passage indicates that the sign suffered for years of _ A being damaged B not being fixed

C the bad weather D being poorly constructed

8 How old was the Hollywood sign when it was necessary to replace it completely? A Ten years old B Twenty – six years old

C Fifty years old D Fifty – five years old The word “replaced” is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A Moved to a new location B Destroyed

C Found again D Exchanged for a newer one 10 According to the passage, how did celebrities help with new sign?

A They played instruments B They raised the sign

C They helped get the money

D They took part in work parties to build the sign


VII Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the original one

1 During the teacher’s absence, the class was very noisy While

_ The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow


I am sorry I sent you that letter It was very rude of me

I regret

_ She wrote me a letter to tell me she never wanted to see me again

The letter

_ He is so dull that people fall asleep while he is talking

He is such


VIII Within 150 – 200 words, write about the following topic:

Holidays honor people or events If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer



tỉnh Phú Thọ Đề thức

-Đề thi mơn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút

(Thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề)

I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (20 points)

1. A ought B thought C brought D though

2. A thick B think C thus D thin

3. A foot B school C book D good

4. A knew B grew C threw D flew

5. A lose B close C chose D rose

6. A dosage B massage C carriage D voyage

7. A high B home C hour D horn

8. A passed B forced C threatened D walked

9. A break B steak C great D bread

10 A confusion B tension C seizure D measure

II Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (40 points)

1 What's your birthday, Ann ? - It's

A on the thirty-one of July

B on July the thirty-one

C on the thirty-first of July

D in July the thirty-first

2 The sun in the west Look ! It

A set/ is setting B sets/ is setting C setting/ set D set/ set

3 All the boys are good at cooking, but is as good as the girls

A either B neither C none D every

4 The weather fine so far this week

A is B was C has been D had been

5 I have so many routines that sometimes I feel I am an automatic robot

A as if B even if C even though D like

6 The walls of the house are covered a coat of paint

A with B in C by D under

7 That was a ceremony

A prepared-well B prepare-well C well-prepared D well-prepare

8 That novel was written by a well-known writer It is worth

A to read B reading C read D have read

9 Is this the address to you want the package sent ?

A where B which C that D whom

10 The father sat by his child’s bedside all night as he was sick


11 He has adopted three orphans his own six children so that, all together, he has nine children to provide for

A except B beside C besides D in place of

12 You should take regular exercise sitting in front of the television all day

A in spite of B instead of C without D even

13 I don’t want to go out tonight Anna phones

A so that B even though C when D in case

14 I object to like this

A be treating B treating C being treated D have been treated

15 Since to a warmer and less humid climate, I’ve had no trouble with my asthma

A I move B I moving C upon moving D moving

16 Shy people often find it difficult to group discussions

A take place in B take part in C get on with D get in touch with

17 Our soccer team lost three goals to nil

A with B by C to D in

18 Don’t forget to the alarm clock for six o’clock tomorrow morning

A set B put C ring D wind

19 Not only did he lose the keys, but he also forgot the tickets

A He forgot the pair of tickets to the concert

B He didn’t know he had to have tickets

C He got the tickets after he found his keys

D He lost his keys and forgot the tickets as well

20 “Do not write on the walls”, said the teacher to the boy

A The teacher told the boys not write on the walls

B The teacher told the boys not to write on the walls

C The teacher said to the boys not write on the walls

D The teacher said to the boys not write on the walls

III There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (20 points)

1 Jason’s professor had him to write his thesis many times before allowing him to present it A B C

to the committee D

2 I think Helen is accustomed to work eight hours a day A B C D

3 The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have A B C D

4 Only when you have had a chance to know various occupations you will decide on your career




6 Most students were able of finding good jobs three to six months after graduation A B C D

7 The letter was sent by special delivery must be important A B C D

8 Because the torrential rains that had devastated the area, the governor sent the National Guard to


assist in the clean-up operation D

9 My brother attends an university in the Midwest which specializes in astrology A B C D

10 Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesn’t know to prepare French foods


in the traditional manner

IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences (20 points) 1 Vietnam declared its on September 2nd, 1945 (DEPEND) 2 The phone doesn’t work It’s been _ (CONNECT)

3 It was a complete _ due to poor planning (FAIL)

4 He cycled _ and had an accident (CARE)

5 He is thinking of taking early _ next year (RETIRE)

6 I am afraid you have _ me because that is not what I meant (UNDERSTAND)

7 It is said that the _ of a Swiss watch is perfect (PRECISE)

8 Television can make things more because it brings both sounds and pictures (MEMORY)

9 A famous pianist was _ for seven years (PRISON)

10 He’s an expert in technology We call him a _ (TECHNIQUE)

Your answers :











V Read this passage carefully and then choose the best answers to the questions below by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (10 points)


Investigators found such occurrences in a ten-kilometer radius of the centre of a fairly recent quake Some birds screeched and flew about wildly Dogs yelped and ran uncontrollably

Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes as early as several days before the disaster

In 1976 after observing animal behavior, the Chinese were able to predict a terrible quake Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to

evacuate millions of people and thus keep the death toll at a lower rate

1. What prediction may be made by observing animal behavior ?

A. the number of people who will die

B. environmental changes

C. a coming earthquake

D the ten-kilometer radius of an earthquake

2. Why can animals perceive these changes when humans can not ?

A. Animals are more intelligent than humans

B. Humans don’t know where to look

C. By running around, they can feel the vibrations

D. Animals have certain instincts that humans don’t possess

3. If scientists can accurately predict earthquakes, there will be

A. a lower death rate

B. fewer animals going crazy

C. fewer people evacuated

D. fewer environmental changes

4. Which of the following statements is not true ?

A. Some animals may be able to sense an approaching earthquake

B. All birds and dogs in the ten-kilometer radius of an earthquake center become wild before the quake

C. The Chinese have successfully predict an earthquake and saved many lives

D. By observing animal behavior scientists perhaps can predict earthquake

5. In the passage, the word “evacuate” most means

A save B exile C destroy D remove

VI Read, then choose the best answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (20 points)


1. A in spite B despite C though D although

2. A cure B exact C accurately D accurate

3. A instead of B in addition C in stead D in addition to

4. A possibility B possible C impossible D can

5. A near B farther C far D further

6. A long range B near range C ranged D length range

7. A use B find C seek D search

8. A find B take C guide D guidance

9. A vessel B vessels C sail D sails

10 A to approach B approaches C approach D approaching

VII Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word (20 points)

In Britain there is a holiday now which people call Mother’s Day In the old days many girls from working-class (1) in towns and cities and from farmers’ families in the country worked in rich houses They had to all the (2) and their working day was usually very long, they often (3) on Sundays, too Once a year, it was usually (4) Sunday in March, they could visit their mothers They went home on that day and (5) presents for their mothers and for (6) members of their families They could stay at home only one day, and then they went (7) to their work People call that day Mothering Day (8) Mothering Sunday

Later workers at the factories and girls (9) worked in the houses of rich families received one free day a week, and Mothering Day became Mother’s Day It is (10) last Sunday in March

Your answers :











VIII Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it (20 points)

1 The furniture was too old for us to keep

→ It was

2 Nobody has cleaned the streets this week

→ The streets

3 While mending the road, they accidentally blocked our water pipes

→ They accidentally cut


→ He needn’t

5 While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time

→ Despite

6 The underground is quick and cheap

→ The underground is

7 He was annoyed because his secretary came late to work

→ He objected to

8 Neil regrets having sold his car

→ Neil wishes

9 The child ran out because of the strange noise

→ The strange noise

10 Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong

→ No sooner

IX Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given word (10 points)

1 “Do you realize what the time is, Steve?” asked Chris (what)

2 I met her while I was staying in Paris last summer (stay)

3 Susan was too excited to sleep (that)

4 Sandra said that she was willing to work late (mind)

5 The coins are believed to be buried for safe-keeping (It)

X Look at the following sets of words and phrases Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences which together make a complete letter of complaint from Jane to Mr Pike Smith (20 points)


1. I write / complain / dirt / smoke / come / your factory / chimneys

2. Two days ago / I / decide / / my washing

3. I wash / sheets / put them out to dry / it / be / nice sunny day/ there / be / breeze

4. When I take / washing in / I / be / horrified / discover / it / covered / in dirty marks

5. I / assume / breeze I mention / carry / dirt / your chimneys

6. Until this accident / I think / your chimneys / be safe and clean

7. I / suggest / your factory / fit / new filters to its chimneys / as the dirt and smoke/ dangerous

8. I look / receive your reply Yours sincerely, Mrs Jane Hunter

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………




Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Ngày thi: 26/03/2010 Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

Chú ý: Thí sinh làm vào phiếu trả lời (có phát kèm đề).


Họ tên thí sinh:……… Số báo danh: ………

-Phần I: Chọn từ có phần trọng âm khác vị trí với từ lại

1 A answer B begin C refuse D complain

2 A relationship B activity C occasional D invitation

Phần II: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại.

3 A filled B destroyed C wished D prepared

4 A humour B flour C rumour D honour

5 A bath B watch C want D water

Phần III: Chọn phương án thích hợp (A, B, C or D) để hoàn thành yêu cầu câu để thay phần gạch chân

6 If Ba _ here tomorrow, we will phone you

A come B comes C came D will come

7 He didn’t have much money, _ he bought a lot of things at the shop for Tet

A and B but C or D so

8 The washing machine was expensive _ we couldn’t afford to buy it

A because B but C however D so

9 Tom enjoys _ strange stamps

A collect B to collect C collecting D collected 10 If she continues to use electricity that way, she _ to pay a large bill

A have B has C will have D would have 11 They are discussing the celebration that is going to _ this month

A hold B held C be hold D be held 12 John reminded me _ his motorbike by o’clock

A please return B to return C returning D returned 13 The air is polluted _ there is too much traffic

A because B but C however D therefore 14 We all like the sticky rice cakes _ are made by our grandmother

A in which B of what C which D things

15 Linda didn’t come to the party because she had to look _ her younger sister

A at B after C for D up

16 They _ Da Lat when they were young

A visited B will visit C visit D have visited 17 We have learned English _ 2000

A in B during C for D since

18 We already Huong pagoda

A have … visiting B were … visiting C have … visited D will visit 19 I can’t understand the French visitors I wish I _ French

A know B have known C knew D will 20 The church _ about 100 years ago


21 All the house in the area _ immediately

A have to rebuild B have to be rebuilt C had to rebuild D has to rebuilt 22 If he _ soon, he might miss the train

A doesn’t come B isn’t coming C didn’t come D won’t come 23 She ask me if I to school by bicycle every day

A am going B go C was going D went 24 Mr Long said that he _ in Ho Chi Minh city

A is living B has lived C lived D will live 25 Your sister works in a foreign company, _ she

A isn’t B doesn’t C wasn’t D didn’t 26 She like watching the stars _ night

A on B for C in D at

27 She asked me if I _ a laptop computer the following day A buy B bought C would buy D will buy 28 You won’t pass the examination _ you study more

A unless B if C because D but 29 Come and badminton, Peter

A make B C play D take

30 James Cameron many famous film and I think his latest “Avatar” is the best A made B has made C had made D was making

31 My interview is April 1st

A on B in C at D to

32 You should read the instruction before using it

A careful B carefully C carelessly D careless 33 When he heard the terrible noise, he asked me what was on

A happening B being C getting D going 34 On the to the town, there is a beautiful wood

A way B direction C street D entrance 35 Do you closing the door now

A want B mind C disapprove D refuse 36 The train will be leaving in five minutes so you hurry up

A had B should C ought D

37 Peter, brother is a famous football player, studies very well A having B of whom C whose D that 38 His father swims very well and does my father

A also B so C even D too

39 They’d go by air than spend a week traveling by train A always B prefer C better D rather 40 from Dvid, all the students said they would go

A Except B Only C Separate D Apart 41 I am very in the information you have given me

A concerned B interested C surprised D excited 42 The students had an canoe trip last weekend


43 They said “ Happy birthday” before Lan a present A giving B will give C gave D give

44 Jack “ Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” Mary: ”

A Yes, please B Yes, I’d love to C No, thanks D I’m sorry I’d love to 45 I tried , but I missed it

A catch B catching C catch up D to catch 46 We got used to in the evening

A walking B walk C to walk D walked 47 I wish I you some money, but I am broke myself

A can lend B would lend C could lend D will lend 48 being ill, she still went to class yesterday

A Even though B Despite C Because of D Since 49 If I _rich, I would buy that house

A am B was C were D has been

50 The nam you met yesterday is my friend

A who B whose C which D whom

Phần IV: Chia dạng động từ ngoặc.

51 I feel as if my head (be) on fire now, doctor

52 We wish our country (recover) from the bad effects of war soon 53 He wishes he (not, be) asked to tell the bad new yesterday

54 This afternoon we (have) lunch when theycame in 55 When you first _(come) to this town?

56 Five minus two (be) three

57 When she (arrive)? – Next Sunday 58 You look tired You (work) hard?

59 Remember _ (lock) the door when you leave 60 I will never forget _ (see) the King

Phần V: Trong câu sau có lỗi sai Hãy gạch chân lỗi sai viết phần sửa lại

vào bên phải

61 Because they played very bad, our team lost the the simi-final match (61) _ 62 The monkey who escaped from the circus has already been caught (62) 63 The apartment which they wanted to rent it has twi bedroom (63) _ 64 Most people who lives in Montreal, Canada speak French (64)

65 I can not speak English perfectly, but if I can I’d apply for that job (65) _ 66 I have got two elder brothers Neither Jame or David plays tennis (66) _ 67 After said goodbye to my parents, I went to school with my close friends (67)

68 If I am in your position, I’d think about it differently (68)


70 Ancient people thought that the earth is square but actually it is round (70) Phần VI: Tìm dạng thích hợp từ cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng. 71 This course is for who have never leraned English (begin)

72 She had an unhappy , so she really wants to help all the uncared-for children.(Child)

73 Smoking and drinking a lot is an _ lifestyle (health) 74 Life used to be more than now (comfort)

75 This evening was _spent in chatting and playing game

Phần VII: Đọc mẩu quảng cáo sau làm theo yêu cầu

Write T if it is true, F if it is false, N if it is not mentioned


76 They teach English, German, and Japanese here

77 If you don’t know any English words, you can’t study here

78 You can begin to study from November

79 There are classes available from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm

80 If you want to know more information, you can call them at any time

Phần VIII: Đọc kỹ đoạn văn điền từ cho sẵn vào chỗ trống thích hợp

Today, computer companies sell many different programs for computers First, there are programs for (81) _ math problems Second, there are programs for (82)

_studies Third, some programs like fancy typewriters They are often used by (83) and business people Other programs are made for courses in schools and (84) And finally, there are programs for fun They include word games and puzzles for children and (85)

There are many wonderful new computer programs, but there are other reasons to like (86)

Some people like the way computer hum and sing when when they are (87) It is a happy sound, like the sound of toys and childhood Computers also (88)

G/F, 149 Pasteur Street

- English, German, and Japanese classes in the morning and evening - Places available in beginner/intermediate classes

Courses start November

Please call for further information


lights and pretty pictures And computers even seem to have personalities That may (89) strange, but computers seem to have feelings Sometimes they seem happy, sometimes they seem (90) It is easy to think they are like people

Phần IX: Hãy dùng từ gợi ý để viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi

91 When did you start learning English?

How long………

92 The sister asked” Are you hungry, Tom?”

The sister ………

93 A lot of affort has been put in the work by the little girl

The little girl………

94 Smoking is not allowed in public

You must ………

95 The work was hard enough for him to ask his friend for some help

The work ……… ==========THE END===========

Sở Giáo dục đào tạo Thanh Hố *****

Đề thức

Kỳ thi học sinh giỏi cấp Tỉnh Năm học: 2009 - 2010

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9

Ngày thi: 24/03/2010 Thời gian: 150 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

Question 1:

Part a- Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

1 A sensitive B benefit C pretty D remedy A oranges B figures C classes D watches A gabage B garage C sewage D carriage A now B flow C row D know A complain B ascertain C campaign D bargain

Part b- Choose the word that has the different stress from the others:

1 A dormitory B category C priority D ordinary A pesticide B separate C slavery D efficient A appliance B activity C adventure D average

Question 2:Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets I’d rather you (not wear)……….jeans to the office


2 When I first (come)……….to this village, it was a quiet place.But since then population (double)…….and a lot of leisure facilities (build)………

3 The teller was made (lie)…………down on the floor The money (steal)………in the robbery was never found This building (be)…… finished by the end of 2015 Can’t you see that I’m busy (write)……….?

7 There’s nothing (do)……… about it now, except tell the police the truth My boss is angry with me I didn’t all the work that I (do)………last week

Question 3: Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition:

1 Lan’s alarm clock didn’t go……….this morning, so she got up late She was laid…….for weeks………a slipped disk

3.Don’t make up your mind at once, talk……….with your lawyer first There is no cure……… baldness except a wig

5 He grew……… a very good player That tie doesn’t go……… that suit

7 Get……….the bus at Third Street and get…………at Broadway He looked down……… his less fortunate neighbors

Question 4:Give the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1 Chatting has become more and more……… with young Internet users (people)

2 Advertisements account for three fourths of the…………of the newspaper (come)

3 These workers got a bonus because they did their jobs……… (effect)

4 What you ………do in the afternoon? (use)

5 You can buy electrical…………at the shop over there (apply)

6 He has been one of the most effective……….in the

“Keep Our City Clean” campaign (activity)

7 The President’s New Year Speech is going to broadcast………… (nation)

8 Some people believe strongly in the……… of life on the other planets (exist)

9 His lawyer speaks more………than yours (persuade)

10 The weather in Britain is……… we don’t whether it’s sunny or rainy after five minutes


Question 5: Choose the word or phrase to complete the sentence:

1 The smaller the room is, the………furniture it needs

A fewer B smaller C more D less How can I know………book is yours? They are so alike

A what B which C this D the The secretary to……… I talked didn’t know where the meeting was A which B who C that D whom Nobody knows what the……….of the explosion was

A source B cause C reaction D reason It looks……….it’s going to rain

A as B as like C as if D if Babies have to learn how to………before they can walk


A traces B symptoms C emblems D tokens My sister is very…………of spiders

A terror B terrify C terrified D terrifying Stop now, you 've done……… work for one day

A too many B plenty C quite more D quite enough 10 If you take a train or a bus, you must pay a…………

A fare B tip C fee D commission

Question 6:

Part a: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word.

An increasing (1)………of people are now going on (2)…………to Egypt The

population of Egypt is about 50 million and the (3)…… is EL Qahira (Cairo), a busy city of just under million people Although the climate is hot and dry, (4)……….of the country is desert, the average temperature (5)……….October to March is not too high

The most (6)………sights are the pyramids at Giza However, it’s also pleasant to visit Alexandria,Port Said and several (7)……….places and as much (8)…….as possible A (9)……to Luxor is very interesting, and there are frequent (10)……there from Rario

Part b: Read the following passage.Then answer the questions below. Traditions and Customs in Great Britain

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up

It has been a law for about 300 years that all theaters are closed on Sundays No letters are delivered, only a few Sunday papers are pulished

To this day an English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating English people like gardens Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted green in imitation of grass and a box of flowers Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland,Ireland

and England Christmas is a great English national holiday, and in Scotland it is not kept, except by clerks in banks and all shops and factories are working


1 How important are traditions in Britain? What Englishmen to their traditions?

3 Which does an English family prefer, a house with a garden or a flat?

4 Find a sentence in the passage which shows that the English people like garden very much?

5 How Christmas is kept in Scotland?

Question 7:

Part a-There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Find and correct it.



2 They normally caught the early bus but today they came to visit us with a car A B C D What you often have for the lunch?


4 Your brother hardly goes to work by bus, doesn’t he? A B C D

5 Kangaroo, that can be seen everywhere in Australia, have long tails A B C D

Part b- Use the given words to make meaningful sentences.

1 It / be / such / cold day / we / decide / not / go out pkease / tell / if / you / take / books / my room

Question 8:Rewrite the following sentences so that the meanings stay the same as the ones given.

1 If you saw a UFO, what would you do? If a UFO………

2 I can’t sing beautifully, so I can’t join them now I wish……… She couldn’t come to class because of her illness As………

4.He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk No sooner……… 5.I have never read such a romantic story

This is……… Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish

Much……… The sea was so rough that the ferry couldn’t sail

The rough sea……… Their chances of success are small

It is not………

9 Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test As long as……… 10.The train journey from London to Bristol takes two hours It is a………




ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 Năm học 2009 – 2010

MÔN: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

(Đề gồm 10 câu, 02 trang)


I/ Which of these words are pronounced in different ways to other words? (1.5 pts)

1 A Few B New C.Threw D Knew

2 A Arrived B Loved C Phoned D Started

3 A The B This C Mother D Think

4 A Accident B Accept C Accurate D Success A Sweater B Weather C Theater D Measure

II/ Chose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group (1.5pts)

1 A Occasion B Religion C Federation D Collection A Economic B Encourage C Embroider D Experience

3 A Puppet B Unique C Tunic D Notice

4 A Objection B Opinion C Official D Optional A Compulsory B Convenient C Correspond D Communicate


I/ Choose A,B, C or D to complete the fllowing sentences (4 pts)

1 Malaysia is divided … two regions

A To B On C In D Into

2 Mathematies and literature are … subjects in hight schools

A Adding B Compulsory C Optional D Religious What were you doing when he …?

A Comes B to come C Came D Coming

4 I come from Vietnam so I am not used to …….on the left

A Drive B Drove C Driven D Driving

5 The Ao dai is the …… dress of VietNamese women

A Beautiful B Traditional C Casual D Baggy I ……English here since I graduated from university

A Teach B Taught C have taught D am teaching I wish you …… here tomorrow

A Come B Came C Will come D Would come

8 Your teacher writes poems or stories ……… she?

A don’t B won’t C didn’t D Doesn’t

9 Let’s …….somewhere for a drink

A Go B Do C Going D Doing

10 It’s rain heavily … I can’t go to the movie with you

A And B But C Because D So


II/ Give the corect form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences (2 pts)

1 Lan (write) ….to her pen pal for three years, and they first (meet) ……each other last week I wish that I (know) ….how to mend this shirt

3 The children prefer (watch)…… T.V to (read) … books?

4 When I (come) …… to see Mr Robinson last night, he (read) …….a newspaper A new clother shops just (open) …… near my house

III/ Find the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting and correct it (1,5 pts)

1 I haven’t seen my granparents since a quarter of a year A B C D

2 Your friends went to your native village last weekend, weren’t they?


3 Nam asked Mai what can he to help her? A B C D

4 My family used to be having dinner at o’clock in the everning


5 I wish I can go with you to the countryside next weekend A B C D

IV/ Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets (1,5pts)

1 We’re very impressed by the ………of your town’s people (friend) Liverpool is an …….city in the North of England ( Industry)

3 You must be ………when you open that door (care)

4 Is Buddhism the country’s ………religion of Thailand? (Office)


I/ Read this paragraph carefully , then answer the fllowing questions (2 pts)

Last Sunday, Nam went on excursion to Oxford He got up early and took a bus, so he arrived there on time In the morning , he visited the National Gallery, Big Ben and the Hyde Park In the afternoon, he bought a dictionary and a small disc with the words “Oxford University” He met some English students in the bookshop He was happy to practice speaking English with many foreigners Although he felt a bit tired, he had a nice day

1 Where did Nam go last Sunday? How did he go there?

3 What did he visit?

4 Where did he meet some English students? What did he with some foreigners?

II/ Fill in the blank of the following passage with one suitabble word (2 pts)

English is a very useful language If we (1)… English we can go to any countries we like We will not find it hard to make people understand (2)………we want to say English also helps us to learn all kinds of (3) …….Hundred of book are (4) ……….in English everyday in (5) …… countries


I/ Read the first sentence ,and then complete the second sentence with the same meaning (2 pts)


If ……… John lives in a small flat and he doesn’t like it

John wishes ……… Do your grandparents still live in Nha Trang now? Said Nam to me Nam asked ………

4.They usually wear Jeans when they were young They used ………

II/ Complete each of the following sentences , using the words given ( 2pts)

1 Sister / wear/ new ao dai/ only/ twice / since / she / buy / it 2.We/ not used / wear / jeans / when / study / primany school Liz / wish / she /be going / Ha noi / parents / next Sunday Lot / new styles / clothers / design / his shop / every week





Môn: Tiếng Anh Lớp

Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể giao đề) Họ tên thí sinh ……… SBD ………

Sinh ngày ………… tháng ……… năm ……

Trường THCS ……… Lớp ……… Điểm số Điểm chữ


Người chấm thi số


(Học sinh làm vào đề thi, thu sau 30 phút kể từ tính giờ)

(1-10) Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the others (2ms)

1- A found B mount C doubt D double

2- A dead B heat C meat D lead

3- A play B plane C plan D plate

4- A village B manage C courage D stage

5- A good B soon C look D.book

6- A machine B mechanic C Christmas D ache

7- A author B.other C with D then

8- A stopped B looked C laughed D called

9- A wrong B lose C song D boss

Số phách


10- A cats B lamps C chairs D books

(11-20) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each of the blank (2ms) 11 I don’t know what is in my box It ……… be a toy

A must B may C should D would

12 If you have good qualifications, you will have a good ………

A vacation B work C job D money

13 His face looks ……… , but I can’t remember his name

A similar B alike C memoral D familar

14 Thay decided to go for a picnic ……… the cold weather

A in spite of B.although C because D because

15 The whole class is working hard ……… for the examination

A preparation B prepares C prepared D preparing

16 She describes herself ……… a fashion designer

A by B as C in D from

Thí sinh khơng viết vào phần

17 My brother won’t come home ……… 10 p.m

A until B to C than D in

18 There is always ……… traffic in the city center during rush hours

A few B many C heavy D full

19 He is a very ……… man He only thinks about himself

A out - going B selfish C polite D generous

20 Thomas Edison had very little ………

A learning B schooling C studying D graduating

(21-30) Complete the passage by choosing the best word or phrase (A, B, C or D) (2ms) For good or bad, computers are now part of our daily life Experts predict that before long all school and business and most families in rich parts of the world will (21) ……… a computer of some kind Among the general public, computers rouse strong feelings people either love them (22) ……… hate them


The haters, on the other hand, argue that computers, they say that computers bring not leisure but (27) ……… They worry, too, that people (28) ……… spend all the time talking to computers may forget (29) ………… to talk to each other Their biggest fear is that computers may eventually take (30) ………… from human beings altogether

21 A own B C learn D make

22 A to B but C and D or

23 A at B on C in D to

24 A for B from C with D to

25 A B make C have D surf

26 A interesting B skillfull C pleasant D unpleasant

27 A unemployed B employment C unemployment D employ

28 A that B on who C who D whom

29 A why B how C what D when

30 A over B in C place D off


I. Fill in each plank with ONE suitable word to complete this passage

Are the people born clever and others born (1) ………… ? or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to both these (2) …………is “yes” To some extent, our intelligence is given at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a (3) ………… born with low intelligence On the other hand, a child lives in boring surrounding will develop his intelligence less than (4) ………… who lives in rich and varied surrounding Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth but (5) ………… Or not he reaches thoselimits will (6) ………… on his environment This wiew, no held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways It is easy to show that intelligence is something we are born with (7) ……… we take two unrelated people at random from population, it is likely that (8) ……… degrees of intelligence will be completely different If, on the other hand, we take children identical twins, they will very likely be (9) ……… intelligent as others This clearly suggests that intelligence depends on (10) …………

II. Read the text carefully then answer the questions (2ms).

People have smoked for a long time now The tobaco which is used to make cigarettes was the first grown in what is now part of the United States Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, saw Indians smoking, Soon the dried leaves were transported to Europe where smoking began to catch on In the late 1800s, the Turkish made cigarettes popular Cigarette smoke contains at leat two harmful substances, tar and nicotine Tar, which forms as the tobacco burns, damages the lungs and therefore affects breathing Nicotine, which is found in the leaves, cause the heart to beat faster and increases the breathing rate


now requires that each package of cigarettes bears a special warning about the danger of smoking


1 Who was the first to smoke?


2 Where were cigarettes made popular in the late 1800s?


3 Why is smoking dangerous?


4 Which substance, tar or nicotine or both, affects breathing?


5 Why, in your opinion, people smoke?

……… III Use the correct form of the word in the brackets to complete these sentenses (2ms)

1 My mother likes this machine because it works very ……… (EFFECT)

2 I suppose you can compare me to secretary although the ……… isn’t a good


3 Accidents happen because of driving ……… (CARE)

4 My aunt lives in the ……… area of the country (MOUNTAIN)

5 How ………this knife is ! It can’t cut anything (USE)

6 If your work is ……… , you will get a raise (SATISFY)

7 Among the boys, Nam is the ……… (BAD)

8 The world of computers is extremely ……… (COMPETE)

9 I found the film ……… so I turn off the TV and went to bed (INTEREST)

10.Please, don’t be so ……… like that (PATIENCE)

IV Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the passage (2ms)

A friend of mine, Jenny (1 work) ……… in the international sales division at an electronics firm now She (2 just return) ……… from a trip to Japan She (3, ask) ……… (4 go)……… to Japan because she can speak Japanese, When she (5 be) ………… a business student at London University, she (6 study) ……… Japanese for four years She (7 never have) ………the opportunity to use her Japanese until she (8 go) ……… to Tokyo last year While she was there, she (9 speak) ………… Japanese everyday and (10 enjoy) ……… every minute of it She’s anxious to return

V Underline the ONLY mistake in each sentences the correct it If the sentences are right, write T (true) (2ms)

1 There were such many people on the bus that we decided to talk ………

2 There are a few mistakes in this test ………

3 Must I carry these books home? – No, you mustn’t ………

4 Houses in our city are getting moderner ………

5 These may be the goods bringing to Viet Nam from China ………


7 Have you seen this film, haven’t you? ………

8 I wish I were on the holiday at the beach now ………

9 Many Vietnamese woman prefer to wear modern clothing at work ………

10 She hates laughing at by others 10 ………

VI Rewite the following sentences so that the second one means exactly the same the one before (2ms).

1 My brother started working for this company six years ago

My brother has ………

2 “Please, not smoke in this area of the restaurant”

Customers are ………

3 I don’t have time to help mom with housework

I wish ………

4 There is no better teacher in this school than Mr Jones

Mr Jone ………

5 Although John was severely disabled, he participated in many sports

In spite of his………

6 Both my brother and I are too young to drive

Neither my brother ………

7 They have just built a new shopping mall there

A new shopping mall ………

8 We don’t finish the work because of his carelessness

If he ………

9 I wrote the report in two days last week

It ……… 10.The Bakers used to grow vegetables in the behind garden

Vegetables ………

VII Write a short paragraph about 80 words to show your opinions (2ms)

A proverb says that: “A friend in need is a friend indeed

- What does this proverb mean?

- Can you show your opinions about it?

- Tell me the impotance of friends in our life


……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

The end

-Phịng giáo dục Bình Xun Kỳ thi học sinh giỏi THCS

Vòng năm học 2006-2007

-Đề thi học sinh giỏi

Môn: Tiếng Anh

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

-I Choose the best answer from the options in each to complete the following sentences.

The final of the play will take place on Monday

A action B performance C view D sight He climbed up in to the tree and picked all the fruit reach

A near B inside C within D at

One of my elder brother’s hobbies is

A Collect stamps B collecting stamps C colection stamps D stamps – collecting When he was running across the field, he a log

A fell down B fell over C fell off D fell into The of the trees in the water was very clear

A mirror B sight C reflextion D shadow Let’s sing an English song, ? The party was so wonderful

A shall we B won’t we C won’t we D don’t we Think of yourself, not of

A others B other C another D oneself

Would you mind not on the radio until I’ve finished with this call?

A turning B being turned C to turn D to be turned Somebody forgot this hat after my birthday party I wonder


A is known B known as C is known as D it is known as 11 He 13 films and I think his latest is the best

A made B had made C has made D was making 12 I got Barbara brrow her car for the weekend

A let me B to let me C let me to D to let me to 13 Can you keep the noise down, please? It’s that I can not hear myself think A so noise B such bad noise C too much noisy D too noisy 14 If someone into the store, smile and say: “May I help you.”

A comes B came C would come D could come 15 When ? – In 1982

A peniciline was discovered B did peniciline be discovered C was peniciline discovered D did peniciline discover 16 It quite much money to go to a foreign university

A costs B spends C takes D loses

17 While I T.V last night, a mouse ran across the floor

A watch B was watching C watched D am watching 18 In my school most hard

A of students work B student works

C of students works D of the students work

19 As the fairy went in, the prince into a frog by an evil magician and only a kiss from a beautiful princess could restore him to his original state

A returned B was returned C was turning D.had been turning 20 Could you please an appointment for me to see Mr Smith

A manage B arrange C D take

II Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

Tourists are delighted at the (scene) of this area

This job sounds interesting I think you’d better write a letter of (inquire) for more details

I don’t have a mobile phone It’s (convenience) for me to contact you very often

Since they are not used to understanding (west) culture, some students from Asian countries don’t fell quite at ease at first

Don’t be worried I’ll be waiting for you at the (enter) to the pagoda

The system of traffic lights in our new city has been repaired and (modern) The (industry) erea of the city is not very attractive

He was (inform) of the consequences in advance

We cannot clear up our (pollution) rivers and seas overnight 10 This map was (use) for our holiday We got lost for some times

III Find out the mistakes in the sentences Each sentence has one in the underlined parts.

The way a child plays with (A) other children reveals a lots (B) about the child’s (C) emotional development (D)


2 Nam was used to (A) get up (B) early when he came (C) to high school (D)

3 There are lots (A) things available (B) over the internet which are (C) great for (D) doctors

4 Can you tell me (A) why are you (B) always coming to (C) class so late (D)?

IV Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from

that of the others in each group

1 A message B textile C heritage D designer A interfere B itinerary C introduction D income A orchestra B orchard C scholarship D chemical A pleasure B threaten C bread D creature A suitable B biscuit C building D guilty

6 A switch B stomach C mechanic D school

7 A president B absent C attend D recently

8 A coughed B wished C reached D settled

9 A ill B scientist C lively D mineral


A surface B hurry C curtain D urgent

V Give the right form of the verbs in brackets.

(Not waste) so much time (play) with computers Not much (say) about the matter since that time He would never miss (go) to such a good party

The radio (play) since 6.am I wish someone (turn) it off Coming into the room, he (see) Mary who he (live) with What you (do) if you (be) in my situation?

David (wash) his hands He just (repair) the T.V set

I can’t go with you to the stadium as I (not finish) my house work Tell them to stop and have a rest We (work) long enough

10 Before that mosquito (bite) me, I’m going to kill it

VI Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest A remind B inform C magazine D discovery

2 A reply B durian C compete D create

3 A enough B general C together D behavior A arrangement B improve C polute D disagreement A surprise B prefer C reality D gardener A internet B access C compulsory D sightseeing A fashionable B recognize C furniture D electric A temperature B dictionary C approximately D musician A ambulance B library C holiday D effective 10 A equipment B consumer C instrument D manager

VII Read the passage then choose the best answer.

For many people, travelling by plane is an exciting experience Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, (1) ………… flying is no more dangerous (2) ………


are vitally important The people (5)……… job it is to look (6)……… the

passengers- the stewards and stewardesses – play an important part in helping passengers to (7)

……… safe and comfortable Indeed for many passengers being (8)……… such

care of is all part of the totall experience (9)………… other form of travel involves waiting

on people in quite the same (10)………… , with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music

and even video films

1 A although B too C and D because

2 A than B as C then D with

3 A while B during C for D through

4 A leader¢s B chief’s C driver’s D pilot’s

5 A whose B which C their D that

6 A for B up C after D round

7 A feel B rest C experience D lie

8 A given B kept C shown D taken

9 A Any B No C All D Not

10 A way B kind C sort D part

VIII Re-write the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

She bought that house in 1970 ® She has

In spite of his old age, Mr Benson runs miles before breakfast ® Although

“I think you should go to Ha noi by train” – He told us ® He advised

“I’d take a taxi if I were you” Peter said ® Peter suggested

The coffee was so bad that I couldn’t drink ® It was

I’m always nervous when I travel by air ® Traveling

Fossil fuel will be more expensive if scientists don’t get energy from the wind and the sun

® Unless

“Do you want to insure your lugage or not?” ® The travel agent asked my sister It is said that he is the best student in my class

® He is

10 He doesn’t smoke, and his brother doesn’t smoke either ® Neither

IX Read the passage then choose the best answer.


Now for office news, have you heard that the boss is getting married next month? She tried to keep it quiet but one of the secrectaries heard her talking about wedding arrangement over the phone, so now of course everyone knows! We’re collecting money to buy her a present It’s really difficult to know what to get her as she has most things Someone has suggested theater or concert tickets, which is a good idea We can find out from her personal assistant what her plans are and when she has a free evening The only problem is that although we know what she likes, we don’t know whether her future husband shares her tastes

All being well, we’ll see you some time next week Until then we all send our good wishes and hope you recover quickly

What is the writer trying to in the text? A to give some cheerful news

B to offer professional advice C to describe her office work D to suggest ways to recover Why would somebody read the text?

A to find out about a wedding present B.to arrange to see friends

C to learn about a person’s accident D to help them stop worrying

What does the writer suggest about one of the secrectaries? A She’s hard-working

B She talks too much C She likes secrets D She enjoys wedding

Why is it difficult to find the boss a present? A She already has a lot of things

B No one knows her fiance C They haven’t much money D She’s been married once before

Which of the following words you think the writer sent?

A Really pleased to hear your news Hope all goes well on the big day Don’t forget to send us a photo

B Under stress? Don’t worry Have a good rest, hope the weather stays fine and you come back feeling fit and heathy

C.What bad luck Anyway, glad things aren’t too serious Keep smiling and see you soon

D Come and have supper with us next week before going to the theater That should cheer you up I hope you can come

The end

-Phịng giáo dục Bình Xun


Vòng năm học 2006-2007

-Môn: Tiếng Anh

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

-I Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D in your paper.

1 A faithful B failure C fairly D fainted A Nourish B tournament C flourish D encourage

3 A Switch B Stomach C match D Catch

4 A New B Sew C few D nephew

5 A Chain B entertain C bargain D complain A conception B currency C coincide D curriculum

7 A wood B food C took D foot

8 A diving B discover C discripline D divide

9 A borrow B throw C know D knowledge

10 A cough B tough C rough D enough

II Pick out the word with the position of the stressed syllable different from that of the others Identify the answer you choose by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D in your paper

1 A attendance B compulsory C geography D similar A conference B.announcement C arrival D reception A destroy B disappear C independent D development A environment B survive C inhabitant D customer A interview B essential C.industry D comfortable A mordernize B historical C general D obvious A particular B equipment C identify D miracle A conference B horrible C experience D language A identify B popular C continue D consumer 10 A computer B machine C instant D appliance

III Choose one right word in each pair Write the right word in your paper.

1 Men often get bald in their middle (years/ ages)

2 They didn’t have enough (room /place) in their suitcase for all the things they had bought on their holidays

3 I’ll have to have may suit (changed / altered) in some days because it doesn’t fit me well

4 I’ve lost a new (couple/ pair) of shoes

5 The food was warming in a saucepan on the (cook/cooker) Some school classes were held (outdoor/outdoors)

7 The first meeting of this committee (happened/took place) on January People could resume a normal (everyday/every day) life

9 She can (hard/ hardly) wait to begin

10 What language can you speak (beside/besides) English?

IV Supply the right form of the words in bracket Write your answer in your paper.


2 Do you know the ……… of Petronas Twin Towers? (high) All of his …………are about love Would you like to read? (poet) Their ………… has lasted a lifetime (friend)

5 Her father would like her to run one of his shops, but she finds shopkeeping totally………… (interest)

6 I’ve never had the same opinions as may father In fact when I was younger we were always having………… (agree)

7 He drove very fast and………….and that caused the accident (care) The Cots Wolds is an area of great ……….in England (beautiful) You are sitting too near the T.V can you move a bit …… away? (far) 10 Mary is having her dress………….tomorrow (long)

V Choose the best answer to complete the sentences Decide your choice by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D in your paper.

1 Always………honest in whatever you

A.To be B be C being D are

2 Aprisoner……… this morning

A.is hanged B is C was hanged D was Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing………… they don’t get hurt A.because of B though C in order that D after

4 These books cost more than those………

A doing B done C have done D

5 He has just bought……… Expensive new furniture

A an B these C some D those

6 The salary of bus driver is much higher……… A than that of a teacher C to compare as a teacher

B than a teacher D in comparison with the salary of a teacher It can take up to three months to………… A man to this job

A guide B raise C train D learn

8 Hurry up, John ! we were so late We………… had time to catch the train

A simply B hardly C nearly D almost

9 I should be very………… if you would accept the invitation to the party A pleasing B thanking C interesting D pleased 10 Do you like……… programs on TV?

A sport B playing C gaming D matching

11 The Browns are moving to the countryside next week so they have put their flat up for………

A purchase B offer C sale D trade

12 Nam has failed his last exam That really gets………

A over him B down him C him over D him down 13 It’s taken me five years to………… to working at nights

A be used B get used C used D getting used

14 I spent every summer on a farm………


15 ………… it is getting dark, we will not wait for him any longer

A Unless B While C Although D Since

VI Read the passage, choose the right word from each group of four that is used to complete the passage.

While I was in prison, I spent alot of time….(1)… about what had gone wrong Obviously the Contessa I had… (2)… a mistake somewhere, but we had taken a lot of trouble to… (3)…… to it that no one would catch us I…… (4)……

a bad time in prison, but while I was there, I……(5)… a decision that I would find a Pilar again when I got out and we would spend the rest of our lives together

Just before I was released, I had a visitor It was my lawyer He said he just wanted to…….(6)… a word with me about Pilar I hope he would tell me where she was but he …… (7)…… me to stop looking for her and……(8)…… me that it would not me a good I explained to him that I had … (9)… promise to Pilar that I would never forget her

It was then that he told me something that finally allow me to… (10)……

through her The police had told him that it had been Pilar who had betrayed me We…….(11) …… an argument, and of course I…….(12)… him of… (13)……

It all up, but somehow I knew that he was telling the truth

A few days later, I was released I realized that I had … (14)… a terrible mess of life I started drinking and……(15)… on drinking until I had lost everything, and ended up on the streets It took me years to recover

1 A inquiring B wondering C demanding D regarding

2 A done B made C had D taken

3 A watch B look C see D notice

4 A had B passed C spent D did

5 A made B did C held D found

6 A speak B have C give D say

7 urged B suggested C indicated D argued A avoided B warned C noticed D prevented

9 A done B had C made D taken

10 A look B see C watch D notice

11 A made B took C had D did

12 A claimed B charged C blamed D accused 13 A doing B saying C inventing D making

14 A done B taken C made D had

15 A stayed B kept C continued D remained

VII Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Susan ! I (not be) able (pick) you up from work tonight because I (have) my car (service)

2 I should prefer (go) to the cinema rather than (sit) here (listen) to the radio The monument (stand) on a hill overlooking the town

4 If I (not go) to bed late last night It (not be) such an awful day

5 A high – sided vehicle, which (carry) dangerous chemical, (blow over) on the No1 Motorway


7 The money (steal) in the robbery was never found Where’s Nga ?

She’s busy (eat)

VIII Read the passage Then the exercise below by choosing the best options of the four in each.

Of all the natural wonders of the world, few are as spectacular as Niagara Falls Located on the Niagara River along the border between the United States and Canada, Niagara Falls actually consists of two falls, the American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls The former is on the US side of the border, in the state of New York, while the latter is on the Canadian side About 85% of the water in Niagara River flows over the Horseshoe Falls, which is the more impressive of the two falls

About ten million people visit the falls each year, most during the summer tourist season Sightseers can ride steamer up close to the boiling water of the falls, or view them from parks on both sides of the river Niagara Falls has long been a popular honeymoon destination for newlyweds

1 Which of the following is entirely on the US side of the border with Canada? A Niagara River

B American Falls C Niagara falls D Horseshoe Falls

2 It can be inferred from the passage that Horseshoe Falls… A is the larger of the two falls

B is the less impressive fall

C has 15% of the Niagara River following over its edge D is in the state of New York

3 According to the passage, where can people watch the falls? A from train

B from airplanes C from parks or boats D from cars or buses

4 In line 9, the word “them” refers to A steamers

B sightseers C parks D waterfalls

5 According to the passage, Niagara Falls A is a favorite sport of newlyweds

B generates very hot water

C Can be viewed from only one side of the Niagara falls D is only impressive during the summer tourist season

IX Rewrite the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.


2 You are so careless that you make the same mistakes again and again ® It’s careless………

3 She looks younger when she wears that blouse ® That blouse……… Tom suggest leaving the party early

® Tom said “Why……….?” It was easy for me to answer that question ® That was……… This problem is too complex for us to solve ® This………

7 Manju said “Anu, did you attend the meeting of our club last Sunday?” ® Manju asked Anu if………

8 This is the first time I have watched the film ® I haven’t………

9 “Please, don’t turn on the TV while I’m trying to concentrate” ® Would you mind………

10 Do you think this room needs redecorating?

® Do you think it is………

X Choose the word or phrase from the group of four which has the same meaning as the underlined part in the sentence before.

1 If you give me a hand, then I shall be able to finish more quickly A Take my hand B take my fingers

C help me D Pick me up

2 I prefer to talk to people face to face rather than to talk on the phone

A in person B looking at them

C facing them D seeing them

3 As she is new to the job, I would ask you to keep an eye on her for the time being A look at B check C consider D observe

4 He always took advice from his parents about being careful and never put all his eggs in one basket

A carried too much in one hand B relied too much on one plan C decided to any thing dangerous D Planned anything exciting Nobody knows what’s going on

A meaning B happening C continuing D taking

The end



NĂM HỌC 2007-2008

Mơn: Tiếng Anh lớp 12

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2021, 17:23

