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Nội dung

- Talk about the differences in expression - Ask pupils to give examples to illustrate the use of the complex sentences using the present simple and the present progressiv[r]



Preparing date: Teaching date:

The present progress and “be going to” I- Aims:

- The present progressive

- The present progressive vs The present simple

- The future form of The present progressive vs be going to + Language functions:

- Talking about the plans in the future II- Preparing:

+ Pupils have to review the main grammatical points which they have already learnt

+ Teacher has prepared some practical exercises III- Teaching procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1- WARM-UP:

- Ask pupils to work in groups to prepare for the game of making plan for next weekend - Call representatives from the groups to talk about their plans in front of the class

- The winner is the one who has the most detail talk about the plan

- Call on some pupils to comment in front of the class

- Give the correction if necessary 2- PRESENTATION:

a The present progressive:

- Ask pupils to go to the board to write the formation and talk about the uses of the present progressive tense

- Call on some pupils to comment about the formation and the uses of the present progressive tense

- Work in groups to discuss

- Talk about their plans in front of the class

+ Go to the board to write: P1: Formation:

(+) S + is/ am/are + V -ing + O + A (+) S + is not/ am not/are not + V -ing + O + A

(?) Is/ Am/Are + S + V -ing + O + A? P2: Talk about the uses of the tense b The present progressive vs the present

simple tense:

- Ask pupils to work in groups to discuss about the differences of the formation and the uses of the two tenses

- Call on some pupils to talk about the differences in expression

- How to make a complex sentence using the present progressive and the present simple tenses


c The future form of The present progressive vs “be going to ”

- Call pupils to go to the board to write the formation of each structure

- Ask the others to correct

- Ask some pupils to give some examples for illustration


- Hang an extra board with exercises of speaking, writing and reading on the board - Ask pupils to work in groups to the exercises

- Ask some pupils to read the answers in front of the class


- Ask pupils to revise the grammatical points of the next lesson

- Talk about the differences in expression - Ask pupils to give examples to illustrate the use of the complex sentences using the present simple and the present progressive tense

- Write on the board:

P1: (+) S + be + O + A(in the future) E.g: She is phoning him after finishing her work

P2: (+) S + be + going to + V-inf + O + A (in the future)

Ngày đăng: 28/04/2021, 17:54
