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Test 45 No1New

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- go round the class & provide help when necessary - call on some pairs to ask & answer in front of the class - feedback & give the correct answers:. When we want to attract [r]


Period UNIT 1: HOME LIFE 17/8 Lesson A: Reading I Aim

Reading a text about the life of a happy family II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- get the ideas of a happy family by understanding a range of related vocabulary such as close-knit, join hands, active, mischievous, obedient, supportive…

- improve micro reading skills by guessing meaning from context through multiple choice & answering qs exercises

III Materials

Textbook, family pictures, whiteboard markers,… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may not fully understand the meaning of some words & phrases such as Men build the house & women make it home, join hands or close-knit

V Procedure

Time Steps Work


5’ Warm up

- Ask Ss to complete the the sentence: ….build the house….make it home.

- T leads in the main topic: FAMILY LIFE

- the whole class

7’ Pre-reading

- have Ss look at the pictures & answer the qs: 1 Where is the the family?

2 What is each member of the family doing? 3 Is the family happy? Why (not)?

- encourage Ss to share their own ideas & feelings upon seeing the picture

- go round the class & join the pairs if possibe - give the suggested answers:

1 The family is at home.

2 The son is playing games, the father is playing with the son, the daughter is studying & the mother iss helping her with her work.

3 The family is very happy because the members are getting on well with each other.

- give the main content of the unit: home life

- pairwork




Each family is a cell of the society A happy family makes it a good cell And if a cell is in good condition, the society is sure to be good as well In today’s lesson, we will read about elements for a happy & close-knit family

Task – Multiple choice

- have Ss work in pairs, read the sentences & have a of the answers before reading the text for the right information - ask Ss to work in their own, read the text & choose the best answer to each sentence

- have Ss cross check their answers

- call on some Ss to give their answer in front of the class - feedback & give the correct answers

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A

- ask Ss to practice using the new words & phrases from the exercise to help them comprehend the use of these words & phrases

Task – Answering the qs

- have Ss work in pairs, asking & answering about information in the text, using the given qs

- call on pairs to make qs & answers in front of the class - feedback & give the correct answers:

1 Very busy They have to work long hours & sometimes they habe to work at night.

2 She is always the first one to get up in the morning to make sure that her children leave home for shool with breakfast & suitable clothes She always makes dinner ready before her husband comes home.

3 The daughter helps with the household chores: she washes the dishes & takes out the garbage She also looks after the boys/her younger brothers The father sometimes cooks/does some cooking or mending things around the house at


4 She attempts to win a place at university.

5 Because they are very close-knit & supportive of one

another They often share their feelings & whenever proplems come up, they discuss them frankly & find solutions quickly.

- pairwork

- pairwork

10’ Post-reading

Group discussion

- have Ss work in groups & compare the family described in the text with their own family

- help Ss find the main ideas about the family described in the text:

+ numbers of the family members: five

+ mother: nurse, busy but caring, run the household


+ father: biologist, busy but willing to help his wife, enjoy cooking

+ I: study at the secondary shool, help with the household chores, look after the boys

+ a very close-knit family & supportive of one another. - then ask Ss to provide the information about their family following the above points to compare the two families

3’ Wrapping

- summarize the main points - Assign homework

- whole class

Period UNIT 1: HOME LIFE 19/8 Lesson B: Speaking I.Aims

- Talking about family life II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- review related words about the family life including household chores, responsibility, wash the dishes…

- exchange information about their family life by carrying out interviews from a given list of qs & sharing information with a friend

III Materials

- Textbook, handouts… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may not know how to use words describing daily activities related to family life V Procedure

Time Steps Work


5’ Warm up

- ask Ss to write down on a piece of papper a list of things considered as the household chores in one minute

- check in front of the class - suggested answers:

+ to clean the floor/ to cook/ to the washing up/ to wash clothes/ to tidy the kitchen/ to iron clothes/ to hang dry the clothes/ to repair things/ to take care of the baby/ to take out the garbage…

- encourage Ss to make sentences about themselves with those phrases:

- Ex: My main responsibility is to wash the dishes My mother often cooks for the whole family

My father never irons his clothes My mum does it for him


- lead to the new lesson: Asking & answering about household chores & family life

5’ Pre-speaking

Task 1: Checking appropriate information

- have Ss work individually, check the suitable box for information that apply to his/her own family

- help Ss fully understand all the information by giving them meaning of the following words:

+ work(v): kiếm tiền + share (v): chia sẻ + interest (n): sở thích

+ closely (adv): cách chặt chẽ + personal secret: bí mật riêng tư

+ make an important decision: đưa định quan trọng - call on some pairs to give their choices

- individually





Task – Asking & answering about family life

- have Ss work in pairs, prepare a list of qs to ask each other to find out whether their family life is alike or not

- Suggested qs are as follows: * Who works in your family?

* Who does the household chores in your family? * What are your responsbility in your family? * What inrerest does your family share closely? * Who you often share your secret with?

* Who you often talk to before you make a decision? - have Ss work in pairs, asking & answering, using the given information

- call on some pairs to practice speaking in front of the class - feedback on the Ss’ work

Task – Getting information

- have Ss work on their own, using the just-formed qs above to ask another Ss in the class about his/her family life & then take note of the information from their answers

Task – Giving information

- ask Ss to go back to their original pairs or make another pair if needed, & tell the other information about the family life of the friend who he/she has just interviewed

Note: Remind Ss to change all verb tenses & pronouns where necessary

Ex: I have just had an interview with Lan about her family life Both her parents work And at home, her mother usually does the household chores.Lan’s responsbility in the family is to look after her little brother…


- individual & pairwork


5’ Post-speaking - have Ss work in pairs, discuss the question:

Why should family members share the household chores? - help Ss to list some benefits of sharing the housework * relieve the burden on parents’ shoulders

* members become closer to each other * children aware of the value of labor * help children become more independent

- pairwork

3’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- wholeclass

Period UNIT 1: HOME LIFE 22/8 Lesson C: Listening I.Aims

- Listening about family life II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Understand a family life through a conversation between two friends - Enrich more vocabulary used to describe a family life

III Materials

- Textbook, handouts… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may have difficulties catching exact words to complete the table Thus, careful instruction for this activity is needed

V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction

5’ Warm up

- ask Ss to play a game: jumbled word FYMALI RINENOU

Key: FAMILY REUNION - lead in the lesson

- whole class

10’ Pre-listening

* Answering questions:

- have Ss to work in pairs,ask & answer about the picture: 1 What’s happening in the picture? ( The family is having a big meal).

2 How many people are there? ( people). 3 How are they feeling? ( very happy).

4 On what occasions people come home to have a family reunion? ( holiday season).

* Vocabulary:

+ elicit & teach new words:


- flight (n): chuyến bay - close – knit (adj): gắn bó

- spread – out (v): lan tỏa, tản lạc - coach (n): xe đò

- leftovers (n): thức ăn thừa - reserved (v): đặt trước

+ have Ss listen to the tape & practice reading. 10’


While-listening Task 1: T / F statements.

- have Ss work on their own & guess the answers - Play the tape twice

- Have Ss exchange their answers for a check

- Call on Ss to give their answers in front of the class - Comment & give correct answers

_1.Andrea can’t wait for her flight

_2.Paul’s home is 280 kilometer form where they are now _3.There are more children in Andrea’s family than in Paul’s

_4.Paul is excited about coming home

_5.When Andrea’s family get together , theyoftem go out for dinner.

* Keys: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

Task 2: Note down different things between Paul’s and Andrea’s family.

- again in pairs, ask Ss to note down the two differences between the two families

- Ask Ss to crosscheck their answers

- Play the tape again & pause at the answers:

Paul Andrea

1 His family members aren’t very close.

2 The family often eat the meals the mother cooks at home.

1 It’s a close – knit family.

2 The family often go out to read.

- individual

- pairwork

10’ Post-listening

- ask Ss to discuss the importance of family in a person’s life

- groupwork

2’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- wholeclass


22/8 Lesson D: Writing I.Aims

- Writing about family rules II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - give an account of their family rules

- Strengthen micro-writing skills such as brainstorming,outlining, editing… III Materials

- Textbook, handouts… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary about things that should be & should not be done in their family T should provide necessary vocabulary so that Ss can fulfill the task easily

V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction


Warm up

- in one minute ask Ss to make as many sensible sentences as possible by joining the elements in the following pattern table:

My parents My mother My father I

(not) let

(not) be allowed (not) have to (not) permit

come home late

do the household chores use the family motorbike talk on the phone with friends

- call some Ss representing for the groups to read out the sentences, T writes on board

- declare the winner & lead in the new lesson

- groupwork

10’ Pre-writing

- revise the use of the verbs to describe the rules of the family: * let + sb + + st

-> My mother let me wash the dishes when I was six * allow + sb + to + st

-> Our teacher does not allow us to have private talk in class.=(We are not allowed to have…)

* have to + st (vs must st) -> I have to homework everyday * permit + sb + to + st

permit + doing st

-> They permit to use the phone

- ask Ss to work in pairs to give some examples

- whole class

- pairwork While-writing

Describing family rules



- if possible, remind Ss of the form of a letter to a penpal so that they have a good arrangement of such a letter

- go round the class & provide help when necessary

- have Ss exchange their writing & then pick up surtain writing of the Ss & check in front of the class

- give suggested writing: Dear Hue,

We haven’t written each other for a long time There are changes in my family so that we have had new rules for our family members to follow.

Because my mum has to look after our new-born brother, we have to the household chores.Moreover, we are not allowed to come home late at night as usual because it may disturb mom & the baby.

For meals, my sister has to prepare it In the evening, we are not allowed to to watch TV so late.

And another thing is that we are not permitted to talk loudly on the phone And another thing is that my dad doesn’t allow us to go out with friends whenever we have free time.

Busy as we are, we still feel very happy because we can help parents a lot with things around home.

How about you? Are there any changes in your family rules? Look forward to your reply.

Best wishes, Jenny

- individual

10’ Post-writing

- collect some papers & correct them on front of the class * Production:

- ask Ss to work in groups think of some family rules & then divide them into kinds namely “Do” rules & “Don’t” rules + “ Do “ rules: Walk inside, Sit down to eat, Speak ina polite voice, Wear your sit belt in the car, Be gentle with each other. + “Don’t” rules: Don’t split, Don’t ask for things in the supermaket,…

- declare the winner

- whole class - groupwork

3’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- wholeclass

Period UNIT 1: HOME LIFE 20/8 Lesson E: Language Focus I.Aims


II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Pronounce the ending “s” correctly

- Master the use of the past simple, past progressive & present perfect III Materials

- Textbook, handouts… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may confuse the rules for pronouncing the ending “s” & the use of tenses V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction

5’ Warm up

Correcting mistakes:

- ask Ss to find out each mistake in each sentence: 1) When I was a little girl I often help my parents with household chores.

2) Unlike most men my father enjoyed cooking.

3) My brothers never worked long hours like this before. - Ss discuss quickly to it

- give feedback & explain

- answer: 1) helped 2) enjoys 3) have – worked

- remind the identification through some words or situations in those sentences

- Call some Ss to read aloud them

- > remind Ss the main contents of the lesson through these examples

- whole class



Pronunciation Presentation The pronunciation of rhe ending “s”

 “s” is pronounced /s/ after voiceless sounds: /p/k/t/f/  “s” is pronounced /z/ after voiced sounds(except for


- have the Ss listen to the tape & repeat the words

- write some words on the board & call on some Ss to read these words aloud

- correct the mistakes if any Practice 1

- read the sentences once for Ss to listen

- whole class

- individual

- ask Ss to practice reading the sentences in pairs so that they can help each other correct the mistakes in pronunciation - call on some pairs to read the sentences aloud in front of the class

- feedback on Ss’ work

10’ Grammar presentation

The past simple, past progressive & present perfect tenses Past simple




- The past simple is used for an action completed at one specific time in the past

Ex: I bought a book yesterday Past progressive

- It is used for an action which was occurring at some specific time in the past

Ex: We were watching TV at o’clock last night. Present perfect

- it is used to indicate an action in the past with a result at present or is still occurring in the present

Ex: I have just had breakfast. She has lived here for 10 years.

- ask Ss to make more sentences using the tenses given Exercise 1:

- have Ss work independently, underline the most suitable tense of verbs in each sentence

- have them exchange answer with a friend

- call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class

- feedback & give the correct answers:

1.have you seen 2.have you enjoyed 3.has been married 4.did you give/saw 5.didn’t listen 6.have you two met 7.did you meet

Exercise 2:

- have Ss work on their own, choose the best answer to fill the numbered blanks

- ask Ss to crosscheck their friends’ answers

- call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - comment & give the correct answers

1.B.haven’t written 2.C.have been 3.A.had 4.a.haven’t done 5.b.have stopped 6.b.am waiting 7.b.have changed 8.c.live

9.b.have decided 10.c.has become 11.b.told 12.c.moved 13.c.come 14.a.am staying 15.b.am going

- individual

- individual

2’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- whole class



- Reading a text about differences in people’s throughts on love & marriage II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- have some basic background information about the difference between American & Asian thoughts on love & marriage

- improve their reading skill by explaining the meaning of words & answering qs II Materials

- Textbook, handouts… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may find some terms in the text difficult to understand so T should deliver the lesson carefully

V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction


Warm upJumbled sentence:

- T write the following words on board

- Ask Ss to arrange them into a meaningful sentence:

- call some Ss to give answers - T gives the key:

“ love is supposed to follow marriage not precede it” - tactfully help Ss understand its meaning by asking: + Does love come before marriage?

+ Do you agree with this opinion?

+ Do you think that there are places in which people still think that this opinion is true?

+ Where they live, in Western or Asian countries? - T leads to the main topic of the lesson: OPINION


(- T can change this act by asking Ss to the guessing game to find out the word: marriage & lead in the new lesson)

- whole class


Pre-reading What makes a happy marriage?

- ask Ss to discuss the question in the book: Which of the following factors is the most important for a happy life? * love*money*parents’ approval*a nice house/flat*a good job*good health*

- T can help Ss understand more by asking some qs: + Why love is an important factor for a happy marriage? + Can you buy all things by money?

- pairwork is supposed marriage follow not


8’ Pre-teach vocabulary

 precede(v): elicit from the above sentence  contractual (adj): arranging st before with s.o  atractiveness (n): -> to atract

 confide (v): sharing thoughts  sacrifice (v): hi sinh

 be obliged to = have to  determine (v): decide

- practice reading & ask Ss to make sentences with those words



While-reading Set the scene:

“Cultural diversity” refers to the differences that exist between people such as language, dress & traditions, & the way

societies organize themselves, their conception of morality & religion, & the way they interact with the environment In our today’s lesson, we will learn about the differences in the American’s & Asian thought on love & marriage”. Task – Meaning of words

- have Ss read each sentence & give the meaning of each italicized word in the sentence

- encourage Ss to try to guess the meaning of the word depending on the context in which it appears

1 precede = happen or exist before determine = find out

3 confide = tell s.b about st very private or secret sacrifice = willingly stop having st you want obliged = having a duty to st

Task – Answering questions

- ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the given qs - go round the class & provide help when necessary

- call on some pairs to ask & answer the qs in front of the class - feedback & give the suggested answers:

1 They are: Trust built on love; physical atractiveness; confiding; partnership of equals.

2 The Americans are more concerned than the Indians & the Chinese with physical atractiveness when choosing a wife or a husband.

3 They agree that a woman has to sacrifice more in a marriage than a man.

4 She trusts her husband to the right thing because he loves her not because he has to.

5 The main finding of the survey is that young Asians are not as romantic as their American counterparts

- individual



Post-reading Group discussion

- have Ss work in groups to discuss the topic: The differences between a traditional Vnamese family & a modern one

- the suggested outline:

Traditional Modern

- family usually has generations living together - the older tell the younger what to do

- the children are dependent on their parents


- only two

- the younger listen to the older when making important decisions.

- children tend to be more & more independent


- call on some Ss to give ideas in front of the class

- groupwork


Wrapping - Summarize the main points

- Assign homework

- whole class

Period UNIT 2: cultural diversity 30/8 Lesson B: Speaking


- Expressing one’s point of view II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- compare & contrast the culture of a Western country & an Eastern one

- express their point of view on cultural matters related to family life by using structures showing agreement & disagreement such as I think…, I don’t agree…,…

II Materials

-Textbook, handouts… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may find some terms in the text difficult to understand so T should deliver the lesson carefully

V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction


Warm up

- T writes a continous sentence on board.Who can read it first will be the winner


- groupwork

5’ Pre-speaking

- ask Ss qs to relate to their family:

Eg: How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

Do your grandparents live in your family?


So how many generations live in your home? Is it good ?

- lead in the new lesson: Talking about the differences between Vnamese & American cultures



While-speaking Task 1

- ask Ss to read the statements & explain words & pronuciation if necessary

- ask Ss to express their points of view about those sentences, using the expressions given in the box

- read & guide the given structures - special expressions:

- T makes a model with a student:

T: I think a happy marriage should be based on love

S: I quite agree with you Life will be terrible if there is not true love beween a husband & a wife.

T: But in some Asian countries love is supposed to follow marriage not precede it.

S: For me, I don’t think it’s true.(what will happen if there is no true love after marriage?) How can two people who don’t love each other live happily in the same house?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, T goes round & help Task – Table completion

- have Ss work in pairs to find out the corresponding features of the Vnamese culture

- T gives out some patterns of sentences to help Ss easier to talk: Do you know that…?

It is said that…?

* keys: In VN, three or sometimes generations live under one roof- elders live with children & are taken care of by their sons- asking about age, marriage & income is acceptable- a Vnamese greets the head of the family or the older person first, the younger ones- groceries are bought everyday- Tet (Lunar New Year) is the most important- Vnamese celebrates death days They prepare meal & invite their relatives to get together & talk about good respect of the dead person- Children often sleep with their parents.

- individual

- pairwork

- pairwork



Task – Group discussion - groupwork


- have Ss work in groups of or 4, basing on the information in task 2, talk about the similarities & differences between

Vnamese & American cultures

- call on group leaders to talk about what their group has discuss

- comment on Ss’ work 2’

Wrapping - Summarize the main points

- Assign homework

- whole class

Period 10 UNIT 2: cultural diversity 31/8 Lesson C: Listening


- Listening about a specific cultural ceremony in VN: the wedding II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- get further information about the wedding ceremony inVN

- enhance their listening micro skills by filling the blanks & ansering the qs II Materials

-Textbook, handouts… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may have difficulties getting details of the description due to long sentences & new words

V Procedure 7’

Warm up Networks:

- ask Ss to work in groups & make a list of words related to wedding

- declare the winner

- lead in the new lesson: the wedding ceremony in VN

- groupwork

8’ Pre-listening

- ask Ss to look at the picture & introduce words relating to the lesson:

+ what you see in the picture? + Who are they?

+ What the bride & groom usually at the wedding ceremony?

- call on some Ss to speak in front of the class


-> The bride & groom usually stand in front of the alter praying & asking their ancestors’ permission to be married They exchange their wedding rings.

- Listen and repeat

- Have Ss listen to the tape and repeat the words they hear - Call one some Ss to read the words aloud

- Make necessary comments to make sure Ss pronounce them correctly

- Explain the meaning of the words when necessary 10’


While-listening Task - Sentence Completion

- have Ss work on their own, look through the statements & see if they can fill the blanks with the suitable words before


- help Ss understand the context of the listening: You will hear two people talking about a wedding ceremony in VN Fill each blank with one or more suitable words from listening.

- ask Ss to work individually, listen to the tape & fill the blanks with suitable words

- play the tape more than once if necessary - have Ss crosscheck their answers

- call some Ss to give their answers in front of the class

- feedback & check the answer together with the Ss by playing the tape & pausing where the needed information appears

1 groom’s parents red papers 3 alter at the wedding banquet

5 wedding cards/ money gifts Task – Answering qs

- have Ss work in pairs, answering the qs basing on the information from the recording before listening again

- ask Ss to work individually, give the answer to each question while listening

- play the tape again

- have Ss exchange their answers

- call on some pairs to ask & answer about the listening - comment & give the correct answers

1.The most important thing the groom’s family has to on the wedding day is to go to the bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped in red papers

2 They pray, asking their ancestors’ permission to be married.

3 After they pray & ask their ancestors’ permission to be married.

- individual


4 The wedding banquet is usually held at the groom & bride’s home or at a hotel or a restaurant.

5 They stop by each table to thank their guests.

8’ Post-listening

Group discussion

- divide the class into groups of four & discuss the question: “What family often to prepare for a wedding ceremony?” * Suggested idea: The wedding is very important to the bride & the groom as well as two families The wedding day is carefully chosen by the groom’s parents because they think that it will affect the future life of the new couple Both families have to talk with each other to decide the place, the number of guests & how to hold the banquet Not only the bride & the groom but nearly all members in the two families have to be sure to be in their best clothes on that day The altars of the both families are cleaned & well decorated Then come the car & the flowers They have to be ordered in advanced so that everything will be available on that day Everybody is very busy but they all look forward to that important day.

- groupwork

2’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- whole class

Period 11 UNIT 2: cultural diversity 5/9

Lesson D: Writing I.Aim

- Describing a symbol of VNamese culture II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- get an insight in to one of the VNamese cultural identities: conical leaf hat

- improve their writing skills through making an account of a cultural feature of VN basing on a given outline

II Materials

-Textbook, handouts, a real conial leaf hat if possible… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may not have a good vision of a conial leaf hat especially for the one who live in the city T should deliver the lesson carefully with vivid teaching objects

V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction


Warm up


- point at each picture & ask: What is it?

- Ss answer: a line/a slope-a conical form-a triangle-a leaf hat ask: Where in VN people often wear leaf hats?( in Hue) Who wear it?(girls/women/sometimes men)

What form is it?(conial form)

- > lead in: Describing the conical leaf hat 8’

Pre-writing Task 1:

- have Ss work in pairs, discuss & give the VNamese

equivalents of the English words naming key parts of a conical leaf hat

- call on some Ss to give their pair’s opinion - comment & give the correct answers:

leaf: rim: vành rib: sườn, gân strap: quai

- elicit the task by asking Ss to study the outline given in the book

- Ask Ss to pay attention to the format of the writing & closely stick to the outline

- pairwork


While-writing Describing a conical leaf hat

- have Ss work individually, write a passage of about 150 words about the conical leaf hat – a typical cultural feature in VN

- remind Ss to follow the outline in the book closely - go round the class & provide help when necessary - have Ss exchange their writing & then pick up ceirtain writings & check in front of the class

- Give suggested writing:

The conical leaf hat is the one of the typical features(symbols) of the VNese culture because it cannot be found anywhere else in the world The leaf hat is not only a symbol of VNese

girls(women), but has also become part of the spirit of the VNese nation.

The hat is made from a special kind of bamboo & young & solf palm leaves The hat has a conical form The diameter of the hat is from 45 to 50cm & it is from 25 to 30 cm high 16 or 18 ribs are shaped into a conical form The form is covered with the palm leaves, which are then sewn into the ribs & the rim.Finally, the hat is trimmed & painted with a coat of attar oil.


The leaf hat is used like an umbrella to protect people from the sun or the rain Beneath the broad rims of the leaf hat, the girl & women look more pretty & attractive Unfortunately they are now only used by pedestrians or those who ride bicycles.



- have Ss work in groups, discuss & write a passage about one of Vnese’s cultural features: the traditional long dress

- suggested ideas:

+ color: various depending on wearers’ age & status + kind of cloth: often silk

+ shape: body-hugging, split starts well above waist height creating elegant, demure & yet sexy appearance of the women

- groupwork

3’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- whole class

Period 12 UNIT 2: cultural diversity 6/9 Lesson E: Language Focus


- Revision of pronunciation of “ed” ending

- Revision of present perfect, past simple & simple future tenses II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- understand the rules to pronounce the ending “ed” correctly - revise the use of those above tenses

II Materials

-Textbook, handouts, a real conial leaf hat if possible… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may have serious mistakes regarding pronouncing “ed” T should focus on this part & give Ss enough practice to ensure Ss can pronounce this ending properly

V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction


Warm up * brainstorming:

- give a list of verbs in infinitive forms, ask Ss to work in groups to write their past forms: see-saw, need-needed, help-helped, go-went, laugh-laughed, miss-missed, paint-painted, close-closed, play-played, talk-talked.

- declare the winner -> lead in the new lesson

- groupwork

12’ Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “ed” endings - draw out the rules:

* “ed” is pronounced /t/ after words ending with voicedless


sounds (except for/t/)

ex: walked, helped, laughed, missed, washed,…

* “ed” is pronounced /d/ after voiced sounds (except for /d/) ex: phoned, played, closed, arrived,…

* “ed” is pronounced /d/ after /d/ &/t/ ex: needed, wanted

- practice reaing words & sentences for Ss - call Ss to read

- correct 8’




Grammar * Present perfect & simple past:

- ask Ss to repeat all because Ss have revised them in unit * Present perfect progressive:

- like the present perfect but it focus on the continuing of the action: S + have/has + been + V-ing

Ex: You look very tired.

I have been working all the morning.

* Future simple tense: is used to indicate a plan or decision made at the time of speaking(no plan is made before the time of speaking

* The near future: a future plan Ex: I am going to see him tonight. ex: I’ll come home late this evening. Practice

Exercise 1: Give the correct forms of the given verbs

- have Ss work in pairs, complete the conversations by filling the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the box - call on some pairs to read their answers on front of the class - feedback:

1 have…seen, saw, am going to see 2 drank, haven’t drunk, drank

3 has written, Did she write, wrote 4 have been cooking, cooked, cooked Exercise 2: Choose the best answer:

- have Ss work individually, choose the best answer to each sentence

- ask Ss to exchange their answers for crosscheck - call on some Ss to give their answers to the class - comment & give the correct answers:

1 c a c a c a c a

Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the verbs in the blanks. - ask Ss to work on their own, complete the letter with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets

- call on some Ss to read the letter aloud in front of the class

- whole class

- pairwork

- individual


- comment & give the correct answers

1 moved moved have asked have not stopped

5’ Consolidation

- give a small test on the pronunciation & grammar Ss have just revised

* Choose the word pronounced differently from the left 1 played – cleaned – stopped – closed

2 wanted – needed – limited – cried 3 finished- walked- raised – asked * Correct the mistake:

1 He is a famous actor He played a lot of characters for ten years

2 I am very sleepy Istudy all night

3 We will go out tonight Do you want to go with us?

- whole class

3’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- whole class

Period 13 UNIT 3: ways of the socializing 8/9 Lesson A: Reading


- Reading a text about ways of socializing

- Revision of present perfect, past simple & simple future tenses II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- distinguish the term verbal with non-verbal communication & be updated with a range of related vocabulary such as waving, nod slightly, raise hands, pointing,…

- improve their reading skill by giving meaning to words, choosing the best title & answering qs

II Materials

-Textbook, handouts, a real conial leaf hat if possible… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may have difficulties getting the right informationsince the text is long & difficult to understand

V Procedure

Time Steps Interaction

5’ Warm up

- ask Ss to match the verbs in A with the words in B:


1, to attract 2, to raise 3, to clap 4, to get

- one’s hand - one’s attention


- Ss work in the whole class - collect Ss’work & feedback

- explain their meanings by using body gestures & qs: * Now class, why did I clap my hands?-> to get your

attention.and: What you when you want your teacher know that you have st to say?->Ss: I raise my hand.and : Why do we clap our hand or raise our hand in these case?-> to get or attract attention of s.o

- T lead to the new lesson-> ways of attracting s.o’sattention 7’

Pre-reading Picture study

- have Ss look at the pictures & work in groups, practicing asking & answering the following qs:

1 Where are the people in the pictures? 2 What are they doing?

3 What will you or say if

- you want to get your teacher’s attention in class?

- you need to ask s.o a question but they are busy to talk to s.o else?

- call on some pairs to speak in front of the class - comment & give suggested answers:

1 in picture 1, they are in a meeting In pc2, some people are seeing people off.

2 In p1, the two men are shaking hands In p2, they are waving hands.

3 If I want to get it in class I will raise my hand If I need to ask s.o a question but they are busy talking to s.o else, I will say “excuse me!”

-> give the main theme of the unit:

What to in some certain situations or ways of socializing

- groupwork



Set the scene: Meeting & talking to other people is an

indispensable part of our life Not every situations share the same ways of socializing, & not every country applies the same way of socializing for one situation In today’s lesson, we will learn some most popular ways of socializing in the English culture.

Task – Word meaning

- have Ss work in pairs, giving the VNese equivalents of the words & phrases by using such qs as:

+ Could you tell me the meaning of….in VNese? + What does…mean in VNese?

- depend upon the class’s level, ask Ss to explain the words in English first




- call on some pairs to give their meaning in VNese - feedback & give suggested answers:

1 verbal: spoken rather than written><2 non-verbal: not using spoken language:

attract s.o’s attention: impolite=rude:

5 informality(n): the situation of not being formal or official: approach(v): the way of considering st:

7 a slight nod will do=a slight not will be enough Task – Choosing tittle

- have Ss work in pairs, discuss the given titles then choose the most suitable one for the passage

- if possible, ask Ss to give their answers & explanation - comment & give the correct answer: A

Task – Answering the qs

- ask Ss to work in pairs, using the given qs to ask & answer about the passage

- go round the class & provide help when necessary - call on some pairs to ask & answer in front of the class - feedback & give the correct answers:

1 When we want to attract s.o’s attention, we can use either verbal or non-verbal communication

2 They are strong actions that can easily be seen

3 If we want to attract the waiter’s attention, we can wait until he passes near us, catch his eyes, & nod slightly to let him know we would like him to come to our table Or we can raise our hand slightly to show that we need assistance

4 If you are walking across the schoolyard & see your teacher approaching you, you can use a small friendly wave to attract his or her attention

5 Because pointing at s.o is usually considered rude

- pairwork

- pairwork

8’ Post-reading

Discussion: the meanings of whistling & hand-claping in VNese

- have Ss work in groups & discuss that

- encourage Ss to think of as many ideas as possible that they think is suitable for the two ways of socializing

- call on some pairs to give their ideas in front of the class - comment & give suggested answers:

In VNese culture, whistling is done when a person feels happy, when he wants to attract other people’s attention in an

informal way.Sometimes a person may whistle along with a song so that he/she can feel relaxed.


is that when we want to encourage s.o, we clap our hands & the other is when we want to despise s.o However, the

difference in the way we clap – fast or slow – together with other expressions like facial expression or sound will make it easier to imply the meaning of the hand-clapping.

3’ Wrapping

- Summarize the main points - Assign homework

- whole class Period 13 UNIT 3: ways of the socializing 8/9 Lesson A: Reading


- Reading a text about ways of socializing

- Revision of present perfect, past simple & simple future tenses II Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- distinguish the term verbal with non-verbal communication & be updated with a range of related vocabulary such as waving, nod slightly, raise hands, pointing,…

- improve their reading skill by giving meaning to words, choosing the best title & answering qs

II Materials

-Textbook, handouts, a real conial leaf hat if possible… IV Anticipated problems

- Ss may have difficulties getting the right informationsince the text is long & difficult to understand

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 04:19
