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The effects of consciousness raising tasks on efl students acquisition of lexical chunks

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY- HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS & LITERATURE               THE EFFECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING TASKS ON EFL STUDENTS’ ACQUISITION OF LEXICAL CHUNKS Submitted to the Department of English Linguistics and Literature in partial fulfillment of the Master’s degree in TESOL By CÙ NHỰT SƯƠNG Supervised by NGUYỄN THU HƯƠNG, PhD HO CHI MINH CITY, April 2014 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY- HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS & LITERATURE               THE EFFECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING TASKS ON EFL STUDENTS’ ACQUISITION OF LEXICAL CHUNKS Submitted to the Department of English Linguistics and Literature in partial fulfillment of the Master’s degree in TESOL By CÙ NHỰT SƯƠNG Supervised by NGUYỄN THU HƯƠNG, PhD HO CHI MINH CITY, April 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Upon my study completion, I gratefully acknowledge the contribution of many people whom I have been holding onto for a generous base of support First and foremost, I am particularly indebted to my thesis supervisor for being such an inspirational and devoted mentor Dr Nguyen Thu Huong, with his exceptionally smart mind and pure heart, is a shining example of how true teachers and true scientists should be like Getting to know him and then having that blessed opportunity to work under his supervision was what I always secretly cherished Time will go by, but forever shall I be his thankful mentee and proud daughter My heartfelt thanks also go to Trinh Hoang Yen, who patiently spent hours teaching an IT illiterate like me sophisticated features of the SPSS software as well as being my demanding proofreader, giving me a much-needed sense of direction whenever I lost my heart along the way A sincere word of thanks should then be sent to all of my students and colleagues at Viet Uc Language School and Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City, especially Perry Graf and Bryan Wise, who helped me a lot in validating the my research instruments Throughout the various stages of this research, their participation- either enthusiastic or reluctant, and their support- either direct or indirect, have never been of less importance to its final success Furthermore, if the much-quoted saying, “Happiness is a journey, not a destination” is trustworthy, then Bui Thi Loc, Le Hung Vu, Tran Ky Phong, Ly Thi Kim Cuong, Pham Thi Thanh Thao, Dang Thi Doan Trang, and Le Thi Mong Tuyen… are names everlastingly capable of ringing a bell to me because m y arduous journey so far had become much more colorful and pleasant thanks to the ups and downs we shared I appreciate them all Finally, this thesis would have been impossible without my family members’ encouragement I owe my thanks to my father- Cu Tien Duc, my mother- Pham i Thi Be, my two elder sisters- Cu Yen Ha, Cu Khanh Thu, and my fiancé Doan Van Tuan Anh- for their tolerance of my obsessive preoccupation in writing this Master thesis Those beloved ones would barely touch upon a single page of the completed thesis and would never know I kept on fighting till the end just to guarantee that their blind trust in me had not been misplaced Let me keep them here in a place closest to my heart! ii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY I certify m y authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled: THE EFFECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING TASKS ON EFL STUDENTS’ ACQUISITION OF LEXICAL CHUNKS in terms of the statement of the Requirements for the Theses in Master’s Program issued by the Higher Degree Committee This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other institutions Ho Chi Minh City, 2014 CU NHUT SUONG iii RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, CU NHUT SUONG, being the candidate for the degree of Master of Arts in TESOL, accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for the care, loan or reproduction of the thesis Ho Chi Minh City, 2014 CU NHUT SUONG iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements i Statement of Originality iii Retention and use of the thesis iv Table of content v List of abbreviations ix List of tables xi List of figures xii Abstract xiii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and significance of the research 1.1.1 The rising role of chunks in modern academia and pedagogy 1.1.2 The intolerable situation of learners’ chunk knowledge sized up from the current study setting 1.1.3 The lumbering progress of chunk-oriented research and the need to triangulate conflicting research findings 1.2 Research aim 1.3 Research questions and research hypothesis 1.3.1 Research questions 1.3.2 Research hypothesis 1.4 Organization of the thesis CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview of lexical chunks 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 A historical review of lexical chunks 2.1.3 The nature of lexical chunks 10 The saliency and arbitrariness of lexical chunks………… 11 The problem of terminology……………………………… 12 2.2 Lexical chunks as operationalized for this research 18 2.3 Aspects of lexical chunk acquisition 20 v 2.3.1 Chunk size 20 2.3.2 Chunk depth 21 2.4 Proposals for chunk instruction 23 2.4.1 Brief of second language vocabulary instruction 23 2.4.2 Common chunk teaching approaches 24 2.4.3 Theoretical grounds behind consciousness raising tasks 27 2.4.4 Types of CR tasks 30 2.5 Prior studies 34 2.5.1 Studies into the role of CR tasks in L2 teaching in general 35 2.5.2 Studies into the role of CR tasks in teaching lexical chunks 35 Empirical evidences for CR tasks in chunk teaching…… 36 Empirical evidences against CR tasks in chunk teaching… 37 2.6 Conceptual framework 39 2.7 Chapter summary 40 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 42 3.1 Research design 42 3.1.1 Pretest- Posttest Quasi- Experimental Design and its rationales 42 3.1.2 Convenience sampling method and risks to internal validity 44 3.2 Matching technique…………………………………………… 45 Other courses of action devised to ensure internal research validity 46 Research site and participants 47 3.2.1 Research site 47 3.2.2 Participants 47 3.3 Data types 49 3.3.1 Vocabulary size test (or vocabulary proficiency test within this research situation) 49 3.3.2 Collocational competence test (chunk size parameter) 51 Construct, design and piloting…………………………… ……52 Test reliability……………………………………………… …57 Test administration and scoring method……………………… 57 3.3.3 Delayed written posttest (chunk depth parameter) 57 vi Construct, design and procedures…………………… ……… 57 Scoring criteria………………………………………………….58 Test reliability………………………………………… ……….65 3.3.4 Questionnaire 65 Design and constructs………………………………….……… 65 Piloting and reliability…………………………………… ……67 3.4 Research procedures 68 3.5 Data analysis 72 3.5.1 Questionnaire data analysis 73 3.5.2 Experimental data analysis 73 3.6 Chapter summary 73 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS 74 4.1 Statistical analysis of pre-test results 75 4.1.1 Vocabulary size test (placement test) 75 4.1.2 Collocational competence pre-test 76 4.2 Statistical analysis of post-test results 77 4.2.1 The collocational competence posttest 77 Paired sample T-Test for the comparison group……………… 77 Paired sample T-Test for the experimental group………… ….79 Independent T-Test for the comparison group and the experimental group………………………………………….… 80 4.2.2 Delayed written posttest 82 4.3 Summary of the questionnaire analysis 82 4.3.1 Respondents’ background 82 4.3.2 The EG’s attitude towards the treatment 83 General attitude………………………………………… …….84 Preferential reasons for learning chunks with CR tasks………………………………………………………… …85 Unfavorable reasons against learning chunks with CR tasks……………………………………………………… ……85 Students’ confidence of the acquired chunks…………… ……87 4.3.3 The EG’s perception of CR tasks’ efficacy on skill improvement 82 4.3.4 Students’ practice as a result of CR tasks 91 vii 4.4 Chapter summary 92 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS 93 5.1 Research question 93 5.1.1 From noticing to depth of processing 94 5.1.2 Higher frequency of input 97 5.1.3 Self- regulated learning resulted from a heightened awareness 98 5.2 Research question 99 5.3 Chapter summary 101 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 102 6.1 Summary of the key findings 102 6.2 Implications 104 6.3 Limitations of the study 105 6.4 Recommendations for further research 106 6.5 Chapter summary 107 REFERENCES 108 APPENDICES 123 viii APPENDIX 4B1 185 APPENDIX 4B2 WORKSHEET THE READING TEXT There is no doubt that the environment is in trouble and environmental degradation is now a major world problem Factories burn fossil fuel which produces acid rain, and this kill trees At the same time, greenhouse gases rise into the air and contribute to global warming, which threatens to melt the polar ice cap Meanwhile farmers clear huge areas of rain forest in places such as the Amazon to produce feeding land for cattle or produce wood for building Rivers and oceans are so heavily contaminated by industrial waste that is no longer safe to go swimming Cars pump out poisonous emissions which we all have to breathe in Poaching and overfishing are killing off millions of animals, including whales, elephants and other endangered species In fact, all around us, all living things are large and small which comprise our finely balanced ecosystem are being systematically destroyed by human greed and thoughtlessness There is a lot we can do, however, to help prevent this The earliest thing, of course, is to recycle waste material such as paper and glass so that we can use it again We should also check that the things we buy from supermarkets are packaged in biodegradable packaging 186 which decomposes easily At the same time, we should make a conscious effort to avoid food which are genetically-modified (at least until someone proves that they are safe both for us and for the environment) If you are truly committed to protecting the environment, of course, you should only buy organic fruit and vegetables, safe in the knowledge that they have been naturally cultivated Finally, of course, we should buy a small car that uses unleaded petrol which is less harmful to the environment or, even better, make more use of public transport The serious environmentalists, however, much more They are aware of the global issue involved, know clearly that we are all living on borrowed time and will actively involve themselves in conservation programmes by making sure our forests are kept safe for future generations They will oppose activities which are harmful to animals, such as battery farming And they will campaign to keep the Green Belts around our towns and cities free from new building We cannot all be as committed as them, but we can at least our own little bit at grass roots level We, as humans, have inherited the earth, but that doesn’t mean we can whatever we like with it FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS: 3) Is the health of our environment good or poor nowadays? 4) How many causes and solutions to the problem are mentioned in the reading passage? What are they? 187 APPENDIX 4B3 The list of chunks explained by the teacher in the language focus stage Natural resources: something, such as a forest, a mineral deposit, or fresh water, that is found in nature and is necessary or useful to humans: tài nguyên thiên nhiên Fossil fuel: a fuel (as coal, oil, or natural gas) formed in the earth from plant or animal remains: nhiên liệu hóa thạch Burn fossil fuel/oil: the use of fossil fuels by way of heating them to release energy (and also carbon dioxide, which pollutes the surrounding environment): đốt nhiên liệu hóa thạch Use up fossil fuel: to use all of the existing amount of fossil fule so that there is none left: sử dụng hết nhiên liệu hóa thạch Unleaded petrol: gasoline that has not been treated with a lead compound: xăng khơng chì Alternative energy: energy, as solar, wind, or nuclear energy, that can replace or supplement traditional fossil-fuel sources, as coal, oil, and natural gas: nhiên liệu thay 188 Solar power: energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy: lượng mặt trời Live on borrowed time (idiom): to exist only because of good fortune; to live on when death was expected The doctors told him he was living on borrowed time: sống lay lắt đèn trước gió Raise cattle: the act of keeping and taking care of farm animals such as cows or bulls for their milk or meat: chăn nuôi gia súc Battery farming: A system of rearing livestock using highly intensive methods, by which poultry, pigs, or cattle are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions: chăn nuôi công nghiệp Free range farming: of, relating to, or produced by animals, especially poultry, that range freely for food, rather than being confined in an enclosure: chăn thả vườn Organic fruit and vegetables: fruits and vegetables produced without using artificial chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides: rau an toàn = Naturally cultivated fruit and vegetables Genetically modified food: Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering: thức ăn biến đổi gien Exhaust fumes: gases ejected from an engine as waste products: khí thải Greenhouse effects: the phenomenon whereby the earth's atmosphere traps solar radiation, caused by the presence in the atmosphere of gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane that allow incoming sunlight to pass through but absorb heat radiated back from the earth's surface: hiệu ứng nhà kính Greenhouse gases: a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, e.g., carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons: khí nhà kính 189 Pump out toxic waste: to produce poisonous waste in large amounts: thải chất thải độc hại = Release poisonous emission Industrial waste: Industrial waste is the waste produced by industrial activity which includes any material that is rendered useless during a manufacturing process such as that of factories, mills and mines: chất thải công nghiệp Environmentally friendly vehicles: A green vehicle or environmentally friendly vehicle is a road motor vehicle that produces less harmful impacts to the environment than comparable conventional internal combustion engine vehicles running ongasoline or diesel: phương tiện giao thông không gây hại cho môi trường Glacial melting: As glaciers and the giant ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica melt, they add more water into the ocean, which causes sea level to rise If temperatures keep rising, glaciers will continue melting, and some could disappear completely: tượng băng tan hai cực (Glacier= a large mass of ice, formed by snow on mountains, that moves very slowly down a valley) (Glacial= connected with glaciers) Finely balanced ecosystem: an ecosystem where ecological pervails: hệ sinh thái cân (Ecological balance = a balance within a community where the organisms remain stable and the changes are slow and gradual) (Ecosystem= all the plants and living creatures in a particular area considered in relation to their physical environment) Soil erosion: the process by which the surface area of the soil is gradually destroyed through the action of wind, rain, etc: tượng đất bị xói mịn 190 Acid rain: rain that contains harmful chemicals from factory gases and that damages trees, crops and buildings: mưa a-xít Endangered species: animals or plants of a particular species whose numbers are steadily decreasing that they are to be at risk of disapperaring completely: chủng lồi có nguy tuyệt chủng Wildlife conservation: the protection of animals, birds, insects, etc that are wild and live in a natural environment: bảo tồn động vật hoang dã Conservation campaign: a series of planned activities that are intended to protect the natural environment: chiến dịch bảo tồn (To conserve= to protect) Clean up the environment: the process of removing dirt, pollution, or things that are considered bad or immoral from a place: dọn môi trường Green Belt: an area of open land around a city, on which building is restricted// an area of open land around a city where building is strictly controlled: vành đai xanh Recycle waste material: the act of reusing any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted: tái chế chất thải Turn a blind eye to (idiom): to ignore something and pretend you not see it: tảng lờ, giả câm giả điếc Do something at grass roots level (idiom): something with the participation of ordinary local people rather than of higher level political organizations: giải vấn đề từ gốc rễ 191 APPENDIX 4B4 CLOZE EXERCISE Work in pairs Complete sentences 1-10 with a suitable lexical chunk from the chunks you have learned in this lesson 1) There are over 1.6 million hectares of ……………land in England designed to prevent urban sprawl 2) Bikes are among the……………… that our governernment encourages us to use 3) Coal or gas, which were formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms, are known as………………… 4) Rising global temperatures will speed the process of ………………and cause early ice thaw on rivers and lakes 5) Cage-free eggs and those produced by……………are surely of different qualities 6) The doctors told him me I am………………… ; so I decided to make the best of it 7) Historically, it was also commonly used as a method to commit suicide, usually by deliberately inhaling the…………… of a running car engine 8) It is alarming that we have nearly………… all of our natural resources 9) In the twelve years since 2000, many…………… had been addressing a variety of issues affecting a range of species and habitats 10) The World Wildlife Fund is committed to protecting…………., which run the risk of disappearing completely 192 APPENDIX 5A QUESTIONNAIRE ENGLISH VERSION This questionnaire was designed aiming at collecting data for a study entitled “The effects of consciousness raising tasks on EFL students’ acquisition of lexical chunks” Please answer this questionnaire either by ticking () the appropriate box or by writing your responses in the space provided Your answers will greatly contribute to the success of the study It is guaranteed that the data collected will be used for the research purposes only and your confidential information will be strictly protected Your help is deeply appreciated    For each question from 1- 3, please tick () ONE option which best describes your case or opinion: 1) When and how did you get to know the notion of lexical chunks (i.e multiword units or collocation)?  ≤ months (from this class)  ≤ months (from this class and from other sources (e.g other English classes, your friends or online sources- please specify: ………………………….)  From to months (from other sources- please specify: ……………………… )  months or more (from other sources- please specify: ………………………….) 2) Do you like learning lexical chunks with the method used in the past two months? Very much  Somewhat Not much Not at all 3) When and where did you learn lexical chunks under this method?  ≤ months (in this class)  ≤ months (in this class and other English classes - please specify: … )  From to months (in other English classes- please specify: ………………… )  months or more (in other English classes - please specify: ……………… ….) SELECTIVE SECTION If you select VERY MUCH or SOMEWHAT in question 2, continue with question If you select NOT MUCH or NOT AT ALL in question 2, continue with question 193 4) You like the method applied to teach lexical chunks in the past 2-month course because… (Please tick () the right box: 1=strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3= undecided; 4= agree; 5= strongly agree) 194 A …you prefer exploring the chunks and their meanings by yourself instead of relying on sole explanations by the teachers B …this method helps develop your analytical and synthesis ability C this method helps you remember the introduced chunks better D .this method equips you with chunk learning strategies that you can apply to learn chunks by yourself E pair/ group work inherent in this method give you more time to debate in class F…you can learn from your friends via pair/group work G…the classroom atmosphere is exciting Others: (Please specify): 5) You don’t like the method applied to teach lexical chunks in the past 2-month course because…: (Please tick () the right box: 1=strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3= undecided; 4= agree; 5= strongly agree) A… you prefer listening to the teacher’s instruction rather than self-exploring chunks and their meanings by yourself B… this method is too cognitively demanding and therefore challenge your stamina C …you think class time had better be devoted to rehearsal exercises rather than exploration tasks D … this method does not help you very much in remembering the introduced chunks E .… you prefer listening to the teacher rather than discussing in pairs/groups F …pair/group work inherent in this method is troublesome with uncooperative partners G …the classroom atmosphere is boring Others: (Please specify): 6) After each meeting, you think you COULD REMEMBER about……… of the introduced chunks - Please TICK () ONE 20%  40% 60% 80% 100% 7) After the course, you think you COULD USE CORRECTLY the introduced chunks at a rate of… - Please TICK () ONE 195 20%  40% 60% 80% 100% 8) The knowledge of chunks gained from this course did help you in improving…… (Please tick () the right box: 1=strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3= undecided; 4= agree; 5= strongly agree) A your listening skill B your reading skill C your writing skill D your speaking skill Others: (Please specify): 9) After class, to consolidate and expand the chunk knowledge acquired, you…: (Please tick () the right box: 1= never; 2=rarely; 3=sometimes; 4=frequently; 5= very frequently) A …try to memorize them by repeatedly reading aloud or writing them down B …write essays on the introduced chunk topics, trying to put them into actual use C perform speaking tasks on the introduced chunk topics, trying to put them into actual use D… find more information about the learned chunks using reference materials such as dictionaries, concordances or newspaper articles, etc… E record any chunks you encounter in listening or reading texts in a vocabulary notebook whenever possible F learn more chunks of the same topics G learn more chunks of other topics H check for the nativelikeness of the chunks you write or speak Others: (Please specify): _ THANK YOU 196 APPENDIX 5B TRANSLATED VERSION BẢNG KHẢO SÁT Bảng thăm dị ý kiến dùng để thu thập thơng tin cho đề tài nghiên cứu “The effects of consciousness raising tasks on EFL students’ acquisition of lexical chunks” ( Tác động hoạt động nâng cao nhận thức lên việc thụ đắc “nhóm từ vựng có tính gắn kết” nơi người học tiếng Anh) Xin vui lòng trả lời câu hỏi cách đánh dấu () vào thích hợp viết ý kiến trả lời bạn vào chỗ trống cho sẵn Những câu trả lời bạn góp phần to lớn cho thành công đề tài Chúng cam đoan thơng tin dùng cho mục đích nghiên cứu thông tin cá nhân bạn bảo mật hoàn toàn Xin chân thành cảm ơn bạn Từ câu hỏi 1-3, vui lòng đánh dấu () vào MỘT lựa chọn thích hợp với bạn 1) Bạn biết đến khái niệm CỤM TỪ VỰNG (lexical chunks, multi-word units hay collocation) cách nào:  ≤ tháng (trong lớp này)  ≤ tháng (trong lớp này+ nguồn thông tin khác (vd: lớp tiếng Anh khác, từ bạn bè nguồn thơng tin mạng-vui lịng nêu rõ: …………… .)  Từ đến tháng (từ nguồn thơng tin khác- vui lịng nêu rõ: ………………… )  Trên tháng (từ nguồn thông tin khác- vui lịng nêu rõ: ……………………… ) 2) Bạn có thích học cụm từ vựng phương pháp áp dụng khóa học kéo dài tháng vừa qua khơng?  Rất thích  Khá thích  Khơng thích Hồn tồn khơng thích 3) Bạn học cụm từ vựng phương pháp từ đâu?  ≤ tháng (trong lớp này)  ≤ tháng (trong lớp lớp tiếng Anh khác- vui lòng nêu rõ: …… )  Từ đến tháng (tại lớp tiếng Anh khác - vui lòng nêu rõ: ………………… .)  Trên tháng (tại lớp tiếng Anh khác - vui lòng nêu rõ: ………………………… ) PHẦN RIÊNG Nếu bạn chọn RẤT THÍCH KHÁ THÍCH câu 2, vui lịng trả lời câu Nếu bạn chọn KHƠNG THÍCH LẮM HỒN TỒN KHƠNG THÍCH câu 2, vui lịng trả lời câu 197 4) Bạn thích học cụm từ vựng phương pháp áp dụng khóa học vì… ( Vui lịng đánh dấu() vào thích hợp: 1= Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; 2= Khơng đồng ý;3= Khơng chắc; 4= Đồng ý; 5= Hồn tồn đồng ý) A…bạn thích tự khám phá cụm từ vựng nghĩa chúng dựa hoàn toàn vào lời giáo viên thuyết giảng B…phương pháp giúp phát triển khả phân tích tổng hợp bạn C… phương pháp giúp bạn nhớ cụm từ vựng tốt D …phương pháp trang bị cho bạn chiến lược học cụm từ vựng mà bạn sử dụng để tự học E…các hoạt động theo cặp/nhóm giúp bạn có nhiều thời gian tranh luận lớp F…bạn học hỏi từ bạn bè thơng qua hoạt động thảo luận theo cặp// nhóm G… khơng khí học tập hào hứng Ý kiến khác: (Vui lịng nêu rõ): 5) Bạn khơng thích học cụm từ vựng phương pháp áp dụng khóa học vì… ( Vui lịng đánh dấu() vào thích hợp: 1= Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; 2= Không đồng ý;3= Không chắc; 4= Đồng ý; 5= Hoàn toàn đồng ý) A… bạn thích nghe giáo viên thuyết giảng tự khám phá cụm từ vựng nghĩa chúng phương pháp yêu cầu B …phương pháp đòi hỏi nhiều tư lương bạn C … bạn thấy thời gian lớp nên dành cho tập củng cố kiến thức giáo viên cung cấp hoạt động khám phá D …phương pháp khơng giúp ích cho việc nhớ cụm từ vựng E… bạn thích nghe giáo viên thuyết giảng làm việc theo cặp/nhóm F… việc số thành viên nhóm bất hợp tác gây phiền toái cho việc học G……phương pháp tạo khơng khí lớp học tẻ nhạt Ý kiến khác: (Vui lòng nêu rõ): 198 6) Sau buổi học, bạn cho lượng cụm từ vựng bạn NHỚ ĐƯỢC vào khoảng… số cụm từ học- Vui lòng đánh dấu () vào MỘT lựa chọn 20%  40% 60% 80% 100% 7) Sau khóa học, bạn cho lượng cụm từ vựng bạn SỬ DỤNG ĐƯỢC vào khoảng… số cụm từ học- Vui lòng đánh dấu () vào MỘT lựa chọn 20%  40% 60% 80% 100% 8) Kiến thức cụm từ vựng học khóa học giúp bạn cải thiện…: ( Vui lịng đánh dấu() vào thích hợp: 1= Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; 2= Khơng đồng ý;3= Khơng chắc; 4= Đồng ý; 5= Hồn tồn đồng ý) A kĩ nghe B.kĩ đọc C kĩ viết D kĩ nói Ý kiến khác: (Vui lịng nêu rõ): 9) Sau học, để củng cố mở rộng lượng kiến thức cụm từ vựng học, bạn… (Vui lịng đánh dấu () vào thích hợp: 1= khơng bao giờ; 2= khi; 3= thỉnh thoảng; 4= thường xuyên ;5= thường xuyên) A cố gắng học thuộc lòng cách đọc chúng thành tiếng viết viết lại nhiều lần B… viết luận có liên quan đến chủ đề học nhằm vận dụng cụm từ vựng học vào tình cụ thể C… thực hành đề tài nói có liên quan đến chủ đề học nhằm vận dụng cụm từ vựng học vào tình cụ thể D …tìm thêm thơng tin cụm từ vựng học tài liệu tham khảo từ điển, kho ngữ liệu mạng,các báo… E… ghi lại cụm từ vựng bạn nghe thấy vào F học thêm cụm từ vựng khác chủ đề học G… học thêm cụm từ vựng thuộc chủ đề khác H… kiểm tra xem cụm từ vựng bạn nói viết có giống người xứ hay chưa khac: (Vui long neu ro): . CHAN THANH CAM ON B AN 199 ... of the thesis submitted today entitled: THE EFFECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING TASKS ON EFL STUDENTS? ?? ACQUISITION OF LEXICAL CHUNKS in terms of the statement of the Requirements for the Theses... out the effectiveness of consciousness- raising tasks on lexical chunks acquisition at two levels: (a) size and (b) depth (2) To investigate students? ?? perception on the use of CR tasks in lexical. .. attesting the effect size of consciousness raising tasks (CR tasks) in boosting EFL learners’ acquisition of lexical chunks (or multi-word units) To tentatively touch upon this rather confounding

Ngày đăng: 04/05/2021, 23:25

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