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“How to keep our teeth ever white” In Sweden there is only a little cigarette advertising because the government has been successful in preventing most cigarette advertisements.. Althoug[r]

(1)Revision TEST I Choose one word whose underlines part is pronounced differently A servant B her C very D verse A ago B ashame C apple D again A broken B cot C note D code A burn B turn C curl D during A steak B meal C meat D leaf II Choose one word whose stress pattern is different A population B solidarity C difficulty D nationality A destroy B carry C repeat D become A reference B capacity C enjoyment D extinction A butcher B ecologist C chemist D physicist 10 A hotel B factory C hospital D library Part II VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE 11 He is always willing to give other people what he has He is very _ A selfish B mean C generous D energetic 12 The storm caused a lot of damages _ our crops and houses A to B for C on D x 13 The number of unemployed people _ for the last ten years A.were increasing B is increasing C has been increasing D have been increasing 14 A number of people _ in the earthquake in Indonesia last week A had been injured B were injured C was injured D injured 15 My house is the one door is green A which B that C of which D where 16 The man _ a Rolls – Royce is a famous film star A to drive B driven C drives D driving 17 The man _ has a big scar on his face A whom the police is looking for B whom the police looks for C the police are looking for D who love her 18 He went to Paris _ he studied architecture A which B that C when D where 19 Last summer we paid a visit to Beijing _ is the capital of China A which B who C what D where 20 I can play the guitar nor table tennis A either B neither C both D none 21 Charles Dicken had to live in prison with his family when he was small, ? A hadn’t he B wasn’t he C did he D didn’t he 22 It was we that were the last our office yesterday afternoon A to leave B leaving C left D leave 23 Both Son and Vinh like English of them likes literature A None B Neither C Either D Both 24 Shut the door, ? Lop11.com (2) A don’t you B won’t you C you D will you 25 I am your friend, _ I ? A am not B am C aren’t D 26 Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom, ? A are they B isn’t it C aren’t they D is it 27 We would rather slaves A dying to being B to die than to be C die than be D die to be 28 If you minutes earlier, you would have met her A came B come C had come D had came 29 Let’s share our happiness and unhappiness together, ? A don’t we B shall we C we D shan’t we 30 The workers of this factory often complain their bad working conditions and low salary A for B at C about D to 31 It _ that our scientists will find cure for serious diseases such as cancer and AIDs some day A was thought B is believing C said D is believed 32 It was at this time yesterday that I in my office A worked B would be working C was working D had worked 33 Our new products are friendly A environment B environmental C environmentally D environmentalist 34 His suits used to by a famous taior A being made B making C be making D be made 35 When I got home I found the letter she to me on the table A wrote B writes C had written C was writing 36 You can hardly answer this question, _? A can’t you B can you C you D will you 37 Neither she nor I responsible for that It isn’t our duty A are B is C am D have 38 I didn’t remember her birthday That’s the reason _ she doesn’t want to speak to me A which B that C how D why 39 The spoon was so hot that I it A was able to touch B couldn’t touch C haven’t been able to touch D couldn’t have touched 40 It is _ an interesting film that I have seen it three times A such B so C quite D very 41 It was Peter who us the money A lends B is lending C lent D lend 42 It was _ that the police saw entering the bank yesterday afternoon A he B him C his D whom 43 It is _ that can speak languages in our office A he B him C his D her 44 He has made great to the environmental protection A contribution B progress C helpful D plan 45 He thinks horror films are _ A amuse B amused C amuses D amusing Lop11.com (3) 46 Never before to accept a bribe A I had been asked B they had asked me C had I been asked D I had asked 47 Not until she had left me how much I loved her A I realized B I realize C did I realized D did I realize 48 I admire him _ for his wisdom _ for his kindness A neither / nor B either / or C not only / but also D neither/ none 49 The killer _ immediately or he _ more people A needs finding / kills B must find / will be killed C must be found / will kill D may be found / will kill 50 I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, _? A will they B I C won’t they D they Part III READING THE DEAD RETURN A festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living As they are (51) _ to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them Specially – made lanterns are outside each house to help the dead to find their way All night long, people dance and sing In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered (52)_ for anyone living to eat it In towns (53) _ are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been in the streets the night before, are placed into the water (54)_ the festival is over Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore (55)_ the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more 51 A expecting B expected C expectation D to expect 52 A unlucky B lucky C luckily D unluck 53 A where B that C who D when 54 A where B which C who D when 55 A looking B seen C watching D make WRITING 56 The ladder which I was standing began to slip 57 That is your house, isn’t that? 56 A driver whom has knocked someone down must stop 59 He never tells a lie He is a dishonest man 60 The rich has a lot of ways to spend their money 61 I prefer listening to music than playing chess 62 Neither of the three men knows her name 63 It was we that the guide showed round the ancient town 64 It was we that want to see the hotel manager 65 Only my improving our equipment we can increase our production 66 You can send the report by fax or you can send it by email A You can send the report neither by fax nor by email B You can send the report either by fax nor by email C You can send the report either by fax or by email D You can send the report by no means Lop11.com (4) 67 People think that he is living abroad A It was thought that he is living abroad B He is thought to live abroad C He is thought to have lived abroad D He is thought to be living abroad 68 We ordered wine, not beer A It is wine, not beer that we ordered B It was wine, not beer what we ordered C It was wine that we ordered, not beer D It was wine which we order, not beer 69 We must be back before midnight; otherwise we’ll be locked out A If we are not back by midnight we will be locked out B If we are back before midnight we’ll be locked out C If we were not back at midnight we would be locked out D If we hadn’t been back by midnight we would have been locked out 70 I gave the contract to the secretary herself on May 12st A It was May 12th that I gave the contract to the secretary herself B It was the contract to which I gave the secretary herself on May 12th C It was the secretary that was given the contract to on May 12th D It was me who gave the contract to the secretary herself on May 12th 71 The old woman is weeping sorrowfully because her son died in the storm A The old woman is weeping sorrowfully whose son died in the storm B The old woman who has son died in the storm is weeping sorrowfully C The old woman whose son died in the storm is weeping sorrowfully D The old woman is weeping sorrowfully due to her son died in the storm 72 He hasn’t got a job and he hasn’t got a house, either A He hasn’t got either a job or a house B He hasn’t got either a jopb nor a house C He has got either a job or a house D He has got either a job nor a house 73 I won’t leave here until you come A Not until you come will I leave here B As soon as you come I won’t leave here C I will leave here before you come D If you don’t come here I will leave Galileo was one of the first modern scientists He was (1) _ in Pisa, Italy, in 1564 At first he studied philosophy But (2)_ he studied mathematics and astronomy He was very interested (3)_ the way the earth and other planets move around the sun He found out several important (4) about our world He also started a new way of working in science Galileo is famous (5)_ his study of how things fall He was the first person to (6) experiments about this problem Before him, people thought that heavy things always fell faster (7) _ light things He found out that this was not true He took a heavy ball and a light ball and he (8)_ them both from a high place They fell (9)_ the same speed This meant that weight is not important This is the law of falling bodies It is an important law for (10) _ our world 1.a.burned b.known c.bored d.born 2.a.later 3.a.with 4.a.news 5.a.with 6.a.work 7.a.than 8.a.took 9.a.in 10.a making b.latter b.in b.information b.about b.do b.then b.dropped b.with b.understanding c.late c.on c.facts c.in c.make c.as c.stopped c.at c.dropping d.latest d.at d.thought d.for d.build d.with d.topped d.on d.falling Lop11.com (5) TEST I- Make the correct choice : 1/ I must thank the people _ I got a present a from whom b from that c from who d who 2/ The people _ house we visited were nice a who b whom c whose d that 3/ The town _ I grew up is small a in which b where c in where d a&b are correct 4/ Yesterday I ran across an old friend _ I hadn’t seen for years a with whom b whom c for whom d to whom 5/ 1960 is the year _ the revolution took place a when b on which c in that d where 6/ Martin, _ mother is Spanish, speaks both Spanish and English a his b who c that d whose 7/ Yesterday at a restaurant, I _ Pam , an old friend of mine a had seen b have seen c saw d see 8/ I haven’t seen her _ years a in b with c since d for 9/ At first, I didn’t recognize her because she _ many pounds a loses b had lost c is losing d will lose 10/ It _ us two hours to finish the work a spent b got c took d made 11/ He _ playing football five years ago a started b has started c.is starting d.had started 12/ Those letters _ by o’clock a must have finished b.must be finishing c.must finish d.must be finished 13/ _ driving too fast, he caused a serious accident a With b Because of c Despite d In spite of 14/ Better methods of refrigeration _ on engineers a depend b spend c expend d impend 15/ It is very kind _ you to help me ? a to b for c with d of 16/ What is the reason _ your absence ? a for b why c with d to 17/ I’m very proud _ my father a with b for c of d in 18/ Are you good _ repairing cars ? a for b to c with d at 19/ _ he had done his homework, he went to bed a Before b After c If d Though 20/ Your house is bigger than _ a me b my c mine d I am 21/ It is _ lesson that we can’t understand it a such difficult b a difficult c such a difficult d so difficult 22/ The weather was _ that we didn’t go out a cold enough b very cold c too cold d so cold 23/ The room was _ dark for me to see anything a so b very c too d enough 24/ The British people are used _ on the left a to drive b to driving c for driving d and drive 25/ Gravity keeps us all _ being hurled off the earth as it whirls around a from b of c for d at Lop11.com (6) 26/ Man-made satellites leave the earth _ very great speed a with b for c from d at 27/ The sun exerts a pull _ other planets in its system a of b on c with d in 28/ Gravity makes balls _ into the air fall back down a throwing b that throws c throw d thrown 29/ He has worked in this factory _ 1988 a in b from c since d for 30/ I _ my hair before breakfast this morning a am washing b have washed c washed d had washed 31/ The boys broke a window when they _ football a played b had played c were playing d are playing 32/ We understood it _ the teacher had explained it to us a after b since c before d though 343/ He has played football since he _10 years old a was b were c is d has been 34/ If it costs too much, I _ a small one a buy b would buy c will buy d bought 35/ If you _ more carefully, you wouldn’t have so many accidents a drive b drove c had driven d would drive 36/ What _ if there were no gravity ? a happened b will happen c would happen d happens 37/ If he _ to London yesterday, he would have met his old friend a went b had gone c would have gone d would go 38/ If we had known who he was, we _ him to speak at our meeting a invited b had invited c would have invited d would invite 39/ The weather is _ hot that we can’t live in it even for a day a too b very c such d so 40/ He has progressed _ in learning English that I can hardly keep up with him a so rapid b so rapidly c very rapidly d too rapidly One day John’s father (41) a computer for him He thought it was a good replacement for John’s typewriter, (42) had broken out John could use the computer to write essays He didn’t expect (43) John would spend all his time (44) computer games on it John was obsessed with it John neglected his studies and he (45) failed his tests When that happened, John realized that he (46) _a terrible mistake Now he uses the computer mainly (47) typing his essays He (48) computer games only in his free (49) _ Recently, he (50) his classmates in the mid-year examination 1.a.has bought b.is buying c.was buying d.bought 2.a.that b.which c.whose d.it 3.a.what b.why c.when d.that 4.a.playing b.to play c.play d.played 5.a.likely b.no longer c.actually d.unlikely 6.a.had done b.had made c.has done d.has made 7.a.with b.to c.for d.at 8.a.takes b.plays c.plants d.plans 9.a.time b.age c.education d.study 10a.has stopped b.has topped c.has shopped d.coped TEST Listen ! They a new song a.learn b.are learning c.will learn d.were learning 2.The front tyre of his motorbike burst as he along the road Lop11.com (7) a.is driving b.has driven c.was driving d.drove 3.When they got to the theatre, the play a.was beginning b.has begun c.will begin d.had begun 4.She wishes she the scholarship next month a.would receive b.will receive c.receives d.received 5.If he my invitation, I will be sad a.refused b.refuses c.will refuse d.refuse 6.He told me he very ill since the day before a.had been b.was c.would be d.has been 7.Physics my favourite subject a.are b.is c.be d.being 8.Nobody to touch his feeling a.want b.is wanting c.wants d.are wanting Sue needed some money to buy a camera, she cashed a cheque a.Until b.Although c.If d.Because 10 carefully before you answer my questions a.Think b.Thinking c.To think d.Thought 11.When I I had lost my key, I phoned my father a.have discovered b.discover c.had discovered d.discovered 12.When these tables are steel, they are very heavy a.made from b.making from c.made of d.making of 13.When your money in a bank, it gives you an interest a.is put b.is putting c.puts d.put 14.Peter felt nervous when he to explain his doings a.was asking b.was asked c.asked d.had asked 15.Nothing will me change my mind a.force b.allow c.make d.cause 16.Everyone was amazed to see the man a.interested b.surprised c.excited d.bored 17.Can you life without electricity a.think b.imagine c.memorize d.regret 18.We’ve just bought a new cooker a.electricity b.electric c.electrical d.electrically 19.English all overthe world a.is speaking b.speaks c.spoke d.is spoken 20.When coins, precious metals were portable a.making into b.they made into c.made into d.make into 21.I’m really with my job a.tired b.excited c.attracted d.bored 22.I’m very sorry I broke it a.by accident b.accidental c.with accident d.in accident 23.My aunt living in the countryside a.is used for b.is used to c.used to d.is using 24.Mr Thomas work on Sunday a.used to b.is used to c.used d.is used for 25.Tell me there is anything special that you would like to a.if b.that c.which d.or 26.One of the from Italy a.student is b.students are c.student are d.students is 27If I lost my job, I don’t know what a.I’m doing b.I’ll c.I d.I’d 28.I’ll wait until you a.will return b.return c returning d.will have returned Lop11.com (8) 29.He said he to the movie the night before a.went b.would go c.had gone d.has gone 30.I wish I with you now a.was b.am c.am being d.will be 31.Smoking is harmful your health a.for b.to c.with d.from 32.If you attention to your teachers, you might get much progress a.pay b.would pay c.paid d.had paid 33.She said she would it a.tomorrow b.the following day c.the day before d.the previous day 34.She asked me what then a I am doing b.I have been doing c.I was doing d.I were doing 35.He wishes he school at the age of 14 a.didn’t leave b.hadn’t left c.wouldn’t leave d.hasn’t left 36.How long ago to learn French? a.did you begin b.have you begun c.you began d.do you begin 37.Because , he didn’t go to school a.his illness b.being ill c.he is ill d.he was ill 38 planets are there in the solar system? a.How much b.How c.How many d.Where Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: The picture of the soldiers bring back many memories If the duties of these officers isn’t reduced, there will not be enough time to finish it Either Bill nor Mary is going to the play tonight A number of reporters was at the conference yesterday Every elementary school teacher have to take this examination These pictures, as well as this photograph brightens the room What he said you seems to be of no importance Measles are cured without much difficulty nowadays The picture of the soldiers bring back many memories 10 If they had left the house early, they wouldn’t have been so late at the play 11 Romeo, believing that Juliet was dead, decided to kill him 12 Mr Robbins accompanied by his wife and children are arriving tonight 13 Writing many letters make her happy 14 The effects of cigarette smoking has been proven to be extremely harmful 15 His pants are in the drawer Her are under the table 16 Had finished their supper, the boys went out to play Read the passage and choose the best answer: I was born in Newcastle, a city in the North East of England Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne It is quite big, with a population of about 200,000 people There is a cathedral and a university There are five bridges over the River Tyne, which link Newcastle to the next town, Gateshead, where there is one of the biggest shopping centres in the world A few years ago, the main industries were shipbuilding and coalmining, but now the chemical and soap industries are important I moved to London ten years ago but I often return to Newcastle I miss the people, who are very friendly, and I miss the beautiful countryside near the city, where there are so many hills and streams Newcastle is A a city near the North East of England B a small town in England C a city in the North East of England D a city in the North of England The population of Newcastle is A 200,000 people B much less than 200,000 people Lop11.com (9) C much more than 200,000 people D about 200,000 people Gateshead has one of in the world A the largest rivers B the most important shipbuilding industries C the most beautiful countrysides D the biggest shopping centres According to the passage, the writer A is still living in Newcastle B has never returned to Newcastle C doesn't live in Newcastle any more D has come back to live in Newcastle Which of the following is NOT true about Newcastle? A Its people are friendly B Its main industry now is shipbuilding C It has a cathedral and a university D It is next to Gateshead Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : Nobody could solve this mathematical problem a This mathematical problem could be solved b This mathematical problem couldn’t be solved c This mathematical problem couldn’t been solved d This mathematical problem couldn’t be solved by nobody They believe that he will pass the final exam a He is believed that he will pass the final exam b He is believed will pass the final exam c He is believed to pass the final exam d He is believed that the final exam will be passed She was too old to carry that heavy case a She was so old that she could carry that heavy case b She was old enough to carry that heavy case c She was so old for her to carry that heavy case d She was so old that she couldn’t carry that heavy case He seldom keeps his promise a Seldom does he keep his promise b Seldom does he keeps his promise c Seldom is he keep his promise d Seldom did he keep his promise I have never travelled by plane in my life a Never in my life I have ravelled by plane b Never in my life have I travelled by plane c Never in my life have I travelled by plane d Never have I in my life travelled by plane Jack is not old enough to see horror films a Jack is too young for him to see horror films.b Jack is too young for seeing horror films c Jack is too old to see horror films d Jack is too young to see horror films You will catch cold if you don’t keep your feet dry a Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch cold b Unless you don’t keep your feet dry, you will catch cold c Unless you kept your feet dry, you would catch cold d Unless you didn’t keep your feet dry, you would catch cold People saw him leave the office yesterday a He was seen to leave the office yesterday b He was seen leave the office yesterday c He was seen left the office yesterday d He was seen that he left the office yesterday 9.She came late because of the rain a Because it was rained she came late b Because it rains she came late c Because it rained she came late d Because it raining she came late 10 “You’d better not lend them any more money.” said Alice a Alice advised him better not lend them any more money b Alice advised him had better not lend them any more money c Alice advised him not lend them any more money d Alice advised him not to lend them any more money Lop11.com (10) TEST Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: People are not allowed to enter the park after midnight because lack of security I’d rather to stay at home than go out at weekends John’s mother thought that chocolates were bad to him She is tired with being asked the same thing everyday They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: A golden B grove C chosen D cover A sunrise B shut C business D summer A lose B women C prove D movie A cheap B child C chair D chemist 10 A lift B sign C light D might Make the correct choice: 11 Glass is usually sand A made from B made of C made by D made with 12 They worked hard they could pass the final examination A since B because C in case D so that 13 The weather was terrible I wish it warmer A were B was C has been D had been 14 The students in this class were made very hard A learning B.having learnt C learn D to learn 15 Up to now, I a lot of information about her A will learn B learnt C would learn D have learnt 16 How is your father? A alive B tall C high D single 17 My parents first each other at the Olympic Games in 1982 A had meet B met C have met D meet 18 She has worked as a secretary she graduated from college A since B until C before D while 19 Jim is five centimeters than Tom A higher B taller C tallest D tall 20 If I had time, I to the beach with you this weekend A will go B will have gone C would have gone D would go 21 His pronunciation causes me a lot of A difficulties B difficult C difficulty D difficultly 22 Jack insisted that he didn’t need any help, I helped him anyway A but B besides C however D so 23 My uncle you met yesterday is a lawyer A which B what C whose D whom 24 The old man is said all his money to an old people’s home when he died A have left B to leave C to have left D to leaving 25 Don’t waste time that broken vase A mending B mend C for mending D to mend 26 She failed the test, she studied hard A as B in spite of C despite D although 27 Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.” - Hoa: “ ” A Thanks B Have a good day C You are welcome D Cheers 28 When I came to visit her last night, she a bath A is having B was having C has D had 29 Dien Bien Phu is the place our army won a resounding victory in 1954 A where B that C what D which 10 Lop11.com (11) 30 He had no of selling the clock – it had belonged to his grandfather A interest B intend C intention D meaning 31 I knew they were talking about me they stopped when I entered the room A because B so that C despite D therefore 32 I regret you that your application has been denied A inform B to have informed C to inform D informing 33 Neither you nor I responsible for the bad result A are B be C am D is 34 Wait here until I you A am going to call B call C will call D am calling 35 The sick man still finds it to stand without support A comforting B discomfort C uncomfortable D comfortable Read the passage and make the correct choice: The world’s first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers Although it only (36) of short, simple scenes, people loved it, and films have been popular ever since The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to explain the story Soon the public had (37) favourite actors and actresses and, in this way, the first film stars appeared In 1927, the first “talkie”, a film with sound, was shown and from then on, the public would only accept this kind of film Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (38) _ most of the world’s films were produced With the arrival of television in the 1950s, (39) people went to see films, but in recent years cinema audiences have grown again More countries have started to produce films that influence film making and there are currently (40) national film industries 36 A considered B consisted C held D belonged 37 A your B their C his D our 38 A who B which C where D when 39 A other B each C any D fewer 40 A much B lots C plenty D many Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers: It is very important to have healthy teeth Good teeth help us to chew our food They also help us to look nice How does a tooth go bad? The decay begins in a little crack in the enamel covering of the tooth This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth Eventually, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel quite ill How can we keep our teeth healthy? Firstly, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache before they see a dentist Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day – once after breakfast and once before we go to bed We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables and fresh fruit Chocolates, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals They are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause decay 41 Good teeth mainly help us to A look nice B chew our food C look important D have good eyesight 42 When food and germs collect in a small crack, our teeth _ A become hard B make us feel quite ill C begin to decay D send poison into the blood 43 A lot of people not visit a dentist until A they have toothache B they have holes in their teeth C they have brushed their teeth D their teeth grow properly 11 Lop11.com (12) 44 What may be most harmful to our teeth? A red rice B raw vegetables C fresh fruit D sweet things 45 The best title for the passage would be _ A “How to keep our teeth healthy” B “How to make our teeth nicer” C “How to clean our teeth” D “How to keep our teeth ever white” In Sweden there is only a little cigarette advertising because the government has been successful in preventing most cigarette advertisements Although there are a few cigarette advertisements in magazines(but not many), there are no cigarette advertisements at all in cinemas and also none on the radio and television In Britain and the United States , a lot of cigarette advertisements show beautiful girls and handsome men smoking cigarettes In spite of attempts to stop people smoking, there are even more advertisements than before In Sweden, however, there must be no people at all in cigarette advertisements! The Swedish government wants as few people as possible to smoke It tells people that most smokers usually die at a much earlier age than non-smokers 46 Only a little cigarette advertising is allowed in Sweden because a the government has failed to prevent most cigarette advertisements b the government has prevented most cigarette advertisements c the Swedish people don’t like smoking d the Swedish people don’t like cigarette advertising 47 In Sweden, only a few cigarette advertisements appear a in magazines b on television c on the radio d in cinemas 48 The Swedish government wants _ a as many people to smoke as possible b people to stop smoking c fewer and fewer people to smoke d more and more people to smoke 49 According to the passage, smokers live _ a a longer life than non-smokers b on cigarettes c an easier life than non-smokers d a shorter life than non-smokers Last year, I (50) _ mountain climbing for the first time.It was exciting and terrifying (51) _ the same time.We moved slowly and carefully,and it (52) _ three days to get to the top.When we climbed onto the summit, we found (53) _ group of climbers.They had arrived several hours (54) _ us.They were having dinner and (55) _ to Beethoven.We laughed and they invited us to (56) _ them.The climb was, to say the least, an unforgettable (57) _ 50.a.took b.had c.got d.went 51.a at b.for c.in d.during 52.a began b.took c.cost d.was 53.a other b.any c.another d.some 54.a from b ahead of c.behind d.among 55.a listening b looking c.hearing d seeing 56.a join b practise c.examine d jog 57.a experiment b expression c.expectation d experience Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 58.The children went to bed We watched television a After the children gone to bed, we watched television b After the children going to bed, we watched television c After the children had gone to bed, we watched television d After going to bed, we watched television 12 Lop11.com (13)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 06:18

