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Bài tập viết lại câu tiếng Anh 12

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Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.. We arrived too late to see the film.[r]



1 Please don’t ask me that question

I’d rather I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City

I haven’ John only understood very little what the teacher said

John could hardly Tom will be twenty next week

It’s Tom’s She is fond of her nephew although he behaves terribly

She is fond of her nephew in He prefers reading books to watching TV

He would He didn’t hurry, so he missed the bus

If The train takes longer than the plane

The plane I don’t suppose you have change for pounds, you?

Do you happen 10 Peter spent three hours repainting his house

-> It ……… 11 Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals

-> People ……… 12 We arrived too late to see the film

-> We didn’t ……… 13 “Do you know to speak English?” He asked me

-> He asked me ……… 14 The last time we met each other was ten years ago

-> We haven’t ……… 15 It was such a boring film that she fell asleep


16 The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it

-> The furniture was too ……… 17 He can touch the light because he is very tall

-> He is ……… 18 It is such good weather that they are going for a picnic

 The weather……… 19.Somebody repaired his car yesterday

 He had……… 20 My brother studies now harder than he used to

My brother 21.Couldn’t you find a better hotel?

Is this ……… 22 I haven’t seen that man here before

This is ……… 23 Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals

People 24 The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it

The coffee is too 25 Somebody repaired his car yesterday

He had 26 It was thought that the painting had been destroyed

The painting ……… 27.Our house is going to be rebuilt by a local firm

We are ……… 28.I can’t buy the tickets They are too expensive

The tickets ……… 29 Peter spent three hours repainting his house


30 Leave now or you will miss the train

Unless ……… 31 Mai said to Jean, “ Why are you so late ? Did your car have a flat tire ? ”

->Mai ……… ( was ) 32 I am sorry that I didn’t take your advice

-> I ……… ……… ( regret ) 33 The house in the city is too expensive for my father to buy for me

-> It is ……… ,……… ………( so… that ) 34 Finish the work today, or I won’t pay you

-> I ……… ( unless ) 35 The difficult lessons aren’t finished in class on time

-> The students ( finish ) 36.Although the girl is young, she is quite experienced

-> In spite of ……… 37 The play started as soon as we arrived at the theatre

-> No sooner……… 38 As Mike earned more money, he bought more clothes

-> The … ……… 39 Who often makes people in your class laugh ?

-> By ……… 40 “Shall I clean the windows for you, Mai ? ” Said Nam

-> Nam offered ……… 41.Fish are more expensive than meat in some areas of the country, aren’t they ? -> Meat isn’t ……… 42.My sister likes her boyfriend to take her to the movies

->My sister ……… ……… 43 No one has seen Hoa since her birthday

-> The last time Hoa ……… 44 The boys prefer playing soccer to staying indoors

-> The boys would rather ……… 45 Neither Nam nor his parents likes chocolate cakes


46 They have just sold that old house

→ That old house ……… ………… 47 It was such a hard cake that I couldn’t eat it

→ The cake……….…… 48 I'm quite happy to look after the baby for you

→ I don't mind ……… 49 It was a two-hour flight from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city

→ It took ……… 50 “You’d better not lend that man any more money, Mary.” Said John

→ John advised ……….………… 51 When did you begin to learn English? (learnt )

.? 52 Will you have some more beer? (like)

? 53 I hope to see you there (look forward)

54 I didn’t go and neither did my friend (either)

55 It is my first visit to Ho Chi Minh city (been)


1 I’d rather you didn’t ask me that question

2 I haven’t seen Bob since I was in Ho Chi Minh City John could hardly understand what the teacher said It's Tom's twentieth birthday next week

5 She is fond of her nephew in spite of his terrible behaviour He would rather read books than watch TV

7 If he had hurried he would/could have caught / wouldn’t have missed the bus


10 It took Peter hours to repair his house

11 People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals 12 we didn’t arrive early enough to see the film

13 He asked me if I knew to speak EL 14 We haven’t met each other for 10 years 15 The film was so boring that she fell asleep 16 The furniture was too expensive for me to buy 17 He is tall enough to touch the light

18 The weather is so good that they are going for a picnic 19 He had his car repaired yesterday

20 My brother didn't use to study as/ so hard as he does now/ used to study more lazily than he does now 21.Is this the best hotel you could (can) find?

22.This is the first time I have seen that man here

23.People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals 24.The coffee is too hot for me to drink

25.He had my car repaired yesterday

26.The painting was thought to have been destroyed 27.We are going to have our house rebuilt by a local firm (We are going to have a local firm rebuild our house) 28 The tickets are too expensive for me to buy 29 It took Peter hours to repair his house 30 Unless you leave now, you will miss the train

31 Mai asked Jean why he was so late and if/whether his car had a flat tire 32 I regret not taking your advice/ not having taken your advice

33 It’s so expensive a house in the city that my father can’t buy it fot me 34 I won’t pay you unless you finish the work today


37 No sooner had we arrived at the theatre than the play started 38 The more money Mike earned, the more clothes he bought 39 By whom are people in your class often made to laugh ? 40 Nam offered to clean the windows for Mai

41 Meat isn’t so/as expensive as fish in some areas of the country, is it ? 42 My sister likes to be taken/ being taken to the movies by her boyfriend 43 The last time Hoa was seen was on her birthday

44 The boys would rather play soccer than stay indoors

45 Nam doesn’t like chocolate cakes and his parents don’t, either/ Neither his parents 46 How long have you learnt English?

47 Would you like some more beer? 48 I look foreward to seeing you there 49 I didn’t go and my friends didn’t either 50 I have never been to HCM city before 51 That old house has just been sold (by them) 52 The cake was so hard that I couldn’t eat it 53 I don’t mind looking after the baby for you

54 It took two hours to fly from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city


Website HOC247 cung cấp môi trường học trực tuyếnsinh động, nhiều tiện ích thơng minh, nội dung giảng biên soạn công phu giảng dạy giáo viên nhiều năm kinh nghiệm, giỏi kiến thức chuyên môn lẫn kỹnăng sư phạmđến từcác trường Đại học trường chuyên danh tiếng



n Thi Online

- Luyên thi ĐH, THPT QG:Đội ngũ GV Giỏi, Kinh nghiệm từ Trường ĐH THPT danh tiếng xây

dựng khóa luyện thi THPTQG các mơn: Tốn, NgữVăn, Tiếng Anh, Vật Lý, Hóa Học Sinh Học

- Luyện thi vào lớp 10 chun Tốn: Ơn thi HSG lớp 9 luyện thi vào lớp 10 chuyên Toán

trường PTNK, Chuyên HCM (LHP-TĐN-NTH-GĐ), Chuyên Phan Bội Châu Nghệ An trường Chuyên khác TS.Trần Nam Dũng, TS Pham Sỹ Nam, TS Trịnh Thanh Đèo Thầy Nguyễn Đức Tấn.


Khoá H

c Nâng Cao HSG

- Toán Nâng Cao THCS: Cung cấp chương trình Tốn Nâng Cao, Tốn Chun dành cho em HS THCS

lớp 6, 7, 8, u thích mơn Tốn phát triển tư duy, nâng cao thành tích học tập ởtrường đạt điểm tốt kỳ thi HSG

- Bồi dưỡng HSG Toán: Bồi dưỡng phân môn Đại Số, Số Học, Giải Tích, Hình Học Tổ Hợp dành cho

học sinh khối lớp 10, 11, 12 Đội ngũ Giảng Viên giàu kinh nghiệm: TS Lê Bá Khánh Trình, TS Trần

Nam Dũng, TS Pham Sỹ Nam, TS Lưu Bá Thắng, Thầy Lê Phúc Lữ, Thầy Võ Quốc Bá Cẩncùng đơi HLV đạt thành tích cao HSG Quốc Gia


Kênh h

c t

p mi

n phí

- HOC247 NET: Website hoc miễn phí học theo chương trình SGK từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất

môn học với nội dung giảng chi tiết, sửa tập SGK, luyện tập trắc nghiệm mễn phí, kho tư liệu tham khảo phong phú cộng đồng hỏi đáp sôi động

- HOC247 TV: Kênh Youtube cung cấp Video giảng, chuyên đề, ôn tập, sửa tập, sửa đề thi miễn

phí từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất mơn Tốn- Lý - Hố, Sinh- Sử - Địa, NgữVăn, Tin Học Tiếng Anh


ng vàng n

n t

ảng, Khai sáng tương lai

Học lúc, nơi, thiết bi – Tiết kiệm 90%

Học Toán Online Chuyên Gia

Ngày đăng: 11/05/2021, 18:32

