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Với đề kiểm tra cuối năm môn Anh Văn sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh chuẩn bị ôn luyện và bổ trợ kiến thức cho kỳ thi sắp tới cũng như phát huy tư duy, năng khiếu về môn. Mời các bạn tham khảo.

KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG CUỐI NĂM I Choose the word whose part in bold is pronounced differently from the others in each group A special B dictionary C official D social A country B count C noun A many B open C money D ink A university B ugly C nun D umbrella A instead B leave C ready D steady A beginning B thank C drink D in D ground A toured B astonished C rubbed D erased A hero B ghost C happy D hint A vision B friends C stands D closet 10 A find B strike C hike D ill 11 A none B done C won D on 12 A black B science C coal D duck 13 A moaned B presided C viewed D robbed 14 A difference B election C decide D glance 15 A arrive B office C combine D might II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group 16 A arrangement B distinguish C theorist D collective 17 A appropriate B emotional C pronounce D situation 18 A resolution B eradication C contradiction D similarity 19 A benefit B understand C engineer D underpaid 20 A capacity B particular C altogether D especially 21 A carry B invent C appoint D become 22 A popular B dangerous C magazine D applicant 23 A physicist B president 24 A legacy B stressful C document D unpleasant 25 A reliability B untainted C retain D concerned C inventor D gardener 26 A dreadful B nourish C earthquake D emergency 27 A astronaut B economist C medium D continent 28 A garbage B pressure C ready D believe 29 A decision B effective C leftover D opinion 30 A suitable B together C supportive D solution WORD FORM & VOCABULARY (Unit 1- 8) There’s no place like ………… A house B home C home base D household C supporting D supporter She was very ………… during my father’s illness A support B supportive Despite the fact that he is in his eighties, he still leads an ………… life A act B active C action D acting C good D modern We are a very close - ………… family A love B knit Americans and Asians have very ………… ideas about love and marriage A difference B differently C differ D different An Indian woman has to ………… more in a marriage than a man A determine B sacrifice C effort D The family has a very important role in ………… children A social B socialist C socializing D socialism I tried not to draw ………… to the weak points in my argurment A attention B notion C intention D attraction Buckingham Palace is a major tourist ………… in London A attract B attraction C attractive D attractiveness 10 Some people think it is ………… to point at someone A rude B polite C.easy D formal 11 Eugenie Clark has a lot of ………… about cultures of may countries in the world A know B known C knowledge D knowing 12 My teacher gave me a lot of ………… and helped me pass the test A encourage B encouraged C encouraging D encouragement 13 If we have done something to hurt someone’s feelings, we should ………… A smile B excuse C thank D apologize 14 Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home A deal with B manage C help together D work together 15 It’s ok to use ………… language if you’re speaking to a friend A verbal B non – verbal C formal B informal 16 Gestures such as waving and handshaking are ………… forms of comunication A direct B regular C verbal D non – verbal 17 In Britain it is ………… for children to attend school between the ages of and 16 A enforced B compulsory C obliged D made 18 The school year normally has three ………… , with exams at the end of the year A terms B semesters C systems D seminars C required D easy 19 Primary education in the U.S is compusory A free of charge B excellent 20 There are two parallel school systems in English, state school and ………… school A national B public C primary D secodary C Being on time D Being cheerful 21 Punctuality í imperative in your new job A Being eficient B Being courteous 22 He couldn’t give a ……… explanation for his actions A satisfactory B satisfaction C satisfy D dissatisfied 23 With so much …………, I’m lucky to be in works A employees B employed C employing D employers 24 Any candidate caught ……… in the examination will be disqualified A pretending B cheating C joking D quitting 25 “Did Bob take the test ?” “ Yes, and ………… , he passed it easily A surprisingly B surprised C surprising D by surprise 26 Several students failed to reach the………… standard A require B required C requiring D requirement C interviewee D interviewer 27 A skilled………….will help candidates feel relaxed A interview B interviewing 28 It is……….to shoot an alligator in the Everglages where animals are under the protection of the National Park Service A legal 29 The country is experiencing A depression B illegal C legally D illegality a severe economic……………… B depressed C depressing D depresses 30 The bomb attacks have been attributed to a group of international………………… A terrorism B terrorist C terrorists D terrorization C pollution D development 31 Many species of animals are in danger of …………… A extinction B destruction 32 Tricia wanted to be………of her parents so she tried to get a job A dependent B independent C dependence D independence 33 Some scientists believe in the…… of life on the other planets A exist B existence C existing D existent 34 “ Do you have a reference from your previous……….?” asked the interviewer A employ B employee C employed D employer B sociably C sociable D socially C healthily D healthfully C confusion D confuses 35 Anne is a very ………….person A society 36 You looked…………after your summer cacation A healthy B healthier 37 She said that the report was a bit…………… A confused B confusing 38 The weather was so……… that all the sight seeing trips were canceled A pleasing B pleasant C pleased D unpleasant C danger D endangered C chemiscally D chemist C thought D think 39 Our health is being ……….by air pollution A dangerous B dangerously 40 Those boxes contain dangerous………… A chemistry B chemiscals 41 My son has given a great deal of………to his future jobs A thoughtless B thoughtful 42 The authorities are discussing the worrying………issue in the area A evironmentalists B environmental C environment D environmentally 43 Be patient ! Don’t……….to learn a foreign language in a week A expect B expectation C expectant D expected C natural D naturalness C courage D encourage 44 carbon dioxide occures in the air in…………form A nature B naturally 45 Children should be…………to realize the full potential A discouraged B encouraged 46 ……….for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being admitted A Apply B Application C Applied D Applicable C comforting D comfortably C post D play 47 Staying here is………… I am feeling sick A discomfort B uncomfortable 48 She applied for the new……….of training officers A job B work 49 One condition of this job is that you must be………….to work at the weekend A available B capable C acceptale D accessible 50 The agency will let you know if they have any suitable…………… A vacancies B abilities C activities D capability ARTICLE Can anyone give me hand, please because I have just fallen over? A a B an C the D X I like to watch tennis on the television It is very good game A a B an C the D X president of the United States will be visiting Australia next week A a B an C the D X golf is my favourite sport I play once or twice week if I can, but I’m not very good player A X/ a/ a B The/ a/ a C The/ the/ the D X/ a/ the starts at seven o’clock A School B A school C The school D The schools We can finish the rest of the bread for .breakfast A a B an C the D X Nigel opened a drawer and took out A photos B a photos C some photos D some photo We need to protect environment from pollution A some B a C an D the C the D X We often go to school by bicycle A a B an 10 in the Brazilian rainforests are now becoming popular with adventurous travelers A Holiday B Holidays C The holiday D A holiday PHRASES AND CLAUSE OF PURPOSE 11 Mary jogs everyday lose weight A so she can B so that she can C because she can D so that to 12 You should look up the meaning of the new in the dictionary _ misuse it A so as to B to C so as not to D so that C because D as a result 13 He lighted the candle he might read the note A so that B and 14 He turned off the lights before going out _ waste electricity A so that not B as not to C in order that not D so as not to 15 The school boys are in hurry they will not be late for school A so as to B to C in order that D for C although D than 16 He hid that letter in a drawer _ no one could read it A so that B because 17 The teacher was explaining the lesson slowly and clearly _ A to make his students to understand it B in order that his students can understand it C so as to that his students could understand it D so that his students could understand it 18 The boy always does his homework before class A so as not to be punished by the teacher B so as to be punished by the teacher C so that not to be punished by the teacher D in order that not to be punished by the teacher 19 “ I tried to study English well I want to get a good job.” Means A I tried to study English well so that I can get a good job B.I tried to study English well in order that I can get a good job C.I tried to study English well to get a good job D all are correct 20 “They whispered They didn’t want anyone to hear them.” Means _ A.They whispered in order to make anyone hear them B.They whispered so that no one could hear them C.They whispered to make everyone hear them D.They whispered in order that make everyone hear them 21 “We preserve natural resources We can use them in the future.” Means _ A.We preserve natural resources so that we can use them in the future B.We preserve natural resources so as to we can use them in the future C.We preserve natural resources for future use D.A and C 22 17.The students study English they can communicate with foreigners .A so that B.so that C in order to D A & C 23 The teacher explained the lesson again in order that A all the students could understand the lesson B all the students could drive to school C all the students could pass the examination D.all the students could exchange the answers Find a mistake in each of the following sentences: 24 Please arrive on time in order to we will be able to start the meeting punctually A B C D 25 They can speak English and use a computer so as to they can easily get a good job A B C D 26 In order that to buy his new car, he had to borrow his friend some money A B C D 27 He was tired so that he couldn’t continue his work A B C D 28 Those students are trying their best in order that to get the scholarship A B C D 29 Sound is carried from the eardrum to the nerves so as to we can hear it A B C D CLAUSE OF TIME 11 We saw many beautiful birds _ in the lake A when we are fishing B while fishing C while fished D fishing 12 _, Peter came to see me A While having dinner B While I was having dinner C When having dinner D When lam having dinner 13 _ my homework, I went to bed A After I had finished B After finished C Finished D After had finished 14 _ the dance, Jerry said good-bye to his girlfriend A Before left B Before he leaves C Before leaving D Before he will leave 15 Jones _ after everyone _ A speaks / will eat B will speak / has eaten C is speaking / eats D has spoken / will have eaten 16 _, Joe stays in bed and reads magazines A Whenever raining B As it will be raining C When it will rain D Whenever it rains 20 _ in Rome than he was kidnapped A.No sooner he arrived B.Had he no sooner arrived C.No sooner had he arrived D.No sooner he had arrived 21 _ Peter gets here, we will congratulate him A As soon as B After C No sooner D Since 22 Mrs Pike _ the door before the customers arrived A had opened B will open C would open D has opene 23 After Mariana _ her exam, I _ her out to eat A was finishing / would take C will finish / have taken B finished / had taken D has finished / will take 24 Mary will have finished all her work _ A as soon as her boss returned B until her boss will returnC by the time her boss returns D when he-r boss will return 25 She went on crying, with her head sunk into a pillow, and cried and cried _ the pillow was wet through A before B after C until D while 26 Despite _, we knew that he was guilty A denied B of denying C he denied 27 Despite the fact that _, we enjoyed our trip D his denial A the weather is bad B it is a bad weather C the bad weather the weather was bad 28 Julie failed the exam _ of working very hard A despite B in spite C even if D though 29 Tom went to work despite _ A that he did not feel very well B of the fact not feeling well C he did not feel very well D not feeling very well 30 Though _, they are good friends A their sometimes quarrel B to have a quarrel sometimes C they sometimes have a quarrel D of having a quarrel sometimes 31 Despite _, we arrived on time A the traffic B of the traffic C there was heavy traffic D of there was heavy traffic 32 _it was very cold, she did not put on her coat A In case B But C Even if D Although CONJUNCTIONS Were there any calls for me? – Yes, rang while you were out A someone B anyone C no one D A & B I threw my old trainers and bought some new A ones B one C some D any There’s waiting outside to see you She didn’t tell me her name A no one B anyone C someone D everyone There are two films on TV this evening Which would you prefer to see? A one B ones C someone D anyone Do you need thick paper or thin ? A anyone B everyone C one D ones We all know the man is a thief, don’t we? – Yes, knows, but dares to say so publicly A someone/ no one B everyone/ no one C anyone/ no one D anyone/ someone Can you please check that has got a ticket? A someone B anyone C no one D everyone I would like to offer a small reward to who finds my missing dog A someone B anyone C no one D one II Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 23) There isn’t no one waiting for me, isn’t there? A B C D 24) Someone spoke to me, but I can’t remember its name A B C D 25) Anyone stole the money, but we don’t know who A B C D 26) Someone would tell me the answer, so I guessed A B C D 27) There are someone wanting to see you outside A B C D CÂU GIAO TIẾP Tom: “How you do?” – Jerry: “………………….” a yes, OK b Not too bad c How you do? d I’m well A: “Bye!” – B: “ ………” a See you lately b See you later c Thank you A: “ I’ve passed my exam.” - B: “………………….” d Meet you again a Good luck b It’s nice of you to say so c That’s a good idea d Congratulations! A: “ Would you like to have dinner with me?” B: “ …………” a Yes, I’d love to b I’m very happy c Yes, It is d Yes, so I Peter: “ I enjoy listening to pop music.” Mary: “……………… ” a I’m, too b I don’t c Neither I d So am I Ann: “ Are you going to visit Britain next month?” Kim: “Yes,…………… ” a I am b I c I like d I going Bob: “ James is a very brave man.” David: “ Yes, I wish ………… his courage.” a had b will have c have had d have David: “ You’ve got a beautiful dress!” Helen: “ ………… ” a I b Thanks for your compliment c You too d OK Sue: “ I love pop music” Alice: “ ………………” a I do, too b No, I won’t c Yes, I like it d Neither I 10 Ann: “ What you usually on Sunday?” Mary: “ …………….” a I used to drive to work b I’d be sleeping all day c I’m not doing anything d I usually sleep until noon 11 Jack: “ I’ve got to go, Sarah So long.” So long, Jack And ……………” a be careful b don’t hurry c take care d don’t take it 12 Mary: “ That’s a very nice skirt you are wearing.” Julia: “ ………… ” a That’s nice b I like it c That’s all right d I’m glad you like it 13 David: “ Happy Christmas!” Jason: “ ………… ” a You are the same! b Same for you! 14 Tom: “ ………………… ?” a How often you go shopping 15 Peter: “ Sorry, I’m late.” a OK c The same to you d Happy Christmas Jerry: “ Once a week” b How much you want c Are you sure d When will you get there Mary: “ ………….” b Don’t worry c Hold the line please d Go ahead 16 Davis: “ Good morning My name is Davis I have a reservation.” Andy: “…………” a What you want? b Yes, a single room for two nights? c I haven’t decided yet What about you? d What you like? 17 Mary: “ I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow.” – Peter: “ ……… ” a Thank you b Same to you c Good luck d See you 18 A: “Thank you for the lovely present.” – B: “ …………… ” a Go ahead b Not at all c come on d I’m pleased you like it 19 A: Are you coming on Saturday? – B: …………… a I’m afraid not b I’m afraid not to c I’m afraid to d I’m afraid I don’t 20 A: ………… they travel abroad? – B: Once a year a When b How c What time d How often 21 A: Do you think you’ll get the job? – B: ………… a I know so b Well, I hope so c I think so d Yes, that’s right 22 A: I’m getting married next week – B: …………… a Thanks, the same to you 23 A: How’s life? – B: ……………… b Congratulations! c Well done d Sorry to hear that a Sure b Not too bad c Fine, thanks d Pleased to meet you 24 A: Excuse me, what’s the time? – B: Sorry, I ……………… a don’t see b don’t have a watch c won’t know d know 25 A: Are you free this coming Sunday? – B: …………… a Yes, I will b No, Thank you c Yes, I can d I think so Why? 26 A: …………………… – B: Certainly a Welcome back b What are you doing there? c I’m sorry I am late d May I borrow a pen please? 27 A: Are you hungry? – B: …………… a Yes, I b Soon c Right now d Yes, a little 28 A: Would you like some more tea? – B: …………… a Yes, please b Here you are c It doesn’t matter d I’m OK 29 A: Hello, my name’s John ……………… to meet you a Please b I’m very well c Pleased d Thank you 30 A: ………………? – B: He’s OK now a What is he b How is he c How tall is hed d What’s he like 31 A: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift – B: ………… a You are welcome b Thank you c Cheers d Have a good day c OK d Forgive me 32 A: What’s your name? – B: …………… a Really? b Pardon? 33 A: Thank you for a lovely evening? – B: ……………… a Don’t mention it b I’m glad you enjoyed it c Yes, I’d like that d Yes, that would be very nice 34 A: I hope to see you again – B: ………………… a I hope so b Good enough c Thank you d I really enjoy meeting you too 35 A: Would you like a cup of coffee? – B: ……………… a Yes, thank a lot b No, thanks you 36 A: Excuse me - B: ……………? a What b Yes c Yes, please d No, you are welcome c No d Thank you 37.A: Let’s meet for a coffee tonight – B: …………… a I hope not b I’m afraid I can’t c Yes, let’s d Yes, thank you 38 A: …………………… ? – B: Yes, I want to send some flowers to my wife in Italy a Do you like flowers b What you like c Can you help me 39 A: What’s …………., Peter? You don’t look very happy a matter b problem c the matter d that c Congratulations! d Thanks 40 A: I passed my exam -B: …………… a oh b Good luck 41.”Have a nice weekend.”-“…” a You are the same b The same to you c so I d Will you? 42.Would you mind if I smoke? -…… a Never mind b Yes, please don’t 43.Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?- …… c Not at all d Yes, please d Can I help you a No,thanks b Yes, I’m so glad c Sorry, the seat is taken d Yes, Yes you can sit here 44.Shall we start now?-…… a Yes,we are b Yes, let’s c Of course not d No, no 45.Your desk-mate failed in the oral test? –“ ” a I’m sorry to hear that c Oh, I know b In which respect d It’s hard for me to express myself in English 46.Don’t forget to come to my party tomorrow –“ ” a I don’t b I won’t c I can’t d I haven’t 47.Must we it now?-“No, ………” a you won’t b you mustn’t c you can’t d you needn’t 48.Would you like to go to the movie with me ?-“… ” a No,I wouldn’t That’s boring b I’d love to but I can’t I’m visiting grandma with mom c Yes, I’d like to d I’d love 49 Your fur coat look very expensive.-“….”- It was secondhand a Yes, it does b I’m sorry c Really? It wasn’t expensive d No it isn’t 50 What a lovely house you have!-“…” a You’re welcome c Thank you Hope you will drop in b Of course, it’s costly d No problem 20 "I'm sorry, I didn't phone you" A Karen apologized for not phoning me B Karen refused to phone me C Karen admitted for not phoning me D Karen promised not to phone me 21 "No, it's not true I didn't cheat in the exam" A Tom denied cheating in the exam B Tom denied not to cheat in the exam C Tom denied didn’t cheat in the exam D Tom denied to cheat in the exam 22 "You should not stay up too late" A Minh advised me not to stay up too late B Minh advised me staying up too late C Minh advised me to stay up too late D Minh encouraged me to stay up too late KIỂM TRA CUỐI NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN I PHONETICS Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group a young b about c account d sound a astronaut b anchor c spaceman d capsule a Christmas b anchor c chemistry d cheque a deliver b different c diagram d disease a hurl b pull c June d would a allow b how c account d country a trade b payment c relation d bank a value b change c actual d transaction a holder b bore c important d score 10 a credit b service c letter d specified Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest a farmer b farewell c factory d fairy a cattle b country c canal d cover a money b machine c many d mother a borrow b agree c await d prepare a government b condition c Parliament d fortunate II VOCABULARY Choose the best answer The person who writers symphonies or concertos is a _  a composer b conductor c pianist d playwright We call the very large group of musicians that includes string and wind instruments a(n) _  a band b musical c orchestra d trio The police are _ an incident which took place this afternoon  a inspecting b searching c looking out d investigating Someone wants you to _ a good hotel  a introduce b direct c recommend d tell She used to _ her living by working as a typist  a win b earn c raise d support My brother is intelligent but he _ common sense a fails b lacks c misses d wants We'll play tennis and _ we'll have lunch a after b then c so d immediately The Blacks live in the house _ the green doors a have b with c which d where It never _ my mind he will lie to me  a crosses b enters c happens d takes 10 Please ring to make an early _ at the dentist  a assignment b order c date d appointment Read the passage and choose the best answer An increasing number of people are now going on holiday to Egypt Last year, for example, about one and a half million (1) _ visited Egypt The (2) _ of Egypt is about fifty million and the (3) _ is El Qahira (Cairo), a busy city of just under nine million people Although the (4) _ is hot and dry and most of the country is desert, the average (5) _ from October to March is not too high The most (6) _ sights are pyramids at Giza However, it is also pleasant to (7) _ Alexandria, Port Said and several other places and as much (8) _ as possible in the time available A (9) _ to Luxor is an unforgettable experience, and there are frequent (10) _ there from Cairo a explorers b voyagers c tourists d passengers a people b town c nation d population a principal b head c state d capital a temperature b climate c condition d position a weather b measure c climate d temperature nguyenlanhuong Page 8/18/2011 a famous b known c visited d asked a search b require c examine d visit a viewing b seeing c sightseeing d looking a picnic b trip c guide d entertainment 10 a flights b travels c journeys d trips III GRAMMAR Choose the best answer Tuberculosis _ an infectious disease a was b has been c would be d is Pasteur _ in the 19th century  a was living b lived c had lived d has lived Since 1980, scientists the world over _ a lot of things to fight against AIDS  a have done b are doing c did d had done At present, they _ with the medicines to cure this terrible disease a have experimented  b are going to experiment c are experimenting d have been experimenting Many people _ of malaria, smallpox before the process of vaccination was invented in the 19th century a have died b had died c would die d were dying Our government _ a system of private schools in a near future  a was developing b has developed c would develop d is going to develop The doctor said that his appetite _ him restore his health quickly  a has helped b helps c would help d is helping Now my sister _ a bicycle of her own  a is having b are having c has d had A football team _ chiefly of 12 players  a composed b composes c comprised d comprises 10 This is the first time I _ here a am b have been c was d be 11 Last week, my professor promised that he _ today  a would come b will come c comes d coming 12 My girl friend arrived after I _ for her about half an hour  a was waiting b had been waiting c have been waiting d have waited 13 Did she say she _ him tomorrow?  a has visited b will visit c would visit d is going to visit 14 _ to rain before you woke up this morning?  a Did it begin b Has it begun c Had it begun d Would it begin 15 My daughter saw an elephant this morning but she _ one before  a had never seen b has never seen c never sees d never had seen 16 I _ in Da Nang before I moved to Dong Nai  a have been living b have lived c had lived d had been living 17 There are many ways _ to Rome  a is leading b are leading c leading d led 18 I just want to know what you _ at this time tomorrow afternoon  a are going to b will be doing c are doing d 19 I am reading this novel By the time you come back from work I _  a shall finish b will finish c shall have finished d have finished 20 Tarkiss worked hard so that he _ himself  a can support b could support c is able to support d may support IV USE OF ENGLISH Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting Our new television (A) came with a (B) ninety-days warranty (C) on all electrical (D) components It is (A) difficult to get used (B) to sleep in a tent after (C) having a soft, comfortable bed (D) to lie on The director felt (A) badly about (B) not giving Mary the position (C) that she (D) had sought with his company nguyenlanhuong Page 8/18/2011 Tom and Mark hope (A) go skiing (B) in the mountains this weekend (C) if the weather (D) permits (A) The political candidate talked as if she (B) has already (C) been elected (D) to the presidency (A) They wanted him (B) understand that they wanted (C) some milk and (D) sandwiches (A) Even though she (B) looks very young, she is twice (C) older than my (D) twenty-year-old sister (A) Despite his (B) smiling face, the (C) second-place contestant is (D) more sadder than the winner I not believe that I (A) have ever seen as many expensive cars (B) than (C) were in (D) that shopping center 10 (A) The members of the orchestra (B) had to arrived an hour (C) prior to (D) the performance for a short rehearsal V READ THE TEXT CAREFULLY AND THEN CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWERS Galileo Galileo was born in 1564 in the city of Pisa, Italy About twenty years later he attended the University of Pisa At first he wanted to become a doctor, but while he was there he became interested in science and decided to become a scientist In 1592, a year after his father's death, the University of Padua invited him to be a professor of mathematics He stayed there for 19 years, where he became interested in the stars He made an instrument which made far-away things look larger and easier to examine This was called the telescope When he was studying the stars, he discovered that the "stars" which moved were not really stars, but worlds like the earth He proved the Copernicus was right; the earth and the planets indeed moved around the sun Galileo attended the University of Pisa in _  a.1564 b.1584 c.1592 d.1593 Galileo's father died _  a in 1591 b in 1592 c in 1593 d when he was studying the stars He made the telescope because he wanted _  a to become a good professor of mathematics b to prove that Copernicus was right  c to discover some new planets d to study the stars The telescope helped him _ a to examine far-away things easily  b to look everything around him early c to see the earth d to discover new planets Which of the following statements is not true?  a Galileo was interested in the stars b Galileo made an instrument to study the stars  c Galileo proved that the earth and the planets moved around the sun  d Galileo discovered that the stars which moved were not really stars VI STRUCTURES Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one Somebody cleans the room every day  a The room every day is cleaned b The room is every day cleaned  c The room is cleaned every day d The room is cleaned by somebody every day They cancelled all flights because of fog  a All flights because of fog were cancelled  b All flights were cancelled because of fog  c All flights were because of fog cancelled  d All flights were cancelled by them because of fog People don't use this road very often  a This road is not used very often b Not very often this road is not used  c This road very often is not used d This road not very often is used Somebody accused me of stealing money  a I was accused by somebody of stealing money b I was accused of stealing money  c I was accused of stealing money by somebody d I was accused stealing money How people learn languages?  a How are languages learned? b How are languages learned by people? nguyenlanhuong Page 8/18/2011  c How languages are learned? nguyenlanhuong d Languages are learned how? Page 8/18/2011 ANSWER KEY I 1.a 3.d 5.a 7.d 9.a 2.c 4.c 6.d 8.b 10.b 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b II 1.a 3.d 5.b 7.b 9.a 2.c 4.c 6.b 8.b 10.d 1.c 3.d 5.d 7.d 9.b 2.d 4.b 6.a 8.c 10.a III 1.d 5.b 9.b 13.c 17.c 2.b 6.d 10.b 14.c 18.b 3.a 7.c 11 a 15 a 19.c 4.c 8.c 12.b 16.d 20.b IV 1.b 3.a 5.b 7.c 9.b 2.b 4.a 6.b 8.d 10.b V 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.c VI 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a nguyenlanhuong Page 8/18/2011 ... C Minh advised me to stay up too late D Minh encouraged me to stay up too late KIỂM TRA CUỐI NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN I PHONETICS Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently... argurment A attention B notion C intention D attraction Buckingham Palace is a major tourist ………… in London A attract B attraction C attractive D attractiveness 10 Some people think it is …………... quarrel sometimes 31 Despite _, we arrived on time A the traffic B of the traffic C there was heavy traffic D of there was heavy traffic 32 _it was very cold, she did not put on her coat

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 14:58