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Assessing performance the wastewater treatment of tan quang cement factory tuyen quang province

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY  NGUYEN THI PHUONG BAC ASSESSING PERFORMANCE THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT OF TAN QUANG CEMENT FACTORY, TUYEN QUANG PROVINCE BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode : Full-time Major : Environmental Science and Management Faculty : International Training and Development Center Batch : 2011 - 2015 Thai Nguyen, September 2015 DOCUMENTATION PAGE WITH ABSTRACT Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student name Nguyen Thi Phuong Bac Student ID DTN1153110089 Thesis Title Assessing performance the wastewater treatment of Tan Quang cement factory, Tuyen Quang province Supervisor Dr Nguyen Thanh Hai Abstract: Vietnam is a developing country, so the cement industry has an important role in the development of the country However, wastewater discharged from cement factory cause pollution the environment and affect to human health Tan Quang cement factory went into operation in January 25, 2011 with a capacity of 2500 tons clinker / day, equivalent 910000 tons of cement products PCB40 / year has contributed develop the industry in Tuyen Quang province However, wastewater from the production process and domestic wastewater have risk of causing environmental pollution The evaluation of the performance of wastewater treatment in factory by methods inherited, synthesis, analysis and processing of data helps us know level of impact on the environment After domestic wastewater and cooling water get preliminary treatment of will be concentrate together to treatment After analyzing measurement results samples of wastewater before and after treatment can seen that concentration of the substances in water before treatment and after treatment were almost reached QCVN 40:2011/MONRE, treatment i performance of pollutants is high from 68% to 74% To reduce pollution of water, factory need frequent training, propagation officials and staff members conducting well the work environmental protection Check the repair and replacement of damaged equipment Conducting regular environmental monitoring to be able detect environmental problems for timely treatment Key words: Wastewater, performance, treatment, cement Number of pages: 55 Date of 30/9/2015 Submission: Supervisor’s signature ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To complete the training program in the school, each student after their graduation needs to prepare your self for the necessary amount of knowledge, strong expertise During the graduation exercises is an important part indispensable in training programs University students in general and students Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry in particular This is about the time needed for each student reinforce the theoretical knowledge learned a systematic way and improve their ability to apply theory to practice With the respect and gratitude, I would like to sincerely thank the teachers of Faculty Environment and the teachers of International Training and Development Center has imparted to me the precious knowledge during learning and training at school In particular I would like to express deep gratitude to Dr Nguyen Thanh Hai has heartedly, guiding them to complete this thesis I would like to express our sincere thanks to the officers Viet - Sing Equipment Corporation has facilitated helping me during practice During practice and as a subject, I tried very hard but due to lack of experience and knowledge is limited so my thesis inevitably flawed I would like to receive the heartfelt comments of teachers and friends for my dissertation was excellent I would like to sincerely thank! Thai Nguyen,September 30th 2015 Student Nguyen Thi Phuong Bac iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .3 PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Rationale 1.2 Research objective 1.3 Research question 1.4 Requirements of topic PART II LITERATURE REVIEW .7 2.1 Scientific basis of topic 2.1.1 Environmental concept .7 2.1.2 Concept of water sources .8 2.1.3 Concept of water pollution 2.1.4 Concept of waste 11 2.1.5 Concept water quality assessment .11 2.1.6 Concept of industrial waste water, and properties of industrial wastewater 12 2.2 The legal basis 13 2.3 Factual basic of the topic 13 2.3.1 The situation of production and consumption of cement in the world and Vietnam 13 iv 2.3.2 The situation of environmental pollution due to cement producers in the world and Vietnam 20 PART III METHODS 25 3.1.2 Research content 25 3.2.2 Methods inherited 26 3.2.4 Methods of data processing .27 PART IV RESULTS .29 4.1 Overview of Tan Quang Cement Factory belonging Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company 29 4.1.1 Natural condition 29 4.1.2 Social and economic conditions 35 4.1.3 Diagram flow production technology of Tan Quang cement factory .37 4.2 Wastewater treatment system of Tan Quang cement factory 45 PART V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 51 5.1 Discussion 51 5.2 Conclusion 52 LIST OF REFERENCE 53 v LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 The situation of production, consumption and import cement the period 1997 2007 15 Table 4.1 Average temperatures of months in the year 31 Table 4.2 The main production stages 38 Table 4.3 Measurement results and analysis before treatment 48 Table 4.4 Measurement results and analysis after treatment .49 Table 4.5 Performance of wastewater treatment 50 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Chart cement consumption market share in Vietnam in 2008 18 Figure 2.2 Cement consumption market in 2010 by regions .19 Figure 4.1 Location Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company 30 Figure 4.2 Chart average temperature of months in the year the region of Tan Quang Cement factory 32 Figure 4.3 Chart average rainfall of months in the year the region of Tan Quang Cement factory .32 Figure 4.4 Chart average humidity of months in the year the region of Tan Quang Cement factory .34 Figure 4.5 Diagram flow production technology 39 Figure 4.6 Technological diagrams wastewater treatment 45 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations CP MONRE Meaning Government Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment ND Decree QCVN Vietnam Regulations QH National Assembly TCVN Vietnam Standards PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Rationale Vietnam development follow path of industrialization - modernization, so there should be focused on the construction and development of infrastructure To satisfie this requirement, the construction plays an important role in that renewal In which cement is an important material in which most countries in the world to use in building works Cement industry in our country are qualified to develop, because our country is rich in raw materials (limestone, clay) and have the conditions of access to the most advanced technology Tan Quang cement factory was Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company investment officially went into operation in January, 25th 2011 in Tuyen Quang city with a capacity of 2500 tonnes clinker / day, equivalent 910000 tonnes of cement products PCB40 / year Tan Quang cement factory in operation marked a new development of industrial Tuyen Quang, simultaneously contributing to the objectives of the Government on development of cement industry Vietnam until 2020, bringing the industry Vietnam cement industry to become a strong industry, with modern technology, capable of competing on the domestic market and internationally However, beside the positive aspects achieved, we are facing many environmental problems Wastewater from the production process and wastewater of officials and employees have risk of causing environmental pollution Therefore, the evaluation of the performance of wastewater treatment in the sewage treatment of Tan Quang cement factory belong Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company helps us have a look overall level of impact on the environment Rotary kiln has an inner diameter 4m, length 60m and the tilt 3.5%, is placed on the bracket in the concrete Fuel used for rotary kiln are coal dust 4aKH and 4aHG (accounting for 40-45% of total coal use) Waste gas from the rotary kiln and the chamber decomposition temperature of about 120-150°C be directed to utilize as heat for the drying process crushed batching To ensure stable operation conditions of the rotary kiln and the chamber decomposition, the monitoring system emissions components be installed at road out of the preheater The monitoring indicators are O2, CO, NO h Clinker cooler Clinker out of the kiln with a temperature of about 1371°C is cooled in cooling devices type credited with area 61.2m2, yield 2500 tons of clinker/day Here clinker is cooled to a temperature of less than 65°, processed to a particle size of about 25 mm and transported to the silo clinker During operation of the cooling equipment incurred large amounts of dust The amount of dust generated will be recovered utilize as materials by the dust filter electricity with a capacity of 315.000m2 / h i Coal crush To crush coal initial humidity large (> 9%), roller mill standing capacity of 20 tons / h was selected because of advantages in terms of energy saving, high drying ability and low maintenance costs Heat-drying agent used for the millis emissions from electrostatic precipitators of clinker cooling area Here coal is contained in the 50 ton Bunke (two units) connected to devices quantitative crude coal have valve closed Fine coal is recovered through dust filter sleeve Coal dust recovery will be given up storage container fine coal for decomposition chambers 43 j Quantification of cement grinding Clinker from silo clinker, gypsum and blast furnace slag from fuel material warehouse get equipment raw withdrawn and transport by conveyor loaded directly into bunke of quantitative cement grinding station: + Bunke clinker: capacity 200 tons + Bunke blast furnace slag: capacity 100 tons + Bunke gypsum: capacity 100 tons The bunker through scales quantitative will get to machines mill cement through a grinder before using rolling machines Φ1400 x 1000 combined with sealed ball mill capacity of 150 tons / h, the product has fineness reached 32000cm2/g The entire cement with satisfactory the fineness will follow the gas stream enters the filter bag 210.000m3 / h to gather and dedusting of cement grinding system then under air slide taken to two cement silos Φ18m , high capacity 10000 tons 48m have put at the bottom and removable door operated air slide taken to dispensing system At the time of arising dust will be the installation of dust collection equipment to recover the form of bags of cement Cement not reach the fineness will be put back on the ball mill grinding to perform again k Bagged and shipped cement The plant will be equipped with two bagging lines and cement bags for automotive synchronous with two packaging machine taps productivity 90-100t/h To mitigate dust into the environment, ensure the working environment of workers while minimizing wastage of cement leakage, the cloth bag filter was installed at the point of cement dust 44 The cement leave also made by a cement line parallel leave cement sack line yield of 120t/h 4.2 Wastewater treatment system of Tan Quang cement factory Domestic wastewater Wastewater cooled SCR + Anaerobic SCR + Conditioning Aeration tank Chemicals glue React Mud tank Settles stand Absorption filter Sterilization tank Antiseptic by chloramines Exit to the general drainage network Figure 4.6 Technological diagrams wastewater treatment 45  Presentation technological line  Preliminary treatment of domestic wastewater After domestic wastewater along escape through trash screens flows into the anaerobic tank then here occurs the decomposition process of organic matter in the absence of oxygen and light Step processing enabling anaerobic microbes decompose organic compounds pollutants in wastewater This process occurs in 2-3 days After exiting the anaerobic tank wastewater flows to the aeration tank The principle is the use of microorganisms to oxidize ammonia, organic compounds and inorganic capable of biological transformation in the environment of air from outside Simultaneously the microorganisms use the organic part and the energy extraction from the oxidation to the synthesis of their biomass Biological agent of treatment process aerobic is microorganism aerobic respiration: Psendomonas Putida, Psendomonas Stuteri, Aerobacter Aerogenes, Nitrososmonas, Vinogratski, Bacillus Subtilis (hydrolysis), Flavo Bacterium, Alealigenes (wealthy S, Fe) Method of air supply is forced method Wastewater is usually saved at this stage about 24-48 h After exiting the aeration tank, wastewater has been cleaned of organic compounds in the form of soluble organic residues in water Water flows from the aeration tank to the reaction tank  Preliminary treatment cooling water Given the characteristics of the cooling water is contains many inorganic residues should slightly soluble in water, and cooling water often have temperature higher ambient temperature 46 Wastewater, after through the device separation are put on conditioning tank (tank collector) Conditioning flow is method applied to overcome the problems caused by the fluctuation of the flow, to improve the operational efficiency of the process followed, to reduce the size and capital construction investment the next works The basic benefit of regulating flow are: conditioning quality and wastewater flow, reduce wastewater temperature Wastewater flows from the conditioning tank to the reaction tank  Concentrated treatment wastewater The waste water after preliminary treatment stage of two sources exhaust flow to reaction tank, where chemical flocculation be granted have quantitative in tank to create cotton flocculation have size and weight greater then flows to settling tank In settling tank stand with retention time about hours and will enable cotton residue precipitate to the bottom an easy way, remaining water in the upper settling tank will be forwarded to the next processing equipment Water from the settling tank flowing to adsorbed tank, adsorbed tank using adsorption materials is activated carbon with level activation high ease adsorbed color, smell and organic matter exists in wastewater which untreated in aerobic biofiltration tank Finally, water flows to disinfection tank, disinfection tank is calculated with storage time water in the tank is 30 minute Use Chloramines B (or chloride of lime Clorin) dosing pump accurate amounts of chemicals enough to remove pathogenic microorganisms in the water before it is discharged into the environment  Sludge treatment 47 Sludge microbial in aerobic tank a part returned conditioning tank order to treatment again, and part rough mud with mud in settling tank returned sludge dewatering filter Sludge in the mud tank is sucked periodically by specialized vehicles or use presses to pressed into pieces and then provide for production base of organic fertilizers micro  Assess the quality of water before and after treatment - Measurement results before treatment Table 4.3 Measurement results and analysis before treatment Result QCVN 40:2011/ Ordinal Indicator numbers analysis TSS mg/l 68 100 BOD5 mg/l 46 50 COD mg/l 85 150 Fe mg/l 0.78 5 Nitrat mg/l 7.51 50 Phosphat mg/l 2.27 10 Amoni mg/l 4.72 10 Animal fat and mg/l 3.53 20 mg/l 4.68 10 MPN/100ml 6200 5000 Unit before MONRE treatment vegetable oil Mineral oil and fat 10 Coliform (Source: Centre for Monitoring and Environmental Protection Tuyen Quang) 48 Comment: Concentration of the substances in water before treatment were almost reached QCVN 40:2011/MONRE, only have Coliform concentration before treatment is 6200 MPN/100ml has exceeded QCVN 40:2011/ MONRE 1200 MPN/100ml - Measurement results after treatment Table 4.4 Measurement results and analysis after treatment QCVN Ordinal numbers Result Indicator analysis Unit 40:2011/ after treatment MONRE TSS mg/l 19 100 BOD5 mg/l 14 50 COD mg/l 27 150 Fe mg/l 0.21 5 Nitrat mg/l 4.82 50 Phosphat mg/l 0.96 10 Amoni mg/l 1.46 10 Animal fat and mg/l 1.04 20 mg/l 1.26 10 MPN/100ml 50 5000 vegetable oil Mineral oil and fat 10 Coliform (Source: Centre for Monitoring and Environmental Protection Tuyen Quang) Comment: Concentration of the substances in water after treatment lower than compared with QCVN 40: 2011 / MONRE greatly 49 Table 4.5 Performance of wastewater treatment QCVN Ordinal numbers Indicator analysis Unit Result Result (before) (after) Treatment 40:2011/ performance (%) MONRE TSS mg/l 68 19 72.1 100 BOD5 mg/l 46 14 69.6 50 COD mg/l 85 27 68.2 150 Fe mg/l 0.78 0.21 73.1 5 Nitrat mg/l 7.51 4.82 35.8 50 Phosphat mg/l 2.27 0.96 57.7 10 Amoni mg/l 4.72 1.46 69.1 10 Animal fat and mg/l 3.53 1.04 70.5 20 mg/l 4.68 1.26 73.1 10 MPN/ 6200 50 99.2 5000 vegetable oil Mineral oil and fat 10 Coliform 100ml Comment: Overall, treatment performance of pollutants is high Treatment performance of BOD5, COD, Fe, TSS, Amoni, Animal fat and vegetable oil, Mineral oil and fat were almost reached from 68 to 74(%).Treatment performance Coliform highest achieved 99.2 (%) Treatment performance Phosphate lower reaches 57.7(%) Treatment performance Nitrate lowest reached 35.8(%) Can see concentrations of substances be processed effective 50 PART V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Discussion Production technology in Tan Quang cement factory is production technology employing the dry method with a rotary kiln system have heat exchange tower and decomposition chamber The level of high automation, the modern facilities are applied to ensure stable production, high productivity product quality reached economic efficiency Therefore this technology is very friendly with environmental, so environmental issues improves our already very significantly Tan Quang Cement Factory use private wastewater treatment and then general treatment by mechanical methods, chemical and biological combining this technology has roughly treated components pollutants in wastewater and cooling water Since the factory installation of treatment systems, the treatment tank is always in active state so wastewater is not stagnant again, and coolant is collected together with domestic waste water so concentrations in water before treatment almost attained QCVN40:2011/MONRE From measurement results and analysis before treatment can see that concentration of substances as: TSS lower than compared with QCVN 40:2011/ MONRE is 1.5 times, concentration BOD5 lower 1.1 times, concentration COD lower 1.8 times Wastewater treatment system was built in late 2013, so treatment performance of pollutants is high from 68% to 74%, some substances such as: TSS treatment performance high reached 72.1(%), treatment performance BOD5 reached 69.6(%), treatment performance COD reached 68.2(%), can see the wastewater treatment system treatment very well 51 After treatment concentrations of substances lower than compared with QCVN 40: 2011 / MONRE greatly Concentration TSS lower than compared with QCVN 40:2011/ MONRE is 5.3 times, concentration BOD5 lower 3.6 times, concentration COD lower 5.6 times With the results from the evaluation of the performance of wastewater treatment in the sewage treatment of Tan Quang cement factory belong Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company helps us have a look overall level of impact on the environment From there can give measures to improve treatment efficiency, improve environmental quality factory area 5.2 Conclusion Tan Quang Cement Factory have waste water treatment system is quite good Concentration of the substances reduced significantly through the system Wastewater of the factory includes production wastewater and domestic wastewater Wastewater produced is water cooled revolving kiln, tower heatsink with the volume 550m3/day, domestic wastewater of officials and employees with volume of about 50m3/day Domestic wastewater and cooled water is collected and focused to treatment then merge into the general discharged system According to results of the analysis of wastewater samples showed: Wastewater of the factory be processed good, treatment performance very high almost indicators analytical all valuable concentrations lower than permissible standards many times Management work of the factory is quite closely, factory also special attention to management work about environment 52 LIST OF REFERENCE A National Assembly (2014) “Environmental protection law” Balmer, P, Hellstrom, D (2012) Performance indicators for wastewater treatment plants.Water Science and Technology, pp 1304-1310 Gillberg, L, Hansen, B, Karlsson, I, Norstron Enkel, A, Palsson, A (2003) About Water Treatment Helsingborg: Kemira Kemwater 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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pp.1246-1251 55 Appendices Some picture of wastewater treatment system ... wastewater of officials and employees have risk of causing environmental pollution Therefore, the evaluation of the performance of wastewater treatment in the sewage treatment of Tan Quang cement factory. .. Determining the performance of wastewater treatment at the wastewater treatment region of Tan Quang cement factory - Proposing solutions to increase the performance of wastewater treatment 1.3... University of Agriculture and Forestry, under the direct guidance of Dr Nguyen Thanh Hai, I studied the topic ? ?Assessing performance the wastewater treatment of Tan Quang cement factory, Tuyen Quang province

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 07:43