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Date of preparing: 14/3/2019 Week 26 Period 51 Unit 11 - Letter K Lesson I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can be able to: - Recognize and pronounce the letter Kk and its sound correctly - Understand, recognize and say the three Kk words - Write the letter Kk II Language focus: ● Pronunciation: K, k /keɪ/ *Vocabulary: Kite, kitten, koala *Intergrate skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing * Sight words: the, has, a, fly III Resources: - I-learn my phonics Grade 1, Pupil’s book – p.50&51 IV Materials : CD, Phonics cards V Organization: Class Date of teaching Absent Students 1A 21/03/2019 1B 18/03/2019 1C 21/03/2019 1D 20/03/2019 VI Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm - up: (5’) - Have a student come to the front of the class - Have another student read any word from the previous lesson (jam, jelly, juice, jacket) - The student who is standing gestures corresponding with the words he/she hear from the friend - The other students look and give feedback Revision & Practice Act Listen, point and repeat Colour (24') - Use a card with letter Kk (or write on board the letter Kk) to introduce to the students the new lesson - Instruct students how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter K /keɪ/ The letter K says /k/.” - Repeat several times and check students’ pronunciation (letter K/ keɪ/ and its sound /k/) - Use the phonics cards with kite, kitten and koala, read the words out loud and have students repeat - Use gestures (hand actions) to help students to - Read - Listen - Repeat - Listen understand the meanings of the three words Kite: imitate flying a kite Kitten: mime “ meowing” Juice: imitate hugging a tree - Stick the cards on board and have students repeat the words chorally several times (in the correct order and then in any order) - Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any) Production (5’) - Call students to the front of the class and assign each student word ( K, kite, kitten, koala) - Call out any word in the group of words - The student who is assigned for that word has to jump up - Continue with the other words and increase the speed - Say Consolidation: (3’) Homelink: (3’) Review the new words, model sentences Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Period 52 Unit 11 Letter K Lesson I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can be able to: - Recognize and pronounce the letter Kk and its sound correctly - Understand, recognize and say the three Kk words - Write the letter Kk II Language focus: ● Pronunciation: K, k /keɪ/ *Vocabulary: Kite, kitten, koala *Intergrate skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing * Sight words: the, has, a, fly III Resources: - I-learn my phonics Grade 1, Pupil’s book – p.50&51 IV Materials : CD, Phonics cards V Organization: Class Date of teaching Absent Student 1A 1B 1C 1D VI Procedures 21/03/2019 20/03/2019 21/03/2019 20/03/2019 Teacher’s activities 1.Warm - up: (3’) Revision & Practice Act Listen and point Choose (15') - Have students look at the book and listen to the expression: “The kitten has a kite Fly the kite, The koala has a kite Fly the kite”, point to the object when they hear - Have students listen and repeat the words for several times - Give feedback Sight words - Read the sight words : the, has, a, fly - Ask students to listen and repeat Choose - Have students look at the pictures and define the colour of each object - Choose the pictures have the same colour with the object they have defined - Have individuals repeat the words of the pictures - Give feedback * Activity: what is missing (5') - Put the phonics cards on the board in this order: kite, kitten and koala - Give students a minute to look at them - Have students close their eyes and take away one phonics card - Tell the students to open their eyes and name the phonics card which is missing - Continue with the other phonic cards Act Chant and show! (6') Act it out - Read the word and ask students to listen and the gestures for words kite, kitten and koala - Change role: teachers does the actions, students look and call out the words Chant and show - Use the phonics cards on the board and have students sing the chant with kite Do the same with kitten and Students’ activities - Look - Listen - Look and colour - Play - Listen koala - The whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant - Chant and again using gestures for each word - Give feedback Production (5’) - Show the letter Kk again, have students write the Kk in air with their fing Consolidation: (3’) Homelink: (3’) Review the new words, model sentences Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 13:24


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