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Improving student’s writing skills through mind mapping techniques an action research on fifth grade students at an english centre in ha noi

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN HOÀI THƢƠNG IMPROVING STUDENT'S WRITING SKILLS THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUES: AN ACTION RESEARCH ON FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS AT AN ENGLISH CENTRE IN HA NOI (Cải thiện kỹ viết học sinh phƣơng pháp sơ đồ tƣ nghiên cứu thực nghiệm/ hành động với học sinh lớp trung tâm Tiếng Anh Hà Nội) M.A MINOR PROGRAM THESIS HA NOI - 2020 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN HOÀI THƢƠNG IMPROVING STUDENT'S WRITING SKILLS THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUES: AN ACTION RESEARCH ON FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS AT AN ENGLISH CENTRE IN HA NOI (Cải thiện kỹ viết học sinh phƣơng pháp sơ đồ tƣ nghiên cứu thực nghiệm/ hành động với học sinh lớp trung tâm Tiếng Anh Hà Nội) Field: English Language Methodology Code: 8140231.01 M.A MINOR PROGRAM THESIS Supervisor: Prof Dr Nguyễn Hoà HA NOI - 2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Prof Nguyễn Hoà, for his invaluable guidance, correction, facilitation and encouragement in the writing of this thesis I wish to express my gratitude to the Dean, the Vice Dean and all the staff of the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi for their priceless wisdom, encouragement, help and kindness during my study and writing this thesis My thanks go to the language center, which supports me to carry out this research project Finally, I want to thank my family, my friends for their spirit, encouragement and their support Without them this thesis couldn‟t have been accomplished i DECLARATION I, Trần Hoài Thương, declare that this thesis is the results of my own research and has not been submitted to any other university or institution partially or wholly Except where the reference is indicated, no other p‟s work has been used without due acknowledgement in text of the thesis Supervisor Student Prof Dr Nguyễn Hoà Trần Hoài Thƣơng ii ABSTRACT The students of fifth grade at a Center in Hanoi saw writing as challenging skill to develop As a result, from the interviews and observation, I figured out that the learners had some issues related to content and text arrangement When the students had writing assignments, they spent long time on thinking They wrote slowly, and they saw it challenging to identify ideas to write Furthermore, they also did not know how to structure those ideas to produce proper texts Consequently, they made short and incomprehensible texts With respect to these problems, I have decided to employ mind mapping as technique to improve writing skills of students at a Center in Hanoi Using mind map tool, students were exposed to the flow of writing, to the overall organization and to the language characteristics of narrative writing skills Results from this action research project indicates some improvements in their writing skills and generally a positive attitude toward the intervention Keywords: Mind mapping, Teaching Techniques, Narrative writing, Writing Process, Improvement iii TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i DECLARATION ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENT iv TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF APPENDICES x Chapter I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Research methods 1.7 Structure of the thesis Chapter II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Defining writing and writing skills 2.1.1 Writing and writing skills 2.1.2 Narrative writing skill 2.1.3 Teaching writing to young learners 2.1.4 Teaching and the learning cycle of writing 13 2.1.5 Assessing writing 13 2.2 Mind-mapping definition 14 2.2.1 Mind mapping 14 2.2.2 Mind mapping techniques 15 2.3 Previous studies into using mind mapping techniques 19 iv 2.4 Chapter summary 21 Chapter III: METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 The context of the research 22 3.2 Timeline of the research 23 3.3 Research method 23 3.4 Participants 26 3.5 Data collection instruments 26 3.5.1 Pre-test and post-test 26 3.5.2 Classroom observation 27 3.5.3 Guided Interview 27 3.6 Data analysis 29 3.6.1 Assembling your data 29 3.6.2 Coding the data 29 3.6.3 Comparing the data 29 3.6.4 Building meanings and interpretations 29 3.6.5 Reporting the outcomes 30 3.6.6 Quantitative data analysis 30 3.7 Procedures of the research 31 3.7.1 Identifying the problem 31 3.7.2 Carrying out the real classroom research 31 3.7.3 Doing evaluation 31 Chapter IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 32 4.1 Planning a change 32 4.2 Research findings 37 4.2.1 Cycle 37 4.2.2 Cycle 41 4.3 Discussion 46 4.3.1 Discussion of the pre- and post-test 46 v 4.3.2 Discussion of the cycles 48 3.3.4 Findings from the intervention 51 Chapter V: CONCLUSION 53 5.1 Summary 53 5.2 Limitations 54 5.3 Suggestions 54 5.3.1 For the teacher 54 5.3.2 For the students 54 REFERENCES 56 APPENDICES I vi TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full name RQ Research question AR Action research AT Associate teacher EFL English as a foreign language vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Writing process Figure 2.2 The process wheel (Harmer, 2004, p 6) 10 Figure 2.3 Mind-map about writing process taught to the students 12 Figure 2.4 A student‟s mind map about animal 15 Figure 2.5 A narrative writing form 18 Figure 3.1 The action research spiral (Kemmis et al., 2014, p 19) 25 Figure 4.1 The narrative writing of a student in the pre-test exam 35 Figure 4.2 Writing working sheet sample 42 Figure 4.3 The mind-map drew by a student in class about the topic 44 Figure 4.4 The narrative writing of a student in the class in the post-test 45 Figure 4.5 Comparison between the Pre-Test marks and post-test marks 47 Figure 4.6 Change in the marks of the students, comparison between pretest and post-test 48 viii No Teachers who have very little time in class should focus more on grammar, spelling and vocabulary Do you use any creativity method when conducing teaching writing sections in the class? Khơng Giáo viên có thời gian lớp nên tập trung nhiều vào ngữ pháp, tả từ vựng No Teachers who have very little time in class should focus more on grammar, spelling and vocabulary Do you use mind-mapping method when conducing teaching writing sections in the class? Không Phương pháp sơ đồ tư học sinh nhỏ để sử dụng phương pháp sáng tạo No, I don‟t The method using mind-mapping technique is quite new and the students are quite small to use new creative methods III Appendix 3: Teacher post-interview How much writing mean to you? Why? Trong trình dạy viết thấy việc sử dụng kỹ thuật sơ đồ tư tăng thêm hứng thú cho học sinh, bời hình ảnh giúp học sinh ghi nhớ lâu hơn, dễ dàng triển khai ý tưởng How you rate the lesson applying mind mapping techniques? Học sinh tăng vốn từ vựng, triển khai thêm nhiều ý xếp ý theo trình tự thời gian, việc What are the strong points regarding writing with mind mapping? Sử dụng sơ đồ tư trịn việc học viết có điểm mạnh là: giúp học sinh dễ hình dung hoạt động, triển khai nhiều ý tưởng, ngắn gọn dễ nhớ , dễ hiểu What are the weak points regarding writing with mind mapping? Học sinh giáo viên tốn nhiều thời gian chuẩn bị dụng cụ Học sinh phải sử dụng từ khóa liên quan đến học What suggestions would you make to improve the lessons? Sử dụng nhiều tranh ảnh gợi mở ý tưởng cho học sinh Khuyến khích học sinh sử dụng mind map thường xuyên để lập dàn ý cho việc viết Áp dụng thêm hoạt động để giúp học sinh thêm hứng thú việc viết What else you want to tell about using mind mapping? Học sinh có thái độ học tốt sau giáo viên dùng sơ đồ tư dạy viết: hoc sinh động tư tập trung trước viêt Học sinh có hội mở rộng thêm từ qua việc dùng sơ đồ Học sinh học cách ghi nhớ bước xếp ý tưởng theo trật tự thời gian, việc triển khai nhiều ý tưởng sử dụng sơ đồ tư IV Appendix 4: Lesson plans Unit - GREAT SUMMER VACATION (Page 30) I/ AIM - To present the topic summer vacation with some activities II/ OBJECTIVE - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an essay about summer vacation using the mind mapping techniques III/ MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUE  Text book, CD and CD player  Pictures, cards, real objects  Mind map IV WORK ARRANGEMENT  Teacher - whole class, group work, pair work V/ PROCEDURES No Teacher’s activities Steps Students’ activities -What did you on your last summer - Answer the vacation? questions - Do you like beach or mountain Preparing - Teacher prepares blank papers and employ some color pens or markers to produce the mind map - Use the papers horizontally to fit more information Brainstorming - Ask ss to write down everything that they Answer can think of about the vacation Listen write vacation in the center of the page Repeat V - Do not try to organize the information at Ss match all The purpose is to get it out and onto Look and repeat the pages The words ss brainstormed go fishing go hiking caught some fish cooked food slept in a tent saw many beautiful stars Checking vocab: - Have the ss look at the words in mind map - Have the students look at some pictures and complete the sentences using the phrases in the box (Write right - p.33) Organise the information in the brainstorm Do task Organizing by identifying the main categories and linking the other information to those as follows VI -circle the main categories - connect sub-points to main categories - use colours and visuals where helpful Have students fill imformation into the gap -Have the students draw mind map to fill imformation following words question: + when? + what? + Where? for example?? Complete the mind map Completing the mind map and Drafting Rewrite the information under headings and sub-points to make the mind map easy to read In this example the use of graphics and colors helps clarify the mind map Structuring a mind map for an essay topic: VII Do task -Have students base on mind map to fill ideas into the form: The AT asked students to complete the mind maps following the Editing writing process proposed by (Harmer, 2004) The Final version AT asked students to rewrite the information under headings and sub-points to make the mind map easy to read In this example the use of graphics and colors helps clarify the mind map VIII Appendix 5: Classroom observation field notes sample Respond to each statement using the following scale: = not observed = more emphasis recommended 3=accomplished very well Organization Presented overview of lesson Paced lesson appropriately Presented topics in logical sequence Related today‟s lesson to previous/future lessons Summarized major points of the lesson Explained major/minor points with clarity Defined unfamiliar terms, concepts, and principles Used good examples to clarify points Showed all the steps in solutions to homework problems Varied explanations for complex or difficult material Emphasized important points Writes key terms on blackboard or overhead screen Integrates materials (examples, cases, simulations) from 3 Actively encouraged student questions Asked questions to monitor student understanding Waited sufficient time for students to answer questions Listened carefully to student questions Presentation "real world" Active, collaborative, and cooperative learning favored over passive learning Interaction IX Responded appropriately to student questions Restated questions and answers when necessary Demonstrates respect for diversity and requires similar Presented material at an appropriate level for students Presented material appropriate to the purpose of the course Demonstrated command of the subject matter respect in classroom Content knowledge and relevance Summary comments: What were the major strengths of the session as demonstrated in the observation? What suggestions are there to improve the lesson outcomes? What problems exist X Appendix 6: The rubric Rating Content Rating Cohesion Rating Range: Range: no Zero inadequate to Zero evidence of Zero knowledge produce even Syntactic Mechanics Rating Vocabulary Rating Range: no Range: no Range: no evidence Zero evidence of Zero evidence of knowledge knowledge of knowledge of knowledge knowledge of knowledge knowledge the simplest cohesive knowledge vocabulary - of the organized text relationships of inadequate mechanics of Accuracy: not Accuracy: syntactic even of writing relevant not relevant structures simplest formal Accuracy: - vocabulary not relevant inadequate Accuracy: not to use relevant structures even the simplest structures Accuracy: not relevant XI of writing Rating Content Rating Cohesion Syntactic Rating structures Rating Vocabulary Range: Range: small Limited small range lacking knowledge range the formal and including appropriate a few vocabulary basic required to structures produce good Range: a few Range: little markers of evidence of cohesion deliberate, Accuracy: correct and relevant text Accuracy: Limited organization knowledge generally unclear or irrelevant to topic relationships between sentences frequently confusing; composition barely intelligible Rating evidence of deliberate use of correct Accuracy: piece of Limited poor to Limited writing Limited knowledge moderate knowledge Accuracy: knowledge vocabulary within items range; if frequently used structures imprecisely outside of (limited the success in controlled conveying XII of writing Range: little accuracy Mechanics spelling, punctuation, capitalization and paragraphing techniques Accuracy: poor or moderate accuracy Rating Content Rating Cohesion Syntactic Rating structures Rating range are Vocabulary Rating Mechanics of writing meaning) attempted, accuracy may be poor Range: Range: Range: Range: Range: Moderate moderate Moderate moderate Moderate medium Moderate moderate range Moderate moderate knowledge range of knowledge range of knowledge range - knowledge - sufficient to knowledge range of explicit text explicit uses basic produce a fairly proper organizational textual structures comprehensible spelling, devices devices and avoids piece of writing punctuation, Accuracy: Accuracy: complex Accuracy: capitalization organization relationships structures vocabulary and generally between Accuracy: items paragraphing clear but sentences moderate sometimes techniques could often be generally to good used Accuracy: more clear but accuracy imprecisely moderate to XIII Rating Content Rating Cohesion Syntactic Rating structures Rating Vocabulary Rating Mechanics of writing explicitly could often within (some good marked be more range; if paraphrasing is accuracy but explicitly structures used) could be marked and outside of more the the explicitly composition controlled marked could be range are more fluid attempted, and accuracy intelligible may be poor Range: wide Range: wide Range: Range: wide Range: wide Extensive range of Extensive range of Extensive wide Extensive range of Extensive range of knowledge explicit text knowledge explicit knowledge range knowledge general and knowledge proper organizational cohesive basic specific spelling, devices on devices structures vocabulary punctuation, narrative including with some Accuracy: capitalization XIV Rating Content Rating Cohesion Rating Syntactic structures Rating Vocabulary Rating Mechanics of writing writing and complex uses of vocabulary and paragraph subordination complex items paragraphing levels n structures adequately techniques Accuracy: Accuracy: Accuracy: cover the Accuracy: highly highly good assigned task good organized text accurate with accuracy, and are seldom accuracy, only few errors used few errors occasional but these imprecisely but these errors in errors errors not cohesion; not affect affect the composition the meaning that easily meaning is conveyed intelligible that is accurately conveyed accurately Range: Range: Range: Range: Range: Complete evidence of Complete evidence of Complete evidence Complete evidence of Complete evidence of XV Syntactic Rating Content Rating Cohesion Rating knowledge complete knowledge complete knowledge structures Rating Vocabulary Rating Mechanics of writing of knowledge complete range knowledge unlimited range of range of unlimited of vocabulary range of explicit text cohesive range; Accuracy: proper organizational devices using evidence of spelling, devices Accuracy: syntactic complete punctuation, Accuracy: evidence of structures accuracy of capitalization evidence of complete ranging usage and complete accuracy of from paragraphing accuracy of use; simple to techniques; use composition complex Accuracy: perfectly Accuracy: evidence of intelligible evidence complete of accuracy of complete use control or accuracy Score XVI XVII ... Not only enhancing students? ?? writing performance, mind mapping tool also enhanced students? ?? confidence and inspiration in writing in English Wai-ling (2004) revealed that the students created... Fitriani, & Gailea, 2018) Wai-ling has studied mind mapping to enhance secondary one and secondary four students' writing in a CMI school and he concluded that Mind mapping can form of writing. .. in students? ?? writing skill at a language center in Hanoi through mind mapping Secondly, the research is to find the phenomenon that takes place when the teacher teaches writing through mind mapping

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2021, 12:09

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