smallest sea love cry smile true goodbye cry smile love me.. I love you.[r]
(1)Listen to the song and fill Listen to the song and fill
(2)Grandest as you, (1) _ as me, you show me why
Grandest as you, (1) _ as me, you show me why
this deep as (2) _ A little love, little (A) a
this deep as (2) _ A little love, little (A) a
little heart, little gift, all of little something these are
little heart, little gift, all of little something these are
You make me (3) _,
You make me (3) _, make me (4) , make me make me (4) , make me feel the love is (5) ; you always stand by my feel the love is (5) ; you always stand by my
side, I don’t wanna say (6) _ You make side, I don’t wanna say (6) _ You make me (7) _, make me (8) , make me feel me (7) _, make me (8) , make me feel
the joy of love I’m kissing you Thank you for all the joy of love I’m kissing you Thank you for all
the (9) you always give to (10) _ Oh, the (9) you always give to (10) _ Oh, (11) _.
(11) _.
Yes, I I always do, … To be with you Oh, I love you
Yes, I I always do, … To be with you Oh, I love you smallest sea love cry smile true goodbye cry smile love me
I love you
(4)Dove = Pigeon
(5)Fish Bird
(6)Kangaroo Dragon fly Crab
(8)Bear Giraffe Dinosaurs
(9)Zebra horse Ant Octopus
(10)Snake Lion Dragon
Dragon fly Swan
(11)Elephant Rabbit
Buffalo Shrimp