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Những từ gây nhầm lần trong Tiếng Anh - Phần 9 - Thấm Tâm Vy

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excuse, forgive If you excuse someone or excuse their behaviour, you providem reasons or a justification for what they have done in order to make it seem less bad, especially when other [r]

(1)ENGLISH CONFUSABLE WORDS – 09 cry, shout, yell If you cry or cry out, you call out loudly usually because of a strong emotion such as unhappiness, excitement, or fear - ‘Come on!’ he cried - I heard Amy O’Shea cry out in fright If you shout, you speak in an extremely loud voice You may shout in order to be heard in a noisy place, or because you are angry or excited - I was very happy and shouted, ‘Thank you!’ to him but he only smiled and waved his hand - They turn their radios on and shout across the room to one another - That made Clarissa very angry indeed She shouted, ‘You make me sick!’ If you shout at someone, you talk angrily to them in a loud voice - She sсагсе1y glanced at the poor man; just shouted at him for polling her lovely evening - The negotiators shouted at each other across the table If you yell, you call out loudly, either using words or just making a noise People usually yell because they are excited, angry, or in pain - I threw back my head and yelled ‘Help!’ - I yelled out in pain and fell off the wall - ’Get out of my office!’ yelled Mr Morris If you yell at someone, you shout loudly at them, usually because you are angry - If she caught us eating, she would yell at us, and sometimes she told the boss - I yelled at Richard to hang on cure, heal, recover, recovery When a doctor or a treatment cures a patient or a disease, or cures a patient of a disease, the patient gets better - He took the boy to a special doctor and had his eye infection cured - Dr Bachius went in for acupuncture, and had once cured Mrs Burdock of migraine for a whole week A cure is a medicine that cures a disease - Nobody would deny the value of the work being done to find a cure for SARS-COVID 19 - This seems to be a possible cure for AIDS When an injury such as a cut or a broken leg gets better, you say that it heals or that it is healed - I waited there six weeks, not knowing whether the leg would heal or not - This ointment should heal the cut in no time If you say that someone heals a sick person, you mean that they make them better, usually by unconventional methods known as ‘alternative medicine’ - Give the Lord a chance, Ginny He healed my leg He can heal your mother’s blood - He had been miraculously healed of his illness Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 22, 2020 When a sick person recovers, recovers from an illness, or makes a recovery, they get better - In time Johnnie recovered, thankfully without any permanent damage - How long people take to recover from sickness ofthis kind? - He made a quick recovery, but the operation hadn’t been as successful as hoped custom [phong tục, tập quán], habit [thói quen, nếp] Ạ custom is something that people in a community because it is a tradition, or because it is considered the right thing to in society For example, in Britain, celebrating Christmas and Shaking hands are customs - Harvest Festival, ’I said firmly, ‘is a good old Christian custom.’ - I’m a stranger in this country, I don’t know the customs that well - They had done all that their religion and family customs had required them to You can also say that it is someone’s custom to something when it is something they usually This is a fairly literary use - She had risen at half past six as was her custom A habit is something that you regularly, often without thinking why you it Habits can sometimes be irritating or pointless - His tongue moistened his top lip It was a habit of his - She has a bad habit of mumbling - I can’t help it, I always tell everybody everything, it’s a terrible habit, it really is deny, refuse If you deny something, especially something that someone says, you say that it is not true [chối không làm gì] - He denied that there was any needfor drastic reform - This allegation was denied repeatedly by Government spokesmen - I don’t deny that art is political If someone denies you something you need or want, they not allow you to have it [chối không cho] - All my life I had never denied my mother anything - All times we’ve denied justice to groups with different religions or political views - Hekima was denied the right to present the defence he had so carefully worked out If you say that someone refuses you or refuses you something, or that you have been refused something, you mean that they not allow you to have something you have asked for, or not allow you to something you have asked to - He knows he can run to his Dad for money if I refuse him - The Rajah was infatuated with her and could refuse her nothing - They had been refused permission to return home If you refuse to something, you deliberately not it, or say firmly that you will not it [không chịu làm] - She’s one of those people who refuse to change their opinions - Mr Benn refused to condemn them If someone refuses something you offer them, they not accept it [từ chối, không nhận] ENGLISH CONFUSABLE WORDS - 09 DeThi.edu.vn (2) - Anne was about to refuse the drink but then thought she had better accept it - It was an offer Lever felt he couldn’t refuse disinterested, uninterested Someone who is disinterested is not personally involved in a situation and can act or think in a fair and unselfish way - I am confident that you will give me a disinterested opinion - I know personally ofhis disinterested help to unknown, ill and dying people Someone who is uninterested in something shows very little interest in it - No one here is interested in religion, ừ’s amazing how uninterested they are - She seemed to be talking to herself, uninterested in whether Tim was there or not Some people also use disinterested to say that someone is bored or not interested in something However, this use is often regarded as incorrect distinct [rõ], distinctive [nổi trội] Something that is distinct, or distinct from something else, can be recognized as different and separate from it, even though the two things might be similar in some way - Each of his eight animals had a distinct personality - This is not a cross between a cherry and a plum, but a distinct species - The British Museum is now distinct from the British Library If something like a shape or a sound is distinct, you can see or hear it very clearly - ‘You don’t make yourself clear,' said Sticking, in his most distinct voice You use distinctive to describe things which have a special quality that makes them easy to recognize - Mr Ross noted their distinctive Glasgow accents - Jossi’s appearance was distinctive He was a powerful giant who stood over sixfeet tall eatable, edible Edible means that something is safe to eat and not poisonous - The wholefish is edible - Many seaweeds are edible - edible mushrooms You can use eatable or edible to say that something is good enough or tasty enough for a person to eat and enjoy - To convert dried peas and beans into an eatable food they mustfirst be soaked - Chunks ofuncooked potato are barely eatable - The figs are edible and pleasantly tangy - I thought rabbit the least edible ofall the bushfoods excuse, forgive If you excuse someone or excuse their behaviour, you providem reasons or a justification for what they have done in order to make it seem less bad, especially when other people disapprove of it Excuse is a verb and is pronounced /ɪks’kju:z/ - Can we excuse her by saying she was a victim ofevents? - He wrote humble letters in which he tried to excuse his actions Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 22, 2020 If you forgive someone or forgive them for something that they have done, you decide not to punish them and not to continue feeling angry or upset - Though she had eventually agreed to forgive him, the damage had been done - Don’t it You’ll never forgive yourself - I’ll never forgive you for this - never - Diaghilev asked me to change the ending I refused, of course, and he never forgave me Occasionally, in fairly formal English, the meaning of the verb excuse can overlap with the meaning of forgive - I could never excuse him for being so rude When excuse is used with a similar meaning to forgive, it can have two objects - I excused him much of his prejudice because I liked him • Excuse can also be used as a noun An excuse is a reason that you give in order to explain why something has been done, has not been done, or will not be done Note that the noun is pronounced /ɪkskjuzs/ - That’s a classic excuse for spending more than you earn - It might be used as an excuse for evading our responsibilities gas, petrol Gas is the name given to all air-like substances such as oxygen and hydrogen Gas is most often used to refer to the substance that is burned in people’s homes for heating and cooking - The propellant gas in an aerosol does not simply disappear when you press the button - She turned on the gas in the oven In American English, the liquid obtained from petroleum and used to power cars and other motor vehicles is called gas, or sometimes gasoline - I’m sorry Гт late I had to stop for gas, and the station was jammed - Sometimes I pull in for gas when the tank is three-quarters full In British English, this liquid is called petrol - The use of leaded petrol has resulted in gross contamination of the environment - We pulled in at a Petrollimex station for petrol childish [như trẻ (ngụ ý chê)], childlike [ngây thơ hồn nhiên trẻ con] You сап describe an adult or a young person as childish when they act in an immature way, as if they were still a young child - She hoped that he wouldn't settle into one of his gloomy childish moods and spoil the day - I thought her nice but rather childish You can describe an adult or young person as childlike tf they shows some of the attractive qualities that children have, especially simplicity and sincerity - his childlike charm - She was a dear old thing, but childlike and eccentric …to be continued ENGLISH CONFUSABLE WORDS - 09 DeThi.edu.vn (3)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 09:43

