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Lưu ý: Trong các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian với ý nghĩa tương lai chúng ta không dùng thì tương lai đơn (will) hoặc be going to mà chỉ dùng thì hiện tại đơn (simple[r]



+ Câu hỏi đuôi dạng câu hỏi ngắn sau lời phát biểu xem câu hỏi YES/ NO + Nếu lời phát biểu thể khẳng định phần câu hỏi phủ định hay ngược lại

+ Trợ động từ phủ định câu hỏi đuôi dạng rút gọn Chủ từ câu hỏi đuôi một đại từ.

Ex: They live in London, don't they?

She wasn't at home yesterday, was she?

STATEMENT (Lời phát biểu) TAG-QUESTION (Câu hỏi đuôi)

Affirmative Form (Thể khẳng định) Negative Form (Thể phủ định) Negative Form (Thể phủ định) Affirmative Form (Thể khẳng định) S + IS/ ARE/ WAS/ WERE) ……,

S + IS/ ARE/ WAS/ WERE + NOT ……, ISN’T/ AREN’T/ WASN’T/W EREN’T + S?IS/ ARE / WAS / WERE + S ? S + V(-to)/ V-s/-es/ V-ed/2 ……,

S + DO/ DOES/ DID + NOT + V(-to) ……,


S + HAVE/ HAS/ HAD + V-ed/3 ……,

S + HAVE/ HAS/ HAD + NOT + V-ed/3 ……,


S + CAN/ MUST/ SHALL/ WILL + V(-to) ……, S + CAN/ MUST/ SHALL/ WILL + NOT ……,


 Các trường hợp đặc biệt:

+ Nếu phần câu kể có trạng từ như: seldom, rarely, never, hardly, no longer, phần câu hỏi thể khẳng định

Ex: He seldom goes to the movie, does he? + Let’s + V(-to), shall we?

Ex: Let’s invite the Smiths from the next door, shall we? + (Please +) V(-to) , will you?

Ex: (Please) take these letters to the manager, will you? + I am ……, aren’t I ?

Ex: I’m going to it again, aren’t I? + This / That (is ……), (isn’t) it ?

Ex: This won’t take long, will it? + These / Those (are ……), (aren’t) they?

Ex: Those are nice, aren’t they? + There is / are ……, isn’t / aren’t there ?

Ex: There is something wrong, isn’t there?

+ Everyone/ No one/ Anyone/ Someone + V , they? Ex: Someone remembered to leave the messages, didn’t they? + Everything/ Nothing/ Anything/ Something + V , it?

Ex: Everything will be all right, won’t it? + I think + S + V, trợ V (phủ định) + S?

Ex: I think he will come, won’t he?

+ I don’t think + S + V, trợ V (khẳng định) + S? Ex: I don’t think he’s ever been there, has he? Practice

1 That’s the sort of thing you would do, ………?

A is that B isn’t that C isn’t it D is it

2 The children can read English, ………?

A can’t they B can they C they can D they can’t You have a ticket to the game, ………?

A have you B don’t you C haven’t you D you This is the second time she’s been here, ………?

A isn’t this B isn’t it C has she D hasn’t she No one is indifferent to praise, ………?

A is one B isn’t one C is he D are they


A doesn’t he B won’t he C will he D don’t I Mary rarely uses social networks, ………?

A isn’t she B does she C doesn’t she D is she (Đề thi thức Bộ 2018 – Mã đề 401)


1 Gerunds as the subject of the sentence: V-ing + V + …… Ex: Swimming is a lot of fun and good exercise

2 Gerunds as the object of a preposition a Verb (+ O) + Preposition + V-ing

Ex: I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good speech accuse sb of agree with apologize (to sb) for approve of believe in blame sb for (doing) sth complain about concentrate on congratulate sb on cope with decide against depend on

dream about/of feel like get used to have difficulty in have a good reason for

insist on keep sb from look forward to prevent sb from participate in object to

rely on sth succeed in specialize in, stop sb from talk about/of thank sb for (doing) sth

think of/ about warn sb against/ about worry about

b To Be + Adjective + Preposition + V-ing

Ex: He was bored with doing the same thing every day be accustomed to be afraid of be angry at/ about be bad at be bored with be capable of be clever at be disappointed at/ about

be excited about be famous for be fed up with be fond of be glad about be good at be good for be happy about/ at be interested in be keen on be proud of be responsible for be sick of be sorry for be tired of

be used to be worried about c Noun + Preposition + V-ing

Ex: There's a chance of catching a cold these days

advantage of chance of choice between

danger of difficulty in doubt about

hope of idea of interest in

method of opportunity of possibility of

problem of reason for risk of

trouble for way of Gerunds as the object of a verb

a Verb + V-ing

Ex: They postponed starting construction until next year

admit advise* allow* anticipate

appreciate avoid can’t help can’t stand

carry on consider delay deny

detest discuss dislike* enjoy

fancy fear finish give up

b Some phrases + V-ing

Ex: I don't mind telling them my opinion

to be busy don't mind how about it's (no) good it's no use there's no there's no point


Infinitives (Động từ nguyên mẫu)

1 TO Infinitives as the Subject of the Sentence: To V (S) + V + …… Ex: To speak a foreign language well requires practice

2 TO Infinitives as the Object of the Verb a Verb + To Infinitive

Ex: I will arrange to talk with them as soon as possible

afford agree appear arrange

ask attempt beg care

choose claim consent decide

demand deserve determine expect

fail grow happen hesitate

hope intend learn manage

mean need* offer plan

prepare pretend promise refuse

resolve seem struggle have

swear threaten volunteer wait

want wish would like

b Verb + (Pro)noun + To Infinitive

Ex: I invited John to take part in our discussion

advise allow ask beg

cause challenge convince dare

encourage get expect forbid

force hire instruct invite

need order permit persuade

recommend remind require teach

tell urge want warn not to sth

c Some Phrases Followed By To Infinitive

+ Sau cụm từ the first/ the last/ the next/ (the + số thứ tự/ tính từ so sánh nhất) Ex: Gagarin was the first to fly in a spaceship

+ Sau tính từ (ngoại trừ near, busy, ……) Ex: It's better not to smoke

+ Sau nghi vấn từ: Wh-word (what, which, how, …) + To Infinitive Ex: Can you tell me how to get to the bus stop?

3 Bare Infinitive V(-to) a Modals + V(-to)

Ex: She will cook a meal for his birthday

can could may might

must mustn't needn't shall

should will would had better

would rather would sooner why not why should we why should we not

b Auxiliary DO + V(-to)

Ex: I don’t know how to operate this machine c Verbs of Perception + O + V(-to)

Ex: She made Peggy and Samantha clean the room

feel hear notice see

watch let let's make

Gerunds Or Infinitives?

Verb + To Infinitive vs Verb + Gerund


+ GERUND (quên làm điều khứ)

+ TO INFINITIVE (thường với dạng phủ định FORGET với nghĩa : đừng/ khơng qn điều cần phải làm) He'll never forget spending so much money on



+ GERUND (hối hận làm khứ) + TO INFINITIVE : lấy làm tiếc sắp phải làm gì He regretted buying the car I regret to inform you that you will bepunished.

GO ON + GERUND (tiếp tục việc làm)

+ TO INFINITIVE (tiếp tục làm việc khác)

Go on reading the text. Go on to read the text.


+ GERUND (có nghĩa là) + TO INFINITIVE (muốn làm gì)

You have forgotten your homework again That means phoning your mother.

I meant to phone your mother, but my mobile didn't work


+ GERUND/ TO BE + V-ed/3 (nghĩa bị động : cần làm)

+ TO INFINITIVE (nghĩa chủ động : cần phải làm)

Your hair is too long It needs cutting/ to be cut.

Your toothache is getting worse You need to see the dentist.


+ GERUND (nhớ làm điều khứ) + TO INFINITIVE (nhớ phải làm điều gì)

I remember switching off the lights when I went on holiday

Remember to switch off the lights when you go on holiday

STOP + GERUND (ngưng việc làm)

+ TO INFINITIVE (dừng lại để làm việc khác)

Stop reading the text. Stop to read the text.


+ GERUND (thử làm điều gì) + TO INFINITIVE (cố gắng làm gì) Why don't you try running after the dog? I tried to run after the dog, but I was too slow.  NOTES :

1 Cả Infinitive lẫn Gerund có dạng Passive Perfect Dạng Perfect diễn tả việc xảy - TO BE + V-ed/3

Ex: He likes to be called Bill - TO HAVE + V-ed/3

Ex: He is said to have come back from Australia - TO HAVE + BEEN + V-ed/3

Ex: This palace is believed to have been designed by a French architect BEING + V-ed/3

Ex: He dislikes being criticized HAVING + V-ed/3

Ex: He was accused of having broken her vase HAVING + BEEN + V-ed/3

Ex: I appreciate now having been told the news yesterday by someone Một số cấu trúc sử dụng NON-FINITE VERB thường gặp

a IT (S giả) + BE + ADJ/ N (+ OF/ FOR + O) + TO V (S thật)  ý kiến tổng quát Ex: It is difficult to master a foreign language in a few months

b S + V + IT (túc từ phụ) + ADJ/ N + TO V (túc từ thật)  ý kiến cá nhân find/ take/ make/ consider/ prove/ think/ believe/ ……

Ex: I don’t think it easy to master a foreign language in a few months


Ex: She is too old to walk without a stick

d S + V + ADJ/ ADV + ENOUGH (+ FOR + O) + TO V  đủ để (kết khẳng định) Ex: He is not old enough to go to school

e S + V + (SO AS/ IN ORDER) (FOR + O) (NOT) TO V  để làm (chỉ mục đích) EX: I always get up early in order/ so as to catch the bus

f S + PREVENT + O + FROM + V-ing

Ex: The heavy rain prevented us from going to the cinema g DO/ WOULD YOU MIND + V-ing ………?  câu đề nghị

Ex: Do you mind my smoking in here?

h S + SUGGEST + V-ing  đề nghị làm Ex: I suggest taking a walk tonight

i S + SPEND + khoảng thời gian + V-ing

Ex: My father spends about thirty minutes watering flowers every morning j IT (S giả) + TAKE + O + khoảng thời gian + TO V

Ex: It takes my father thirty minutes to water flowers every morning k PREFER + TO V : thích

Ex: I prefer to go swimming

l PREFER + V-ing + to + V-ing : thích làm việc việc Ex: I prefer going to the theatre to watching TV

m S + HAVE + Ongười + V(-to) + Ovật S + GET + Ongười + TO V + Ovật (chủ động) S + HAVE/ GET + Ovật + V-ed/3 (+ BY + Ongười) (bị động)

Ex: The manager had his secretary prepare the report You should have your car serviced regularly Practice:

1 Our father suggested ……… to Da Nang for this summer holiday

A to going B going C go D to go

(Đề thi thức Bộ 2018 – Mã đề 401)

2 Maria decided ……… her education after a gap year

A to continue B to continuing C continue D continuing (Đề thi thức Bộ 2018 – Mã đề 402)

3 He promised ……… his daughter a new bicycle as a birthday present

A buy B to buy C buying D to buying

4 The boy denied ……… the cake even though there was some cream left on his chin

A to eat B eat C to eating D eating

5 I will never forget ………to the Royal Garden Party, where superb cuisines were served amid luxurious surroundings

A being invited B to invite C inviting D to be invited (404)

6 As they remembered ……… about the danger of getting lost in the forest, the tourists closely followed the tour guide

A being warned B warning C to be warned D to warn (401) CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN)

1 Probable Condition (Loại I – Điều kiện xảy ra) - If + S + V (hiện đơn), S + will/ can + V(-to)

Ex: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation

2 Hypothetical condition (Loại II – Điều kiện trái thật tại) - If + S + V-ed/2 (quá khứ giả định), S + would/ could + V(-to) Ex: If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world

3 Expired past condition (Loại III – Điều kiện trái thật khứ) - If + S + had + V-ed/3, S + would/ could + have + V-ed/3 Ex: If he had been careful, he wouldn't have had that terrible accident Mixed condition (Loại hỗn hợp – Điều kiện khứ, kết tại)

- If + S + had + V-ed/3, S + would/ could + V(-to)

Ex: If I had taken his advice, I would become a rich man now Special Cases (Các trường hợp đặc biệt)


Ex: But for/ Without your help, we would have been in trouble - If it weren’t for + N (phrase)

Ex: If it weren’t for his dedication, our team wouldn’t succeed in this game - If it hadn’t been for + N (phrase)

Ex: If ithadn’t been for the goalkeeper, Vietnam would have lost - Inversion in Conditionals (Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện)

+ If + S + V (hiện đơn), S + will/ can + V(-to)  Should + S + V(-to), ……

Ex: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation  Should I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation + If + S + V-ed/2 (quá khứ giả định), S + would/ could + V(-to)

 Were + S + to V, ……

Ex: If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world  Were I to have a lot of money, I would travel around the world + If + S + had + V-ed/3, S + would/ could + have + V-ed/3

 Had + S + V-ed/3, ……

Ex: If I had taken his advice, I would become a rich man now  Had I taken his advice, I would become a rich man now + Unless  If …… not ……

Ex: You will fail the examination unless you study hard  You will fail the examination if you not study hard Practice:

1 We ……… on a field trip if the weather is fine this weekend (401 – 2019) A could have gone B will go C would go D went If you follow my directions, you ……… her house easily (402 2019)

A will find B would have found C would find D found If Martin were here now, he ……… us to solve this difficult problem (401 2018)

A would help B helps C will help D has helped

4 If he didn’t have to work today, he ……… his children to the zoo (402 2018)

A will take B takes C would take D has taken

5 She wouldn't have given them all that money if we ……… her to

A wouldn’t advise B won't advise C hadn't advised D didn't advise If it ……… last night, it would be cold today


Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian (adverbial clauses of time) mệnh đề bắt đầu liên từ thời gian như: when (khi, vào lúc), while, as (trong khi), until, till (cho đến khi), as soon as, once (ngay khi), before, by the time (trước khi), after (sau khi), as long as , so long as (chừng mà), since (từ khi) Ex: - When we were in New York, we saw several plays

- I’ll phone you as soon as I get back from work - We stayed there until it stopped raining

* Cách diễn đạt thời tương lai mệnh đề thời gian: Main clause

(Mệnh đề chính)

Conjunctions (Liên từ)

Adverb clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian)

S + V(tương lai đơn) be going to + V(-to)

when as soon as

after before


S + V(hiện đơn/ tương present perfect)

Ex: - Bob will come soon When Bob comes, we will see him


- We’ll be able to leave for the airport as soon as the taxi arrives - I’ll wait here until they come back

Lưu ý: Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian với ý nghĩa tương lai không dùng tương lai đơn (will) be going to mà dùng đơn (simple present) tại hồn (present perfect) muốn nhấn mạnh đến hoàn thành hành động trước hành động khác xảy

Ex: - I’ll go to bed after I finish my homework

- I’ll go to bed after I have finished my homework * Cách diễn đạt thời khứ mệnh đề thời gian:

Main clause

(Mệnh đề chính) Conjunctions(Liên từ) (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian)Adverb clause of time S + V(quá khứ đơn) while/ as S+ V(quá khứ tiếp diễn) S + V(quá khứ tiếp diễn) while S + V(quá khứ tiếp diễn)

S + V(quá khứ tiếp diễn) when S + V(quá khứ đơn)

Ex: - The telephone rang while we were having dinner - As I was walking home, it began to rain

- I was cooking dinner while my husband was reading a book - He was talking on the phone when I arrived

Main clause (Mệnh đề chính)

Conjunctions (Liên từ)

Adverb clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian) S + V(hiện hoàn thành) since S + V(quá khứ đơn)

Ex: - We haven’t met each other since we left school - I have played the piano since I was a child

Main clause (Mệnh đề chính)

Conjunctions (Liên từ)

Adverb clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian) S + V (quá khứ đơn) after

as soon as S+ V (quá khứ hoàn thành) S + V (quá khứ hoàn thành) before

by the time S + V (quá khứ đơn) Ex: - She got a job after she had graduated from university

- She got a job as soon as she had graduated from university - She had left before he came

- By the time he arrived, we had already finished work Practice

1 Before she came to England, she ……… English

A studied B will study C had studied D was studying Lan has learnt English since she ……… a small girl

A is B was C has been D had been

3 Mrs Pike ……… the door before the customers arrived

A had opened B will open C would open D has open When we ……… him tomorrow, we will remind him of that

A will see B see C am seeing D saw

5 The children ……… their kites in the field when it started to rain heavily

A are flying B will fly C would fly D were flying (401 2029)



Liên từ phụ thuộc hay Subordinating Conjunctions sử dụng để bắt đầu cho mệnh đề phụ thuộc câu phức

Mệnh đề phụ thuộc đứng trước đứng sau mệnh đề phải ln bắt đầu liên từ phụ thuộc

1 After, before (sau - trước khi): diễn tả thời gian, việc xảy sau/ trước việc khác. Ex: Minnie went to bed after she had dinner

Carol always turns off all the lights before she leaves the office

2 Although, though, even though (mặc dù): biểu thị hai hành động trái ngược mặt logic. - Although/ Though/ Even though + mệnh đề

- Despite/ In spite of + V-ing/ danh từ/ cụm danh từ - Despite the fact that/ In spite of the fact that + mệnh đề Ex: She tried to finish her work even though she felt unwell

Despite her explanation, nobody seems to sympathy with her situation.

In spite of the fact that he knows nothing about this job, my boss still hires him. 3 As (bởi vì/ khi): diễn tả hai hành động xảy ra; diễn tả nguyên nhân.

Ex: She went out as I came here (As = when: khi)

As Daisy stayed up late last night, she couldn’t concentrate on the lesson this morning (As = because) 4 As soon as (ngay mà): diễn tả quan hệ thời gian.

Ex:As soon as the teacher arrived, the class became quiet 5 Because, since (bởi vì): diễn tả nguyên nhân, lý do.

Ex: Because I felt sick, I got Johnny to take me to the doctor - Because/ Since + mệnh đề

- Because of/ Due to + V-ing/ danh từ - Because of the fact that + mệnh đề

Ex: Because of the traffic jam, I went to work late yesterday 6 Even if (kể khi): diễn tả điều kiện giả định mạnh.

Ex: Even if I explain everything to him, will he forgive me? 7 If, unless (nếu/ không): diễn tả điều kiện

Ex: If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam

(Nếu bạn không học hành chăm chỉ, bạn không thi qua môn đâu)

Unless you study hard, you won’t pass the exam (Unless = if not) (Nếu bạn không học hành chăm chỉ, bạn khơng thi qua mơn đâu) 8 Now that (vì đây): diễn tả quan hệ nhân theo thời gian.

Ex:Now that I have passed the exam, I can play all day 9 So that, in order that (để): diễn tả mục đích.

Ex: We decided to go early so that we won’t get stuck in traffic jam I close the door in order that no one can hear us

10 Until (cho đến khi): diễn tả quan hệ thời gian, thường dùng với câu phủ định. Ex: Sam didn’t go to sleep until his mom came home

11 When (khi): diễn tả quan hệ thời gian

Ex: When I got home, my husband was cooking in the kitchen

12 While (trong khi): diễn tả quan hệ thời gian – khi; ngược nghĩa mệnh đề. Ex: Jenny was reading newspaper while her sister was doing her exercises

13 In case, in the event that (trong trường hợp, phòng khi): diễn tả giả định hành động xảy tương lai

Ex: Remember to take your umbrella in case it rains 14 Once (một khi): diễn tả ràng buộc

Ex: Once you join the game, you can’t get out of it Practice


2 My uncle tries to spend time playing with his children ……… he is very busy (402 2019)

A because of B although C moreover D despite

3 Nobody could hear her ……… she spoke too quietly

A although B because C because of D in spite of The teacher explains the lesson very clearly ……… every student can understand

A so that B because C although D since

5 ………, Peter came to see me

A While having dinner B While I was having dinner C When having dinner D When I am having dinner Mary will have finished all her work ………

A as soon as her boss returned B until her boss will return C by the time her boss returns D when her boss will return


Khi đại từ liên hệ làm chủ ngữ mệnh đề liên hệ, trước đại từ liên hệ khơng có giới từ, rút gọn mệnh đề liên hệ thành:

1 Hiện phân từ V-ing: động từ mệnh đề liên hệ dạng chủ động. Ex: The man who is standing there is my brother.

 The man standing there is my brother

The people who saw the accident had to report it to the police.  The people seeing the accident had to report it to the police 2 Quá khứ phân từ V-ed/3: động từ mệnh đề liên hệ dạng bị động.

Ex: The boy who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.  The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital Some of the people who have been invited to the party can’t come.  Some of the people invited to the party can’t come

3 Cụm động từ nguyên mẫu to V/ to be + V-ed/3/ for O to V

Khi tiền từ đứng sau từ: the only, the next, the last, the first, ……… so sánh nhất. Ex: This is the only student who can solve the problem.

 This is the only student to solve the problem She is the youngest player that won the game.  She is the youngest player to win the game Practice

1 The man ……… to the policeman has just returned home from Paris

A talk B talking C talk D to talk

2 Customers ……… about the service should see the manager

A to complain B complaining C complained D to be complained The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship ……… on the Clyde

A to be built B to build C being built D building The vegetable ……… in this shop are grown without chemicals

A sold B selling C to sell D to be sold

5 The patient ……… with the new drug showed better signs of recovery than those receiving conventional medicine (401 2018)

A treated B having treated C treating D who treated

6 Despacito, ……… over four billion times on Youtube, is one of the most favourite songs among teenagers worldwide (402 2018)

A is viewed B which viewed C viewing D viewed PREPOSITIONS IN EXPRESSIONS

(CÁC GIỚI TỪ TRONG CÁC THÀNH NGỮ) - under pressure (of) - in an attempt to V - supportive of sb

- attitude toward(s) - in time for sth/ to V - on time


- for instance = for example - on behalf of - in advance - in addition (to) - out of work

- by chance - on purpose - when it comes to sth - in favour of - at risk (of) - in danger (of) - under threat (of) - (be) on the verge (of)

- (drive sb/ sth) to the verge (of) - at stake (of) - in need (of) - demand for sth - a variety of - a wide range of - at the same time - in the centre of - in place - in time(s) of - struggle for Practice:

1 They closed the road ……… an attempt to reducetraffic in the city

A in B at C for D on

2 Teachers are ……… increasing pressure to work longer hours

A on C for C under D with

3 The people of this country will continue in their struggle ……… independence

A against B for C of D with

4 The system of benefits is weighted …… favour of those who have children

A into B in C for D at

5 A university degree is considered to be a ……… for entry into most professions (401 2017)

A demand B requisite C claim D request

6 Jim didn’t break the vase on ………, but he was still punished for his carelessness (402 2017)

A occasion B chance C intention D purpose

Practice (Trích đề tham khảo Bộ 2020) The view is great, ………?

A isn’t it B was it C doesn’t it D did it

2 Mark hopes ……… a small part in the school play

A to get B getting C get D got

3 A If I ……… just one year younger, I would be eligible for the scholarship

A am B will be C would be D were

4 His health has improved a lot since he ……… doing regular exercise

A starts B started C has started D had started

5 Parents shouldn’t use physical punishment ……… it negatively influences children’s development A because of B although C because D in spite of

6 We’ll send you an email of confirmation ………

A after we had made our final decision B before we made our final decision

C while we were making our final decision D as soon as we have made our final decision You should book ……… advance because the restaurant is very popular in the area

A on B by C with D in

8 Tommy is on the way to his friend’s birthday party, carrying a gift box ……… in colourful paper A were nicely wrapped B having wrapped nicely

( Gerunds as the subject of the sentence: Gerunds as the object of a preposition Verb (+ O) + Preposition + To Be + Adjective + Preposition + Noun + Preposition + Gerunds as the object of a verb Verb + V-ing ( Infinitives as the Subject of the Sentence: Infinitives as the Object of the Verb Verb + To Infinitive Verb + (Pro)noun + To Infinitive Verb + To Infinitive vs Verb + Gerund closed road reduce traffic city increasing work longer hours. people country continue their independence system benefits weighted children.

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2021, 12:31

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