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Date of preparing: 21/12/2017 Week 17 Period 65 UNIT 10: WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Lesson 1: 3-4-5 I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to read and write specific information about what someone did in the past - Sentence patterns: revision - Vocabulary: revision Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard III TEACHING AIDS: Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks II TEACHING METHODS: - Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE: Class organization: - Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence: Class Date of teaching Absent Students 4C 26/12/2017 Warm up :6’ Get two groups to go to the front of the class to say the chant What did he yesterday? And actions New lesson Teacher’s and students’ activities * Activity 1: (9’) a Pre-reading: - Ask Ps to look at each picture and answer questions: Who, what, when , where Who is this? What is he/she doing? - Tell Ps that they are going to read the text and complete the questions - Have them read the incomplete sentences under the text and elicit what words they need to fill the gaps - Then ask them to read the text to find the appropriate information ( what Linda did in the morning, in the afternoon and in the everning) to complete the sentences Content Read and complete Key: watered the flowers in the garden played chess with her father watched TV b While-reading: - Get ps to work in pairs or groups, if necessary - Give them time to the task independently - Get them swap their answers before checking as a class - Let some pairs ask and answer the questions about what Linda did Key: watered the flowers in the garden played chess with her father watched TV c Post- reading: - Have Ps play the game: Lucky numbers * Activity 2: (10’) Write an invitation a Pre- writing card - Ask Ps to answer T’s questions - Tell Ps that they are going write a short paragraph about themselves - Ps work in pairs to discuss what they did yesterday - Focus ps on what they did in the morning, afternoon and evening Check comprehension b While-writing - Give ps time to the task independently - Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class - Call one ps write their paragraphs on the board c Post writing - Role- play *Activity 3:7’ Project - T tell ps that they are going to an interview with one of their classmate about where he/she was and what he/ she did last weekend and report to the class - Give each of them a piece of paper Have ps work in pairs and take turns asking Where were you last weekend? And what did you there? They should take notes during the interview - When ps finish interviewing, ask them to report to the class about their partners’ weekend To make this activity more challenging, you may ask them not to look at the notes Consolidation: (3’) What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? Homelink: (3’) Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 66 REVIEW I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school Read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school Describe picture Read, listen to and understand a short story Skills: - Develop Ss Listening-reading-speaking-writing Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard III TEACHING AIDS: Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks II TEACHING METHODS: - Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE: Class organization: - Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence: Class Date of teaching Absent Students 4C 26/12/2017 Warm up :6’ - Review the model sentences from unit1 to unit New lesson Teacher’s and students’ activities Content * Activity 1: (8’) Listen and tick a Pre-listening: - Tell ps that they are going to listen to four dialogues and tick the correct pictures - Give ps a few seconds to look at the pictures Check comprehension and elicit information about the pictures and give feedback Ask questions such as What can you see in the pictures? What are the dates? What are the school subjects? What is he doing? b While- listening? - Play the recording three times for pupils to listen, the task and check their answers - Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Explain the answers and give further support to ps who got more than half of the answers wrong Key: 1c 2b 3a 4b c Post- listening: - Have Ps play the game: Whisper * Activity 2: (10’) a Pre- reading - Ask Ps to look at the text and pictures , ask some questions Who’s he? What’s he doing? -Tell ps that they are going to read the text and circle the correct answers b While- reading: - Give them a few seconds to read the text in silence - Check comprehension and give feedback - Give them time to the task - Do choral and individual repetition of the text Key: 1a 2b 3a 4c c Post-reading: - Have them play the game: Lucky number * Activity 3: 5’ a Pre- reading - Ask Ps to look at the text and pictures , ask some questions Who’s he? What’s he doing? - Tell ps that they are going to read and match the questions on the left with the answers on the right by dwawing a line between them Give ps a few seconds to read the questions and answers in silence Check comprehension and give feedback b While- reading: - Give them time to the task - Ps to swap their answers before checking as a class Read and circle Key: 1a 2b 3a 4c Read and match Key: 1d e a c 4b - Have a few pairs ask each other the five questions Key: 1d e a b c c Post-reading: - Have them play the game: Noughts and crosses Consolidation: (3’) What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? Homelink: (3’) Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 67 REVIEW I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school Read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school Describe picture Read, listen to and understand a short story Skills: - Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard III TEACHING AIDS: Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks II TEACHING METHODS: - Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE: Class organization: - Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence: Class Date of teaching Absent Students 4C 27/12/2017 Warm up :5’ - Have Ps play the game: Slap the board New lesson Teacher’s and students’ activities * Activity 1: (15’) Content Look and write a Pre- writing: Key: It’s in Binh Minh - Ask Ps to look at the text and pictures , ask some village questions I/ we have ? Are they questions or answers? How many questions English, Science, - Ps to look at the pictures and questions and write the Vietnamese and Maths answers Give ps a few seconds to read the questions in He’s playing silence Check comprehension and give feedback basketball She’s listening b Post- writing: to music - Give them time to task individually They were on the - Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking beach They play football as a class - Invite open pairs to the dialouges Key: It’s in Binh Minh village I/ we have English, Science, Vietnamese and Maths He’s playing basketball She’s listening to music They were on the beach They play football c Post- writing: - Get Ps to display their writing and read aloud * Activity 2: (9’) Let’s write a Pre- writing: Key: listening to music - Ask Ps to look at the text and pictures , ask some playing chess questions skipping rope ? Are they questions or answers? How many questions? reading a book - Tell ps that they are going to read the incomplete text and fill the gaps - Give ps a few seconds to look at the pictures and read the text in silence Check comprehension and elicit the words to fill the gaps b Post- writing: - Give them time do the task - Ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Key: listening to music playing chess skipping rope reading a book c Post- writing: - Get Ps to display their writing and read aloud Consolidation: (3’) What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? Homelink: (3’) Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 68 SHORT STORY I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to Read, listen to and understand a short story Skills: - Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard III TEACHING AIDS: Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks II TEACHING METHODS: - Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE: Class organization: - Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence: Class Date of teaching Absent Students 4C 27/12/2017 Warm up :5’ Answer some questions: ? How many cats you have? ? Do you like them? ? Do you like cats and mouses? New lesson Teacher’s and students’ activities * Activity 1: (7’) - Tell Ps that they are going to read and listen to the story - After they have read the story, ask them some questions Eg: Who is Mary?What can she do? What game are the cats playing at Maurice’s birthday party? - Play the tape and let Ps listen to the story * Activity 2: (9’) - Tell Ps tat they are going to read the Content Read and Listen to the story Complete the conversation Key: day Monday date conversation and fill the gaps - Give them a few seconds to red the text in silence and check comprehension and elicit the words to fill the gaps - Give them time to the task - Ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Key: day Monday date fifth birthday having a party * Activity 3: (6’) - Tell Ps that they are going to read and answer the questions - Give Ps a few seconds to look at the story again, then read the questions and answer them in pairs Check comprehension and give feedback - Give them time to the task - Invite pairs to say the answers aloud Encourage them to use complete sentences fifth birthday having a party Work in pairs Answer these questions Key: It’s Maurice’s birthday today It’s red They’re playing Blind Man’s Bluff Four cats are playing the game He’s five ( years old) Write the correct answers to activity Key: No, it isn’t It’s red No, they aren’t They’re playing Blind Man’s Bluff No, four cats are playing the game No, he isn’t He’s five years old * Activity 4: (6’) - Tell Ps that the five statements are the answers to the questions in Activity but they are wrong, and that they should correct them - Give them a few seconds to read the first correct answer as an example, then read the rest of the statements and ask ps to correct them Ask them further questions to help them, - Check comprehension and give feedback - Give them time to the task - Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Consolidation: (3’) What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today? Homelink: (3’) Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 13:29


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