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Advertising promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communications UixDnxNgRJb5dQkrwlYT3N7JnjxRB2i5 pdf

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  • Front Cover

  • Title Page

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communications: Processes, Brand Equity, and the Marcom Environment

    • Chapter 1: Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications and the Marcom Process

      • Marcom Challenge: B2C and B2B Applications of IMC

      • The Nature of Marketing Communications

      • The Integration of Marketing Communications

      • Global Focus: Baby Carriages as Touch Points

      • IMC Focus: An Authority Declares That Positioning Is Out of Date

      • A Model of the Marketing Communications Decision-Making Process

      • Summary

    • Chapter 2: Marcom's Challenges: Enhancing Brand Equity, Influencing Behavior, and Being Accountable

      • Marcom Challenge: Harley-Davidson—An Iron Horse for Rugged Individualists

      • Desired Outcomes of Marcom Efforts

      • The Concept of Brand Equity

      • Global Focus: When Brand Marketers Must Deal with Unfavorable Country Images

      • IMC Focus: Neuromarketing and the Case of Why Coca-Cola Outsells Pepsi

      • Affecting Behavior and Achieving Marcom Accountability

      • Summary

    • Chapter 3: Ethical, Regulatory, and Environmental Issues in Marketing Communications

      • Marcom Challenge: Trans Fat Labeling

      • Overview

      • Ethical Issues In Marketing Communications

      • IMC Focus: An Adman's Struggle with Joe Camel and Free Speech

      • Global Focus: Is the Use of the "SOR" Brand Logo Too Similar to "SCR"?

      • IMC Focus: A Rigged Promotion for Frozen Coke

      • Regulation of Marketing Communications

      • Environmental, or "Green," Marketing Communications

      • Summary

  • Part 2: The Fundamental Marcom Decisions: Targeting, Positioning, Objective Setting, and Budgeting

    • Chapter 4: Marcom Targeting

      • Marcom Challenge: Esprit and Gap—No Longer Just for Youth

      • Targeting Customers and Prospects

      • Behaviorgraphic Targeting

      • Phychographic Targeting

      • Geodemographic Targeting

      • Demographic Targeting

      • IMC Focus: Tweens and Materialism

      • Global Focus: Can Renault Develop a Hip Image?

      • IMC Focus: A Special Beverage for Latino Consumers, Clamato

      • Summary

    • Chapter 5: Marcom Positioning

      • Marcom Challenge: Tango to Success

      • Positioning in Theory: A Matter of Creating Meaning

      • Positioning in Practice: The Nuts and Bolts

      • Global Focus: The Symbolism of Certifying Products as Fair Traded

      • IMC Focus: Diamonds (Given to Yourself) Are Forever

      • Implementing Positioning: Know Thy Consumer

      • Summary

    • Chapter 6: Marcom Objective Setting and Budgeting

      • Marcom Challenge: Brands with the Most Loyal Customers

      • Overview

      • Setting Marcom Objectives

      • IMC Focus: The Cat(fight) Is a Dog

      • Marcom Budgeting

      • Global Focus: The Top-25 Global Marketers' Advertising Spending

      • Summary

  • Part 3: Marcom for New Products, Store Signage, and Point-of-Purchase Communications

    • Chapter 7: Facilitation of Product Adoption, Brand Naming, and Packaging

      • Marcom Challenge: Absolut Wanna Be Becomes Absolute Flop

      • Overview

      • Marcom and New Product Adoption

      • Global Focus: Washing Machines for the Masses in Brazil, China, and India

      • Managing the Diffusion Process

      • Stimulating Word-of-Mouth Influence

      • Creating "Buzz"

      • Brand Naming

      • IMC Focus: Selecting a Name for a New Airline

      • Packaging

      • IMC Focus: Illustrations of Workable Packages

      • Summary

    • Chapter 8: On- and Off-Premise Signage and Point-of-Purchase Communications

      • Marcom Challenge: "Shopping Buddy"— an Intelligent Shopping Cart

      • Overview

      • Out-of-Home (Off-Premise) Advertising

      • Global Focus: Live Soccer Players on Japanese Billboards

      • On-Premise Business Signage

      • Point-of-Purchase Advertising

      • IMC Focus: ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, and Now Wal-Mart TV Network

      • Summary

  • Part 4: Advertising Management

    • Chapter 9: Overview of Advertising Management: Messages, Media, and Measurement

      • Marcom Challenge: Is Advertising Rocket Science?

      • Overview

      • The Magnitude of Advertising

      • IMC Focus: B2B Advertising on Television

      • Advertising Functions

      • Global Focus: A Global Advertising Campaign for Exxon Mobil

      • The Advertising Management Process

      • Ad-Investment Considerations

      • Summary

    • Chapter 10: Creating Effective and Creative Advertising Messages

      • Marcom Challenge: Two of the Greatest Ads in the History of Advertising

      • Overview

      • Creating Effective Advertising

      • Advertising Plans and Strategy

      • IMC Focus: How Well Do You Know Advertising Slogans?

      • Alternative Styles of Creating Advertising

      • Global Focus: A Brand Image for Guinness Beer

      • Means-End Chaining and the Method of Laddering as Guides to Creative Advertising Formulation

      • Corporate Image and Issue Advertising

      • Summary

    • Chapter 11: Selecting Message Appeals and Picking Endorsers

      • Marcom Challenge: Subway Versus McDonald's

      • Overview

      • Enhancing Processing Motivation, Opportunity, and Ability

      • The Role of Endorsers in Advertising

      • Global Focus: Controversial Uses of LeBron James in Singapore and China

      • The Role of Humor in Advertising

      • Appeals to Consumer Fears

      • IMC Focus: Selection of the "Mark" Character in Holiday Inn's Campaign

      • Appeals to Consumer Guilt

      • The Use of Sex in Advertising

      • Subliminal Messages and Symbolic Embeds

      • The Functions of Music in Advertising

      • The Role of Comparative Advertising

      • Summary

    • Chapter 12: Assessing Ad Message Effectiveness

      • Marcom Challenge: What Makes an Advertisement Watchable?

      • Overview of Advertising Research

      • IMC Focus: Testing TV Commercials in Prefinished Form

      • Measures of Recognition and Recall

      • Global Focus: Is What's Good for Vodka Good for Tequila?

      • Emotional Reaction Measured via Physiological Arousal

      • Measures of Persuasion

      • Measures of Sales Response (Single-Source Systems)

      • Some Major Conclusions about Television Advertising

      • Summary

    • Chapter 13: Planning for and Analyzing Advertising Media

      • Marcom Challenge: Is Super Bowl Advertising Worth the Expense?

      • Overview

      • The Media-Planning Process

      • IMC Focus: Esuvee and SUV Safety

      • Selecting the Target Audience

      • Specifying Media Objectives

      • Media-Planning Software

      • Global Focus: Searching for Media Options Around the Globe

      • The Diet Dr Pepper Plan

      • SAAB 9–5's Media Plan

      • Olympus Camera Media Plan

      • Summary

    • Chapter 14: Using Traditional Advertising Media

      • Marcom Challenge: Does TV Deliver ROI for Mature Brands?

      • Overview

      • Newspapers

      • Magazines

      • Radio

      • Global Focus: The (Sorry) State of Radio Advertising in China

      • Television

      • IMC Focus: The Rising Cost of Super Bowl Advertising

      • Summary

    • Chapter 15: Employing the Internet for Advertising

      • Marcom Challenge: In a Zero-Sum Environment, Gains for Online Advertising Are Losses for Traditional Media

      • Overview

      • Web Sites

      • Display or Banner Ads

      • Rich Media: Pop-Ups, Interstitials, Superstitials, and Video Ads

      • Web Logs

      • E-mail Advertising

      • Global Focus: Nescafé's Viral E-mail Effort in Argentina

      • Search Engine Advertising

      • IMC Focus: Enhancing Brand Equity via Search Engine Advertising

      • Advertising via Behavioral Targeting

      • Measuring Internet Ad Effectiveness

      • Summary

    • Chapter 16: Using Other Advertising Media

      • Marcom Challenge: Some Definitions Encapsulating This Chapter

      • Overview

      • Direct Advertising

      • Indirect Forms of Advertising

      • Advertising Delivered at Private and Public Venues

      • Global Focus: Dubbing in Brands to Fit the Needs of Different Countries

      • IMC Focus: The Human Body as an Ad Medium

      • Summary

  • Part 5: Promotion Management, Marketing-Oriented Public Relations, and Sponsorships

    • Chapter 17: Sales Promotion and the Role of Trade Promotions

      • Marcom Challenge: It's a Matter of Power— Nike Versus Foot Locker

      • Overview

      • Global Focus: Driving Sales for Fiat in Brazil

      • Increased Budgetary Allocations to Promotions

      • What Are Sales Promotion's Capabilities and Limitations?

      • The Role of Trade Promotions

      • Trade Allowances

      • Efforts to Rectify Trade Allowance Problems

      • IMC Focus: Pay-for-Performance at Nestlé

      • Generalizations about Promotions

      • Summary

    • Chapter 18: Consumer-Oriented Promotions: Sampling and Couponing

      • Marcom Challenge: Sampling and Couponing to College Students

      • Overview

      • Sampling

      • Global Focus: M & M's Global Color Vote

      • IMC Focus: Sampling Toilet Tissue

      • Couponing

      • The Role of Promotion Agencies

      • Summary

    • Chapter 19: Consumer-Oriented Promotions: Premiums and Other Promotional Methods

      • Marcom Challenge: Luring College Students with Perks

      • Overview

      • Premiums

      • Global Focus: Barq's Root Beer and Russian Knickknacks

      • Price-Offs

      • Bonus Packs

      • Games

      • Rebates and Refunds

      • IMC Focus: The Use of Rebates by an Enterprising Realtor

      • Sweepstakes and Contests

      • Continuity Promotions

      • Overlay and Tie-In Promotions

      • Retailer Promotions

      • Evaluating Sales Promotion Ideas

      • Summary

    • Chapter 20: Marketing-Oriented Public Relations and Sponsorships

      • Marcom Challenge: The Smell of Bowling Alleys—Beer, Smoke, Musty Shoes, and Scented Bowling Balls

      • Overview

      • The MPR Aspect of General Public Relations

      • Global Focus: Negative Publicity for Coca-Cola's Dasani in the United Kingdom

      • Sponsorship Marketing

      • IMC Focus: Georgia Pacific's Quilts of Inspiration CRM Program

      • Summary

  • Glossary

  • Name Index

  • Subject Index

Nội dung

SEVENTH IEDITION Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications Terence A Shimp University of South Carolina Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 7th Edition Terence A Shimp VP/Editorial Director: Jack W Calhoun Sr Production Project Manager: Emily S Gross Art Director: Stacy Shirley VP/Editor-in-Chief: Dave Shaut Manager of Technology, Editorial: Vicky True Sr Publisher: Melissa Acuña Technology Project Editor: Pam Wallace Internal and Cover Designer: Craig LaGesse Ramsdell www.ramsdelldesign.com Executive Editor: Neil Marquardt Sr Developmental Editor: Susanna C Smart Marketing Manager: Nicole C Moore Sr Marketing Communications Manager: Terron Sanders COPYRIGHT © 2007 Thomson South-Western, a part of The Thomson Corporation Thomson, the Star logo, and South-Western are trademarks used herein under license Printed in the United States of America 10 09 08 07 06 Web Coordinator: Karen Schaffer Manufacturing Coordinator: Diane Lohman Production House: Stratford Publishing Services Cover Images: © Getty Images Photography Manager: John Hill Photo Researcher: Susan Van Etten Printer: Quebecor World Dubuque Dubuque, IA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means— graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems, or in any other manner—without the written permission of the publisher Library of Congress Control Number: 2005936424 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit a request online at http://www.thomsonrights.com Thomson Higher Education 5191 Natorp Boulevard Mason, OH 45040 USA ISBN 0-324-32143-0 For more information about our products, contact us at: Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center 1-800-423-0563 Dedication To my dear wife, Judy, who has been my number-one supporter over the years, and who helped me on this edition by locating advertising illustrations and other visuals Since the previous edition, I have been blessed with two additional grandsons, John Parker and Spencer James —now the twenty-first-century version of a basketball team is in place (my brothers know what I refer to) Also, to all of my family members, past and present, to whom I owe whatever positive character traits I may possess, a heartfelt word of appreciation and love This page intentionally left blank BRIEFICONTENTS Preface xv PART 1: Integrated Marketing Communications: Processes, Brand Equity, and the Marcom Environment 1 Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications and the Marcom Process 2 Marcom’s Challenges: Enhancing Brand Equity, Influencing Behavior, and Being Accountable 30 Ethical, Regulatory, and Environmental Issues in Marketing Communications 54 PART 2: The Fundamental Marcom Decisions: Targeting, Positioning, Objective Setting, and Budgeting Marcom Targeting 88 Marcom Positioning 118 Marcom Objective Setting and Budgeting 87 144 PART 3: Marcom for New Products, Store Signage, and Point-of-Purchase Communications 167 Facilitation of Product Adoption, Brand Naming, and Packaging 168 On- and Off-Premise Signage and Point-of-Purchase Communications 212 PART 4: Advertising Management 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Overview of Advertising Management: Messages, Media, and Measurement Creating Effective and Creative Advertising Messages 262 Selecting Message Appeals and Picking Endorsers 292 Assessing Ad Message Effectiveness 330 Planning for and Analyzing Advertising Media 364 Using Traditional Advertising Media 406 Employing the Internet for Advertising 438 Using Other Advertising Media 464 237 238 PART 5: Promotion Management, Marketing-Oriented Public Relations, and Sponsorships 17 18 19 20 Sales Promotion and the Role of Trade Promotions 488 Consumer-Oriented Promotions: Sampling and Couponing 526 Consumer-Oriented Promotions: Premiums and Other Promotional Methods Marketing-Oriented Public Relations and Sponsorships 576 487 552 Glossary 601 Name Index 609 Subject Index 615 v This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Preface xv r Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communications: Processes, Brand Equity, and the Marcom Environment The Concept of Brand Equity Chapter 1: Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications and the Marcom Process Marcom Challenge: B2C and B2B Applications of IMC The Nature of Marketing Communications Marketing Communications at the Brand Level The Integration of Marketing Communications 12 IMC Focus: An Authority Declares That Positioning Is Out of Date 14 Changes in Marketing Communication Practices 15 • Obstacles to Implementing IMC 16 36 IMC Focus: Neuromarketing and the Case of Why Coca-Cola Outsells Pepsi 42 Affecting Behavior and Achieving Marcom Accountability 46 Difficulty of Measuring Marcom Effectiveness 47 • Assessing Effects with Marketing-Mix Modeling 49 Summary 50 17 Chapter 3: Ethical, Regulatory, and Environmental Issues in Marketing Communications Fundamental Marcom Decisions 18 • Marcom Implementation Decisions 20 • Marcom Outcomes 23 • Program Evaluation 23 Chapter 2: Marcom’s Challenges: Enhancing Brand Equity, Influencing Behavior, and Being Accountable Global Focus: When Brand Marketers Must Deal with Unfavorable Country Images What Benefits Result from Enhancing Brand Equity? 44 • Characteristics of World-Class Brands 44 Global Focus: Baby Carriages as Touch Points Summary 32 A Firm-Based Perspective on Brand Equity 33 • A Customer-Based Perspective on Brand Equity 33 How Can Brand Equity Be Enhanced? 40 What Exactly Is IMC? • The Payoff from IMC: The Value of Synergy • Key IMC Features A Model of the Marketing Communications Decision-Making Process 24 30 Marcom Challenge: Harley-Davidson—An Iron Horse for Rugged Individualists 30 Desired Outcomes of Marcom Efforts 32 54 Marcom Challenge: Trans Fat Labeling 54 Overview 56 Ethical Issues In Marketing Communications 57 The Ethics of Targeting 58 IMC Focus: An Adman’s Struggle with Joe Camel and Free Speech 61 vii viii Contents Ethical Issues in Advertising 62 • Ethical Issues in Public Relations 65 • Ethical Issues in Packaging and Branding 66 • Ethical Issues in Sales Promotions 67 • Ethical Issues in Online Marketing 67 Global Focus: Is the Use of the “SOR” Brand Logo Too Similar to “SCR”? Regulation of Marketing Communications When Is Regulation Justified? 70 • Regulation of Marketing Communications by Federal Agencies 71 • State Agencies’ Regulation of Marketing Communications 75 • Advertising Self-Regulation 76 67 Fostering Ethical Marketing Communications 68 IMC Focus: A Rigged Promotion for Frozen Coke 69 Environmental, or “Green,” Marketing Communications Part 2: The Fundamental Marcom Decisions: Targeting, Positioning, Objective Setting, and Budgeting 88 Marcom Challenge: Esprit and Gap—No Longer Just for Youth 88 Targeting Customers and Prospects 90 Behaviorgraphic Targeting 90 Online Behavioral Targeting 92 • Privacy Concerns 93 Phychographic Targeting 93 Geodemographic Targeting 98 Demographic Targeting 99 The Changing Age Structure 100 IMC Focus: Tweens and Materialism 105 Global Focus: Can Renault Develop a Hip Image? 106 The Ever-Changing American Household 109 • Ethnic Population Developments 109 113 Summary 114 118 Marcom Challenge: Tango to Success 118 Positioning in Theory: A Matter of Creating Meaning 120 Benefit Positioning 125 87 126 Attribute Positioning 127 • Repositioning a Brand 129 IMC Focus: Diamonds (Given to Yourself) Are Forever 130 Implementing Positioning: Know Thy Consumer 130 The Consumer Processing Model (CPM) 131 • The Hedonic, Experiential Model (HEM) 137 Summary Chapter 6: Marcom Objective Setting and Budgeting 139 144 Marcom Challenge: Brands with the Most Loyal Customers 144 Overview 146 Setting Marcom Objectives 146 IMC Focus: The Cat(fight) Is a Dog 150 Requirements for Setting Suitable Marcom Objectives 152 • Should Marcom Objectives Be Stated in Terms of Sales? 153 Marcom Budgeting 156 Budgeting in Theory 156 The Meaning of Meaning 121 • Meaning Transfer: From Culture to Object to Consumer 121 Positioning in Practice: The Nuts and Bolts Global Focus: The Symbolism of Certifying Products as Fair Traded 82 The Hierarchy of Marcom Effects 147 IMC Focus: A Special Beverage for Latino Consumers, Clamato Chapter 5: Marcom Positioning 77 Green Marketing Initiatives 77 • Guidelines for Green Marketing 81 Summary r Chapter 4: Marcom Targeting 70 Global Focus: The Top-25 Global Marketers’ Advertising Spending 157 Practical Budgeting Methods 159 Summary 123 165 Contents ix r Part 3: Marcom for New Products, Store Signage, and Point-ofPurchase Communications Chapter 7: Facilitation of Product Adoption, Brand Naming, and Packaging 168 167 Chapter 8: On- and Off-Premise Signage and Point-of-Purchase Communications 212 Marcom Challenge: Absolut Wanna Be Becomes Absolute Flop 168 Marcom Challenge: “Shopping Buddy”— an Intelligent Shopping Cart 212 Overview 170 Overview 214 Marcom and New Product Adoption 170 Out-of-Home (Off-Premise) Advertising 214 Product Characteristics That Facilitate Adoption 173 Global Focus: Washing Machines for the Masses in Brazil, China, and India 174 Managing the Diffusion Process 179 Stimulating Word-of-Mouth Influence 180 On-Premise Business Signage 183 Some Anecdotal Evidence 183 • Formal Perspective on Buzz Creation 185 • Using the Internet for Creating Buzz 188 Brand Naming 189 195 Packaging 197 Packaging Structure 197 • Evaluating the Package: The VIEW Model 200 203 221 The Spectrum of P-O-P Materials 222 • What Does P-O-P Accomplish? 222 • P-O-P’s Influence on Consumer Behavior 223 IMC Focus: ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, and Now Wal-Mart TV Network IMC Focus: Selecting a Name for a New Airline 219 Types of Signs 220 • The ABCs of On-Premise Signs 220 • Don’t Be a Fool 221 Point-of-Purchase Advertising What Constitutes a Good Brand Name? 189 • The Brand-Naming Process 193 • The Role of Logos 195 IMC Focus: Illustrations of Workable Packages Global Focus: Live Soccer Players on Japanese Billboards 217 A Case Study of Billboard Effectiveness 218 Strong and Weak Ties 180 • Opinion Leaders and Market Mavens 181 • Avoid Negative Information 182 Creating “Buzz” Billboard Advertising 215 • Buying Out-ofHome Advertising 215 • Billboard Advertising’s Strengths and Limitations 216 • Measuring OOH Audience Size and Characteristics 217 224 A Vital Result of P-O-P: Increased In-Store Decision Making 226 • Evidence of Display Effectiveness 230 • The Use and Nonuse of P-O-P Materials 232 • Measuring In-Store Advertising’s Alliance 232 Summary 233 Designing a Package 204 Summary r 206 Part 4: Advertising Management Chapter 9: Overview of Advertising Management: Messages, Media, and Measurement 238 Marcom Challenge: Is Advertising Rocket Science? 238 Overview 240 The Magnitude of Advertising 240 IMC Focus: B2B Advertising on Television 241 Advertising-to-Sales Ratios 244 • Advertising Effects Are Uncertain 245 Advertising Functions Informing 246 • Influencing 247 • Reminding and Increasing Salience 247 • Adding Value 247 • Assisting Other Company Efforts 248 246 237 Global Focus: A Global Advertising Campaign for Exxon Mobil 248 The Advertising Management Process 249 Managing the Advertising Process: The Client Perspective 249 • The Role of Advertising Agencies 250 • Agency Compensation 253 Ad-Investment Considerations 254 The Case for Investing in Advertising 254 • The Case for Disinvesting 255 • Which Position Is More Acceptable? 255 Summary 259 SUBJECTIINDEX A ABC, 224 Abercrombie & Fitch, 88 Ability enhancing, 294 in accessing knowledge structures, 299 in creating knowledge structures, 299–302 Absolut Vodka, 168, 169, 342 Accelerated speech, in auditory messages, 318 Accenture, 192, 194 Accountability, 23, 50, 155–56, 332, 591 achieving, 46–47 with p-mail, 468 Account executives, 252 Account management, in advertising agency, 252–53 Account planners, 268 Account planning, 268 Account-specific marketing, 517–18 Ace bandages, 533 Achievement value, 280, 283 Achievers, 97 Action, 123 Active synthesis, 133 ActMedia, 222 Acura, 191 Adams Outdoor Advertising, 218, 219 Addressability, 470 Adelphia, 56, 585 Adidas, 34, 35, 217, 307 Adidas-Salomon AG, 175 Adnorm index, 339, 341 Adopter categories, 177 Adoption, product characteristics that facilitate, 173–78 AdSense, 456 Ad slicks, 517 Advair, 310, 311 Advertising See also Magazine advertising; Newspaper advertising; P-mail advertising; Point-of-purchase advertising; Radio advertising; Television advertising alternative styles of creative, 480–81 appeals to informational and hedonic needs in, 296 arguments for disinvesting in, 255, 260 arguments for investing in, 254, 260 assessing effectiveness of, 376–78 audio-video, 474 banner, 444 billboard, 215 budgeting for, 368–69 campus, 526–27 CD-ROM, 474 cigarette, 60, 61 cinema, 479–80, 483 comparative, 320–23 cooperative, 541 corporate image, 287 corporate issue, 287–88 corrective, 74 creating effective, 265–69 deceptive, 72–73 direct, 466–74, 482 DVD, 474 efficiency of, 496 electronic mail (e-mail), 448–53, 460 endorsers in, 302–9, 323 ethical issues in, 62–65 functions of, 246–49 global expenditures on, 157 green, 78 Hispanic-oriented, 112 humor in, 297, 310–12, 330 indirect, 466, 474–76, 482 intense stimuli in, 297 Internet, 438–62 local television, 426 magazine, 408, 411–18 magnitude of, 240–41, 244–46 managing process, 249–53 manipulation in, 63–64 meaning transfer in, 40, 41, 121–22 measuring effectiveness of, 250 motion in, 298 music in, 320, 323, 330 network television, 424–25 newspaper, 408–11 novel stimuli in, 297 online, 440 out-of-home, 214–19 plans and strategy in, 250 p-mail, 466–74 point-of-purchase, 63, 167, 221–33 pricing elasticity versus, 255–58, 260 private and public venues, 476–81 radio, 408, 419–22 regulation of prescription drug, 75 reinforcing, 502 search engine, 453–57, 460 self-regulation in, 76–77 sex in, 315–17 slogans, 272 stereotypes in, 64 strength, 258 strong model of, 384 subliminal messages in, 317–19, 323 successes and mistakes in, 267–69 tattoo, 482 television, 408, 422–34 top-100 spenders in U.S (2003), 242–43 transformational, 276 uncertain effects with, 245–46 unfair, 73–74 use of other, 464–85 values most relevant to, 281 video-game, 482 violence in, 60 weak model of, 384 615 616 Advertising (Continued) wearout, 358–59 yellow-pages, 474–75, 482 Advertising Age, 60 Advertising agencies, 16, 548 account management in, 252–53 compensation in, 253 creative services in, 252 full-service, 252 knowledge learned from message research, 336 management supervisors in, 253 media planners in, 366, 367 mistakes by, 268 role of, 250–53 top-25 (U.S.), in ad revenue, 251 Advertising clearance, 76 Advertising copy, distinctive, 353, 355 Advertising managers, 249 Advertising media, 22 alternative offline, 480, 481 Internet compared with other, 441–42 mass, 15 self-regulation for, 76–77 versus vehicles in, 366 Advertising momentum, 46 Advertising objectives, 152–53 in advertising strategy, 270 brand loyalty and, 151 for brand names, 193–94 brand-positioning, 204–5 identifying, 569 media, 370–87 presale, 153, 154 sales, 153, 154 setting, 19, 146–53 specific, 146 Advertising plans, 269 Advertising research, 332–38 forms of, 332–34 persuasion in, 347–50 physiological arousal in, 346–47 recognition and recall in, 338–46 sales response in, 350–53 Advertising Research Foundation, 25 Copy Research Validity Project, 336 Advertising Response Model (ARM), 343 Advertising strategy, 368 in creative brief, 274 formulating, 269–71 Index Advertising-to-sales ratios, 244 for select product categories, 244–45 Advertising weight, 355, 360 Advil, 74 AdWords, 455, 456 Affordability method, 87, 164 African Americans, 109, 110–11 targeting of, 61–62 Age, changing structure of, 100–109 Agreement, comprehension and, 135 Ahold, 212 Ailing outgoers, 108 Aim, 34 AirPort Express, 451 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Bureau of, 62, 509 Alcohol advertising, to youth, 60 Alcoholic Beverage Labeling Act, 70 Allegra, 275, 321, 322 All in the Family, 427 All My Children, 423 Alltell, 163 Almay, 198 Alternative offline advertising media, 480–81, 483 Altima, 191 Amazon.com, Ambush marketing, 591 American Advertising Federation, 76 American Airlines, 92, 190 American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAA), 25, 76 code of ethical standards of, 65 American Century Investments, Inc., 406 American Dreams, 478 American Eagle Outfitters, 88 American Express, 480, 591 American Family Life Assurance Company (Aflac) American Idol, 366, 385, 424, 427, 429 American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) Corporation, 278, 347 Ameritest, 336 Amtrak, 241 Anacin, 300 Ancestral groups, largest, of U.S residents, 101 Anheuser-Busch Company, 150, 162, 343, 344, 589 Animal brand names, 193 Animatics, 333 Appeals to consumer fears, 312–14 to consumer guilt, 314–15 to informational and hedonic needs, 296–97 Apple Computer, 173, 175, 176, 263–64, 451, 477, 555 Apple iPod, 267 Apprentice, The, 305, 424, 478 Appropriateness, 266 AQH ratings, 421 Aquafresh, 34, 199 Arbitron, 422, 433, 434, 457 RADAR service, 422 Architectural Digest (magazine), 397 Areas of dominant influence (ADIs), 419 Arm & Hammer, 34, 196 Armor All, 199 ARS Persuasion Method, 348–49 predictive validity of scores in, 349–50 Arthur Andersen, 56, 192 Asian Americans, targeting of, 112–14 Asics, 35 Ask Jeeves, 453, 454 Association of Coupon Professionals, 25 Association of National Advertisers, 25, 48, 76, 477 As the World Turns, 423 Asymmetric switching behavior, 521 Attention, 132–33 involuntary, 296 selective, 133 voluntary, 296 Attitudes, 38, 48, 130 forming, 151 reinforcing, 151 Attitude scales, 333 Attractiveness, 304, 305–6, 308 Attributes, 38, 280 positioning of, 127, 129, 140 Audience fractionalization, 427 radio advertising and, 421 Audience management systems, 92 Audience measurement in-store, 232–33 for Internet advertising, 458, 460 for magazine advertising, 416 for out-of-home advertising, 217–18 for radio advertising, 422 for television advertising, 431–34 for video-game advertising, 476 Audio-video advertising, 474 Audiovisual product releases, 580 Autonomic nervous system, 346 Average frequency, 392 Average quarter hour (AQH), 421 Average yearly sales, 471 Avon, 430 Awareness class, 170 Away-from-home viewer measurement, 433 Axe deodorant, 481 B Baby-boom generation, 99, 100, 108 Baby busters, 105 Background, 273 Bagel Bites, 589 Balanced Spectrum floor lamp, 247 Balance-of-power shift, 495 Bandai Company Ltd., 182 Banner ads, on Internet, 444 Barq’s root beer, 557 Bausch & Lomb, 190 Bayer, 74, 77 Bazooka bubble gum, 499–500 Beano, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154 Beatrice Company, 560 Beauty Products Inc., 510 Behavior-affecting objective, 13–15 Behavioral targeting, online advertising via, 457, 460 Behaviorgraphics, 87, 90, 114 Behaviorgraphic targeting, 90–93 BehaviorScan, 351–53, 354, 355, 359 Beliefs, 130 forming, 151 reinforcing, 151 Believers, 96 Bell Atlantic, 192 Benefit positioning, 125–27, 140 Benefits, 280, 497 Benevolence value, 281 Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream, 536–37, 538 Benylin, 231, 232 Best Buy, 112, 526 Best Western, 271 Index Better Homes & Gardens (magazine), 414, 415 Betty Crocker, changing faces of, 202 Bill-back ad allowances, 506 Bill-back allowances, 505, 506 Bill-back display allowances, 506 Billboard advertising, 215 case study on effectiveness of, 218–19 limitations with, 217 strengths of, 216 Birch Scarborough Research, 422 BlackBerry, 578 Blogads, 447 Blogger, 447 Blogs, 188, 206 as advertising format, 447–48 BlogSpot, 447 Blue Angel, 80 BMW, 138, 139, 176, 187, 314, 467, 480, 483 Body Shop, The, 578 Bohemian Mix, 98, 114 Bold, 496 Bon Appétit (magazine), 19, 415 Bonus packs, 532, 554, 559, 572 Books, brand placements in, 479 Booz, Allen &Hamilton, 246 Bose, 45 Boston Marathon, 482 Botox, 566 Bot software programs, 457 Bottom-up (BU) budgeting, 19 Bottom-up/top-down process (BUTD), 19 Bounce-back value, 546 Boutiques, 252 Bradlees, 226 Brand audits, 46 Brand awareness, 23, 24, 34–37, 48, 146, 155, 336 pyramid, 35 Brand benefits, brand positioning via, 125–27 Brand choice, influencing, 383 Brand differentiation, 353 Brand equity, 1, 18, 38, 50 benefits resulting from enhancement of, 44 concept of, 32 customer-based framework, 34 customer-based perspective on, 33 defined, 33 enhancing, 40–44 via search engine advertising, 455 617 firm-based perspective on, 33 framework, 124 investing in, 255, 258 mixing elements in, 21 Brand identity, positive, 40 Brand image, 34, 37–40, 42, 124, 246, 336 as strategy, 530 Brand image creative style, 275–76, 288 Branding, ethical issues in, 66–67 Brand journalism, 12 Brand Keys, 144 Brand-level marketing, Brand lift index, 229 Brand loyalty, 43, 44, 147 accomplishing, 151 reduced, 495–96 Brand management objectives, 529–30 Brand managers, 548 integrated marketing communications and, knowledge learned from message research, 336 Brand message points, 9–10 Brand name, requirements of good, 189–93 Brand name piracy, 67 Brand names, 66, 206 choosing, 194 made-up, 191 suggestive, 191 Brand naming process, 193–94 Brand parity, increased, 495 Brand placements in books and songs, 479 in entertainment, 476–77 in movies, 477–78, 483 in television programs, 431, 478–79, 483 Brand positioning, 120, 139, 274 framework for, 124 meaning of meaning in, 121 nuts and bolts of, 123–30 objectives for, 204–5 outcomes of, 123 statement, 19 via brand benefits, 125–27, 140 via product attributes, 127, 129, 140 Brand recall, 35 Brand recognition, 35 Brand repositioning, 129–30 Brands attributes, 124, 125 characteristics of world-class, 44–46 description of, 32 at level of, 4–5 personality dimensions, 38 publicizing, 246 thoughts and feelings about, 273 worldclass, 44–46 Brand strengths, 295 Brand switching, 247 Braun, 430 Brick-and-mortar retailers, 36 Bridge buying, 510 Bridgestone/Firestone, 581, 584, 585 Briefing.com, 37 Brillo, 161 Brita water filters, 284, 285 BriteVision Media, 10, 11 Brooklyn Bottling Corporation, 587 Bruzzone Research Company (BRC), 336, 342 Bruzzone tests, 342–44, 360 Bubble Yum, 586 Budgeting, 17, 19–20, 87, 146, 475 for advertising, 156–58, 368–69 affordability method, 164 bottom-up, 19 competitive parity method, 161–64 constraints, 387 establishing, 156 objective-and-task method, 160–61, 165 percentage-of-sales, 159–60, 165 in theory, 156–58 top-down, 19 Budget Rent A Car Corporation, 566, 589 Bud Light, 589 Budweiser, 162, 163, 343, 477 Buell motorcycle, 283 Buena Vista Television Advertising Sales, 425 Buick Rainier, 2, Building-mounted signs, 220 Burger King, 69, 129, 586 Burke Marketing Research, 344 Burroughs Wellcome Company, 582 Burton, 589 Business-to-business (B2B) marketing, 2, 36 marketing-mix modeling and, 50 targeting, 18 Business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing, Business Week (magazine), 3, 241, 366, 447, 580 Buyographics, 369 Buzz, 170 building, 180 creating, 183–89, 206, 579 Internet and, 188–89 perspectives on, 185–88 Bystanders, 105 C Cable advertising, 425–26 Cable News Network (CNN), 582 Cable television, 15 CACI (ACORN), 98 Cadbury, 499 Campbell Soup Company, 58, 193, 247, 278, 356–57, 358, 406, 478, 506, 510, 592, 595 Campus advertising, 526–27 Canandaigua Wine Co., 203 Candidate brand names, 194 Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, 265 Canon, 398 CAN-SPAM, 450 Cap’n Crunch cereal, 556 Car & Driver (magazine), 390, 397 Carhartt, 589 Carnation, 559 Carolina Manufacturer’s Service (CMS), 547 Catalina Marketing Corporation, 544 Catalog marketing, 469–70 Category-dominance strategies, 275 Category management, 512–14, 522 Cause-oriented programs, 80 Cause-related marketing (CRM), 591–95, 596 benefits of, 594–95 CBS, 224 CBS Evening News, 366 CD-ROM advertising, 474 Celebrities, 330 Celebrity endorsers, 302–3, 323 Celebrity icons, 187 Cellular phones, 451–53 Center for Science in the Public Interest, 59 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 58, 59 Cents-off deals, 496, 539, 558 Cerebral switches, 189 Chanel No 5, 32 Change points, 534 618 Charmin toilet tissue, 538 Chase Manhattan, 278 Chat rooms, 188, 206 Checkout Coupon, 544 Checkout Direct, 544 Cheerios, 198 Cheerleaders, 206 Cheerleading, 182 Cheetos, 56 Chemical Bank, 278 Cherry picking, 520 Chevrolet, 320 Chiat/Day, 264 Chicago Sun-Times, 409 Chicago Tribune, 409 Chief executive officers (CEOs), 47 Children, 99, 102 targeting of, 58–61 unfair advertising to, 73 Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), 76 China, image problem and, 36 Choices, 130 Chrysler, 430 Chunky candy bars, 535 Cialis, 108 Cinema advertising, 479, 483 Cingular, 196, 479 Cisco, 241 Citibank, 278, 279 City Roots, 114 Claimed-recall scores, 344 Claim-fact discrepancy, 72 Clairol, 262–63, 265, 430 Clamato, 112, 113 Clam Plate Orgy, The (Key), 318 Claritas (PRIZM), 98, 114 Clear Channel Outdoor, 215 Clearinghouses, 547, 548 Click fraud, 456–57 Click-through rates, 444, 459, 460 Client perspective, advertising management process and, 249–50 Clinique, 190 Clio Awards, 265 Clorox Company, 50, 321, 322, 503–4 Close-Up, 34, 198 Clutter, 264, 265, 294, 410, 415, 430, 464, 590 CNBC, 241 CNN, 241 Co-branding relation, 42–43 Coca-Cola Company, 10, 40, 42, 69, 104, 112, 192, 195, 198, 246, 317, 320, 345, 406, 477, 478, 481, 559, 582, 583, 584, 589, 590 Cognetix, 218 Index Cola wars, 42 Coleman Company, 589 Colgate-Palmolive Company, 34, 35, 190, 595 Color, in packaging, 197–98 Columbia Sportswear Company, 588 Co-marketing, 517 Commercial rumors, 586 Commissions, from media for advertisements, 253 Communication objectives, 153 Communication outcomes, 23 Communication priorities, determining, 205 Communications See also Integrated marketing communication (IMC); Marketing communications mediated, 240 Compaq, 191, 264, 492, 555 Comparative advertising, 323 considerations dictating use of, 322–23 effectiveness of, 321–22 role of, 320–23 Compatibility, 135, 174–75, 178 Compensation, agency, 253 Competence, 38, 40 Competitive advantage, 123, 139 Competitive analysis, 205 Competitive interference, 163 Competitive parity method, 87, 161–64, 165 Competitors, identifying, 271 Complexity, 175–76, 178 Comprehension, 133 Computerized media-selection model, 387, 401 ConAgra Frozen Foods, 536, 556 Concretizations, 300, 302 Conditioned stimulus (CS), 320 Cone Corporate Citizenship Study, 594 Conformity value, 281 Connectors, 185 Consequences, 280 Conspicuity, 221 Conspiracy rumors, 587 Consumer behavior, influence of P-O-P on, 223–26 Consumer characteristics, 294 Consumer choice, regulation and, 70 Consumer fears, use of appeals to, 312–14 Consumer guilt, use of appeals to, 314–15 Consumer information processing (CIP) model, 142n Consumer-oriented sales promotions, 67 Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, 350, 406, 491, 521, 528, 555 Consumer processing model (CPM), 140, 201 acting on basis of decision, 132 agreement with what is comprehended, 135 comprehension of what is attended, 133–34 deciding from alternatives, 132 exposure to information, 132 hedonistic, experimental model versus, 138–39 retention and search/retrieval of stored information, 135 selective attention, 132–33 Consumer processing model (CPM) process, 131–37 Consumer promotions bonus packs as, 532, 554, 557 brand management objectives, 529–30 contests as, 563 couponing as, 539–48 games as, 559–60 premiums as, 554–58 price-offs as, 532 reasons for using, 528–29 sampling as, 532–39 sweepstakes as, 532, 554 Consumer responsiveness, to promotional deals, 497 Consumers advancing from unawareness to awareness, 148 culturally constituted world of, 121, 122 homogeneity and, 496 mature, 108–9 middle-aged, 108 obtaining trial purchases from, 500–501 P-O-P and, 223 reasonable, 72 responsiveness of, 497 targeting economically disadvantaged, 61–62 Contact, Contamination rumors, 587 Content-oriented Web sites, selecting, 455 Content-targeted advertising, 456 Contests, 67, 532, 554, 563–64, 572, 573 online, 564 Context, 120 Continental, 190 Continuity, 370, 380–82 Continuity programs, 532, 554, 572, 573 Continuity promotions, 564–66 Continuous advertising schedule, 380 Converse, 35 Cookies, 445 Cooperative coupon advertising, 541 Co-op Productions, 533 Co-op sampling, 533 Coors, 162, 163 Copy research, 333 Copy testing, 333, 334 Copy tests, weight tests versus, 352 Corona, 587 Corporate blogs, 189 Corporate image advertising, 287 Corporate issue (advocacy) advertising, 287–88 Corporate response, 584–85 Corporate reward structures, 496 Corrective advertising, 74 Cosmopolitan (magazine), 217, 366, 415 demographic profile of, 411, 412 partial rate card for, 412 Costco, 512, 531, 568 Cost considerations with celebrity endorsers, 308 in media planning, 385–86 Cost-efficiency, 386 Cost-per-action (CPA) metric, 459, 460 Cost-per-click (CPC), 455 Cost-per-order, p-mail and, 468 Cost per rating point (CPP), 392 Cost-per-thousand (CPM), 216 p-mail and, 468 Cost-per-thousand impressions, 459, 460 Council of Better Business Bureau, National Advertising Division (NAD), 76, 77, 82 Country Casuals, 114 Country image problems, 36 Couponing, 487, 504, 539–48, 549 background, 539–41 on college campuses, 526–27 cooperative, 541 economic impact, 541–42 Index online, 546 point-of-purchase, 542–43 profits from, 542 by retailers, 567–68 Coupons, 67, 150, 496 defined, 539 in- or on-packs, 539, 546 instant, 531, 539 mail-delivered, 531, 539, 545 media-delivered, 531, 539, 545 misredemption, 547–48 redemption process, 543–44, 546–47 scanner-delivered, 531, 544 shelf-delivered, 531, 544 CPM, 385, 386, 392, 414, 420 CPM-TM, 385, 386, 414 Cracker Jack, 196 Craftsman tools, 45 Crayola, 32, 45 Creative brief, 333 constructing, 271–74 Creative content, media weight and, 358 Creative director, 265 Creative distribution methods, in sampling, 535–37 Creative platform, 270 Creatives, constructing, 271–74 Creative services, in advertising agency, 252 Creativity, role of, in advertising, 265–67 Credibility, 135, 304–5, 307, 322, 323, 578, 580 Crest, 34, 35, 406 Crisis management, 584–85 Crossruffing, 546 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, 184 Crown Royal, 299 Crusoe chip, 191 Culturally constituted world, 139 of consumers, 121, 122 Cumberland, 231 Cumulative net present value (NPV) profit, 472 Curiosity, enhancing, 298 Customer lifetime value, 470 Customer relationship management (CRM), 13, 472 Customers brand equity and, 33–34 integrated marketing communication and, Customized events, creating, 590–91 Cute things, 330 619 D DaimlerChrysler, 187, 241, 476 Dasani, 582, 583 Database marketing, 470 Data collection, accurate, 48–49 Data mining, 472–74, 482 Day-after recall (DAR), 344, 345 Daytime, 423 Deadline, 274 Deal, 496 DeBeers, 126, 130 Deceptive advertising, 72–73 Delayed reward, 531, 532, 544, 546, 555 Dell, 4, 264, 492 Delta Air Lines, 190, 259 Demographers, 100 Demographics, 87, 90, 91, 114, 270, 369 Demographic targeting, 99–114 Denny’s, 174 Dentsu Eye, 182 Design, in packaging, 198–99 Deslotting allowances, 508 Deslotting charges, 521 Detriments, 280 Deutsche Bank, 431 report by, 406 DeWalt, 589 DHL, 172 Diamond Trading Company, 130 Dickies, 564, 589 Dick’s Sporting Goods, 568 Diesel, 43 Diet Dr Pepper plan, 392–95 Diffusion marketing, 180, 183 Diffusion process, adopter categories in, 179 Digital video disk (DVD) player, 430 Digital video recorders (DVRs), 429 Direct, 464 Direct advertising, 14, 466–74, 482 postal mail advertising, 466–74 Direct-advertising firms, 16 Direct costs, 472 Direct mail, 15, 539 couponing by, 545 sampling by, 533 Direct Marketing Association, 25 Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, 75 Disadvantaged consumers, targeting of, 61–62 Discounted cash flow (DCF), 48, 53n, 248 Discount rate, 471 Discounts, phantom, 561, 573 Discovery Channel, 45 Discretionary income, 108 Disinvesting in advertising, 255, 260 Disney Dream Desk PC, 102 Display ads, 460 on Internet, 444 Displays effectiveness of, 230–32 point-of-purchase, 222 Diverting, 509, 510–11 DKNY, 43 Doan’s Pills, 74 Domino’s Pizza, 594 Donnelly Marketing (ClusterPlus), 98, 99, 114 Door-to-door sampling, 533 Dora the Explorer, 59 Doritos, 56, 200 Dot-com businesses, 36–37 DoubleClick, 446 DoveBar, 126, 128 Dove body lotion, 198 Downy, 198 Dr Martens, 480, 483 Dr Pepper, 199, 479 advertising plan, 392–95 campaign target and objectives, 393 creative strategy for, 393 media strategy for, 393–95 Drifters, 105 Dual-coding theory, 137 Ducks Unlimited (magazine), 391 Dunkin’ Donuts, 112, 126, 481, 482 DuPont, 43, 299 Duracell, 127, 225 Dutch Boy paint, 202, 204 DVD advertising, 474 E Early adopters, 179 Early majority, 179 Ease or difficulty factor, with celebrity endorsers, 308 Easter Seals, 594 eBay, 578 Ebony (magazine), 366, 416 Edge shaving gel, 318 Effective advertising, 265 Effectiveness, 571, 573 assessing, 250 Effective rating points (ERPs), 377, 401 Effective reach, 375–76, 392 planning in advertising practice, 376–78 Efficiency, 570, 573 with p-mail, 468 Efficient consumer response (ECR), 512–14, 516, 522 Elasticity, 255, 256–58, 519 effect of, on share of market, 258 Electronic data interchange (EDI), 512 Electronic mail (e-mail), unfairness doctrine and, 74 Electronic mail (e-mail) advertising, 448–53, 460 e-zines, 450 opt-in e-mailing versus spam, 449–50 wireless, 451–53 Electronic measurement of a sample of users, 458 Electronic television meters, 351 Elementary-school-age children, 102 Elle (magazine), 130 e-mail magazines (e-zines), 450 Emotional appeal, in packaging, 201–2 Emotional creative style, 277, 288 Emotional reactions, 130 measurement of, via physiological arousal, 346–47 Emotional responses, sex appeal and enhancement of, 315 Empirical generalizations, 518, 521 Empty-vessel philosophy, of brand naming, 193 Encoding specificity principle, 201, 225 Encoding variability hypothesis, 163, 164 Endorsers, 323 attributes of, TEARS Model, 304–6 celebrity, 302–3, 323 no tears approach in selection considerations of, 306–9 role of, in advertising, 302–9 typical-person, 303, 323 Energizer, 199, 225 Enfamil, 561 Enforcement costs, 71 Enron, 56, 57, 585 Entertainment Tonight, 425 Entry interviews, 226 Environmental issues, in packaging, 66 Environmental marketing communications, 77–82 620 Epidemics, rules of, 185–86 EquiTrend surveys, 44, 45 Equity enhancement, 570, 573 Equity score, 45 Era, 496 ESPN, X Games on, ESPN Magazine, 388, 389, 390 Esprit, 88 Esso, 248 Estée Lauder, 430 e-tailers, 36, 37 Ethical core values, 68 Ethics, 58 in advertising, 62–65 in marketing communications, 57–58 in online marketing, 67–68 in packaging and branding, 66–67 in public relations, 65–66 in sales promotions, 67 of targeting, 58–62 Ethnic population developments, 99, 109–14 European Broadcasting Union, 480 European Union, 71 Evan Williams, 300, 302 Event marketing, 596 Event sponsorships, 15, 588–91 Eveready batteries, 224, 225 Everybody Loves Raymond, 425 Everyday low pricing (EDLP), 514–15, 521–22 Evian, 4, 80, 582 Excitement, 38 Execution ease, 570, 573 Executive-statement releases, 581 Exemplar, 299 Exemplar-based learning, 299 Exit fees, 508, 521 Exit interviews, 226 Expectations, creating, 150 Expense, 570, 573 Experian (MOSAIC), 98 Experiencers, 97 Experiential needs, positioning based on, 126, 139 Expertise, 305, 323 Explosive self-generating demand (ESGD), 185, 186–88 Exposure, 132 first, power of, 382–82, 384 Exposure efficiency, index of, 379 Exposures, effective, 376 Exposure time, 217 Index Exposure utility, 378 Exxon Mobil, 248 F Face value, 541, 547 Failing recluses, 109 Fair trade products, symbolism and, 125 Fall of Advertising & the Rise of PR, The (Ries and Ries), 578, 579 Fallon McElligott, 184, 312 Familiarity, 310 Fantasies, 138 Favorability, brand image and, 37 Favorable brand associations, 18 Fear appeals, 312–14, 323 appropriate intensity, 313 logic behind, 313 to scarcity, 313–14 Feature analysis, 133 Feature articles, 581 Federal agencies, regulation of marketing communications by, 71–75 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 560 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on cigarette advertising, 60 corrective advertising and, 74 on deceptive and unfair marketing practices, 72–74 on green marketing, 57 Internet fraud and, 74 on junk e-mails, 450 on marketing communications, 71 on price-off labeling, 558, 572 regulation of information by, 74–75 slotting allowances and, 509 Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995, 190 Fiat Automobiles, 493 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 497, 498 Financial Times, 241 Firestone, 66, 581, 582, 584, 585 First Brands, 57, 503, 504 Fisher Boy, 559 Flexibility, 410 with p-mail, 468 Flighting advertising schedule, 381–82, 401 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 71, 583 on prescription drug advertising, 75 on trans fat labeling, 54, 55 Foote, Cone & Belding (FCB), 262, 345 Foot Locker, 488–89, 495 Forbes (magazine), 3, 397, 580 Ford Motor Company, 66, 176, 187, 241, 253, 477, 478, 581, 584, 585 Forrester Research, 10, 438 Fortune (magazine), 3, 241, 580 Forward buying, 509, 510 Fox, 224 Framing nonrelative, 323 relative, 323 verbal, 299 France Telecom SA, 479 Fraud game, 560 Internet, 74 rebate, 562–63 Free-gift-with-purchase premiums, 555 Free merchandise, 539 Freestanding insert (FSI), 539, 543, 545 Free-standing signs, 220 Free-with-purchase premiums, 531, 554, 555, 572 Frequency, 370, 371–73 Frequency distributions, 372–73, 378, 391 Frequency in media planning, 371–73 Frequency levels, 216 Frequency of deals, 519 Frequency value planning, 378–80 Frequent-flyer programs, 13, 564, 573 Frequent-shopper programs, 568 Friends, 425 Fringe time, 423 Frito-Lay, 56, 200, 354, 359, 544 Frozen Coke, 68, 69 Fruit Label Company, 481 Full-service advertising agencies, 16, 252 Fun, exhiliration, and energy (FEE), 5–6 Functionally oriented advertising, 275 Functional magnetic resonance images (fMRIs), 42 Functional needs, positioning based on, 125, 139 Fundamental decisions, 17, 18–19 Fundamental marketing communications decisions, 18–20 G Gallup & Robinson, 336, 344 Galvanic skin response (GSR), 346, 347 Galvanometer, 346, 347 Games, 532, 554, 559–60, 572 avoiding snafus, 559–60 Gap Inc., 88, 307 Gateway, 18, 197, 264, 492 Gatorade, 58, 199, 247, 306 GEICO, 481 General Electric (GE), 2–4, 80 General Foods, 586 Generally planned purchases, 227 General Mills, 202, 246, 535, 546, 556, 557, 589, 592 General Motors, 38, 80, 110, 184, 241, 287, 367, 430, 541 General public relations, 578 Generation X, 99, 104, 105, 106 Generation Y, 99, 104 Generic creative style, 277–78, 288 Gentleman’s Quarterly (GQ) (magazine), 415 Geo, 191 Geodemographics, 87, 90, 91, 114, 270 in targeting, 98–99 Geographic flexibility, 216 Geographics, 369 Georgia-Pacific, 594 Gerber Products, 469, 556, 586–87 Gestalt, 197, 299 Gillette Company, 177, 275, 317, 535 Gillette Mach3, 406 Giorgio Armani, 129 Girl guides, 182 Glad, 56, 57, 297, 503, 504 Glamour (magazine), 411 Global positioning satellites (GPS) technology, 218, 453 GM Planworks, 367 Go-Gurt yogurt, 202 Index Golf Digest (magazine), 416 Goody’s, 568 Google, 440, 447, 449, 453, 454, 455, 456 Gore-Tex, 43, 44 Graphics, packaging, 66 Grass roots, nurturing, 187–88 Gravity Games (NBC), Green advertising, 78 Green marketing, 82 guidelines for, 81–82 Green marketing communications, 77–82 Green Seal, 80 Gross profit, 471 Gross rating points (GRPs), 215–16, 355, 356, 364, 373–74, 401 GTE, 192 Guerrilla marketing, 180, 183, 206 Guilt, use of appeals to, 314–15, 323 Guinness Import Company, 4, 276, 277, 536 Guns & Ammo (magazine), 391 Gunsmoke, 427 H Habituation, 297 Hanes, 278 Harley-Davidson, 30–31, 32, 42, 107 Harris Interactive, 44 Havas, 250 Healthy Choice, 190, 191, 192, 198 Healthy hermits, 108 Healthy indulgers, 109 Hedonic, experiential model (HEM), 131, 137–39, 140, 201 Hedonic benefits, 497, 530 Hedonic needs, appeals to, 296–97 Hedonism value, 280, 283 Hefty trash bags, 56–57, 65 Heileman Brewing Company, 61 Heineken, 198, 481, 587 H J Heinz Company, 201, 406, 532, 538, 589, 592 Hershey Foods, 10, 45, 564, 580, 592 Heuristics, 159, 165 Hewlett-Packard (HP), 191, 398, 492, 517 621 Hierarchy-of-effects framework, 147–48, 165 High-traffic locations and events, sampling in, 534 Hispanic Americans (Latinos), 109, 111–12 targeting of, 62 top 10 U.S markets, 112 Holiday Inn, 269, 270, 271, 312 Honda, 4, 67, 76, 78, 122, 138, 267 Honesty, 58 Honor, 58 Hoover, 430 Horizontal lines, in packaging, 198 Hormel, 517, 567 Hotspots, locating, 451 House & Garden (magazine), 416 Household, ever-changing American, 99, 109, 114 Hubs, 185 Huggies, 190, 512 Human adaptation, 297 “Humanology” campaign (Gateway), 18, 19 Hummer, 38, 39, 186, 187 Humor, 297, 330 role of, in advertising, 310–12 Hybrid vehicles, 78 I I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, 190 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Chicken, 190 Identification, 305 Identity theft, 450 Ill-structured problem, 20 Image matchup, 589 Image reinforcement, 530 Imagery usage, 129 user, 129 “Imagination at Work,” Immediate gratification, 531 Immediate reward, 531, 543, 555 Impersonal sources, 180 Implementation decisions, 17 Incentive Manufacturers and Representatives Alliance, 25 Incentives, 490, 497 Incongruity resolution, 310 Independent blogs, 189 Index of exposure efficiency, 379 Indirect advertising, 466, 474–76, 482 Individuation, 440–41 Inducements, 497 Industry standards for message research, 334–35 Infiniti, 467 Influentials, 185 Infomercials, 430–31 Information avoiding negative, 182–83, 188 enhancing opportunity to encode, 298–99 exposure to, 132 in packaging, 200 regulation of, 74–75 search and retrieval of, 137 Informational needs, appeals to, 296–97 Information processing, stages of, 135 Information Resources Inc (IRI), 92, 351, 354, 516 BehaviorScan, 354 Infoscan service, 92 Ingenuity, 464 Ingredient branding, 43 In-house advertising operation, 251 Innovators, 96, 179, 187 In-pack coupons, 539, 546 In-pack premiums, 532, 556, 572 In-pack sampling, 533 Instant coupon machine, 544 Instant coupons, 531, 539 Instantly redeemable coupons (IRCs), 543–44 In-store decision making, factors influencing, 228–29 In-store decision rate, 227, 228 In-store media, 222, 223 In-store promotions, 567–69 In-store sampling, 534, 538 In-store signage, 167 Integrated marketing communication (IMC), 1, 2, 32, 46 defined, 6, key features of, 8–15 obstacles to implementing, 16 synergy and, 6–7 Integration of marketing communications, 5–16 Integrity, 58, 68, 69 Intel, 4, 477 Intelligent shopping carts, 212–13 Intense stimuli, use of, 297–98 Interactivity, 440–41 Internalization, 304, 323 International Business Machine (IBM) Corporation, 4, 264, 347 International Herald Tribune, 580 Internet, 10, 36, 92, 438–62, 584 advertising formats, 442 advertising via behavioral targeting, 457 Asian-Americans and, 114 buzz creation via, 188–89 comparison with other media, 441–42 coupons via, 546 display or banner ads, 444–46 e-mail advertising, 448–53 individuation and interactivity, 440–41 marketing to children over, 59 mature consumers and, 108 measuring ad effectiveness, 457–59 negative information and, 585 promotion agencies on, 549 rich media on, 446–47 sampling by, 534, 537 search engine advertising and, 453–57 unfairness doctrine and, 74 Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), 445 Internet marketing units (IMUs), 445 Interpretation, 133 Interpreter, 120, 139 Interpublic Group, 250 Interstitials, 446 Intrusion value, 426 Investing in advertising, 254, 260 Involuntary attention, 296 iPods, 421, 448 “Silhouette” commercial, 267 Ipsos-ASI, 336, 347 Next*TV Method, 348, 360 iVillage, 92 J Jack Daniels, 589 Jaguar, 110 Japan, 36 outdoor media in, 217 Jean Coutu, 231 Jeep, 477 JetBlue Airways, 144–45, 184, 190, 194, 195 622 Jiffy Lube, 453 Jimmy Neutron, 59 Job outlook for advertising managers, 249 forcreative director, 265 for market and survey researchers, 47, 94 for marketing majors, for media directors, 179 for survey researchers, 416 Joe Camel, 60, 61 John Deere, 176 Johnson & Johnson, 66, 300, 582 S C Johnson & Son, 539 Jose Cuervo Especial tequila, 341, 346 JP Morgan Chase, 278 Junk e-mail, 448 K Kaplan Thaler Group, 266 Kellogg Company, 198, 246 Kentucky Fried Chicken, 192, 586 Key fact, 270 Keyword-matching, 455 Keywords, 454 purchasing, 455 Keyword search, 453 Kia, 339, 340 Kiasu mentality, 314 Kibbles and Bits, 590 Kidon Media-Link, 388 Kimberly Clark, 512 Kmart, 226, 230, 233, 586 Knowledge structures, 135 enhancing ability to access, 299 enhancing ability to create, 299–300 KOA Kampground, 535 Kodak, 4, 198, 398, 430, 431 Kool-Aid, 517 Kraft Foods, 43, 73, 367, 469, 508 K-Swiss, 35 Kuchikomi, 182 Ku Klux Klan, 587 Kurt Salmon Associates, 512 L L L Bean, 469 Label information, 66 Labeling, regulation of, 75 Labor-based fee system, 253 Laddering, 284, 286 Ladies Professional Golf Association, 589 Index Laggards, 179 Landor Associates, 192, 195 Land Rover, 176 Lands’ End, 470 La Redoute, 470 Late majority, 179 Law of the few, 185–86 Lay’s, 56, 200 Lead time, 415, 567 LeapPads, 102 Learning, types of, 136–37 Lee Jeans, 184, 592 Leveraging, 41, 42, 66 Lever Brothers, 539 Levi Strauss, 4, 6, 43, 481 Levitra, 108 Lexus, 191, 467 Lifan, 67 Lifestyle/psychographics, 369, 370 Lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS), 126 Lifetime-value analysis, 470–72 Lifetime value per customer, 472 Limited processing capacity, 135 Limited Too, 102 Linkages establishing new, 137 strengthening of, 136–37 Links, 185 Listerine, 74, 231, 232, 559 Lists, buzz creation and, 187 Liveamatics, 333 LiveJournal, 447 Loading, 501–2 Local advertising, 408 on television, 426 Local people meters (LPMs), 433, 434 Log-file analysis, 458 Logos, 206 dubbing in, 479 famous, 196 role of, 195–96 London International Advertising Awards, 265 Long-run franchise, 180 Long-term memory (LTM), 135, 136 L’Oreal, 107 Loser, 140 Loser prospect, 124 Lotrimin AF, 491, 492, 499 Lowe’s Companies, 569 Loyalty, accomplishing, 151 Loyalty programs, 564 Lucent Technologies, 193, 194 Lumina, 191 Lycra, 43 M Made-up brand names, 191 Magazine advertising, 408, 411–18 audience measurement for, 416 buying space, 411–14 humor in, 310, 311 hypothetical illustration: Esuvee’s magazine schedule, 389–92 strengths and limitations, 414–16 Magazines coupon distribution via, 545 sampling by, 533 specialty interest, 15 Mail-delivered coupons, 531, 539, 545 Mail-in offers, 555–56 Makers, 97 Management supervisors, in advertising agencies, 253 Manchurian Candidate, 64 Mandatory requirements, establishing, 271 Mantra, 20 Manufacturers, P-O-P and, 222 Mapes & Ross, 336, 344 Marginal cost (MC), 156 Marginal revenue (MR), 156 Marie Callender’s, 536 Market and survey researchers, 47, 94 Marketing account-specific, 517–18 ambush, 591 brand-level, business-to-business, business-to-consumer, catalog, 469–70 cause-related, 80, 591–95, 596 database, 470 diffusion, 180, 183 experiential, 126 green, 77, 81–82 guerrilla, 180, 183, 206 mistakes, 268 online, 67–68, 438–39 reverse viral, 585 search engine, 453 sponsorship, 578, 587–95, 596 viral, 180, 183, 206 Marketing Agencies Association Worldwide, The, 25 Marketing communications, See also Integrated marketing communications achieving accountability, 46–47 at brand level, 4–5 changes in practices, 15–16 costs, 472 decision-making process in, 17–18 ethical issues in, 57–58 fostering of ethical behavior in, 68–70 green, 77–82 hierarchy-of-effects in, 147 implementation decisions for, 20–22 integration of, 5–16 mantra for, 20 meaning and, 121–22 measuring effectiveness, 47–49 momentum and, 22 nature of, 4–5 new products and, 170–78 objectives in, 19, 146–53 outcomes in, 23, 32 primary forms of, program evaluation, 23–24 regulation of, 70–76 by federal agencies, 71–75 by state agencies, 75–76 tools of, for objective setting, 146–47 trade associations in, 25–26 Marketing Evaluations, 309–10 Marketing majors, starting salaries for, Marketing mix, Marketing-mix modeling, 50–51 effects assessed with, 49–50 Marketing parochialism, Marketing public relations (MPR), 578, 596 proactive, 580–81, 596 reactive, 580, 581–85, 596 Marketing strategy, 368 Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children, 60 Market mavens, 182, 185 MarketSource, 535 Marlboro, 276, 517 Marriott, 271 Mars, Inc., 12 Martha Stewart, 33 Index Martha Stewart Living (magazine), 397 Martin Agency, 398, 467 Masked-recognition tests, 345, 346 Mass audience coverage, 410 Mass market, splintering of, 496 Mass media advertising, 15 MasterCard, Masterfoods, 533 Match-competitors method, 161 Materialism, tweens and, 105 Material representation, 71, 72 Mattel, 102 Mature brands, invigorating sales of, 499–500 Mature consumers, 108–9 Maximum penetration, 180 Maya Marketing, 537 Mazola, 198 McCann Worldgroup, 15 McDonald’s, 4, 37–38, 112, 174, 292, 293, 309, 408, 560, 586 McKinsey & Company, 185, 186, 187 MeadWestvaco Corporation, 118 Meals on Wheels, 594 Meaning defined, 121 within marketing communications, 120, 139 meaning of, 121 Meaning transfer, 121–22 Means-end chains, 279–87, 288 advertising applications of, 282–84 laddering and, 284, 286 practical issues in identifying, 286–87 Measurability, with p-mail, 468 MECCAS Model, 282, 283, 286, 288 Media, 366 alternative, 480–81, 483 in-store, 222, 223 messages and, 366–67 outdoor, 214, 217, 218 reduced effectiveness of, 496 selecting and buying, 367 self-regulation, 76 Spanish, 112 Media buyers, 252 Media database, developing, 387 Media-delivered coupons, 531, 539, 545 Media directors, 179 Media effectiveness, 332–33 Media kit, 412–14 623 Mediamark Research Inc (MRI), 411, 414, 416–18, 434, 457 Media Metrix, 458 Media-neutral approach, 15 Media planners, 252, 366, 401 Media planning, 366, 401 continuity in, 370, 380–82 cost considerations in, 370, 385–86 frequency in, 370, 371–73 model of process for, 368 process of, 368–69 reach in, 370–71 recency planning in, 370, 382–85 software for, 387–92 specifying, 370–87 subjective factors in, 377 trade-offs in, 386–87 weight in, 370, 373–80 Media plans for Olympus camera, 398–401 for Saab 9-5, 396–98 Media-schedule optimization, 387 Media selection, 21–22, 401 Media services, in advertising agency, 252 Media Sexploitation (Key), 318 Media strategy, 368 Mediated communication, 240 Media weight, creative content and, 358 Medicis Pharmaceutical, 566 Memory, elements of, 135–36 Memory organization packets, 135 Mentadent, 34, 353 Mercedes-Benz, 4, 35, 196, 467, 477 Merck & Co., 582 Message comprehension, 23 Message-driven approach, 41 Message research, 332–33 industry standards for, 334–35 measures used in, 336–38 methods of, 338 what brand managers and ad agencies learn from, 336 Messages, 186 creating, 21 enhancing motivation to attend to, 296 enhancing motivation to process, 298 media and, 366–67 novel, 297 subliminal, 317–19 Messengers, 186 Metaphors, 337 Metrics choosing, 47–48 for measuring Internet ad performance, 459 Metropolitan Life, 113 Metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), 419 Meyers Research Center, 229 Michael Power advertising campaign, 277 Michelin, 313, 555 Microsoft Corporation, 4, 183 Middle age, 108 Middle-aged consumers, 106–8 Millenial Generation, 104 Miller Brewing, 59, 150, 162, 163, 316, 317 Millstone coffee, 283 Millward Brown, 330, 336 Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M), 161 Minute Maid, 568 Miscomprehension, 134 Misleading omission, 72 Misredemption, coupon, 547–48 Misrepresentation, 72 M & M candies, 45–46, 532, 533 Mobil Chemical Company, 56, 57 Mobile phones, 451–53 Mobium Creative Group, 118 Molly McButter, 534 Molson, 13, 59 Momentum advertising, 46 establishing, 22 Monday Night Football, 366 Money (magazine), 397 Moneytalk (magazine), 563 Mood, 134 Morphemes, 191 Motion, using, 298 Motion displays, 223, 224, 225 Motivation, 123 enhancing, in attending to messages, 296 enhancing, in processing messages, 298 Motivation, opportunity, and ability (MOA), 295 Motorola, Motor Trend (magazine), 390, 411 Motrin, 564, 565 Mott’s, 113 Mountain Dew, 5–6, 10, 198, 276, 586, 589 MousepADvertising, 527 Movies, product placements in, 476–78, 483 MP3 audio files, 448 Mr Clean, 321 Mr Goodwrench, 38 m:robe, 398, 399 Mrs Paul, 568 MSNBC, 241 MSN Search, 453 MSN Spaces, 447 Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), 452 Multivariate regression analysis, 49 Music, 330 functions of, in advertising, 320, 323 N Nabisco Brands, 12, 43, 563, 592 National advertising, 408 National Advertising Review Board (NARB), 76, 82 National Advertising Review Council (NARC), 76–77 National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR), 533, 588 National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), 75, 76 National Association of Colleges and Employers, National Basketball Association (NBA), 307, 581 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, 18 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 482 National Decision Systems (Vision), 98 National Football League (NFL), 589–90 Nature Made, 301 Navigauge, 422 NBC, 224 Gravity Games, Near-pack premiums, 532, 556, 572 Negative information, 188 avoiding, 182–83 Negative publicity, 65, 66, 581, 584–85 Neilsen Monitor-Plus, 406 Nescafé, 449 Nestlé, 277, 515, 516 624 Net present value (NPV), 48, 53n, 470 Networks, 185 Network television advertising, 424–25 Neuromarketing, 42 New Age Marketing, 527 New Balance, 35, 107 Newlywed kits, 534 New-Product Adoption Process Model, 170, 171 New-product introductions, 578 New products, marketing communications and, 170–78 Newspaper advertising, 408–11 buying space, 409 strengths and limitations, 410–11 Newspaper Advertising Bureau (NAB), 408 Newspapers coupon distribution via, 545 sampling by, 533 New Yorker (magazine), 411 New York Times, 408 New York Yankees, 199 Nextel, 163 Next*TV Method, 348, 360 A C Nielsen, 351, 352, 422, 434, 476, 505, 516 Nielsen Cinema, 480 Nielsen Clearing House (NCH), 547 Nielsen Media Research, 218, 434, 458, 479–80 Nielsen’s diary panels, 432–33 Nielsen’s People Meters, 432, 433, 457 Nielsen’s ScanTrack, 351, 352, 360 Nike, 35, 176–77, 195, 266–67, 303, 459, 477, 488–89, 495 Nikon, 398 1984 Macintosh commercial, 264, 265 Nissan Motor, 278 Nivea, 198, 537 Nodes, 185 Non-product-related features, 127, 129 Nonprofit organizations, 592 Nonrelative framing, 323 Nonselectivity, 217 Nordstrom, 129 Nortel, 241 North American Hunter (magazine), 391 Northwest, 190 Norwegian Cruise Line, 298 Index No significant difference (NSD), 356 No tears approach to endorser selection, 306–9 Novartis Corporation, 74, 179, 180 Novel stimuli, use of, 297 Noxzema, 198 Npods, 218 NPV profit, 472 Nupirin, 533 Nutrition facts information, trans fat labeling, 54–56 O Obesity, childhood, 58 Objective-and-task budgeting, 87, 160–61 Objectives brand-positioning, 204–5 setting, 17 Observability, 176–77, 178 Ocean Spray, 42 Odyssey putter, 283 Off-invoice allowances, 505, 506, 517 undesirable consequences of, 509–11 Ogilvy & Mather, 316 Oil of Olay, 129–30 Old Milwaukee, 316 Old Navy, 589 Olfaction, 576 Olympics, 589, 591 Olympus camera media plan, 398–401 campaign objectives for, 398 media and vehicles for, 399–400 results for, 400–401 strategy for, 398 Omnicom Group, 250 100% Recycled Paperboard Alliance, 80 Online advertising, 438, 440 Online behavioral targeting, 92, 457, 460 Online buzz creation, 206 Online coupons/couponing, 539, 546 Online marketing, ethical issues in, 67–68 Online promotion agencies, rise of, 549 Online sampling, 534, 537 Online sweepstakes and contests, 564 Online video ads, 446 On-pack coupons, 539, 546 On-pack premiums, 532, 556, 572 On-pack sampling, 533 On-premise signs, 219–21 functions of, 220–21 Opinion leaders, 181–82, 185, 206 Opportunity enhancing, 294 to encode information, 298–99 to reduce processing time, 299 Opportunity to see an ad (OTS), 376, 392, 459 Optical laser scanning, 351, 515 Optimum mixture, 20 Opt-in e-mailing, 15 spam versus, 449–50 Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste, 102, 103 Orbit gum, 540 Originality, 266 Orville Redenbacher, 559, 567 Outcome-based programs, 253 Outcomes, 17, 23, 32 Outdoor advertising, 214 Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 214 Out-of-home (OOH) advertising, 214–19, 399 buying, 215–16 measuring audience size and characteristics, 217–18 Out-of-store signage, 167 Overlay programs, 566–67 Overlay promotions, 573 P Pace, 330 Packaging, 197–200, 206 design and shape cues in, 198–99 designing, 204–5 ethical issues in, 66–67 evaluating, 200–204 graphics for, 66 green, 78 physical materials in, 200 size, 199 structure, 197 use of color in, 197–98 Packard Bell, 492 PACT See Positioning Advertising Copy Testing Painted bulletins, 215 Palm, 578 Pantene, 198 Paper diaries, 433, 434 Parade (magazine), 179 Parker Hannifin, 241 Parmalat, 175 Parochialism, marketing, Passion of the Christ, The (movie), 183–84 Pay-for-performance programs, 515, 522 Peelable coupons, 543 Pennzoil, 198 People (magazine), 179, 399 People meters, 432, 457 PepsiCo, 40, 42, 44, 112, 196, 246, 276, 320, 479, 517, 555, 559–60, 582–83, 584 Pepsodent, 34 Percentage-of-sales budgeting, 87, 159–60, 165 Perception, 133 Perceptual encoding, 133 Perceptual field, 121 Performance-based programs, 253 Performer Q Scores, 309–10 Permanent displays, 222 Perrier, 582 Personal sources, 180 Personal video recorders (PVRs), 427, 429 Persuasion ARS method of, 348–50 predictive value of score, 349–50 Ipsos-ASI Next*TV method of, 348 measures of, 347–50 Pfizer, 173, 204, 241, 566 Phantom discounts, 561, 573 Pharmaprix, 231 Philips Consumer Electronics, 430 Phillips Lighting, 500 Phishing, 450 Phone cards, 532, 557, 572 Phonemes, 191 Photomatics, 333 Physical attractiveness, 304, 305, 323 Physical materials, in packaging, 200 Physiological arousal, measures of, 346–47 Pilferage, 539 Pillsbury Company, 535, 564, 567 Pilot Season, 312 Pioneer, 430 Piracy, brand name, 67 Pitney Bowes, 455 Pittsburgh Brewing Co., 203 Place, Plants, 215 Playboys, 105 Index PlayStation, 578 P-mail advertising, 466–74 catalog marketing, 469–70 database marketing, 470 data mining, 472–74 distinctive features of, 467–68 functions of, 468–69 lifetime-value analysis, 470–72 successful campaign, 46467 use of, 469 Podcasting, 448 Podcasting Avenue, 448 Point-of-purchase advertising, 63–64, 167, 221–33 accomplishments with, 222–23 couponing in, 542–43 displays in, 146 environmental issues and, 80 in-store decision making and, 226 objective setting and, 19 spectrum of materials in, 222 Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI), 26, 222, 233 Consumer Buying Habits Study, 226–28, 233 Kmart/P&G Study, 230 Warner-Lambert Benylin Study, 231 Warner-Lambert Listerine Study, 231–32 Point programs, 564 Polykoff, Shirley, 262 Popeyes, 587 P-O-P materials functions performed by, 222–23 use and nonuse of, 232 Pop Rocks, 586 Popularity, 310 Population ethnic groups, in U.S., 110 of U.S., by age group (2005), 101 Population growth, geographic dispersion and, 99–100 Popups, 446 Portable people meters (PPMs), 433, 434 Positioning, 17, 19, 90, 120, 146, 274 brand benefits and, 125–27 implementing, 130–37 Positioning Advertising Copy Testing, principles of, 334–35 Positioning statement, 12, 123, 139, 270 choosing, 271 625 Post, 43 Postal mail, 482 Postal Service, 241 Poster panels, 215 Post-it Notes, 190, 480, 481 Postmortem analysis, 570–72 Posttesting messages, 333 Power, 488 J D Power and Associates, 40 PowerMaster, 61–62 Power of context, 185, 186 Power value, 281, 284 Prairie Home Companion, 267 Precision, 464 Preemptive creative style, 278–79, 288 Premium charges, 409 Premium offers, 67 Premiums, 554–58, 568, 572 characteristics of good, 558 defined, 554 free-with-purchase, 531, 554, 555, 572 in-, on-, or near-pack, 532, 556, 572 mail-in offers, 555–56 near-pack, 532 phone cards, 557, 572 self-liquidating offers, 532, 556–57, 572 Presales objectives, 153, 154 Preschoolers, 102 Prescription drug advertising, regulation of, 75 Pretesting messages, 333 Price, Price-offs, 532, 554, 558, 572 Federal Trade Commission regulations on, 558, 572 Price packs, 558 Price sensitivity, increased, 495 Primary demand, 247 Primary problem, in advertising strategy, 270 Prime time, 423 Pringles, 198, 538 Privacy online behavior targeting and, 93 online marketing and, 68 Private brands, 509 PRIZM, 98, 99, 114 Proactive marketing public relations, 580–81, 596 Processing time, enhancing opportunity to reduce, 299 Procter & Gamble (P&G), 5, 9, 50, 112, 126, 129, 130, 138, 157, 173, 188, 192, 203, 230, 233, 241, 246, 253, 429, 430, 469, 497, 508, 512, 514, 515, 538, 539, 541, 560, 586 Product, Product adoption compatibility and, 174–75 complexity and, 175–76 observability and, 176–77 quantifying adoptioninfluencing characteristics, 177–78 relative advantage and, 173–74 trialability and, 176 Product attributes in brand positioning, 127, 129, 140 Product category analysis, 205 Product introductions, improved, 512 Product labeling, regulation of, 75 Product placements, 476, 483 in movies, 477–78 Product-related features, 127 Product releases, 580 Product-usage characteristics, 270 Professional misredeemers, 548 Profit-maximization rule, 156, 157 Program evaluation, 17, 23–24 Progresso Soup, 535 Prominent stimuli, use of, 297–98 Promotes-competitors prospect, 140 Promotion agencies online, 549 role of, 548–49 Promotional Products Association International, 26 Promotion lead time, 567 Promotion Marketing Association, 26, 560 Promotions, 4, 521 See also Consumer promotions; Continuity promotions accomplishments of, 498–503 accounting rules, 497–98 “old” and “new” accounting procedures, 498 classifications of methods, 531–32 customizing, 517–18 defined, 490 generalizations made by, 518–21 increased budgetary allocations to, 493–98 limitations of, 503 price-off, 554 retailer, 567–68, 573 tie-in, 534, 566, 567 Promotion targets, 491–93 Psychgraphic targeting, 93–97 Psychographics, 87, 90, 91, 114, 270, 369, 370 Psychological reactance, 314 PT Turbo automobile, 283 Publicis Groupe, 250 Publicity, 65, 580 negative, 65, 66 Public relations, 578, 596 ethical issues in, 65–66 Public relations agencies, 16 Public relations specialists, 581 Public service announcements (PSAs), 352 Pull, 494, 495, 521 Pulse schedule, 401 Pulsing advertising schedule, 380–81 Puma, Pupil dilation, 346 Pupillometers, 334, 347 Pur advertisement, 298 Purchase behaviors, 226–27 Purchase intentions, 23, 48 Purchase volume per customer, 472 Purex, 137 Purina, 300 Push, 494, 521 Q Q scores, role of, 309–10 Quaker Oats, 469 Qualitative message research, 336–37 Quality, 45 Quantitative message research, 337–38 QuickStep, 276–77 R Radio advertising, 408, 419–22 audience measurement for, 422 buying time, 419, 421 in China, 421 humor in, 310, 311 strengths and limitations, 419–21 Radio dayparts, 419 626 Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, 212 Radio’s All Dimension Audience Research (RADAR), 422 Radisson Hotels, 271 Ralph Lauren, 33, 196 Ralston Purina, 469, 556 Rapid acceleration, 180 Rapid takeoff, 179 Rate cards, 413, 414 Rating points, 373 Ratings, 373, 431 Ray-Ban, 477 Rayovac, 42 RaySat Inc., 451 Reach, 370–71 determinants of, 371 effective, 375–76 Reactive marketing public relations, 580, 581–85, 596 Reader’s Digest (magazine), 179, 414 Realtor rebates, 562 Reasonable consumers, 72 Rebates/refunds, 67, 532, 554, 560–63, 572, 573 phantom discounts, 561 realtor, 562 rebate fraud, 562–63 Recall, 584 controversy, 345–46 measures of, 338–46 sex appeal and enhancement of, 315 Recency, 401 Recency planning in media planning, 370, 382–85 Recency principle, 382 Recognition, measures of, 338–46 Recyclable batteries, 79 Recyclable packaging, 203 Red Bull, 4, 44, 107 Redemption centers, 547 Redemption process, 546–47 Reduced commission system, 253 Reebok, 35, 482 Reese’s, 200 Reference prices, 519 Referent, 120, 139 Referral rate, 472 Refund offers, 532 Refunds, 554 Regal CineMedia Corporation, 480 Regression analysis, 49 Regulation benefits of, 70–71 costs of, 71 justification for, 70–71 Index of marketing communications, 70–76 Related-recall scores, 344 Relationship building, 13 Relative advantage, 173–74, 178 Relative framing, 323 Relevance, enhancing, 298 Reminder function, 545 Renaissance Hotels, 564 Renault, 106 Repeater class, 171 Repeat-purchase objective, 530 Repeat purchases, 501, 532, 546 Repetition, 299 ReplayTV, 429 Repositioning brands, 129–30 Research See also Advertising research; Message research copy-testing, 333, 334 Research services in advertising agency, 252 Research Systems Corporation, 336 Resonance creative style, 276–77, 288 Respect, 304, 306, 323 Restaurant Business Magazine, 19 Restylane, 566 Retailer promotions, 518–19, 567–68, 573 Retailers, P-O-P and, 223 Retention, 135 Retention rate, 471, 472 Return on investment (ROI), 16, 155, 406 for sampling, 537 Return on marketing investment (ROMI), 1, 47, 48 Revenue premium, 33 Revenue Science, 92, 93, 457 Reverse viral marketing, 585 Revlon, 198 Rewards, 497 Reynolds Metals, 594 R J Reynolds, 60, 61 R-F-M formula, 473 Richardson-Vicks, 129 Rich media, via Internet, 446–47 Rio Audio, 173 Ripamatics, 333 Roadblocks, 364 Road & Track (magazine), 397, 467 Rogaine, 203 Rolaids, 300 Rold Gold pretzels, 56 Rolex, 32, 40 Rolling Stone (magazine), 399 Roper ASW, 339, 341 rsc, 347, 348, 353, 358, 360 Ruffles, 56, 200 Ruggedness, 38, 40 Rumors, 585–87 commercial, 586 conspiracy, 587 contamination, 587 handling of, 587 Run of press (ROP), 409 Ryder, 475 S Saab, 467 Saab 9-5’s media plan, 396–98 campaign target and objectives, 396 creative strategy for, 396–97 media strategy for, 397–98 Sales, relations among advertising weight, persuasion scores, and, 355 Sales force, stimulating enthusiasm by, 499 Sales objectives, 154 Sales promotion firms, 16 Sales promotions, 4, 14, 521, 528–29 capabilities and limitations, 498–503 on college campuses, 552–53 defined, 490–91 ethical issues in, 67, 68–70 evaluating ideas, 569–70, 573 new accounting rules for, 497–98 role of, 488 Sales response (single-source systems), measures of, 350–53 Sales spikes, 518 Sales-to-advertising (S-to-A) response function, 156, 157, 158 Sales volume, 48 Salience, 45 increasing, 247 Samples, 150, 531 Sampling, 487, 532–39, 549, 568 on college campuses, 526–27 co-op, 533 creative distribution methods, 535–37 deciding to use, 538 defined, 533 by direct mail, 533 door-to-door, 533 by high traffic locations and events, 534 in-store, 534 Internet, 534, 537 major practices in, 534–37 by newspapers and magazines, 533 on- or in-pack, 533 problems of, 538–39 return on investment (ROI) for, 537 solo, 533 at unique venues, 534 Sam’s Club, 531 Samsung, 36, 173, 477 Sandwich-board signs, 220 Sanka, 198 Sara Lee, 469 Satellite radio, 421 Saturation factor, with celebrity endorsers, 309 Saturday Night Live, 218 Sauza Commemorativo, 297 ScanAmerica, 434 Scan-downs, 515, 516, 522 Scanner-delivered coupons, 531, 544 Scanner-verified systems, 522 Scanner-verified trade promotions, 515 Scanning agents, 516 ScanTrack, 351, 352, 360 Scarcity, 187 fear appeals to, 313–14 Schemata, 135 Schering-Plough, 491, 492, 499 Scotch-Brite Never Rust Soap Pads, 161 Sea-Doo, 104 Seagrams, 168 Seal-of-approval programs, 80 Search and retrieval, 135 Search engine advertising (SEA), 453–57, 460 brand equity enhanced via, 455 fundamentals of, 453–54 problems with, 456–57 purchasing keywords and selecting content-oriented Web sites, 454–56 Search engine marketing, 453 Sears, 33, 45, 110, 112, 430 Secondary demand, 247 Second Nature, 192 Security value, 281, 284 “Seeding” the market, 182 Seinfeld, 425, 480 Selective attention, 133 Selectivity, 414 Self-direction value, 280, 283 Self-liquidating offers (SLOs), 556–57, 572 Index Self-liquidating premiums, 532 Self-regulation, 82 advertising, 76–77 Semiotics, 120, 139 Semipermanent P-O-P displays, 222 Seniors, 108 Sensation transference, 197 Sensory stores (SS), 135 Sentra, 191 ServiceMaster, 475 Seven-Up, 198, 567 Sex, use of, in advertising, 315–17 Sex and the City, 307 Sex appeals, downside of, in advertising, 316–17 Sexist advertisements, 316–17 Sexual objectification, 317 Shape cues, in packaging, 198–99 Share of market (SOM), 161, 162, 163 ad spending, advertising elasticity and, 258–59 Share of voice (SOV), 161, 162, 163, 258 Sharp, 36, 125 Shelf-delivered coupons, 531, 544 Shelf space, preferred, 500 Shelf-space model, 382 Shelf talkers, 222 Shell Oil, 195 Shop ‘n Bag, 548 Shoppers Drug Mart, 231 Shopping Buddy, 212 Short filling, 80 Short Message System (SMS), 452 Short-term memory (STM), 135 Short-term sales response, 496 Showing, 215 Significant difference (SD), 356 Signs, 120, 121 on-premise, 219–21 types of, 220 virtual, 480 Similarity, 304, 306, 323 Simmons Market Research Bureau (SMRB), 414, 416–18, 434, 457 Simon Marketing, 560 Sincerity, 38 Single-person households, 99 Single-source data, 352, 360 Single-source systems (SSSs), 350, 351 Single-voice principle, 12 Sirius Satellite Radio, 421 Size, packaging, 199 627 Skechers, 104 Skil, 581 Ski (magazine), 397 Skytypers, 481 Skywriting, 481 Sloans Supermarket, 548 Slogans, 272 on packages, 201 Slotting allowances, 67, 505, 506–9, 521 Smart-packages, 202, 203 Smart Sign Media, 217 Smart snack labels, 201 SmartSource, 541 Smithsonian Institution, 44, 45 Snapple Beverage Corp., 92 Snapple Natural Beverages, 420 Snuggle, 198 Snyder’s of Hanover, 54 Societal workability, 203 Solo sampling, 533 Song Airways, 190, 481 Songs, brand placements in, 479 Sony Corporation, 4, 32, 36, 173, 398 Sony Pictures Television, 425 Sophistication, 38, 40 S.O.S., 161 Sound symbolism, 191 Source Perrier, 582 Southwest Airlines, 190, 195 Space depth, 409 Space rates, 409 Spam, 448 opt-in e-mailing versus, 449–50 Spanish media, 112 Speak-for-itself approach, 41 Special-event marketers, 16 Special K, 198, 247 Special price deals, 568 Special purpose media, 466 Specifically planned purchases, 226–27 Spirit Airlines, 190 Splenda, 173 Split-cable technology, 351 Sponsored links, 454, 455 Sponsor misidentification, 589–90 Sponsorship events, selecting, 589–90 Sponsorship marketing, 578, 587–95, 596 Sponsorships, growth in, 588 Sporting News (magazine), 388, 389, 390 Sports Illustrated (magazine), 339, 341, 371, 372, 373, 374, 388, 389, 390, 391, 399, 411, 412, 414, 415 demographic profile, 411 Sports utility vehicles (SUVs), 368, 369 Buick Rainier, Spot television advertising, 425 Sprint Corporation, 479 Sprite, 198 SRDS Media Solutions, 411, 419 SRI Consulting Business Intelligence (SRIC-BI’s) VALS system, 94–97 segments within, 96–97 Standardized Advertising Unit (SAU) system, 409 Starbucks, 44, 126, 196, 578 Starch Readership Service, 336, 339, 341–42, 360 StartSampling, 534 State agencies, regulation of marketing communications by, 75–76 State Farm Insurance, 475 Static displays, 223, 224, 225 Station format, 419 Statistical Research Inc., 434 Stereotypes, in advertising, 64 Stickiness factor, 185, 186 Stimulation value, 280, 283 Stocking allowance, 507 Stock keeping units (SKUs), 500, 507 Stockpiling, 501, 509 Stopping-power role of sex, in advertising, 315 Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, 212 Storm Products Inc., 576, 578, 579, 581 Storyboards, 333 Stouffer’s, 198 Street marketing, 180, 183, 206 Street money, 507 Strength, brand image and, 37 Strivers, 97 Stroh’s, 316 Strong model, 384 Strong ties, 181 Stylus Verve, 398, 399, 400 Subaru, 191 Subliminal messages, 63–64, 323 Subliminal Seduction (Key), 318 Substitute purchases, 227 Suburban Pioneers, 98–99, 114 Subway, 59, 292, 303, 306 Success Rice, 534 Sudafed, 582 Suggestive brand names, 191 Sundsvall, 168, 169 Sunk costs, 359 Sun Light, 539 Sun-Maid, 564 Super Bowl advertising, 6, 36, 343, 344, 364–65, 399, 401, 427, 428 Superstitials, 446 Suppliers, heightened demands on, 16 Surprise, 310 Survey researchers, 416 Surveys of sample users using recall measures, 458 Survivor program, 431, 478 Survivors, 97 Susan B Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, 592, 594 Sweeps, 67, 532, 554, 563, 572, 573 online, 564 Swerve, 192 Swiffer, 406 Swimming-up-the-river (SUTR), 124, 140 Switchers, 520, 521, 532 Symbolically or experientially oriented advertising, 275 Symbolic embeds, 317–19 Symbolic needs, 125, 139 Syndicated advertising, 425 Synergy, value of, 6–7 Systems for Measuring and Reporting Television (SMART), 434 T Tachistoscope, 318 Tacoda Systems, 92, 93, 457 Tag lines, 272 Tango, 118, 119 Targetability, with p-mail, 468 Target audience, selecting, 369–70 Target audience fit, 589 Target Corporation, 197, 226 Targeting, 17, 18–19, 82, 218 behaviorgraphic, 90–93 classification of, 90, 91 of customers and prospects, 90 demographic, 99–114 ethics of, 58–62 geodemographic, 98–99 psychographic, 93–97 sample recipients, 534–35 Target market, 90, 146, 273 defining, 270–71 Target rating points (TRPs), 374–75 Tattoo advertising, 482 628 TCL Corp., 36 TEARS Model, 304–6, 323 Ted Airlines, 190 Teenage Research Unlimited, 104 Teenagers, 102, 104 targeting to, 58–61 Teflon, 43 Television advertising, 406, 408, 422–34 alcohol advertising, 59 audience measurement in, 431–34 B2B, 241 brand placements in programs, 431, 478–79, 483 cable, 425–26 effective reach in, 377 humor in, 310, 311 infomercials, 430–31 local, 426 major conclusions about, 353–59 network, 424–25 programming dayparts in, 423–24 reduced dependence on, 15 spot, 425 strengths and limitations of, 426–30 Super Bowl stats, 364–65, 427, 428 syndicated, 425 watchable, 330 Television networks, 224 Temporary P-O-P displays, 222 Tennis (magazine), 397 Text messaging, 451–53 TheFreeSite.com, 534 Theory of effective weekly planning, 382 Thinkers, 96 Third screen, 452 Thompson, J Walter, Ad Agency, 130 S B Thomas’ English muffins, 224, 225 Three-exposure hypothesis, 376, 381 3M Company, 161, 481 Three Olives vodka, 315 Thrifty-Rent-A-Car, 195 Tie-in promotions, 534, 566, 567, 573 implementation problems, 567 Tie strength, 181 Timberland, 40, 41, 125 Timeliness, 410 Time (magazine), 366, 399, 414 Time value of money, 53n Index Time Warner, 241 Tinactin, 300, 491, 492, 499 Tipping point, 185 Tipping Point, The (Gladwell), 185 Tire Action Group, 584 TiVo, 406, 429 T-Mobile, 479 Tommy Hilfiger, 196 Top-down/bottom-up process (TDBU), 19 Top-down (TD) budgeting, 19 Top-of-mind awareness (TOMA), 35, 246 Tostitos, 56, 200, 520 Total revenue, 471 Touch points, baby carriages as, 12 Toyota, 22, 40, 78, 183, 196, 278 Toys “R” Us, 534, 535 Tracking studies, 46 Trade allowances, 505, 521 efforts to rectify problems, 511–12 major forms of, 505–9 Trade deals, 505, 519 Trademark registration, 194 Trademarks, 190 Trade-oriented sales promotions, 493 Trade promotions reduced, 512 role of, 503–5 successful, 504–5 Tradition value, 281 Traffic Audit Bureau, 218 Tragedy of the commons, 448 Trans fats, 54 labeling of, 54–56, 200–201 Transformational advertising, 276 Transmeta Corp., 190, 191 Trialability, 176, 178 Trial and repeat purchases, 555 encouraging, 150–51 obtaining, from consumers, 500–501 Trial impact, 530 Trial purchasing behavior, 531 Triarc Beverage, 199 Trier class, 171 Tropicana Products, 77, 122, 511 Trouble factor, with celebrity endorsers, 309 Trustworthiness, 304, 323 Truth effect, 132 Tums, 300, 302 TV Guide (magazine), 414 TWA, 190 Tweens, 102 materialism and, 105 Twentieth Century Fox, 10 Twentysomethings, 105 Tyco, 56, 585 Tylenol, 66, 74, 198, 511, 582 Type, brand image and, 37 Typical-person endorsers, 303, 323 Tyson, 592, 593 U U S Army, 284–86 U S News & World Report, 187 U-Haul International, 475 Uncle Ben’s, 198 Unconditioned stimulus (US), 320 Unfair advertising practices, 73–74 Unilever, 15, 276, 481, 497 Unionbay, 589 Uniqueness, brand image and, 37 Unique selling proposition (USP) style, 275, 288 Unique venues, sampling at, 534 Uniroyal, 561 United Airlines, 190, 259 Universalism value, 281 Universal product codes (UPC symbol), 351 Universal Studios, 559 Unplanned purchases, 226, 227, 229 Unsafe packaging, 66 Upjohn, 203 Uptown, 61 Urban legends, 585, 586 U.S Census Bureau, 99 U.S Potato Board, 296 Usage expansion advertising, 246 Usage imagery, 129 USA Network, USA Today (newspaper), 401, 408, 477, 580 User imagery, 129 Utilitarian benefits, 497, 530 V Vaguely right versus precisely wrong thinking, logic of, 154–55 Valassis, 541 Valpak Direct Marketing Systems, 541 Value pricing, 514, 521 Value proposition, 267, 270 Values, 280 adding, 247–48, 497 nature of, 280–81 relevance to advertising, 281 Values and Lifestyles (VALS) classification model, 94–97 Vanguard, 187 Vanity Fair (magazine), 130 Vaseline Intensive Care, 555 Vehicle distribution, 391 Vehicles, 366 selecting and buying, 367, 401 V-8 juice, 356–57, 358, 506, 559 Verbal framing, 299 Verizon Communications, 192, 194 Vertical lines, in packaging, 199 Veterinary Pet Insurance, 314 Viacom, 157 Viacom Outdoor, 215 Viagra, 108, 186, 566, 573 Victoria’s Secret, 320 Vidal Sassoon, 539 Video-game advertising (advergaming), 475–76, 482 VIEW model, 167, 206 in evaluating packaging, 200–204 quantifying components, 203–4 Vioxx, 582 Viral marketing, 180, 183, 206 Virtual signage, 480 Virtue, 58 Visa, 42, 591 Visa USA, 588 Visibility, in packaging, 200 Visine, 278 Vogue (magazine), 130 Voice-overs, 330 Volkswagen, 36, 160, 555 Voluntary attention, 296 Volvo, 32, 76, 467 V&S Vin & Spirit AB, 168 W Wadsworth Thriftway, 548 Wall Street Journal, 241, 401, 408, 576, 580 web site of, 92 Wal-Mart, 197, 226, 488, 512, 533, 546, 589 Wal-Mart TV Network, 224 Walt Disney, 102, 241, 425 Warner Bros., 479 Warner-Lambert, 74 Watchability, 330–31 WD-40, 45, 46 Index Weak model, 384 Weak ties, 181 Wearout, 358–59 Web films, 479–80, 483 Web logs (blogs), 447–48, 460 Web sites, 443–44 assessing advertising effectiveness, 459 selecting, content-oriented, 455 Weekly reach, optimizing, 383–84 Weight difference, 356 Weight in media-planning, 370, 373–80 Weight tests, 356 versus copy tests, 352 Wendy’s, 174, 330, 586 Wheaties, 198 Whirlpool, 107, 174, 592 629 White Picket Fences, 98 Wieden + Kennedy, 266 WiFi, 451 WiFi Seeker, 451 Will & Grace, 425 Winner, 140 Winner label, 124 Wireless e-mail advertising, 451–53 Wisk, 496 Wolverine boots, 316, 317 Women’s Tennis Association, 589 Word-of-mouth influence, 170, 171, 206 opinion leaders and, 181 stimulating, 180–83 Workability, in packaging, 202–3 Working Women (magazine), 397 World-class brands, characteristics of, 44–46 WorldCom, 585 World population, largest countries, 100 World Wide Web, 185, 440, 441 World Wildlife Fund, 80 WPP Group, 250 Wrangler, 476, 589 X Xanga, 447 X Games, 6, 589 XM Satellite Radio Holdings, 421 Y Yahoo!, 440 Yahoo! Search, 453, 454 Yankelovich MindBase, 94 segments in, 95 Yellow-pages advertising, 474–75, 482 Yoplait, 502 Young adults, 104–6 Young and Restless, The, 423 Young & Rubicam, 10, 392 Youth materialism scale (YMS), 105 Yup & Comers, 105, 106 Z Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET), 337 Zapping, 427, 428–29 Zero sum, 438 Ziploc, 297, 298 Zipping, 427, 429 ... IEDITION Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications Terence A Shimp University of South Carolina Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing. .. dynamic nature of this field or to make a career in advertising, promotions, or some other aspect of marketing, Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. .. illustrations and examples Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications is intended for use in undergraduate or graduate courses in marketing communications, advertising,

Ngày đăng: 07/04/2021, 14:11



