Normally, the rural is defined as those areas which are not urban in nature and distinguished from the urban by lower levels of infrastructre development, commercial goods4. producti[r]
(2)How we understand rural development? How to develop?
(3)Concepts of Development
At the end of WWII, United States became a formidable and incessant productive machine and the center of the world
All the institutions created in those years, even the UN charter echoed the US constitution
Americans wanted to consolidate their hegemony and make it permenant and realized their purposes by conceiving a political campaign at a global scale and a appropriate emblem to identify the campaign
January 20, 1949 President Truman took office and opened a new era of development by launching a bold new program for the
(4)Concepts of Development
Orginally, development, in biology, describes a process through which the potentialites of an object or organism are released, until reached its natural, complete and full-fledged form
Between 1759 (Wolff) and 1859 (Darwin), development evolved from a conception of transformation towards the appropriate form of being to a conception of transformation towards an ever more perfect form
In the last quarter of the 18th century, the biological metaphor of development was transfered into the social sphere
Justus Moser (the conservative founder of social history), from 1768, used the word Entwicklung to allude to the gradual process of social change
Towards 1800, entwicklung begane to appear as reflexive word And a few the decades later, development became the central category of Marx´s work
The late of 18th century, development appeared in English, and some time used as interchanged with evolution or growth
By the begining of the 20th century, the new use of the term became widespread and connoted urban development and colonial
(5)Concepts of Development
Throughout the century, the meanings associated with urban development and colonial development concurred with many others to transform the word “development“ step by step, into one with contours that are about as precise as those of an
amoeba and its meaning depends on the context in which it is employed
Therefore, development cannot delink itself from the words with which it was formed – growth, evolution, and maturation and those who use the word cannot free themselves from the web of meanings that impart a specific blindness to their language,
thought and action
(6)Concepts of Development
Since the Trumans statement, development was reduced to
economic growth and consisted simply of growth in the income per person in economically underdeveloped areas (1950s)
In the 1960s: The development thinking turned to pay attention on integration of development by including both social and
economic aspects (the Proposals for Action of the First UN Development Decade)
In the 1970s: The integration of physical resources, technical progress, economic and social change was recognized Major
(7)Concepts of Development
In the 1970s (cont.):
Development should not be to develop things but to develop
Development requires of fundamental economic, social and
political changes
Human – centered development Integrated development
Endogenous development (recognizing different systems of
values and diverse cultures)
(8)Redefining Concept “Development”
The past development efforts have achieved only short-lived gains
Redevelopment – Sustainable development defined as
development that “meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (the 1987 report of the Brundtland
Recently, the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document: sustainable development as economic development, social development, and environmental protection
The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversification (UNESCO 2001) includes cultural diversity as the fourth policy area of
(9)Concepts of Economic Development
Economic development: the process of improving
the standards of living and well-being of
population of developing countries by raising per capita income This is usually achieved by an
(10)Concepts of the Rural
There has not been yet a accurate definition about the rural area that is widely recognized
Normally, the rural is defined as those areas which are not urban in nature and distinguished from the urban by lower levels of infrastructre development, commercial goods
production, and people´s livelihoods
Agricultural economists define: The rural is where in which inhabitants are mostly (peasants) famers, low population density, less developed infrastructure, low level of
(11)Concepts of the Rural
Peculiarities of the rural:
Dominated by farmers and agricultural production Depending on the urban in many different aspects Low levels of income, living standards, technological
innovation, democracy, and social equity as compared to that
of the urban area
Diversity in social, cultural, economic conditions,
(12)Peasants or Farmers in the Rural
Peasants as communities rather than single individuals or
households consisdered as transition, markets and exchange, subordination and internal differences
Peasant farm households as a family and enterprise:
- The economic unit of production and consumption
- The small scale farmer (kleinbauern)
- Production relies primarily on family labour - Partially integrated into incomplete markets - Engaging in multi - activties
- Land is often a source of securing the family livelihoods
- Maintaining the option to withdraw from the market and still survive - Subsistence-oriented livelihoods
Farmers: the large scale agribusiness entrepreneur or modern
(13)Rural Poverty
Nearly 75% of 1.3 billion world poor who subsist on $ or less per day live and work in rural areas
75% of the world 800 million underfed also live in rural areas
Roughly 850 million people living in chronic hunger are small farmers
In spite of rapid urbanization, a majority of the world poor and underfed will remain in rural areas and levels of
(14)Rural Poverty
The rural poor face enormous challenges: limited economic opportunities, underdeveloped markets, less access to public infrastructure and services, less able to engage in advocacy with decision-makers, resource pressure and environment
Rural poverty can also creates serious negative externalities on a country’s metropolitan population
Rapid migratory flow to urban areas displace rural poverty to the urban slums
(15)Goals of Rural Development
Small farmers play an important role in many
developing countries’ economy, helping farmers will significantly increases economic growth potential
Fighting rural poverty:
1 Raising small farm productivity
2 Increasing in real income per capita A fairer distribution of income
4 Improving access to resources
(16)Goals of Rural Development
1. Raising small farm productivity:
Why productivity remains low?
Soil and water degradation, depletion and scarcity
Lack of know-how and resources to used improved crop varieties
(17)Goals of Rural Development
Conditions for improving farm productivity Improving roads, ennergy and communication
Improving soil management and rehabilitation
Improving small-scale water management
Public and private investments for improving water
managment (strorage, harvesting, and use)
Improving post harvest storage
(18)Goals of Rural Development
2. Raising farmer incomes:
Better integration with markets (inputs and outputs)
Better infrastructure, institutions, and access
(19)Goals of Rural Development
4. Improving access to resources: Good institutions
environment and well-defined property rights systems 5. Improving and expanding rural services: Health,
education, energy, and communication
(20)Concepts of Rural Development
Rural development (agricultural economists): Improving rural standards of living and well-being
Achieved largely through increases in agricultural production, output, and incomes
In developing countries, this generally with small farms
Sustainable rural development:
Combining the improvement of economic and social living
conditions, focusing on a specific group of poor people in the rural area with assuring a sustainable environment:
- Focusing on people (bottom – up approach) - Multisectoral (integrated approach)
(21)Four Dimensions of Rural Development
1. Political and Institutional
Building community ownership
Decentralizing and formalizing public participation – principle of subsidiary
Granting fair access to limited resources and opportunities Intelligent service system solutions
2. Socio-cultural
Rediscovering/Building of local/regional identities
(22)Four Dimensions of Rural Development
3. Economic
Creating new (job) opportunities through diversification Value added in the locality/region
Strengthening capacities to cope with markets
4. Ecological
(23)Rural Development in Timeline
1950s: Modernization, dual economy model, backward agric., community development, lazy peasants
1960s: Transformation approach, technology transfer, mechanization agric Extension, growth role of agric., green revolution (start), rational peasants
(24)Rural Development in Timeline
1980s: Structural adjustment, free markets, getting prices rights, retreat of the state, rise of NGOs, PRA, farming system research, food security & famine analysis, RD as process not product, women in dev., poverty alleviation
1990s:Microcredit, participatory rural appraisal (PRA), actor-oriented RD, stakeholder analysis, rural safe nets, gender & devt (GAD), environment and sustainability, poverty reduction
2000s: sustainable livelihoods, good governance,
(25)Dominant and sequential themes in rural development
1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
1950s 1960s
Dominant Paradigms and Switches
Modernization, dual economy
Rising yields on efficient small farms
Process, participation, empowerment SL Approach
Some sequential popular RD emphases
Community devt
Small farm growth
Integrated rural devt
Market liberalization
(26)Framework for Rural Development
Economic Subsystem
(Value system) Institutions (Rules)
Resources (Production
Technology (production
Cultural – Institutional
(27)A Basis for Analyzing Economic Development Economic growth requires changes in social
organizations and value systems
Need to understanding how changes in the
economy interact with institutions and cultures in such a way as to support significant, sustainable growth
(28)A Framework for Rural Development
Livelihood Approach:
A way of thinking about the objectives, scope, and priorities
for development
Putting people at the center of development
The sustainable livelihood framework
Origins: The white paper
Objectives: to increase the sustainability of poor people’s
(29)A Framework for Rural Development
Core concepts of the SLF
Putting people at the center: starts with analysis people’s
livelihoods and how these have been changed over time, fully involved people and respect their views, focuses on the impact of different policies and institutional
arrangements upon household and people, and work to support people achieve their own livelihood goals
Holistic: attempts to identify the most pressing
(30)A Framework for Rural Development
- Dynamic: people’s livelihoods and the institutions
that shape them are highly dynamic
- Building on strengths: starts with an analysis of
strength rather than needs
- Macro-micro links: emphasizing the importance of
macro level policy and institutions to the
(31)A Framework for Rural Development
- Sustainability: a key of SL approach
• Environmental sustainability is achieved when the productivity of life-supporting natural resources is conserved or enhanced for use by next generations
• Economic sustainability is achieved when a given level of expenditure can be maintained over time
• Social sustainability is achieved when social exclusion is minimized and social equity is maximized
• Institutional sustainability is achieved when prevailing structures and process have capacity to continue to
(32)Framework for Rural Development
Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes)
Private Sector
Livelihood Capital Assets
Human Social
Physical Financi al Natural Vulnerability Context • Shocks • Trends • Seasonality Livelihood Outcomes
• + Sustainable use of NR base • + Income • + Well-being • Reduced vulnerability • + Food security
(33)Capital Assets
“A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets and activities required for a means of living A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance it
capabilities and assets both now and future while not undermining the natural resource base”
Natural capital: e.g land, water wildlife, biodiversity, environmental resources
Social capital: e.g social network, membership of groups, access to wider institutions of society
Human capital: e.g the skills, knowledge, ability to labour, good health
Physical capital: e.g transport, shelter, water, energy and communications
(34)Vulnerability context
Vulnerability context: Frames the external environment in which people exist People’s livelihoods and the wider availability of
assets are fundamental affected by critical trends, shocks and seasonality
Trends: Population trends, resource trends,
national/international economic trends, trends in governance, technical trends,
Shocks: Human health shocks, natural shocks, conflict, crop/livestock health shocks
(35)Transforming structures and process
Structures: Public sector, private sector, civil society
Structures exist at various levels that set and implement policy and legislation, deliver services, purchase, trade and perform all manner of other functions that affect livelihoods
Structures make process functions
Processes: Policy, legislation, institutions, culture, power relations They determine the way in which structures – and individuals – operate and interact
Processes are important to every aspect of livelihoods, e.g.,
(36)Livelihood strategies
Livelihood strategies:
Natural resources – based, Non-natural resources based,
Intensification, diversification, migration Coping, adaptive
Livelihoods strategies: Dynamic, diversity at every level within geographic areas, across sectors, within households and over time
(37)Livelihood Outcomes
More income
Increased well-being
Reduced vulnerability
Improved food security
More sustainable use of the natural resource base