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(1)Learn JavaScript the quick and easy way, from the experts at w3schools
and Ajax
Add JavaScript Defi ne functions Create cookies Declare variables Create objects Build Ajax pages
with w3schools
and AJAX
Hege Refsnes, Ståle Refsnes, Kai Jim Refsnes, and Jan Egil Refsnes with Kelly Dobbs Henthorne
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
(4)Learn JavaScript®
and AJAX with w3schools Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc 111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-0-470-61194-4 LOC/CIP: 2010925161
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(5)w3schools Authors/Editors
w3schools’ mission is to publish well-organized and easy-to-understand online tutorials based on the W3C Web standards.
Hege Refsnes
Hege is a writer and editor for w3schools She works to improve the usability and acces-sibility of the Web.
Hege has been writing tutorials for w3schools since 1998.
Ståle Refsnes
Ståle has ten years of Internet development experience, developing all the Web-based solu-tions for The Norwegian Handball Federation.
Ståle has been writing tutorials for w3schools since 1999.
Kai Jim Refsnes
Kai Jim has been around computers since childhood, working with them since the age of 14.
He has been writing tutorials for w3schools since completing a bachelor’s degree in infor-mation technology in 2005.
Jan Egil Refsnes
Jan Egil is the president and founder of w3schools.
He is a senior system developer with a master’s degree in information technology and more than 30 years of computing experience.
text, writing to Web pages, see also scripts, 9–12 browsers, 12
comment symbol, 12 comment tag, 12
document.write command, 11–12 <script> tag, 11–13, 15
</script> tag, 11–12 tags, 10–11 throw statement, 70–72
catch argument, 71 exceptions, 71
try catch combination, 70 time, 88
timing events, 144–150
clearTimeout() method, 144, 149–150 setTimeout() method, 144–149 toLowerCase() method, 84–85 toUpperCase() method, 80–81, 84–85 toUTCString() method, 91–92 true parameter, XMLHttpRequest, 168 try catch statement, 67–70
capitalization, 68 catch blocks, 68 message() function, 68
undeclared variables, 25–26 unshift() method, 106 userAganet property, 124 universal time, 88-89, 91-92 UTC (universal) time, 88–89, 91–92
validation, form fields, 65 values
arrays, 96–97 first occurrence, 86–87 replacing, 85–86 returning, 61–63 searching, 85 String object, 85–87 variables, 24–25 var statement, 25
variables, 23–26 algebraic, 23 arguments, 49
arithmetic operations, 26 arrays, 95
concatenating, 28 declaring, 25 functions, 59–60, 63 global, 63
lifetime, 63 local, 63 names, 23–24, 49 quotes, 25 redeclaring, 26 types, 96 undeclared, 25–26 values, 24–25 var statement, 25 VBScript, 186, 190, 201
W, while loops, 39, 41–43 white space, 74
XML example, AJAX, 188–197 XMLHttpRequest object, 3, 159–164
(7)There’s no faster, easier way
to learn JavaScript and Ajax
If you want to start building interactive Web pages right away, you should begin by learning how to use JavaScript and Ajax w3schools has perfected a straightforward tutorial approach that gives you what you need to know in manageable lessons, liberally supported with examples You’ll fi nd that tried-and-true format in this book, along with a detailed reference section that you will use again and again
You will learn:
• What JavaScript is and isn’t
• How to put JavaScript into an HTML page • JavaScript special characters and guidelines • How to use JavaScript operators
• If…else statements and do…while loops • All about JavaScript objects
• How to use Ajax properties
• What the Ajax XMLHttpRequest Object does
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