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Using technology in the efl classroom an investigation into non english major classes at an giang university

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE USING TECHNOLOGY IN THE EFL CLASSROOM – AN INVESTIGATION INTO NON-ENGLISH-MAJOR CLASSES AT AN GIANG UNIVERSITY Submitted to the Department of English Linguistics and Literature in partial fulfillment of the Master’s degree in TESOL By VO THI KIM HOANG Supervised by HO THANH MY PHUONG, Ph D HO CHI MINH CITY, 2013 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby certify this thesis entitled "USING TECHNOLOGY IN THE EFL CLASSROOM - AN INVESTIGATION INTO NON- ENGLISH-MAJOR CLASSES AT AN GIANG UNIVERSITY" and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of TESOL is the result of my own work, except as cited in the references In terms of the statement of Requirements for Thesis in Master’ Program issued by the Higher Degree Committee, this thesis has not previously been submitted for a higher degree to any other university or institution Ho Chi Minh City, Vo Thi Kim Hoang i RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, Vo Thi Kim Hoang, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL, accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conventions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for care, loan or reproduction of the thesis Ho Chi Minh City, Vo Thi Kim Hoang ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Dr HO THANH MY PHUONG for her valuable guidance and kind support for my study I appreciate her enthusiasm and patience in reading, revising and giving comments on this thesis Without her encouragement and assistance during the study, this research could not have been completed In addition, I am thankful to the teachers of English at Department of Foreign Languages and students at An Giang University who assisted in data collection I would also like to offer my sincere thanks the administrators of the university who gave me favorable conditions in order to carry out this study Also, I would like to express my special thanks to all the instructors who have been taught TESOL 08 class for their enthusiastic teaching and to my classmates of TESOL 2008 class for constant assistance and invaluable support while I was studying at University of Social Sciences and Humanities My sincere thanks go to Mr Ken Phillips, an Australian volunteer at AGU for his kind help in reading and revising the study Also, I would like to give my special thanks to my board of directors and staffs at Resource Center for Community Development for their willingness to help me share the current work so that I had more time to this research Last but not least, I am especially grateful to my beloved family who always encourage and support me during this study I owned all the iii members in my family for their patience, encouragement and support Without their helps, I would not have finished my study and doing this study iv ABSTRACT Technology has been used in many fields, including teaching and learning and it also brings some significant benefits In an English language classroom, the effectiveness of using technology in teaching and learning seems to be undeniable However, in reality the effectiveness of using technology in teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL) at AGU is not as high as it is expected For this reason, this study was carried out with the hope that it can help teachers and learners recognize the reality of using technology in teaching EFL at AGU with some problems as well as identify the teachers’ attitudes towards using the computer technology resources in EFL classrooms Hopefully, the results of this study will suggest some suitable ways to overcome these difficulties in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning English The participants consisted of 14 teachers of English and 353 first-year English non-major students (120 males and 233 females) The mainly aim of the study was to investigate the reality of using technology as well as find out the benefits and difficulties of using technology in teaching and learning English to these students at AGU To collect the data, three main tools were used These instruments included the questionnaires for teachers and students, the classroom observations, and some informal interviews with teachers Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were applied to analyze the data SPSS Version 16.0 was used to analyze the data collected via the questionnaire, except for the open-ended response items Then, the findings were put in Excel to draw charts so that the results were more easily interpreted v The result of the study showed that technology were widely used in teaching and learning English In general, the teachers and students had positive attitudes and eagerly applied this new tool into their works Besides some benefits they had from technology, they also faced with some disadvantages which included lack of facilities, lack of time to prepare the materials and use, lack of knowledge and skills, technical problems, and so on vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Statement of authorship i Retention and use of the thesis ii Acknowledgements …iii Abstract ….v Table of contents ….vii List of tables xi List of firgures ….xii List of abbreviations xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Purpose of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Methodology 1.6 Limitations .5 1.7 Delimitations 1.8 Organization of the study .6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions .8 2.2 Types of technology in the classroom 2.2.1 Computer 10 2.2.2 Internet 11 2.2.3 Microphones 12 2.2.4 Overhead projectors 13 2.2.5 Digital camera .13 2.2.6 Cassette player and CD player 14 vii 2.2.7 Videos 15 2.2.8 Interactive Whiteboards 16 2.2.9 Computer Software .16 2.2.10 Television 17 2.3 Benefits of using technology in teaching and learning English 18 2.4 Disadvantages of using technology in classrooms 22 2.5 Conclusion 25 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 26 3.1 Research questions .26 3.2 Research design .27 3.2.1 Research population .27 3.2.2 Sample 28 3.3 Description of the data collection instruments 28 3.3.1 The questionnaires .29 The questionnaire for teachers 29 The questionnaire for students .31 3.3.2 The classroom observation 32 3.3.3 The interviews .33 3.4 Data collection procedure .33 3.5 Data analysis .35 3.6 Reliability and validity 36 3.7 Conclusion 37 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .38 4.1 Results of questionnaires 38 4.1.1 Results of the students' questionnaire 38 Students' evaluation of English subject 38 Types of technology used in class 39 The frequency of using technology in class 39 viii Students' evaluation of teacher's using technology in class .40 Technology used to develop skills .41 Activities in which teachers used technology 42 Purposes of using technology 42 Benefits of using technology 44 Difficulties of using technology in class 45 Students' opinions in improving the effectiveness of using technology in teaching .46 4.1.2 Results from the teachers' questionnaire 47 Types of technology used in class 47 The frequency of using technology in class 48 Stages that teachers use technology in class .48 Activities in which teachers used technology 49 Purposes of using technology 50 Benefits of using technology .51 Difficulties of using technology in class 52 4.2 Results of classroom observations 53 Results of interviews 54 4.4 Discussion .56 4.4.1 The reality of using technology in teaching English at AGU .56 4.4.2 The benefits of using technology in teaching English at AGU 57 4.4.3 The difficulties of using technology in teaching English at AGU 58 4.5 Conclusion 61 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 62 5.1 Conclusions 62 ix According to you, the frequency of teacher’s using technology in class is _ (only ONE answer for each item) Very Often Often Sometimes Rarely Never a Computer b Overhead projector c Cassette player d CD-ROMs, audio CDs, DVDs e Internet f Camera g PowerPoint h Others (Please list here) According to you, using technology in teaching is (Choose ONE answer) Very useful Useful Rather useful Not useful Which technology does your teacher use to improve your language skills? (MORE THAN ONE answer can be chosen for each item) Listening Speaking Reading a Computer b Overhead projector c Cassette player d CD-ROMs, audio CDs, DVDs e Internet 92 Writing f Camera g PowerPoint h Others (Please list here) Which activities does your teacher often use technology with? (MORE THAN ONE answer can be chosen) Explaining the lesson Doing exercises Playing games Discussion Working in groups Other activities Please list here: According to you, teacher uses technology in class in order to (MORE THAN ONE answer can be chosen) Completely agree a make the lessons more effective b develop students’ language skills and to attract their attention c offer new opportunities for better language practice 93 Agree Disagree Completely disagree d make the process of language learning easier and faster e increase students’ interest, motivation and participation f help students understand the lesson clearly and remember it longer g create more interesting language learning environments h make the classroom more learner-centered i Other purposes Please list here : In your opinion, what are the advantages of using technology in EFL classrooms? (MORE THAN ONE answer can be chosen) Creating a stimulating language learning environment Motivating the competitive spirit among the students Encouraging students’ cooperation and interaction Increasing the students’ self – esteem and confidence Attracting students’ attention to the lesson 94 Promoting students’ communicative competence and autonomy Encouraging the passive students to participate more Saving time and energy Other advantages Please list here: According to you, what are the difficulties in using technology in EFL classrooms? (MORE THAN ONE answer can be chosen) Lack of the computer facilities Technical problems such as slow Internet connections Taking too much time for the teacher to create teaching materials Time – consuming Lack of financial and administrative support from the school government Inappropriately arranged classroom (e.g noise from the outside, immovable tables …) Multilevel classes Students’ low motivation in learning 95 Students’ passive learning style Other disadvantages Please list here: 10 In your opinion, in order to improve the effectiveness of using technology in EFL classrooms, following work need to be done: (MORE THAN ONE answer can be chosen) Teachers should carefully prepare more materials in advance Increasing the time of using technology in class Decreasing the time of using technology in class Using technology as present Facilities should be well-equipped in the classrooms Other works: THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! 96 APPENDIX C PHIẾU CÂU HỎI ðIỀU TRA (Dùng cho sinh viên khơng chun năm trường đại học AN GIANG) ðể thu thập thông tin phục vụ cho nghiên cứu khoa học, mong bạn vui lòng trả lời câu hỏi sau ñây cách ñánh dấu vào ô trống bên cạnh câu trả lời Những ý kiến bạn sử dụng với mục đích nghiên cứu mà thơi Một số câu hỏi có nhiều câu trả lời Trước hết, xin bạn vui lịng cho biết số thơng tin sau: - Lớp: ………………………………… - Giới tính: nam nữ - Bạn ñã học tiếng Anh ñược bao lâu? Theo bạn, tiếng Anh ngoại ngữ: (hãy chọn MỘT câu trả lời) Rất khó Khó Bình thường Tương đối dễ Rất dễ Trong lớp, giáo viên có sử dụng cơng nghệ để giảng dạy khơng? Có Khơng 97 Theo bạn, mức độ sử dụng loại hình cơng nghệ giảng dạy tiếng Anh giáo viên là: (ñánh dấu MỘT câu trả lời cho chi tiết) (1: Rất thường xuyên; 4: Hiếm khi, 2: Thường xuyên; 3: Thỉnh thoảng, 5: Không bao giờ) a Computer b Overhead projector c Cassette player d CD-ROMs, audio CDs, DVDs e Internet f Camera g PowerPoint h Loại khác: Theo bạn, việc áp dụng công nghệ giảng dạy là: (hãy chọn MỘT câu trả lời) Rất có ích Có ích Tương đối có ích Khơng có ích 98 Theo bạn, giáo viên thường áp dụng cơng nghệ để giảng dạy kỹ sau: (có thể chọn NHIỀU HƠN MỘT câu trả lời) Nghe Nói ðọc Viết a Máy vi tính b Máy chiếu c Máy Cassette d ðĩa CD, DVD e Mạng Internet f Máy quay phim g PowerPoint h Các loại khác: Giáo viên thường sử dụng cơng nghệ cho hoạt động nào? (có thể chọn NHIỀU HƠN MỘT câu trả lời) Giảng Làm tập Chơi trò chơi Thảo luận Làm việc nhóm Hoạt động khác 99 Theo bạn, việc áp dụng công nghệ giảng dạy giáo viên thì: (chọn MỘT câu trả lời cho ý kiến sau) Hồn Hồn tồn ðồng Khơng tồn đồng ý đồng ý khơng ý đồng ý a Làm cho học hiệu b Phát triển kỹ ngôn ngữ SV thu hút họ vào học c Tạo nhiều hội ñể thực hành d Làm cho việc học nhanh dễ dàng e Làm tăng hứng thú, ñộng học tập hợp tác SV f Giúp SV hiểu rõ nhớ lâu g Tạo khơng khí học tập thú vị h Vai trị SV trở nên quan trọng Theo bạn, việc áp dụng công nghệ giảng dạy tiếng Anh có thuận lợi nào? (có thể chọn NHIỀU HƠN MỘT câu trả lời) Khơng khí học tập hào hứng 100 Thúc ñẩy tinh thần cạnh tranh sinh viên Khuyến khích hợp tác tương tác sinh viên Nâng cao tự tin sinh viên Thu hút ý sinh viên vào học Thúc ñẩy khả giao tiếp tự chủ SV Khuyến khích sinh viên thụ ñộng tham gia vào học nhiều Tiết kiệm thời gian công sức Thuận lợi khác: Theo bạn, có lý khiến giáo viên sử dụng cơng nghệ giảng dạy? (có thể chọn NHIỀU HƠN MỘT câu trả lời) Thiếu phương tiện máy móc phục vụ việc giảng dạy Khó khăn kỹ thuật, tốc độ đường truyền Internet chậm Giáo viên nhiều thời gian chuẩn bị tài liệu Mất thời gian thực lớp Thiếu hỗ trợ quản lý nhà trường Lớp học bố trí khơng thuận lợi ( tiếng ồn từ bên ngồi, bàn ghế khơng di chuyển được…) Trình ñộ sinh viên không ñồng ñều ðộng học tập sinh viên Cách học thụ ñộng sinh viên Lý khác: 101 10 Theo bạn, ñể nâng cao hiệu việc áp dụng cơng nghệ vào giảng dạy tiếng Anh cần phải làm việc gì? (có thể chọn NHIỀU HƠN MỘT câu trả lời) Giáo viên cần chuẩn bị tài liệu trước nhiều kỹ Tăng thêm thời gian sử dụng công nghệ lớp Giảm bớt việc sử dụng công nghệ giảng dạy lại Giữ nguyên mức độ sử dụng cơng nghệ Nhà trường nên bố trí sẵn máy móc cần thiết lớp học ñể khỏi phải thời gian lắp ñặt Việc khác: CÁM ƠN SỰ HỢP TÁC CỦA CÁC BẠN 102 APPENDIX D TEACHERS’ INTERVIEW QUESTION What you think about the use of technology in the classroom? What you think are the benefits of using technology in the classroom? What you think are the difficulties of using technology in the classroom? Do you have any suggestions to improve the effectiveness of using technology in the classroom? What are they? 103 APPENDIX E CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SHEET A General information Class: _ - An Giang University Number of students: Date: _ Period: _ Time: Lesson Observed: _ Observer’s full name: B Teaching activities I Types of technology used in class: Computer / Laptop Overhead projector Cassette player CD-ROMs, audio CDs, DVDs Internet Camera Others II Technology used in each stage of the lesson 104 Pre – stage While stage (Presentation) Post stage (Practice) (Production) Computer / Laptop Overhead projector Cassette player CD-ROMs, audio CDs, DVDs Internet Camera Others III Activities often used with technology Explaining the lesson Doing exercises Playing games Discussion Working in groups Other activities IV Teacher’s role: 105 Instructions: very clear clear not very clear Monitoring: very good good not very good C Learning activities Students’ participation: very much much average very little Students raise hands to answer the teacher’ questions Make questions for the teacher Answer the teacher’s questions Resort to teacher’s help Discuss actively Support each other Students not involve in class activities Students other works Students’ learning attitude: very interested interested bored very bored 106 ...STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby certify this thesis entitled "USING TECHNOLOGY IN THE EFL CLASSROOM - AN INVESTIGATION INTO NON- ENGLISH- MAJOR CLASSES AT AN GIANG UNIVERSITY" and submitted in. .. methods in teaching and learning therefore seems to be successful Recognizing the importance of using technology in teaching and learning EFL, most teachers of English, and students at An Giang University. .. language classrooms Also, the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in teaching and learning English are introduced in this chapter Finally, the notions of using technology in teaching and

Ngày đăng: 07/05/2021, 22:14



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