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Hỏi và trả lời về tính thường xuyên:.. How often do you study in the library after school?[r]




I.Vocab: from unit to unit 8

II.Grammar :

A Các Tiếng Anh

1.The simple present tense: (Thì đơn)

a To be: am/ is/ are:

(+) S + am/ is/ are … Ex: She (be)…is…a student.

(-) S + am/ is/ are + not…

(?) Am/ Is/ Are + S + …

b Ordinary Verbs

(+) S + Vs/es … Ex: He (go)…goes …to school every day.

(-) S + do/ does + not + verb– inf Ex: I not go to school./ He does not go to school.

(?) Do/ Does + S + Verb (bare – inf ) …? Ex: Do you go to school?/ Does he go to school?

*Trong câu thường có trạng từ: always , usually , often , sometimes , never , every …

2 The present progressive tense (Thì tiếp diễn)

(+) S + am/ is/ are + V – ing …Ex: I (read) am reading book now.

(-) S + am/ is/ are + not + V – ing …

(?) Am/ Is/ Are + S + V – ing …?.

* Thường có trạng từ cuối câu: Now, at present, at the moment, right now, at this time …và

Look!, Listen!, Be careful!, Be quite!, … đầu câu.

3 The simple future tense (Thì tương lai đơn)

(+) S + will/ shall + V (bare – inf) … Ex: She (visit) will visit…her grandparents next week.

(-) S + won’t/ shan’t + V (bare – inf) …

(?) Will/ Shall + S + V (bare – inf)…?.

Yes, S + will/ shall No, S + won’t/ shan’t.

* Thường có trạng từ: soon, tomorrow, tonight, next week / month / year … one day, …

B Structures:

1 Comparative of adjectives (so sánh tính từ).

a Comparative: (so sánh hơn) - Short adj: Adj.- er + than

- Long adj: More + adj + than

b Superlatives: (so sánh ) - Short adj: The + adj + est …

- Long adj: The most + adj…

2 Exclamatory sentence (câu cảm thán)

+ What + a/ an + adj + sing Noun ! Ex: What a dirty room !

+ What + adj + plural N ! ( danh từ số nhiều )Ex: What beautiful pictures !

+ What + adj + uncount N ! (danh từ không đếm được) Ex: What sour milk !

3 Hỏi trả lời khoảng cách: How far is it from to ? It's ( about ) + khoảng cách.

4 Hỏi trả lời phương tiện:

How you go to school? I go to school by bike/ (on foot)

does she

5 Hỏi trả lời nơi chốn: Where you live? I live in/on/at

6 Hỏi trả lời lý do: Why ? because

7 Hỏi trả lời tính thường xuyên:

How often you study in the library after school? I sometimes study in the library after school./

I study in the library once a week.

* always, usually, often, sometimes never đứng trước động từ thường, đứng sau động từ tobe

* Once, twice, three times a week,


* Hỏi giờ: What time is it ? = What 's the time ?.

Giờ đúng: It's + + o'lock.

Giờ hơn: It's + + phút/ It's + phút + past +giờ.

Giờ kém: It's + + phút/ It's + phút + to + giờ

* Hỏi hành động : Ex: What time your classes start? They start at o’clock.

9 Hỏi trả lời số lượng:

How many + Ns + do/ does + S + V– inf ?./ How many + Ns + are there + -?

There is/ are + số đếm + N(s) / S + V + số đếm + N(s)

10 Hỏi trả lời sở thích: What (subject/ class/ sport/ ) you like? I like

11 Hỏi trả lời giá cả:

How much does it cost ? = How much is it ?/ How much are they ?


It costs + số tiền = It is + giá tiền/ They are + giá tiền

They cost

12 Câu đề nghị:

Let's + V–inf ? What about/ How about + V – ing ?

Why don't we +V-inf ? Would you like + to – inf/ noun ?

13 Prepositions: under, near, next to, behind, between, opposite, in front of, on the left/ right, in the

middle, at the back of,

14 Enjoy/ love/ like / dislike/ hate + V- ing

15 Should + V– inf = Ought to + V– inf

16 Tính từ ghép (Coumpound adjectives):

Ex: A summer vacation lasts months -> A three – month summer vacation.

17 Comparison of Nouns (so sánh danh từ)

Ex: He works 72 hours a week His wife works 56 hours a week.

He works more hours than his wife.

His wife works fewer hours than he.

Ex: I drink two cups of tea Lan drinks three cups of tea a day.

I drink less tea than Lan.

Lan drinks more tea than I

18 Phrases: different from, be interested in, be good at, learn about, learn how to ,


1 – Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others

A twenty

B happy

C by

D early

A calendar

B celebrate

C comfortable

D calculator

A cheap

B meat

C season

D weather

A enjoy

B empty

C never

D essay

5-– 20 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each of the following sentences

5 is it from your school to the city center ? - It’s about one kilometer.

A How long

B How far

C How often

D How old

6 Nam enjoys cartoons after school.

A to watch

B watch

C watching

D watches


Mai : Good idea ! I feel hungry now.

A to go

B go

C goes

D going

8 My brother is a He repairs the machines in a big factory near my house

A doctor

B teacher

C mechanic

D shop-assistant

9 Recess is a good time for students to

A study

B relax

C read

D write

10.Next Saturday is Lien’s birthday She ……… a big party and invite many friends.

A has

B will have

C doesn’t have

D won’t have

11 I find ……… quite boring because there are many past events and date

A History

B English

C Physics

D Chemistry

12 ……… to go out for a walk? – Yes, I’d love to.

A What about

B Let’s

C Would you like D Why don’t you

13 ‘Chatting’ is ………

A skipping rope

B using a computer C playing games

D talking

14 Peter always gets up early, so he is ……… late for class.

A never

B always

C usually

D often

15 In ……… class, we learn how to write an essay.

A Language

B History

C Music D Literature

16 Lan ……….on the phone at the moment.

A is talking

B talks

C talking

D will talk

17 Our parents are busy all day but they always take care us.

A at

B in

C of

D with

18 ……… beautiful days! I’ll always remember them.

A What

B What a

C What an D What any

19 December is the ……… month of the year.

A first

B second

C twelfth

D tenth

20 This restaurant is very awful It is the ………restaurant in the town

A good

B better

C best

D worst

21-24 Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B



21 Would you like something to eat?

22 When will you have a vacation?


23 What does your mother do?

24 How often you go to the dentist ‘s ?

C No, thanks I’m not hungry.

D In July.

21 -

22 -

23 -


25-28 Fill in each gap with one suitable word from the box:

Farming is a hard work Farmers have to work (25) early morning until

late in the evening They many things in the field They (26) rice and many

different types of vegetables They also feed the animals, collect eggs, clean the buffalo

(27) and the chicken coop They have fewer days


than other


29 –32 Read the letter and choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) that is the best to each question

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your letter I’m very glad to hear that you are fine I’m fine, too Here is a

photo of me, my parents and my younger sister We are in Dalat on vacation Vietnamese

students have fewer vacations than American ones Each year, we have a day off for

Independence Day on September 2


, two days off on April 30


and May Day and about ten

days off for Tet – the Lunar New Year We also have a three-month vacation in the summer It

is our longest vacation We usually spend time with our families.

Please write and tell me about your last summer vacation.



29 What is ‘day off ’?

A Weekend

C Weekday

B Day when we have to go to school or work

D Day when we don’t go to school or work

30 How many people are there in Lan’s family?

A Five

B Three

C Four

D No information

31 Which is the longest vacation?

A Tet vacation

B summer vacation

C May Day

D Independence Day

32 How long does Tet vacation last?

A About ten days

B Two days

C A day

D Three months



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one

1 What about going to the library at recess?


Would you ………….……… ?














When is your birthday?



3 The living room is really beautiful !



4 I enjoy drawing pictures.


I am ………

II Write sentences about what you will on your next birthday




Ngày đăng: 03/04/2021, 02:15

