desk to get the lot about one topic they desk to get the lot about one topic they will talk about then return to their place will talk about then return to their place to discuss in [r]
(1)(2)• groups
(3)• Part Geeting!
• Part I am translator “ ”
• Part Who is the most “ intellegent”
(4)Each group introduces about their name,s
group, then each member must introduce about himself/herself (At least
(5)The groups choose two members (A, B) come to interview the audience (5 sentences) A asks the audience in
There are questions are given by the examiners
follow levels of knowledge in grades: 6, 7, and After listening the questions, the member in each group thinks about the questions and show the signal to
answer the questions, who is the first makes the signal allows answer, the answer is wrong other will answer but only get half of mark
Question Question
Question Question
Question Question
(7)Question.1 :
Question.1 :
Question.2 : :
• How many seasons are there in Viet
Question.3 : :
• What people for a living in
(1 minutes for each question ) Each member in group A makes question for other one in group B
The three groups go to the examiners The three groups go to the examiners,,
desk to get the lot about one topic they desk to get the lot about one topic they will talk about then return to their place will talk about then return to their place to discuss in minutes then choose the to discuss in minutes then choose the
presentative to tell about their topic in presentative to tell about their topic in
(13)1 school