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preparation for the test 1 preparation for the test 1 time 60 minutes name class i give the correct form of verbs 1 he write a novel for the last two years but he has not finished it yet 2 nobody

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People believe that they built this house in the 13 th century.. It is……… They……….[r]



(time : 60 minutes)

Name :……… Class :………

I.Give the correct form of verbs.

1 He (write) _ a novel for the last two years but he has not finished it yet Nobody knew what (happen) the day before

3 Who (speak) _ on the phone over there? The train from Paris never (arrive) late

5 What you (do) when we phoned you yesterday? This building (be) finished by the end of 2010

7 When we arrived, the train (leave) the station and we missed it When I saw him He (talk) to an old man

9 Every body (stop) _ laughing when we came in

10 When she was a student, she (not have) _ many friends

II Rewrite these sentences.

1.They surprised everybody They built two houses last year.(who)

……… When you drop a pin, the sound is very small

When a pin……… They asked him about the countries He visited them last week.(which) ……… People believe that they built this house in the 13th century.

It is……… They……… That hotel is near the beach It is the most expensive hotel.(which) ……… The teacher made us a lot of homework last week

We……… John gave me this pen on my birthday


9 The woman is a doctor Her son won the Grand Prize in the Film Festival.(whose) ……… 10 He has never visited this house before He will find the way easily.(Despite) ………

III Phonetics

1 a study b cut c bull d mud

2 a invite b site c decide d visit

3 a once b none c gone d come

4 a sure b she c sugar d sing

5.a well b bell c forget d pretty

IV Choose the best answers

1.I never forget _ you have just told me

a when b what c which d why

2 _he has got an English name, he is in fact German


3 They were _

a live b alive c lives d in life

4 I _ the money from him yet

a haven’t received b don’t receive c will receive d am receiving He heard a noisy coming from the bar

a which was b that c who was d which is

6 Janet is

a an old friend of mine b a my old friend

c an old my friend d an old friend of me Are you familiar the writing of the writer?

a in b with c at d for

8 Camels live in the

a ocean b South Pole c North Pole d Desert

9 Where _ last night?

a did you go b are you gone c have you been d were you been 10 My sister is fond chocolate candy

a of b with c about d at

11 If there gravity, water wouldn’t run downhill

a aren’t b wasn’t c isn’t d weren’t

12 I have taught English years

a since b for c in d by

13 Despite his broken leg, Alan can walk _ get round

a good enough b well enough to c good for d fine enough to 14 Mary wouldn’t lend me some money if I _ her

a ask b will c am asking d asked

15 The man you should speak is Mr Thompson

a who b to whom c whom d to which

16 Tell me _

a what you want? b what you want c you want what d that what you want 17 Thousands of people came to see the Queen the rain

a because b because of c despite d although

18 You had better _if you want to catch the train

a run b to run c running d ran

19 He can’t stand _ in such poor conditions

a to living b live c living d to be alive

20 He asked me if _ I could go with him

a that b weather c that if d if

21 The police questioned woman _ handbag was stolen

a who b whose c whom d of which

22 We must have the radio set _

a repair b repaired c to repair d repairing

23 When I see Barbara in the street, she always _ at me

a smiled b was smiling c has smiled d smiles 24 I wouldn’t waste time that book if I were you

a to reading b read c reading d to be read

25 All the girl but one _ present yesterday

a was b is c were d are

26 Please let Jack _ with you

a go b to go c going d goes

27 _ he comes in half an hour, I shall go alone


Ngày đăng: 12/04/2021, 11:53



