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Nội dung

Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questionsA. She went to England.[r]




1 acquaintance(n) người quen enthusiasm (n) lịng nhiệt tình incapable (of) loyalty (n) lịng trung thành, tính kiên định

 be loyal to trung thành unselfish (a) khơng ích kỷ suspicious (about/of) (a) nghi ngờ

 suspicion (n) nghi ngờ give-and-take (a) cho nhận rumour(n) tin đồn, lời đồn constancy (n) tính kiên định, kiên trì 10 gossip(n) tin đồn nhảm 11 quality (n) phẩm chất 16 caring (a) chu đáo 12 mutual (a) lẫn 17 hospitable (a) hiếu khách 13 sympathy(n) thông cảm 18 helpful(a) đỡ đần 14 be concerned with (v) có liên quan đến 19 sincere (a) thành thật 15 secret (n) bí mật 20 humourous (a) hài hước  sense of humour (n) tính hài hước 21 quick-witted (a) nhanh trí 26 move (v) dời, di chuyển 22 apartment building (n) tòa trung cư 27 ride a motorbike (v) chạy xe máy 23 physical appearance (n) vẻ bề 28 play (n) kịch

24 personalities (n) = characteristics 29 help s.o through (v)giúp vượt qua khó khăn (n) tính cách

25 Residential Area (n) khu dân cư 30 favourite (a) ưa thích B GRAMMAR

1 Infinitive with to + to express purpose

+ after some verbs : manage, offer, decide, hope, promise, agree, plan, refuse,

threaten, arrange, fail, seem, appear, tend, pretend, wish, would like, … + after some structures :

It takes/ took + O + time+ to inf too… to / enough … to

It + be + adj + to inf 2 Infinitive without to + after make , let, help

+ after modal verbs :can, could, will, should,… + after sense verbs: hear, feel, watch, see, notice,… + after had better, would rather, …

C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A cheese B children C chemical D teacher

2 A game B bridge C against D garage

3 A holiday B hospital C constancy D joke

4 A life B decide C lived D provide

5 A house B hour C horse D how

II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A loyalty B constancy C acquaintance D confidence

2 A unselfish B sympathy C quality D principle

3 A loyal B mutual C secret D sincere

4 A suspicion B introduce C successful D appearance

5 A friendship B affair C sorrow D special


acquaintance mutual give-and-take suspicious loyal to unselfish incapable of friend

1 Good friendship should be based on understanding The children seem to be _ working quietly by themselves

3 He is a(n) man.He always helps people without thinking of his own benefit A(n) is a person one simply knows, and a friend is a person with whom one has a deeper relationship

5 Despite many changes in his life, he remained his working principles IV.

Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions My friend often shows her whenever I have troubles

A sympathy B sympathize C sympathetic D sympathetically He does not know much about the project but he is very

A enthusiastic B enthusiast C enthusiasm D enthusiastically Daisy is so She only cares about herself, not about other people

A helpful B selfish C loyal D talkative

4 Although we are classmate, I not have a relationship with him

A aimless B unselfish C special D constant

5 Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship

A romantic part B important part C difficult part D interesting part I always feel when telling John my secrets

A embarrassing B safe C shamefully D securely One of the qualities for true _ is constancy

A friend B friendly C friendship D friendliness My brother has _ a new interest with enthusiasm

A taken up B taken after C brought up D looked after V

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.I didn't have enough time _ (finish) my work yesterday She made her son _ (wash) the windows before he could go outside _ (play)with his friends

3 We both heard him _ (say) that he was leaving It made him angry _ (wait) for people who were late I couldn't understand what the passage said, so I had my friend

_ (translate) it for me

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions She's made friends a little girl who lives next door

A to B of C by D with

2 He finds it lasting friendships

A difficult to make B difficulty in making C is difficult to make D difficult making I got my friend her car for the weekend

A to let me to borrow B to let me borrow

C let me borrow D let me to borrow

4 The skiers would rather through the mountains than go by bus A to travel on train B traveled by train

C travel by train D traveling by the train

5 The aim of the culture festival is friendship between the two countries A promote B promoting C to promote D being promoted I was delighted _ my old friends again

A to see B seeing C seen D to be seen

7 I can make myself _ pretty well in English

A understand B to understand C understanding D understood Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones _


A take B to take C taking D to be taken

10 If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop _lunch A having B to have C having had D for having

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1 Clay that has been heated or fired in a kiln cannot to be softened again A B C D

2 I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes A B C D

3 It took her a long time getting accustomed to the new environment A B C D

4 We saw him opening the door and go into the house A B C D

5 We are happy knowing that you have won a scholarship to study abroad A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. My oldest friend

My oldest friend is Sally We met thirty years ago when we were both five years old.It was my first day at school so I was very unhappy and I wanted my mother Sally gave me some candy and we became friends immidiately We were together nearly everyday until we finished school twelve years later

Then I went to college, but Sally didn’t She got married when she was just eighteen and had three children I studied for four years because I wanted to be an accountant.I had a lot of new friends, and I didn’t see Sally very often Sometimes we didn’t see each other for months, but we often talk on the telephone

Now I’m married, too I live near Sally and we meet every week She’s a student now, and I have a baby, so we can give each other a lot of advice

1 What’s your oldest friend’s name?

When did you meet her?

How did you make friends?

How did you often make a contact with each other?

Can you give each other a lot of advice?

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks

To many people, their friends are the most important in their life Really good friends always (1) joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown (2) with


To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and _(5) understands us better than anyone else It’s the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets

1 A share B give C spend D have

2 A through B on C in D up

3 A bring B cause C result D provide

4 A too B enough C so D such

5 A whom B which C who D whose

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

1 My mother never allows me to go out alone at night A My mother never lets me go out alone at night B I was allowed to go out alone at night

C My mother never goes out alone at night D My mother and I usually go out alone at night They don’t let us cycle in the park

A We are not let cycle in the park B We are not let to cycle in the park C We are not allowed to cycle in the park D We are not allowed cycle in the park He left in the morning and I saw it

A I saw him leave in the morning B I saw him leaving in the morning C I saw him left in the morning

D I saw him was leaving in the morning He finds it easy to make friends

A It is very difficult for him to make friends

B He doesn’t have any difficulty in making friends C People never find it easy to make friends with him D Making friends seem to be difficult for him

5 A friend in need is a friend indeed

A Only in dangerous circumstances we should need a friend B A time friend never helps us in dangerous situations C Indeed, we need a true friend in every situation

D A friend who helps us in difficult situations is a true friend



embarassing (adj.) làm lúng túng at once experience (n) kinh nghiệm, từng trải glance (v) liếc nhìn, liếc nhanh floppy (adj.) mềm, nhe sneaky (adj) vụng trộm, lén lút cotton (n) bông, sợi, vải bơng imagine (v) tưởng tượng, hình dung idol (n) thần tượng 10 make a fuss làm ầm ĩ lên

11 reply (v) trả lời; đáp lại 16 affect (v) ảnh hưởng; tác động đến 12 shy (adj.) nhút nhát, e then, rụt rè 17 appreciate (v) đánh giá cao

13 complain (v) kêu ca, than phiền 18 attitude (n) thái độ


21 involve (v) gồm, làm dính líu 26 replace (v) thay thế, thay chỡ của 22 realise (v) thấy rõ, hiểu rõ, nhận thức rõ 27 embrace (v) ơm chặt, ghì chặt 23 after all cuối cùng, sau hết 28 escape (v) thoát được; tránh 24 scream (v) gào thét, hét lên 29 protect (v) bảo vệ, bảo hộ, che chở 25 terrified (adj) khiếp sợ, kinh hãi 30 rescue(v) giải thoát; cứu; cứu nguy B GRAMMAR

Past Tenses (các Quá khứ) 1 The Past simple (Thì Quá khứ đơn):

Đối với động từ “to be” KĐ: you / we / they + were

I / he / she / it + was PĐ: you/we / they + weren’t I / he/ she / it + wasn’t NV: Were + you / we / they? Was + I / he / she / it ? Ex: I was at school yesterday

Were you at home yesterday? Đối với động từ thường: Form:

KĐ: S + V2/-ed PĐ : S + DIDN’T + Vo NV: DID + S + Vo ? Usage: Dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy chấm dứt khứ, có thời gian xác định (so sánh với hồn thành)

Ex: Uncle Ho died in 1969

Adverbs: ago (cách đây), last (rồi), yesterday (hôm qua), in+ năm khứ 2 The Past perfect tense (thì Quá khứ hoàn thành):


KĐ: S + HAD + V3/-ED PĐ: S + HADN’T + V3/-ED NV: HAD + S + V3/-ED ? Usage: dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy trước một hành động khác, hoặc trước một thời điểm


Ex: We had lived in Ho Chi Minh city before 1990 Adverbs: before (trước khi), after ( sau khi), when (khi) * Note: Khi câu có hai hành động khứ:

Hành động xảy trước ta dùng q khứ hồn thành Hành đợng xảy sau ta dùng khứ đơn

Ex: After Minh had finished his homework, he went to bed

3.The Past continous tense (thì Quá khứ tiếp diễn): Form:

KĐ: S + Was/ Were + V-ing PĐ: S + Was/ Were + Not + V-ing NV: Was/ Were + S + V-Ing ? Usage: Dùng để diễn tả:

Hành động xảy vào một thời điểm xác định khứ Ex: we were doing English exercise at o’clock yesterday

Hành động xảy khứ (hành động dài) có mợt hành đợng khác chen vào (hành đợng ngắn) Hành động dài: dùng khứ tiếp diễn Hành động ngắn: dùng khứ đơn

Ex: when I was going to school yesterday, I saw an accident Hai hành động xảy song song cùng một lúc qua khứ



I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A language B happen C experience D know

2 A sing B glance C turn D sneaky

3 A played B turned C watched D learned

4 A money B around C down D found

5 A chemistry B school C character D machine

II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A experience B embarrass C floppy D embrace A idol B video C birthday D imagine

3 A cotton B happen C extreme D quickly

4 A involve B campaign C exactly D table

5 A decision B education C instruction D immediately III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

appreciate imagine without floppy

experience idols decision embarrassing After being seriously ill, you will _ your health more He was an impolite boy He left the house saying a word

3 Nowadays, teenagers always love and imitate their own in different ways Remember to buy some _disks for me when you go shopping Up to now we they not made a _whether they will go or not IV.

Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions That _ taught me a lesson & make me study harder

A way B letter C experience D lake I’ m sorry for making such a _ about the noise

A trace B mark C fuss D emphasis

3 It is a truly _ occasion

A memorable B memory C memorably D memorized

4 My _ view is that the students should be doing more work outside the classroom A person B personal C personable D personably

5 The fire took many things _ me

A in B on C about D from A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the _

A ideal B idea C idol D fan

7 A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a _ A picture B clip C news D cartoon The children were _ about opening their presents

A interested B fond C keen D excited


Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.

1 I suddenly remembered that I (forget) my keys

2 While Diana (watch) her favourite TV programme, there (be) _ a power cut

3 By the time Sheila got back, Chris (go) _ home

4 David (eat) _ Japanese food before, so he knew what to order When I (do) _ some shopping yesterday, I (see) your friend What _ you (do) when I (come) _ to your office yesterday? VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions It was midnight Outside it _ very hard

A rains B rained C had rained D was raining She _ a bath at seven o’clock last night

A was having B had C has had D has been having

3 He _ me to the party yesterday


A did/ had found B had done/ found C was doing/ found D did/ was founding You _ your new hat when I _ you yesterday

A were wearing/ had met B wore/ had met C wore/ was meeting D were wearing/ met A burglar _ into the house while we _ television

A broke/ were watching B broke/ watched C had broken/ watched D broke/ had watched When I _ home, I _ a phone call

A got/ received B was getting/ was receiving C got/ had received D had got/ had received They _ small cups of coffee after they _ dinner

A had drunk/ finished B drank/ finished C were drinking/ finished D drank/ had finished When he _ at the station, his train _

A arrived/ left B arrived/ had left C had arrived/ left D had arrived/ left

10 While I _ for him to call up, he _ a good time in the bar A waited – was having B have waited – was having C was waiting – have had D was waiting – was having

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question. While I did my homework, I had a good idea

A B C D Many of the stories are based at rumor


3 John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday A B C D

4 After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle A B C D

5 She did not know where most of the people in the room are from A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital I think it's important to see as much of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal The hospital let me have a few days’ holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me

We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning, and left camp with two elephants carrying our equipment It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day

Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat It grabbed Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep! The writer went to Nepal

A for holiday B for treatment C for business D on tour When having a few days off, he decided to go into

A the remote villages B the mountains


3 It's difficult to find tigers in the afternoon because A they usually sleep at this time of day

B it's so hot at this time

C the elephants' back wasn't high enough to get view D tigers hardly hunt in the heat of the day

4 The tiger

A was like a flash of light B saw them a second before they saw it C jumped out very fast D jumped out of the grass at about four meters Which of the followings is not true according to the passage?

A Tigers are members of the cat family

B The writer was made to wear shoes and trousers to protect him from the heat of the day

C Kamal narrowly escaped being killed

D It was such a terrible experience that the writer couldn't sleep that night

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks. MARIA’S HOMECOMING

When the bus (1) _ in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn’t realize that she had arrived at her destination “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said “You’ve arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be (2) _ for us Come on I’ll carry the bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I (3) _ in New York, I used to dream if this moment And now it’s real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing in the square.” Santa Teresa was Maria’s birthplace, but she often left the town at the age of six She had some (4) _ of the town, and some photos, but did she belong here still? She didn’t know Nobody was waiting in the square Perhaps her cousin Pablo hadn’t received Maria’s letter “What are we going to now?” asked Martin “There isn’t (5) _ a hotel here!”

1 A reached B got C stopped D came

2 A expecting B waiting C welcoming D receiving A was living B have lived C live D am living

4 A recall B memories C thinking D remembering

5 A even B hardly C too D very

X Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order. to / play/ five / he / piano / started / the / years / ago

2 letter / the/ , / opening / the / was / telephone / I / rang / while

3 been / we / for / two / hours / for / have / waiting / you

4 window / Tommy / to / thrown / admitted / the / through / rock / the / be

5 Jack / at / me / whenever / avoided /, / met / we / looking



1 anniversary (n) lễ kỉ niệm cosiness (n) ấm cúng blow out (phr v) thổi tắt give up (phr v) từ bỏ

3 clap (v) vỗ tay host (n)(v) chủ nhà/ tổ chức cosy (adj.) ấm cúng hostess (n) bà chủ nhà

5 cosily (adv) một cách ấm cúng 10 mess (n) tình trạng hỡn đợn 11.indifferent (adj.) thờ 16 slip out (phr v) lỡ lời

12.indifferently (adv) một cách thờ 17 speeding(n)sự chạy tốc độ quy định 13 indifference (n) lãnh đạm 18 thrilled (adj.) xúc động

14 outfit (n) quần áo 19 thriller (n) phim ly kỳ

15 prominently (adv) một cách dễ thấy 20 tidy up (phr v) sắp xếp gọn gàng 21.golden anniversary (n) đám cưới vàng 26.demand (v) yêu cầu 22 now (adv) lúc 27 divorced (adj.) đã ly dị

23 silver anniversary (n) đám cưới bạc 28 icing (n) kem lòng trắng trứng 24 virtual (adj) thực 29 milestone (n) kiện quan trọng 25 virtually (adv) 30 ticket (n) giấy phạt



1 To-infinitive: Đợng từ ngun mẫu có to dùng làm:

- Chủ ngữ câu: Ex: To become a famous singer is her dream

- Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ: Ex: What I like is to swim in the sea and to lie on the warm sand - Tân ngữ động từ:

+ To-infinitive làm tân ngữ trực tiếp của đợng từ: afford (đáp ứng) agree(đồng ý )appear (hình )arrange(sắp xếp)ask(yêu cầu)attempt( cố gắng, nỗ lực),beg,begin, care, choose, consent,continue, dare, decide(quyết định)

expect(mong đợi) fail( thất bại), forget, happen, hate, help, hesitate, hope(hy vọng ) intend(định), learn(học), like, love, manage(xoay sở, cố gắng), mean, neglect, offer(cho, tặng, đề nghị), prefer,prepare, plan( lên kế họach)pretend(giả

vờ)promise(hứa), propose, refuse(từ chối), regret, seem(dường như), tell( bảo), tend(có khuynh hướng), threaten(đe dọa), want(ḿn), would like(ḿn), wish,…

Ex: I don’t want to see you again

+ Mợt sớ đợng từ theo sau Object +to infinitive: advise,allow, ask, can’t bear, beg, command, compel, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, instruct, invite, leave, like, love, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remember, remind, request, teach, teach, tell, tempt, trouble, want, warn, wish,….

Ex: They don’t allow people to smoke here - Tân ngữ tính từ:

+ To infinitive dùng làm tân ngữ của mợt sớ tính từ phản ứng, cảm xúc, tính cách, nhận thức, mợt sớ tính từ thong dụng khác: agreeable, awful, delight, disagreeable, dreadful, good, nice, horrible, lovely,………

Ex: I’m pleased to see you

+ To infinitive dùng làm tân ngữ của tính từ so sánh the first, the last, the next, the only, the second,……


+ It takes / took + O + thời gian + to-inf

Ex: It takes Nam two hours to that exercise

+ Chỉ mục đích Ex: I went to the post office to send a letter. + Bổ ngữ cho danh từ đại từ:

S + V + Noun / pronoun + to-inf Ex: I have some letters to write

Is there anything to eat?

It + be + adj + to-inf: thật … để Ex: It is interesting to study English

+ S + be + adj + to-inf Ex: I’m happy to receive your latter + S + V + too + adj / adv + to-inf Ex: He is too short to play basket ball. + S + V + adj / adv + enough + to-inf

Ex: He isn’t tall enough to play basket ball + S + find / think / believe + it + adj + to-inf

Ex: I find it difficult to learn English vocabulary

+ Sau từ nghi vấn: what, who, which, when, where, how,… (nhưng thường không dùng sau why) Ex: I don’t know what to say.

* Note:

- allow / permit / advise / recommend + O + to-inf Ex: She allowed me to use her pen

- allow / permit / advise / recommend + V-ing Ex: She didn’t allow smoking in her room

2 Bare infinitive

V + O + bare inf

( let, make, had better , would rather) Ex: He made me cry

You had better take an aspirin Note

a. be + made + to-inf Ex: I was made to clean my room

b Động từ help:


- Các động từ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find + O + V1 (chỉ hoàn tất của hành đợng – nghe hoặc thấy tồn bợ việc diễn ra)

Ex: I saw her get off the bus.

- Các động từ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find + O + V-ing (chỉ việc diễn ra)

Ex: I smell something burning in the kitchen 3 Gerunds: Danh đợng từ dùng làm:

- Chủ từ câu: Ex: Swimming is my favourite sport - Bổ ngữ động từ: Ex: My hobby is collecting stamps - Tân ngữ động từ: Ex: I enjoy traveling

- sau giới từ: Ex: He was accused of smuggling

* Một số cụm động từ:( (phrasal verb: verb+presosition/ adverb) theo sau Gerund (be for/ against, care for, give up, keep on, leave off, look forward to, put off, see about, take to…

Ex: He put off making a decision till he had more information - tân ngữ của động từ hoặc bổ ngữ của tân ngữ: admit(thừa nhận)anticipate, appreciate, avoid(tránh) consider(xem xét), defer, delay(hoãn)deny(phủ nhận)detest(ghét), dislike, dread, enjoy, escape, encourage( khích

lệ)fancy( thích)finish( kết thúc),keep, loathe, mean, mention, pardon, postpone, prevent, hate(ghét)imagine(tưởng tượng) involve( liên quan)mention(đề cập đến), mind(ngại), miss( bỏ lỡ), postpone( hoãn lại), practice( luyện tập), quit( từ bỏ), risk( có nguy cơ), suggest: (đề nghị), It is no use( khơng có ích), It is no good(không tốt), there’s no point in, waste / spend: lãng phí, bỏ (thời gian, tiền bạc), have difficulty / trouble( gặp khó khăn/trở ngại), can’t help( không), can’t stand / can’t

bear(không chịu đựng nỡi), feel like(cảm thấy thích, look forward to( mong chờ, mong đợi), It is (not) worth(đáng / không đáng), keep / keep on( tiếp tục), be busy(bận rộn), be used to / get used to(quen với / trở nên quen với việc gì)

Ex: They couldn’ help laughing when they heard the little boy singing a love song - Sau liên từ: after, before, when, while, since,… dùng V-ing

Ex: After finishing his homework, he went to bed 4 Infinitives or Gerunds (To-inf / V-ing)

a Không thay đổi nghĩa:

- begin / start / continue/ like / love + To-inf / V-ing Ex: It started to rain / raining

b Thay đổi nghĩa:

+ remember / forget / regret + V-ing: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc xảy (trong quá khứ)

Ex: Don’t forget to turn off the light when you go to bed

+ remember / forget / regret + to-inf: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc chưa, xảy (trong tương lai)


Ex: He stopped smoking because it is harmful for his health + stop + to-inf: dừng … để …

Ex: On the way home, I stopped at the post office to buy a newspaper + try + V-ing: thử

+ try + to-inf: cố gắng

+ need + V-ing = need + to be + V3: cần (bị động) Ex: My car is very dirty It needs washing / to be washed + need + to-inf: cần (chủ động)

Ex: I need to wash my car + Cấu trúc nhờ vả:

S + have + O người + Vo + O vật

Ex: I had my brother clean the house

S + have + O vật + V3/-ed + (by + O người) I had the house cleaned by my brother S + get + O người + to-inf + O vật

S + get + O vật + V3/-ed + (by + O người)

C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A candle B cake C decorate D celebration

2 A adult B candle C talk D flower

3 A hour B honest C vehicle D happy

4 A weather B cream C friend D wedding

5 A birthday B although C together D clothing II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A celebrating B anniversary C marriage D gathering

2 A finish B prefer C invite D enjoy

3 A organize B decorate C divorce D promise

4 A party B birthday C happy D activity

5 A refreshment B horrible C exciting D intention III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

Silver divorced gathering golden

decoration invitation happiness served

1 The 50th wedding anniversary is called the anniversary After they got , she never remarried

3 Nobody in the office had received an to the party Let’s have a party to your birthday

5 The pasta will be at my birthday party IV.

Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Many _ men remarry and have second families

A married B single C divorced D family

2 Jack's mother a birthday cake with seventeen lighted candles on it A brought out B showed on C turned up D took over

3 These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between married couples


4 I'm a surprise party for my sister

A taking B serving C providing D organizing They held a concert to mark the _ of Mozart's death

A occasion B anniversary C situation D remembrance They _ a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates

A made B had C served D took

7 He tried his best to make his birthday party more _

A enjoyed B enjoying C enjoyment D enjoyable When they finished singing, Lisa _ the candles on the cake

A turned off B blew out C cleared up D brought out V

Put the verb into the correct form infinitive, to- infinitive or gerund

1 Children shouldn't be allowed (watch) violent programs on TV He needs (work) harder if he wants to make progress

3 I'd rather (spend) my time with you

4 Those shirts need ironing, but you don’t need (iron) them now

5 Please stop _(interrupt) when I'm explaining something to you You can ask questions at the end

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions My parents wouldn't _ to the party

A allow me go B allow me to go C allow me going D allow to go I meant to get up early but I forgot _ up my alarm clock

A wind B to wind C wind D wound

3 Look at the state of the gate It needs as soon as possible A to repair B repairing C being repaired D be repaired The painting was beautiful I stood there it for a long time

A for admiring B being admired C admire D admiring I had no a place to live In fact it was surprising easy

A difficulty to find B difficulty finding C difficulty when I find D difficulty while finding

6 A good teacher makes her students the world from new perspectives A to view B view C to be viewed D viewing

7 I don't mind _ late, if it will help at all

A to work B to be work C working D being working I remember _ to the zoo when I was a child

A to take B to be taken C taking D being talking Isabel expected _ to the university, but she wasn't

A to admit B to be admitted C admitting D being admitted 10.The police warned everybody inside with their windows closed

A to stay B to be stayed C staying D being stayed

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1 Approximately 70 percent of all parents let their children to attend school A B C D

2 There's no point having a car if you never use it A B C D

3 Although she asked him to stop, he went on to tap his pen on the table A B C D

4 You should make your parents be happy for the rest of their life A B C D Spend your time something more worthwhile


VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.


been invited along with you, you should ask for permission first Remember to dress appropriately for the party You will stick out like a sore thumb if you are dressed formally whereas everyone else is in T-shirt and jeans If you are not sure what to wear, ask your host

During the party you may perhaps like to help your host by offering to serve drinks or wash the dishes Your host would certainly appreciate these efforts If you happen to be in a party you not know anyone, not try to monopolize the host's attention This is inconsiderate since your host has many people to attend to and can not spend all his time with you Instead, learn to mingle with others at the party You could try breaking the ice by introducing yourself to someone who is friendly-looking

Before you leave the party, remember to thank your host first If you have the time, you could even offer to help your host clean up the place

1 If you are invited to a party, what should you first?

2 What can you to help your host during the party?

3 What could you to break the ice in a party?

4 What you remember to before you leave the party?


Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d- that best fits the blank space in the following passage

If you are invited to someone's house for dinner in the United States, you should (1) _ a gift, such as a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates If you give your host a wrapped gift, he/she may open it in front of you Opening a present in front of the gift-giver is considered (2) _ It shows that the host is excited about receiving the gift and wants to show his/her appreciation to you immediately Even if the host doesn't like it, he/she will tell a "white lie" and say how much they like the gift to prevent the guest from feeling bad If your host asks you to arrive at a particular time, you should not arrive (3) _ on time or earlier than the (4) _ time, because this is considered to be potentially inconvenient and therefore rude, as the host may not be (5) _

1 A take B give C bring D make

2 A rude B polite C unpolite D funny

3 A gradually B exactly C perfectly D recently A expected B permitted C waited D wasted

5 A willing B ready C welcome D waiting


Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first I prefer having dinner at home to going out for dinner

→ I'd rather _ There's no point in persuading him to this

→ It is useless _ You can try to get Jim to lend you his car, but you won't succeed

→ There's no point He wished he had invited her to his birthday party

→ He regretted _ She/ decide/ go back/ shop/ buy/ long dress/



1 acquaintance (n) người quen loyal to (adj) trung thành incapable of (adj) k đủ khả enthusiasm (n) nhiệt tình constancy (n) tính kiên định be concerned with (adj) quan tâm đến unselfish (adj) k ích kỷ quality (n) phẩm chất (to) take up (v) thích thú 10 suspicious (adj) nghi ngờ 11 embarrassing (adj) lúng túng 16 make a fuss (v) làm ầm ĩ 12 sneaky (adj) lén lút 17 (to) turn away (v) quay chỗ khác 13 glance at (v) liếc nhìn 18 (to) point to/ at (v)

14 attitude (n) thái độ 19 (to) appreciate (v) đánh giá cao 15 scream (n,v) la hét 20 memorable (adj) đáng ghi nhớ 21 (to) decorate (v) trang trí 26 anniversary (n) lễ kỷ niệm 22 milestone (n) mốc lịch sử 27 formal (adj) trang trọng 23 (to) blow ot (v) thổi 28 refreshments (n) ăn nhe 24 mess (n) hỗn độn 29 (to) count on = rely on (v) lệ thuộc 25 (to) tidy up (v) dọn dep 30.(to) mark (v) đánh dấu B GRAMMAR



avoid delay consider admit mention fancy finish postpone imagine keep deny continue miss involve enjoy dislike love mind risk practise like hate suggest quit


offer decide prepare deserve attempt hope claim agree plan aim afford wish threaten tend refuse arrange learn attempt fail swear appear ask expect want manage pretend promise seem

- Passive infinitive : to + be +V3/ed - Passive gerund: being + V3/ed


V + V-ing/ To infinitive (khac nghia) stop + to V: dừng lại để làm việc khác

stop+ V-ing: ngừng hẳn việc làm

2 remember/ forget + to V: nhớ/ quên việc phải làm, làm (bổn phận) remember/ forget + V -ing: nhớ/ quên việc làm)

3 regret + to V: lấy làm tiếc phải nói việc regret + V-ing: hới tiếc đã làm việc

4. need + to V: cần làm việc (khi S(người))

need + V-ing (hoặc + to be V3/ed): cần làm (khi S(vật)) try + to V: cớ gắng làm việc


Tenses Form Usage Cues Simple past S + V2/ed - Hđ xảy khứ, đã chấm dứt biết rõ thời


last, ago, yesterday, in 1930

Past continuous

S + was/were +

Ving - Hđ đã xảy kéo dài 1 thời gian qk.

when, while, at p.m

Past perfect S + had + Ved/3 - Hđ xảy trước một hđ khác khứ.

already, just, never, not yet, by + tg khứ

C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A hour B honor C vehicles D homeless

2 A candle B cake C decorate D celebration

3 A good B gossip C game D geometry

4 A dangerous B get C passenger D village

5 A teacher B change C machine D choose

II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. A floppy B affect C idol D salad A biscuit B autumn C intend D baseball A appreciate B experience C embarrassing D situation A carefully B correctly C seriously D personally A together B refreshment C informal D attitude III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

loyal helpful decorated Golden Anniversary selfish served memorable Silver Anniversary Have you _ your Christmas tree yet?

2 He is a _ man He is always willing to help his friends Would you like to tell us about your most experience?

4 Daisy is so She only cares about herself, not about other people The “ ” is often celebrated on people’s 25th wedding anniversaries. IV Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1 They held a concert to mark the _ of Mozart’s death

A occasion B anniversary C situation D remembrance On my birthday, before I blew the candles, I had prayed for my future and my family

A on B out C in D at

3 The novel is based on his in the war

A experiences B attitudes C situations D images He tried his best to make his birthday party more _

A enjoyed B enjoying C enjoyment D enjoyable

5 The anniversary of the founding of the charity falls _ 12th November.

A in B on C at D to

6 These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between married couples

A signs B achievements C landmarks D progresses It was an situation when I finished meal in a restaurant and I found out I left my purse at home

A idol B experienced C sneaky D embarrassing


C acting in a secret or deceptive way D doing things carelessly V

Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.

1 Who (drive) the motorbike at the time of the accident? She suddenly realized that she (forget) her umbrella

3 Mai _along the street when a foreigner up to talk to her They _home after the their work

5 I (not meet) _him yesterday

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.

1 Their manager _ them leave the office very late yesterday

A wanted B expected C asked D made The students are young enough the problems of younger boys and girls

A understand B understanding C to understand D understood Lan has learnt English since she a small girl

A is B was C has been D had been

4 By the time we got to the market, all the shops

A was closing B would have closed C had closed D has closed Susan has decided _ her friends _ as she pleases

A allowing/ doing B to allow/ to C allowing/ D allow/ Why you continue _ there if you don’t like your job?

A.to work B.working C.worked D.both A and B Students stopped _ noise when the teacher came in

A.making B to make C make D.made It's possible _ a train across Canada

A to take B take C taking D to be taken

9 While Mai _ the meal, her brother the house

A cooked- cleaned B cooked – was cleaning

C was cooking – cleaned D was cooking- was cleaning 10 Those shirts need _ but you needn’t _ them now

A iron/ iron B to iron/ to iron C ironing/ iron D ironed/ to iron VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each


1 My brother didn’t let me to go fishing with him A B C D

2 Before he had come back home, Jack had visited his uncle A B C D Don’t make so much fusses over the children


4 We saw him opening the door and go into the house A B C D

5 I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and answer the questions UNLUCKY DAY


Later I spoke with my friend and discovered that he had waited for only half an hour and left He didn’t even apologise for not waiting for me longer!

1 Why wasn’t the writer’s car started?

2 What was the weather like when the writer waited for his friend?

3 In the writer’s opinion, what did the thief want to steal?

4 What time did the writer’s friend leave after waiting for him?

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks

In Britain, wedding invitations go out about six weeks (1) _ the wedding day The guests (2) _ as soon as possible to say if they can come or not Choosing a present for the couple can be difficult People don’t take their presents for the wedding They send them to the woman’s house

Most weddings (3) _ before lunch or in the early afternoon Many people like to get married (4) _ The bride often wears a long white dress Guests wear their best clothes and most of the women wear hats In the church, the bride’s family sits on the left and the groom’s one sits on the right

Married people wear their wedding rings on the third finger of the left hand Most married women wear wedding rings, (5) _ married men often not

1 A before B when C after D while

2 A answer B reply C respond D all are correct

3 A go abroad B make up C take place D carry out A in restaurant B in church C in contryside D at home

5 A in spite of B and C because D but

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to the printed one.

1 When did you begin to work in remote or mountainous areas? A How long did you work in remote or mountainous areas?

B How long did you begin working in remote or mountainous areas? C How long are you working in remote or mountainous areas?

D How long have you been working in remote or mountainous areas? Don’t forget to check for spelling mistakes before you hand in the paper

A Remember checking for spelling mistakes before you hand in the paper B You’d better check for spelling mistakes before you hand in the paper

C Spelling mistakes in the paper are believed to be checked well when it is handed in D Spelling mistakes must be checked if you want to hand in the paper

3 I/ invite/ you / the party/ 6pm/ my house

A I would like to invite you to the party at 6pm at my house

B I would like to invite you to the party, that will be at 6pm at my house C So that I would like to invite you to the party at 6pm at my house D I was invited you to the party at 6pm at my house

4 I/ eager/ look forward to/ enjoy/ it

A I am too eager to looking forward to enjoying it B I am enough eager to looking forward to enjoying it C I am so eager to looking forward to enjoy it

D I am so eager to look forward to enjoying it while / I / open / letter / telephone / ring


B While I opened the letter, the telephone was ringing C While I was opening the letter, the telephone rang D While I had opened the letter, the telephone rang


1 volunteer (v/n) (người) tình nguyện - voluntary (a) Tự ý, tình nguyện - voluntarily (adv) cách tình nguyện charity (n) : lịng nhân to co-operate : Hợp tác to co-ordinate : phối hợp craft (n) : thủ cơng disadvantaged (a) : Bị thiệt thịi donation (n) : đóng góp

to donate : tài trợ gratitude (n) : biết ơn handicapped (a) : Bị tàn tật, khuyết tật 10 to issue : phát, phát hành 11 martyr (n) : liệt sĩ

war invalid : thương binh 12 to mow : cắt cỏ

13 remote (a) : xa xôi, hẻo lánh 14 wounded (a) : bị thương

15 to take care of = look after : chăm sóc 16 orphanage (n) : Trại mồ côi - orphan (n) : Trẻ mồ côi -orphan (a) : Mồ côi, cảnh mồ côi 17 comfort (n) : an ũi

18 to participate in = to take part in tham gia 19 to overcome/ overcame/ overcome:vượt qua

20 organization (n) : (sự) tổ chức 21 fund-raising : quyên góp, gây quỹ 22 to suffer : chịu đựng 23 disaster (n) : thảm họa 24 vacation (n) : Kì nghỉ 25 to express : Thể 26 to throw/ threw/ thrown : Ném, vứt 27 to bend / bent / bent : bẻ cong 28 to set up : thành lập 29 sponsor (n) : nhà tài trợ 30 private (a) : Riêng, cá nhân




- Làm chủ từ

Ex: Swimming in a swimming pool on a hot day is very interesting

- Làm túc từ

Ex: He likes playing football - Làm bổ ngữ cho “to be”

Ex: Conservation is safeguarding and preservation of natural resources - Đứng sau giới từ (in/on/at…) / sau mạo từ (a/an/the) / sau tính từ sở hữu Ex: a The reclaiming is important for farmers

b Thank you for your coming - Sau một số động từ : enjoy, admit, finish, delay, postpone,…

Ex: He enjoys playing tennis

- sau một số thành ngữ: can’t help, can’t stand, have difficluty , it’s no use….

_ Sau “to be” tiếp diễn Ex: I am studying English now

- Thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ. Ex: The train arriving at the station is one hour late ( The train which is arriving at the station is one hour late.)

- Miêu tả hành động:

+ xảy thời điểm chủ từ Ex: We sat in front of T.V, watching football

+ xày nối tiếp chủ từ Ex: Closing all the windows and the door carefully, she went to bed

- Dùng tính từ

Ex: running water, a boring story… - Sau động từ “Go”

Ex: go swimming, go fishing - Sau động từ giác quan


- Sau động từ : catch, find, leave, object Ex: I caught them stealing my apples I left her talking to my mother



- Dùng tương tự gerund nhấn mạnh hành động dã xảy khứ.

Ex: The boy was accused of having stolen/ stealing her money

* Perfect gerund thường dùng sau động từ DENY

Ex: He denied having stolen her money

- dùng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoàn tất trước hành động khác khứ. Ex : Having finished all my exercises, I went to bed


I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A wholy B wrap C write D who

2.A flood B good C foot D look

3.A mountain B country C drought D hour

4.A university B student C volunteer D museum 5.A handicapped B advantaged C organized D raised II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1.A voluntary B orphanage C comfortable D advantage 2.A overcorne B participate C volunteer D understand 3.A museum B disaster C literacy D minority

4.A support B suffer C suggest D succeed

5.A handicapped B campaign C performance D donation III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

suffer overcome volunteer repair comfort donate participate join raise perform Claire _ at the homeless shelter once a week

1 Some people were in the streets _ money for charity He _ thousands of pounds to charity

3 Would you mind if I _ you for a drink in the bar?

4 We encourage students _ fully in the running of the college IV.

Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1.All the teachers work on an entirely basis

A volunteer B volunteered C voluntary D voluntarily 2.They volunteer to take care of children who have been by the AIDS epidemic

A supported B suffered C left D orphaned

3.It's filthy' in here! Are there any volunteers to help ?

A light up B clean up C clear up D take up 4.He eventually his disability to achieve some business success

A overcame B destroyed C overwhelmed D suffered 5.The new law allows school districts to spend more money on less children

A advantageous B disadvantageous C advantaged D disadvantaged 6.A lot of children participated in performances


A fund B saving C charity D donation 8.His kind words brought some to the grieving parents

A sympathy B comfort C interest D gratitude V

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1.The missing children were last seen _ (play) near the river (complete) the book, he had a holiday

3 (photocopy) all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file 4.I found a coin _ (lie) on the sidewalk

1 I don't agree with _ (smack) children if they something wrong VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following


1.'Wait a minute,' said Frank, through the door

A run B runs C running D ran

2. a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner

A Finding B We found C Found D Having fauna

3.The children enjoyed on fishing trips

A taking B to be taken C being taken D having taken 4.The spy admitted some highly secret information to enemy agents

A having given B having been given C to have given D to have been given

5.I think I hear someone the back window Do you hear it, too?

A trying open B trying to open C try opening D try to open 6. for twelve hours, I felt marvelous

A Having slept B have slept C Having been slept D have been slept 7.We decided not to travel, the terrible weather forecast

A having heard B to have heard

C having been heard D to have been heard 8.My uncle is very good at crossword puzzles

A to solve B solving C solve D solved

9.He tried to avoid my question

A answer B answering C to answer D to have answered 10.I suggest to the cinema for a change

A going B to go C went D gone

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1.Having lived here for seven years, my friend is used to speak English with A B C

all her classmates D

2.Breaking her leg the last time she went, Brenda decided not to go on the A B C D school skiing trip this year

3.Waiting six months for the washing machine to be delivered,I decided to cancel the order

A B C D Don’t keep having interrupted me while I’m talking


5 Being painted in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights A B C D VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.



expected But after a few days I soon got used to living there The people were always very friendly and helpful, and soon I began to appreciate how beautiful the countryside was

One of my jobs was to supply the village with water The well was a long walk away And the women used to spend a long time every day carrying heavy pots backwards and forwards So I contacted organization and arranged to have some pipes delivered We built a simple pipeline and a pump, and it worked first time It wasn't perfect - there were a few leaks, but it made a great difference to the villagers, who had never had running water before And not only did we have running water, but in the evenings it was hot, because the pipe had been lying in the sun all day All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience Although it was not well-paid, it was well worth doing, and I would recommend it to anyone who was considering working for a charity

1.The author

A has been working for OV for a year B is living in the capital N'Djamena

C was born in a rich family

D used to be a volunteer working in a remote village 2.How did the author feel when he arrived in the village?

A surprised B impressed C disappointed D depressed

3.Which of the following is not true?

A It took a lot of time to take water home from the well

B The villagers used to live in conditions without running water C A pipeline was built to carry clean water to homes

D Solar energy was used to heat water 4.The word 'It' in line 13 refers to

A running water B the pump C the pineline D the supply of water

5.What does the author think about his time with OV? A It was paid a lot of money

B It was not worth working C It wasted time

D It provided good experience

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks. In the United States, volunteering is viewed as a good way to give children a sense of (32) reponsibility and to bring the family together Volunteerism is (33) across the United States today because people are trying to put more emphasis on family togetherness, and they are looking for ways to help young people have a feeling of hope and satisfaction It is (35) that volunteering helps children discover their talents, develop their skills, and learn about (36) and problem solving Moreover, family volunteering has some advantages it benefits the community that is served it benefits the family for serving together, and it benefits each (40) in the family



1 illiteracy (n): nạn mù chữ, thất học illiterate (adj): mù chữ, thất học

3 volunteer (n/ v): người tình nguyện, tình nguyện

4 voluntary (adj): tình nguyện voluntarily (adv): tình nguyện

6 eradicate (v): xóa bỏ, tiệt trừ eradication (n): xóa bỏ remote (adj): xa xơi

9 universal (adj): giới, phổ thông, phổ quát, chung

10.promote (v) đẩy mạnh, xúc tiến 11.population (n): dấn số

12.campaign (n): chiến dịch

13.e thnic minority: dân tợc người. 14.provide so with st: cung cấp với 15.provide st for so: cung cấp cho

16.participate in (v): = take care of: tham gia 17.struggle (v/ n): đấu tranh

18.compare with = in comparison with: so sánh với

19.e ducate (v): giáo dục 20.education (n): giáo dục 21.mature (adj): trưởng thành

22.maturity (n): tính trưởng thành, tính chín chắn

23.relevant (adj): có liên quan 24.opportunity (n) hội, thời cơ 25.adult (n): người trưởng thành

26.government (n): phủ 27.o rganize (v): tổ chức

28.organization (n): tổ chức 29.information (n): thông tin 30.society (n): xã hôi

31.social (adj): thuộc xã hội B.GRAMMAR: Reported speech with INFINITIVE

Ex1: “Stop talking!” said the teacher

The teacher told him to stop talking Ex2: “I’ll come to see you again,” she said

She promised to come to see us again


I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. A so B show C though D who

2. A ethnic B northern C healthy D south 3. A minority B literacy C primary D library 4. A eradicate B campaign C vacation D transport 5. A struggle B maturity C student D education II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A country B campaign C ethnic D family A education B literacy C interview D difficulty A vacation B society C agreement D adequate A volunteer B struggle C promise D concentrate A education B universal C eradication D population III Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

1 Living in the wild, animals have to for survival

2 You need to have all the _documents ready when you apply for a visa The local government is trying hard to bird flu in the area This organization works to _friendship between nations

- Agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten… + (not) To V - advise, ask, tell, invite, remind + O + (not) To V


5 It’s essential to _the public about the importance of forests and other resources

IV Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Once we have all relevant information, we can make a decision

A correct B connected C available D confidential The government has launched a aimed at educating young people about the dangers of drugs

A struggle B program C combat D campaign

3 People judged to be functionally _lack the basic reading and writing skills A literate B literacy C illiterate D illiteracy The students were asked to reading and writing skills to the villagers

A deliver B express C provide D support

5 More work has been done to eradicate illiteracy in our country

A put up with B get rid of C take control of D cut down on There were no signs of a _at the murder scene

A fight B struggle C move D A&B are correct There has been some _ in military spending this year

A decrease B reduction C cut D all are correct Children living in remote and mountainous areas may be _ disadvantaged

A educated B education C educational D educationally V Complete the following sentences by using the verbs below.

refuse advise offer promise tell

1 “Do this exercise carefully.”

He us to that exercise “You’d better stop smoking.”

They _ me to stop smoking Would you like something to drink?”

He to give us some drink “I won’t help you with that exercise.”

He to help him with that exercise “I’ll bring you some drink.”

He _ to bring us some drink

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1 They asked our bags outside the exam room

A to leave B us to leave C we leave D us leaving Please ask the restaurant clientele in the no smoking area

A not to smoke B not smoking C don't smoke D not smoke I had no _ in making myself understood

A difficulty B difficulties C problem D mess

4 A group of people from a particular or of a particular race living in a country where the main group is of different culture or race is called

A mountaineers B ethnic minority

C nations D undeveloped people

5 You’re _ your time trying to persuade him; he’ll never help you A wasting B spending C losing D missing The most important thing we should now is to tackle the problem of


A illiterate B illiteracy C literate D literacy Someone told us _ sit on the stairs

A don’t B not C not to D to not “Don’t forget to ring me”


C I offered to be rung D You promised to ring me The doctor advised him _ and to take up some sport

A stop smoke B stop smoking

C to stop smoking D to stop to smoke 10.He advised me _ anything about it for the time being

A didn't B not C don't D not to VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1 She promised coming to see us again A B C D David asked me telling him the time


3 I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather A B C D

4 They voluntarily spent their vacations to teach illiterate people to read & write A B C D The museum guard asked the visitors to not touch the exhibits A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below.

The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language to read, write, listen, and speak In modern contexts, It refers to reading and writing at a level adequate for communication, or at level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society, so as to take part in that society The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has drafted the following definition: " Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts Literacy involves a continuum of learning to enable an individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his or her knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in the wider society."

Policy makers also argue that literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher education In Kerala, India, for example, female and child mortality rates declined dramatically in the 1960s, when the girls who were educated in the educational reforms after 1948 began to raise families Recent researchers, however, argue that correlations such as the one listed above may have more to with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general Regardless, the focuses of educational systems worldwide include a basic concept around communication through text and print, which is the foundation of most definitions of literacy

Asian, Arab and Sub-Sahara African countries are regions with the lowest literacy rates at about 10% to 12% East Asia and Latin America have illiteracy rates in the 10 to 15% region while developed countries have illiteracy rates of a few percent Within ethnically homogeneous regions, literacy rates can vary widely from region to region This often coincides with the region's wealth or urbanization, though many factors play a role

1 According to UNESCO, what is the definition of Literacy?


2 According to policy makers what is the advantage of Literacy?

3 Which areas have the lowest literacy rates?

4 What is the illiteracy rate in developed countries?

IX Rewrite the following sentences using REPORTED SPEECH with INFINITIVE 1. “I really think you ought to take a rest” he said

2. “Ok, I’ll pick you up at seven tonight” said Mark

3. “Don’t forget to feed the cats, Jim.” Mrs Young told Jim

4. “I’ll look after the plants Don’t worry” Lucy said

5. “If I were you, I would take that job,” said James’ father



1. competition = contest (n): cu c tranh tài, ộ cu c thi đ uộ â  to compete : tranh tài

2. to sponsor: b o trả ợ

3. judge (n) : tr ng tàio

4. to recite (v): ngâm th , k chuy n ể ệ

5. smooth (adj) trôi ch y ả  smoothly (adj)

6. score = point (n) mể

15 Students’s Parents Society (n): hội phụ huynh học sinh

16 enjoyment (n) : niềm vui 17 representative (n); đại diện

18 enthusiasm (n) : sự hăng hái, sự nhiệt tình 19 to appoint: cử, bổ nhiệm

20 Art Competition (n): thi nghệ thuật 21 Sculpture (n) : nghệ thuật chạm trổ

7. an athlete (n) v n đ ng viên â ộ athletic (adj): thu c n kinh, th thaoộ ề ể

8. clock (v): đ t đ c ượ

9. official (a): chinh th cư

10.an association (n): t ch c, hi p h i ổ ệ ộ

11.venue (n) : đ a m ị ể

12.to respond (v) = to reply: h i âm, tr l iồ ả

13.entry procedure (n): th t c tham gia ủ ụ

22 General Knowledge Quiz : thi kiến thức phổ thông

23 Poetry Reading/ Reciting (n) : ngâm thơ 24 Athletics Meeting : khai mạc рiền kinh 25 physical training (n) : tập thể hình 26 General knowledge: kiến thức tổng quát 28 to announce : thông báo


14.Champion (n): nhà vô đ chị B GRAMMAR

REPORTED SPEECH WITH GERUND (Lời nói gián tiếp với danh động từ) “Let’s go to Cam mountain!” said Harry

He suggested going to Cam Mountain.

2 “I’ll be a famous singer someday,” said the girl She dreamed of being a famous singer someday.

3 “Thank you, Lan It was nice to help me,” Hoa said to Lan  Hoa thanked Lan for helping her

S + V+ Ving : admit (thừa nhận), deny (phủ nhận), suggest (đề nghị)

S + V+ prep+ Ving: apologize for; complain (phàn nàn) about; confess (thú nhận)

to; insist (khăng khăng) on; object (phản đối) to; dream of; think of…

S+ V+ O + prep +V-ing: accuse (buộc tội)… of; blame (đổ lỗi) for; congratulate

(chúc mừng)… on; criticize (phê bình)…for; warn (cảnh báo)…against; praise (khen)…for; thank …for; prevent (ngăn chặn)… from, apologize to sb for : xin lỗi


I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A drive B driving C driver D driven

2 A went B answer C work D weld

3 A two B twenty C twist D twice

4 A which B whip C who D whether

5 A twelve B trench C member D result

II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A maximum B athletics C animals D general A competition B difficulty C representative D entertainment A important B championship C organize D finalist A minority B eradicate C traditional D preparation

5 A suggest B report C profit D career

III Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

Sponsored stimulate score representatives disappointed participate exciting The competition was by the Students' Parents Society

2 A maximum for each activity is 15 points

3 The final competition included the of three classes I felt extremely when we lost

5 To in the contest, you have to work in groups of three

IV Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions I would like to take part in the competitions like these?

A contests B rivals C participation D races I hate a child

A see/ crying B see/ cry C seeing/ to cry D seeing/ cry They had a really good chance of winning the national

A compete B competition C competitor D competitive is someone who takes part in sports competitions

A Judge B Sportsman C Athletic D Sponsor I am pleased to ………… the winner of the final competition It's Group B

A recite B announce C explain D appoint

6 How many………… are there in the competition


A in B on C of D for Time was ………… , and the judges announced the results

A out B up C off D down

V Put the following statements into indirect speech. “Let’s go this way”

 He suggested

2 “I didn’t say that”

She denied

3 “I’ll pay for the meal.”

 Sarah insisted ………

4 "You stole my watch."

Tim accused me………

5 “I’m sorry, I was rude to you yesterday”, I said to him

 I apologized him

6 “It was nice of you to help me Thank you very much,” Tom said

 Tom thanked me

7 “I hear you passed your exam Congratulation!” Nam said to me

 Nam congratulated me

8 “I won’t allow you to get in touch with him”

 Her father prevented her

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions "I didn't break the mobile phone," Lan said.

A Lan denied breaking the mobile phone B Lan admitted breaking the mobile phone C Lan prevented us from breaking the mobile phone D Lan promised to break the mobile phone

2 “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door?" said John.

A John suggested to put a better lock on the door B John asked why not putting a better lock on the door C John suggested putting a better lock on the door D John made us put a better lock on the door

3 “I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” he said A He apologized for having to leave early B He apologized to have to leave early C He apologized that he has to leave early D He apologized to have left early

4 “ I am sorry I broke the vase,” my little son said

A My little son said that he was sorry and he would break the vase B My little son refused breaking the vase and said sorry

C My little son threatened to break the vase D My little son admitted breaking the vase

5 “Thank you very much for your help, John” said Daisy

A Daisy thanked John for helping her B Daisy told John to help her C Daisy wanted John to help her and said thanks D Daisy would like John to help her VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question. My brother has always dreamed to be a famous film star

A B C D The rain prevented us for climbing to the top of the mountain A B C D

3 The old lady warned the boy about touching that flower A B C D


5 Daisy looked forward to give her mother some more money A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. VOLUNTEERS ABROAD

More and more young people are (1) voluntary work abroad The wild variety of jobs and destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and have a year free before university Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries There they will earn little (2) no money But they will be doing something useful – and enjoying the experience

The work may (3) of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or provide water supplies to isolated rural villages Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or environmental protection (4) kind of job it is, it is certain to be (5) and worthwhile, and an experience that will never be forgotten

A doing B making C taking D getting

A with B but C or D and

A consist B include C contain D involve

A Any B What C However D Whatever

A challenging B dangerous C difficult D attracted IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks

Sumo wrestling is a national sport in Japan Every year there are six (1) -and millions of Japanese watch them on T.V.A tournament is a _(2) _ of matches

Sumo is almost as old as the nation of Japan itself Stories say that there was sumo wrestling over two thousand years ago History says that there national sumo tournaments in the eighteen century

Often _(3) _ are thin and can move quickly It is beautiful to watch them play However, sumo wrestler _(4) from 100 to 160 kilos One famous wrestler weighed195 kilos Sumo wrestlers not look beautiful, and sumo wrestling is a very slow sport

Sumo wrestlers (5) _ training when they are boys They exercise to make their bodies strong They also eat and eat and eat

1.A tournaments B fights C games D.meeting

2.A groups B.series C.number D.players

3.A.fighters B.partcipants C.athletes D.players

4.A.move B.change C.divide D.weigh

5.A.move B.set C.set off D.start

X Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order. The boy/ the girl/ told/he/ her watch / hadn’t broken

She/me/ was talking/ told /he/ her / sister/to

_ Mathew/ going out/ lunch/ suggested / for

when/to/I/got/ already/ the theatre/had/the movie/ started/

how long/you/learnt/English/have?


I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

1 A honey B humor C honest D helicopter


3 A earning B learning C searching D clearing II Pick out the word having the main stress different from the others

1 A loyalty B changeable C enthusiasm D memorable A celebrate B handicapped C disadvantaged D attitude

3 A competition B annual C final D stimulate

III Choose the best option

1 When she retired, she did a lot of…… service for the Red Cross

A voluntary B voluntarily C volunteer D voluntarism He spent his money carelessly and became broke

A If he doesn’t spend his money carelessly, he will not become broke B If he didn’t spend his money carelessly, he would not become broke C If he hadn’t spent his money carelessly, he wouldn’t have become broke D If he did spend his money carelessly, he would become broken

3 Some high school students take part _ helping disadvantaged or handicapped children

A at B with C for D in

4 Nam was watching TV last night when his friend

A calls B.call C called D was calling

5 They in this house since 1990

A had lived B live C have lived D lived

6 If it nice, I would go for a walk

A were B was C is D had been

7 We enjoyed them again after so many years

A see B seeing C saw D to see

8 John congratulated us -passing our exams

A on B at C from D about

9 Tom suggested to the new branch in Vietnam

A being appointed B to be appointed C to appoint D appointing 10 “Thanks a lot for coming to the party”, the host said to the guests

A The host said thanks a lot for coming to the party B The host requested coming to the party

C The host proposed coming to the party

D The host thanked the guests for coming to the party 11 “I’m sorry I forgot your birthday”, Harry told Mary

A Harry said sorry to Mary for forgetting her birthday B Harry felt sorry to forget Mary’s birthday

C Harry apologized Mary for having forgotten her birthday D Harry really felt a pity not to remember Mary’s birthday 12 My friend………

A suggested us going for a walk B suggested going for a walk C advised to go for a walk D would like going for a walk 13 We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs

A look into B look for C look after D look at 14 The plants need daily

A to water B watering C be watered D being water 15 The doctor advised him and to take up some sport

A stop smoke B stop smoking C to stop smoking D to stop to smoke 16 ”Don’t touch that sharp piece of glass on the ground” she said

She warned us against……… A touch the sharp piece of glass on the ground B not touch the sharp piece of glass on the ground C touching the sharp of glass on the ground

D touching the sharp piece of glass on the ground with carefully 17 ”You’ve stolen my document” Sandra said to the man in black


A the man in black of having stolen her document B having stolen her document

C the man in black having stolen her document D having stolen her document of the man in black 18 “This man spoke to me on the road.”, said the woman A The woman said that man had spoken to me on the road B The woman said that man has spoken to her on the road C The woman said that man spoke to her on the road D The woman said that man had spoken to her on the road 19 The teacher said to Mike, “Does your father work at a factory?” A The teacher asked Mike if his father worked at a factory B The teacher asked Mike if his father works at a factory C The teacher asked Mike if your father worked at a factory D The teacher asked Mike if your father works at a factory 20 Father said to Peter, “Have you done your homework yet?” A Father asked Peter if he had done your homework B Father asked Peter if you had done his homework C Father asked Peter if he has done his homework D Father asked Peter if he had done his homework

IV Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question. Peter apologized for break the vase


2 You can congratulate yourself about having done an excellent job A B C D

3 Each nation has many people who voluntary take care of others A B C D While I did my homework, I had a good idea


V Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.


I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an isolated village in Chad, about 500 km from the capital N’Djamena Coming from a rich country, I got quite a shock as conditions were much harder than I had expected But after a few days I soon got used to living there The people were always very friendly and helpful, and soon I began to appreciate how beautiful the countryside was

One of my jobs was to supply the village with water The well was a long walk away And the women used to spend a long time every day carrying heavy pots backwards and forwards So I contacted the organization and arranged to have some pipes delivered We built a simple pipeline and a pump, and it worked first time It wasn’t perfect – there were a few leaks, but it made a great difference to the villagers, who had never had running water before And not only did we have running water, but in the evening it was hot, because the pipe had been lying in the sun all day All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience Although it was not well-paid, it was well worth doing, and I would recommend it to anyone who was considering working for a charity

1 How did the author feel when he arrived in the village?

A. surprised B. depressed C. impressed D. disappointed

2 Which of the following is not true?

A. A pipeline was built to carry clean water to homes B. Solar energy was used to heat water.

C. The villagers used to live in conditions without running water D. It took a lot of time to take water home from the well


A. used to be a volunteer working in a remote village B. has been working for OV for a year C. was born in a rich family D. is living in the capital N’Djamena 4 What does the author think about his time with OV?

A. It was paid a lot of money B. It was not worth working

C. It wasted time D. It provided good experience

5 The word “It “in line refers to ………

A. running water B. the pump C. the pipeline D. the supply of water



1 figure (n) số increase (v) tăng lên resource (n) nguồn tài nguyên decrease (v) giảm xuống limit (v) giới hạn, hạn chế support (v) chu cấp petroleum (n) dầu hỏa available (adj) có sẵn family planning (n) kế hoạch hóa gđ 10 probably (adv) có lẽ, 11 raise animal nuôi động vật 16 aware of (adj) ý thức 12 birth-control method: pp hạn chế ss 17 explosion (n) bùng nổ 13 overpopulation (n) đông dân mức 18 living standard (n) mức sống 14 shortage (n) thiếu hụt 19 strictly (adv) một cách nghiêm khắc 15 implement (v) thực thi 20 expert (n) chuyên gia

21 double (v) gấp đơi 26 policy (n) sách

22 improvement (n) cải thiện 27 properly (adv) đắn, hợp lý 23 insurance (n) bảo hiểm 28 rank (v) xếp hạng

24 reward (n) phần thưởng 29 distribute (v) phân bổ 25 religion (n) tôn giáo 30 reach (n) đạt đến B GRAMMAR

Conditional Sentences

Type If- Clause Main Clause Meaning

1 Real Condition in Present or Future

S + V0/s/es

be am/is/are S + will / can/ may + V0

Diễn tả điều kiện xảy hoặc

tương lai Unreal

Condition in Present

S + V2/ ed

be  was/ were

S + would/ could + V0

should/ might

Diễn tả điều kiện trái với tại, không thật

tại. Unreal

Condition in the Past

S + had + V3/ed

(Past Perfect)

S + would + have +V3/ed

could should

Diễn tả điều kiện trái với khứ, không thật

khứ. Ex: If it rains tonight, I’ll stay at home

If I were you, I would sing a song


- If… not = unless

Ex: You will be late for dinner, if you don't hurry = You will be late for dinner unless you hurry

- Conversion (Đảo ngữ với if)

Ex: If you should see Tom this evening, tell him to phone me = Should you see Tom this evening, tell him to phone me If I weren’t rich, I wouldn’t help you

= Were I not rich, I wouldn’t help you

If I had taken his advice, I’d have succeeded been successful = Had I taken his advice, I’d have succeeded been successful If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t be tired now = Had I not stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t be tired now Conditional in Reported speech:


1 “If you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam”, the teacher said to Lan

The teacher told Lan (that) if she didn’t study, she wouldn’t pass the exam “What would you if you had a lot of money?”, Mary asked Tom

Mary asked Tom what he would if he had a lot of money

3 “I would have got high mark if the fifteen-minute test had been easy”, Minh said

Minh told me (that) he would have got high mark if the fifteen-minute test had been easy.



+ Change pronouns, time expressions, adverbs, … if necessary.

+ Change the tense of verb in conditional sentence type 1, type (unforced) + Unchanged the tense of verb in conditional sentence type and type C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A competition B prosperity C population D solution

2 A we B west C wife D snow

3.A finished B placed C tucked D removed

4 A two B twenty C twist D twice

5 A smoothly B three C enthusiasm D think II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1.A available B population C petroleum D expectedly A instead B interesting C expected D resources A figure B double C different D support A research B decrease C available D government A probably B animal C petroleum D different III Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

estimated overpopulation supported control improvement decrease overgrowth financial

1 There has been some _ in military spending this year Many developing countries in the world have paid much attention to problems of _

3 We must make the most efficient use of the available _ resources Progress in science and of living conditions have led the

rapid growth of the world population

5 In 2000, the United Nations _ that the world’s population was growing at the rate of 1.14% (or about 75 million people) per year



Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions One third of the world’s _ consumes two thirds of the world resources

A people B men C population D human

2 The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is called _

A family planning B birth control C population D A & B

3 China’s population growth rate has _ in the past years, although its population is still _

A declined – decreasing B dounled – increasing C increased – decreasing D decreased – increasing

4 To _ is to become, or make something become, twice as much or as many

A increase B double C decrease D rise up

5 It has been predicted that the world’s population might reach the _ of about billion

A figure B amount C quantity D totality

6 The government is considering a policy to equalize the _ of resources A arrangement B distribution C order D rank

7 It is time that governments _ levels of environmental pollution

A reduced B decreased C dropped D A and B

8 A sudden large increase in the number of people in an area is called a _ A population explosion B population crisis

C population increase D population growth V Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.

1 If I (know) _ the time when the match started, I would have told you Bring him another if he ( not like) this one

3 A lot of people (be) out of work if the factory closed down If I (not catch) the rain yesterday, I (not be) ill If Mary (find) a cheap room, she will stay a fortnight

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions If I a wish, I would wish for happiness for my family

A have B am having C had D was having

2 I wouldn't have got wet _ A if I had an umbrella with me B if I had had an umbrella with me

C unless I had had an umbrella with me D if I have an umbrella with me

3 his address, I would have written before A As I had known B If I knew C Unless I had known D Had I known If he me, I’ll be ready to help him

A will ask B ask C to ask D asks

5 If I had the map now, I a short-cut across the desert

A could take B take C could have taken D can take If I had learned harder , _

A I wouldn’t failed the exam B I wouldn’t have failed the exam C I wouldn’t have passed the exam D I would have failed the exam

7 , the workers will stop working A Unless the working conditions are improved B If the working conditions are improved


A if they’re B unless they’re C whether they were D if they were If I you tonight, at home?

A will phone – will you be B Phoned – would you be C phone – will you be D will phone – are you 10 _ interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it

A Should I B Were I C I was D If I am

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1 They wouldn’t have order more books if they had noticed that the sales were falling A B C D

2 Had I heard the news last night, I would tell you about it A B C D

3 They can’t pay the rent unless their parents don’t send them some money A B C D

4 If you listen to the questions carefully, you would answer them easily A B C D

5 Tom said if he had had to some homework tonight, he would not be able to attend


the concert

VIII Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions below it.

The population of the world has increased more in modern times than in all other ages of history combined World population totalled about 500 million in 1650 It doubled in the period from 1650-1850 Today the population is more than billion Estimates based on research by the United Nations indicate that it will more than double in the twenty-five years between 1975 and the year 2000, reaching seven billion by the turn of the century

No one knows the limits of population that the earth can support Thomas Malthus, an English economist, developed a theory that becomes widely accepted in the nineteenth century He suggested that because world population tended to increase more rapidly than the food supply, a continual strain was exerted upon available resources Malthus cited wars, famines, epidemics and other disasters as the usual limitations of population growth According to the paragraph, by 1850 approximately, what was the world population?

2 Who was Thomas Malthus?

According to Thomas Malthus, what could be the usual limitations of population growth?

4 According to the expert, did the major risk relate to overpopulation is to lack food supplies?

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks

China is the most populous country of the world Its (1) is approximately 1.3 billion people, which is almost 22% of the world population The population density is high in the southeast: 43 percent of the land contains most of its population A quarter of the population of China is in the middle and lower parts of the Yangtze River, and the population density (2) 663 people per square kilometer Shanghai is China's largest city, (3) _population density reaches 2,upload.123doc.net people per square kilometer


_programs to the people: late marriage, late childbearing, a one-child family, and a four-year period between two births in the countryside where each couple may have more than one child,

1 A pollution B population C environment D land A reaches B gets C arrives D comes A where B who C whose D which A increased B improved C developed D decreased A control B rate C place D right

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

1 Leave now or we will miss the train

A We will miss the train unless we don't hurry B We will miss the train if we don’t hurry

C We will miss the train if we hurry D We won't miss the train unless we hurry up

2 "I will come to see you if I have time," the man said to her A The man said to her I will come to see her if I had time

B The man said to her he would come to see her if she had time C The man told her he would come to see her if he had time D The man told her I would come to see you if I had time We did not visit the museum because we had no time

A If we had had time, we will visit the museum B If we have time, we will visit the museum C If we had time, we would visit the museum

D If we had had time, we would have visited the museum I / be you / take / job

A If I am you, I’ll take the job B If I were you, I’d take the job

C If I were you, I’ll take the job D If I weren’t you, I didn’t take the job

5 If / you / not help / I / not meet / my brother / last month A If you didn’t help me, I didn’t meet my brother last month B If you hadn’t helped, I couldn’t meet my brother last month C Had not you helped, I wouldn’t have met my brother last month D If you hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t have met my brother last month

Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS Những ngày lễ hội 1 V0CABULARY

agrarian (adj) thuộc nông nghiệp peach flower (n) hoa đào comment (n, v) (lời) nhận xét candied (adj) tẩm đường


get together (n) tụ tập, đoàn tụ shrine (n) đền thờ grand (adj) hoành tráng, quang trọng pagoda (n) chùa

green bean (n) đậu xanh decorate (n) trang trí, trang hồng influence (v) ảnh hưởng bell (n) chuông

kumquat tree (n) quất represent (v) đại diện

longevity (n) trường thọ polite (adj) lịch sự, lễ phép lucky money (n) tiền mừng tuổi Thanksgiving lễ tạ ơn

parade (n) cuộc diễu hành Valentine’s day lễ tình nhân pine tree (n) thông Mid-autumn festival tết trung thu plum (n) mận, mận mask (n) mặt nạ apricot flower (n) hoa mai turkey (n) gà tây


A The indefinite pronoun ONE(S) EX: Which flower you like?

- I like the yellow flower = I like the yellow one Which fruits you like?

- I like the big fruits = I like the big ones

Use: Chúng ta dùng ONE thay vi lặp lại mợt danh từ đếm sớ ONES thay lặp lại mợt danh từ sớ nhiều việc hoặc vật mà ḿn nói đến đã rõ ràng B The indefinite pronouns

1 Some & someone, somebody, something Some dùng

câu khẳng định

ex: They bought some honey

câu hỏi mà người hỏi cho câu trả lời “yes”

ex: Did some of you sleep on the floor?

lời mời, lời đề nghị hay yêu cầu

ex: Would you like some wine?

Someone, somebody and something sử dụng theo nguyên tắc trên. Ex: Someone/ Somebody gave me a ticket for the pop concert

2 Any & anyone, anybody and anything Any dùng :

trong câu phủ định

ex: I don’t have any dogs

Với hardly, barely scarely and without

ex: I have hardly any spare time

Sau if/ whether cụm từ diễn tả nghi ngờ

ex: I don’t think there is any petrol in the tank

Anyone, anybody and anything sử dụng theo nguyên tắc trên. 3 No & no one, nobody, nothing

No dùng với động từ khẳng định để diễn đạt ý phủ định ex: I have no apples = ( I don’t have any apple)

No one, nobody, nothing sử dụng theo nguyên tắc trên. 4 Every & everyone, everybody , everything

Every dùng để MỌI (MỖI) người, vật… ex: We watch TV every day

Những từ ghép có every everyone, everybody, everything dùng đễ tất người hoặc vật

ex: I bought everything you wanted

Someone somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody dùng dạng sở hữu. ex: Someone’s passport has been stolen


ex: No one saw Tom go out, did they? Something went wrong, didn’t it?


I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1 A country B lunar C luck D plum

2 A special B breath C peach D pleasure

3 A sugar B such C spring D similar

4 A exchange B children C peach D machine

5 A shrine B ripe C agrarian D polite


Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. A celebrate B decorate C entertain D influence

2 A polite B popular C pagoda D agrarian

3 A longevity B calendar C parade D occasion A represent B exchange C receiving D prepare A constancy B festival C activity D comment III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

celebrated agrarian festival occasion excitement longevity influence preparations New Year's Day is the _ of the year expected to bring most joy to

everyone in China

2 Thanksgiving is _ in the US on the fourth Thursday in November In Viet Nam, there is great _ built up well before Tet Nguyen Dan People believe that what they on the first day of the year will _ their luck during the whole year

5 People usually make _ for Tet several weeks beforehand IV.

Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1/ The whole family usually tries to get together at Christmas

A contact B gather C relate D communicate 2/ Tet is really a time of fun and _ throughout the country

A holidays B celebrations C preparations D festivals 3/ We wish you both- health and longevity

A long life B happy life C easy life D exciting life 4/ Jane is a very sociable girl She likes parties and

A rituals B ceremonies C traditions D celebrations 5/ On the first -day of Tet, children _ their new clothes and make New Year's wishes to their parents

A take on B pick on C put on D try on

6/ I shook hands and a few words with the manager

A uttered B expressed C exchanged D converted 7/ Children are always about Tet holiday

A excited B interested C keen D concerned 8/ Agrarian people depend on the lunar calendar to prepare for their crops

A gardeners B planters C farmers D highlanders

V Complete these sentences with someone, something, anyone, anything, no one, nothing, everyone, and everything.

1/ We arranged the meeting, but came


4/ I always get to work before else

5/ She valued friendship more than in the world

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1/ I looked everywhere but I couldn't find at all

A no one B anyone C someone D somebody

2/ She has as good chance as of winning the race

A someone B anyone C everyone D no one

3/ Were there any calls for me?

– Yes, rang while you were out

A someone B anyone C no one D A & B 4/ I threw my old trainers and bought some new

A ones B one C some D any

5/ There’s waiting outside to see you She didn’t tell me her name A no one B anyone C someone D everyone 6/ There are two films on TV this evening Which would you prefer to see?

A one B ones C someone D anyone

7/ Do you need thick paper or thin ?

A anyone B everyone C one D ones 8/ We all know the man is a thief, don’t we?

– Yes, knows, but dares to say so publicly A someone/ no one B everyone/ no one C anyone/ no one D anyone/ someone 9/ Can you please check that has got a ticket?

A someone B anyone C no one D everyone 10/ I would like to offer a small reward to who finds my missing dog

A someone B anyone C no one D one VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1/ Has everyone seen Lucy recently? I haven't seen her several days A B C D

2/ He didn't want something to with the arrangements for the party A B C D

3/ If anyone call, tell them I'm not at home A B C D

4/ Have everybody remembered to bring pen and notebook? A B C D

5/ The material felt softer than everything she had ever touched before A B C D


Read the passage carefully and the answer the following questions.

Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from Christmas Schools, offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving, and many people make the whole weekend a vacation

Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to North America They arrived at the beginning of a very hard winter and could not find enough food to eat, so many of them died But in the following summer Native Americans showed them what foods were safe to eat, so that they could save food for the next winter They held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for the fact that they had survived


a kind of sauce or jelly The turkey is filled with stuffing or dressing, and many families have their own special recipe Dessert is pumpkin made into pipe

On Thanksgiving there are special television programs and sports events Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the Christmas period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents

1/ Do students go to school on Thanksgiving?

2/ Are there special programs on Thanksgiving?

3/ When and where is Thanksgiving celebrated?

4/ What does the meal include?

5 Why people celebrate Thanksgiving?

IX/ Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank. GOING TO A WEDDING

I am going to a wedding (1) Saturday My great friend, Marie, and her fiancé, George, are getting married They have known each other for five years, but they have only been going out together a short time I must say, we were all rather (2) _ when they announced that they were engaged

The wedding will be in the church near Marie’s home and afterwards there will be a party in the Church Hall There will be almost a hundred (3) _ at the party Besides both (4) _ families, all Marie’s friends from college will be at the wedding and Marie and George have also (5) _ a lot of people from the office where they both work The party should be great fun There will be lots of food and drinks There is also going to be a band We all expect that it will go on until late in the evening

1) A last B next C at D from

2) A delightful B surprised C amazing D shocking

3) A visitors B guests C members D crowds

4) A my B their C her D his

5) A called B discussed C met D invited

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentence.

1/ No one else must know this

A You are not advised to know this B Everyone else must be silent C This must be kept secret

D You should let every one else know this 2/ The sooner he stops smoking, the better he'll feel

A As soon as he feels better, he'll try to stop smoking B When he stops smoking, he'll begin to feel better C He feels so much better since he stopped smoking D Though he feels better, he still smokes

3/ The coffee was not strong It didn't keep us awake

A The coffee was very strong, but it couldn't keep us awake B The coffee was so strong that we couldn't sleep


4/ I should have studied last night, but I was too tired A I couldn't study last night because I was very tired B I studied last night, so I was very tired

C I tried to study last night but I felt bored

D I didn't study last night because I felt very bored 5/ It never occurred to me to go by train

A I used to go by train

B I was used to going by train C I never find it boring to go by train D I never thought of going by train



architect (n) kiến trúc sư architecture (n) khoa kiến trúc arrogant (adj) kiêu ngạo

bother (v) bỏ công, bỏ sức brave /breiv/ (adj) can đảm burglar (n) kẻ trộm

capacity (n) sức chứa; dung lượng communal (adj) công; chung; công cộng commune (n) công xã, xã

competitive (a) cạnh tranh

competitively (adv)khả cạnh tranh competitiveness (n) tính cạnh tranh courteous (adj): polite lick sự courteously (adv) (một cách) lịch sự coward (n) người nhát qan

cramped (adj) chật hẹp; tù túng customer (n): khách hàng

facsimile (n) fax sao; ban fax to fax (v) gửi fax

graphics (n) hình vẽ; đồ họa operation (n) hoạt động

make (n) hiệu, mác (hàng hóa) network (n) mạng lưới; hệ thống notify (v) = inform:thông báo

notification (n) thông báo; thông báu orphan (n) trẻ mồ côi

pacifist (n)người theo chủ nghĩa hịabình pickpocket (n) kẻ móc túi

punctual (adj) giờ recipient (n) người nhận reduction (n) thu nhỏ reduce (v) thu nhỏ, giảm

secure (adj) = safe an toàn security (n) bảo đảm

shoplifter (n) kẻ cắp cửa hàng spacious (adj) rộng rãi

spaciously (adv) cách rộng rãi spaciousness (n) rộng rãi

speedy (adj) nhanh chónq

speedily (adv) cách nhanh chóng subscribe (v) thuê bao

subscriber (n) người thuê bao subscription (n) tiền thuê bao

surface mail (n) thư gửi đường hay đường biển

technology (n) thiết bị công nghệ technological (adj) (thuộc) cơng nghệ technologically (adv) có tính cơng nghệ telecommunications (n) viễn thông telecommunication viễn thông telegram (n) điện; điện tín tenant (n) người thuê

transaction (n): giao dịch

transact (v) tiến hành (việc kinh doanh) transfer (v) chuyển; di chuyển

transfer (n) chuyển; dời chỗ transferable (adj) di chuyển transmission (n) truyền; phát transmit (v) truyền; phát

release (v) tha; thả; thích Portugal (n) Bồ-đào-nha

Portuguese (adj) (thuộc) Bồ-đào-nha Portuguese (n) tiếng Bồ-đào-nha; người Bồ-đào-nha




được dùng để xác định danh từ đứng trước Mệnh đề xác định mệnh dề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa của câu, khơng có câu không đủ nghĩa

Ex: The ma n who told me this refused to give me his name (Người đàn ông cho biết điều từ chối cho biết tên.) Đại từ quan hệ dùng mệnh đề quan hệ xác định

Subject Object Possessive

For persons For things

who/ that which/ that

who(m)/ that which/ that

whose whose/ of which Ex: What’s the name of the man whose car you borrowed?

(Người mà bạn mượn xe tên qì vậy?)

- Dùng that (khơng dùng who/ which) sau tiền tố hổn hợp (gồm người Iẫn vật, vật), sau dạng so sánh sau từ chi định lượng all, every (thing), some(tliing), any(thing), no(thing), only, little, few, much, none

Ex: She’s one of the kindest people that I know

(Bà một người tốt bụng mà quen.)

- Có bỏ đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ who(m), which, that trạng từ when mệnh đề quan hộ xác định

Ex: That’s the man (who/ that) I met at Allison’s party (Đó người tơi đã gặp buổi tiệc của Allison.)

2 NON-RESTRICTIVE RELATIVE CLAUSE (MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ KHƠNG XÁC ĐỊNH) Mệnh đề quan hệ khơng xác định (non-defining/ non-identifying! non-restrictive clauses) mệnh đề cung cấp thêm thông tin một người, một vật hoặc một việc đã xác định Mệnh đề không xác định mệnh đề khơng thiết phải có câu, khơng có câu đủ nghĩa Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định phân ranh giới với mệnh đề chính dâu phẩy (,) dấu gạch ngang (-)

Ex: This is Ms Rogers, who’s joining the firm next week (Đây cô Rogers, người vào cơng ty tuần tới.)

• Đại từ quan hệ dược dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định

Subject Object Possessive

For persons For things


which who/ whomwhich whose/ of whichwhose Ex: Jake, who lives next door, is a doctor

(Jake, người sống nhà bên cạnh, bác sĩ.)

This picture, which was damaged during the war, is worth thousands of pounds (Rức tranh này, đã bị hỏng chiến tranh, trị giá hàng ngàn pao.)

We passed Harrods shop, whose windows were decorated for Christmas

(Chủng ngang qua cửa hàng Harrods, ô kính bày hàng của đã trang hồng cho lễ Giánq Sinh.)

[= Harrods shop, the windows of which were decorated ]

- Không dùng that đế giới thiệu mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định Ex: This is Naomi, who sells the tickets (Đây Naomi, người bán vé.)

- Không bỏ đại từ hoặc trạng từ làm tân ngữ who(m), which, when mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định

Ex: Professor Johnson, who(m) I have long admired, is to visit the university next week (Giáo sư Johnson, người mà ngưỡng mộ từ lâu, đến thăm trường vào tuần tới) C EXERCISES


1 A facsimile B transfer C spacious D fax

2 A ready B friend C telephone D speedy

3 A subscribe B facsimile C pride D provide A spacious B courteous C document D technology A commune B security C punctuality D distribute II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A technology B competitive C facsimile D document A courteous B subscribe C service D customer A transit B transmit C transact D translate

4 A capacity B communal C secure D imagine

5 A installation B disadvantage C dissatisfied D disappointed III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box competitive distribute transmit space courtesy subscription deliveries dissatisfied All mail _ were suspended during the strike

2 It's only common to thank someone when they help

3 Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month to the journal? We offer a wide range' of goods at very _ prices

5 If you are _ with our service, please write to the manager,

IV Choose one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.

1 You can subscribe to your favorite newspapers the nearest post office

A in B on C from D at

2 He is very capable learning and understanding things

A with B of C at D about

3 Thanh Ba Post Office provides customers the Messenger Call Services

A with B for C of D to

4 The post office offers the Mail Service which is particularly fast

A Secure B Efficient C Express D Reliable

5 We are proud of our staff, who are always friendly and efficient

A well-done B well-appointed C well-behaved D well-trained The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous

A efficient B polite C helpful D perfect

7 There was no mention of the incident in the national press

A television B newspapers C Internet D radio I need to £1,000 to my daughter's account

A transfer B transform C transmit D transact to the magazine can take advantage of this special offer

A Subscribe B Subscription C Subscribing D Subscribers 10. is someone who works from home on computer and communicates with their

office by telephone, fax, or e-mail

A Telecomputer B Telecommuter C Telephonist D Telemarketer V.

Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence. My mother enjoys hill walking

A who is in her seventies B , that is in her seventies C , which is in her seventies D , who is in her seventies She's one of the kindest people

A that I know B whose I know

C who I know D which I know

3 Where is the house ?


A which has the red door B has the red door C that with the red door D with its red door Mark Twain is an author I like best

A his books B that books

C the book of whom D whose books

6 The problem never occurred

A I hadn't expected it B that I had expected it C who I had expected D I had expected

7 In 1850, Yale University established Sheffield Scientific School,

A engineers were educated there B where engineers were educated C in which were engineers educated D where were engineers educated It was the ragtime pianist Scott Joplin the Maple Leaf Rag, perhaps the best

known of all ragtime tunes

A wrote B the writer of C who wrote D writing

9 A keystone species is a species of plants and animals absence has a major effect on an ecological system

A that its B its C whose D with its

10.William Samuel Johnson, helped write the Constitution, became the first president of Columbia College in 1787

A whom he had B who had C and he had D had

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction. Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last


night because he had an accident on his way to the practice C D

2 I think whatever was responsible for damaging the trees should be fined or sent to A B C D prison

3 Now that I no longer have to wear uniform, I'll be able to wear which I want A B C D

4 Ripe fruit is often stored in a place who contains much carbon dioxide so that the fruit A B C

will not decay too rapidly D

5 The town we visited was a four-days journey from our hotel, so we took the train A B C

instead of the bus D

VII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected by IT Twenty years ago, few people had access to a computer whilst today most people use them at work, home or school and use of e-mail and the Internet is an every day event

These developments have brought many benefits to our lives E-mail makes communication much easier and more immediate This has numerous benefits for business, commerce, and education The World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us Clearly, for many people this has made life much easier and more convenient


the future are likely to produce many negative effects that will need to be addressed very carefully

1 In the last twenty years

A there have been dramatic changes in the field of computer science

B people's lives have been changed a lot because of the invention of the computer C the World Wide Web and e-mail communication have affected modern life

D there have been developments in telecomunications According to the passage, E-mail

A reduces face-to-face contact B can be checked quickly and easily C is used only in business

D takes a lot of time to transmit

3 The World Wide Web and e-mail communication A causes a busy and exciting life

B have also been used for education purpose C is difficult to get access to

D is destroying traditional customs What does the IT stand for?

A Information Transfer B Information Transmission C Information Theory D Information Technology

5 Which sentence is NOT mentioned?

A The World Wide Web is difficult to navigate B The World Wide Web provides information C The World Wide Web is difficult to control D E-mail communication is quick and easy

VIII Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks A major revolution for the automated office is electronic mail The customary (1) _ system requires message written on paper to be (2) _ physically from one location to another With electronic mail, messages are converted (3) _ electronic signals, tranmitted (4) _ in the world, and then changed back into the original written form, all in several seconds and minutes at (5)

1 A post B postal C postage D posting

2 A transformed B transferred C transacted D transmitted

3 A from B by C into D with

4 A wherever B anywhere C somewhere D everywhere

5 A most B all C least D last

IX Choose the best option to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1 After seeing a movie based on a novel, A the book was read by many people

B the book made many people want to read it C many people want to read the book

D the reading of the book interests many people

2 Once known as the 'Golden State' because of its gold mines, _ A North Carolina today mines few metallic minerals

B few metallic minerals are mined in North Carolina today C there are few metallic minerals mined in North Carolina today D today in North Carolina few metallic minerals are mined

3 are considered humorous is mainly to his characters' use of slang A Damon Runyan's stories


D Because Damon Runyan's stories

4 In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know A that the requirements for each vegetable

B what the requirements for each vegetable are C what are each vegetable's requirements D that is required by each vegetable , methane can be used as a fuel

A It is produced by the fermentation of organic matter B The fermentation of organic matter is produced C The production by the fermentation of organic matter D Produced by the fermentation of organic matter


I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A facsimile B transfer C spacious D fax

2 A peach B breath C special D pleasure

3 A subscribe B facsimile C pride D provide

4 A exchange B children C peach D machine

5 A commune B security C punctuality D distribute II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. A population B available C university D education A celebrate B decorate C entertain D influence A technology B competitive C facsimile D document

4 A resource B average C decrease D method

5 A expert B control C limit D injury


Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

spacious postage competitive decorate courtesy traditional well-trained wrapped

1 It's only common to thank someone when they help

2 Thanh Ba Post Office has a and pleasant front office

3 Tet is also the time for children to receive lucky money _in red envelopes We offer a wide range of goods at very _ prices

5 Our post office offers the best services with a _ staff



A transmit B transmitted C transmitter D transmission We offer a very _ rate for parcels of under 15 kg

A competing B competent C competitive D competition China is one of the most populated areas in the world

A wastefully B perfectly C densely D completely The second solution is to provide safe, birth-control methods

A expensive B inexpensive C expensively D inexpensively Some scientists say that there are enough resources to billion people

A support B control C raise D add

6 We are proud of our staff, who are always friendly and efficient

A well-done B well-appointed C well-behaved D well-trained There was no mention of the incident in the national press

A television B newspapers C Internet D radio

8 People believed that what they on the first day of the year will _ their luck during the whole year

A influence B control C exchange D result

V Combine each pair of sentences, using a relative pronoun. The girl is my cousin She chatted with you yesterday

2 The man is very kind He spent 15 minutes measuring our kitchen

3 The architect designed these flats He has moved to HCM City

4 The young boy is naughty He rides an expensive motorbike

5 I’m reading the book I bought it in 1996

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. Do you know the date we have to hand in the essay?

A which B in which C on that D when

2 My uncle you met yesterday is a lawyer

A which B who C whose D to whom

3 Oxford, attracts many tourists, is often crowded in the summer

A that B which C whose D where

4 Regina, you have never met before, is a genius in painting

A that B whose C whom D whoever

5 waiting to hear the results

A Everyone was B All was C Everyone were D All were I looked everywhere but I couldn't find _ at all

A no one B anyone C someone D somebody

7 I will never talk to you again _ you apologize me _ your being rude

A if / for B unless / for C or / of D whether / or If you _to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble

A listened B would listen C had listened D Would have I couldn't find Jo at the party last night If I him, we'd have been happy

A .meet B met C have met D had met

10 been diverted, they would have arrived early


C The plane had not D The plane not had

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each sentence.

1 If Rudy would have studied German in college, he would not have found the scientific A B C terminology so difficult to understand


2 If we had had a map, we would not be lost yesterday A B C D

3 If someone phones while I'm out, can you tell them I'll be back at 11.30? A B C D

4 Ripe fruit is often stored in a place who contains much carbon dioxide so that the fruit A B C will not decay too rapidly


5 The man, of whom the red car is parked in front of our house, is a prominent physician A B C D

in this town

VIII Read the passage carefully and the answer the following questions.

In Viet Nam, there is great excitement built up well before Tet Nguyen Dan First, every family organizes a trip to the cemetery to visit the graves of their ancestor After that, to create an air of prosperity, wealth and fun for the first three days of the Lunar New Year, people are kept busy cooking traditional foods, buying gifts, and making other

preparations Certain items deemed to be bought or made are banh chung, dried

watermelon seeds, tea, dried sausages, fruit (fresh and candied), ornamental plants and flowers Red and yellow flowers are ideal as they make the house more welcoming On the New Year's days, only good comments and wishes can be expressed Children receive their Ii xi (or red envelopes with lucky money inside) People make a visit to family

members, neighbors, and close friends And people who live apart from their family try to get together on these days Clearly enough, games and various forms of entertainment are staged and these often last a week Varying traditional specialties including wrestling, buffalo fighting, dragon or unicorn dancing take place in different regions

1 What people often at first, before Tet holiday?

2 Why are people busy cooking traditional foods, buying gifts, and making other preparations?

3 What people usually buy or make at Tet?

4 Why are red and yellow flowers popular in decorating the house at Tet?

5 Do people go to the cinema or theatre at Tet?


Read the text below and then decide which answer - a, b, c or d – best fits each space.


of people from the rural areas The only long-term solution is to make (3) _ in the rural areas more attractive, which would encourage people to stay there This could be achieved by providing incentives for people to go and work in the villages Moreover, (4) _ in the rural areas, such as transportation, health and education services should be (5) _

1 A progress B process C procedure D proceeding

2 A overpopulation B popularity C underpopulation D population

3 A a sights B surroundings C life D atmosphere

4 A equipment B facilities C means D appliances

5 A invested B increased C impressed D improved

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentence.

1 If I had been more confident, I would have passed the driving test A I failed my driving test because of my lack of confidence B I had failed my driving test because my lack of confidence C I passed the driving test in spite of my lack of confidence D I passed the driving test with confidence

2 I regret behaving so impolitely with her and she was disappointed

A Unless I behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed B Provided that I did not behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed

C I wish I did not behave so impolitely with her

D If I had not behaved so impolitely with her, she would not have been disappointed

3 Unfortunately, I don’t know Philosophy, so I can’t answer your question A If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question

B If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question C If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question

D If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question The old man is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday

A The old man is working in this factory which I borrowed his bicycle yesterday B The old man whom is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday C The old man whom I borrowed his bicycle yesterday is working in this factory D The old man whose bicycle I borrowed yesterday is working in this factory He told her about the book He liked it best

A He told her about the book which he liked it best B He told her about the book which he liked best C He told her about the book whom he liked best D He told her about the book whose he liked best

UNIT 10: NATURE IN DANGER Thiên nhiên bị đe dọa A VOCABULARY

1 scatter (v, adj): rải rác estimate (v): ước tính

3 remain (v): cịn, trì influence on: ảnh hưởng supply (v): cung cấp

9 habit (n): thói quen 10 result in (v): gây

11 serious (adj): nghiêm trọng 12 consequence (n): hậu 13 interference (n): can thiệp 14 extinct (n): tiệt chủng 15 responsible (adj): có trách nhiệm 16 capture (v): bắt


6 agriculture (n): nông nghiệp destroy(v): phá hủy pollutant (n): chất ô nhiểm

pollute (v): gây ô nhiễm

polluted (adj): bị ô nhiễm

pollution (n): ô nhiễm



Example: Choose the suitable italicized words to complete the following sentences. It was the kind of accident for which/that nobody was really to blame

2 There is one person to whom/who I owe more than I can say It was a service for which/that I was grateful


- Không dùng “WHO/ THAT” sau giới từ.

- Với cụm động từ ( phrasal verbs) giới từ khơng dùng trước WHOM/ WHICH Ex: This is the book which I’m looking for

Không dùng: This is the book for which I’m looking

C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A chemical B discharge C change D feature A nature B nation C suggestion D situation

3 A scatter B panda C capture D devastate

4 A supply B dirty C energy D happy

5 A scenic B extinct C decrease D coexist

II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A protect B prohibit C pollute D cultivate A agriculture B extinction C environment D establishment A nature B dangerous C interfered D devastating

4 A capture B discharge C survive D extinct A fertilizer B interference C maintenance D offspring III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

endanger scatter coexist pollute devastate discharge prohibit survive protect capture

1 Animals shouldn't be _ for recreation arid entertainment Laws have been introduced to killing endangered animals, The air in the city is heavily _ with traffic fumes The government should more to _ the environment Western India was _ by a huge earthquake


Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

WHOM (người) N + prep (in, on, to, at, for…) +


1 Water pollution is more and more serious due to the tests of nuclear weapons in the seas and oceans

A circulation B environment

C elimination D contamination

2 The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force nextmonth.

A protect B pollute C destroy D eliminate

3 If people stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and produce

A offspring B ecology C landscape D benefit The factory was fined for chemicals into the river

A discharging B dumping C producing D exposing In some countries environmental organizations have been to inform people and gain their support

A made up B set up C brought up D taken up

6 We continue to rainforests and increase the dangers of global warming

A cut off B cut in C cut out D cut down

7 The Earth will be a planet where' human beings, animals and plants live in peaceful

A cooperation B coordination C corporation D coexistence The number of rare animals is decreasing rapidly

A dangerously B quickly C mostly D gradually

V Complete each sentence, using relative clauses with preposition: The bed has no mattress I sleep on this bed

The bed _ The problem has been discussed in class We are interested in it

The problem _ Many diseases are no longer dangerous People died of them years ago

Many diseases _ Do you see my pen? I have just written the lesson with it

Do _ I like standing at the windows I can see the park from this window

I _ VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1 Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment A that the birds live B where the birds live in C which live the birds D in which the birds live The school has been given 20 computers, half of are brand new

A that B those C them D which

3 The computer, the memory capacity has just been upgraded, is among the latest generations

A that B whose C of which D which of

4 Fleming's discovery of penicillin, , had a major influence on the lives of people in the 20th century

A awarded the Nobel Prize

B that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for C which awarded the Nobel Prize

D for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize

5 She joined the local tennis club, were at least 60

A most of its members B most whose members C most of whose members D most members

6 My English teacher, Mrs Brookes, was someone _ I had great respect


7 It was at this shop _ I bought my watch

A from which B which C that D who

8 Pam is the friend she lives

A to whom B with whomC who D whom

9 The music _ we are listening is very wonderful

A which B to which C with which D who

10 He is the boy _ I went to school

A with which B to whom C with whom D to which

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1 Is it right that politicians should make important decisions without consulting the public A B C to who they are accountable?


2 Soon after Mr John has finished his thesis, he will leave for Boston, where he has a job


waiting on him D

3 Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial A B C D

cities today

4 Despite of a language barrier, humans have managed to communicate with others


through sign language, in which certain motions stand for letters, words, or ideas D

5 If Monique had not attended the party, she never would meet her old friend Dan, whom


she had not seen in years D

VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

One of the most urgent environment problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water Having clean drinking water is a basic human right But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have made many sources of water undrinkable Lakes and even entire seas have become large pools of poison Lake Baikal in Russia is one of largest lake in the world It contains a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that not exist anywhere else in the world But they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial pollutants which pour into the lake everyday Even where law existed, the government did not have the power to enforce them Most industries simply ignore the regulations The Mediterranean Sea occupies 1% of the world's water surface But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution Almost sixteen countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off shore Water is free to everyone A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless Today, many water supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to respect this precious source We should something now

1 What is one environment problem in the world today?

2 Why are not many sources of water drinkable?


How many countries throw industrial wastes into the Mediterranean Sea regularly?


1 fossil fuels(n) nhiên liệu hoá thạch complicated (a) = complex (a) phức tạp limited # unlimited (a): giới hạn # không giới hạn geothermal heat (n) địa nhiệt infinite (a) vô tận reserve (n) nguồn dự trữ potential (a) tiềm năng, tiềm lực, khả electricity (n) điện

5 alternative (a) thay 10 available (a) sẵn có 11 wind (n) gió 17 solar power (n) lượng mặt trời

12 windmill (n) cới xay gió 18 solar panel (n) thu lượng mặt trời 13 sailboat (n) thuyền buồm 19 entire (a) tồn bợ, hồn tồn

14 dam (n) đập 20 create(v) tạo

15 release (v) phóng thích, giải  creaction (n) sáng tạo, tạo thành  creactive (a) sáng tạo

21 exhausted (a) cạn kiệt 26 fertilized (a) màu mỡ, phì nhiêu

22 plentiful (a) nhiều 27 consumption (n) tiêu thụ, mức tiêu thụ 23 resourse (n) nguồn tài nguyên 28 consume (v) tiêu thụ

24 renewable (a) thay  consumer (v) nhà tiêu thụ 25 ecologist (n) nhà sinh thái học 29 proportion (n) tỉ lệ

30 abundant (a) nhiều hơn, thừa, dồi B GRAMMAR

Relative clauses replaced by participles and to inf. (Omission of reative pronouns)

Nngười/vật who/which/that Vthì…

=> Nngười/vật Ving…

EX: The man who spoke to John is my son =>The man speaking to John is my son Nngười/vậtwho/which/that beV3/ed …

=> Nngười/vật V3/ed…

EX: They live in a house that was built in 1890 =>They live in a house built in 1890 The first/the last/the second/

the only +N + who/which/that Vthì… => The first/the last/the second/ the only +N + to V0

Ex: Gagarin was the first man who flew into space =>Gagarin was the first man to fly into space The first/the last/the second/

the only +N + who/which/that be V3/ed … => The first/the last/the second/

the only +N + to be V3/ed …

Ex: He was the second man who was killed in this way

=> He was the second man to be killed in this way C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A energy B reserves C plentiful D correct


3 A polluted B consume C nuclear D fuel

4 A solar B panel C another D relative

5 A infinite B plentiful C advertise D wind II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. A available B ecological C petroleum D unlimited A potential B energy C plentiful D atmosphere

3 A power B local C reserve D nuclear

4 A renewable B alternative C environment D geothermal A infinite B nitrogen C exhausted D natural III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

fossil electricity consumers consumption laws potential water heat

1 Hydroelectric power is used to produce _

2 Government can pass and enforce _ that require businesses and individuals to cut down pollution

3 _ are interested in the quality and price of our product The of alternative sources of energy is great fuels will be exhausted within a relatively short time IV Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1 Increased consumption will lead to faster of our natural resources A exhaust B exhausting C exhaustion D exhaustive He was to lose the final round

A fortunate B fortunately C unfortunate D unfortunately She is very She writes poetry and paints

A creative B creatively C creation D create energy is produced from the heat stored in the earth’s core

A Solar B Nuclear C Geothermal D water

5 People have to build to use water energy so it is expensive

A machines B canals C lakes D dams

6 The person who studies the relation of plants and living creatures and their environment is a

A biologist B ecologist C geologist D environmentalist Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe

A boundless B unlimited C uncountable D inflexible Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe

A natural B abundant C scarce D popular


Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence using a relative clause, then reduce it into a participle phrase or an infinitive phrase

1 Young chidren will probably be frightened They watch horror movies

2 John was the last person He left the lecture hall

3 The movie is very exciting It is being shown at our local movie tonight

4 Peter was the only student He was chosen to get the scholarship to study abroad

5 Mark Twain is an author He is known as one of the greatest Amerian humorists


VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following


1 I’m reading a book by Jack London

A was written B that wrote C written D which written The boy next to me in the evening class is very clever

A sitting B to sit C who sit D whom sits

3 We’re living in a house by green trees

A is surrounded B that surrounded C to be surrounded D which is surrounded The first person the classroom last Monday might know the reason

A entered B to enter C who enters D whom entered Do you know the woman to the headmaster?

A is talking B talked C that is talking D who talking The boy the piano is my son

A who is playing B that is playing C playing D All are correct John was the last applicant _ for a position in that energy station

A to interview B.which is interviewed

C interviewing D to be interviewed

8 I have to leave for London tomorrow, _ means I cannot go to the party with you

A that B which C when D why

9 Could you please provide us _some more modern equipment?

A for B by C in D with

10 Water is one of the precious resources _for our life A we depend on which B which we depend C on which we depend D on that we depend

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1 Grover Cleveland was the only American president served two nonconsecutive terms A B C D I went to a reunion for students educating in the physics department during the 1980s A B C D

3 They work in a hospital sponsoring by the government A B C D

4 The man to speak to me is John’s brother A B C D

5 The man lectured at the Centre Hall this morning is my friend’s father A B C D VIII Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.

Scientists often divide resources into two groups: renewable and non– renewable When a resource is used, it takes some times to replace it If the resource can be replaced quickly and easily, it is called renewable If it cannot be replaced quickly and easily, it is non-renewable All fossil fuels are non-renewable resources Solar energy, air, and water are usually called renewable because there is an unlimited supply

However, this definition may change if people are not careful with these resources The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth depends on the atmosphere If the atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy that reaches the earth may be dangerous If humans continue to pollute the air, it will not contain the correct amounts of these gases

Many resources are limited and non- renewable, and many are in danger of pollution As a consequence, resources must be conserved and the environment protected Conservation must become an important part of everyone’s life

1 How many kinds of resources are mentioned in the passage?


3 What will happen if the atmosphere is polluted?

_ _

Why we have to conserve resources?

5 Does conservation play an important part in everyone’s life?

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks.

About twenty percent of the world’s present energy already comes from the sun in one form or another Special devices have already been made available to put on the roofs houses and flats to (1) the sun’s rays and thus heat water Thousands of these devices are now being used to provide (2) in homes throughout the United States while more than a million solar water-heating units have already been (3) in home in Japan Other purposes for which solar energy is at present being used include the (4) of salt from seawater, irrigation and sewage disposal (5) most people in developing countries, the need is not for air-conditioners or central heating but for cheap ways of cooking food, drying crops, and lighting homes

1 A greet B catch C contain D manufacture

2 A light B energy C life D existence

3 A built B planned C standing D attached

4 A passing B separation C divorce D delivery

5 A Through B By C For D At

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

1 was taken to the city’s hospital

A The woman injuring in the accident B The woman who injured in the accident C The woman was injured in the accident D The woman who was injured in the accident Who is the next candidate ?

A to answer the questions B that answer the questions C will answer the questions D wants to answer the questions

3 The children were attracted by the show which was performed by the animals A The children attracted by the show which was performed by the animals

B The children were attracted by the show to have been performed by the animals C The show performing by the animals were attracted the children

D The children were attracted by the show performed by the animals A waitress was impolite and impatient She served me

A The waitress serving me was impolite and impatient B A waitress served me who was impolite and impatient C A waitress whom served me was impolite and impatient D The waitress served me she was impolite and impatient We live in a small house It was built by our grandparents


D We live in a small house where built by our grandparents


I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A subscribe B finite C prohibit D wild A exhaust B anxious C exist D exact A weather B growth C wealthy D geothermal A eradicate B habitat C endanger D panel A pleased B raised C practiced D used

II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. A geothermal B environment C alternative D pollutant

7 A scientist B industry C agriculture D potential A interference B consequences C electricity D entertainment A preserve B devastate C endanger D release

10.A fertilize B deliver C imagine D destroy

III Choose the word or phrase A, B, C, or D - that best completes each sentence. 11.Several rare species are dying owing to human beings' deforestation and

careless hunting

A up B out C away D down

12.They are all at work doing some research alternative sources of energy

A for B in C on D with

13.If you have anything important to do, it straight away Don't put it

A on B off C over D up

14.The headmistress is very competent All the teaching staff look A up to her B her up to C at her up D for her up 15.He wouldn't have failed his exam he hadn't been ill

A unless B if C in case D although 16.We should responsible for the humans are doing to the enviroment

A destroy B destructive C destruction D destructibility 17.She lost her balance when she to reach out for the balloon

A had tried B was trying C tried D had been trying 18.He suggested a jumble sale to try and raise money for the scouts

A me to hold B me that I held C holding D to hold 19.They are excellent students I have complete confidence

A who B that C whom D in whom

20.The students in this class, are from the provinces, are having trouble finding decent accommodation

A most of whom B many of them C some of who D all who

21.You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the of wildlife

A extinct B extinctive C extinction D extinctions

22.Cameron, directed ‘The Titanic’, is one of the leading faces in Hollywood

A that B whose C whom D who


A it will be B soon will be C have become D are soon going to 24.The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination

A effects B symptoms C hints D demonstrations

25.While southern California is densely populated, live in the northern part of the state

A a number people B many people C few people D a few of people 26.Mohandas K Gandhi, Mahatma, lived a noble life of fasting and poverty in

order to work for peace and independence

A that was called B was called C called D calling 27.Your failure is the consequence of not studying hard enough for the test

A cause B motive C result D status



1 intercultural knowledge (n) kiến thức liên văn hóa advance (v) tiến bợ

2 solidarity (n) tình đoàn kết participate in(v) = take part in (v) tham gia participant (n) người tham gia promote (v) thúc đẩy, đẩy mạnh athlete (n) vận động viên  promotion (n) thúc đẩy, đẩy mạnh  athletics (n) môn điền kinh multi-sport (a) đa thể thao 9.official (n) quan chức decade (n) = ten years thập niên 10 aspect (n) khía cạnh, mặt 11 aquatic sports (n) = water sports (n) mơn thể thao nước 16 squash (n) mơn bóng quần

12 weightlifting (n) môn cử tạ 17 rugby (n) mơn bóng bầu dục 13 shooting (n) môn băn súng 18 fencing (n) môn đấu kiếm 14 wrecstling (n) môn đấu vật 19 bodybuilding (n) thể dục thể hình 15 hockey (n) môn khúc khôn cầu 20 variety (n) = diversity (n) đa dạng 21 effort (v, n) nổ lực, cố gắng 26 recruit (v) tuyển chọn

22 freestyle (n) kiểu bơi tự 27 compete (v) = contest (v) thi đấu 23 gymnast (n) vận động viên thể dục  competitor (n) người thi đấu gymnastics (n) thể dục  competitive (a) có tính cạnh tranh gymnasium (n) phịng thể dục dụng cụ  competition (n) cuộc thi đấu 24 bar (n) thanh, xà 28 gather (v) tập hợp, tụ hợp 25 upgrade (v) nâng cấp 29 land (v) hạ, rơi

30 medal (n) huy chương B GRAMMAR

1 Relative clauses

N who V He is the man who works in the ABC company N whom S V He is the man whom I saw yesterday

N which V N which S V

The chair which is made of wood is durable.

English is an important language which we have to master That = who, whom, which

Tuy nhiên có số trường hợp khác Bắt buộc dùng that:

- Sau so sánh

she is the most beautiful girl that I have ever met

Không dùng that: - - Sau dấu phẩy (tên riêng;

tính từ sở hữu: my, your ; this, that, these, those)


- Sau the first, last, only,…

He was the first person that left the burning house - Sau chủ từ người vật

The man and the dog that passed my house made much noise.

poet, wrote Kieu’s Story - Sau giới từ:

The dog to which I gave a bone is very angry

N whose N The man whose land I bought is a farmer. Ntime when S V

at/on which

I can’t forget the time when I first earn money on my own Nplace where S V

in/at which

This is the house where I was born This is the house which I was born in The reason why S V

for which

I don’t know the reason why she is absent from class today the reason for which

Preposition + whom/which Ex: I come back to the house I was born in it I come back to the house in which I was born 2 Omission of reative pronouns

1 Nngười/vật who/which/that Vthì…

=> Nngười/vật Ving…

EX: The man who spoke to John is my son =>The man speaking to John is my son Nngười/vậtwho/which/that beV3/ed …

=> Nngười/vật V3/ed…

EX: They live in a house that was built in 1890 =>They live in a house built in 1890 The first/the last/the second/

the only +N + who/which/that Vthì… => The first/the last/the second/ the only +N + to V0

Gagarin was the first man who flew into space =>Gagarin was the first man to fly into space The first/the last/the second/

the only +N + who/which/that be V3/ed … => The first/the last/the second/

the only +N + to be V3/ed …

He was the second man who was killed in this way => He was the second man to be killed in this way

C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A attract B aquatic C added D facility

2 A gather B athletics C enthusiam D through

3 A attracted B added C competed D developed

4 A Asian B basketball C tennis D solidarity

5 A athletics B participants C efforts D skills II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A appreciate B promote C participate D introduce

2 A athletics B hockey C volleyball D rugby

3 A volunteer B competition C enthusiastic D intercultural

4 A knowledge B friendship C athlete D compete

5 A aquatic B basketball C official D together

III Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

knowledge gathered solidarity effort enthusiasm athletes appreciated took place

1 This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship and are built and promoted


3 Their efforts were much _when they won gold, medals in bodybuilding and billiards

4 Football fans _around the TV in the comer of the club to see the final Do you know when the 2006 Asian Games _?


Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Scuba-diving and windsurfing are both aquatic sports

a field B water C combat D individual

2 The Asian Games have advanced in all aspects since the first Games was help in 1951 A developed B competed C taken place D decreased

3 Only 489 athletes took part in the 1st Asian Games.

A got rid of B participated in C gave up D added to Korea was chosen to be of the 2002 Asian Games

A athlete B host C participant D guest

5 The Olympic Games is one of the biggest sporting all over the world A problems B athletes C cultures D events

6 After the accident he lost his for the sport

A enthusiasm B enthusiast C enthusiastic D enthusiastically We are quite of the success of our country at the next Asian Games

A hope B hopeful C hopefully D hopefulness

8 After the opening ceremony, the athletes got ready to start the A compete B competitor C competition D competitive V Complete each sentence, using relative pronouns and adverbs.

1 He wanted to know the reason I was late It was the nurse told me to come in

3 We saw many soldiers and tanks were moving to the front

4 The teacher we studied with last year no longer teaches in our school They showed me the hospital buildings had been destroyed by US bombings VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions The football season is the time thousands of football fans crowd into the stadium to watch their favorite teams

A where B which C at that D when

2 Athletes their best to win medals to winners as awards

A which give B are give C to give D given

3 The girl, injured in the accident yesterday, is my friend

A which B who C that D who was

4 The man a black suit is a football referee

A to wear B wearing C who wear D wears

5 Fencing was first introduced at the 13th Asian Games, in Bangkok.Thailand in 1998. A to be held B holding C when was held D which was held He took out a photo of Pélé, he adored

A whose B whom C that D which

7 The death of his son was an experience from he never fully recovered

A when B why C that D which

8 This is a picture in the newspaper of a high jumper leg was seriously hurt

A who B whom C whose D that

9 I would like to know the reason _ he decided to quit the job

A why B which C that D when

10 The first village _ was not far from the capital

A that I visited to B where I visited C to which I visited D I visited

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question. What you call a person who job is to edit a film ?



3 There's the woman who she sold me the handbag A B C D

4 I like pupils who works very hard A B C D

5 It was the first lesson taught by professor Smith A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.

The Asian Games owes its origins to small Asian multi-sport competitions The Far Eastern Championship Games were created to show unity and cooperation among three nations: Japan, the Philippines and China The first games were held in Manila, the Philippines in 1931 Other Asian nations participated after it was organized

After World War II, a number of Asian countries became independent Many of the new independent Asian countries wanted to use a new type of competition where Asian dominance should not be shown by violence and should be strengthened by mutual understanding In August 1948, during the 14th Olympic Games in London, Indian

representative Guru Dutt Sondhi proposed to sports leaders of the Asian teams the idea of having discussions about holding the Asian Games They agreed to form the Asian Athletic Federation A preparatory committee was set up to draft the charter for the Asian amateur athletic federation In February, 1949, the Asian athletic federation was formed and used the name Asian Games Federation It was decided to hold the first Asian Games in 1951 in New Delhi the capital of India They added that the Asian Games would be regularly held once every four years

1 What is the text about?

Why were the Far Eastern Championship Games created?

When did The 14th Olympic Games take place?

Where and when were first held?

How often are the Asian Games held ?

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks

Up to now, Thailand (1) the host country of the Asian Games four times In 1966, Thailand held the Games for the first time It was the 5th Games with 18 countries (2) _

In 1970, South Korea dropped its plan to host the games (3) security threats from North Korea, and the (4) host Thailand administered the Games in Bangkok using the funds of South Korea In 1978, Pakistan dropped its plan to host the Games due to conflicts with Bangladesh and Indian Thailand (5) to help and the Games were held in Bangkok The 13th Asian Games was held in Bangkok, Thailand from to 20 December 1998

1 A is B will be C was D has been

2 A to compete B competing C competed D compete

3 A as B due to C because D despite

4 A previous B advanced C old D before

5 A suggested B advised C offered D made

XI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.


A She went to England where she studied English literature there B She went to England, which she studied English literature C She went to England where she studied English literature

D She went to England in which she studied English literature there There are a lot of people The people like to things together

A There are a lot of people whom like to things together B There are a lot of people who like to things together C There are a lot of people who like things together D There are a lot of people like to things together Sue lives in a house The house is opposite my house

A Sue lives in a house where is opposite my house B Sue lives in a house which is opposite my house C Sue lives in a house who is opposite my house D Sue lives in a house and which is opposite my house _, John Glenn was a pioneer in the U.S space program

A The first American to orbit the earth B That the first American orbited the earth

C Despite the first American who orbited the earth D He was the first American to orbit the earth He is the person

A from who I bought this old car B which I bought this old car from C from that I bought this old car D from whom I bought this old car


hobby (n) thú riêng, sở thích riêng admire (v) cảm phục; hâm mộ, ngưỡng mộ guitar (n) đàn ghita fish tank bể cá

tune ( n) điệu , giai điệu variety (n) đa dạng, regularly (adv.) một cách đặn; modest (adj.) khiêm tốn accompany (v) đệm nhạc cho 10 collect (v) góp nhặt, sưu tầm

11 avid (adj.) khao khát, thèm thuồng 16 indeed (adv) thực, 12 discard ( v) bỏ, loại bỏ, vứt bỏ 17 indulge in (v) say mê, say sưa

13 envelope (n) phong bì 18 continually (adv) liên tục, khơng ngớt 14 once in a while thỉnh thoảng, 19 occupied (adj.) bận rộn

15 common (adj.)thông thường, phổ biến 20 immediately (adv.) lập tức, tức 21 stall (n) quầy, bàn bày hàng 26 broaden (v) mở rộng, nới rộng, làm rộng 22 organize (v) tổ chức, cấu tạo, thiết lập 27 gigantic (adj.) khổng lồ, kếch xù 23 category (n) hạng, loại, phạm trù 28 profitably (adv.) có lợi, có ích; thuận lợi 24 tag (n) nhãn, thẻ ghi tên địa 29 available (adj.) có hiệu lực 25 landscape (n) phong cảnh 30 ignorantly (adv.) ngu dốt, dốt nát


Câu chẻ dùng để nhấn mạnh một thành phần của câu chủ ngữ, túc từ hay trạng từ 1 Nhấn mạnh chủ từ (Subject focus)

a It + is / was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + V + O … Ex: My brother collected these foreign stamps

→ It was my brother who collected these foreign stamps b It + is / was + Noun (thing) + that + V + O …


→ It was her absence at the party that made me sad 2 Nhấn mạnh túc từ (Object focus)

a It + is / was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who(m) + S + V… Ex: I met Daisy on the way to school

→ It was Daisy who(m) I met on the way to school

Note: Khi nhấn mạnh túc từ ta dùng who thay cho whom nhấn mạnh chủ từ khơng dùng whom thay cho who

b It + is / was + Noun (thing) + that + S + V …

Ex: My brother bought an old motorbike from our neighbor

→ It was an old motorbike that my brother bought from our neighbor 3 Nhấn mạnh trạng từ (Adverbial focus)

It + is / was + Adverbial phrase + that + S + V … Ex: - We first met in December

→ It was in December that we first met - Phan Thanh Gian was born in this village

→ It was in this village that Phan Thanh Gian was born 4 Câu chẻ bị động (Cleft sentences in the passive)

a It + is / was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + be + V3/-ED … Ex: Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers

→ It was that singer who was given a lot of flowers b It + is / was + Noun (thing) + that + be + V3/-ED …

Ex: People talk about this film → It is this film that is talked about

- Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers.→ It was a lot of flowers that were given to that singer


I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A finished B marched C stopped D robbed

2 A attracted B collected C decided D arrived

3 A places B ages C lives D pages

4 A thanks B shows C suggests D stops

5 A letters B books C pets D stamps

II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A hobby B guitar C modest D common

2 A discarded B successful C profitably D accomplished A ignorant B continual C gigantic D indulge

4 A occupy B admire C organize D classify

5 A category B regular C relative D equipment III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

accomplish collection guitar discard indulge occupy success classified

1 She needed only one more stamp to complete her _ The books are _ into different categories to subject

3 Confidence is the key to _

4 You should not _yourself in anything that can form a bad habit My brother plays the for recreation only


Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions There are number of things I like to in my free time

A leisure B precious C busy D idle

2 My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play

A unimpaired B skilled C ill-educated D unqualified Now I can play a few simple tunes


4 I really admire him for his _

A succeed B success C successful D successfully Jack has a large _ of foreign coins

A collecting B collective C collector D collection “Have a nice weekend!” - “ _”

A I hope so B The same to you

C It’s very kind of you D What about you “Thank you very much for the lovely flowers.” - “ _”

A You’re welcome B You like flowers, don’t you? C Yeah, the flowers are nice D It was an excellent choice “Nice to meet you” - “ _”

A This is Peter White B Nice to meet you, too C I’m fine, thanks D It was nice to you to say so V

Rewrite the sentences to focus attention on the underlined information Start with it

+ be and an appropriate wh-word or that. She bought the car from Tom

Diane won the final match

The film was made in Bristol

We are coming to stay with Jane this weekend

The president makes the important decisions

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions _ who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979

A It was Jane Byrne B Jane Byrne

C That Jane Byrne D When Jane Byrne

2 _ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia A In 1790 was B There was in 1790

C In 1790 D It was in 1790

3 _ Ruth St Dennis turned to Asian dances to find inspiration for her choreography A It was the dancer that B The dancer

C That the dancer D The dancer was

4 _ I bought the golden fish

A It was from this shop that B I was from this shop where C It was this shop which D It was this shop that

5 It was Tom _ to help us

A comes B who comes C to come D that came

6 It was Mr Harding _ the bill to yesterday

A who sent my secretary B to whom my secretary sent C that my secretary sent D my secretary sent

7 The girl gave the boy a special gift on Christmas


A It was a lot of exercises that we have done on Relative Clauses B It is a lot of exercises that are have done on Relative Clauses by us C It is a lot of exercises that has been done on Relative Clauses by us D It is a lot of exercises that have been done on Relative Clauses by us Columbus sailed to America in 1492

A That was in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America B In 1492 that Columbus sailed to America

C It was in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America D It is in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America

10 The book is very expensive My father is interested in it

A The book in which my father is interested is very expensive B The book which in my father is interested is very expensive C The book which my father is interested is very expensive D The book in that my father is interested is very expensive

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question. It was around 1925 that an accurate, convenient system for recording the choreography

A B C of ballet developed


2 A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a A B C

basic part of the education of every child D

3 Water polo is a game in which is played in the water by two teams, each with seven players A B C D

4 In 1891, first state law to help local communities pay for highways was passed in New A B C D


5 A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the A B C D lives

VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects, such as envelopes or packages with stamps on them It is one of the world’s most popular hobbies, with estimates of the number of collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone Many casual collectors enjoy accumulating stamps without worrying about the tiny details, but the creation of a large or comprehensive collection generally requires some philatelic knowledge This is especially important for those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps

Stamp collectors are an important source of revenue for some small countries that create limited runs of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors The stamps produced by these countries far exceed the postal needs of the countries Some collectors, observing the generally rising prices of rare stamps, have taken to Philatelic Investment Rare stamps are among the most portable of tangible investments, and are easy to store They offer an attractive alternative to art, other collectible investments, and precious metals

1 The estimated number of stamp collectors in the United States is _ A 30 million B 20 million C 10 million D 15 million Philatelic knowledge is especially important for _

A many casual collectors enjoy B some small countries

C those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps D the postal needs of the countries


A have observed the generally rising prices of stamps B have observed the generally rising prices of rare stamps C have observed the generally low prices of stamps

D haven’t observed the generally rising prices of stamps The word they in paragraph refers to

A Stamp collectors B Small countries C Rare stamps D The prices of rare stamps Which of the following is NOT true about rare stamps? - _ A They are among the most portable of tangible investments

B It’s easy for us to store rare stamps C They are an important source of revenue D They offer an attractive alternative to art

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks. Early formal adult education activities focused (1) _ single needs such as reading and writing Many early programs were (2) _ by churches to teach people to read the Bible When the original purpose was (3) _, programs were often adjusted to meet more general educational needs of the population Libraries, lecture series, and discussion societies began in various countries during the 18th century As more people experienced the benefits of (4) _, they began to participate increasingly in social, political, and occupational (5) _ By the 19th century, adult education was developing as a formal, organized movement in the Western world

1 A in B on C by D for

2 A started B begun C made D done

3 A interested B fascinated C satisfied D amused A schooling B learning C teaching D education

5 A activities B deeds C things D societies

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

1 Sam emphasized the importance of being thoughtful toward one another A Sam said that people should not talk too much

B Sam said that people should not be too serious

C Sam said that people should consider the feelings of others D Sam said that people should discuss intellectual topics He looked so funny that I couldn't help laughing

A I couldn't laugh because he looked so funny B I laughed because he looked so funny

C I couldn't help him laugh because he looked so funny D He looked too funny for me to laugh

3 It's high time the children went to bed A The children went to bed late

B The children went to bed because of the high time C It's too late for the children to go to bed

D It's time for the children to go to bed Their chances of success are small

A It's very likely that they will succeed B They will definitely be successful

C It's not very likely that they will succeed

D They won't have any chance of being successful The patient recovered more rapidly than expected

A The patient didn't recover as fast as expected



1 ashtray (n) gạt tàn coronation (n) lễ đăng quang bricklaying (n) việc lát gạch darts (n) trò chơi ném phi tiêu bricklayer (n) thợ nề it yourself tự làm

4 campground (n) nơi cắm trại dull (adj)(v) chậm hiểu/làm đần độn candlestick (n) giá nến 10 egg cup (n) cốc đựng trứng 11 engraving (n) khắc 16 mug (n) cốc vại

12 entry (n) tham gia 17 pitch (v) dựng, cắm 13 home-based (adj) nhà 18 pool (n) lối đánh pun 14 home improvement (n) việc sửa nhà 19 qualification (n) lực 15 memento (n) vật kỷ niệm 20 recreation (n) thú tiêu khiển

21 snooker (n) trò chơi bida 26 stock market (n) thị trường chứng khoán 22 solitude (n) trạng thái cô độc 27 tea-cloth (n) khăn lau bát

23 sophisticated (adj.) tinh vi, phức tạp 28 teapot (n) ấm pha trà 24 spectator (n) khán giả 29 undertake (v) đảm trách 25 statesman (n) khách 30 on offer có bán B GRAMMAR

Conjuntions: both and; not only but also; either or; neither not(Liên từ: both and; not only but also; either or; neither nor)

1 both and (vừa vừa ): dùng theo sau từ hay cụm từ cùng loại Both + adj + and+ adj Ex: She's both pretty and clever

Both + noun+ and+ noun Ex: I spoke to both the Director and his secretary Both + verb+ and+ verb Ex: She both dances and sings

Both + phrase+ and+ phrase Ex: Both the boats with the white sails and the one with the blue sails are in the harbor

*Khi hai chủ từ nới both and động từ chia số nhiều Ex: Both my mother and my brother are here

2 not only but also( khơng mà cịn )

- not only but also đứng trước từ hoặc cụm từ mà bổ nghĩa Ex: Not only the bathroom was flooded, but laso damp

- not only đứng câu cùng với động từ Ex: She not only plays the piano, but also the violin

- not only đặt đầu mệnh đề để nhấn mạnh, dùng đảo ngữ Trong trường hợp lược bỏ but

Ex: Not only has she been late three times; she has also done no work

- Khi hai chủ từ nối not only…but also, đợng từ chia theo chủ từ đứng gần động từ Ex: Not only my parents but also my teacher is here

3 either…or …(hoặc…… ): dùng để nói lựa chọn hai khả năng(hoặc nhiều hai)

Ex: You can either come with me now or walk home

If you want ice-cream, you can have either coffee, lemon or vanilla

- Khi hai chủ từ nới either….or……, đợng từ chia theo chủ từ đứng gần động từ EX: Either the students or the teacher is planning to come

4 neither…nor….(không… mà không ): dùng để nối hai ý phủ định Ex: Neither the red car nor the blue one can overtake the yellow one


Ex: He neither smiled, spoke, nor looked at me - Neither đứng đầu câu theo sau đảo ngữ

Ex: Neither have I seen him nor have I heard him speak

- Khi hai chủ từ nối neither ….nor…., đợng từ chia theo chủ từ đứng gần động từ Ex: Neither my friends nor my teacher is here

Cleft sentences in the passive voice( câu chẻ thể bị động) S + V+ O → It was +O+ that +be+ V3/ed

Ex: The boy hit the dog in the garden → It was the dog that was hit in the garden C Exercises

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A engrave B pastime C undertake D spectator

2 A popular B music C pursuit D solitude A sport B course C outdoor D world A leisure B pursue C simple D necessary A agreed B organised C based D listened II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1.A pursuit B leisure C popular D television A memento B solitude C spectacular D athletics A average B instrument C enormous D generous A engrave B spectator C ability D undertake A entertain B recreation C sophisticated D population III

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

recreation leisure stock market pursuits spectators sophisticated memento solitude home-based I play golf and football for _ only

2 He invested everything in the _

3 I'm looking forward to more time in my retirement

4 Many people indulge in leisure pursuit such as watching television Crowds of were massed along the route of the parade


Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Watching television is the most popular _

A intensity B occupation C recreation D passion He is very in the information you have given him

A interested B surprised C depressed D concerned He us for hours with his stories and jokes

A supported B entertained C regarded D raised

4 applicants should send their completed forms to the personnel office A Quality B Qualitative C Qualifications D Qualified Eating out is the national in France

A pastime B interest C hobby D game

6 When she was young she never had time to her hobbies

A persist B pursue C engage D delicate

7 There is considerable _over the safety of the treatment, so it hasn't been applied yet A agree B agreement C disagree D disagreement

8 There is an enormous range of holiday courses on in the summer A demand B suggestion C advice D offer

V Complete the sentences with both (and); neither (nor) or either (or) Jim and Carol are on holiday

2 George _ smokes nor drinks

3 Tom said he would contact me, but he _ wrote nor phoned

4 _the boat with the white sails and the one with the blue sails are in the harbor today I'm not sure where Maria's from She's _ Spanish or Italian


A or seen B nor see C or see D nor seen Endive can be used as a salad green or as a cooking vegetable

A such B both C either D neither

3 Neither the teacher nor his students pleased with the performance of the team

A was B were C has been D being

4 Thomas Eakins studied not only painting anatomy when he was training to become an artist

A moreover B but also C as well D and the surface of metal, but also weakens it

A Rust, which not only corrodes B Not only rust corrodes C Not only does rust corrode D Rust not only corrodes

6 Not only shade and beauty, but they also reduce carbon dioxide

A trees provide B trees provide C provide trees D trees provide It was the musical performance on TV that by our family

A was most enjoying b was most enjoyed c most enjoyed d was most enjoyable Neither my brothers nor I interested in playing sports

A are B am C have D has

9 Not only his friends but also Tom soccer

A likes B like C is liking D does like 10 Peter and Tom have never read that book before

A Neither Tom nor Peter have read that book before B Neither Tom nor Peter has never read that book before C Neither Tom nor Peter has read that book before D Not only Tom but also Peter has read that book before

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1 Either Mr Andersin or Ms Wiggins are going to teach our class today A B C D Both Lan and Hoa is good students


3 It was Mr Johnson that were respected to by every student A B C D

4 Tom said he would contact me, but he either wrote nor phoned A B C D

5 Not only Ann's parents but also her husband think she should return to school A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

England is famous for its garden, and most people like gardening This is probably one reason why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than in flats Particularly in suburban areas it is possible to pass row after row of ordinary small houses, each one with its neatly kept patch of grass surrounded by great variety of flowers and shrubs

Enthusiasts of gardening get a great deal of helpful advice from the television and magazines

1 What is England famous for?

Why people prefer to live in houses rather then flats?

Where people interested in gardening get advice from?


IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks


Do you think computer games are just for kids? Then you should think again You might be (1) to learn that the game industry now make more money than

Hollywood As soon as a family buys a new PC, all they really want to is to play games It is hardly surprising that video gaming has (2) one of the most popular forms of entertainment today A good game is like a good film; it will hold your attention, capture your imagination and play with your emotions

The big difference, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (3) You have no say in how the plot develops or which characters dominate the story With computer games, you direct the action and that is what makes them so exciting Finding the right game is likely to signal the beginning of a lasting love affair with the interactive world of make-believe

It is (4) to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers In fact, the (5) growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group

1 A concerned B admired C startled D surprised

2 A begun B grown C become D sounded

3 A pastime B task C routine D employment

4 A immoral B wrong C false D dishonest

5 A longest B widest C biggest D deepest


Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first It was the manager that we saw (Using Cleft sentence in the passive)

It is English that people all over the world use (Using Cleft sentence in the passive)

The library doesn't have the book I need The bookstore doesn't have the book I need (using neither…nor)

We can fix dinner for them here or we can take them to a restaurant (using either…or)

Tom arrived late and started complaining (using not only…but also)


I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1 A rugby B nearby C cycling D apply

2 A strength B event C athlete D wrestling

3 A transferred B delivered C equipped D received A admired B looked C missed D hoped A engrave B pastime C undertake D spectator II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.


2 A extinct B influence C affect D decrease A advance B gymnasium C solidarity D variety A pastime B enormous C activity D important A appreciate B freestyle C official D accompany

III Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

solidarity spectators athletes required accompanied appreciated performed event leisure played

1 The singer was on the piano by her sister

2 Nearly 500 _ from 11 nations took part in the first Asian Games in New Delhi, India

3 Their efforts were much _ when they won gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards

4 The most common _ activities in my country are home-based

5 On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their

IV Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1 The Vietnamese participants took in the 14th Asian Games with great enthusiasm.

A notice B notes C part D role

2 Television viewing is by far the most popular pastime, and nearly all households have a television set

A translation B invention C emotion D recreation from several countries competed in many Asian Game

A Spectators B Athletes C Audience D Viewers I had forgotten all about it because I had been so with other things

A occupied B interested C accomplished D successful

5 can help an athlete to improve the strength of muscles and the appearance of the body

A Weightlifting B Table tennis C Shooting D Playing chess My uncle, an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play

A skillful B famous C perfect D modest

7 The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling

A driving a car B riding a bicycle C kicking a ball D playing football I collect the stamps from discarded envelopes that my relatives give me

A useless B expensive C useful D cheap

V Complete each sentence as the following cues

1 The man is a famous actor You met him at the party last night (Combine the sentences using relative clause)


She hasn’t got time to go camping She hasn’t got the money (combine the sentences using neither…… nor)

We went to Ho Chi Minh city last summer vacation (Cleft sentence)

It was Mary that helped John a lot with his English last semester (Cleft sentence in passive)

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1 My for my mother is infinite

A admire B admirer C admirationD admirable My father never indulges _ drinking

A on B in C with D to

3 - Jenny: “Have you ever met the man over there?” - Mary: “No Who is he?”

A stands B is standing C standing D who he is standing

4 The flat _ he lived was dirty

A in which B in what C to which D in where

5 16 Tom, sits next to me, is from Canada

A that B whom C who D whose Rumour we heard yesterday is not true

A that B which C Ø D all are


7 It is _we are going to make a three-day trip to Ha Long Bay

A in June that B in June where C June D June that Mr and Mrs Smith neither came sent a message

A or B neither C and D nor

9 Either my brother or my sister listening to classical music

A likes B like C to like D liking

10 - John “Will you be able to come to the meeting?” - Jack “ .”

A Of course you will B I’m afraid not C I’m sorry not D You must be kidding

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.


A B C D Linda was the last student to ask at the oral exam

A B C D The woman about whom I told you work in our school


4 Spring is the time which many kinds of flowers blossom A B C D It was at this shop where I bought a T-shirt three days ago A B C D

IX Read the passage carefully and answer the questions:

The Asian Games takes places every four years The spirit of the Asian Games has been built up over a long period of time, spreading the messages of unity, warmth, and friendship through competitive sport It helps to establish the relationship among individual athletes, coaches, trainers, officials, volunteers and spectators who come together from many different back grounds and cultures

Just 11 countries and regions with 489 athletes participated in the 1st Asian Games in New Delhi in 1951, with only six sports The 15th Asian Games took place from December 1st through December 15th, 2006, in Doha, the capital of Qatar More than 10,000 athletes who represented 45 countries and regions took part in 39 sports and 424 events of the games Some new events such as chess and triathlon were also included in the Games The world records came in shooting and weightlifting with the Asian bests in archery, athletics, track cycling, shooting, swimming and weightlifting

However, it wasn’t all about the winning of medals, taking part for some was just as much of an achievement for them The Games have been about more than just the athletes as 16,000 volunteers from 100 countries around the world have worked 100,000 shifts to ensure the 750,000 spectators had an experience of a lifetime

27 What messages the Asian Games spread?

28 How many countries took part in the first Asian Games?

29 When and where did the first Asian Games take place?

30 Was the winning of medals all? What was it?


Chinh phục vũ trụ A VOCABULARY

1 to appoint : bổ nhiệm

2 artificial (a) : nhân tạo aspiration (n) : khát vọng


4 an astronaut :nhà du hành vũ trụ biography (n) : tiểu sử, lí lịch breakthrough (n) : bước đột phá challenge (v/n) : thách thức, thủ thách Congress (n) : nghị viện, quốc hội conquest (n) : chinh phục 10 cosmonaut (n) :nhà du hành vũ trụ (Nga) 11 extreme (a) : vô cùng, cực độ 12 feat (n) : chiến công 13 gravity (n) : trọng lực 14 leap (n) : bước nhảy 15 mission (n) : nhiệm vụ

19 psychological (a) : tḥc tâm lí 20 reminder (n ) : nhắc nhở 21 shuttle (n) : tàu vũ trụ thoi 22 tragic (a) : bi thảm 23 approximately ( adv) : xấp xỉ 24 to lift off : phóng vào 25 enormous (a) : to lớn 26 to attract : thu hút 27 to occur = to happen : xảy 28 to congratulate on : chúc mừng 29 uncertainty (n) : hoài nghi 30 (un)fortunately : (không) may mắn




Form S + could + Vo S + be able to + Vo

Usages - khả hay dược phép làm việc đó

Ex: My mother could speak languages

- khả tình hướng đặc biệt.

Ex: They didn''t want to come to us at fisrt but we were able to persuade them


Examples: 1.It's a beautiful day, isn't it? You speak English, don't you? Ann can't swim, can she?

STATEMENT TAG Notes: Mượn trợ động từ đối

với động từ thường.



* Notes:

1 Mệnh đề bắt đầu Let / Let’s – shall we? Ex: Let’s go out for a walk in the park, shall we?

2.Mệnh đề I’m – aren’t I ? Ex: I’m late, aren’t I ?

3.Câu mệnh đề câu mệnh lệnh ĐI “ will you” Ex: a Give me some chalk, will you?

b Don’ talk in class, will you?

4 S = no one, nobody, everyone, everybody, someone dùng đại từ phần câu hỏi đuôi they

Ex: Nobody came while I was out, did they?

5 S = nothing, everything, something, danh từ khơng đếm dùng đại từ phần câu hỏi đuôi it

Ex: Everything is all right, isn’t it?

6 Khi mệnh đề có trạng từ có ý phủ định never, seldom, hardly, rarely, no, none, neither, scarely, barely đuôi thể khẳng định

EX: He never cuts class, does he? S = there đuôi giữ lại đại từ “ there”


S = these / those đuôi dùng “ they” Ex: This is your book, isn’t it?


I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1.A gravity B aspiration C biography D possible 2.A technical B conquest C psychology D launched 3.A national B venture C fortunate D suggestion

4.A support B shuttle C success D venture

5.A.conquest B cosmonaut C certainty D.congratulate II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1.A scientist B president C engineer D astronaut 2.A conquest B venture C technical D artificial 3.A biography B psychological C approximate D congratulate 4.A aspiration B gravity C challenge D fortunate

5.A success B cosmonaut C extreme D appoint


Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

conquest astronaut gravity tension cosmonaut Unfortunately support artificial national shuttle 1. _,many houses are going to be demolished to make ways for a new supermarket

2.Neil Armstrong, an American _, was the first man to step on the moon's surface

3.Sputnik was the first satellite made by the USSR 4.Laughter can be a great release of _

5.In 1986, Armstrong was the vice chairman of the committee that investigated the space Challenger disaster


Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1.Although we didn’t win, we were able to take some _ from our performance A satisfying B satisfactions C satisfaction D satisfactory 2. _ 60,000 people filled the stadium

A Approximately B Approximate C Approximant D Approximation 3.The astronauts were able to send the information back to the earth

A spaceships B space stations C spacemen D space shots 4.Man has witnessed a great many significant of science and technology in the past few decades

A achieves B achieved C achievers D achievements 5.His flight was in around the Earth at the speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour

A orbit B travel C circuit D revolve

6.He was pulled off an extraordinary in completing the voyage single-handedly

A feast B feat C feature D fervour

7.The 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut became the first person to eat and drink in A weight B weighting C weightless D weightlessness 8.Before Gagarin’s _ flight, there were still enormous uncertainties

A historical B historic C history D historian V Do the following exercises



5. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ……… ? Exercise 2: Underline the correct or more natural answer

1 We (could / were able to) finish the football match before it started snowing too heavy 2.I was very busy at work; but I( could / was able to) have a couple of days off last week She swam strongly and( could / was able to) cross the river easily, even though it was swollen by the heavy rain

4.I knew John had been smoking I (could / was able to) smell the cigarettes when I came into the room

5.(Could you / Were you able to) understand Professor Larsen's lecture? I found it really difficult

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1.No one is better cook than his mother, ?

A is she B isn't she C are they D aren’t they 2.There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ?

A are they B are there C aren't they D aren't there 3.He seldom goes to the library, ?

A doesn’t he B is he C does he D isn’t he 4.When Mr Lee was younger, he work in the garden for hours

A has got to B should be able to C can D could 5.I think he will join us, ?

A doesn't he B won't he C will he D don't I 6.Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ?

A have they B haven't they C has he D hasn't he 7.Despite the bad weather, he get to the airport in time

A could B was able to C couldn't D might 8.Tom wasn't at the party last night He must not a ride I know he wanted to come, but he didn't have a ride

A be able to have gotten B have been able to get C to have been able to get D be able to get

9.No one is indifferent to praise, ?

A is one B isn’t one C is he D are they

10.Robert a new car for a very good price He paid 30 percent less than the regular retail cost

A could buy B was supposed to buy C had to buy D was able to buy VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each question.

1.He could untie the ropes without the guards noticing A B C D

2.The air was so polluted in the city center, I was hardly able to breathe A B C D

3.Mr Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays, did he? A B C D 4.He ought to have made a note of it, didn’t he?


5.Neither of them offered to help you, did them? A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

There is one planet that still fascinates and teases scientists mainly because it doesn't have an atmosphere to obscure observation, yet it is not big enough for sufficiently

accurate telescopic observation The fact that it is also very close to the sun also makes it difficult for astronomers


valleys which are uncratered The moon's valleys have fewer cracks and the ridges are smoother Mercury's valleys are filled with volcanic rocks, similar to on the moon, yet there is no evidence of volcanoes, even extinct ones, on Mercury, as there is on the both Mars and the moon, and of course here on Earth

So, scientists presume the valleys on Mercury were caused by different things, that is to say not by volcanoes, but by very large meteorites, which also caused the cracks in the terrain and left the ridges rough and uneven More and better photos of Mercury are needed to prove what are at present at best only hypotheses

1.What is the topic of this passage?

A The planet, Mercury B Observation of planets C The Earth's moon D Astronomers' difficulties 2.Why does Mercury still tease scientists?

A Because it has an atmosphere which obscures observation B Because it is too close to the sun;

C Because it is too small

D Because it is difficult for space probes to get close to

3.What is true about Mercury but not true about the moon or Mars?

A The valleys are filled with volcanic rocks B There are no volcanoes C The valleys are uncratered D There are hilly regions 4.What does the author imply space telescopes can better than land-based telescopes?

A Show, the volcanoes on Mercury B Show the meteorites which hit Mercury C Show what caused Mercury's valleys D Show more of the planet, Mercury 5.What can we infer from the passage that astronomers still need to get more detailed observation of Mercury?

A Better and more space telescopes B More hypotheses

C Larger space telescopes D More ways to prove hypotheses

IX Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks. Is there life on Mars? Many people have (1) _ about this question Some writers of science-fiction think of people from Mars (2) _ little green creatures Others imagine 'Martians' as monsters with many eyes

In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars The first (3) _ of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth In other words, Earth's seasons, such as spring or summer, occur on Mars too Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for (3) _ and other higher (5) _ forms to be found on Mars

1.A puzzled B asked C wondered D confused

2.A like B to be C as being D as

3.A indication B print C mark D trace

4.A vegetables B vegetation C vegetarian D veterinary

5.A lively B living C live D life

UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD Những kì quan giới

A VOCABULARY pyramid (n): kim tự tháp tomb (n): mộ

burial (n): chon cất chamber (n): phòng

treasure (n): kho tàng, châu báu

discover (v): khám phá wonder (n): kỳ quang man-made (adj): nhân tạo construct (v): build: xây dựng mysterious (adj): huyền bí belonging (n) tài sản


propose (v): đề nghị spiral (adj): xoắn ốc ramp (n): đường dốc

artificial (adj): nhân tạo, giả, không tự nhiên attraction (n): thu hút

protect (v) bảo vệ situate (v): đặt vị trí

huge (adj): to lớn, khổng lồ heritage (n): di sản

masterpiece (n): kiệt tác thief (n): tên trộm

steal (v): đánh cắp century (n): kỷ

theory (n): giả thuyết, lý thuyết museum (n): bảo tàng

journey (n) hành trình, chuyến dài. B GRAMMAR (Sentence structures with: It is said that…/ He is said …) Example:

1 People think that he is very clever It is thought that he is very clever He is thought to be very clever

2 People believe that he drove through the town at 90 km an hour It is believe that he drove through the town at 90 km an hour He is believed to have driven through the town at 90 km an hour


Active: S + V + that + S2 + V2

Passive: It + be V3/ ed + that + S2 + V2

S2 + be V3/ ed + to Vo

to have V3/ ed Use: These structures are almost used in formal style. (Verbs of Opinion: say, think, believe, report, suppose …) C EXERCISES

I Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A weather B treasure C great D jealous

2 A pyramid B spiral C private D recycle A suggest B century C upon D bury A world B wonder C theory D proceed

5 A washes B changed C lived D grabbed

II Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1 A wonder B pyramid C treasure D belongings A surpass B spiral C propose D mysterious A theory B chamber C consist D structure A architect B attraction C museum D construct A satellite B artificial C heritage D ancient III Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

chamber burial tomb belongings spiral treasures ramps wonders mysterious man-made Rayon is a fiber

2 Iceland is full hot springs, beautifully coloured rocks, and other natural _

3 A is a grave where a dead person is buried

4 They are investigating the disappearance of the plane

5 Many forgotten _have been discovered in the attics of the old houses IV Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1 The purpose of the huge stone was to serve as a tomb when he died

A small B very large in size

C extremely high D tiny


3 Several theories have been proposed about how the blocks were put in place A suggested B proved to be true C involved D discovered

4 The museum housed the mysterious Sun Boat, discovered in1945 near the south side of the pyramid

A wonderful B hard to explain C beautiful D great in size The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the, famous man - made wonders of the world.

A artificial B natural C modern D eternal

6 A visit to the Great Wall will certainly bring tourists great in each step of the wall A excite B exciting C excitement D excited

7 The Great Wall of China is considered one of the greatest wonders in the world _its magnificence and significance

A in spite of B because C instead of D thanks to The Great Wall is China's most popular

A construction B attraction C impression D contribution V Complete the following sentences by using passive voice Start as shown

1 Some people saw him go on holiday with a very young girl

- He It is reported that the prisoners escaped by means of a helicopter

- The prisoners _ It is thought that the pilot was killed in the plane crash

- The pilot _ It was believed that there was some connection between the murders

- There It is known that the team has been supposed by millions of fans

- The team VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. The Ponagar Cham Towers are located on Cu Lao Marble Hill, km north of Nha


A lain B built C sited D detected

2 When it was built, the Great Pyramid was 147 meters high on a of 230 meters square

A basic B base C basin D basement

3 We had to the noise from the building site next door for three months A give up B stand up to C put up with D look up to There are rumors of buried in that old house

A belongings B tomb C treasure D chamber scientists will be working on the moon

A It is believed that B people are believed that C Scientists are believed that D both A & C are correct He is said the entrance exam to that school

A to have passed B that he had passed

C to be passed D that he would pass

7 The first question must before you attempt the others A be answered B have answered

C answer D to answer

8 The manager expected the team _because they hadn't done enough training A to be lost B have lost C by losing D to lose Both domestic and imported automobiles must anti-pollution devices

A equip with B equip by

C be equipped with D be equipped by 10.What's wrong with your car? I think it needs

A check B checking C to check D be checked


A B C D It thinks that multiple choice tests are easier to


3 She is said to steal the antique vase in the museum yesterday A B C D

4 Christine was said that to have won the game A B C D

5 She must retyping the report before she hands it in to the director of financing A B C D

VIII Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below.

Taj Mahal, a mausoleum in Agra, India, regarded as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan had it built in memory of his wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal (Persian for "Elect of the Palace"), who died in 1631

Building commenced about 1632 The mausoleum was complete by about 1643 and the surrounding complex of buildings and gardens was complete by about 1653 Situated on the southern bank of the Yamuna River, the white marble mausoleum is composed of four identical facades, each containing a large central arch 33 m (108 ft) high A large bulb-shaped dome, over 73 m (240 ft) tall, rises over the center, with four smaller domes surrounding it The building is raised on a square podium with a minaret at each corner It is flanked by two red sandstone buildings-a mosque and its replica, the Jawab (Answer), a building of which the main function is visual balance Visitors approach the Taj Mahal through an imposing red sandstone gate, decorated with inscriptions from the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an (Koran) The gate and accompanying walls also contain a vast, geometrically laid out garden, 305 m (1,002 ft) on each side The enclosed garden, itself a Muslim symbol of paradise, is centered on a large, raised pool Canals divide it into four equal parts, each containing flower beds, fountains, and cypress trees (symbols of death)

Inside theTaj Mahal, the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal stands at the center of an octagonal hall, while the slightly larger tomb of Shah Jahan, who died in 1666, is off to one side Both are elaborately carved and inlaid with semiprecious stones, illuminated by sunlight filtering through an elaborately carved marble screen that is also studded with jewels

1 What is the Taj Mahal?

2 Where is the mausoleum situated?

3 How long did it take to complete the mausoleum?

4 What was the purpose of the mausoleum?

IX Rewrite the following sentences start with the given words

1 People know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May

The expedition _ It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them

There _ People consider that she was the best singer that Australia has ever produced


4 It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow

The weather A lot of people believe that the Prime Minister and his wife have separated

The Prime Minister and his wife _


Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A weather B treasure C great D jealous

2 A raised B ranked C surpassed D laughed

3 A suggest B century C upon D bury

4 A eradicate B marine C character D magazine

5 A passage B storage C message D teenage

II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. A industry B memorable C document D electricity A interfere B machinery C apparent D achievement A achievement B confidential C discovery D emergency

4 A mature B nature C culture D measure

5 A scientist B president C engineer D astronaut


Fill in the blanks with one suitable word from the box

chamber burial tomb belongings spiral wonders mysterious achievements She collected up her personal and left

2 Iceland is full hot springs, beautifully coloured rocks, and other natural _ A snail's shell is _ in form

4 They are investigating the disappearance of the plane

5 Man has witnessed a great many significant of science and technology in the past few decades


Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Before Gagarin’s _ flight, there were still enormous uncertainties

A historical B historic C history D historian Although his flight lasted only 108 minutes, its _ made him a national hero A succeed B successful C successive D success Astronauts work in conditions

A weight B weighting C weightless D weightlessness From his window in space, Gagarin had a view of the Earth that no human beings had done before

A discription B vision C recognition D attention The successful flight marked a milestone in China's space project

A landmark B record C break-up D progress

6 His flight was in around the Earth at the speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour

A orbit B travel C circuit D revolve

7 By cutting down trees we the natural habitat of birds and animals

A hurt B harm C damage D injure

8 Sputnik was the first satellite made by the USSR

A manned B natural C artificial D live V Write these sentence in another way, beginning as shown.


It was reported that the President had suffered a heart attack

_ She bought the car from Tom

The fifth man who was interviewed was completely unsuitable

I went to see my nephew Jimmy I used to look after him when he was small

VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. Neither my brothers nor I interested in playing sports

A are B am C have D has

2 Angie warned anyone what she had told me

A that I didn't tell B that I told not C me to tell not D me not to tell

3 Jan didn't check she had enough petrol before she left, was careless of her

A what B it C that D Which

4 he hasn't any formal qualifications, he has managed to very well for himself

A Despite B Whereas C Because D Although

5 Ann could not speak Chinese and could John

A either B also C neither D so

6 Yuri Gagarin is the first human to fly space

A in B to C into D around

7 Since they came, we able to work on the project

A are B have been C had been D were

8 Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ?

A have they B haven't they C has he D hasn't he The teacher has not yet arrived

A who I wrote to you B I wrote to you about him C whom I wrote to you about him D I wrote to you about

10 If she hadn't gone out in the rain without a raincoat, she in bed now with flu A weren't B hadn't been C isn't D wouldn't be

VII Mark A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each sentence.

1 They all laughed because the film was very amused A B C D

2 The professor decided to allow the students to take the examination a A B

second time because the low scores C D

3 George are said to be planning another trip to Greece A B C D

4 There’s the woman who she told me about the handbag A B C D

5 Benny Goodman was equally talented as both a jazz performer A B as well as a classical musician


VIII Read the passage carefully and the answer the following questions.


Buzz Aldrin was a part of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 when man first walked on the moon Neil Armstrong went first, followed by Buzz Nothing in all his training had been prepared by him for that moment, and he has been traveling the world ever since, reliving the experience

He was born in New Jersey in 1930, and he graduated from West Point Military Academy He served as a pilot in Korea and West Germany, and 1966 he was chosen an astronaut

Apollo 11 was launched to the moon on July 16 Four days later they landed near the sea of Tranquility The mission ended on July 24, with a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean

On coming back to earth, he became very depressed, and suffered from alcoholism He had married for the first time when he was young, and had three children His second marriage lasted a very short time Fortunately, he seems to have found happiness and stability with his third wife, Loris Driggs Cannon, who saved him from self – destruction They now live with their three dogs in California and six cars “for fun” He has written his autobiography and a science fiction book, called Encounter with Tiber, which was published in 1996 He now travels the world, giving lecture tours and raising funds for space exploration

1 When did the man first walk on the moon?

Where did Neil Armstrong serve as a pilot?

When was Apollo 11 launched to the moon?

How long did the mission last?

What happened to Buzz when he returned?

IX Choose the one option among - a, b, c or d - that best completes each blank of the passage.

In spite of all warnings, we are still not looking after our planet Look what is happening to our forests We are cutting them (1) at an alarming rate If we keep on doing this, many animals and plants will (2) extinct Rare (3) , such as the mountain gorilla, are already in (4) More will follow Forests are important for another reason, too They help to slow the rate of global warming Trees soak up gases like carbon dioxide, which are given (5) by power stations and factories They also produce oxygen, and act as the lungs of the world

1 A up B in C off D down

2 A go B get C become D result

3 A species B tribes C races D specialities

4 A threat B danger C fact D troubles

5 A off B up C out D over

X Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer or the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentence.


B The building thought to be destroyed C They have destroyed the building

D The building was thought to have been destroyed She is not intelligent and she is not beautiful

A She is neither intelligent nor beautiful B She is not both intelligent either beautiful C She neither is intelligent nor beautiful D She is not intelligent nor beautiful She invited us to her birthday party last week

A It is we that were invited to her birthday party last week B It was us that was invited to her birthday party last week C It were we that were invited to her birthday party last week D It was us that were invited to her birthday party last week The book is very expensive My father is interested in it

A The book in which my father is interested is very expensive B The book which in my father is interested is very expensive C The book which my father is interested is very expensive D The book in that my father is interested is very expensive The best place in which we can practise English is the staff-room

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 13:38



