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Giao an tieng Anh lop 5 -Tuan 21

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Week 21 81 Date of planning: Period Unit 12: Our Free-Time Activities Lesson - Period 1 Listen and repeat Listen and read together Group and say aloud Class 5A 5B 5C Date of teaching Aims Language focus Resources PROCEDURES Warm up: (3’) Absent students ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Ss will be able to: -pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters “aw” as in draw and those of the letters “ar” as in star, and listen and circle the correct answers Phonics: draw star Sentence patterns: What you in your free time? I often draw pictures Vocabulary: starfruit, resort, cable car, palace, go sightseeing, go camping, go skating Student’s book, CD, puppets, flash cards Ss display their homelink and give an oral report on their survey result at request Listen and -Ask Ss to open their book on page 15 repeat: (5’) -Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with this section written on it on thesentences board Draw Ss’ attention to the sounds of the letter “aw” as in draw and those of the letters “ar” as in star -Get Ss to repeat the words a few times Listen and read -Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures in this section Ask together: (10’) Ss to identify the characters and the focused words -Read each dialogue, stop at times to check Ss’ comprehension -Play the recording twice: once for Ss to listen all the Individually Whole class Individually Whole class Whole class way through and once for them to repeat the lines -Read each dialogue again and get Ss to clap at the focused words -Divide the class into two groups to take turns to say and clap the dialogue -Call on a few groups to perform the task in front of the class Praise the pair if they a good performance Tapescripts: a Quan: What you in your free time? Lan: I often draw pictures Quan: What you often draw? Lan: Strawberries and starfruit b Lan: What you in your free time, Quan? Quan: I often watch car races on Star Sports Channel Group and say -Ask Ss to open the book on page 15 aloud: (10’) -Get Ss to observe the chart and the word box Check if they understand the activity and the meaning of the words in focus -Recall the meaning of the words, using the appropriate techniques Say each word and get Ss to repeat a few times -Set time and get Ss to work independently -Have Ss check their answers in pairs Then ask some Ss to report their answers to the class -Have the class read in chorus all the completes words Answers: draw: claw, law, paw, saw, prawn star: starfruit, far, car, party, bar Reinforcement: Play a game: Whisper (use the words and sentences in (5’) the lesson) Homelink: (2’) Have Ss read the text again Comments: ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… Week 21 82 Group work Whole class Individually Pair work Whole class Group work Individually Teacher Period Date of planning: Unit 12: Our Free-Time Activities Lesson - Period Listen and circle Fun time Class 5A 5B 5C Date of teaching Aims Language focus Resources PROCEDURES Warm up: (3’) Listen circle: (8’) Absent students ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Ss will be able to: -pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters “ ame” as in game and those of the letters “ate ” as in skate, and listen and number the pictures Phonics: draw star Sentence patterns: What you in your free time? I often draw pictures Vocabulary: starfruit, resort, cable car, palace, go sightseeing, go camping, go skating Student’s book, CD, puppets, flash cards Ss display their homelink and give an oral report on their survey result at request and -Get Ss to open the book on page 16 -Tell Ss the purpose of listening.: You are going to hear Kate, Paul, Susan and John talk about their free time activities You should circle the answer as you listen -Get Ss to read the statements and guess the answers before they listen Check their comprehension of the texts -Play the recording twice: once for Ss to listen, once for Ss to the task -Replay the recording for Ss to check their answers -Get Ss to check their answers in pairs Ask some Ss to report their answers to the class Individually Whole class T - WC Whole class Pair work Answers: 1.b, 2.a, 3.a, 4.c Tapescripts: These Ss are talking about their free-time activities 1.Hi! My name is Kate I’m from England I live in London I go to school from Monday to Friday I go shopping in my free time Hello! I am Paul I’m from Italy I live in Rome I go to school everyday In my free time, I stay at home and play computer games Hi! My name is Susan I’m from Australia I live on a farm I don’t go to school every day I have my lessons with my teachers on the Internet In my free time, I watch films on TV Hello! I’m John I’m from the USA I live in New York I go to school every day I love music so I listen to pop music in my free time Fun time: (8’) If You’re Happy and You Know It -Ask Ss to open the book on page 16 Stick the large- Whole class sized sheet of paper with the song on the board -You are going to sing Point to each part line of the lyrics, pausing at times to check pupils’comprehesion -Play the recording three times: once for pupils to listen all the way through and once for them to repeat, once for them to sing along -Group work Pupils practise singing and doing Group work actions -Call on a group of five to sing the song and action in front of the class The rest of the class clap to the beat Reinforcement: -Consolidate the content of the lesson Individually (5’) Whole class Homelink: (2’) Pupils practise singing the song, doing actions with Individually different parts of the body Comments: ………………………………………………………… Teacher ………………………………………………………… Week 21 Period 83 Date of planning: Unit 12: Our Free-Time Activities Lesson - Period 1 Look, listen and repeat Point, ask and answer Class 5A 5B 5C Date of teaching Aims Language focus Absent students ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Ss will be able to: - ask and answer questions about free-time activities in the past, - and read about someone’s holiday and write about their past activities Sentence patterns: What did you in Nha Trang? First, I went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium Then I visited Vinpearl Land Vocabulary: pagoda, cable car, palace, imperial city Student’s book, CD, puppets, flash cards Resources PROCEDURES Warm up: (3’) Ss sing the song If You’re Happy and You Know It Look, listen -Ask Ss to open their book on page 17 -Get Ss to and repeat: (12’) observethe pictures and identify the characters in each picture -Set the context: Tony is telling Mai about his holiday in Nha Trang -Read each dialogue Stop at times to check Ss’ comprehension Make sure that Ss can understand the situation and language in each picture -Play the recording for Ss to listen -Play the recording again, pause after each line for Ss to repeat -Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines of Tony and Mai Point, ask and -Ask Ss to open the book on page 17 answer: (15’) -Ask Ss to read the example and elicit their prompts to complete the speech bubbles -Write the question and answer on the board and get Ss to repeat them a few times Group work Whole class Group work Whole class -Recall the familiar vocabulary and pre-teach the new words: Pagoda Cable car Palace Imperial city *Checking vocabulary: What and Where -Get Ss to repeat the prompts under each picture a few times and make sure they understand them -Model the task, using the example Repeat the step a few times Then call on a few open pairs to continue in the same way with all the pictures -Pair work: Ss take turns to point to the pictures, ask and answer about the past free-time activities, using the prompts Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary -Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class 4.Reinforcement: Play a game: Guessing words by acting (5’) Homelink: (2’) Ask Ss to their writing task at home for the class display in the next lesson Comments: ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… Week 21 84 Date of planning: Whole class Pair work Pair work T - WC Individually Teacher Period Unit 12: Our Free-Time Activities Lesson - Period Read and the tasks Write Fun time Class 5A 5B 5C Date of teaching Absent students ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Aims Language focus Ss will be able to: - ask and answer questions about free-time activities in the past, - and read about someone’s holiday and write about their past activities Sentence patterns: What did you in Nha Trang? First, I went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium Then I visited Vinpearl Land Vocabulary: pagoda, cable car, palace, imperial city Student’s book, CD, puppets, flash cards Resources PROCEDURES Warm up: ((3’) Ss sing the song If You’re Happy and You Know It Read and a Number the pictures the tasks: (12’) -Ask Ss to open the book on page 18 -Set the context, using the map of Singapore and the pictures in the reading passage -Teach the key vocabulary, using the pictures related: Resort Famous Common Services Tunnel Sentosa Chinatown Marina Bay Jurong Bird Park -Write the key words on the board and get Ss to repeat a few times -Play the recording or read the passage, pausing at times to check Ss’ comprehension -Tell Ss about task a: They are going to observe the pictures provided to get information and scan the passage quickly to find the information related in order to number the pictures in the order -Get Ss to the task individually Give sufficient time for them to carry it out Move around to monitor the activity -Have Ss check their answers in pairs -Get some Ss to report their answers Answers: a.4 b.2 c.1 d.3 b Tick Yes or No T - WC Whole class T - WC Individually Pair work Write: (7’) Fun time: (8’) -Get Ss to read the sentences carefully to get the information and scan the passage quickly to find the appropriate information to compare before their ticking -Set time and monitor the activity Offer help as necessary -Ask Ss to check their answers in pairs -Get a few Ss to read out their answers Answers: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T c Answer the question -Ask Ss to read the questions carefully and scan the passage quickly to find the answers -Get Ss to check their answers in pairs -Set the time and move around to monitor the activity -Ask a few Ss to read out their answers to the class -Correct Ss’ mistakes if necessary Answers: They stayed in a hotel near Chinatown Because it has the famous Common Services Tunnel They took a lot of photos -Ask Ss to open the book on page 19 and read the guiding questions Check their comprehension -Show Ss how to the task Note on First, … Then … Finally, … -If there is not enough class time, turn the writing task into a homelink activity Read the story and answer the questions Then retell the story -Get Ss to open the book on page 19 -Ask them to observe the picture, read the story and the questions -Check Ss’ comprehension of the text -Teach the word: Appear Run away Be afraid of Bark Whole class T - WC Individually Whole class T - WC Group work Bite proverb -Ask Ss to work in pairs: one asks and one answers -Have Ss check their answers in pairs before calling some Ss to report their answers to the class -Explain the meaning of the proverb if necessary Answers: Tom and his father went for a walk in the park When they were in the park, a big black dog appeared and began to bark Tom wanted to run away because he was afraid of the dog His father said: “Don’t be afraid of the dog, Tom Do you know the English proverb - A barking dog never bite?” Tom answered, “Yes, I But does the dog know the proverb, Dad?” Yes, it is Reinforcement: Ss work independently to copy the correct answers T - WC (5’) onto their copy books Homelink: (2’) Ask Ss to their writing task at home for the class Individually display in the next lesson Comments: ………………………………………………………… Teacher ………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 13:37


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