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E7 Unit 85

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- To help the students continue listening and practising the situations appeared at the post office and help them know how to build up new dialogue based on the given dialogue.. +Educa[r]


Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo Aùn Tieáng Anh 7 UNIT : (Cont.)


Period : 48 SECTION : B- AT THE POST OFFICE ( B2 ) Date of preparation : December 10th, 2009

Date of teaching : December 18th, 2009 Classes : 7A5

I. Aims and objectives : + Language Content :

- To help the students continue practising structures used in the post office

- To help them drill polite requests, asking & answering about the price of something +Language Function :

- To help the students continue listening and practising the situations appeared at the post office and help them know how to build up new dialogue based on the given dialogue +Educational Aim :

- To develop skills, especially listening and speaking skills 1.

Language :

+ Vocabulary : posters, altogether, change, envolopes, pay…

+ Structures : + I need some envelopes / + I like to buy a phone card + I’d like some stamps for overseas mail./ + I’d like to send this letter to the US

2 Skills : Speaking – Listening - Reading - Writing 3 Educational factor :

- Helping the students make friends with others in the world and showing the love to their relatives, especially their parents

II. Teacher’s and students’ preparation : 1 Method : Communicative Approach

2 Techniques : pictures, pairwork, explaination, ask & answer 4 Materials needed : Text book, picture, cassette, tape… 5 Students’preparation: Vocaubary & pictures

6 Previous exercise : B1 of unit III. PROCEDURES IN CLASS :

1 Stabilization : 1m

2 Checking up previous knowledge : 4ms

Questions: Has a student go to the board and answer the questions given by the teacher: Where will Liz mail her letter?

How much does Liz pay altogether? How much change does she receive?

Keys to the questions: ( possible answers): She sends her letter to the USA Liz pays 11,500 dong She receives 3,500 dong)

3 Presentation of the new materials:


Naêm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo n Tiếng Anh 7 Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content of the lesson





I Lead in:

Last period, all of you have already learnt structures in order to communicate in the post office, today we continue to practise these structures


You will hear a conversation between Nga and Hoa they are on the way to post office Can you guess what they want?


- Has them listen to the tape and compare the guessing of oneself whether like or not the content of the tape

- Has them read the dialogue in silence and answer the questions according as the content of the dialogue then compare the answers with a friend

- Has some students read the answers in front of the class -Gives out the correct answers - Has them listen to the tape the second time and pauses each sentence to check the key and explains the new words and phrases

*Local stamps ( real things ) *Overseas mail ( real things ) *Phone card ( real things ) - Has them work in pairs

- Calls on some pairs to read aloud the dialogue in front of the class, others listen and give remarks - Notice the pronunciation and intonation of the students

IV Free practice:

- Has the students close the book and answer questions given by the teacher like these:

a What does Hoa need from the

Listen to the introduction of the teacher

Listen and guess the content of the lesson

Listen to the tape and compare the guessing

Read the dialogue in silence and answer the

questions according as the content of the dialogue

Compare the answers with friends

Read the answers Listen and copy in the notebook Listen and copy in the notebook Work in pairs Discuss Listen


Period 48:


I Content:

Would you like + to-infinitive / noun? How much is / are + S? How much does/do+ S+ cost?


a Hoa needs some local stamps and some stamps for overseas mail and a phone card

b Because she has a pen pal in America

c To phone her parents once a week

New words:

local stamps : tem thư nước

Over seas mail: thư quốc tế Phone card: thẻ điện thoại


Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo n Tiếng Anh 7



post office?

b What you need stamps for?

V Consolidation:

- Lets them listen to the dialogue again ( book closed ), then try to write down as many words as possible

VI.Homework :

Has the ss the following things + Write the lesson in the notebook + Read & translate the dialogue into Vietnamese + Write at least short dialogues using structures used in the post office

+Prepare the next lesson B3,4,5

Listen & try to answer teacher’s questions

Listen to the dialogue again and try to write down as nany words as possible

Listen to the teacher Write down

II Remember: Would you like + to-infinitive / noun How much is/ are +s? How much do/does + S+ cost?

+ Write the lesson in the notebook

+ Read & translate the dialogue into Vietnamese + Write at least short dialogues using structures used in the post office +Prepare the next lesson B3,4,5

Self-evaluation: ………

Ngày đăng: 15/05/2021, 21:23

