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if and wish exercises

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40-The students didn’t go camping last Sunday.. -I wish ...[r]


* Câu điều kiện/ WISH (¦íc):

1-Điều kiện xảy hoặc tương lai (ĐKI)

( possible condition at present or in future )

If + S + Vs,es , S + will/shall/can/may + V-infinitive

Ex1: If it rains, we won’t go for a picnic

Ex2: Our natural resources will disappear if we not conserve them


-> Ta sử dụng mệnh lệnh mệnh đề

Ex: If you drink, don’t drive

- >Ta sử dụng “should” mệnh đề điều kiện để tỏ ý nghi ngờ

Ex: If he should call, tell him I will ring back

-> Dạng rút gọn mệnh đề điều kiện (if possible, if necessary, if so )

Ex: If necessary, I will help you

->Ta sử dụng dạng mệnh lệnh để thay cho mệnh đề điều kiện

Trong trường hợp này, hai mệnh đề thường có liên từ sau:

and, or, else, otherwise.

-> Ex: Go to bed early or you will be late for school

2-Điều kiện không xảy (ĐK 2) If + S + Ved , S + would + V


Ex1: If she had wings, she would fly to an island

Ex2: He would build more houses if he were a king


- ‘If I were you/I were in your position ’

sử dụng để khuyên nhủ.

Ex: If I were you, I would accept the invitation

( = You should accept the invitation )

- > “Were to + bare –infinitive” sử dụng để thay

động từ “simple past” mệnh đề điều kiện

Ex: If I were to ask him nicely, he would help

4- WISH :

a- Ước tại:

S + Wish + S + V.ed + (If only) were could + V

Ex: I wish I were on the beach now If only I were on the beach now I wish I spoke English well b- Ước tơng lai:

S + Wish + S + would + Vinfinitive

(If only) should

Ex: He wishes he would travel around the world

I wish you would pass the next exam c- ¦íc ë qu¸ khø:

S + wish + S + had + P2

- I wish I hadn't been busy last night They wish they had visited us last week 5- Mệnh đề sau "would rather" : mong muốn rằng

a- Mong mn ë hiƯn t¹i tơng lai: S + would rather (that) + S + Ved/ were

Ex: Tom would rather that his mother worked in the hospital

I would rather the weather were fine tomorrow

b- Mong muèn ë qu¸ khø:

S + would rather (that) + S + had + P2

Ex: (Yesterday I was too tired to go out with you )

-> I would rather that I hadn't been tired yesterday

* "would rather" : thÝch h¬n S + would rather (not) + Vinfinitive.

S + would rather + V1 + than + V2

Ex: I would watch TV in the evening = I'd rather watch TV in the evening

I would rather watch TV than the housework



3- Điều kiện ko xảy khứ ( ĐK3) If + S + had + P2 , S + would have + P2. Ex: If I had learned hard yesterday, I wouldn't have got good mark

He would have pass the exam if he hadn't been lazy last week

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ( IF CLAUSE/ wish) I- Choose the best answer:

1-I f I ………… a lot of money now, I ……… a new car

a have /will buy b have / would buy c had/ will buy d had/ would buy 2- If I ……… … … you, I ……… …… that

a am/ will b were /would c were/ will d had been/ would 3- If I were offered the job, I think I …… … it

a take b will take c would take d would have taken 4- I would be very surprised if he………

a refuses b refused c had refused d would refuse 5- If you…… ……Tom , tell him I have a message for him

a will meet b would meet c meet d met 6- If she sold her car, she ……… … much money

a gets b would get c will get d would have got 7- They would be disappointed if we………

a hadn’t come b wouldn’t come c don’t come d didn’t come 8- Would John be angry if I …… … …his bicycle without asking?

a take b took c had taken d would take 9- She …… ….terrible upset if I lost this ring

a will be b would be c were d had been 10- If someone… ………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened

a would walk b walks c had walked d walked 11- What would happen if you ……… to work tomorrow?

a don’t go b didn’t go c won’t go d wouldn’t go 12 If you …… ……with your dictionary, I would like to borrow it

a finish b finished c will finish d are finishing 13- If I go shopping, I … ……some food

a buy b will buy c would buy d would have bought 14- If I find it, I … ……you

a will tell b would tell c had told d told 15- What would you if you………a million dollars?

a would win b win c had won d won

16- They would be hurt if I …… …………

a don’t go b didn’t go c hadn’t gone d wouldn’t go 17- If we took the 6: 30 train, we… ………too early

a would have arrived b arrive c will arrived d would arrive 18- Miss An does not want to go on the trip if nobody…… …… with her

a go b goes c went d going 19- Betty will not go to the party unless John ……….,too

a go b went c going d goes

20- I………… out if I hadn’t been so tired

a will go b went c would have gone d would go 21- You won’t pass the examination………you study more

a as long as b unless c if d whether 22- If it………, they will not go out

a rains b rained c rain d raining 23- What would Lan if she ………… the Miss world

a would be b were c will be d is


24- If I were in your place, I …… ….a trip to England

a will make b had made c made d would make 25- If I ………… you , I would save some of your lottery winning

a be b were c am d was

26- If I had enough money, I … …… abroad to improve my English

a will go b should go c would go d should have go to 27- If it …… convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight

a be b was c were d is 28- If you … … time, please write to me

a have b have had c had d has 29- If you had the chance, ……… you go finishing?

a did b would c may d

30- If someone … …… into the store, smile and say, “ May I help you?”

a comes b came c would come d could lend

31- If you stay up late the previous night, you …… … sleepy the next morning a feel b to feel c feels d will feel

32- If Peter …… …, Sarah will be sad because she wants to meet him very much a comes b not come c does not come d will come

33- I won’t make tea unless they

a.arrive b will arrive c don’t arrive d would arrive 34- If Tom forgets his lunch, he hungry at lunchtime

a.will be b is c would be d was 35- If I met an alien from outer spaces, I him to my home a.will invite b would invite c invited d invite 36- Would you mind if I you up earlier?

a.picked b.will pick c would pick d picks 37- If I my passport, I’ll be in trouble

a.would lose b lost c lose d will lose II- Give the correct verb forms:

1- If my brother (be) taller , he would join the police force 2- If I speak English perfect,I (not need) to take the exam 3- If he (not tell) lies very often , people will trust him

4- He ( write) to her if he receives her letter

5- If today (be) Sunday , I (go) to the beach 6- If I(be) you , I (not lend) him that book

7- If I (be) a bird , I ( not want) to live in a cage 8- If you (be) a millionaire , What you (do) ? 9- Please ask her to phone me if she (come)

10- I (travel) around the world if I (be) very rich 11- If Hoa (have) free time , she will go swimming with me

12- If you (not learn) hard everyday, you can get bad marks 13- If the test were easy,the students (do) it in 15 minutes 14- You wouldn’t get wet if you (wear) a raincoat

15- If they (know) your address, they would visit you 16- If it rains tomorrow, we (not go) on a picnic 17- She would pass the exam if she (study) harder

18- If the test (do) well, my teacher would give me a present 19- I will go out with my friend if my homework (finish) 20- I (buy) this car if it is very cheap

21- They wish they (know) your address 22-I wish I (see) that film again

23- I wish I (be) taller

24- I wish I (can) play tennis well

25- He wishes his team (win) the next time

26- He doesn't have a new car He wishes he (have) one

27- She won't visit me tomorrow I wish she (visit) me tomorrow 28-We wish we (swim) on the beach now

29- I wish I (see) the TV program last night 30- He wishes he (not go) to school today


31- Mary wishes she (do) the test well yesterday 32- They wish they (listen) to pop music tonight

33- I wish I (lend) …… you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself II- Rewrite sentences with " IF/ WISH "

32- I can’t visit my teachers next week

- I wish 33- I don’t have a computer

- I wish 34- He is always talking in class

- I wish 35- I’m sorry, I must go now

- I wish 37- He won’t come here again

- I wish 38-My room is too small

- I wish 39- I don’t know anyone in this class

- I wish 40-The students didn’t go camping last Sunday

-I wish 41-They got bad marks yesterday

- I wish 42- My sister won’t go to the party with me tonight

- I wish 43- I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you

- If…… 44- We can’t go to camp because the weather is very bad

- If 45- I don’t know his address , So I can’t write to him

- If 46- You study lazily, you can’t get good result

- If 47- I’m ill, so I won’t go to Hoa’s birthday party

- If 48- This car is very expensive He can’t buy it

- If 49- Keep silent or you will wake the baby up

- If 50- Today isn’t Sunday, so the children can’t go swimming

- If

Ngày đăng: 26/04/2021, 12:59



