I'n really sorry llcciilrsc you had thc wrong idea aboltt Joc sttrl ttrc' t tlidn't nlean to spilt ctll'tee on it.'r. I really apologizc'bccause I didn'i tclcpSonc yorr aS our tcle[r]
(1)P. q. r.
I'n really sorry llcciilrsc you had thc wrong idea aboltt Joc sttrl ttrc' t tlidn't nlean to spilt ctll'tee on it.'
I really apologizc'bccause I didn'i tclcpSonc yorr aS our tclephotlc \vils out of order
L,ove, Sue
7 l l e l o il
IV Writu llg secottd senlence so lhal il nteqns lhe sune as llrc J'irsl'
r.The last tirnc it rainecr here was two nronrrrs ag
( L'5 pts I
It was
2 Please dott'l say things like that I wislr
3.I haven't I T i S :
lreen to a football match for years'
4 'ilrey will scll that ol(lhorrse at tlte erttl of tlte streel That old lrouse
5 People say that,they have repairdcl I{er house
'[his is tlrs tttost ittterestirtg filnr I ltave ever Eecn' I ltave
hcr ltousE carefullY
v Fitt in euclt blank wlth u sultablc word.(I.25 pls ) (
people can,t livc:11) plants We eat pl^trts We (2) :.t5e oxygutt tltat ptants pro{uce nui *" ueecl plants ttri' (:) very clifferunt rcab()rr: ws neecl tltcrn (.1) ;iit"it beauty.'t'tr,,t,is why (5).,.: in bif tttqtlcrrt citics' we have parks (6) o1'trees, buslres nnd tlowers.'I'ltat'is why (71::"" always try to design lt,pttscs with (8) , for sorlle gro$$ utrtl a gtUdcn' 'l'lrirt is rvlty in every city 6p,rm.ntettt yotl are SUre ttt fintl sorrrc greenltctusc lrlitttts (1))':" in pots, or ti'csirly ctrl flowcrs itr a vasc of (lO)""' '
VI Muke utl the cltutrgcs urul addllittrts ilaua$:iilr! lu prodttcc frttut tlrt fo.llowing sels o! wirrts und phrlses, senlenccf lhul logelhcr nurkc tr complalc lcttcr.( I.75Pls )