STAFFING Staffing Staffing •• Staffing Staffing –– Process Processofofrecruiting recruiting&&selecting selectingprospective prospective employees employees –– Has Hassignificant significantimpact impacton onorganization’s organization’sbottom bottomline line •• Requires Requiresstaffing staffingprocess processto tobecome becomestrategically strategically focused focused –– Recruitment Recruitment&&selection selectionactivities activitiesoffer offerorganization organization numerous numerouschoices choicestotofind find&&select selectnew newemployees employees –– Staffing Staffingdecisions decisionsneed needtotoensure ensureemployees employeesfitfit organization’s organization’sculture culture Recruiting Recruiting •• Temporary Temporary versus versus permanent permanent employees employees –– Increase Increaseheadcount headcounttemporarily temporarilyor orpermanently permanently should shouldbe bestrategically-driven strategically-driven –– Basis Basisfor fordecisions decisionsisisHR HRforecast forecast –– Temporary Temporaryemployees employeesless lesscostly costly –– Temporary Temporaryheadcount headcountincreases increasescan canbe beobtained obtained from fromspecialized specializedagencies agencies –– Headcount Headcountincreases increasescan canbe beavoided avoidedby by subcontracting subcontractingwork work Recruiting Recruiting •• When When & & how how extensively extensively to to recruit recruit –– When Whendo dorecruiting recruitingefforts effortsneed needtotobegin? begin? –– How Howlarge largean anapplicant applicantpool poolneeded? needed? –– Data Datafrom frompast pastrecruiting recruitingefforts effortsutilized utilized •• To Toanswer answerquestions questionswhere wherefeasible feasible •• Adjust Adjustfor forchanged changedconditions conditions •• Yield Yield ratios ratios –– Offer Offerinformation informationon onhow howmany manyapplicants applicantseliminated/remain eliminated/remain atateach eachstep stepininrecruitment recruitmentprocess process –– Can Candetermine determineproper properorornecessary necessarysize sizeofofapplicant applicantpool pool Methods Methods of of Recruiting Recruiting •• Informally Informally or or formally formally •• Internally Internally or or externally externally •• Targeted Targeted advertising advertising in in selected selected media media •• Recruiting Recruiting on on Internet Internet •• Outsourcing Outsourcing to to staffing staffing agencies agencies •• Private Private Industry Industry Councils Councils (PICs) (PICs) •• Executive Executive search search firms firms •• On-campus On-campus recruiting recruiting Recruiting Recruiting on on Internet Internet •• One One of of fastest-growing fastest-growing recruitment recruitmentmethods methods •• More More cost-effective cost-effective than than newspaper newspaper advertising advertising •• Low Low cost, cost, speed, speed, & & ability ability to to target target applicants applicants with with technical technical skills skills •• Allows Allows applicants applicants to to assess assess interests interests & & needs needs with with employer’s employer’s offerings offerings •• Global Global exposure exposure to to potential potential applicants applicants •• Can Can cut cutsearch search process process time time by by as as much much as as 75% 75% Recruiting Recruiting on on Internet Internet Some Some potential potential challenges challenges –– Ensuring Ensuring security security –– Viruses Viruses –– Access Access toto unauthorized unauthorized areas areas –– Disparate Disparate impact impact against against certain certain protected protected classes classes –– Can Can complicate complicate reporting reporting ofof data data related related toto compliance compliance with with federal federal && state state laws laws Selection Selection for for International International Assignments Assignments •• Reasons Reasons for for failure failure on on international international assignments assignments –– Interpersonal Interpersonal&&acculturation acculturationabilities abilities –– Rarely Rarelytechnical technicalskills skills •• Test Test employees’ employees’adaptability, adaptability, openopenmindedness, mindedness, ability ability to to tolerate tolerate uncertainty uncertainty & & ambiguity ambiguity & & independence independence •• Interview Interview & & screen screen family family members members who who would would accompany accompany employee employee Documentation Documentation of of Employment Employment Eligibility Eligibility •• Extra Extracaution cautionhas hastotobe bemade madewhen whenhiring hiringforeign-born foreign-bornemployees employeestotoensure ensure the thelegitimacy legitimacyofofany anydocumentation documentationthey theymight mightprovide provide •• This Thisisisparticularly particularlytrue truefor forlow-skilled low-skilledworkers workerswho whomay mayhave havelimited limitedEnglish English language languageabilities abilities •• There Thereisisno nowidespread widespreadreliable reliablesystem systemfor forverification verification •• IfIfdocumentation documentationisissuspect suspectbut butlater laterfound foundtotobe bevalid, valid,employers employerscan canface face unlawful unlawfuldiscrimination discriminationcharges charges Supply Supplyofofand anddemand demandfor forlow-skilled low-skilled workers almost necessitates the hiring of foreign-born workers workers almost necessitates the hiring of foreign-born workers •• For Forthose thoseforeign-born foreign-bornworkers workerswho whohave havenot notobtained obtainedcitizenship, citizenship,employers employers must mustfirst firstprove provethat thatthere thereare areno nodomestic domesticworkers workerswith withthe therequisite requisiteskills skills available available New New Trends Trends in in Staffing Staffing •• Employment Employmentbranding branding––creation creationof ofan animage imagewhich whichallows allows prospective prospectiveemployees employeestotoview viewthe theorganization organizationininaacertain certainway wayand and aid aidininrecruitment recruitment •• Candidate Candidaterelationship relationshipmanagement management––building buildingaarelationship relationshipwith with prospective prospectiveemployees employeeswhich whichtranscends transcendsaaspecific specifichiring hiringcycle cycleand and process processtotokeep keepinterest interesthigh highamong amonghigh-potential high-potentialemployees employees •• Applicant/organization Applicant/organizationfit fit–employers –employersgoing goingbeyond beyondskills skillsand and experiences experiencestotodetermine determinewhether whetherapplicant applicantinterpersonal interpersonalstyles stylesand and preferences preferencesappropriately appropriatelymatched matchedwith withorganization organizationculture culture Reading Reading8.1 8.1 Temporary TemporaryHelp HelpAgencies Agenciesand andthe theMaking Makingof ofaaNew New Employment EmploymentPractice Practice Evolution Evolutionof ofthe theuse useof oftemporary temporaryemployees employeesand andtemporary temporary help helpagencies agencies •• Traditionally Traditionallythis thislabor labormarket marketconsisted consistedalmost almost exclusively exclusivelyor ormarried marriedwomen, women,often oftenwith withsome somefamily family care careresponsibilities, responsibilities,who wholacked lackedviable viablealternatives alternativesfor for employment employment •• Temporary Temporaryemployment employmenthas hasevolved evolvedto tobecome becomemore more widespread widespreadand andnormalized normalizedwith withalmost almost33million million temporary temporaryemployees employeeshired hiredeach eachday day •• The Theuse useof oftemporary temporaryemployees employeeshas hasevolved evolvedfrom fromaastopstopgap gapmeans meansof offilling fillingaajob jobto toaastrategic strategicstaffing staffingchoice choice available availableto toorganizations organizations Reading Reading8.1 8.1 Temporary TemporaryHelp HelpAgencies Agenciesand andthe theMaking Makingof ofaaNew New Employment EmploymentPractice Practice •• Uncertainty Uncertaintyaround arounddemand demandfor foraacompany’s company’sproducts productsor or services servicescan canresult resultin inemployer employerreluctance reluctanceto tohire hire permanent permanentemployees employees •• Employees Employeescan canalso alsouse usesuch suchtemporary temporaryassignments assignmentsto to build buildtheir theirskills skillsand andresumes resumesand andfor fornetworking, networking,in in addition additionto to“sampling” “sampling”aajob joband/or and/oremployer employerprior priorto to make makeaafull fullcommitment commitmentof of“permanent” “permanent”employment employment •• Temps Tempstoday todayare aresplit splitapproximately approximately50% 50%by bygender genderand and also alsofound foundatatall alllevels levelsof oforganizations, organizations,including includingsenior/ senior/ executive executivemanagement management Reading Reading8.1 8.1 Temporary TemporaryHelp HelpAgencies Agenciesand andthe theMaking Makingof ofaaNew New Employment EmploymentPractice Practice •• The Thegrowth growthand andevolution evolutionof ofthe thetemp tempindustry industrycan canbe betraced tracedtotothe the strategized strategizedefforts effortsof ofthe thetemporary temporaryemployment employmentindustry industry •• Aggressive Aggressivemarketing marketingof ofservices, services,release releaseof ofemployer employerliability liabilityfor for workers, workers,the thepromotion promotionof ofthe theadvantages advantagesof ofsuch suchflexible flexibleworkforce workforce expansion expansionand andcontraction contractionand andpublic publicrelations relationsaimed aimedatatmedia media perceptions perceptionsand andportrayals portrayalsof ofthe theindustry industryand andtemps tempsworkers workersinin general generalall allcontributed contributedtotohow howtemporary temporaryemployment employmentwas wasconsidered considered •• Temp Tempagencies agenciesthemselves themselvesdeveloped developedoperational operationalstandards standardsof of selective selectiverecruitment, recruitment,extensive extensivescreening screeningand andstronger strongerefforts effortstoto ensure ensure“fit” “fit”between betweenassignments assignmentsand andemployees employees Reading Reading8.2 8.2 Assessment Assessment Instruments Instruments for for the the Global Global Workforce Workforce •• One Oneof ofthe thegreatest greatestchallenges challengesfaced facedby byglobal globalemployers employers isisselection selectionof ofemployees employeesfor foroverseas overseasassignments assignments •• Assessment Assessmentof ofcompetencies competenciesand andreadiness readinessof ofpotential potential employees employeesfor forforeign foreignassignments assignmentsisisessential essentialto toensure ensure that thatappointments appointmentsare aresuccessful successfulfor forboth boththe theemployee employee and andthe theemployers employers •• The Thecosts costsof offailed failedinternational internationalassignments, assignments,both both monetary monetaryand andnon-monetary, non-monetary,are areastronomical astronomicalhence, hence, careful carefulselection selectionprocedures proceduresare areparamount paramount Reading Reading8.2 8.2 Assessment Assessment Instruments Instruments for for the the Global Global Workforce Workforce Factors, Factors,beyond beyondtechnical technicalcompetence, competence,which whichare arerelated relatedto to success successin inglobal globalbusiness businessinclude include 1.1.Action Actionorientation orientation(conscientiousness) (conscientiousness) 2.2.Flexibility Flexibility 3.3.Emotional Emotionalstability stability 4.4.Openness Openness(open-mindedness) (open-mindedness) 5.5.Sociability Sociability(extraversion, (extraversion,agreeableness) agreeableness) 6.6.Cultural Culturalempathy empathy(cultural (culturalsensitivity, sensitivity,cultural cultural intelligence) intelligence) Reading Reading 8.2 8.2 Assessment Assessment Instruments Instruments for for the the Global Global Workforce Workforce Successful Successfulglobal globalmanagers managersneed need“global “globalcompetence,” competence,” defined definedas as 1.1.Knowledge Knowledgeof ofone’s one’sown ownand andother otherpertinent pertinentcultures cultures 2.2.Recognition Recognitionof ofspecific specificdifferences differencesbetween betweencultures cultures 3.3.Understanding Understandingof ofhow howculture cultureinfluences influencesbehavior behaviorin inthe the workplace workplace 4.4.Ability Abilityto toempathize empathizewith, with,adapt adaptto toand/or and/ormanage manage differences, differences,as asexpressed expressedin inbusiness businessstructures, structures,systems systems and andpriorities, priorities,within withinmulticultural multiculturalwork workenvironments environments Instruments Instrumentsare areavailable availableto toassess assessglobal globalmanagers’ managers’ adaptability adaptabilityas aswell wellas asto tofacilitate facilitatetheir theirdevelopment development Reading Reading8.2 8.2 Assessment AssessmentInstruments Instrumentsfor forthe theGlobal GlobalWorkforce Workforce Instruments Instruments available available to to assess assess adaptability adaptability •• Cross-Cultural Cross-CulturalAdaptability Adaptability Inventory Inventory (CCAI) (CCAI) •• International InternationalAssignment Assignment Profile Profile (IAP) (IAP) •• International International Personnel PersonnelAssessment Assessmenttool tool (iPASS) (iPASS) Canada Canada •• Overseas OverseasAssignment AssignmentInventory Inventory (OAI) (OAI) •• Multicultural Multicultural Personality Personality Questionnaire Questionnaire(MPQ) (MPQ) Netherlands Netherlands •• Self-Assessment Self-Assessmentfor for Global Global Endeavors Endeavors (SAGE) (SAGE) Reading Reading8.2 8.2 Assessment AssessmentInstruments Instrumentsfor forthe theGlobal GlobalWorkforce Workforce Instruments Instruments available available to to assess assess competence competence •• Global Global Candidate CandidateAssessment Assessment (GCA (GCA360°) 360°) •• Intercultural Intercultural Development DevelopmentInventory Inventory (IDI) (IDI) •• Survey Survey on on Intercultural Intercultural (Relocation) (Relocation)Adaptability Adaptability (SIA, (SIA, SIRA) SIRA) Reading Reading8.2 8.2 Assessment AssessmentInstruments Instrumentsfor forthe theGlobal GlobalWorkforce Workforce Instruments Instrumentsavailable availableto toassess assessIntercultural InterculturalAwareness Awareness ••Argonaut ArgonautAssessment Assessment(AA) (AA)U.K U.K ••Cultural CulturalMapping Mappingand andNavigationâ NavigationâAssessment AssessmentTool Tool (CMNAT) (CMNAT)U.A.E U.A.E ããCultural CulturalOrientation OrientationIndicator Indicator(COI) (COI) ••Culture Culturein inthe theWorkplace WorkplaceQuestionnaire Questionnaire(CWQ) (CWQ) ••Intercultural InterculturalAwareness AwarenessProfiler Profiler(IAP) (IAP)Netherlands Netherlands ••Peterson PetersonCultural CulturalStyle StyleIndicator Indicator(PCSI) (PCSI) Reading Reading8.2 8.2 Assessment AssessmentInstruments Instrumentsfor forthe theGlobal GlobalWorkforce Workforce Instruments Instrumentsavailable availableto toassess assessIntercultural InterculturalCoaching Coaching ••Intercultural InterculturalReadiness ReadinessCheck Check(IRC) (IRC)Netherlands Netherlands ••The TheSpony SponyProfiling ProfilingModel Model(SPM) (SPM)U.K U.K ••The TheInternational InternationalProfiler Profiler(TIP) (TIP)U.K U.K Reading Reading8.2 8.2 Assessment AssessmentInstruments Instrumentsfor forthe theGlobal GlobalWorkforce Workforce •• No No assessment assessment instrument instrument by by itself itself can can ensure ensure success success •• Assessment Assessment needs needs to to be be considered considered in in tandem tandem with with specific specific performance performance history history and and interviews interviews with with the the employee, employee, cocoworkers, workers, supervisors, supervisors, subordinates subordinates and and family family members members ... forlow-skilled low-skilled workers almost necessitates the hiring of foreign-born workers workers almost necessitates the hiring of foreign-born workers •• For Forthose thoseforeign-born foreign-bornworkers... Outsourcing to to staffing staffing agencies agencies •• Private Private Industry Industry Councils Councils (PICs) (PICs) •• Executive Executive search search firms firms •• On-campus On-campus recruiting... on on Internet Internet •• One One of of fastest-growing fastest-growing recruitment recruitmentmethods methods •• More More cost-effective cost-effective than than newspaper newspaper advertising