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Nội dung

Chú ý: thì hiện tại đơn sẽ được dùng thay thế cho thì tương lai đơn trong các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian (bắt đầu bằng “when” “before” “until”...)?. _ You will see him when he com[r]


Giáo án ơn thi tốt nghiệp vịng gồm 16 tiết

Tuần : Tiết : Ơn tập tiếng anh

Mục đích

Học sinh ghi nhớ công thức để áp dụng vào làm tập theo , đặc biệt dấu hiệu nhận biết

Yêu cầu

- Học sinh phải làm đè cơng theo cấu teúc học : cônh thức câu KĐ, PĐ, NV, WH, Nội dung cỏc bước lờn lớp

Ơn tập lại học chỉnh sửa lại đề cương theo hướng dẫn cô giáo THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN

A_ Cơng thức:

* Đối với động từ thường:

_ Khẳng định: I/ You / We / They/ CN số nhiều + V (Nguyên mẫu) She/ he / it/ CN số ít + V–es/ V–s _ Phủ định: I/ You / We / They/ CN số nhiều + donot V (Nguyên mẫu)

She/ he / it/ CN số ít + doesnot + V(nguyên mẫu). _ Nghi vấn: Do + I/ You / We / They/ CN số nhiều + V (Nguyên mẫu)?

Does She/ he / it/ CN số ít + + V(nguyên mẫu)? Do / does + S + V(nguyên mẫu)?

 Đối với động từ “to be” đơn ta có dạng

Khẳng định: I + am

You/ we/ they/ CN số nhiều + are She /he/ it/ CN số ít + is

Phủ định: Thêm “not” sau “am / is/ are” Nghi vấn: Đặt “Am/ is/ are” trước chủ ngữ  Đối với động từ “To have” ngơi thứ số ta không thêm đuôi “_S/ _ES” mà chuyển thành

“has” (She has a new house) B_ Cách dùng:

1_ Để diễn tả thói quen việc xảy có tính chất thường xun thơng lệ Trong câu thường có trạng từ như: often ; usually; always; sometimes; seldom; on Mondays; On Sundays; everyday; every Monday; every summer

We come to school on time everyday My mother always gets up early

Does Mr Green go to work five days a week? _ Yes, he does We not go to school on Sundays

2_ Để diễn tả thật hiển nhiên, chân lý: The earth goes round the sun 3_ Dùng để nói thời khóa biểu hay chương trình: The film begins at 8p.m

4_Dùng mệnh đề điều kiện câu điều kiện loại I mệnh đề điều kiện thời gian C_ Cách thêm đuôi “_s” hay “_es” sau động từ:

1_ Thông thường thêm đuôi _S sau động từ ngơi thứ số ít: work _ worksplay _ plays change _ changes

2_ Những động từ kết thúc _CH; _SH; _ SS; _X hay _O ta thêm đuôi _es watch _ watches wash _ washesfinish _ finishes

3_ Những động từ kết thúc “Y” mà trước phụ âm ta chuyển “Y” thành “I” sau thêm đuôi _es: carry _ carries fly _ flies

D_ Cách phát âm đuôi s es:

- Những động từ tận âm /p,k,t,f,0/ thêm ‘s’ đọc thêm âm /s/ VD: gets, works…

- Những động từ tận âm /s, z, x, tS, S, dz/ thêm ‘es’ đọc thêm âm /iz/ - Ngồi trường hợp động từ cịn lại thêm ‘s, es” đọc thêm âm /z/ E_ Bài tập: Chia động từ ngoặc Hiện đơn:

1 He (be ) a doctor

2 She (watch) television every day


4 My friend and I often (go) to school by bike My girlfriend (not, be) a beautiful girl The concert often (begins) at 7pm THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN

A_ Cơng thức:

_ Khẳng định: I + am

We/ You/ They + are + V-ing(thêm đuôi “ing”) He/ She/It + is

_ Phủ định: CN + am/ is/ are + not + V-ing

_ Nghi vấn: Am/ Is/ Are + CN + V-ing ?

B_ Cách dùng:

1_ Diễn tả việc xảy ra, diễn tiến Trong câu thường có trạng từ : now(bây giờ); at present; at the moment

My father is planting flowers in the garden Look! The pupils are playing football. We are not cooking now

2_ Diễn tả đặt chắn tương lai gần: I am meeting Peter tonight

3_ Diễn tả việc tượng xảy có tính chất tạm thời:

He usually reads newspapers but today he is reading a magazine

C_ Chú ý: Một số động từ khơng sử dụng tiếp diễn phải chuyển chúng thì đơn: 1_ Động từ giác quan: hear(nghe); see(nhận thấy; thấy); smell(bốc mùi); taste(có vị)

2_ Động từ tình cảm, cảm xúc: like; hate(ghét); dislike(khơng thích); love; need; want 3_ Động từ hoạt động tinh thần: agree(đồng ý); believe(tin tưởng); forget(quên); know(biết); remember(nhớ); understand(hiểu)

4_ Động từ sở hữu số động từ khác: have(có); own(sở hữu); belong(thuộc về); appear(có vẻ); seem (dường như)

D_ Bài tập: Chia động từ ngoặc Hiện đơn hay Hiện tiếp diễn: 1/ I (have) coffee for breakfast every day

2/ My brother (work) in a shoe store this summer 3/ The student (look) _ up that new word now 4/ She (go) to school every day

5/ We (do) this exercise at the moment 6/ Miss Helen (read) _ a newspaper now THÌ HIỆN TẠI HỒN THÀNH

A_ Cơng thức:

_ Khẳng định: He/ She/It/ CN số + has + V(past participle)

I/ We/ You/ They/ CN số nhiều + have + V(past participle) _ Phủ định: S(chủ ngữ) + has/ have + not + V(past participle) _ Nghi vấn: Has/ Have + S(chủ ngữ) + V(past participle) ?

Chú ý: past participle (quá khứ phân từ) động từ :

_ Nếu động từ hợp qui ta thêm đuôi _ED sau động từ (V- ed)

_ Nếu động từ bất qui ta lấy động từ cột thứ bảng động từ bất qui B_ Cách dùng:

1_ Diễn tả việc khứ mà thời điểm không xác định rõ Thường dùng với trạng từ sau: already(đã rồi); recently = lately(gần đây); ever(đã từng); never(chưa bao giờ)

He has already done his homework (Anh ta làm xong tập nhà) Have you bought a new TV recently?

_ Diễn tả việc xảy khứ kết Thường dùng với yet:

Have you seen Tom yet?

We have cleaned the room Look! It is very clean 2_ Thường dùng với “just” để việc vừa xảy ra:


3_ Diễn tả hành động hay việc bắt đầu khứ mà tiếp tục Thường dùng với giới từ since(từ khi; kể từ) hay for(trong thời gian)

We have leaned English for years

My sister has been sick since yesterday (Bây ốm) _ Thỉnh thoảng việc dừng thời điểm nói:

Nice to meet you I haven’t seen you for a long time

Chú ý : for + khoảng thời gian: two hours; 3days; 4months Since+ điểm thời gian: 1990; Sunday; o’clock

4_Diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại nhiều lần khứ: I have seen this film several times

5 - Dùng HTHT sau từ cấp so sánh cao nhất: It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen - Dùng với This morning/ week/ month/ term…khi khoảng thời gian lúc nói: Eg: I’ve smoked 10 cigarettés today / I haven’t seen Tom this morning.Have you?

Ngồi cịn có số cụm từ thời gian : so far = until now = up to now ,how long ? It is the first / second / third … time, twice / many / three… times.

C_Bài tập: Chia động từ ngoặc HTHT:

1 I (try) to learn English for years, but I (not succeed) yet That book (lie) on the table for weeks You (not read) it yet? He (not, be) here since Christmas

4 He (write) a novel for two years, but he (not, finish) it yet I (see) that film several times because I like it


Tuần : Tiết : Ôn tập tiếng anh

Mục đích

Học sinh ghi nhớ công thức để áp dụng vào làm tập theo , đặc biệt dấu hiệu nhận biết

Yêu cầu

- Học sinh phải làm đè cơng theo cấu teúc học : cônh thức câu KĐ, PĐ, NV, WH, Nội dung cỏc bước lờn lớp

Ơn tập lại học chỉnh sửa lại đề cương theo hướng dẫn giáo THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN

A_ Công thức:

_ Khẳng định: S (chủ ngữ) + V- ed (động từ hợp qui) + V(cột 2) (động từ bất qui)

_ Phủ định: S (chủ ngữ) + did not + V(nguyên mẫu) _ Nghi vấn: Did + S(chủ ngữ)+ V(nguyên mẫu)?

Chú ý:

 Đối với động từ “to be” khứ đơn ta có dạng Khẳng định: I / She /he/ it/ CN số ít + was

You/ we/ they/ CN số nhiều + were B_ Cách dùng:

Để diễn tả việc xảy thời điểm xác định khứ Thường với từ thời gian:

Yesterday, last night/ Sunday, ago

Yesterday morning/ afternoon/ evening, last week/ month/ year, Two days ago last summer/ winter, in 1998

We watched a good film on TV last night. Hoặc thời gian hỏi đến:

When did you see him?

C_ Cách thêm đuôi –ed vào sau động từ có quy tắc:

- Thơng thường thêm –ed vào sau động từ có quy tắc: work – worked - Nếu động từ có quy tắc tận “e” thêm “d” thơi: die – died


- Nếu động từ có quy tắc có âm tiết tận phụ âm trước phụ âm nguyên âm gấp đơi phụ âm cuối lên trước thêm –ed: stop – stopped

- Nếu động từ có quy tắc có âm tiết tận phụ âm trước phụ âm nguyên âm gấp đôi phụ âm cuối lên trước thêm –ed: permit – permitted

- Nếu động từ tận ‘l’, trước ngun âm đơn ta nhân đôi ‘l’ lên thêm ‘ed’: travel – travelled

D _ Cách phát âm đuôi –ed:

ọc /id/ sau từ tận âm /d/ hc /t/.

need – needed decide – decided want – wanted start – started

ọc /t/ sau từ tận âm /k/, /p/, /f/, /s/, //,/t∫/, /θ/, /ks/

wash – washed book – booked stop – stopped watch – watched fax – faxed

 Đäc lµ /d/ sau tõ tận âm lại

play – played plan – planned offer – offered bathe – bathed call – called

* Các tính từ tận ED đuôi ED đợc phát âm nh cách phát âm động từ có quy tắc Tuy nhiên, số tính từ cổ tận -ed, số trạng từ tận -edly, -ed đợc phát âm /id/

Adjectives:/id/ naked : kháa th©n crooked : cong, o»n ragged : nhµu, cị wretched : khèn khỉ

rugged : gå ghỊ learned : uyªn b¸c

Adverbs: /id/ deservedly : xứng đáng supposedly: cho markedly : cách rõ ràng, đáng ý allegedly : cho

E – Bài tập:Chia động từ ngoặc khứ đơn: We (study) a very hard lesson the day before yesterday My wife and I (travel) to London by air last summer I (have) a little trouble with my car last week

4 What you (do) yesterday? THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN A_ Công thức:

_ Khẳng định: I/ He/ She/It/ CN số + was + V-ing We/ You/ They/ CN số nhiều + were+ V-ing _ Phủ định: S(chủ ngữ) + was/ were + not + V-ing

_ Nghi vấn: Was/ Were + S(chủ ngữ) + V-ing ?

B_ Cách dùng:

1_ Diễn tả việc xảy thời điểm xác định khứ: What were you doing at five o’clock yesterday evening?

I was doing exercises between four and five o’clock last Sunday afternoon

2_ Kết hợp với khứ đơn để diễn tả việc diễn khứ việc khứ khác xảy ra:

When I was watching T.V, My friend came

Thì khứ tiếp diễn Thì khứ đơn

3_Diễn tả hai hành động xảy song song lúc khứ:

Yesterday while my mother was cooking dinner, my father was watching TV C – So sánh Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ tiếp diễn:

+ Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) dùng để hành động ngắn (thình lình) xảy khứ - I met him in the street yesterday

+ Thì Past Continuous (Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn) dùng để hành động kéo dài khứ tương ứng với hành động khác khứ

- I met him while he was crossing the street - She was going home when she saw an accident

+ Thì Past Continuous diễn tả hành động kéo dài điểm thời gian xác định khứ hai hành động liên tiếp song song với

- My father was watching TV at o’clock last night


1/ He (sit) in a bar when I (see) him 2/ When I (go) out, the sun (shine) 3/ The light (go) out while I (have) tea 4/ When it (rain) , she(carry) an umbrella

5/ We (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain


Tuần : Tiết : Ôn tập tiếng anh

Mục đích

Học sinh ghi nhớ công thức để áp dụng vào làm tập theo , đặc biệt dấu hiệu nhận biết

Yêu cầu

- Học sinh phải làm đè cơng theo cấu teúc học : cônh thức câu KĐ, PĐ, NV, WH, Nội dung cỏc bước lờn lớp

Ôn tập lại học chỉnh sửa lại đề cương theo hướng dẫn giáo

THÌ TƯƠNG LAI I Thì tương lai đơn: A_ Cơng thức:

_ Khẳng định: I/ We + shall/ will + V(nguyên mẫu)

Các chủ ngữ khác + will + V(nguyên mẫu) _ Phủ định: S(chủ ngữ) + shallnot/ willnot + V(nguyên mẫu)

_ Nghi vấn: Shall/ Will + S(chủ ngữ) + V(nguyên mẫu) ?

B_ Cách dùng:

1_ Diễn tả việc xảy tương lai Thường dùng với từ thời gian sau: Tomorrow next week/ month, year, Sunday

Tomorrow morning/ afternoon/ evening someday (1 ngày đó)soon (chẳng nữa) I shall visit you tomorrow

Will you go to the circus next week?

Chú ý: đơn dùng thay cho tương lai đơn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian (bắt đầu “when” “before” “until” )

_ You will see him when he comes back tomorrow (“comes” dùng mệnh đề thời gian “when”)

_ I will not send her your letter until you arrive London II Thì tương lai gần:(Tương lai ý định)

A – Công thức:

S + am/ is/ are + going to + V(inf.) …….(dự định sẽ) S + am/ is/ are + Ving… (sắp sửa)

B – Cách dùng:

Thì dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy dự định tới (thường câu khơng có cụm từ thời gian)

Eg: My father is retiring

Where are you going to spend your holidays?

C – Bài tập: Chia động từ ngoặc HTĐ hay TLĐ: 1/ We (go) out when the rain (stop) 2/ I (stay) _ here until he (answer) me 3/ Wait until I (catch) you

4/ I (be) _ ready before you (count) _ ten 5/ John must eat his breakfast before he (go) out

6/ Miss Helen (help) _ you as soon as she (finish) _ that letter 7/ He (tell) _ you when you (get) there


10/ I (come) and (see) _ you before I (leave) for England 11 I (wear) my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong

12 Tom can't have the newspaper now because his aunt (read) it 13 I'm busy at the moment I (redecorate) the sitting room 14 The kettle (boil) now Shall I make the tea?

15 You (enjoy) yourself or would you like to leave now? -I (enjoy) myself very much -I (want) to stay to the end 16 How you (get) to work as a rule?

I usually (go) by bus but tomorrow I (go) in Tom's car


Tuần Tiêt 1: Bài tập áp dụng thỡ

Mc ớch

Qua cấu trúc dấu hiệu nhận biết học sinh vận dụng vào dạng tập Yờu cu

Học sinh nhận biết qua câu trắc nghiệm, tập tự luận Ni dung cỏc bc lên lớp

Bài 1: Chọn đáp án cho câu sau 1) He for London one year ago

A left B has left C leaves D had left

2) She in Hue for twenty years

A lives B has lived C lived D will live

3) I to the market with my mother yesterday

A go B went C have gone D was going

4) What you , Nam? – I’m thinking of my mother

A do/think B are/ thinking C have/thought D were/thinking 5) How long you her? – For five months

A do/know B are/knowing C have/ known D had/known 6) I usually to school by bus

A went B am going C go D have gone

7) Yesterday morning I up at 6.30

A got B get C was getting D had got

8) Please don’t make so much noise I

A studying B study C am studying D studied

9) Water at 100 degrees Celsius

A boils B boiled C is boiling D will boil

10) It is raining now It began raining two hours ago So it for two hours

A rains B is raining C has rained D rained

11) you out last night?

A did/ go B Do/go C Have/gone D Were/going

12) This house 35,000 pounds in 1980

A cost B costs C had cost D was cost

13) While Tom tennis, Ann a shower

A played/took B playing/taking C was playing/ was taking D was play/was take 14) She until you are ready

A didn’t come B isn’t coming C won’t come D doesn’t come

15) When they in the garden, the phone

A worked/was ringing B was working/ rang C worked/rang D work/rings 16) I here until he answers me

A stay B will stay C am staying D have stayed

17) They tea when the doorbell


A smoked/read B had smoked/ read C was smoking/ was reading D smoking/reading 19) When I into the office, my boss for me

A came/ was waiting B had come/waited C was coming/waited D came/waiting 20) When I Brian, he a taxi

A see/drives B saw/ was driving C see/was driving D saw/is driving 21) When he , we dinner

A arrived/having B was arriving/had C arrived/ were having D had arrived/had 22) While they chess, we the shopping

A playing/doing B played/did B were playing/doing D were playing/ were doing 23) They football when the lights in the stadium out

A were playing/ went B were playing/ was going C played/was going D playing/went 24) While George and John their room, she the ironing

A cleaning/doing B were cleaning/doing C were cleaning/ was doing D cleaning/was doing

25) Today is Thursday and she late twice this week She late yesterday and on Monday A is/was B has been/is C has been/ was D has been/had been 26) He in the same house since 1975

A has lived B is living C lived D had lived

27) We him since he married

A didn’t see/got B don’t/get C haven’t seen/ got D hadn’t seen/got 28) It for two hours and the ground is too wet to play tennis

A is raining B had rained C has rained D was raining

29) He to HCMC last year and I him since then

A moved/didn’t see B moved/ haven’t seen C moves/haven’t seen D moved/hadn’t seen

30) We what to with the money yet

A not decide B haven’t decided C didn’t decide D hadn’t decided 31) My father as a teacher for thirty years

A works B is working C worked D has worked

32) He to New York three times this year

A had been B was C has been D is

33) I how to dance when I six years old

A don’t know / was B didn’t know / am C didn’t know/ was D haven’t known/was 34) Last month my brother me his photos He me his photos every year

A sends/sent B sent/ sends C sent/sent D sends/sends

35) Nam is a careful driver but yesterday he carelessly

A drove B had driven C drives D was driving

36) Do you like swimming, Ba? – I when I was a child but not now

A B did C have done D had done

37) I her at the school gate yesterday

A met B meet C had met D am meeting

38) She English when she was six years old

A learned B has learned C is learning D had learned

39) I don’t remember where and when I her

A meet B had met C met D have met

40) They to know each other for more than ten years

A get B got C have got D had got

41) you that film yet?

A Do/see B Have/ seen C Did/see D Had/seen

42) I the film with my friends last week

A watched B watch C have watched D had watched

43) He up at five every morning

A is getting B got C gets D was getting


A Does/live B Is/ living C Did/live D Was/living 45) He usually her at weekend but now he in bed because of his severe illness A visits/stays B visits/staying C visited/stays D visits/ is staying 46) Don’t make noise, children! Parents

A sleep B are sleeping C were sleeping D slept

47) Why you often so much noise in the house?

A do/ make B did/make C are/making D were/making

48) He you when he has the necessary information

A will tell B told C tells D is telling

49) While mum was watching TV, I my homework

A am doing B was doing C had done D has done

50) At this time yesterday I to music

A listened B had listened C was listening D am listening

Bài 2: Mỗi câu sau có lỗi sai tìm sửa lại cho đúng

1) Yesterday David was crossing(A) a street when(B) a truck was turning(C) a corner very fast and almost hit(D) him

2) When Rita will get(A) her driver’s license next week(B), she will be able(C) to drive to school every day(D).

3) So far(A) she spends(B) a lot of time there(C) chatting with(D) her friends

4) Jack is living(A) in Spain now(B) His Spanish had improved(C) greatly since he moved(D) there 5) Last month(A) while we watched(B) an exciting game on(C) television in our living room, the electricity went out(D)

6) I’m sure(A) they have completed(B) the new(C) road by(D) June

7) At(A) this time tomorrow(B), they will do(C) their homework with their(D) brothers 8) We have seen(A) and tell(B) you the situation next(C) Monday Please wait for(D) us 9) Our(A) teacher explained(B) that lesson to(C) us tomorrow(D)

10) We will wait(A) for you when(B) you will get(C) back tomorrow(D)

11) I will practise(A) my English lesson with(B) my classmate at(C) 7pm next(D) Sunday 12) When I see(A) Mr Pike tomorrow(B), I remind(C) him of(D) that

13) He works(A) on the(B) report at(C) this time tomorrow(D)

14) Please(A) sit here(B) and wait until(C) the manager will return(D)

15) Our parents arrived(A) next Wednesday I’m sure we will receive(B) a lot of(C) presents from(D) them 16) I gave(A) him your message(B) and letter when(C) I see him(D)

17) By(A) the time you arrive(B), I finish(C) writing an(D) essay

18) We will be going(A) home as soon(B) as we have finished(C) our work(D)

19) Mr Green has taught(A) English this school since(B) he graduates(C) from the university in(D) 1986 20) At(A) yesterday morning(B) when I arrive(C) at his house, he was still sleeping(D) Bài : Chia dạng động từ ngoặc

1 Cuckoos (not build) nests They (use) the nests of other birds You can't see Tom now: he (have) a bath

3 He usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink) tea What she (do) in the evenings?

She usually (play) cards or (watch) TV

5 I won't go out now as it (rain) and I -(not have) an umbrella The last train (leave) the station at 11.30

7 He usually (speak) so quickly that I (not understand) him

8 Ann (make) a dress for herself at the moment She (make) all her own clothes Hardly anyone (wear) a hat nowadays

Tuần tiết 2: Cõu trực tiếp chuyển sang cõu giỏn tiếp

Mục đích

Học sinh ghi nhớ lại quy tắc chuyển đổi câuTT sang GT theo loại câu: KDPD, NV, WH, ML, ĐK Yêu cầu

- Học sinh phải chuẩn bị đề cơng cấu trúc câu TT sang GT Nhớ quy tắc lùi thay đổi chủ ngữ tân ngữ tg, đđ

Néi dung «n tËp


Câu trc tiếp Câu gián tiếp

Hin đơn Q khứ đơn

HiƯn t¹i tiÕp diƠn Quá khứ tiếp diễn Hiện hoàn thành Quá khứ hoµn thµnh

Tơng lai đơn Tơng lai khứ

Quá khừ đơn Quá khứ hoàn thành

Quá khứ tiếp diễn Quá khứ tiếp diễn Thay đổi trạng ngữ câu gián tiếp

C©u trùc tiÕp Câu gián tiếp

Tomorrow Next Sunday In tow week Today Yesterday

Yesterday evening The day before yesterday Two days ago

Next week Last week Now Here

This morning At present

This, these, that, those (adj) This, these, that, those (pronoun)

The following day / the next day The next Sunday

In two weeks’ time The same day / that day

The day before / the previous day The previous evening

Two day before / earlier Two day before / earlier

The following week/ the next week The previous week

Then There

That morning Then


It, they/ them

Cách chuyển đổi câu khẳng định câu phủ định sang câu gián tiếp

Quy t¾c : - Phải lùi theo quy tắc,

- Thay đổi chủ ngữ tân ngữ tgian , địa điểm Eg : He said “ I have lived here since 2002”

 He said that he had lived there since 2002

Cách chuyển đổi câu ngi vấn sang câu gián tiếp

Quy t¾c :

- phải lùi theo quy tắc - Thay đổi S, Oj, Tg, Đđ - Mợn If Whether

- Chuyển câu khẳng định ( If + S + V O) “ Are you hurry?”  He asked if I was hurry

Cách chuyển đổi câu hỏi sang câu gián tiếp

Quy t¾c :

phải lùi theo quy tắc Thay đổi S, Oj, Tg, Đđ Giữ nguyên từ để hỏi Wh

Chuyển câu khẳng định ( Wh + S + V O)

“ How much is it?”  He asked me how much it was

Một số động từ thờng dùng để chuyển câu TT sang câu Gt

Say, agree, hope, admit, reply, tell + mệnh đề lùi

Offer, refuse, agree, promise Advise, tell, threaten, warn áp dụng cấu trúc Từ Dẫn + Sb + To Smt

Apologize, thank + Sb + For + N / Ving


Tuần tiết 3: Bài tâp câu trực tiếp chuyển sang câu gián tip

Mục Đích

- Học sinh áp dụng công thức vào dạng tập trắc nghiệm hay tự luận

Yêu Cầu

- Hc sinh nhn biết đợc câuGT câu TT nằm dạng câu KDPĐ, NV, WH, ML, ĐK

Néi dung «n tËp

John asked me _ in English


a not behave b not to behave c not behaving d did not behave She said she _ collect it for me after work

a would b did c must d had

She said I _ an angel

a am b was c were d have been

I have ever told you he _ unreliable

a is b were c had been d would be

I told him the word to Jane somehow that I _ to reach her during the early hours a passing / will try b he will pass / tried

c to pass / would be trying d he passed / have tried Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _

a yesterday b two days ago c the day before d the next day John asked me _ interested in any kind of sports

a if I were b if were I c if was I d if I was I _ you everything I am doing, 'and you have to the same a will tell b would tell c told d was telling John asked me _ that film the night before

a that I saw b had I seen c if I had seen d if had I seen 11.Peter said that he had lived in London four years _

a ago b before c later d then

12.The guest told the host that _

a I must go now b he must go now

c he had to go now d he had to go then 13.The teacher told Joe _

a to stop talking b stop talking c stops talking d stopped talking 14.She said she _

a was very tired last night b was very tired the night before c had been very tired last night d had been very tired the night before 15.Emily said that her teacher _ to London _

a will go / tomorrow b went / tomorrow c would go / the next day d had gone / the next day 16.She told the boys _ on the grass

a not play b did not play c not playing d not to play 17.She asked _

a where was her umbrella b where her umbrella was c where were her umbrella d where her umbrella were 18.Jason asked me _ me the book the day before

a if who gave b if who has given

c who had given d that who had given 19.Robert said that his father _ to Dallas the year before

a goes b went c has gone d had gone

20.He wanted to know _ shopping during the previous morning a if we had been going b that if we had been going c we were going d that we were going

Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 21."How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary a Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress

b Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress c Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress

d Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress

22.She raised her hand high so that she could attract her teacher's attention a Because her teacher attracted her, she raised her hand high

b To attract her teacher's attention, she raised her hand high


d She had such a high raising of hand that she failed to attract her teacher's attention 23."Hello, Mary!" Peter said '

a Peter said hello Mary b Peter said Mary hello c Peter told Mary hello d Peter greeted Mary 24.Julie and Anne had not met each other before he party a Julie and Anne got acquainted when they were at the party b The party prevented Julie and Anne from meeting each other

c The party was the place where Julie and Anne could not meet each other d Julie and Anne used to meet each other for the party

25."Why don't you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me a Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help

b Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help , c Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help d Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help

26.He asked me _ Robert and I said I did not know _

a that did I know / who were Robert b that I knew / who Robert were

c if I knew / who Robert was d whether I knew / who was Robert 27.The mother asked her son _

a where he has been b where he had been c where has he been d where had he been 28 Martin asked me _

a how is my father b how my father is c how was my father d how my father was 29 The host asked Peter _ tea or coffee

a whether he preferred b that he preferred c did he prefer d if he prefers 30 She asked me _ my holidays _

a where I spent / the previous year b where I had spent / the previous year c where I spent / last year d where did I spend / last year

31 He advised _ too far

a her did not go b her not go c her not to go d she did not go 32 John often says he _ boxing because it _ a cruel sport a does not like / is b did not like / were

c not liked / had been d had not liked / was

Tuần tiết 4: CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG

Mục đích

Học sinh phải nhớ đợc quy tắc cách chuyể đổi lần ôn tập lại công thức Yờu cầu

Học sinh phải chuẩ bị đề cơng cấu trúc chuyển đổi câu CĐ sang câu BĐ theo cấu trúc Nội dung cỏc bước lờn lớp

Các bước đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động sau: Ví du: Đổi câu sau sang bị động:

She cleans the house everyday Chủ ngữ động từ (ở đơn) tân ngữ trạng từ

Trước chuyển sang câu bị động phải phân tích câu

Sơ đồ chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động: Câu chủ động: S(chủ ngữ) + V + O(tân ngữ)

Câu bị động: S’ + be + pp + by O’

Sau phân tích câu xong ta chuyển theo thứ tự bước sau:

1_ Lấy tân ngữ câu chủ động làm chủ từ câu bị động (The house)

2_ Chia động từ “to be” phù hợp với động từ câu chủ động chủ từ vừa tìm (The house is)


4_ Thêm “By” chuyển chủ ngữ câu chủ động sang làm tân ngữ câu bị động thêm thành phần khác để hoàn thành câu

( The house is cleaned by her everyday.)

Nếu chủ từ câu chủ động từ như: “someone”; “somebody”; “nobody”; “they”; “people” câu bị động người ta không dùng từ “by” từ

Chú Ý: _ Nếu câu chủ động có trạng từ nơi chốn đặt chúng trước “By + tân ngữ bị động” Chủ động The police found him in the forest

Bị động He was found in the forest by the police

_ Nếu câu chủ động có trạng từ thời gian đặt chúng sau By + tân ngữ bị động Chủ động: Her parents will buy a new car next month

Bị động: A new car will be bought by her parents next month *) THỂ BỊ ĐỘNG học: S + be + PP + (by O):

Thì To be (chia trùng với động từ chủ

động Quá khứ phân từ động từ

Hiện đơn Am / is / are + PP

Hiện tiếp diễn Am/ is/ are being PP

Hiện hoàn thành Have/ has been PP

Quá khứ đơn Were/ was PP

Quá khứ tiếp diễn Were/ was being PP

Tương lai đơn Will be PP

Tương lai gaàn Am/ is/ are going to be PP

Động từ khiếm khuyết

Can; could; must… Can/ could/ must be PP


Chủ động: S + say + (that)+ S2 + V2 + O2

Bị động:Cách 1: It + be(thì) said+ (that)+ S2 + V2 + O2 Cách 2: S2 + be(thì) saidto INF (của V2) + O2

Ví dụ: People said that he wrote this book.

Bị động: Cách 1: It was said that he wrote this book.

Cách 2: He was said to write this book.


Tuần tiết 1: BÀI TẬP CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG

Mục đích

Häc sinh ¸p dơng công thức vào dạng tập trắc nghiệm hay tự luận, qua tập học sinh ghi nhớ lại dấu hiệu nhận biÕt cđa nã

u cầu

Áp dụng cơng thức vào làm dạng tập HS phải nhận biêt đợc câu thuộc để chuyển đổi hay chọn đáp án

Nội dung bước lên lớp

Bài 1: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence:

1) Asian people eat rice Rice in many parts of Asia

A is grown B are grown C has grown D have grown 2) Nowadays a lot of dangerous work _ by robots

A has been done B will be done C is done D was done 3) Who wrote the story “Romeo and Juliet”? _ It _ by Shakespeare, an English writer

A is written B was written C has been written D wrote 4) The package containing books and records _ last week


A the telephone was invented

B did the telephone invent C did the telephone inventedD was the telephone invented 6) English _ all over the world

A speaks B is being spoken C spoke D is spoken

7) The students _ to be present in class at p.m.

A told B have told C were told D tell

8) The new stadium _ next years

A will build B will be built C builds D is going to build 9) Mary can't use her computer now It _

A is being repaired B was repaired C is repaired D has been repaired 10) This is a very popular TV programme It _ by millions of people every week

A watches B is watching C watched D is watched

11) Last night someone broken into our house Oh, dear, _?

A has anything taken B is anything taken C was anything taken D were anything taken 12) Police are looking for the missing boy He _ any where

A can not be found B not be found C doesn't found D will not be found 13) Nowadays jeans _ all over the world

A is sold B are sold C sold D sell

14) When I was young, I used to _ to school by my father.

A be taken B being taken C take D taking

15) Mr David can't use his office at the moment It _

A is decorated B redecorated C is being decorated D was decorated 16) A tree was lying across the road It _ down in the storm

A is blown B was blown C is being blown D has been blown 17) That church looks very old When _?

A is it built B has it been built C was it built D did it build 18) His photograph _ on TV

A is showing B was shown C showed D was showing

19) He _ to drive a Land Rover

A had seen B have seen C was seen D was being seen 20) They are building a new highway around the city

A A new highway is built around the city

B A new highway around the city is built C Around the city a new highway is being builtD A new highway around the city is being built 21) People doesn't use this road very often

A This road is used not very often

B Not very often this road is not used C This road very often is not used.D This road is not used very often 22) How people learn language?

A How are languages learned by people? B How are languages learned?

C How languages learned? D How languages are learned? 23) Nobody cleaned these rooms yesterday

A These rooms were cleaned yesterday B These rooms didn't be cleaned yesterday

C Yesterday these rooms were not cleaned D These rooms did not clean yesterday 24) People feed these animals twice a day

A These animals are feed twice a day B These animals are fed twice a day

C These animals fed twice a day D These animals were fed twice a day 25) Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived

A The room cleaned when I arrived B The room was cleaned when I arrived

C The room was being cleaned when I arrived D The room was cleaning when I arrived 26 You should give us this information

A We should give you this information B We should be given this information

C We should be give this information D This information should give us 26 They are repairing our car at the garage

A Our car is repairing at the garage B Our car is being repairing at the garage

C Our car is being repaired at the garage

D They are being repaired our car at the garage 27 We will finish the report in time

A The report will finish in time B The report will be finished in time

C The report will be finish in time D The report is finished in time 28 We made certain mistakes

A Certain mistakes were made

B Certain mistakes made us C Certain mistakes made.D Certain mistakes was made 29 They considered his speech one of the best

A His speech was considered one of the best

B His speech was one of the best C His speech one of the best was considered.D His speech considered them one of the best 30 They thought that the man was still living

A The man thought he was still living

B D It thought the man to be still living C The man is thought to be still living.D The man was thought to be still living 31 She advised me to sell that house

A I am advised to sell that house


32 How did the police find the lost man? A How was the lost man found by the police? B How the lost man found by the police?

C How the police found the lost man?

D How was the police found by the lost man? 33 They believed that she won the competition

A She was believed to win the competition B It was believed to win the competition

C It was believed her to win the competition D She believed them to win the competition 34) Do they teach English here?

A Is English taught here? B English is teach here?

C Is English teach here? D English taught here? 35) They may use this room for the classroom

A This room may use for the classroom B The classroom may be used for this room

C They may be used for the classroom D This room may be used for the classroom Bài 2: Chọn chữ (A, B, C hay D) có chứa lỗi sai sửa:

38) Him (A) was taken to (B) hospital in (C) an ambulance (D) yesterday 39) English (A) is believe (B) to be (C) an international (D) language 40) The (A) watch has (B) not repaired (C) by the man yet (D)

41) The (A) book had found (B) by the boy (C) before they came (D)

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2021, 08:26



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