; This setting controls whether or not to display checkboxes to allow the user to ; select which shard(s) to search (default if commented out = false).. ;showCheckboxes = true.[r]
; VuFind Configuration ;
; No changes are necessary in the System Section
available = true debug = false
; This section will need to be customized for your installation ;
; Note that you may set a comma-separated list of themes, i.e MyUniversity,default ; This will first look for templates in the MyUniversity theme, then fail over to ; default if they are not found This makes it easier to override a few templates ; without having to clone the entire theme See this page for important notes on ; theme customization:
; http://www.vufind.org/wiki/customization
path = /vufind
url = local = c:/vufind/web
email = support@myuniversity.edu title = "Library Catalog"
theme = allegro
; Uncomment the following line to use a different theme for mobile devices ;mobile_theme = mobile
language = de ; default more options available in [Languages] below locale = de_DE
; Find valid timezone values here:
; http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
; A string used to format user interface date strings using the PHP date() function ; default is m-d-Y (MM-DD-YYYY 01-01-2010)
displayDateFormat = "m-d-Y"
; A string used to format user interface time strings using the PHP date() function ; default is H:i (HH:MM 23:01)
displayTimeFormat = "H:i"
; The base VuFind URL will load the "Home" action of this module unless the user ; is logged in:
defaultModule = Search
; The base VuFind URL will load the "Home" action of this module when the user ; is logged in:
defaultLoggedInModule = MyResearch
; This tab will show by default when a record is viewed: defaultRecordTab= Holdings
; This page will show by default when a user accesses the MyResearch module: defaultAccountPage = Favorites
; Allow access to the Admin module? (Potentially dangerous, since it allows editing ; of configuration files and deleting of records)
admin_enabled = wrong
; Show sidebar on the left side instead of right sidebarOnLeft = false
; This section allows you to configure the mechanism used for storing user ; sessions Available types: FileSession, MemcacheSession, MySQLSession ; Some of the settings below only apply to specific session handlers; ; such settings are named with an obvious prefix Non-prefixed settings
(2)-1-; are global to all handlers
type = MySQLSession
lifetime = 3600 ; Session lasts for hour ;file_save_path = /tmp/vufind_sessions
;memcache_host = localhost ;memcache_port = 11211 ;memcache_connection_timeout =
; Please set the ILS that VuFind will interact with ;
; Available drivers: Aleph, Amicus, Evergreen, Horizon (basic database access only), ; HorizonXMLAPI (more features via API), Innovative, Koha, NewGenLib, Unicorn, ; Virtua, Voyager (for Voyager 6+), VoyagerRestful (for Voyager 7+ w/ RESTful ; web services), XCNCIP (for XC NCIP Toolkit v1.x), XCNCIP2 (for XC NCIP Tookit ; v2.x)
; Note: Unicorn users should visit the vufind-unicorn project for more details: ; http://code.google.com/p/vufind-unicorn/
; If you don't have an ILS, two fake drivers are available for testing purposes ; "Sample" is fast but does very little; "Demo" simulates more functionality of ; a real ILS but may slow down your system by performing extra searches
; Note: Enabling most of the features in this section will only work if you use an ; ILS driver that supports them; not all drivers support holds/renewals
driver = Demo
; This setting determines how and when hold / recall links are displayed ; Legal values:
; - all (Show links for all items - Place Hold for Available Items and Place Recall ; for unavailable items)
; - availability (Only show recall links if ALL items on bib are currently ; unavailable)
; - disabled (Never show hold/recall links)
; - driver (Use ILS driver to determine which items may be held/recalled; best option ; if available, but not supported by all drivers)
; - holds (Only show links for available items) ; - recalls (Only show links for unavailable items) ; default is "all"
holds_mode = "all"
; Determines if holds can be cancelled or not Options are true or false ; default is false
cancel_holds_enabled = false
; Determines if item can be renewed or not Options are true or false ; default is false
renewals_enabled = false
; This section allows you to determine how the users will authenticate ; You can use an LDAP directory, the local ILS, the VuFind database (DB), ; Shibboleth, or some combination of these (via the MultiAuth option)
(3);method = Shibboleth ;method = MultiAuth
; See the comments in web/sys/authn/MultiAuthAuthentication.php for full details ; on using multiple authentication methods
;method_order = ILS,LDAP
;filters = "username:trim,password:trim"
; This section will allow you to control whether vufind should record usage ; statistics
enabled = false
solr = http://localhost:8080/solr
; This section requires no changes for most installations
engine = Solr
url = http://localhost:8080/solr local = c:/vufind/solr
default_core = biblio
; Enable/Disable searching reserves using the "reserves" Solr core When enabling ; this feature, you also need to uncomment the relevant line in solr/solr.xml and ; restart Solr to enable the reserves core, and you need to run the
; util/index_reserves.php script to populate the new index
search_enabled = false
; This section allows sharding to be used to pull in content from additional Solr ; servers All servers used in sharding must contain the same index fields needed ; to satisfy queries sent to them AND they must all include different ID numbers! ; Leave this commented out to disable sharding
; To use sharding, simply fill in lines using the format: ; [display name of shard] = [URL of shard (without http://)] ;[IndexShards]
;Library Catalog = localhost:8080/solr/biblio ;Website = localhost:8080/solr/website
; This section allows you to set preferences for shards display You only need to ; set these if you want to use shards See also the [StripFacets] section of ; facets.ini and the [StripFields] section of searches.ini if your shards have ; non-identical schemas
; This setting controls whether or not to display checkboxes to allow the user to ; select which shard(s) to search (default if commented out = false)
;showCheckboxes = true
; These lines determine which shards are searched by default if the user hasn't ; specified preferences using checkboxes (default if commented out = all shards): ;defaultChecked[] = "Library Catalog"
;defaultChecked[] = "Website"
; This section requires no changes for most installations; if your SMTP server ; requires authentication, you can fill in a username and password below
host = localhost port = 25
;username = user
(4)-3-;password = pass
; This section needs to be changed to match your installation path ; and database connection information
database = mysql://vufind:vufind@localhost/vufind schema_location = c:/vufind/web/conf
class_location = c:/vufind/web/services/MyResearch/lib require_prefix =
class_prefix = quote_identifiers = debug =
; LDAP is optional This section only needs to exist if the ; Authentication Method is set to LDAP When LDAP is active, ; host, port, basedn and username are required The remaining ; settings are optional, mapping fields in your LDAP schema
; to fields in VuFind's database the more you fill in, the more ; data will be imported from LDAP into VuFind
host = ldap.myuniversity.edu port = 389
basedn = "o=myuniversity.edu" username = uid
firstname = givenname lastname = sn
email = mail cat_username = cat_password =
college = studentcollege major = studentmajor
; If you need to bind to LDAP with a particular account before ; it can be searched, you can enter the necessary credentials ; here If this extra security measure is not needed, leave ; these settings commented out
;bind_username = "uid=username o=myuniversity.edu" ;bind_password = password
; SIP2 is optional This section only needs to exist if the ; Authentication Method is set to SIP2
;host = ils.myuniversity.edu ;port = 6002
; Shibboleth is optional This section only needs to exist if the ; Authentication Method is set to Shibboleth
;userattribute_1 = entitlement
;userattribute_value_1 = urn:mace:dir:entitlement:common-lib-terms ;userattribute_2 = unscoped-affiliation
;userattribute_value_2 = member
;username = persistent-id
;login = https://shib.myuniversity.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login ;target = http://shib.myuniversity.edu/vufind/MyResearch/Home ;provider_id = https://idp.example.edu/shibboleth-idp
(5); To use multiple, separate with a comma Priority will be given by the order listed ; Account id is separated with a colon, if no id is used then no colon is necessary ; For Amazon, use your 20-character access key in the coverimages and reviews values; ; you must also provide your 40-character secret key in the amazonsecret value
; IMPORTANT: Review content providers' terms of service before turning them on ; Terms may change, and not all content sources are appropriate for all ; applications The existence of functionality in VuFind does not imply ; suitability for any particular situation
; You can select from Syndetics, LibraryThing, Summon, Amazon, OpenLibrary, ; Contentcafe or Google Books Note that the Summon service takes a Serials ; Solutions client key, NOT a Summon API key!
coverimages =
Syndetics:MySyndeticsId,Amazon:MyAccessKeyId,LibraryThing:MyLibraryThingId,Google,OpenLibrary, Summon:MySerialsSolutionsClientKey,Contentcafe:MyContentCafeID
; This setting controls the image to display when no book cover is available ; The path is relative to web subdirectory of the VuFind install directory: noCoverAvailableImage = images/noCover2.gif
; You can select from Syndetics, Amazon Editorial, Amazon or the Guardian
; Note: Guardian reviews contain embedded advertisements If the API key is not ; supplied, e.g "Guardian:", only the review title, byline, Guardian logo ; and a link to the full Guardian page will be displayed
;reviews =
Syndetics:MySyndeticsId,AmazonEditorial:MyAccessKeyId,Amazon:MyAccessKeyId,Guardian:MyGuardian KeyId
; You can select from Syndetics
;excerpts = Syndetics:MySyndeticsId ; You can select from Wikipedia
authors = Wikipedia
; You can look up your secret key by logging into http://aws.amazon.com and clicking ; "Access Identifiers" under "Your Account"
;amazonsecret = MyAmazonSecretKey
; You can select from Google, OpenLibrary, HathiTrust You should consult
; http://code.google.com/apis/books/branding.html before using Google Book Search ; previews = Google,OpenLibrary,HathiTrust
; You can change the base Syndetics URL used by the content services here Most ; users will not need to change this setting
url = "http://syndetics.com"
; You can change the base Content Cafe URL used by the content services here Most ; users will not need to change this setting You also need to set your password, ; "pw" Note that Content Cafe is a subscription service from Baker & Taylor
url = "http://contentcafe2.btol.com" pw = "xxxxxx"
; Web Search is Optional The Web Search is powered by Google
; To use enter your Google Web Search key and the domain the of your library ; website
; The side_recommend setting is used to load recommendations modules; see
; searches.ini for a list of options (though not all will work in this context) ; You can set it to false if you not want to display any recommendations
key = ISBN
-5-Zeile 280 -283 einkommentieren, Schlüssel und Domain angeben
(6)domain = vufind.allegro-c.de/vufind side_recommend[] = CatalogResults:lookfor
; Summon is Optional See also the separate Summon.ini file ;[Summon]
;apiId = myAccessId ;apiKey = mySecretKey
; WorldCat is Optional Worldcat offers extra features such as "Other Editions" ; and the WorldCat searching
;id = myAccount ;apiKey =
YBaFHvqtTHbx7zzgtgAQDr4Rij9OSXBMmfsO1VRXxarmH1JU6neu2w3Lu6Y8OAjN2z5Pkz0M7GQwkwAF ;OCLCCode = MYCODE
;LimitCodes = Comma separated list of OCLC Codes
; These settings affect OpenURL generation and presentation; OpenURLs are used to ; help users find resources through your link resolver and to manage citations in ; Zotero
; If a resolver base URL is enabled, it will be used to link ISSNs to your link ; resolver and to access articles in Summon if that module is enabled Earlier ; versions of VuFind included some parameters as part of the URL; at this point, ; any extra parameters will be ignored please provide only the base URL ;url = "http://openurl.myuniversity.edu/sfx_local"
; This string will be included as part of your OpenURL referer ID (the full string ; will be "info:sid/[your rfr_id setting]:generator") You may be able to configure ; special behavior in your link resolver based on this ID for example, you may ; wish to prevent the resolver from linking to VuFind when links came from VuFind ; (to avoid putting a user in an infinite loop)
rfr_id = vufind.svn.sourceforge.net
; By specifying your link resolver type, you can allow VuFind to optimize its ; OpenURLs for a particular platform Current legal values: "sfx", "360link", ; "EZB" or "other" (default is "other" if commented out)
;resolver = sfx
; If you want OpenURL links to open in a new window, set this setting to the ; desired Javascript window.open parameters If you not want a new window ; to open, set this to false or comment it out
window_settings =
"toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,buttons=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizabl e=yes,width=550,height=600"
; If you want to display a graphical link to your link resolver, uncomment the ; settings below graphic should be a URL; graphic_width and graphic_height ; should be sizes in pixels
; graphic = "http://myuniversity.edu/images/findIt.gif" ; graphic_width = 50
; graphic_height = 20
; The following settings control where OpenURL links are displayed: show_in_results = true ; include in search results
show_in_record = false ; include in core record metadata
(7); If set to true, this setting will attempt to embed results from the link ; resolver directly in search results instead of opening a new window or page ; This will override the window_settings option if set! Embedding is currently ; supported only when the resolver setting above is set to "sfx" or "360link" embed = false
; When embed is true, you can set this to an absolute path on your system in order ; to cache link resolver results to disk Be sure that the chosen directory has ; appropriate permissions set! Leave the setting commented out to skip caching ; Note that the contents of this cache will not be expired by VuFind; you should ; set up an external process like a cron job to clear out the directory from time ; to time
;resolver_cache = /usr/local/vufind/resolver_cache
; This setting controls whether we should display an OpenURL link INSTEAD OF other ; URLs associated with a record (true) or IN ADDITION TO other URLs (false)
replace_other_urls = true
; EZproxy is optional This section only needs to exist if you ; are using EZProxy to provide off-site access to online materials ;[EZproxy]
;host = http://proxy.myuniversity.edu
; These settings affect RefWorks record exports They rarely need to be changed
vendor = VuFind
url = http://www.refworks.com
; These settings affect your OAI server if you choose to use it ;
; If identifier is set, its value will be used as part of the standard OAI ; identifier prefix It should only ever be set to a domain name that you ; control! If it is not set, your ID values will not be prefixed
; If admin_email is not set, the main email under [Site] will be used instead ;
; If set_field is set, the named Solr field will be used to generate sets on ; your OAI-PMH server If it is not set, sets will not be supported
;identifier = myuniversity.edu
;repository_name = "MyUniversity Catalog" ;admin_email = oai@myuniversity.edu ;set_field = "format"
; Proxy Server is Optional
;host = your.proxy.server ;port = 8000
; Spelling Suggestions ;
; Note: These settings affect the VuFind side of spelling suggestions; you ; may also wish to adjust some Solr settings in solr/biblio/conf/schema.xml ; and solr/biblio/conf/solrconfig.xml
enabled = true
(8)-7-; Number of suggestions to display on screen This list is filtered from ; the number set in solr/biblio/conf/solrconfig.xml so they can differ limit =
; Show the full modified search phrase on screen ; rather then just the suggested word
phrase = true
; Offer expansions on terms as well as basic replacements expand = true
; Turning on 'simple' spell checking will improve performance, ; by ignoring the more complicated 'shingle' (mini phrases) ; based dictionary
simple = true
; This setting skips spell checking for purely numeric searches; spelling ; suggestions on searches for ISBNs and OCLC numbers are not generally very ; useful
skip_numeric = true
; These settings control what events are logged and where the information is ; stored
; VuFind currently supports four logging levels: alert (severe fatal error), ; error (fatal error), notice (non-fatal warning) and debug (informational) ;
; Each logging level can be further broken down into five levels of verbosity ; You can specify the desired level by adding a dash and a number after the ; level in the configuration string for example, alert-2 or error-5
; The higher the number, the more detailed the logging messages If verbosity ; is not specified, it defaults to (least detailed)
; Several logging methods are available, and each may be configured to log any ; combination of levels
; You may enable multiple logging mechanisms if you want in fact, it is ; recommended, since the failure of one logging mechanism (i.e database down, ; file system full) may then be reported to another
; If database is uncommented, messages will be logged to the named MySQL table ; The table can be created with this SQL statement:
; CREATE TABLE log_table ( id INT NOT NULL, logtime TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, ; ident CHAR(16) NOT NULL, priority INT NOT NULL, message TEXT, ; PRIMARY KEY (id) );
; If file is uncommented, messages will be logged to the named file Be sure ; that Apache has permission to write to the specified file!
; If email is uncommented, messages will be sent to the provided email address ; Be careful with this setting: a flood of errors can easily bog down your mail ; server!
;database = log_table:alert,error,notice,debug
; NOTE : Windows users should avoid drive letters (eg c:\vufind) because ; the colon will be used in the string parsing "/vufind" will work ;file = /usr/local/vufind/messages.log:alert,error,notice,debug ;email = alerts@myuniversity.edu:alert-5,error-5
facets = facets.ini ; settings affecting faceting in UI searches = searches.ini ; search definitions and preferences Summon = Summon.ini ; extra Summon configuration details WorldCat = WorldCat.ini ; extra WorldCat configuration details sms = sms.ini ; SMS carriers configuration details
; If you uncomment the following lines, any settings you create in a file ; called config.local.ini will override the defaults found in config.ini ; This is an advanced feature; basic users should edit config.ini directly ;local_overrides = config.local.ini
; This section controls which language options are available to your users ; If you offer more than one option, a control will appear in the user ; interface to allow user selection If you only activate one language, ; the control will be hidden
; The name of each setting below (i.e en, de, fr) is a language code and ; corresponds with one of the translation files found in the web/lang
; directory The value of each setting is the on-screen name of the language, ; and will itself be subject to translation through the language files!
; The order of the settings is significant they will be displayed on screen ; in the same order they are defined here
; Be sure that this section includes the default language set in the [Site] ; section above
en = "English" ; American spellings ;en-gb = "English" ; British spellings de = "German"
es = "Spanish" fr = "French" it = "Italian" ja = "Japanese" nl = "Dutch" pt = "Portuguese"
;pt-br = "Brazilian Portugese" ; disabled due to very incomplete translation zh-cn = "Simplified Chinese"
zh = "Chinese" tr = "Turkish" he = "Hebrew" ga = "Irish" cy = "Welsh" el = "Greek"
; This section controls the behavior of the Browse module The result_limit ; setting controls the maximum number of results that may display in any given ; result box on the Browse screen You can set to -1 for no limit; however, ; setting a very high (or no) limit may result in "out of memory" errors if you ; have a large index!
result_limit = 100
tag = true ; allow browsing of Tags
dewey = false ; allow browsing of Dewey Decimal call numbers lcc = true ; allow browsing of LC call numbers
author = true ; allow browsing of authors
(10)-9-topic = true ; allow browsing of subject headings genre = true ; allow browsing of genre subdivisions region = true ; allow browsing of region subdivisions era = true ; allow browsing of era subdivisions
; This section controls which record export methods are displayed on the Record ; view screen Note that some options may be disabled for records that not ; support them, regardless of the setting chosen here
RefWorks = true EndNote = true MARC = false RDF = false BibTeX = false
; This section controls whether or not display the bulk export options and which ; options to display Valid methods are EndNote and MARC - The method must also ; be enabled in Export (above) or it will not be displayed
enabled = true
options = MARC:EndNote:RefWorks:BibTeX
;AddThis is optional It uses the Add This tool available from www.addthis.com ; and requires the username generated when an analytics account is registered ;[AddThis]
;key = yourUsername
; This section controls how item status information is presented in search results
; Usually, there is only one location or call number for each item; however, when ; multiple values are found, there are several possible behaviors:
; first = display the first value found, ignore the rest ; all = show all of the values found, separated by commas
; msg = show a message like "Multiple Call Numbers" or "Multiple Locations" ; group = show availability statuses for each location on a separate line,
; followed by callnumber information (valid for multiple_locations only) multiple_call_nos = first
multiple_locations = msg
; This section controls the behavior of the Record module
; Set this to true in order to enable "next" and "previous" links to navigate ; through the current result set from within the record view
next_prev_navigation = false
; You can enable this setting to show links to related MARC records using certain ; 7XX fields Just enter a comma-separated list of the MARC fields that you wish ; to make use of This relies on subfield w containing either a reference to a bib ; number or an OCLC number prefixed by (OCoLC) Do not enable this option if your ; data is unable to support it! Also note that turning on the 780 and 785 fields ; may result in redundant information in the display, since the Solr title_old and ; title_new fields are likely to contain the same information
;marc_links = "760,765,770,772,774,773,775,777,780,785"
; You can use this setting to hide holdings information for particular named locations ; as returned by the catalog
(11); The following two sections control the Alphabetic Browse module
; This setting controls how many headings are displayed on each page of results: page_size = 20
; This section controls the order and content of the browse type menu in the ; Alphabetic Browse module The key is the browse index to use, the value is the ; string to display to the user (subject to translation)
topic = "By Topic" author = "By Author" title = "By Title" lcc = "By Call Number" ;dewey = "By Call Number"
; This section allows you to configure the values used for Cryptography; the
; HMACkey can be set to any value you like and should never be shared It is used ; to prevent users from tampering with certain URLs (for example, "place hold" form ; submissions)
HMACkey = mySuperSecretValue