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Bộ 5 đề thi chọn HSG môn Tiếng Anh 12 có đáp án năm 2021 Trường THPT Hiệp Đức

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Nội dung

Read the passage and then choose the best answer to complete the sentences Footprints on the moon.. Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a God.[r]





A LISTENING: (15 points)

I Listen to the conversation and then choose the correct answer among A, B, C, or D for each question:

II Listen to the conversation and fill in each blank with ONE word: B PHONETICS: (5 points)

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group: 16 A responsibility B originality C accommodation D mischievousness

17 A appliance B conscientious C independent D confidential 18 A psychology B environmental C impossible D photography 19 A stimulate B maximize C interrupt D register

20 A appointment B punishment C publicity D efficient C GRAMMAR – VOCABULARY – LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS:

I Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence: (15 points) 21 Tom: “I thought your performance last Sunday was wonderful.” Laura:

“……… ”

A Don’t tell a lie I thought it was terrible B You must be kidding It was not as good as I had expected

C I completely agree with you It was terrific D No doubt!

22 Boy: “What is your greatest phobia?” Girl: “……… ” A I'm afraid not B Worms, definitely!

C Probably people who smoke D I haven't made up my mind

23 Jenny: “Thank you very much for your donation, Mr Robinson.” Mr Robinson: “……… ”

A You can say that again B I see

C You are right D Delighted I was able to help

24 I don’t think you have been watering the plants near the gate The soil is ………

A as dry as rice B as dry as a tile C as dry as a bone D as dry as wood 25 Susan was sad because she wasn’t invited to any social events She felt ………

A left out B turned out C omitted out D gone out

26 Most psychologists believe that the basic structure of an individual’s personality is………



C by the age of five and well established extremely D extremely well established by the age of five

27.In most ……… developed countries, up to 50% of …… population enters higher education at some time in

their lives

A Ø / Ø B the / Ø C Ø / the D the / a

28 I wish you ……… me a new one instead of having it……… as you did

A would give / to repair B gave / to repair

C had given / to be repaired D had given / repaired

29.Henry was really a silly boy when we were at high school I still remember……… very stupid


A him asking B him to ask C asking him D his being asked

30 ……… the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn

A With reference B Akin C Prior to D In addition to

BY BÌNH – THPT LI N S N, L P TH CH, V NH PHÚC www.violet.vn/quocbinh72

31 No sooner ……… to marry Jack ……… to have serious doubts A had Carol agreed / than she began B Carol has agreed / than she began

C had Carol agreed / than she begins D had Carol agreed / than she had begun 32 Having been served dinner, ………

A the problem was discussed by the members of the committee

B the committee members discussed the problem.C it was discussed by the committee members the


D a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee

33 The marathon runner ……… for nearly one hour and a half when she ……… to the


A has been running / collapses B were running / collapsed C had been running / collapsed D ran / had been collapsing 34 Son: “What is the process of ……… , Dad?”

Father: “Well, it involves the heating of liquid such as milk in order to kill harmful bacteria.” A industrialization B pasteurization C commercialization D globalization

35 An artist ……… will his best to express innocence and inexperience in the child’s face


II Give the correct form of the words in brackets: (10 points)

36 Deforestation and excessive farming have ……… the soil (POOR) 37 The damage caused by the terrible storm two days ago was……… by(ESTIMATE)

the government The real figures go up every minute

38 Barack Obama is the first President of the United States with ……….… background

39 From the hotel there is a……… view across the canyon (RACE) (BREATH)

40 The policeman examined the parcel ……… as he had no idea what it(SUSPECT)

could be

41 It was very ……… of you to notice that

42 In his ……… , Mike smashed all the breakable items in the kitchen (OBSERVE)


43 Before enrolling on a course, you should first ensure that it has been ……… by an officially recognized body


44 Mr John, who teaches us Latin, usually stresses the need for regular ………

45 The government has yet to make an official ……… on the issue (PRONOUNCE)

III Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting (5 points): 46 Dictionaries frequently explain the origin of the defined word, state its part of speech and indication its correct use

47 The rings of Saturn are so distant to be seen from the Earth without a telescope

48 Children subjected to violence, exploitation ,abuse and neglect are in risk of death, poor physical and mental

A legal C responsibility E serve G organizations B community D give back F long-term H rare

health, HIV/AIDS infection, and educational problems A B C D

49 It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful cure


I Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space: (10 points)

Everyone has got two personalities - the one that is shown to the world and the other that is (51)…………

and real You don’t show your secret personality when you are (52)………… , because you can control

yourself But when you are asleep, your feeling position (53)………… the real you In a normal (54)………… ,

of course, people often change their position The important position is the one you go to sleep in

If you go to sleep on your back, you are a very (55)………… person You usually believe people and you

accept new things or new ideas easily You don’t like to make people sad, so you never express your (56)

………… feeling You are quite shy

If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person You (57)………… a lot and you always

easily become sad You usually live for today not tomorrow This means that you (58)………… having a good time

If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very (59)………… person You have a low opinion of yourself You are shy and don’t like meeting people You (60)………… to be on your own You are easily hurt

51 A important B serious C secret D particular 52 A awake B active C happy D honest

53 A makes B understand C changes D shows 54 A room B bed C night D body

55 A independent B open C talkative D generous 56 A real B lonely C cheerful D gentle

57 A talk B sleep C relax D worry 58 A regret B enjoy C mind D deny

59 A strong B healthy C nervous D careful 60 A pretend B oppose C refuse D prefer

II.There are blanks in the passage below From the words given in the box, choose the most suitable for each blank There are THREE extra words that you not need to use: (5 points) Volunteering has many intangible benefits It can help you (61) ……… to society, break down barriers of misunderstanding or fear, explore personal issues and even have fun It also has a meaningful, positive impact on your (62)……… But did you know that it can have many benefits for you, too?


Volunteering brings together a variety of people Both the recipients of your volunteer efforts and your coworkers can be rich sources of insight For example, maybe you’ll learn about the (64)……… profession from a former lawyer you visit at a convalescent center Colleges pay

attention to your life inside and outside the classroom Your extracurricular activities reveal a great deal about you, such as what your interests are, whether you can manage your priorities and maintain a

(65)……… promise and how you’ve made an important contribution to something III Read the passage and choose the correct answer: (10 points)

For many people who live in cities, parks are an important part of the landscape They provide a place for people to relax and play sports, as well as a refuge from the often harsh environment of a city What people often overlook is that parks also provide considerable environmental benefits

One benefit of parks is that plants absorb carbon dioxide—a key pollutant—and emit oxygen, which humans need to breathe According to one study, an acre of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide that a typical car emits in 11,000 miles of driving Parks also make cities cooler Scientists have long noted what is called the Urban Heat Island Effect: building materials such as metal, concrete, and asphalt absorb much more of the sun’s heat and release it much more quickly than organic surfaces like trees and grass Because city landscapes contain so much of these building materials, cities are usually warmer than

surrounding rural areas Parks and other green spaces help to mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effect

Unfortunately, many cities cannot easily create more parks because most land is already being used for

buildings, roads, parking lots, and other essential parts of the urban environment However, cities could benefit from many of the positive effects of parks by encouraging citizens to create another type of green space: rooftop gardens While most people would not think of starting a garden on their roof, human beings have been planting gardens on rooftops for thousands of years Some rooftop gardens are very complex and require complicated engineering, but others are simple container gardens that anyone can create with the investment of a few hundred dollars and a few hours of work

Rooftop gardens provide many of the same benefits as other urban park and garden spaces, but without taking up the much-needed land Like parks, rooftop gardens help to replace carbon dioxide in the air with nourishing oxygen They also help to lessen the Urban Heat Island Effect, which can save people money In the summer, rooftop gardens prevent buildings from

absorbing heat from the sun, which can significantly reduce cooling bills In the winter, gardens help hold in the heat that materials like brick and concrete radiate so quickly, leading to savings on heating bills Rooftop vegetable and herb gardens can also provide fresh food for city

dwellers, saving them money and making their diets healthier Rooftop gardens are not only something everyone can enjoy, they are also a smart environmental investment

66.Based on its use in paragraph 2, it can be inferred that mitigatebelongs to which of the following word



67 Using the information in paragraph as a guide, it can be inferred that A cities with rooftop gardens are cooler than those without rooftop gardens

B some plants are not suitable for growth in rooftop gardens

C most people prefer parks to rooftop gardens D most people prefer life in the country over life in

the city

68 According to the passage, the Urban Heat Island Effect is caused by the fact(s) that

a cities are warmer than nearby rural areas b building materials absorb more of the sun’s heat than organic


c building materials release the sun’s heat more quickly than organic surfaces A a only B a and b only C b and c only D a., b., and c

69.Based on the information in paragraph 3, which of the following best describes the main difference between parks and rooftop gardens? A Parks are expensive to create while rooftop gardens are not

B Parks are public while rooftop gardens are private C Parks absorb heat while rooftop gardens not

D Parks require much space while rooftop gardens not

70 The author claims all of the following to be the benefits of rooftop gardens except

A increased space for private relaxation B savings on heating and cooling costs C better food for city dwellers D improved air quality

71 According to the author, one advantage that rooftop gardens have over parks is that they

A decrease the Urban Heat Island Effect B replenish the air with nourishing oxygen C not require the use of valuable urban land D are less expensive than traditional park spaces

72 The author’s tone in the passage is best described as A descriptive B passionate C informative D argumentative

73.Which of the following pieces of information would, if true, most weaken the author's claim that rooftop

gardens are good for the environment? A Parks have many benefits that rooftop gardens not share

B More pollution is produced during rooftop garden construction than rooftop plants can remove from the air

C Extremely high winds atop tall city buildings can severely damage some plants

D The overall environmental benefits that result from driving less exceed those of planting a rooftop garden


A A hypothesis is stated and then analyzed B A proposal is evaluated and alternatives are explored

C A viewpoint is established and then defended D A thesis is presented and then supported 75.It can be inferred from the passage that the author would most likely endorse a program that

A permitted the construction of buildings in city park land provided they have rooftop gardens B extended discounts on plants to customers who use them to create rooftop gardens

C offered free admission to schools willing to take their students on field trips to the city park D promised vacation getaways to cooler destinations for those trapped in the city at the peak of summer


I.Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence

printed before it: (5 points)

76 Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto a unique language Unlike……… ………

77 Mr Smith knew little about the Internet, so he didn’t invest into any computer companies Had…

78 The Board of Directors discussed the business in length, but came to no decision The Board of Directors had

79 When she got to the party, everyone was dancing and singing On

80 Barbara runs a successful company and she also manages to look after her five children Not only

81 It is my opinion that you should spend more time practicing English If

82 Everyone was surprised that the famous actor had very little money when he died The famous actor

83 Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications The more

84 “Get out of my house or I will shoot you”, the woman shouted at the strange man The woman threatened

85 What mainly distinguishes man from other animals is the power of speech Man…………


you notice that many things are worse than what were advertised by the Center Write a letter of complaint of about 150 words to the Director of the Center: (10 points)

Your letter should include: - the reason for writing

- the problems you have encountered

- your suggestions and the actions you wish to be taken to resolve the problems

III Violence among school students seems to be increasing Write a passage of about 150 – 170 words to suggest what should be done to help solve this problem: (10 points)


Part I points (1.0 point for each correct answer) A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B

Part II 10 points (1.0 point for each correct answer) communication employment focus natural 10 Actually

11 patience 12 native 13 adjust 14 review 15 Otherwise B PHONETICS (5 points) (1 point for each correct answer) 16 D 17 A 18 B 19.C 20 B


I 10 points (1.0 point for each correct answer) 21 B 22 B 23 D 24 C 25 A

26 D 27 C 28 D 29 A 30 C 31 A 32 B 33.C 34.B 35 A

II 10 points (1.0 point for each correct word)

36 impoverished 37 underestimated 38 multiracial 39 breathtaking 40 suspiciously 41 observant 42 fury 43 validated 44 attendance 45


BY BÌNH – THPT LI N S N, L P TH CH, V NH PHÚC www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 III points (1.0 point for each correct answer)

46 D 47 B 48.C 49.A 50 B D READING

I 10 points (1.0 point for each correct answer) 51 C 52 A 53.D 54.C 55 B

56 A 57 D 58.B 59.C 60 D

II.5 points (1.0 point for each correct answer) 61 D 62 B 63.G 64.A 65 F


66 C 67 A 68.C 69.D 70 A 71 C 72 C 73.B 74.C 75 B E WRITING

I.5 points ( 0.5 point for each correct answer)

76 Unlike other languages, Esperanto has no irregular verbs

77 Had Mr Smith known something / more / a little more / some more about the Internet, he would have

invested into some computer companies

78 The Board of Directors had a long discussion on / about the business, but come to / reached / made no


79 On her arrival at the party, everyone was dancing and singing

80 Not only does Barbara run a successful company, but she also manages to look after her five children

, but she manages to look after her five children (as well) , she also manages to look after her five children

81 If I were you I would spend more time practicing English

82 The famous actor had very little money when he died, which surprised everyone , which made everyone surprised

83 The more qualifications you are able to / can amass, the more successful you become / are in the academic


, the more success you can / will make / have in the academic field

84 The woman threatened to shoot the strange man if he did not get out of her house 85 Man is mainly distinguished from other animals by the power of speech

II.10 points

Bài viết cần phù hợp hình thức, ngơn ngữ nội dung G i ý cho i m:

1 Form: - Form of the letter: Formal letter (1 point) Content: (4 points)

- the reasons for writing (1 point)

- the problems the writer has encountered (2 points) - suggestions for solutions (1 point)

3 Language: (4p)


III 10 points

Bài viết cần phù hợp hình thức, ngơn ngữ nội dung Form: passage (2 points)

- Easy to follow - Coherent

2 Content: (4 points)

+Successful fulfillment of the task Language: (4 points)

+ Appropriate vocabulary (1 point) + Suitable connectors (0.5 point) + Correct grammar (2 points) + Punctuating / Spelling (0.5 point)



I Listen to an interview on transportation and fill in each of the blanks with NO MORE THAN WORDS / NUMBERS (5.0 points)

II Listen to a conversation between Daphne and her father Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) (5.0 points)

6 Daphne is playing a computer game at the moment Daphne’s dad doesn’t know what an e-mail is Daphne’s dad thinks emails are cheap to send Telephone rates are cheaper after 6:00 pm 10 Daphne’s dad would like to send an e-mail


11 The money will be spent on_ _

A school computers B a new building C the fête D a new swimming pool 12 What starts at o’clock?

A The fête B The county gymnastics competition C The gymnastics display D Fun and games 13 You can have a coffee break

A in classroom B in classroom C in the sports hall D in the front playground 14 You can enter the three-legged race if you are _

A a child with an adult B a mum and a dad C an aunt and an uncle D an adults over 18 15 You should buy your raffle tickets

A by 4.30 pm B at pm

C when you enter the fête D anytime before 5pm


I Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the groups (5.0 points) 16 A individual B entertainment C introduction D environment

17 A knowledge B miserable C reaction D accident 18 A political B yesterday C ambulance D furniture 19 A confidence B minimize C complaint D imitate 20 A company B atmosphere C customer D employment

II Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence (15points) 21 Peter: “ I’ve got to go, Betty So long." Betty: ” So long, Peter And _ ”

A be careful B don’t hurry C take care D don’t take 22 John: “How lovely your house is!” Jack: “ _”

A I love it, too B Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so C Can you say that again D Really? It is

23 Mr Thomson is one of the most distinguished scientists in his A matter B field C part D place

24 There has been a great _ in her English A escalation B rise C increase D improvement 25 The of the general election will be known today A result B decision C effect D choice

26 Released in 1915, _

A D.W Griffith’s made an epic film about the Civil War, Birth of aNation B the Civil War was the subject of D.W Griffith’s epic film, Birth of a Nation C D.W Griffith’s epic film Birth of a Nation was about the CivilWar


27 As soon as you buy a car, it starts falling in _ A cost B worth C value D price

28 Boy: “Would you say that English is a global language?” Girl: "_ _ " A Yes, it has B I like it

C I don’t understand the difference D Oh, absolutely 29 The couple decided to every month for their retirement A put some money away B put some money aside

C take up some money D take some money away

30.The taxi was so late reaching the station that my father missed his train A rarely B immediately C entirely D almost

31._ an emergency arise, call 911 A Should B Can C Does D Will

32.The doctor gave the patient _ _ examination to discover the cause of his collapse A a thorough B an exact C a universal D a whole

33.On _ she had passed the exam, she jumped for joy A having told B he was told C being told D telling 34 Henry: " _ " John: "Nothing."

A What you do? B What's new? C How are you? D Are you a newcomer?

35 Sarah: "I am terribly sorry, Mr Johnson I won't be able to come to the office tomorrow." Mr Johnson: " _ "

A Oh, that's annoying B Sounds like fun C Well, never mind D Great, Sarah III Give the correct form of the words in brackets (10 points)

36 (MYSTERY), the light came on though no one was near the switch 37 Excessive (EXPOSE) to direct sunlight should of course be avoided

38 The complete (RELEVANT) of this answer shows that the student did not read the question carefully

39 Most birds (MIGRATORY) in the winter

40.When a boy, Bob was a very(ATTEND) student and seemed to spend most of the time looking out of the window

41 Travelling gives young people opportunities to (DEPTH) their understanding of the world 42 The living-room is littered with (DISCARD) newspapers

43 The boys took part in the competition with great (ENTHUSIAST)

44 Most young Americans want to lead a / an (DEPEND) life at the age oftwenty 45 (NEW) energy sources such as wind and wave power are pollution-free


47 The news of the negotiations for a peace treatybetween the twoPresidents were received with mixed emotions by the citizens of both countries

48 If they took their language lesson seriously, they would be able to communicate with the locals now

49 The Girls Scouts, found by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912, has grown to a current membership of more than three million girls

50 Americans annually import more than $ billion worthy of Italian clothing, jewelry, and shoes


I Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space: (10 points)

These days in business, people have to face many challenging questions when designing and implementing new projects in undeveloped areas of the countryside One issue which has to be faced is

whether it is possible to introduce new technology without destroying the local environment Economic (51) and environmental conservation are often seen as natural enemies It is unfortunate that in the past this has often been true, and it has been necessary to choose between (52) the project or protecting the environment However, by taking environmental considerations (53) at an early stage in a project, companies can significantly reduce any impacts on local plants and animals For example, in southern Africa, a company called CEL was asked to put up 410 km of a power transmission line without disturbing the rare birds which inhabit that area The project was carried out with

(54) disturbance last summer What may surprise many business people is the fact that this consideration for local wildlife did not in any way (55) down the project Indeed, the necessary advance planning (56) with local knowledge and advanced technology, (57) _ that the project was actually completed ahead of schedule CEL was contracted to finish the job by October and (58) to so two months earlier

CEL is one of those companies which is (59) _ to the principle of environmental conservation Many other companies have yet to be (60) of the importance of balancing the needs of people with those of the environment However, it may be the only realistic way forward

51 A development B progression C rise D increase 52 A running B dealing C controlling D leading 53 A deeply B gravely C seriously D severely 54 A bare B smallest C least D minimal 55 A turn B slow C speed D hold

56 A tied B combined C added D related 57 A led B caused C resulted D meant


II There are blanks in the passage below From the words provided in the box, choose the most suitable for each blank There are THREE extra words that you not need to use (5 points)

In Britain, the average young person now spends more money on games each year than on going to the cinema or renting videos But is this necessarily a (61) thing? For years, newspaper reports have been saying that children who spend too much time playing computer games become unsociable, badtempered, even violent as a result But new research, carried out in both Europe and the USA, suggests that

the opposite may be (62) _ (63) _, playing some of the more complicated games may help people of all ages to improve certain skills Researchers claim that this is because the games make the brain work harder in certain ways, like imagining sounds and movements quickly and identifying what they are The fact that people play the games repeatedly means that they get a lot of practice in these skills which are therefore likely to become highly developed Social skills may (64) _, too Researchers in Chicago think that fans of first- person shooter games such as “Counterstrike” are better than non-players when it comes to building trust and cooperation, and that this helps them to make good friendships and become strong members of their

communities So rather than giving up computer games, perhaps young people (65) to spend more time on them?

A But B need C bad D true E help F good G benefit H Indeed Page of

III Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question (10points)


throwaway bottles The third step is to recycle Spent motor oil cans can be cleaned and used again Aluminum cans are costly to make It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as it does to run a color TV set for three hours When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help save one of the world’s precious resources

66 What does the passage mainly discuss? A what is involved in the recycling movement

B what people often understand about the term “recycle” C how to live sensitive to the environment

D how to reduce garbage disposal

67 The word “sensitive” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A responding B logical C cautious D friendly

68 People can the following to reduce waste EXCEPT _ A buy high-quality product

B buy fewer hamburgers C buy simply-wrapped things D reuse cups

69 Why is it a waste when customers buy low-qualityproducts? A Because they have to be repaired many times

B Because they produce less energy

C Because customers change their ideas all the time D Because people will soon throw them away

70 What is the best description of the process of reuse? A The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again B The bottles are collected, returned filled again and washed

C The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed D The bottles are washed, returned, filled again andcollected

71 The garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plasticbecause A each returned bottle is paid B people are ordered to return bottles

C not many bottles are made of glass or plastic D returned bottles are few 72 The word “practice” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to_ A drill B exercise C deed D belief

73 The energy used to make a can is the energy used to run a color TV set for hours A more than B less than

C as much as D not worth being compared to

74 The word “precious” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A natural B substantial C first D invaluable


A It's imppossible to recycle aluminum

B Aluminum is one resource that needs to be saved C Aluminum is a lasting resource

D It's cheap to make aluminum cans Page of


I Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence

printed before it (5 points)

76 The cost of living has gone up considerably in the past few years - There

77 Their chances of success are small

- It is 78 Someone has suggested abolishing income tax

- It 79 Most people can understand Tom when he speaks Vietnamese - Tom can make

80 We are thankful to General Vo Nguyen Giap for his contribution to the cause of the national liberation

- We are thankful to General Vo Nguyen Giap for what

II Use the suggested words and phrases below to make complete sentences of a passage(10 points)

81 Come / enjoy / three hundred years / history / single day!

82 Highfield House / one / Britain's finest old buildings / attractive / well-kept gardens / good view / beautiful

North Norfolk coast

83 Until recently / it / home / members / Highfield family

84 Now / however / this classic 18th century hall / living museum / full /art / history 85 There / so many attractions / from beautiful rooms / peaceful picnic places / by / lake 86 You can even / trip / water / if / weather / suitable

87 Enjoy / guided tour / House / start / the grandeur of the entrance / carry on through / various rooms

88 tour / House / end / old kitchen / where valuable antique tools / display

III It is said that modern technology makes it easier for students to learn Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Write an essay of about 180 – 200 words to support your opinion (10 points)


A LISTENING: (15 points)

I (5.0 p): point for each correct answer:

1 by car / drive five / miles fifteen / 15 minutes Yes a better

II (5.0 p): point for each correct answer: F T F T 10 T

III (5.0 p): point for each correct answer: 11 D 12 C 13 A 14 A 15 A

B PHONETICS: (5.0 points) point for each correct answer: 16 D 17 C 18 A 19 C 20 D

C GRAMMAR - VOCABULARY - LANGUAGE FUNCTION: I (15 points): point for each correct answer:

21 C 22 B 23 B 24 D 25 A 26 C 27 C 28 D 29 B 30 D 31 A 32 A 33 C 34 B 35 C

II (10 points): point for each correct answer:


III (5.0 points): point for each correct answer: 46 D 47 B 48 A 49 A 50 C


I (10 points): point for each correct answer: 51 A 52 A 53 C 54 D 55 B

56 B 57 D 58 A 59 D 60 B

II (5 points): point for each correct answer: 61 C 62 F 63 H 64 G 65 B

III (10 points): point for each correct answer: 66 A 67 D 68 B 69 D 70 C

71 A 72 C 73 C 74 D 75 B E WRITING:

I (5 points): point for each correct answer:

76 - There has been a considerable increase / rise in the cost of living in the past few years 77 - It is unlikely that they will succeed / will be successful


78 - It has been suggested that income tax should be abolished 79 - Tom can make himself understood when he speaks Vietnamese

80 - We are thankful to General Vo Nguyen Giap for what he contributed to / what he did for the cause of the national liberation

II (10 points)

81 Come and enjoy three hundred years of history in a single day! (1.0 p)

82 Highfield House is one of Britain's finest old buildings (1.0 p) with attractive, well-kept gardens and a good

view of the beautiful North Norfolk coast (1.0 p)

83 Until recently, it was the home of the members of the Highfield family (1.0p)

84 Now, however, this classic 18th century hall is a living museum (which is) full of art and history (1.0 p)

85 There are so many attractions from the beautiful rooms to the peaceful picnic places / such as the beautiful rooms and the peaceful picnic places by the lake.(1.0 p)

86 You can even have / make / take a trip on the water if the weather is suitable (1.0 p) 87 Enjoy a guided tour of the House, starting with the grandeur of the entrance (1.0 p), and carry on through the various rooms (1.0 p)

88 The tour of the House ends in the old kitchen where / in which valuable antique tools are display (1.0 p)

III (10 points):

1 Form: essay (1.0 points) + include parts:

- introduction - body - conclusion

2 Organization: (10 points) - easy to follow

- coherent

3 Content: (4.0 points):

- successful fulfillment of the task with important ideas and relevant details Language: (4.0 points)

- a variety of structures and sentences patterns - appropriate vocabulary

- suitable connectors - correct grammar

- correct punctuating / spelling



Question 1: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets

It (1- be) a long day, but by o’clock the children (2- go ) to bed They ( 3- clear ) away the supper things and now they ( 4- look ) forward to a couple of hours in front of the television Unfortunately the film ( 5- be ) rather boring Jim soon ( 6- fall) asleep and Sue ( 7- start ) to think about all her work She ( 8- be ) sure she ( 9- hear ) a noise outside the window, so she (10- look ) up A shadow ( 11- move ) slowly through the garden Her heart ( 12- race ) She (13- turn ) out the light so that she (14-can ) see better There ( 15- be ) nobody there But she (16- see ) that it ( 17 - snow ) earlier that evening, and across the grass there ( 18- be ) a line of footprints A fox (19- walk ) across right in front of their window, and now it ( 20 - look ) at her from the far corner of the garden

Question 2: Fill each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital letters

The Cotswolds is an area of great beauty in England It has a number of villages and small towns with delight lovely old buildings that have remained since change the area was a major centre several centuries ago Commerce The

countryside in the area is and most of the charm buildings there are made from an type of attract light stone that is particular to the Cotswolds In the summer, the Cotswolds can get rather crowd but it is always possible to find pretty places that not have the of the more well-known villages and famous towns There is no of pleasant hotels and short inns for visitors to stay in and the Cotswolds tradition area is an excellent place for an 10 weekend enjoy Question 3:

a- Put in suitable forms which express uncertainly or possibility OLDER AND WISER ?

We make decision all the time, but we never be certain whether we are right or wrong The work you choose to be suitable for you or it not The person you marry .4 be a perfect match or be the worst possible choice Suppose you have saved money for the future You invest it wisely so that it grows in value or you lose the lot in a foolish moment You think you have a healthy diet, but the food you eat actually be very bad for you and be the cause of terrible illness Perhaps you travel a lot by plane All the flights you make are routine, but one of them 10 be your last Decision! Decision! But we don’t learn from experience Experience is the quality that allows us to go on making the same mistakes with more confidence !

b- Fill each of the numbered blank spaces with the most suitable preposition We look this town as our real home

2 I never hold the idea of using force He fell her the moment he saw her Let’s try the new washing machine Let me explain how the situation came

Question 4: Fill each of the numbered blank spaces with a suitable word


We passed many villages the way and stopped once or to buy cold were long stretches no people or villages in sight We to stop once at some road works, too, 10 made my travelling companion 11 happy Most of 12 were dozing in the afternoon heat when we were woken by a sudden noise, which 13 like a shot from a gun As the bus swerved and then stopped at the side of the road, I

remembered all the stories I 14 heard about bands of robbers who used to attack travellers on deserted roads 15 this Many of the other passengers looked as

bewildered and frightened as I 16 have looked My neighbour, however, reassured me, “Nothing to worry 17 Only a burst tyre But we shall have to wait 18 he changes the wheel.”

My cousin Anwar met me the bus station, “Well, there you 19 ”, he said, “I was beginning to wonder what had 20 to you.”

Question 5: Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space

The most car races are the Formula One Grand Prix These are races between the fastest racing cars driven by the best drivers These races cover a distance of 500 to 600 km and attract a lot of But, have you ever wondered what it’s really to drive a Formula One car ? All professional drivers would agree one thing That it’s like driving an ordinary car

from being extremely fast, a Formula One car doesn’t weigh , considering how powerful the engine is The brakes are very responsive So much so that a car going 100mph can stop in just four seconds

Going at such high speeds plus wearing a helmet the driver’s head to weigh about 35 kilos! This is the weight they have to carry around for the race and the thousands of gear changes

To 10 themselves, the driver must wear overalls which have four layers and are

fireproof This, plus the hot weather (as the races occur 11 the summer), combined with the heat coming from the car, make it unbearably hot

Obviously, you have to be a good driver to handle a Formula One car but it’s also a(n)

12 that you have to be very fit A driver needs very good upper-body strength since the driver’s arms, shoulders and neck are under 13 strain during a race 14 , why drivers put themselves through all this ? Maybe they’re just crazy 15 cars, speeding, races

1 A- vital B- importantC- necessary D- essential A- spectators B- audience C- crowd D- viewers A- similar B- same C- alike D- like

4 A- in B- for C- at D- on

5 A- none B- anything C- not any D- nothing

drinks, it was very hot and dusty The countryside was brown and dry and A- Except B- But C- Apart D- Besides

7 A- much B- too C- very D- plenty


11 A- for B- during C- when D- while

12 A- fact B- matter C- knowledge D- event 13 A- great B- big C- strong D- large

14 A- At last B- Eventually C- Finally D- At the end 15 A- of B- about C- with D- for

Question 6: Use these words and phrases to make complete sentences These sentences are all part of a letter Make changes and add any necessary words

Dear Sir,

a I / write / complain / about /work/ your company/ / last week / my house b Three man/ arrive/ Monday / paint/ inside walls

c They use/ wrong colour/ and spill paint/ over/ carpets d They also break/ valuable vase

e Foreman/ assure me / they / repaint/ walls

f I go away/ on business/ and not return / until Friday g All walls/ still/ same colour

h Foreman also promise/ company/ pay for/ damage to/ vase i I enclose/ bill/ for this

j I not pay/ your bill/ decorating/ until/ house/ painted properly Yours faithfully,

Martin Spruce

Question 7: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same

1 I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances Under

2 Let’s go home at the end of the second act As soon as

3 Fancy you and I meeting in the middle of Africa like this ! It’s really odd

4 Tony knew what the answer was after reading the book By the time

5 The painting is thought to have been stolen by one of the attendants One of the attendants

6 These new machines have put an end to queuing Before these

7 It’s such a pity your sister can’t come as well If only


Norman’s house may

9 People who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticise foreign customs Nobody who

10.I certainly don’t intend to reply to that rude letter from Edward I have

ĐÁP ÁN Question 1: ( 20 points )

1 was 11 was moving had gone 12 raced had cleared 13 turned were looking 14 could was 15 was

6 fell 16 saw

7 started 17 had snowed was 18 was

9 had heard 19 had walked 10.looked 20 was looking Question 2: ( 10 points ) delightful crowed unchanged fame commercial shortage charming traditional attractive 10 enjoyable Question 3: ( 15 points ) a- ( 10 points )

1 can could may could may might might might might 10 could b- ( points )

1 on with for out about Question 4: ( 20 points )

1 next because/ as / for 11 very 16 must to there 12 us 17 about


4 on had 14 had 19 are

5 twice 10 which 15 like 20 happened Question 5: ( 15 points )

1 B- important C- Apart 11 B- during A- spectators A- much 12 A- fact D- like B- causes 13 A- great D- on C- entire 14 C- Finally D- nothing 10 C- protect 15 B- about Question 6: ( 10 points )

a- I am writing to complain about the work your company did in my house last week b- Three men arrived on Monday to paint the inside walls

c- They used the wrong colour and dropped/ spilled paint over the carpets d- They also broke a valuable vase

e- The foreman assured me they would repaint the walls f- I went away on business and did not return until Friday g- All the walls were still the same colour

h- The foreman also promised that the company would pay for the damage to the vase i- I enclose a bill for this

j- I will not pay your bill for the decorating until the house has been painted properly Question 7: ( 10 points )

1 Under no circumstances am I to be disturbed

2 As soon as the second act has finished/ finishes, let’s go home It’s really odd that you and I should meet in the middle of Africa!

4 By the time Tony had finished reading the book he knew what the answer was One of the attendants is thought to have stolen the painting

6 Before these machines were invented people had to queue If only your sister could come as well

8 Norman’s house may have been more expensive than mine but it’s smaller and less attractive

( than mine)

9 Nobody who hasn’t been / travelled abroad ((has stayed/ remained in his/ her home) should criticize / foreign customs own country)

10.I have no intention of replying to that rude letter from Edward


Question 1:


2 A flatter B character C element D ambition

3 A possession B magazine C behavior D experience A author B figure C success D conflict

5 A indirectly B biography C represented D entertainment

Question : Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form 1.I feel as if I (fly)…… now

2.On the first day of next month, she (be)…… a teacher for years

3.I hope they (build)…… this hospital by the time we come back next month 4.(Come)… into the room he (see)… Mary where he (leave)…… her

5.Would you be so good as (answer)…….the telephone when it (ring)…… 6.Hardly I (arrive)……when a quarrel broke out

7.It is vitally important that the order (cancel)…… immediately Question 3: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence

1.The dealer wanted $ 400, I wanted to pay $300,and we finally agreed to…… the difference A divide B split C drop D decrease

2.One wonders whether the current political………is right for such a move A environment B climate C state D standpoint

3.The police say they have some important clues…… the murderer A on B about C to D in

4.You can use my bicycle………you bring it back tomorrow A as long as B although C nevertheless D in spite of

5.I wish you would tell me what I………do in this difficult situation A shall B would C should D ought

6.A plane with an engine on fire approached the runway……was frightening There could have been a terrible accident

A watch it land B watching it land C to watch it land D watching to it land

7.Camels have either on hump or two humps The Arabian camel has one hump The Bactrian camel,………has two humps

A nevertheless B however C therefore D otherwise 8.The nut hat…………six inches long

A grows seldom more than C seldom grows more than B more than seldom grows D grows more than seldom

9.John painted his bedroom black It looks dark and dreary He………a different color A had to choose C must have chosen

B should have chosen D could have been choosing


11.”When will Chau and Binh arrive?”

“They left home an hour ago I think they will…… ” A be here shortly B here be shortly

C shortly be here D here shortly be

12.The two runners crossed the line…………

A sometimes B simultaneously C frequently D occasionally 13".…………you hand me that pair of scissors, please?” “certainly” A may B shall C will D should

14.There………lots of furniture……….in the furniture department A is/ on display B is/ displaying C are/ displaying D are/ to display 15.It’s advisable to…………any contact with potentially rabbit animals A escape B avoid C prevent D evade

16 I’ll be with all of you in……… hour A a quarter of an B one quarter of an C a quarter of one D a quarter of

17 The old lady was…… exhausted after a long walk A very B absolutely C pretty D fairy

18 I wish you ……… me a new one instead of having it………as you did A had given / repaired B gave / to repair

C would give / to repair D had given / to be repaired 19 Excuse me Is this seat………?

A taking B took C occupy D taken

20 She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests : however……… A she hadn’t many sugar B there was not a great amount of the sugar C She did not have much sugar D she was lacking in amount of the sugar Question : Fill in the gap with one suitable preposition

1.Could you look…… these old newspapers for articles about the environment 2.Can you hold……….till I’ve finished talking the manager? Then I’ll be right with you 3.Put…….your nicest clothes because I’m taking you to the best restaurant in town 4.I’m afraid I don’t get….very well with the man who lives next door

5.Hearing that song takes me……to my university days I haven’t heard it for ages 6.Why didn’t you start French lessons last month?

I was too busy and I thought it would take… too much time


10.After the first year I couldn’t cope with university, so I decided to drop……… Question : Fill in the gap with one suitable word to complete the paragraph

“The moon Trap” is a new film made by a young Canadian (1)………called Melvin Strang The main parts in the film are (2)…………by Sid Cheung and Julie Plein who last appeared in “Music For Ever” In this new film (3)…… star as a young married couple who buy an old house in the country After living there (4)……… a few weeks strange things begin to happen Some of the furniture in the house disappears and can’t be (5)……….windows break and pictures fall off walls At night they (6)……… crying noises, and when the moon is up loud screams can be heard from the woods nearby As you might expect, the young couple try to discover the (7)…… for all these strange events and this leads them into some very frightening situations(8)…………you are easily scared don’t go and see this film! But if you enjoy films with (9)……….of adventure and number (10)………this is the film for you

Question 6: Give the correct form of the word in the bracket 1.This knife is very blunt It needs………… (sharp)

2.It’s really quite…………that we should have been at the same college without having met before (ordinary)

3.The chairman expressed doubts about the………of showing the film on children’s television (suit)

4.The heroine had a……….love affair with the butcher (passion) 5.To be successful, an artist must show great………(origin)

6.I have a…… full of papers which describe cases Sherlock Homes has investigated.(brief) The audience burst into……at the end of the play (applaud)

8.The…………of the trains and buses causes frustration and annoyance (frequent) 9.Due to the clerk’s…………,we missed the train (stubborn)

10.The lovers stood, hand in hand, gazing at the…….sky (star) Question 7: Find out one mistake in each sentence and correct it

1 Three conditions critical for growing plants are soil temperature , chemical balance , or amount of moisture

2 As the first American president's wife , Martha Washington performed her social duties with the generous hospitability, dignity and reserve

3 In the end of the party , Jane found herself doing the washing up again , as usual A large percent of Canadian export business is with the United States

5 A flammable liquid it was used to ignite a fire that burned part of the right Nairobi Shopping Centre

Question : Read the passage and choose the correct answer


Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States , but today it supplies only four percent The oceans are another potential source of energy Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides , and waves to electricity Experiments are also underway to make use of the temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy

1 Which is the best title of the passage ? A The Use of Water Productions for Energy B The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy C Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste

D New Discoveries in Geothermal Power

2 Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by A wind B waste products C water D oil

3 In the second paragraph , the phrase " synthetic fuels" could best be replaced by which of the following

A Biological fuels B Low burning fuels C Fast burning fuels D Artificial made fuels

4 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy ?

A Burning of garbage B Geothermal power C Synthetic fuels D Electricity

5 According to the author , the impracticality of using coal , oil shale and coal tars as sources of energy is due to

A their being time consuming B their being money consuming C the scarcity of sources D the lack of technology

Question :

Choose the best answer (A,B,C or D) to fill in each blank:

It was a Monday morning in the office and , as usual , everyone was busy sorting through their mail before starting work The other staff had ( ) that Nicky , one of the computer operators , has been ( ) rather miserable recently and they wondered what might have happened to make her so ( ) Suddenly Nicky accidentally ( ) over a cup of coffee As she was clearing up the mess , the girl sitting next to her happened to glance at Nicky's right hand There was a large swelling at the ( ) " What on earth have you ( ) to yourself ? Does it ( 7) ? asked the girl " Yes , it does I think I've ( ) it using the computer," replied Nicky " I think you'd better go and let the doctor ( ) it," said the girl " Let's hope there's no permanent ( 10 ) to your hand"


5 A wrist B elbow C knee D ankle

6 A made B done C happened D brought A harm B hurt C disturb D upset

8 A injured B ruined C spoiled D destroyed A check B inspect C examine D investigate 10 A pain B destruction C damage D suffering

Question 10 : Rewrite each sentence, starting as shown, so that the meaning stays the same

1 She has ordered a new outfit from her dressmaker

→ She is having I'm quiet sure that she didn't steal the necklace

→ She can't He appears to be running away from your fierce dog → It looks →

4 The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill

→ So many I'm more interested in the people than the job → It's not the

6 They declared was on the pretext of defending their territorial rights → The excuse

7 Although Jonny Brax drives carefully on public roads , he is a terror on the racetrack → Jonny Brax is a

8 Attendances at the exhibition has been down this year The exhibition →

9 Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems

→ According to 10 Christmas won't be the same if we don't have any snow I'll be


4 Easter / joyful festival / which / celebrate / many countries/ world

5 Thousands / people / save / because / scientists / warn / them / tidal wave ĐÁP ÁN

Question : ( points ) D D B C B Question : ( 10 points ) were flying

2 will have been will have built

4 coming - saw - had left to answer – rings had I arrived

7 ( should ) be cancelled Question : ( 20 points )

1 B B C A C B 7B C 9B 10 C

11A 12 B 13 A 14 A 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 A 19 D 20 C Question : ( 10 points )

1 through up on back on ahead on up back 10 out

Question : ( 10 points ) director played they for

5 found hear reason if lots 10 then


2 hospitability – hospitality In the end – At the end percent – number it – which

Question : (5points) B C D D B Question : (10points) C D D D A B B A C 10 C Question 10 : (10points)

1 She is having a new outfit made ( by her dressmaker ) She can’t have stolen the necklace

3 It looks as if he’s running away from your fierce dog

4 So many people turned out to see the President that all traffic came to a standstill It’s not the job I’m interested in ; it’s the people

6 The excuse for the declaration of war was the defense of their territorial rights Jonny Brax is a careful driver on public roads , he is a terror on the racetrack The exhibition has not been so well attended this year

9 According to our science correspondent , this new invention is the answer to many of our problems

10 I’ll be disappointed if there is no snow at Christmas / if we don’t have snow at Christmas Question 11 : (5points)

1 Although the weather bureau predicted ( that ) there would be a heavy rain , it was sunny this morning

2 Chau and Binh , who didn’t come to class yesterday , explained their absence to the teacher The watch which was given to me by my mother on my 14th birthday is an invaluable


4 Easter is a joyful festival which is celebrated in many countries in the world

5 Thousands of people were saved because scientists had warned them about the tidal wave


I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three 1.A habitual B habitat C habit D acid

2.A resume B consume C assume D subsume 3.A within B breakthrough C southern D although 4.A physical B mythology C rhythmic D psychological 5.A commercial B celestial C presidential D essential


6 A instrument B indispensable C stimulate D symphony 7.A preserves B tropical C climate D temperature

8.A satisfaction B mathematician C opportunity D mathematics 9.A instrument B management C tragedy D dramatic

10.A perception B experience C execution D exploring Section B : Vocabulary and Grammar

I Choose the best answer from A, B , C or D to complete each of the following sentences 11 There was a sudden loud …… which made everyone jump

A bang B strike C split D stroke

12 You may borrow as many books as you like , provided you show them to …… is at the desk

A whoever B who C whom D which

13 I don’t believe a word he said ; I think he just made …… that story A out B off C down D up

14 I must take this watch to be repaired ; it …… over 20 minutes a day A increases B progresses C accelerates D gains

15 It would be possible to build a platform A platform …… A could build B would be built C could be built D would build 16 It is of immense size It is ………

A great B large C huge D big 17 The suspect is being ………

A asked B talked C forced D questioned 18 He is …… He doesn’t have any friends A lonely B alone C unique D available 19 It was fifteen minutes …… eleven A pass B past C passed D passing

20 Harry must pay the money back He must ……… A pat it again B repay it C pay it D pay it once more

II Fill in each gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters 21 Burning coal is an …… way of heating a house Gas is much cheaper (ECONOMY) 22 There are very few …… places left on the earth Man has been nearly

everywhere ( EXPLORE )

23 Tom spoke …… because he was so excited ( BREATHE )


26 It was very …… of you to play the radio so loud so late at night ( THINK )

27 I couldn’t get much work done as I was …… being interrupted by people telephoning me ( CONTINUE )

28 After so much …… , he left he had to resign ( CRITIC )

29 Knowing a lot of languages , he’s in a very … position ( ADVANTAGE ) 30 The cost of …… must be paid by the buyer ( CARRY )

III There is one mistake in each of the following sentences Find out and correct them 31 I was the last person hearing about that accident

32 He objected for his secretary’s coming to work late 33 This is the old furniture that isn’t worth kept

34 For such an experience and able teacher , discipline was not a problem 35 He looks remarkable like his father

36 Only by studying hard you can pass the final exam 37 It was so bad weather that we couldn’t go out 38 They are having the walls painting by the painters

39 Many people think that reading newspapers are very interesting 40 There is too many pollution in large cities

Section C: Reading Comprehension

I Fill in each blank with one suitable word

Sometimes you just know things about people the first time you see them – for example that you want to be friends with them or that you don’t trust them But perhaps this kind of intuition isn’t as hard to explain (41) …… it may seem For instance , everybody gives out body

languages signals (42) … the time The (43) … you hold your body , head and arms tells people about your mood If you hold your arms tightly at your sides (44) … fold them across your chest , people will generally feel that you (45) … being defensive Holding your head on one side shows interest in the (46) … person , while (47) …… relaxed , “open” posture indicates that you are self-confident All this affects (48) …… we feel about someone Also , a stranger may (49) … you of a previous meeting with someone This may be because of (50) … as simple as the fact that he or she is physically similar (51) … someone who treated you well or badly But your reaction doesn’t (52) … to be the result of the memory of a person you previously met – your feeling about the stranger could (53) … Influenced by a smell in the air that brings to mind a place (54) … You were happy as a child Since even a single word can bring back a memory (55) … as that , you may never realise it is happening

I Read the passage and answer the questions which follow by choosing the best suggestion

The English channel


the trains They don’t need to book in (61) …… , as trains (62) …… every few minutes However, while on the train , there isn’t much to and many (63) …… the Chunnel for this (64) …… The ferries , there is no duty-free shopping , no videogame parlou or refreshment stand (65) …… can you look outside and enjoy the view As a result , many would find the Chunnel unappealing and would take the ferry instead

56 A from B during C since D ago

57 A officially B regularly C correctly D typically 58.A perform B achieve C deal with D complete 59.A forward B advanced C higher D increased 60 A benefit B handy C advantage D spare 61.A advance B time C ahead D future 62 A go away B exit C set out D depart 63.A criticise B accuse C complain D blame 64 A Opposite B Not alike C Unlike D Dissimilar 65 A Nor B Either C Neither D Not

III Read the passage and then choose the best answer to complete the sentences Footprints on the moon

Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a God Other people thought it was just a light in the sky And others thought it was a big ball of cheese

Then telecopes were made And men saw that the moon was really another world They wondered what it was like They dreamed of going there

On July 20 , 1969 , that dream came true Two American men landed on the moon Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin

The first thing the men was that the moon is covered with dust The dust is so thick that the men left footprints where they walked Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon And they could stay there for years and years There is no wind or rain to wipe them off

The two men walked on the moon for hours They picked up rocks to bring back to us for study They dug up dirt to bring back They set up machines to find out things people wanted to know Then they climbed back into their moon landing craft

Next day the landing craft roared as the two men took off from the moon They joined

Micheal Collins in the spaceship that waited for them above the moon Then they were off on their long trip back to earth

Behind them they left the plains and tall mountains of the moon They left the machines they had set up And they left footprints that may last forever

66 This story tells ………

A about the first men to walk on the moon B how men found footprints on the moon

C What the men brought back from their trip to the moon


67 A telecope ………

A makes balls of light seem brighter B turns the moon into another world C make many of men’s dream come true D makes faraway things seem closer

68 The men brought rocks and dirt from the moon because ……… A they wanted something to show they were there

B people wanted to use them to learn about the moon C they wanted to keep them as souvenirs

D they might sell them to scientists

69 The American’s machines will most likely stay on the moon until ………… A someone takes them away

B a storm covers them with dust C rain and wind destroy them

D they become rusty and break to pieces

70 The next people who go to the moon mostly likely could ……… A find that the machines have disappeared

B leave the first set of footprints on the moon

C find the places where Armstrong and Aldrin walked D find that dust has wiped off the two men’s footprints Section D : Writing

I Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the first one

71 Although he was not guilty they executed him

In spite of ……… 72 I certainly don’t intend to reply to that rude letter from Edward

I have ……… 73 “ It certainly wasn’t me who took your car ! “ said Bob

Bob denied ……… 74 Mary told the police about the burglary

Mary reported ……… 75 Mary may not be able to give the concert

The concert ……… 76 They had hardly left home when it started to rain

No sooner ……… 77 You can use my car , but have to keep it carefully


78 You are both funny and witty

Not only ……… 79 He behaved shamefully towards his wife

He treated ……… 80 The chances are a hundred to one against you

It’s most ……… II Write a paragraph on the following topic : ( about 100 - 150 words ) What carrer would you like to choose after leaving school ?

ĐÁP ÁN Section A: Phonetics

1 m for answer x 10 = 10 m 1A 2A 3B 4D 5B 6B 7A 8B 9D 10C Section B: Vocabulary and Grammar

I Choose the best answer : 1m for answer x 10 = 10 m 11A 12A 13D 14D 15C 16C 17D 18A 19B 20B

II Fill in each gap in each sentence : 1m for answer x 10 = 10 m 21 uneconomical 22 unexplored 23 breathlessly

24 unbelievable 25 considerate 26 thoughless

27 continuously 28 criticism 29 advantageous 30 carriage III There is one mistake : m for answer x 10 = 10 Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

31 hearing To hear 36 you can can you 32 for to 37 so such

33 kept keeping 38 painting painted 34 experience experienced 39 are is 35 remarkable remarkably 40 many much Section C: Reading comprehension

I Fill in each blank with one suitable word : m for answer x 15 = 15 m 41 as 42 all 43 way 44 or 45 are 46 other 47 a

48 how / what 49 remind 50 something 51 to 52 have / need 53 be 54 where 55 such

II Fill in each blank with one suitable word in the box: m for answer x 10 = 10 m 56C 57A 58D 59B 60B 61A 62D 63A 64C 65A

III Read the passage and : m for answer x5 = 10 m 66A 67D 68B 69A 70C


I Finish the second : m for answer x 10 = 10m

71 In spite of his innocence / his not being guilty , he was executed 72 I have no intention of replying to that rude letter from Edward 73 Bob denied taking / having taken my car

74 Mary reported the burglary to the police 75 The concert may have to be cancelled

76 No sooner had they left home than it started to rain 77 Provided that you keep my car carefully you can use it 78 Not only are you funny but also witty

79 He treated his wife shamefully


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Đèo Thầy Nguyễn Đức Tấn

II Khoá Học Nâng Cao HSG

- Toán Nâng Cao THCS: Cung cấp chương trình Tốn Nâng Cao, Tốn Chun dành cho em HS THCS lớp 6, 7, 8, yêu thích mơn Tốn phát triển tư duy, nâng cao thành tích học tập trường đạt điểm tốt kỳ thi HSG

- Bồi dưỡng HSG Toán: Bồi dưỡng phân mơn Đại Số, Số Học, Giải Tích, Hình Học Tổ

Hợp dành cho học sinh khối lớp 10, 11, 12 Đội ngũ Giảng Viên giàu kinh nghiệm: TS Lê

Bá Khánh Trình, TS Trần Nam Dũng, TS Phạm Sỹ Nam, TS Lưu Bá Thắng, Thầy Lê Phúc

Lữ, Thầy Võ Quốc Bá Cẩn đơi HLV đạt thành tích cao HSG Quốc Gia

III Kênh học tập miễn phí

- HOC247 NET: Website hoc miễn phí học theo chương trình SGK từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất môn học với nội dung giảng chi tiết, sửa tập SGK, luyện tập trắc nghiệm mễn phí, kho tư liệu tham khảo phong phú cộng đồng hỏi đáp sôi động

- HOC247 TV: Kênh Youtube cung cấp Video giảng, chuyên đề, ôn tập, sửa tập, sửa đề thi miễn phí từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất mơn Tốn- Lý - Hố, Sinh- Sử - Địa, Ngữ Văn, Tin Học Tiếng Anh

Vững vàng tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

Học lúc, nơi, thiết bi – Tiết kiệm 90%

Học Toán Online Chuyên Gia

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2021, 01:36

